Achaea (ancient region)
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- Dishonouring the Dead: the Plundering of Tholos Tombs in the Early Palatial Period and the 501 Case of the Tholos Tomb at Mygdalia Hill (Petroto) in Achaea
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- Lucius Mummius and the Spoils of Corinth
- Aceldama Acephalians Achaea Achaemenid Dynasty Achaia
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- Space in the Ancient Novel
- Freedom of the Greeks' , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 31:1 (1990:Spring) P.45
- 20201106-07 Interpretating Pottery Programm.Indd
- The Tradition of the Ionian Colonisation of Asia Minor: Remarks on the Sources1
- The Ptolemies Versus the Achaean and Aetolian Leagues in the 250S–220S Bc
- Corinth After 44 Bc: Ethnical and Cultural Changes
- The Cult of Poseidon Helikonios: from Helike of Achaea to Asia Minor and the Black Sea
- 1 Constantinos Paschalidis, Photini J. P. Mcgeorge Life
- Greek Migrations to Aegean Anatolia in the Early Dark Age*
- Achaea Manual
- DOMUS AUGUSTA DIVINA the Roman Imperial Cult in The
- Herodotus' Homer. Troy, Thermopylae, and the Dorians
- "Teichos Dymaion, Achaea. an Acropolis-Harbour of the Ionian Sea Looking Westwards"