Benny Morris
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- Palestinian Refugees: Myth Vs Reality Nooran Alhamdan
- The Politics of Denial: Israel and the Palestinian
- BENNY MORRIS Explaining Transfer: Zionist Thinking and the Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem
- Benny Morris the New Historiography Israel Confronts Its Past
- A Critique of Benny Morris Author(S): Nur Masalha Reviewed Work(S): Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol
- Introduction 1 Studying the Palestine Arab Refugee
- The Impact of the Deir Yassin Massacre on the Arab-Israel Conflict
- A Brief History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Jeremy Pressman (May 19, 2005; Briefly Updated June 2016)
- The Fall of the New City 1947-1950 Nathan Krystall
- THE LIAR AS HERO by Benny Morris
- What Happened at Lydda (Pdf)
- Modernity and Gender in Arab Accounts of the 1948 and 1967 Defeats
- Righteous Victims Pp
- Who Are Palestinian Refugees? by Terry M Rempel