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- Guide to the City of Burgos
- The Enslavement of War Captives by the Romans to 146 BC
- B. D. Hoyos University of Sydney
- Springer MRW: [AU:, IDX:]
- 258510934.Pdf
- ABSTRACT from Intervention, to Insurgency, to Peace: How the Roman Approach to Interacting with the Tribes in Iberia Almost Lost
- Celtiberians: Problems and Debates
- Celtiberia En Las Fuentes Grecolatinas
- H:\Atrasados Emerita\EM65297\EM65297ART-04-Curchin.Wpd
- War and Society in the Celtiberian World Martín Almagro-Gorbea Universidad Complutense
- Los Celtíberos
- A Classical Atlas, to Illustrate Ancient Geography
- The Impact of the Roman Republican Army on the Italian Economy
- Caesar in Spain : an Economic Policy? Robert O
- Las Culturas Ibéricas Del Área Suroriental De La Península Ibérica