Biblical criticism
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- The Pauline Antilegomena
- Giannozzo Manettis New Testament: New Evidence on Sources
- The Integrity of the New Testament Canon
- Canon Criticism
- The Criticism of the Inerrancy of Scripture from After the Reformation Until Present
- BIBLE CRITICISM Bible Criticism. Criticism As Applied to the Bible
- Curriculum Vitae
- ALTS Biblical Inerrancy
- The Dance of Torah: Closing Thoughts on Biblical Criticism
- From Tradition to Criticism: Jewish Sources As an Aid to the Critical Study of the Hebrew Bible
- The Apostolic Council of Jerusalem: Taing-Yinn Tharr (တိုငို ္း၇င္း၇င္းသား္းသား) Apostleship As Anti-Colonial Existence
- The Sons of God(S) and the Daughters of Men (Genesis 6.1-4): a Model Text for Interpretive Method
- By: Dr. Tamar Ross the Following Article Is Divided Into Three
- Valla on Biblical Scholarship
- The Mission of the Jerusalem Apostles: an Authorial, Historical and Canonical Reconstruction
- Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism
- The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible
- Empirical Models Challenging Biblical Criticism