Camp Douglas (Chicago)
Top View
- Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
- The Lost Cause and Reunion in the Confederate Cemeteries of the North
- The Establishment of Camp Douglas
- Burnham-Park.Pdf
- Death at Elmira: George W
- Lincoln Befriends Prisoners of War
- December 2015
- Confederate Mound
- The Civil War Touches Hyde Park
- Fall 2011 Volume 2, Issue 3 Project Phases: Camp Douglas Restoration Foundation—Latest News
- Chicago's “Harmonious Forgetfulness”: John Cox Underwood and the Meaning of Reconciliation at Confederate Mound, 1885-1896
- Lincoln in Illinois
- Prisoners, Captivity, and the Civil War Dissertation
- Civil War Huff Singles
- In Camp Along the Monocacy
- The Global Civil War: Teaching the American Civil War from a Transoceanic Perspective