WEDNESDAY,SEPT. 5, 2018 Inside: 75¢ Rains slam Gulf Coast. — Page 4B Vol. 90 ◆ No. 135 SERVING CLOVIS, PORTALES AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES Counties oppose straight-party voting option ❏ Two resolutions election. their respective county clerks, Daniel Ivey-Soto, a state senator Roosevelt County Manager Both the Curry and Roosevelt Annie Hogland in Curry County from Albuquerque who also repre- Amber Hamilton said the commis- call for request for county commissions held special and DeAun Searl in Roosevelt sents county clerks statewide sion unanimously adopted the reso- meetings on Tuesday in which they County, not to include straight- Searl told The News on Tuesday lution without discussion during AG to intervene. unanimously approved resolutions party voting on the ballots for the that if straight-party voting is Tuesday’s special meeting. opposing straight-party voting. upcoming election. authorized for the upcoming elec- Hamilton said Commissioner By Jamie Cushman The two resolutions are nearly Hogland said during Tuesday’s tion, her biggest concern is the abil- Dennis Lopez was not present. STAFF WRITER identical and call for their respec- special meeting that she would not ity to properly educate voters on its At Curry’s special meeting,
[email protected] tive commission chairman, Ben be able to do that if the New ramifications. Commissioners Chet Spear and McDaniel in Curry County and Mexico Supreme Court upholds “There’s not enough time to pre- Robert Thornton spoke out against County officials in eastern New Paul Grider in Roosevelt County, to Toulouse Oliver’s decision. pare the voters for the general elec- straight-party voting.