African Americans
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- Civil Rights and the 1960S: a Decade of Unparalleled Progress Leland Ware
- African American Religious Encounters with Judaism
- Comparing Genetic Ancestry and Self-Described Race in African Americans Born in the United States and in Africa
- Building America: Contributions of African American Slaves
- Strategic Action Plan
- Applying Culturally-Responsive Communication in Black And
- History, Heritage and Truth
- Black Culture
- Catholic Education and the African-American Community
- The NEGRO SILENT PROTEST PARADE Organized by the NAACP Fifth Ave., New York City July 28, 1917
- A Study of the Africans and African Americans on Jamestown Island and at Green Spring, 1619-1803
- Imagining Religions in a Trinidad Village: the Africanity of the Spiritual Baptist Movement and the Politics of Comparing Religions
- Genome-Wide Patterns of Population Structure and Admixture in West Africans and African Americans
- Seeds of Memory: Botanical Legacies of the African Diaspora
- Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans
- Melungeon Portraits: Lived Experience and Identity Tamara L
- MICA, HLA-B Haplotypic Variation in Five Population Groups of Sub-Saharan African Ancestry
- Jews and Black Americans There Is a Sense in Which Black and Jewish