Don Juan
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- Spanish Bawds and Quixotic Libraries Adventures and Misadventures in Early English Hispanism and World Literature.1
- Dom Juan, Ou Le Festin De Pierre [Don Juan]
- Mozart's Don Giovanni ETA Hoffmann's Don Juan And
- Richard Strauss: the Don Juan Recordings Raymond Holden
- Re-Visioning Don Juan and Don Quixote in Modern Literature and Film
- Washington Irving's Writings on the Rise and Fall of Spain
- Don Juan: a Tale for All Times by Deborah Burton Lightning Flashes
- Issues in George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman
- Religion and the Supernatural in Tirso De Molina's El Burlador And
- (De)Presenting the Self| Milan Kundera's Deconstruction of the Public Persona Through Paradox
- Le Dénouement Du Dom Juan De Molière: Un Problème De Mise En Scène
- The Metamorphosis of the Don Juan Legend in Tirso De Molina’S El Burlador De Sevilla and Thomas Shadwells’S the Libertine
- Phantom Made Easy
- PROGRAM NOTES Richard Strauss Don Juan, Op. 20
- La Gitanilla in France: from Page to Stage Karen Newman Brown University
- Fondos Fotográficos Del Instituto Valencia De Don Juan. Los Negativos De Adela Crooke
- Religion and Sex Crimes in Baroque Spain: the Ave Maria As Alibi in His Wife’S Executioner by María De Zayas
- Don Juan and Free Thought in the Ancien Régime Richard W