Jews in A Brief History Overview

• Presence since ca. 70 CE • 5 groups • Kochin • Bene • Baghdadis • Lost tribes (/[Ephraim]) • [] Objectives after today, you should be able to… • identify the diverse groups of in India. • outline the historical development of Jewish communities. • compare different perspectives on Indian . • generalize the complex relationship between different Jewish communities in India. Malabar (Kochin) Jews Malabar/Kochin Jews

• 100+ (India)/ 3,000-4,000 (Israel) • Oldest Jewish Group in India • 562 BCE/68-70 CE Cranganore • 1000 CE shasana • Chera Bhaskara Ravi Varma • Issuppu Irappan ( Rabban) "We have granted to Issuppu Irappan, the merchant, tolls by the boat and by other vehicles, merchant dues, the right to employ the day lamp, decorative cloth, palanquin, umbrella, kettle drum, trumpet, gateway, arch, arched roof, weapons and rest of the seventy two privileges. We have remitted customs, dues and weighing fee. Moreover, according to this copper-plate grant, he shall be exempted from payments due to the king from settlers in the town, but he shall enjoy what they enjoy.”

Malabar/Kochin Jews

• 100+ (India)/ 3,000-4,000 (Israel) • Oldest Group in India • 562 BCE/68-70 CE Cranganore • 14th CE to (Yehudan Mappila) • Acculturation v. Assimilation • Wedding • Simhat (display, circumambulation, ark) • Hebrew (temple)/ Malayalam (life-cycle) • Castes and sub-castes Malabar/Kochin Jews

• 100+ (India)/ 3,000-4,000 (Israel) • Oldest Group in India • 562 BCE/68-70 CE Cranganore • 14th CE to Kochin • Acculturation v. Assimilation • Wedding • Simhat Torah (display, circumambulation, ark) • Hebrew (temple)/ Malayalam (life-cycle) • Castes and sub-castes Paradesi

• 1568 CE • Oldest synagogue in Commonwealth • King Ravi Varma Bene Israel

• 4-5,000 (India)/40-50,000+ (Israel) • oil-pressers • David Rahabi & “1st Awakening” • 10th/18th CE • , Circumcision, dietary customs • Kajis (similar to Cohanim) • Lost tribe • Baghdadis & “2nd Awakening” • 19th CE • Colonialism and Jewish Identity • Affirmation and Migration Practices

• Colonial • Kirtans • Hindu-style • legends • Prophet Elijah Baghdadis

• 300 in India • Arabic-speaking • Merchants • Sassoon Family • Cycles • Early: Arabian Jews of India • Mutiny: non-Indian • WWI: European • Post Independence: Migration Bnei Menashe Lost Tribes- Bnei Menashe [Bnei Ephraim]

and East Indian States • Chin, Kuki, and Mizo peoples • Visions of Jewishness • Conversions & Education • Tribals & Dalits • America and Israel • Status • Amishav recognition • Sons of Menasseh • Israeli immigration () • 2005 Chief Rabbinate of Israel • DNA testing ??????? ???????



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