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Department of Education s2

State of Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services

2011 IDEA ASAMA YEAR 2 2nd Year Renewal Grant Instructions


Purpose The purpose of this grant is to provide funding support for continued participation in second year training to school teams that successfully completed the first year training during FY2010.

2nd Year Training Outcomes Team success will be evaluated based on: . Learned and applied strategies for teaching mathematics with an emphasis on data analysis/probability/discrete math, algebra/patterns/functions, geometry/measurement, and structure/logic for all students. . Utilization of the Arizona academic standards to create mathematics instructional strategies for all students. . Analysis of assessment data to drive mathematics instruction for all students by utilizing assessment /progress monitoring throughout the school year. . Development and creation of a classroom station system utilizing the Student, Environment, Task, Technology process to enhance instruction in mathematics. . Utilization of assistive technology tools to aide in differentiated instruction, accommodations, and modifications to enhance mathematics for all students. . Continuation of a research-based action plan to include a school-wide professional development plan to improve and enhance mathematics instruction for all students. . Continuation of ASAMA Team Meetings at least twice a month to design staff trainings, analyze data, progress monitor interventions, and review action plan. . Maintaining an Implementation Team Portfolio to compile specific data on site efforts to alter practices related to teaching mathematics and improving student achievement.

Funding Source Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) discretionary funds

Project Period July 1 2011 – June 30 2012

GME Grant Submission Deadline June 30, 2010

Grant applications must be submitted online through the GME. Online submission is not site or port restricted, however, it is common logon restricted. One may submit an online application from any computer that has Internet access as long as that person has GME common logon permission. To check your common logon permission status, contact the GME at 602-542-3470.

1 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 2010 – 2011 Training Calendar Second year training is scheduled at the Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Midtown on: . October 29 & 30, 2010 . December 10 & 11, 2011 . February 11 & 12, 2011

See SECTION II, FUNDING INFORMATION, 2010 – 2011 Training Calendar.

Eligible Schools The following public education agencies are eligible to apply for this funding: . Bullhead City School District [Desert Valley School] . Casa Grande Elementary District [Palo Verde School] . Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary District [Cottonwood School; Dr Daniel Bright School] . Glendale Elementary District [Sunset Vista School] . Liberty Elementary District [Freedom School] . Page Unified District [Desert View School] . Santa Cruz Valley Unified District [San Cayetano School] . Somerton Elementary District [Desert Sonora School] . Success School [Arizona Charter Academy] . Washington Elementary District [Manzanita; Mountain View; Orangewood; Sunburst; Sunnyslope Schools] . Willcox Unified District [Willcox Elementary]

Requests for Assistance Requests for assistance regarding the training should be directed to Deb Coleman, telephone 602-364- 40269, email [email protected].

Requests for assistance regarding the grant should be directed to Celia Kujawski, telephone 480-926- 0884, email [email protected].


Excess Cost Requirement The excess cost requirement means that the PEA must spend a specified minimum amount for the education of its children with disabilities before Part B funds are used. Children served with Part B funds must have at least the same average amount spent on them from sources other than Part B as do children in the school district or charter school as a whole.

Excess Costs/Non-supplanting The PEA uses funds provided under Part B of the Act only for costs that exceed the amount computed under 34 CFR 300.184 and 185 and that are not directly attributable to the education of children with disabilities.

Each applicant must assure the State Education Agency (SEA) that the PEA uses funds provided under Part B of the Act to supplement and, to the extent practicable, increase the level of state and local funds expended for the education of children with disabilities, and in no case, to supplant those state and local funds.

To meet the non-supplanting requirement, the total amount or average per capita amount of the state and local school funds budgeted by the PEA for expenditures in the current fiscal year for the education of children with disabilities must be at least equal to the total amount or average per capita amount of state and local school funds actually expended for the education of children with disabilities in the most recent preceding fiscal year for which the information is available. Allowances may be made for: . Decreases in enrollment of children with disabilities; . The termination of costly expenditures for long-term purchases such as the acquisition of equipment and the construction of school facilities; . The replacement of personnel and qualified, lower salaried personnel; or . The termination of the obligation to provide a program of special education to a particular child with a disability who is in an exceptionally costly program.

Please note, however, that budgeting a certain amount and expending that amount by the end of the year are two different issues. If none of the allowances apply, the applicant must make sure that the expenditures meet or exceed previous year’s expenditures, excluding Fund 011.

Indirect Costs Indirect cost at the applicant’s approved indirect cost rate and approved county indirect cost (if applicable) are allowed with this grant funding. No other administrative costs are allowed.

Capital Outlay The purchase of capital outlay or other equipment or furniture is not allowed with this grant’s funds.

Budget Guidelines & Restrictions ADE/ESS/CSPD will continue to fund this project for a 2nd year as long as: . Federal IDEA funds are available to support this effort . First year team requirements are met, including team participation, payment of registration fees, and engagement activity/annual report documentation . Each school team maintains its commitment to attend all scheduled training sessions

3 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 Expenditures that support the training of classroom teachers, instructional aides, and parents should be placed under Support Services 2100, 2200, 2600, 2700.

Expenditures that support training of administrative staff and other non-instructional staff, including professional service providers (e.g., occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc.) and non-instructional aides, should be placed under Support Services - Admin 2300, 2400, 2500, 2900.

1. Salaries 6100 Substitute teachers at the district or charter school rate For attendance at training on scheduled school days (3 days)

Although it seems appropriate to place this expense under Instruction 1000, the Auditor General has designated placement of this and related employee benefits under Support Services 2100, 2200, 2600, 2700 as expenses that support the training of instructional staff. If you have questions about this ruling, please contact Ingrid Rope, 602-542-4064, [email protected].

2. Employee Benefits 6200 Items listed in Salaries 6100 must have employee benefits listed at the district or charter school employee benefits rate.

3. Purchased Professional Services 6300 Training registration fee: $600/person

2010 - 2011 Training Calendar


Oct 29 & 30 2010 YEAR 2 Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Midtown [Fri & Sat] Session 1 4000 N Central Avenue Phoenix AZ 85012 602-279-9811 Dec 10 & 11 YEAR 2 [Fri & Sat] Session 2 Day 1 8:00 am, breakfast & registration/sign in 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, training sessions Feb 11 & 12 YEAR 2 [Fri & Sat] Session 3 Day 2 7:00 am, breakfast 8:00 am – 3:00 pm, training sessions

The PEA will receive an invoice within 10 days following each session for that portion of the registration, which must be paid at your earliest convenience.

4. Other Purchased Services 6500 . Mileage at the state rate = $0.445/mile  Mileage calculated from district/school office to the training site (MILEAGE IS NOT ALLOWED FOR TEAMS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE LODGING); a percentage must be placed in Support Services for instructional team members; the rest must go in Support Services – Admin (PLEASE ROUND UP TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR AMOUNT)  One vehicle allowance  Costs for additional vehicles, including car rentals, must be paid by local funding 4 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 . Lodging  3 room maximum for a team of 5 (double occupancy required whenever possible)  Lodging for evening prior to the training and evening between training days  Post-training lodging for teams unable to return to the district/school office by 8:00 pm after the training  Lodging needs for non-grant funded team members (if applicable) are the responsibility of the public education agency

. Meal Allowance  Dinner for each night’s stay  Breakfast for post-training stay  Meal needs for non-grant funded team members (if applicable) are the responsibility of the public education agency  Additional meal costs incurred while traveling must be paid by local funding.

[Tax is an estimate; lodging/night has been rounded] Primary Destination Training Dates Lodging/night Dinner Breakfast* Phoenix Metro Area October 2010 103 + 11% tax = 115 27 11 December 2010 103 + 11% tax = 115 27 11 February 2011 141 + 11% tax = 157 27 11

5. Approved Restricted Indirect Cost Indirect cost at the applicant’s approved indirect cost rate and approved county indirect cost (if applicable) are also allowed with this grant funding. These are automatically calculated in the GME online application. Additional administrative costs should be part of the PEA’s contribution to ensure success and systemic change district- or school-wide.

Budget Format The following examples demonstrate proper budget formats. A budget that does not comply with this format WILL BE REJECTED for revision.

EXAMPLE #1 demonstrates a budget that does not require additional lodging. EXAMPLE #2 demonstrates a budget that requires additional lodging and meals.

Please DO NOT ADD additional information to the Description column! ESS Funding Unit requires only the brief descriptions that are in the examples below; and added words tend to slow the approval process down.

Object Function Code Amount Description Code

EXAMPLE #1 4 subs x 3 days x 100 = 1200 Salaries 6100 Use your own substitute rate 25% local ERE rate Employee Benefits 6200 Use your own ERE rate Purchased Professional 6300 4 teacher registrations x 600 = 2400 Services Other Purchased Services 6500 Mileage 5 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 400 round trip miles x 3 trips x .445 x 80% = 430

Lodging (4 teachers) Oct: 2 rooms x 2 nights x 115 = 460 Dec: 2 rooms x 2 nights x 115 = 460 Feb: 2 rooms x 2 nights x 157 = 628 Total lodging: 1548

Meals 4 person x 6 dinners x 27 = 648

EXAMPLE #2 (REQUIRING ADDITIONAL LODGING AND MEALS) Purchased Professional 6300 1 principal registration @ 600 Services Mileage 570 round trip miles x 3 trips x .445 x 20% = 155

Lodging including post-training night (1 non-instruction staff) Oct: 1 room x 3 nights x 115 = 345 Other Purchased Services 6500 Dec: 1 room x 3 nights x 115 =345 Feb: 1 room x 3 nights x 157 = 471 Total lodging: 1161

Meals 1 person x 9 dinners x 27 = 243 1 person x 3 breakfasts x 11 = 33

Payment Schedule Instructions The payment schedule complies with the monthly Cash Management Reporting System. In the GME Application: 1. Enter one payment amount to cover the initial expenses in the cell corresponding to the first month of the project (first training registration, substitute, and travel costs). 2. Put the balance of the requested grant amount in the RSP section. The monthly Cash Management Reports will determine future payments. 3. Failure to submit Cash Management Reports by the 18th of each month will interrupt cash flow for this project. 4. State Board of Education approval and the ADE internal review process must be completed prior to web approval. A grant will not receive “official” web approval until after July 1. Release of the initial cash disbursement will occur on the first day of the month following web approval. Unresolved issues such as line item placement revisions will result in delays.

6 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 SECTION III SUPPLEMENT

In addition to the budget that demonstrates funding disbursements, the applicant must provide grant contact information and confirm team membership in the Grants Management Enterprise.

Estimate FY2010 Spending Information provided in this section will give the ESS Funding Unit the data to confirm fiscal year-end obligations to education agencies participating in capacity building grants and calculate possible unused federal funds that may be reallocated to other important priorities. It is used for ESS planning purposes only.

In the GME application’s appropriate column: . FY2010 approved grant amount: Confirm the first year approved amount. . Estimated expenditures by 06/30/2010: Provide a realistic estimate of the total amount of first year funds that will be spent by June 30, 2010.

Project & Finance Contacts The contact information provided on this page will help ADE/ESS to establish and maintain communication links between the state education agency and the fiscal agent. The individuals identified here will be notified of grant approval, renewal application and completion report instructions and timelines, and other grant-related issues.

Identify the name, telephone number, and email address for the: . Project coordinator . Finance office contact

Team Contact(s) The contact information provided on this page will help the ESS training coordinator to establish and maintain communication links with the team(s) through the designated team contact(s). The individual(s) identified here will kept informed of training, grant, and reporting issues.

Identify each team’s contact by: . School name . Contact name . Position/title . Telephone number . Email address

ASAMA Team(s) The greatest training effectiveness, success, and sustainability are accomplished by focused teams that have consistent, unchanging membership over the two-year period. ESS expects that team members who are willing to dedicate their time and efforts to the entire two-year training process were selected. Team members must attend all scheduled training sessions and participate in assigned team engagement activities. No alternates or substitutes are allowed to attend trainings in place of members who must miss scheduled training due to unexpected life circumstances, even though the registration for a missed session must be paid. Missing a session should occur rarely, if at all, and must be discussed with the ESS training coordinator prior to the training. All team members should clear the training dates on their calendars and should not miss for other school or personal activities. 7 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 The team must be prepared to demonstrate when and how they will share information from the trainings with a member who misses a scheduled training.

Confirm all team members by providing: . School name . Team member name . Position/title . Email address . Indicate if this is a returning team member or new this year

Team Replacement Explanation School team members participating in the second year of the training should be the same as those who attended in the first year. If this is not available, an explanation must be made here.

Please explain the need for replacing a first-year team member. . Replaced member: Name and position/job title of the first-year member who is being replaced and the reason this person is unable to continue . New member: Name and position/job title of new team and the plan to raise that person’s level of understanding of training and team work to date

8 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010 SATISFACTION SURVEY

ADE/ESS/CSPD is interested in your perceptions of the grant application process. Please complete this online survey to the best of your ability. Your honest input will help us to identify problems, make corrections, and improve our services to you.

Using the Likert Scale below, choose which best fits your feeling for each question.

4 = Highly satisfied 3 = Satisfied 2 = Somewhat satisfied 1 = Not satisfied

Please provide comments that will allow us to make targeted adjustments to the system and process.

Satisfaction Survey 1 The application download was useful and easy to use. 4 3 2 1 2 Information required for the application was appropriate. 4 3 2 1 3 The GME online application was easy to navigate. 4 3 2 1 4 I received courteous and helpful assistance from ESS staff 4 3 2 1 N/A 5 Comments

9 ASAMA-2 Renewal 2011 06/14/2010

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