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- Dactyla Carnivora Chiroptera
- Cranial Foramina and Relationships of Dipodoid Rodents
- Mammals of Turkey and Cyprus.Indd
- Phylogenetic Analysis of the Five-Toed Jerboa (Rodentia) from the Iranian Plateau Based on Mtdna and Morphometric Data
- Systematics and Biology of the Woodland Jumping Mouse, Napaeozapus Insignis
- The Evolution of Bipedalism in Jerboas (Rodentia: Dipodoidea): Origin in Humid and Forested Environments
- Rodents a World Survey of Species of Conservation Concern
- Predation on Allactaga Major (Teufelslucke, Lower Austria, Upper Pleistocene): Carnivores Or Birds of Prey
- Cranial Anatomy of Jaculus Orientalis (Rodentia, Dipoidea) : New Evidence for a Close Relationship of Dipodioid and Muroid Rodents
- A Biological Study of the Little Earth Hare, Pygeretmus Pumilio
- Molecular Phylogeny and Systematics of Dipodoidea: a Test of Morphology-Based Hypotheses
- Table S4. Data for Mainland Chinese Mammals Present and Absent in Holocene Sites
- The Comparative Myology of Four Dipodoid Rodents (Genera Zapus, Napaeoaapus, Sicista, and Jaculus )
- Biological Notes on Jerboas Allactaga Euphratica and Jaculus Jaculus from Iraq
- Checklist of Dipodids, Myoxids and Hystricids (Mammalia: Rodentia: Dipodidae, Myoxidae and Hystricidae) of South Asia
- Mammals List SN Alphabetical Aktuell
- The Lesser Egyptian Jerboa, Jaculus Jaculus: a Unique Rodent Model for Evolution and Development
- Toed Jerboa, Allactaga Elater, from Iran Saeed Mohammadi