Alexander (comes)
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- The Policy of Constantius II
- THE SECRET HISTORY of the COURT of JUSTINIAN (558 CE) by Procopius of Caesarea
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- Alexander Romances and the Fifteenth Century Ottoman Sultanate
- Procopius on Theodora
- Jordanes Redeemed: a Reconsideration of the Purpose and Literary Merit of the Getica
- “The Great Emperor”: a Motif in Procopius of Caesarea's Wars
- Goths on Campaign from the Mid-Third to the Mid-Sixth Centuries A.D.1
- Historical Confirmation of Prophetic Periods
- The Goths in the Crimea
- Christian Emperors, Christian Church and the Jews of the Diaspora in the Greek East, CE 379–450
- Dumbarton Oaks Papers
- “The Goths Drew Their Swords Together”
- Early Sasanians' Claim to Achaemenid Heritage
- The Impact of the Barbarian Invasions on the Jews of Roman Italy: New Perspectives 43
- A Historical Commentary on Plutarch's on The
- The Upper Tigris Between Septimius Severus and Anastasius I