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- Dental Examination and Pathologies in the Mammal Patient Leslie Reed, DVM the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of MN [email protected]
- Teeth & Dentition in Vertebrates
- 1 – Introduction to Dental Anatomy
- Teething Complications, a Persisting Misconception IAN L
- Ages of Eruption of Primate Teeth: a Compendium for Aging Individuals and Comparing Life Histories
- Anatomy of the Teeth Cephalometric Landmarks Occlusal Surfaces
- Primate Dentition an Introduction to the Teeth of Non-Human Primates
- Cuozzo FP & Sauther ML. 2013. the Dental Ecology of Ring-Tailed Lemurs
- Estimating Cattle Age Using Dentition
- Ape Teacher Packet.Indd
- Synapsids and Evolution of Mammals
- Development, Evolution, and Teeth: How We Came to Explain The
- Evolutionary Transition of Dental Formula in Late Cretaceous Eutherian Mammals
- Lemur Catta): Implications for Inferring Conspecific Care in Fossil Hominids
- Dental Anatomy
- Primate Dentition: Teachers Copy
- On the Evolution of Human Jaws and Teeth: a Review
- Dental and General Health in a Population of Wild Ring-Tailed Lemurs