Contemporary fantasy
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- Urban Fantasy Theorising an Emergent Literary Subgenre
- Is the Fantastic Really Fantastic?
- Medievalism in Contemporary Fantasy: a New Species of Romance
- How Genre Expectations Mediate Authority Angela Rose Cox University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- So You Want to Write a Fantasy Novel?
- The Canons of Fantasy: Lands of High Adventure
- Jake Bible CV
- Sf Commentary 87
- Fantasies of Time and Death: Dunsany, Eddison, Tolkien by Anna Vaninskaya
- Fantasy and Science Fiction 15-5
- The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
- RIGHTS CATALOG 2021 Table of Contents Table of Contents
- Contemporary Fantasy by Mic
- Didactic Aspects of the Module Horror and Fantasy
- Romance in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight
- 28-1-S2019.Pdf
- Memory and Diegesis in Fantasy Literature