Instructions: Use the Climate Change Prediction Maps Provided to Fill Columns 4 and 5

Page 1 Name ______

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
City / Current Average Annual Temperature (°C) / Current Annual Precipitation (cm) / Current Biome / Predicted Temp. change by 2100 AD (°C) / Predicted Precip. change by 2100 AD (cm) / Average Annual Temp. in 2100 AD (°C) / Annual Precip. in 2100 AD (cm) / Predicted Biome in 2100 AD
Chicago, IL / 9 / 89 / Temperate Deciduous / +4 / +7 / 13 / 96 / Temperate Grassland
Tuscon, AZ / 21 / 22 / Subtropical Desert / +4 / -4 / 25 / 18 / Subtropical Desert
Tabora, Tanzania / 23 / 87 / Savanna / +3 / +15 / 26 / 102 / Savanna
Toolik Lake, AK / -8 / 18 / Tundra / +5 / +11 / -3 / 29 / Temperate Grassland
Beijing, China / 12 / 63 / Temperate Grassland / +3.5 / +11 / 15.5 / 74 / Temperate Grassland
Valdivia, Chile / 13 / 240 / Temperate Rainforest / +3 / -7 / 16 / 233 / Decid. or Rain forest
Tromso, Norway / 2 / 101 / Boreal Forest / +4 / +11 / 6 / 122 / Temperate Deciduous
Puntarenas, Costa Rica / 27 / 162 / Tropical Seasonal Forest / +3 / -11 / 30 / 151 / ?? Off the charts!
Chanthaburi, Thailand / 27 / 282 / Tropical Rainforest / +3 / +4 / 30 / 286 / ?? Off the charts!

Instructions: Use the climate change prediction maps provided to fill columns 4 and 5. Add the amount of change (keep track of +/- signs) to the present-day values given in columns 1 and 2 to determine the climate in 2100 AD (columns 6 and 7). Finally, consult the Whittaker diagram to predict the future biome from the predicted climate (column 8). The first one is done for you.