Elpidia Soyoae, a New Species of Deep-Sea Holothurian (Echinodermata) from the Japan Trench Area

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Elpidia Soyoae, a New Species of Deep-Sea Holothurian (Echinodermata) from the Japan Trench Area Species Diversity 25: 153–162 Published online 7 August 2020 DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.25.153 Elpidia soyoae, a New Species of Deep-sea Holothurian (Echinodermata) from the Japan Trench Area Akito Ogawa1,2,4, Takami Morita3 and Toshihiko Fujita1,2 1 Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0005, Japan 3 National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, 2-12-4 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-8648, Japan 4 Corresponding author (Received 23 October 2019; Accepted 28 May 2020) http://zoobank.org/00B865F7-1923-4F75-9075-14CB51A96782 A new species of holothurian, Elpidia soyoae sp. nov., is described from the Japan Trench area, at depths of 3570– 4145 m. It is distinguished from its congeners in having: four or five paired papillae and unpaired papillae present along entire dorsal radii (four to seven papillae on each radius), with wide separation between second and third paired papillae; maximum length of Elpidia-type ossicles in dorsal body wall exceeds 1000 µm; axis diameter of dorsal Elpidia-type ossicles less than 40 µm; tentacle Elpidia-type ossicles with arched axis and shortened, occasionally completely reduced arms and apophyses. Purple pigmentation spots composed of small purple particles on both dorsal and ventral body wall. This is the second species of Elpidia Théel, 1876 from Japanese abyssal depths. The diagnosis of the genus Elpidia is modified to distin- guish from all other elpidiid genera. A morphological comparison of the species of the slender axis group of genus Elpidia, and partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences of type specimens are provided. Key Words: sea cucumber, abyssal, Elasipodida, Elpidiidae, Elpidia soyoae, North Pacific Ocean. body wall (Belyaev 1971). In the robust axis group, 17 nomi- Introduction nal species and subspecies has been reported: E. belyaevi Rogacheva, 2007, E. kermadecensis Hansen, 1956, E. ataka- Elpidia Théel, 1876 is the type genus of the family Elpidi- ma Belyaev, 1971, E. birsteini Belyaev, 1971, E. decapoda Be- idae of the order Elasipodida. This genus was distinguished lyaev, 1975, E. glacialis Théel, 1876, E. hanseni hanseni Bely- for the other Elpidiidae genera in having four (rarely five) aev, 1971, E. hanseni idzubonensis Belyaev, 1971, E. heckeri paired tube feet, having papillae present along the entire Baranova, 1989, E. javanica Belyaev, 1971, E. kurilensis Ba- dorsal radii, having Elpidia-type ossicles, and lacking C- ranova and Belyaev in Belyaev, 1971, E. lata Belyaev, 1975, shaped ossicles (Hansen 1975; Gebruk 1990; Rogacheva E. longicirrata Belyaev, 1971, E. ninae Belyaev, 1975, E. solo- 2007). Twenty-four nominal species and subspecies have monensis Belyaev, 1971, E. sundensis Hansen, 1956, and E. been described in this genus (e.g., Belyaev 1971, 1975; Han- uschakovi Belyaev, 1971 (Théel 1877; Belyaev 1971, 1975; sen 1975; Rogacheva 2007). Elpidia has an essentially cos- Hansen 1975; Rogacheva 2007). Elpidia echinata (Perrier, mopolitan distribution (e.g., Belyaev 1971, 1975; Hansen 1896) has not been allocated to either group because Perrier 1975; Rogacheva 2007), and a wide bathymetrical range, (1896) did not describe its external or ossicle morphology from 70 to 9735 m (Théel 1877; Belyaev 1971). in details. These two groups have different bathymetrical In the genus Elpidia, two morphologically distinct species distributions with the exception of the Arctic and Antarc- groups, based upon axis diameter of dorsal Elpidia-type os- tic species: the slender axis group occurs in abyssal depths, sicles, have been recognized (Belyaev 1971; Hansen 1975). 2710–5740 m, and the robust axis group is found in hadal The axis diameter is less than 40 µm in the so-called slender depths of 6156–9735 m (Hansen 1956; Belyaev 1971, 1975). axis group and more than 40 µm in the robust axis group. From Japanese waters, six species and subspecies of Elpid- The slender axis group includes six nominal species: E. ade- ia have been reported from the Izu-Ogasawara, Japan, and nensis Belyaev, 1971, E. antarctica Belyaev, 1971, E. chilensis Kurile-Kamchatka Trenches: E. birsteini, E. hanseni hanseni, Belyaev, 1971, E. gracilis Belyaev, 1975, E. minutissima Be- E. hanseni idzubonensis, E. kurilensis, E. longicirrata, and E. lyaev, 1971, and E. theeli Hansen, 1956 (Belyaev 1971, 1975; minutissima (Belyaev 1971, 1975; Mironov et al. 2019). The Hansen 1975). Although Hansen (1975) had synonymized former five species and subspecies belong to the robust axis E. antarctica into E. theeli, and E. antarctica is treated a valid group, and only E. minutissima belongs to the slender axis species in this study because it is distinguishable from E. group. theeli in having cross ossicles in its both dorsal and ventral In this study, we describe one undescribed Elpidia spe- © 2020 The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 154 Akito Ogawa et al. cies based on specimens collected from the Japan Trench 39°10.312′N, 143°39.570′E to 143°42.027′E: St. Iwate 4200 area and determine its partial mitochondrial cytochrome c Kago) from 3570–4145 m, on 10–11 July, 2018 using a baited oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences for future DNA bar- trap during the third cruise in 2018 of the R/V Soyo-maru coding and phylogenetic studies. (Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency: FRA). Specimens were photographed onboard with a digital cam- era (Nikon D5300); tentacles were subsampled from live ani- Materials and Methods mals on board, placed in 95% ethanol, and stored at −20°C; the remaining bodies were fixed and preserved in 99% etha- Five individuals were collected from the Japan Trench nol. These specimens were deposited in the National Muse- area, east of Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan (39°4.914′N to um of Nature and Science (NSMT), Tsukuba, Japan. Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Elpidia soyoae sp. nov. (NSMT E-12635: paratype). A, dorsal view; B, ventral view. Elpidia soyoae, a new species of deep-sea holothurian 155 Specimens were observed and dissected under a micro- under a SEM (JEOL JSM-6380LV) in the NSMT with the scope (Leica MZ 8). Body length (BL), body width (BW) acceleration voltage of 10 or 15 kV. The arm length of piec- and papillae length were measured under the microscope. es from the calcareous ring was measured from SEM im- For SEM study, calcareous ring and ossicles from the dor- ages. Likewise, we measured the ossicle axis length (DOL), sal and ventral body walls and the tentacles were extracted. the axis diameter and the height of apophyses (DAH) of They were coated with gold-palladium alloy and observed Elpidia-type ossicles from dorsal body wall, the ossicle di- Fig. 2. Papillae arrangements of Elpidia soyoae sp. nov. A, left side view; B, right side view; C–F, dorsal side. A–B, holotype; C, NSMT E-12635: paratype; D, NSMT E-12636: paratype; E, NSMT E-12637: paratype; F, NSMT E-12639: paratype. Abbreviations: lp, paired papillae on dorsal left radius; lu, unpaired papillae on dorsal left radius; rp, paired papillae on dorsal right radius; ru, unpaired papillae on dorsal right radius. 156 Akito Ogawa et al. ameter, and the diameter of central connecting portion of culated using the Kimura 2-parameter model (K2P: Kimura wheel ossicles from dorsal body wall, the ossicle axis length 1980) by the software MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016). (VOL), the axis diameter, and the height of apophyses (VAH) of Elpidia-type ossicles from ventral body wall, and the ossicle length (TOL), the axis diameter, and the height of Results and Discussion apophyses (TAH) of Elpidia-type ossicles from the tentacles. Total genomic DNA was extracted from the subsampled Order Elasipodida Théel, 1882 tentacles using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen). Family Elpidiidae Théel, 1882 Gene fragments of the partial region of mitochondrial COI Genus Elpidia Théel, 1876 gene were sequenced by using primers, COIceF and COIceR [New Japanese name: Kuma-namako-zoku] (Hoareau and Boissin 2010). PCR reactions were performed using the reagent mix: 0.2 µl Tks Gflex DNA polymerase, 5 µl Elpidia Théel, 1876: 1–7; Théel 1877: 1–30; Belyaev 1971: Gflex PCR Buffer (Takara Bio, Inc.), 0.2 µl of each primer, 329–330; Hansen 1975: 172–173; Rogacheva 2007: 368– 1.0 µl template DNA, and 3.4 µl H2O and following the pro- 372. file: preheating at 94°C for 1 min and 30 cycles of denatur- Tutela Perrier, 1896: 901. ation at 98°C for 10 s, annealing at 55°C for 10 s, and exten- Diagnosis [modified from Hansen (1975) and Ro- sion at 68°C for 30 s. The PCR product was purified (4.0 µl gacheva (2007)]. Tentacles 10, having discs with long and ExoSAP-IT PCR Product Clean-up with ExoSAP-IT thermo- slender, retractile processes. Tube feet 4 pairs (5 pairs for cycler protocol). The purified products were sequenced using E. decapoda), cylindrical, prominent, well spaced and equal BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Thermo in size. Papillae conical, separate, present along the entire Fisher Scientific, Inc.) on Applied Biosystems 3500xL Ge- dorsal radii, sometimes divided into an anterior and pos- netic analyzer (Life Technologies, Inc.). Sequence data were terior groups. Elpidia-type ossicles (=rods with two paired edited with GeneStudio Professional Edition version horizontal arms and one paired vertical apophyses; Gebruk (GeneStudio, Inc.) and deposited with the International Nu- 1990) present; wheels occasionally present; C-shape ossicles cleotide Sequence Database (INSD) through the DNA Data absent. Calcareous ring strong and continuous, each piece Bank of Japan.
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