Coastal erosion
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- Beach Nourishment Alternatives for Mitigating Erosion of Ancient Coastal Sites on the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
- PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY from COASTAL EROSION Owning a Property Is One of the Most Important Investments Most People Make in Their Lives
- 7. Coastal Erosion Hazard and Risk Assessment
- EROSION of the UNITED STATES SHORELINE a Variety of Reference
- Sand Transport, Erosion, and Coastal Structures
- A Guide to Coastal Erosion Management Practices in Europe
- An Overview of Coastal Land Loss: with Emphasis on the Southeastern United States
- Erosion and Saltwater Intrusion Impacts to the Wetlands and Shoreline in the Louisiana Gulf Coast Region
- Coastal Dynamic and Evolution: Case Studies from Different Sites
- Connecticut Coastal Beaches and Dunes
- Experimental Observation on Beach Evolution Process with Presence of Artificial Submerged Sand Bar and Reef
- Coastal Zone and Estuaries - Federico Ignacio Isla
- Maine Coastal Erosion and Hazards
- Coastal Erosion and Control
- Options for Managing Coastal Erosion
- Coastal Erosion and Beach Loss in Hawaii Coastal Erosion and Beach Loss in Hawaii Facts About Beach Erosion and the Coastal Lands Program at DLNR
- Synthesis of ADAPTATION Options for COASTAL AREAS