Ekman transport
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- Observations of Ekman Currents in the Southern Ocean
- A Coriolis Tutorial, Part 4
- Oceanographic Processes and Marine Productivity in Waters Offshore of Marbled Murrelet Breeding Habitat
- Chapter 4 Ekman Layer Transports, Ekman Pumping, and the Sverdrup
- Pages 239-287
- Lecture 1 Ekman Currents in the Ocean Lecture 7 7.1 Surface Wind Stress
- OCN201 Spring14 1
- Ocean Surface Circulation
- Dynamics and Mixing in the Upper Ocean Layer
- Seasonal Variability of Wind Sea and Swell Waves Climate Along the Canary Current: the Local Wind Effect
- (Microsoft Powerpoint
- Earth's Oceans
- Basics of Ocean Circulation
- Geología Marina De La Costa Peruana
- Ocean Circulation
- Ekman ≠ Geostrophic Ekman ≠ Geostrophic Ekman Geostrophic
- Ekman Layer Processes Equations of Motion
- Lesson 11 Frictional Flows