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- From Pan to Green Man Paul Himmelein
- An Online Textbook for Classical Mythology
- The Evolution of Dionysus
- Aphrodite and the Xopo~
- Greek God/Goddess Project
- Dionysus Apollo
- The Lyre and the Drum: Dionysus and Apollo Throughout Music History By
- Nietzsche's Evolving Dionysus: from a Dialectic of Tragedy to A
- From Winkelmann's Apollo to Nietzsche's Dionysus
- The Religiosity of Alexander Edmunds, Lowell Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Fall 1971; 12, 3; Proquest Pg
- The Gods and Goddesses Bake-Off
- Lecture 14 Sit Right Back and You’Ll Hear the Tale, the Tale of a Faithful Myth That Started One Fine Theban Day When Zeus Stole a Fleeting Kiss
- The Dawning of a Golden Age: Images of Peace and Abundance
- The Greek Myths 1955, Revised 1960
- Greek Mythology Mrs
- The Dance of Apollo and Dionysus: the Interplay of Forces Bridging the White Viewer and the Black Dance
- ': Walter Pater's Uses of the Myths of Dionysus and Demeter
- Who's Who in Classical Mythology