2003-2004 Bill 665: S.M.A.R.T.(Streamlined Management and Accountable Resources for Teaching)
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1 South Carolina General Assembly 2 115th Session, 2003-2004 3 4 S. 665 5 6 STATUS INFORMATION 7 8 General Bill 9 Sponsors: Senators Richardson, Ritchie and Kuhn 10 Document Path: l:\council\bills\pt\1542mm03.doc 11 Companion/Similar bill(s): 4048 12 13 Introduced in the Senate on April 24, 2003 14 Currently residing in the Senate Committee on Education 15 16 Summary: S.M.A.R.T.(Streamlined Management and Accountable Resources for Teaching) Funding in 17 Education Act 18 19 20 HISTORY OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 21 22 Date Body Action Description with journal page number 23 4/24/2003 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-31 24 4/24/2003 Senate Referred to Committee on Education SJ-31 25 26 27 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL 28 29 4/24/2003 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A BILL 10 11 TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 12 1976, BY ADDING CHAPTER 155 TO TITLE 59 SO AS TO 13 ENACT THE “S.M.A.R.T. (STREAMLINED MANAGEMENT 14 AND ACCOUNTABLE RESOURCES FOR TEACHING) 15 FUNDING IN EDUCATION ACT”, TO PROVIDE FOR THE 16 CONSOLIDATION OF STATE SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR 17 K-12 INTO A SINGLE SOURCE FOR ALLOCATION BY 18 EACH LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT INTO AREAS IT 19 DETERMINES BEST ACHIEVE ITS OBJECTIVES AND 20 ENHANCE ITS ACCOUNTABILITY, TO PROVIDE THAT 21 THE FUNDING BE MADE BASED ON SIX GENERAL 22 CATEGORIES FOR WHICH THE FUNDS MUST BE USED, 23 AND TO DESCRIBE THAT THE MONIES WHICH FORM THE 24 POOL OF MONIES IN EACH GENERAL CATEGORY MAY 25 BE TRANSFERRED WITH ONE HUNDRED PERCENT 26 FLEXIBILITY AMONG PROGRAMS WITHIN THAT 27 CATEGORY, TO PROVIDE FOR SOME FLEXIBILITY IN 28 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING ACROSS CATEGORIES, AND 29 TO PROVIDE THAT THE S.M.A.R.T. FUNDING PROGRAM 30 WILL BE FUNDED BEGINNING JULY 1, 2004. 31 32 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 33 Carolina: 34 35 SECTION 1. Title 59 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: 36 37 “CHAPTER 155 38 39 S.M.A.R.T. Funding in Education Act 40
1 [665] 1 1 Section 59-155-10. This chapter may be cited as the 2 ‘S.M.A.R.T. (Streamlined Management and Accountable 3 Resources for Teaching) Funding in Education Act’. 4 5 Section 59-155-20. (A) There is established a funding program, 6 called ‘S.M.A.R.T. Funding in Education’, that, beginning July 1, 7 2004, must consolidate all current sources of state funding of the 8 state’s school districts for enhanced flexibility in their operations 9 of grades K-12. 10 (B)(1) S.M.A.R.T. funding must be allocated to each school 11 district in six general categories: 12 (a) quality teaching; 13 (b) instruction; 14 (c) technical assistance; 15 (d) operations, infrastructure, and safety; 16 (e) workforce education; and 17 (f) special needs. 18 (2) The programs designated within each general category 19 are: 20 (a) quality teaching: critical teaching needs, National 21 Board Certification-Incentive Reimbursement, National Board 22 Certification-Salary Supplement, Teacher of the Year awards, 23 Professional Development on Standards, teacher salary increase, 24 school employer contributions, competitive teacher grants, teacher 25 supplies, principal salary/fringe increase, fringe benefits employer 26 contributions, retiree insurance, health/dental benefits, National 27 Board Certification salary supplement, ADEPT, Principal 28 Executive Institute, teacher supplies stipend; 29 (b) instruction: arts in education, advanced placement 30 courses, advance placement singleton, gifted and talented 31 academic, gifted and talented artistic, Juniors Scholars Program, 32 Governor’s Institute of Reading, academic assistance K-3, 33 academic assistance 4-12, academic assistance Reading Recovery, 34 statewide systemic initiative in mathematics and science, 35 excellence in middle schools, EAA summer school/comprehensive 36 remediation, increase high school diploma requirements, 37 alternative schools program, refurbishment of K-8 science kits, 38 EAA modified school year/day grant, EAA reduce class size 39 grades 1-3, early childhood program, K-5 competitive grants, EAA 40 homework center grants, four-year-old child development; 41 (c) technical assistance: EAA teacher specialist, EAA 42 principal specialist, EAA homework center grants, EAA retraining
1 [665] 2 1 grants, EAA Palmetto Gold and Silver awards, EAA 2 principal/teacher specialists on site; 3 (d) operations, infrastructure, and safety: school 4 innovation funds, reallocation of EIA funds, bus driver salary 5 supplement and fringe, school lunch supervisor salary, school 6 lunch program aid, school bus driver salary, EAA bus driver salary 7 and fringe, State School Building Aid, Children’s Education 8 Endowment, State School Facilities Bond Act, school safety 9 officers, home schooling, education license plates, attendance 10 supervisor salary; 11 (e) workforce education: parenting/family literacy, 12 networking program, career and technology education equipment, 13 adult education remedial, nursing program, School-to-Work 14 Transition Act, basic adult education, workforce initiative-adult 15 education, literacy-adult education, vehicle title transfer fee-adult 16 education, technology professional development/school 17 technology initiative, Tech Prep and vocational equipment; and 18 (f) special needs: trainable and profoundly mentally 19 disabled student services, handicapped transportation-bus driver 20 aides, handicapped transportation-special needs students contract 21 reimbursement, and preschool programs for children with 22 disabilities. 23 (C)(1) Within the parameters of item (2), each school district 24 must allocate the expenditure of the S.M.A.R.T. Funds among 25 programs within the specified general categories and between 26 general categories as it determines is most effective for the 27 achievement of that individual local district’s educational 28 objectives and the basic core mission of K-12 education. 29 (2) A school district may transfer up to one hundred percent 30 of funds between programs designated within the same general 31 category. A school district may transfer up to twenty percent of 32 funds from one general category to other general categories. 33 34 Section 59-155-30. (A) The General Assembly and the 35 Governor, beginning with the annual general appropriations act for 36 fiscal year 2004-2005, shall adjust the format of the general 37 appropriations act to reflect the provisions of this chapter. 38 (B) The local school district must provide the details of its 39 transfers to members of the General Assembly upon request. The 40 school district may carry forward unexpended funds from the 41 previous fiscal year into the next fiscal year to be used for the 42 same purpose. 43
1 [665] 3 1 Section 59-155-40. (A) The State Board of Education may 2 promulgate regulations necessary to effectuate the provisions of 3 this chapter including, but not limited to, a procedure for the 4 review of all transfers authorized by this chapter. 5 (B) The State Department of Education shall adopt and 6 implement an accounting network between the department and 7 each local school district for oversight and management of 8 transfers made pursuant to this chapter. A local school district 9 shall utilize, throughout the year, the uniform accounting standard 10 so established so as to facilitate timely and consistent reporting and 11 audit results.” 12 13 SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the 14 Governor. 15 ----XX---- 16
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