A Sort of Paradise for the Hebrews: the Lofty
Ethnic Diversity and Civic Identity Patterns of Conflia and Cohesion in Cincinnati since 1820 EDITED BY Henry D. Shapiro and Jonathan D. Sarna "A Sort of Paradise for the Hebrews": The Lofty Vision of Cincinnati Jews" UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS Urbana and Chicago 00,) 1 l ""' Ethnic Diversity and Civic Identity I 1 ~. William J. Egan, A Lovillg and DeseIVed Tri[;ufe to the Revered Memory of JONATHAN D. SARNA th" Most Reverelld Heltry Moeller, D.D. (Norwood, Ohio; Private Printing), to. 114. M. Edmund Hussey, A History of the Seminaries of the Archdiocese of (:II1.illllilti 1829-1979 (Norwood, Ohio: Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the West, 1( 79),41l. II ~. CT, August 29, 1907, p. 4. "A Sort of Paradise for the Hebrews": 116. Ibid. I 17. Moeller to N. j. Walsh, August 15, 1906, AAC The Lofty Vision of Cincinnati Jews I JR. X.B. Drexelius, Secretary, Norwood Heights Company, "Minutes," Sep temher J 9, 1906, AAC; F. X. Dutton, CT, August 2, 1906, p. 4; CT, August 29, 190:, p. 4. Moeller added an important provision regarding his ohligation to huild . ;1 cathedr;11 in Norwood Heights. He agreed to do so only "if conditions warrant it," namely if Cincinnati annexed Norwood and if a large population settled in the 511 btl i VIsion. 119. Ibid., August 27, 190R, p. 8. 120. Ibid., August 29, 1907, p. 4. The Cincinnati Jewish community won widespread acclaim as the nine 121. Moeller to Dcmpsey, Allgust, 1911, AAC; Mocller to DelJ1psey, July [4, teenth century drew to a close.
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