Assimilation (biology)
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- Grand Challenges in the Nitrogen Cycle
- Cytogenetics and Genome Structure in Genus Miscanthus , a Potential Source of Bioenergy Feedstocks
- Water Column Production A
- Nitrogen Assimilation in Bacteria
- Assimilation of CO2 by Bacteria Daryl Stokesbury Bates Iowa State University
- 32. Nutrient Assimilation.Pptx
- High Nutrient-Low Chlorophyll
- Carbon Assimilation, Biomass Partitioning and Productivity in Grasses
- A Composite Biochemical System for Bacterial Nitrate and Nitrite
- Growth, Nutrient Assimilation, and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Korean Pine (Pinus Koraiensis) Seedlings in Response to Light Spectra
- Robust Control in the Nitrogen Assimilation System of E.Coli
- The Influence of Propagation Method and Stand Age on Miscanthus X Giganteus Performance in Iowa, USA Nicholas Boersma Iowa State University
- Foliar Loading and Metabolic Assimilation of Dry Deposited Nitric Acid Air Pollutants by Trees
- Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption NASPGHAN Physiology Series Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD, MSCS, FAAP Christine.Waasdorp@C
- Biological Data Assimilation for Parameter Estimation of a Phytoplankton Functional Type Model for the Western North Pacific
- Assimilation, a Biological Nitrogen Removal Strategy for Freshwater
- Phytoplankton Community Response to a Manipulation of Bioavailable Iron in HNLC Waters of the Subtropical Pacific Ocean