Against the Christians
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- Blood Sacrifice: the Connection Between Roman Death Rituals and Christian Martyrdom
- Porphyry, an Anti-Christian Plotinian Platonist Yip-Mei Loh, Chung Yuan
- The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius of Caesarea by David John Devore A
- Paul in Rome: a Case Study on the Formation and Transmission of Traditions
- Apuleius: a Celebrity and His Image
- To the College of Requirements © Copyright Lynda Cicely Airriess
- Neoplatonism
- Ancient Narrative Volume 7
- Against Celsus: Piety in Context
- Macquarie University Ahis
- The Emperor Julian (AD 331-363)
- Judaean and Christ-Follower Identities: Grounds for a Distinction
- Porphyry and the Motif of Christianity As Παράνομος Ilaria Ramelli
- ABSTRACT Augustine Against the Academic Doctrine, Way of Life
- The Alethes Logos of Celsus and the Historicity of Christ
- Eusebius of Caesareaâ•Žs Oration in Praise of Constantine As The
- On an Alleged Senatus Consultum Against the Christians
- Apollonius of Tyana 1 Apollonius of Tyana