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ANNUAL REPORTS OP THE TOWN OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF DENNIS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 1940 Printed by THE GOSS PRINT Harwich, Mass. TOWN OFFICIALS SELECTMEN, ASSESSORS, BOARD OF HEALTH, BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE: I. Grafton Howes, Chairman, term expires 1941; Clarence M. Nickerson, term expires 1942; Henry N. Wixon, term expires 1943. MODERATOR: William H. McLin. TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER: * Benjamin F. Sears; Gerard Chapman, Temporary. AUDITORS: Brant D. Ellis; Rebecca B. Monroe; Frank M. Embler. CONSTABLES: Thomas T. Kelley; Benjamin F. Ken- drick; Mervin H. Sears. PARK COMMISSIONERS: Charles A. Hallett, term expires 1943; Allen F. Howard, term expires 1941; Bartlett F. Sears, term expires 1942. SCHOOL COMMITTEE: A Maud Smith, term expires 1943; Walter F. McDowell, term expires 1943; Jane Crowell, term expires 1941; George B. Wilbur, term expires 1942; Alton M. Baker, term expires 1942. TREE WARDEN: George B. Ellis. SURVEYOR OF HIGHWAYS: Edward E. Crowell. PLANNING BOARD: Lester O'Neil, term expires 1945; *Margaret H. Richardson, term expires 1944; Norman A. Hallett, term expires 1943; *John R. Ray- mond, term expires 1942; Minot C. Hayden, term ex- pires 1941. CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS: Charles A. Hallett, term expires 1941; Charles L. Goodspeed, term expires 1942; Nathan D. Eldridge, term expires 1943. TRUSTEES OF THE CALEB CHASE FUND: Elmer B. Lewis, term expires 1943; Emery W. Sears, term expires 1941; Frank E. Howes, term expires 1942. _4- APPOINTMENTS BUREAU OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE: Clarence M. Nickerson, Supervisor; Henry N. Wixon; Mildred L. Whittemore. PUBLIC WELFARE INVESTIGATOR: Mildred L. Whittemore. CLERKS: Madeline P. Dunford, Elaine S. Cash. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR: Dorothy T. Newcomb. INSPECTOR OF WIRES: Alexander C. Baxter. FOREST WARDEN: Edward N. Clough. FIRE CHIEF: Edward N. Clough. MOTH SUPERINTENDENT: George B. Ellis. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: U. Grant Phillips. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS: Nathan Crowell, term ex- pires 1943; William J. McHenry, term expires 1941; Joseph A. Shea, term expires 1942. SHELLFISH CONSTABLES: Thomas T. Kelley; ♦Hor- ace F. Gay. CONSTABLES: Lester O'Neil; Horace F. Gay. TRAFFIC OFFICERS: Thomas T. Kelley; Benjamin F. Kendrick; Lester O'Neil; Isaac Merchant. DOG OFFICER: William H. Lord. HARBOR MASTERS: Benjamin Walker; J. Sterling Monroe. BURIAL AGENT AND SOLDIERS' BURIAL AGENT: Benjamin F. Sears. MILK AND SANITARY INSPECTOR: George F. Crocker, Jr. ASSISTANT INSPECTOR: Alton L. Robbins. -5- INSPECTORS OF SLAUGHTERING: William H. Kelley; Frank E. Howes. INSPECTORS OF ANIMALS: William H. Kelley; William H. Lord. FENCE VIEWERS: **David E. Crowell; Lester O'Neil; Charles Arthur Hallett. WEIGHERS OF COAL AND MEASURERS OF WOOD AND BARK: Edmund H. Sears; Leon T. Hall; Smith R. Kelley; Benjamin F. Sears; Richard S. Hall. POUND KEEPERS: Alvin S. Taylor; Henry D. Robin- son ; Howard Sears; Thomas T. Kelley; Allen F. How- ard. MEASURERS OF GRAIN: Richard S. Hall; Frank B. Howes; Gilbert S. Kelley. FIELD DRIVERS: Alvin S. Taylor; Allen F. Howard; Thomas T. Kelley; Howard Sears; Henry D. Robinson. DUTCH ELM DISEASE COMMITTEE: Lester O'Neil; Freeman G. Thatcher; Nathan Crowell. TOWN FOREST COMMITTEE: Freeman G. Thacher; Nathan Crowell; Lester O'Neil. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Nathaniel H. Wixon, term expires 1943; William C. Kelley, term expires 1941; Joseph H. Sears, term expires 1941; Frank E. Howes, term expires 1942; George L. Knowles, term expires 1943. *Resigned *Deceased -6- SELECTMEN'S REPORT To the Citizens of Dennis: Your Board of Selectmen offer the following re- part for the year 1940 for your consideration. The Board organized on March 8, 1940 with the same officers as last year. The second and last Tuesdays were then voted as regular pay days and Monday and Thursday of each week as welfare days. Mrs. M. P. Dunford was appointed as office clerk and Assistant Assessor. Mrs. Mildred Whittemore was appointed wel- fare investigator and as a member of the Board of Old Age Assistance. The departmental reports are printed herewith and the State Auditor's report is appended. There has been no W. P. A. work in Dennis since last spring but we are now able to get a limited number of men on the road work at Bourne. We have been un- able to do any of the" sidewalk work planned in the Town Meeting. We have received food and clothing this year to the amount of $6,276.57. This is an increase of $2,123.01 over the previous yes,r and nearing the close of 1940 food seemed to be arriving in greater quantities than earlier in the year. Needless to say, this has been of great help and value, as the expense to the Town in connection with this work consists only of trucking charges and heat in the commodity storage and dis- tribution headquarters. Lack of W. P. A. work projects during the fall months of 1940 was more than offset by the demand for both skilled and unskilled workmen at Camp Ed- wards. This was of considerable financial value to the Town as it kept many able-bodied men off of relief. -7- Public Welfare expenditures for the year are slightly more than for the year previous. This is due mostly to sickness and hospital cases, also the fact that chronic cases of illness that require continual care seem to be on the increase. At the present time we are boarding nine cases of Welfare and O. A. A. combined in convalescent homes and it may be interesting to know, that three of these convalescent homes that we patronize are not in Dennis but are located in neighbor- ing towns. The light cranberry crop was also a bad set back to the 1940 Welfare situation. That rather left it up to Camp Edwards and the shellfish industry to keep the working man on his own. In regard to the shellfish conditions, we call your attention to the report submitted by Mr. Gay,and Mr. Kelley as Shellfish Constabes for 1940. The figures- mentioned are correct or an excellent estimate, and show an excellent picture of the shellfish activities and conditions for the past year. We feel that particular emphasis should be given to two points brought out in this report, namely the contribution from the State, and the shortage of qua- hog seed. It is apparent that the State is willing to help towns that are showing interest and progress in their shellfish work. We have shown steady improve- ment for the last nine years and with our increased appropriations the State have increased their contribu- tions and support. Our employment of a full-time Shellfish Constable for this work has been highly ap- proved by the division of Marine Fisheries. From the best information we can get from the Shellfish Con- stable, inspectors from the State, and from the fisher- men, we are of the opinion that we face a shortage in our natural supply of quahog seed, and to continue cur usual program of seeding and closing certain areas it may be necessary to purchase seed quahogs in 1941. Mr. Gay and Mr. Kelley should be complimented for their interest and success in their work during this past year. Board of Health and Sanitation problems have caused very little troube. It is apparent that in the future the State Board of Health will be much closer to the Tourist Camp situations and will be of great help to the towns in keeping trouble at a minimum: Garbage disposal causes more headaches than any- thing else. We found it necessary to keep the Town Dump open Sundays for several weeks during the hot weather. Mr. Smith, the Dump Keeper, did good work; but in our opinion is very much underpaid. We recommend a substantial increase in the Sanitation Appropriation. Old Age Assistance and Aid to Dependent Chil- dren cases show very little change during the year. New cases have naturally been added but the loss through death, removed from town, and a few cases of employment have left the result at the end of 1940 about the same as the previous year. In regard to the Moth Appropriation, we have been warned by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce that the Dutch Elm Beetle is prevalent in the Cape towns, and that plans should be made to spray for this pest this year if the Elm trees are to be saved. This would mean an increase in our appropriation. After twenty five years of faithful service as a Town Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector, Mr. Benja- min F. Sears was elected Registrar of Deeds at the November election. His ability, knowledge and good fellowship will be greatly missed by Town Officials, and citizens in general. -9- A testimonial banquet in recognition of Mr. Sears' services was tendered him at the Hyannis Inn late in December attended by Town Officials past and present, County officers and other friends, including the Hon- orable Henry F. Long, State Tax Commissioner, a per- sonal friend of Mr. Sears, and other officials of long^ standing'. Remarks by Mr. Long and others followed a real Hyannis Inn steak dinner and Mr. Sears can well be proud of this tribute paid him, for his long career as a Dennis official. In closing we wish to thank all the Town officials for their splendid cooperation during the year. Respectfully submitted, I. GRAFTON HOWES CLARENCE M. NICKERSON HENRY N. WIXON Selectmen of Dennis -10- JURY LIST 1941 Barbour, Albert L. Retired Ralph E. Hopkins Contractor Bradford, Emmons H. Carpenter Chapman, Gerard Farmer Chase, Russell F. Barber Dean, Louis E. Merchant Dickey, Frank C. Carpenter Eldredge, Frederick A. Carpenter Eldridge, Irving B. Laborer Eldridge, Willie C. Retired Ellis, Winfred C. Carpenter Embler, Frank M. Farmer Hall, Leon T. Merchant Hall, Stephen S.