Printed by THE GOSS PRINT Harwich, Mass.


SELECTMEN, ASSESSORS, BOARD OF HEALTH, BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE: I. Grafton Howes, Chairman, term expires 1941; Clarence M. Nickerson, term expires 1942; Henry N. Wixon, term expires 1943. MODERATOR: William H. McLin. TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER: * Benjamin F. Sears; Gerard Chapman, Temporary. AUDITORS: Brant D. Ellis; Rebecca B. Monroe; Frank M. Embler. CONSTABLES: Thomas T. Kelley; Benjamin F. Ken- drick; Mervin H. Sears. PARK COMMISSIONERS: Charles A. Hallett, term expires 1943; Allen F. Howard, term expires 1941; Bartlett F. Sears, term expires 1942. SCHOOL COMMITTEE: A Maud Smith, term expires 1943; Walter F. McDowell, term expires 1943; Jane Crowell, term expires 1941; George B. Wilbur, term expires 1942; Alton M. Baker, term expires 1942. TREE WARDEN: George B. Ellis. SURVEYOR OF HIGHWAYS: Edward E. Crowell. PLANNING BOARD: Lester O'Neil, term expires 1945; *Margaret H. Richardson, term expires 1944; Norman A. Hallett, term expires 1943; *John R. Ray- mond, term expires 1942; Minot C. Hayden, term ex- pires 1941. CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS: Charles A. Hallett, term expires 1941; Charles L. Goodspeed, term expires 1942; Nathan D. Eldridge, term expires 1943. TRUSTEES OF THE CALEB CHASE FUND: Elmer B. Lewis, term expires 1943; Emery W. Sears, term expires 1941; Frank E. Howes, term expires 1942. _4- APPOINTMENTS

BUREAU OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE: Clarence M. Nickerson, Supervisor; Henry N. Wixon; Mildred L. Whittemore. PUBLIC WELFARE INVESTIGATOR: Mildred L. Whittemore. CLERKS: Madeline P. Dunford, Elaine S. Cash. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR: Dorothy T. Newcomb. INSPECTOR OF WIRES: Alexander C. Baxter. FOREST WARDEN: Edward N. Clough. FIRE CHIEF: Edward N. Clough. MOTH SUPERINTENDENT: George B. Ellis. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: U. Grant Phillips. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS: Nathan Crowell, term ex- pires 1943; William J. McHenry, term expires 1941; Joseph A. Shea, term expires 1942. SHELLFISH CONSTABLES: Thomas T. Kelley; ♦Hor- ace F. Gay. CONSTABLES: Lester O'Neil; Horace F. Gay. TRAFFIC OFFICERS: Thomas T. Kelley; Benjamin F. Kendrick; Lester O'Neil; Isaac Merchant. DOG OFFICER: William H. Lord. HARBOR MASTERS: Benjamin Walker; J. Sterling Monroe. BURIAL AGENT AND SOLDIERS' BURIAL AGENT: Benjamin F. Sears. MILK AND SANITARY INSPECTOR: George F. Crocker, Jr. ASSISTANT INSPECTOR: Alton L. Robbins. -5-

INSPECTORS OF SLAUGHTERING: William H. Kelley; Frank E. Howes. INSPECTORS OF ANIMALS: William H. Kelley; William H. Lord. FENCE VIEWERS: **David E. Crowell; Lester O'Neil; Charles Arthur Hallett. WEIGHERS OF COAL AND MEASURERS OF WOOD AND BARK: Edmund H. Sears; Leon T. Hall; Smith R. Kelley; Benjamin F. Sears; Richard S. Hall. POUND KEEPERS: Alvin S. Taylor; Henry D. Robin- son ; Howard Sears; Thomas T. Kelley; Allen F. How- ard. MEASURERS OF GRAIN: Richard S. Hall; Frank B. Howes; Gilbert S. Kelley. FIELD DRIVERS: Alvin S. Taylor; Allen F. Howard; Thomas T. Kelley; Howard Sears; Henry D. Robinson. DUTCH ELM DISEASE COMMITTEE: Lester O'Neil; Freeman G. Thatcher; Nathan Crowell. TOWN FOREST COMMITTEE: Freeman G. Thacher; Nathan Crowell; Lester O'Neil. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Nathaniel H. Wixon, term expires 1943; William C. Kelley, term expires 1941; Joseph H. Sears, term expires 1941; Frank E. Howes, term expires 1942; George L. Knowles, term expires 1943.

*Resigned *Deceased -6- SELECTMEN'S REPORT

To the Citizens of Dennis: Your Board of Selectmen offer the following re- part for the year 1940 for your consideration. The Board organized on March 8, 1940 with the same officers as last year. The second and last Tuesdays were then voted as regular pay days and Monday and Thursday of each week as welfare days. Mrs. M. P. Dunford was appointed as office clerk and Assistant Assessor. Mrs. Mildred Whittemore was appointed wel- fare investigator and as a member of the Board of Old Age Assistance. The departmental reports are printed herewith and the State Auditor's report is appended. There has been no W. P. A. work in Dennis since last spring but we are now able to get a limited number of men on the road work at Bourne. We have been un- able to do any of the" sidewalk work planned in the Town Meeting. We have received food and clothing this year to the amount of $6,276.57. This is an increase of $2,123.01 over the previous yes,r and nearing the close of 1940 food seemed to be arriving in greater quantities than earlier in the year. Needless to say, this has been of great help and value, as the expense to the Town in connection with this work consists only of trucking charges and heat in the commodity storage and dis- tribution headquarters. Lack of W. P. A. work projects during the fall months of 1940 was more than offset by the demand for both skilled and unskilled workmen at Camp Ed- wards. This was of considerable financial value to the Town as it kept many able-bodied men off of relief. -7-

Public Welfare expenditures for the year are slightly more than for the year previous. This is due mostly to sickness and hospital cases, also the fact that chronic cases of illness that require continual care seem to be on the increase. At the present time we are boarding nine cases of Welfare and O. A. A. combined in convalescent homes and it may be interesting to know, that three of these convalescent homes that we patronize are not in Dennis but are located in neighbor- ing towns. The light cranberry crop was also a bad set back to the 1940 Welfare situation. That rather left it up to Camp Edwards and the shellfish industry to keep the working man on his own. In regard to the shellfish conditions, we call your attention to the report submitted by Mr. Gay,and Mr. Kelley as Shellfish Constabes for 1940. The figures- mentioned are correct or an excellent estimate, and show an excellent picture of the shellfish activities and conditions for the past year. We feel that particular emphasis should be given to two points brought out in this report, namely the contribution from the State, and the shortage of qua- hog seed. It is apparent that the State is willing to help towns that are showing interest and progress in their shellfish work. We have shown steady improve- ment for the last nine years and with our increased appropriations the State have increased their contribu- tions and support. Our employment of a full-time Shellfish Constable for this work has been highly ap- proved by the division of Marine Fisheries. From the best information we can get from the Shellfish Con- stable, inspectors from the State, and from the fisher- men, we are of the opinion that we face a shortage in our natural supply of quahog seed, and to continue cur usual program of seeding and closing certain areas it may be necessary to purchase seed quahogs in 1941. Mr. Gay and Mr. Kelley should be complimented for their interest and success in their work during this past year. Board of Health and Sanitation problems have caused very little troube. It is apparent that in the future the State Board of Health will be much closer to the Tourist Camp situations and will be of great help to the towns in keeping trouble at a minimum: Garbage disposal causes more headaches than any- thing else. We found it necessary to keep the Town Dump open Sundays for several weeks during the hot weather. Mr. Smith, the Dump Keeper, did good work; but in our opinion is very much underpaid. We recommend a substantial increase in the Sanitation Appropriation. Old Age Assistance and Aid to Dependent Chil- dren cases show very little change during the year. New cases have naturally been added but the loss through death, removed from town, and a few cases of employment have left the result at the end of 1940 about the same as the previous year. In regard to the Moth Appropriation, we have been warned by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce that the Dutch Elm Beetle is prevalent in the Cape towns, and that plans should be made to spray for this pest this year if the Elm trees are to be saved. This would mean an increase in our appropriation. After twenty five years of faithful service as a Town Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector, Mr. Benja- min F. Sears was elected Registrar of Deeds at the November election. His ability, knowledge and good fellowship will be greatly missed by Town Officials, and citizens in general. -9-

A testimonial banquet in recognition of Mr. Sears' services was tendered him at the Hyannis Inn late in December attended by Town Officials past and present, County officers and other friends, including the Hon- orable Henry F. Long, State Tax Commissioner, a per- sonal friend of Mr. Sears, and other officials of long^ standing'. Remarks by Mr. Long and others followed a real Hyannis Inn steak dinner and Mr. Sears can well be proud of this tribute paid him, for his long career as a Dennis official. In closing we wish to thank all the Town officials for their splendid cooperation during the year. Respectfully submitted, I. GRAFTON HOWES CLARENCE M. NICKERSON HENRY N. WIXON Selectmen of Dennis -10- JURY LIST 1941

Barbour, Albert L. Retired Ralph E. Hopkins Contractor Bradford, Emmons H. Carpenter Chapman, Gerard Farmer Chase, Russell F. Barber Dean, Louis E. Merchant Dickey, Frank C. Carpenter Eldredge, Frederick A. Carpenter Eldridge, Irving B. Laborer Eldridge, Willie C. Retired Ellis, Winfred C. Carpenter Embler, Frank M. Farmer Hall, Leon T. Merchant Hall, Stephen S. Farmer Handy, Aubrey S. Painter Howes, George M. Farmer Howes, Julius C. Clerk Kelley, William C. Salesman McHenry, John T. Merchant Monroe, James S. Electrician Nickerson, Norton H. Insurance Agent Rogers, Leon W. Painter Sears, Dean S. Clerk Sears, Everett Painter Sears, Joshua M. Merchant Thatcher, Willis E. Service Station Attendant Tracy, Howard B. Retired Wade, Arthur F. Retired Weinstock, Everett L. Mason Wigginton, Warren T. Carpenter Wixon, Charles P. Ice Dealer Whittemore, Edwin S. Painter 11

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To the Board of Selectmen:

I submit the following report for 1940:

Although the expenditures of the Board of Public Welfare was some less in the Fall, this amount was offset in the early Spring, by sickness in both Old Age and General Aid cases. My visits were 943; contact- ing Doctors, 46; Hospitals, 30; Drug Stores, 55; Con- valescent Homes, 36; Commodity Department, 24; Stores, 57.

My work necessitates going to lectures of which I have attended 5, in New. Bedford, Worcester, Boston and Hyannis. I have met with State visitors on 5 occasions, taken trips to various cities 11; court cases, 4; neighboring Town offices, 28; Con. School calls, 3; State Hospitals, 2; Pocasset Hospital, 3; Banks, 3; and Police Barracks, 3.

I am very grateful to the Board for their kind assistance during the past year.

MILDRED L. WHITTEMORE Investigator of Public Welfare -18-


In presenting our report for 1940, we wish to again call your attention to the assessors' maps which are partially completed. We had hoped to carry this work on this year in co-operation with a W. P. A. Project, but were unable to get any W. P. A. labor approved. We therefore returned to the treasury $379.77 which we had hoped to use. We are again asking an amount of $500.00 in our budget for the purpose of work on our assessors' maps. Real Estate Valuation ' $4,882,545.00 Tangible Personal Estate 452,535.00


Appropriations For Town Expenses $176,984.42 State Tax 11,360.00 Auditing Municipal Accounts 239.06 County Tax 14,430.64 State Tax Park Chap. 391 — 1931 132.47 Cape Cod Mosquito Control 1,719.57 Overlay for Current Year 6,116.18

$210,982.34 -19-

Estimated Receipts Estimated Received Income Tax $10,030.78 Motor Vehicle Tax 5,633.03 Licenses 934.50 Fines 55.00 Public Welfare Aid from other Towns 6,899.52 Accounts Receivable Old Age Assistance 12,146.09 Soldiers' Benefits 188.30 General Government 306.85 Reimbursement, State Owned Land 1.82 Gasoline Tax 9,981.34 Special Assessments 230.40 Protection of Persons and Property 119.61 Health and Sanitation 45.00 Highways 39.02 Schools 292.64 Recreation (Bath Houses) $1,073.25 Interest on Taxes and Assessments 1,655.41 Veterans' Exemptions 79.74 1939 Public Utility Taxes 416.53

$50,128.83 Over Estimates, 1939 State Parks and Reservation 18.73 Cape Cod Mosquito Control 91.48 Vote of Town Meeting Dec, '39 5,200.00 Vote of Town Meeting Mar. '40 3,674.04

Total Deductions $59,113.08 •20-

Net Amount Raised by Taxation on Property $150,449.26 710 Polls @ $2.00 1,420.00

Total Tax Listed on Collector's List $151,869.26 Total Valuation $5,335,080.00 Rate $28.20 Property Tax $150,449.26 Number of Male Polls Assessed 710 Number of Persons, Partnerships and Corporations Assessed on Personal Estate 87B Value of Assessed Personal Estate: Stock in Trade $ 56,675.00 Machinery 10,800.00 Live Stock 4,790.00 Tangible Personal Property 380,270.00

$452,535.00 Value of Assessed Real Estate: Buildings Exclusive of Land $3,937,055.00 Land Exclusive of Buildings 945,490.00


Total Valuation of Assessed Estate $5,335,080.00 Tax for State, County and Town purposes Including Overlayings On Personal Estate $ 12,761.49 On Real Estate 137,687.77 On Polls I-420-00

$151,869.26 ■21- Tax Rate for 1940—$28.20 Number of Horses Assessed 6 Number of Cows Assessed 48 Number of Fowl Assessed 3530 Number of Dwellings Assessed 2019 Number of Acres of Land Assessed 9547% Number of Cattle Other Than Cows 6 Population, 1940 2085

December Assessment Valuation of Real Estate $3,700.00 Valuation of Personal Estate 1,500.00

Total $5,200.00





Cash on Hand January 1, 1940 $9,626.05 GENERAL REVENUE Taxes 1936 $ 50.20 1937 169.78 1938 6,438.20 1939 27,812.32 1940 114,882.88 149,353.38 Tax Title Redemptions 2,181.16 Income Tax 10,056.84 Soldiersr Exemption 42.36 State Land Tax I-82 Corporation Taxes 846.95 Licenses: Auctioneers 4.00 Transient Vendors 90.00 Milk and Oleo. 22.50 Junk Collectors and Dealer 7-00 Lodging House 50.00 Common Victualler 90.00 Innholders 40.00 Special Boarding House 20.00 Sunday 65.00 Theatre 25.00 Second Hand Dealer 5.00 Garbage Collection 60.00 Sale of Firearms 2.00 Tourist Camps 210.00 Tourist Camps Board of Health 6.50 Pedlers 64.00 Tea Room 5.00 -23-

Eel Phyke Permits 4.00 Pistol Permits 8.00 Weir Permits 40.00 Denatured Alcohol 1.00 Intelligence Office 2.00 Sandwich License 5.00 Sign Permits 5.50 Shellfish Permits 22.00 Cess Pool Cleaning Permits 8.00 861.50 Court Fines 110.00 110.00 U. S. Grant Old Age Assistance 18,200.49 U. S. Grant Old Age Assistance Adm. 606.63 U. S. Grant Aid De- pendent Children 950.33 U. S. Grant Aid De- pendent Children Adm. 22.63 19,780.08 County Dog Fund 379.04 379.04 Moth Tax 1937 1.00 1938 2.00 1939 45.25 1940 243.00 291.25 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax: 1937 42.55 1938 23.31 1939 117.25 1940 6,477.10 6,660.21

DEPARTMENTAL ]REVENUE Selectmen's 51.50 Treasurer 2.25 Town Clerk 237.45 Fire Dept. 5.25 Sealer's Fees 63.17 -24-

Health T. B. Subsidy 409.80 Highways Road Mach. Receipts 1,720.75 Chap. 81 Work 12,350.86 Chap. 90 Work 1,499.86 Sale of Truck 424.49 Chap. 232 Acts 1939 Gas Tax 9,981.34 Gas Tax Refund Mach. 21.41 Sales of Brick 74.45 Departmental Refunds 455.64 27,298.28 Reimbursements for Relief: From State 2,855.30 From Cities and Towns 2,497.65 From Individuals 80.66 Aid to Dependent Children: From State 1,719.50 Old Age Assistance: From State 16,826.49 From Cities and Towns 688.52 24,668.12 State Aid 50.00 50.00 Soldiers' Relief 446.42 Schools: Tuition of State Wards 223.27 Tuition of Boston Wards 417.63 Sale of Materials and Tel. Tolls 44.38 Vocational Education 5.85 Insurance Rebates 136.01 827.14 Bath House Rentals 1,037.75 Bath House Sale 10.00 1,047.75 Interest on Taxes 1,559.39 -25-

Interest on Tax Titles 173.91 Interest on Judgment 76.82 1,810.12 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS Temporary Loans 33,500.00 33,500.00

AGENCY, TRUST AND INVESTMENTS Caleb Chase Trust Fund Income 100.00 Cemetery Trust Funds Income 133.00 Paddock Trust Fund Income 15.11 Cemetery Trust Fund Bequest 100.00 Samuel J. Robbins Trust Fund Bequest 1,994.97 Checks Charged Off 21.85 Dog Fund for County 340.80 Unidentified Cash 36.61 Refund of Motor Vehicle Excise 10.62 2,752.96 282,965.38

Total of Cash Balance and Receipts $292,591.43

PAYMENTS General Government MODERATOR Appropriation $20.00 William H. McLin $20.00 SELECTMEN'S DEPARTMENT Appropriation $4,625.00 Bates, John E.—Supplies 7.05 Bayles, C. W., P. M.—Postage 32.16 Cape Cod Standard Times— -26-

Printing 9-75 Chase, Benjamin P.—Surveying 219.07 Crowell, Hollis— Delivering town reports 4.00 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary 145.82 Goss Print, The—Printing 79.00 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies 29.17 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 20.36 Howes, I. Grafton Salary 1,150.00 Telephone, postage, travel 73.20 Kelley, Braddock N.— Posting Warrants 25.00 Kelley, Otis E.—Painting signs 15.40 Lessard, Victor J. 5.00 Moran, James A.—Supplies 1.25 Nemasket Transportation Co., Inc. —Express 3.65 Newcomb, Dorothy T.—Salary 280.00 Nickerson, Clarence M. Salary 1,100.00 Telephone, postage, travel 13.41 Nickerson, Norton H.— Delivering town reports 3.00 Nickerson, W. T.—Labor 2.00 Thorp '& Martin—Supplies 2.81 Traffic & Road Equipment Co. —Supplies 107.70 Walker, Harry P.—Labor 4.00 Walker, Joseph P.— Delivering town reports 5.00 Wiley, M. W.—Dues 6.00 Wixon, Charles P.— Delivering town reports 5.00 Wixon, Henry N. Salary 1,100.00 Telephone, postage, travel 29.44 -27-

Wright & Potter Printing Co.— Printing 1.10 Yarmouth Register, The—Printing 21.75 To Revenue Account 123.91

$4,625.00 AUDITING DEPARTMENT Appropriation $40.00 Crowell, Joshua $ 6.50 Ellis, Brant D. 13.00 Monroe, Rebecca B. 13.00 To Revenue Account 7.50

$40.00 TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT Appropriation $3,900.00 Transferred to Assessors' Dept. 20.00 Refunds ; .25 Barnstable Register of Deeds $ 5.00 Bayles, C. W., P. M.—Postage 243.82 Cash, Elaine S.—Salary 156.00 Chase, Clarence M.—Bond 10.00 Coleman, Nathaniel P., Register 1.00 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary 413.36 First Nat'l. Bank of Yarmouth —Safe 63.76 Goss Print, The—Printing 14.50 Grace Company, J. W.—Bond 333.00 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 10.00 Howes, Mrs. Elmer W.—Insurance 52.95 La Fond, A. W. & Co.—Tax Bills 88.01 Land Court, The— Tax Title Expense 153.50 Mass., Comm. of—Supplies 4'0.03 Mass. Envelope Co.—Envelopes 9.85 Megansett Shores Corp.— -28-

Adding Machine 157.50 Moran, James A.—Supplies 2.00 Nemasket Trans. Co., Inc.— Express -50 O'Neil, Lester—Officer's Fee 2.00 Sears, Benj. F. Salary 2,000.00 Telephone, postage, travel 103.65 Thorp & Martin—Supplies 1.70 United States Guarantee Co.— Bond 17-00 To Revenue Account 41.12


ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT Appropriation $1,150.00 Asso. of Mass. Assessors—Dues $ 3.00 Barns. Co. Assessors' Asso.— Dues 3-00 Barns. County Typewriter Exchange—Repairs 10.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co.— Repairs 25.60 Chase, Shirley B.—Abstracts 218.23 Groom, Thomas & Co., Inc.— Printing 24.25 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 34.42 Howes, I. Grafton—Postage, travel 87.00 Land Court—Plans 6.60 Newcomb, Dorothy T.—Salary 293.80 Nickerson, Clarence M.— Postage, travel 7-05 Nickerson, Norton H.— Listing dogs 2.00 Robinson Seal Co., Inc. 4.64 -29-

Sears, Benj F., Treas.— Postage 2.13 Thatcher, Donald—Listing dogs 2.00 Wixon, Henry N.—Postage, travel 26.51 Transferred from Treas. Dept. 20.00 To Revenue Account 379.77

$1,150.00 FINANCE ACCOUNT Appropriation $20.00 Waddell, Theodore N., Director 10.00 Certification of Notes To Revenue Account 10.00

$20.00 FINANCE COMMITTEE EXPENSE Appropriation $30.00 Howes, Frank E.— Auto hire, telephone, rental room, dinner 19.00 To Revenue Account 11.00

$30.00 LAW DEPARTMENT Appropriation $500.00 Paine, Charles C. 331.60 To Revenue Account 168.40

$500.00 TOWN CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Appropriation $500.00 Bartlett, Herbert K., Treas.— Dues $ 2.00 Goss Print, The—Printing 6.50 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 20.02 Meserve, H. M. & Co.—Supplies 4.50 -30-

Robinson Seal Co., Inc.—Supplies 4.14 Sears, Benjamin F. Salary- 400.00 Postage 14.80 Wixon, Henry N.—Bond 5.00 To Revenue Account 43.04

$500.00 PLANNING BOARD Appropriation $100.00 To Revenue Account $100.00 ELECTION AND REGISTRATION Appropriation $1,200.00 Transfer from Reserve Ace. 35.00 Clough, Edward N.— Transportation booths $ 1-00 Davol Printing House, The— Printing 86.00 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary 15.00 Goodspeed, C. L., Treas— Rent of hall 12.00 Goss, F. B. & F. P.—Printing 227.75

$341.75 Nickerson, Joseph L.— Transportation booths $ 4.00 Robinson Seal Co., Inc. 18.74 Sears, Benjamin P., Treas.— Postage 3.77 Transportation boxes 16.00 Treas. Totten Hall—Rent of hall 10.00 Treas. V. I. C. Hall—Rent of hall 18.00 Treas. Worden Hall—Rent of hall 12.00 Wixon, C. P.—Transportation boxes 4.00 Wright & Potter Printing Co.— Printing 60-85 -31-

,Yarmouth Register, The—Printing 2.25 Registrars Crowell, Nathan 66.00 McHenry, William J. 118.00 Shea, Joseph A. 87.00 Election Officers Babineau, Dominique 18.00 Baker, Judah W. 16.00 Barker, Gordon A. 4.00 Barnes, Ernest N. 22.00 Bassett, Alden 4.50 Bearse, Edgar, Jr. 4.00 Bitter, C. Vansant 4.50 Canfield, Alice J. 18.00 Chapman, Gerard 18.00 Eldridge, Evelyn M. 9.00 Eldridge, Frederick A. 18.00 Gill, Forrest 4.00 Gilbert, Cora M. 18.00 Hall, Stephen S. 13.50 Howes, George M. 9.00 Johnson, Norman F. 9.00 Kelley, Thomas T. 8.00 Kelley, William R. 22.00 Kelley, Winfred R. 14.50 Kendrick, Benjamin F. 16.00 Lord, William H. 4.00 McDowell, George 13.50 McLaughlin, John F. 11.00 Newkirk, John M. 4.50 Nickerson, Mary A. 4.50 Nordin, Percy A. 4.50 O'Neil, Lester 8.00 Perry, Laurence 11.00 Phillips/Richard E. B. 13.50 Phillips, U. Grant 22.50 Rpbie, Ethel M. 18.00 -32-

Sears, Edmund H. 13.50 Sears, Howard 16.00 Sears, Howard B. 18.00 Sears, Joshua M. 18.00 Thatcher, Willis E. 4.50 Whelden, Anna E. 9.00 Woodbury, Jesse D. 16,50 To Revenue Account 12.64 $1,235.00 FLAG POLE APPROPRIATION Appropriation $60.00 Baker, Willis—Pole $40.00 Reformatory for Women—Flag 5.60 To Revenue Account 14.40

$60.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Appropriation ^800.00 Refunds 6.06 Baxter's Express Corp.—Express $ 2.92 Cahoon, Joseph E.— Janitor Service 12.00 Cape & Vineyard Elec. Co.— Electricity 47.94 Clark, G. Carlton—Insurance 17.70 Collins, Franklin F.—Insurance 45.45 Corry-Jamestown Mfg. Corp.— Supplies 9.18 Dennisport Pharmacy—Supplies 1.38 Emery, Frank—Mowing grass 3.00 Grace, JT"W. Co.—Insurance 16.00 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies 183.29 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 10.80 Hudon, Arthur J.—Repairs 15.00 Kelley, Louis O.—Labor 34.50 -33-

LeVin, S. M. Company—Supplies 40.00 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co.—Telephone 78.82 Pickering, S. M.—Fuel 7.71 Sears, Benjamin F., Treas.— Postage .28 Suburban Gas Corp.—Gas 200.00 Thacher, Fredson—Labor 2.75 To Revenue Account 77.34


Protection of Persons and Property POLICE DEPARTMENT Appropriation $2,200.00 Transfer from Reserve 250.00 Baker, Brownell, E., Jr. $ 3.00 Barnstable, Town of .45 Chase, Lawrence D. 188.14 Gill, Henry F., Jr. 3.00 Hall, Emulous E. 7.50 Harriman, Fred L. 3.00 Kelley, Thomas T. 302.67 Kendrick, Benjamin F. 805.81 Lord, William H.—Dog Officer 20.00 Merchant, Isaac J. 197.14 O'Brien, Mabel F.—Matron 5.00 O'Neil, Lester 400.88 Sears, Howard B. 3.00 Sears, Mervin H. 379.34 Smith, Nathan 6.30 Thacher, William Fredson 3.00 Yarmouth Register, The 26.25 Walker, Harry P. 5.50 To Revenue Account 90.02

$2,450.00 - 34-

FIRE DEPARTMENT Appropriation $2'^n'nn Transfer from Reserve „ „" Refunds 3.20 Boston Coupling Co.—Equipment $439.80 Brown & Brown, Inc.—Repairs 31.69 Canfield, John—Insurance 237.60 Cape & Vineyard Elec. Co.— Electricity 151.26 Clough, Edward N.—Supplies, telephone 31.55 Dennis Garage—Gas, oil 28.51 Dennisport Pharmacy—Supplies 2.33 Dumican, F. A.—Repairs 96.47 Emerson & Company—Supplies 3.10 Goodspeed, C. L.—Supplies 1-85 Hall, Est. of Leon W.— Fuel and supplies 142.83 Hall, Richard S.—Siren 25.00 Hamblin's Garage—Repairs 4.60 Hardy, C. B.—Equipment 110.00 Harriman, F. M.—Repairs 1-00 Keander, A. F. L.—Gas, oil 7.77 Knowlton, K. A.—Pump 430.00 McCarthy Co., Justin A.— Equipment 30.30 Murray's Service Station—• Gas, oil 78-01 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co.—Telephone 78.40 O'Dwyer, James P.—Gas 1-44 Pickering, S. M.—Supplies -54 Pickering's Garage—Gas, repairs 5.89 Postman, A. L.—Equipment 12.99 Ray Hall's Service Station- Repairs, oil 14.94 Robertson Auto-Service, Inc.— Repairs 5.90 - 35-

Rockland Trans. Co.—Express .75 Sears, Dean S.—Supplies 2.00 West Dennis Garage—Gas 3.39 Firemen Babineau, Leo .50 Bacon, Paul D. 15.30 Baker, Brownell E., Jr. 26.77 Barker, Gordon 5.90 Bassett, Alden L. 29.70 Bayles, Clarence W. 31.20 Bearse, Edgar 20.60 Braddock, Raymond 29.15 Bryant, William 4.00 Cahoon, Marshall 4.90 Chapman, Gerard .50 Chase, Laurence 2.00 Chick, Leslie M. 38.30 Clough, Edward N.—Warden 93.05 Crowell, Albert H. 15.20 Crowell, Douglas .50 Crowell, Joshua 5.75 Cummings, Robert .50 Derick, James 5.90 Dixon, Fred S. 21.70 Dunford, Edward J. 3.00 Eaton, Wesley 4.90 Eldridge, Nathan D. 13.50 Ellis, Archie R. 21.90 Ellis, Brant D. 7.40 Embler, Frank M. 5.10 Estes, A. Lincoln 1.00 Fraher, John E. 3.80 Gay, Donald .50 Gay, Horace F. 33.82 Gill, Henry F., Jr. 17.50 Hall, Richard S. 1.00 Hall, Richard S.—Warden 6.95 -36-

Hall, Roland M. 11.00 Hall, Willard A. 28.80 Hallett, Norman 1.00 Horton, Robert .50 Howes, Anson H. 19.60 Howes, Everett .50 Howes, James E. 13.20 Howes, Thomas S. 2.00 Johnson, Norman F. 8.10 Kelley, Louis 0. 30.20 Kelley, Thomas T. 16.30 Kendrick, Charles .50 Kendrick, Charles, Jr. .50 Kendrick, Simon .50 Kimball, Forrest 1.00 Monroe, J. Sterling 17.40 Mosman, Clifton 14.00 Murray, 0. Thomas 11.40 Place, H. Stanley 5.90 Ryder, Stuart .50 Robbins, Linwood .50 Sears, Alton .50 Sears, Arthur 17.35 Sears, Mervin 17.10 Snow, Lathiel .50 Sylver, Norman 2.00 Tarr, Ralph .50 Walker, Joseph P. 9.40 . Weinstock, Everett 30.10 White, James .50 Whittemore, Dana .50 To Revenue Account 39.65 $2,753.20 INSPECTION OF WIRES Appropriation $400.00 Baxter, A. C. $400.00 -37- SEALER'S DEPT. Appropriation $250.00 Gurley, W. and L. E.~Supplies $ 13.70 Phillips, U. Grant—Sealer 225.00 To Revenue Account 11.30

$250.00 TREE WARDEN Appropriation $100.00 Ellis, George B. 71.25 Perry, Arthur 26.75 Sears, Bartlett 1.00 Sears, Sylvanus 1.00

$100.00 MOTH DEPARTMENT Appropriation $2,500.00 Refunds 51.00 Transfer to W. P. A. Account 291.80 Baker, Alton J.—Labor 24.00 Cahoon, Ralph—Labor 35.15 Cahoon, Winthrop—Labor 61.91 Chase, Frank B.—Labor 34.00 Chase, Melvin—Labor 4.11 Chase, Russell—Labor 14.06 Coffin & Garfield—Gas 6.59 Doane, Henry L.—Labor 6.00 Dunagan, Jefferson L.—Labor 24.38 Eaton, Harry—Labor 46.99 Eldridge, William W., Jr.—Labor 50.50 Ellis, George B.— Labor and Truck 1,485.50 Fitzhenry-Guptill Co.— Equipment 2.98 Gill, Herbert—Labor 148.75 Goss Print, The—Printing 15.00 Gray, George D.—Labor 8.14 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—-Supplies 1.02 Howes, Grafton E.—Labor 93.00 Huggins, James & Son—Creosote 29.16 Kelley, Benjamin F.—Labor 36.50 Kelley, C. E.—Labor 68.25 Kendrick, Simon—Labor 16.00 Murray's Service Station—Gas 26.17 Nemasket Trans. Co., Inc.— Express 3,'° Perry, Arthur F.—Labor 117.64 Rogers, Edwin—Labor 57.00 Rogers, Harold—Labor 32.50 Sears, Bartlett—Labor 102.50 Sears, David—Labor 14-80 Sears, Dean S.—Labor 124.50 Sears, Howard B.—Labor 18.50 Sears, Sylvanus—Labor 2.59 Snow, Buster—Labor 8-°0 Walker, Harry P.—Labor 121.49 To Revenue Account !-34 $2,842.80 FOREST FIRE DEPARTMENT Appropriation. ,. $300.00T Transfer from Reserve Fund 25.00 Firemen: Bacon, Paul $ 1-00 Baker, A. Collins 2.00 Baker, Brownell 3-°0 Baker, Warren 2.00 Bassett, Alden 12-80 Bayles, C. W. 7-80 Bearse, Edgar 8-30 Bradbury, P. B. -50 Braddock, Raymond 8.30 -39-

Brison, Rolland, Jr. 1.00 Bryant, William 1.00 Cahoon, Marshall 1.50 Cash, Gerald 0. 2.00 Cahoon, Stuart 1.00 Cash, Steven 2.00 Chalke, Grandville 2.00 Chase, Arthur 1.50 Chase, Lawrence 4.00 Chase, Warren, Jr. 1.00 Clark, Gordon, Jr. 1.00 Cotell, Carl 2.00 Crowell, Albert 8.10 Crowell, Joshua 3.40 Derick, James 3.30 Dixon, Fred 11.40 Drew, Carl 1.00 Dunagan, Jefferson 3.75 Eldridge, George F. 1.50 Eldridge, Nathan 2.00 Eldridge, Sam 1.00 Elland, Herbert 1.75 Ellis, Archie 6.10 Ellis, Brant D. 5.40 Ellis, Charles 1.50 Ellis, Clifton W. 2.00 Ellis, Harold 1.00 Ellis, Lawrence 1.50 Ellis, Raymond 1.75 Emerick, Wilfred 1.00 Gardener, Lawrence 1.50 Gay, Donald 3.70 Gay, Horace 3.50 Gill, Henry F., Jr. 9.80 Gray, Charles 1.00 Hall, Roland 4.00 Hall, Willard 4.00 -40-

Hallett, Harold E. 2.00 Hallett, Herton R. 2.00 Hallett, Norman " 8.20 Harriman, Fred 1-75 Harris, John E. 2.00 Homer, Gorham 2.00 Howes, Anson 4.80 Howes, Everett 4.00 Howes, James 4.40 Howes, T. Sherburne 2.20 Hunter, Lester 1-50 Ireland, Frank -50 Johnson, Norman 1-00 Kelley, Louis O. 4.80 Kelley, Thomas 1-75 Keveney, William 2.00 Kimball, Forest 2.00 King, Thomas 1-75 Langton, Thomas 3.75 Lesser, Edward 1-00 Long, Harry I-00 Maloney, Cyril 1-00 Marshall, William M. 2.00 Monroe, Sterling 7.30 Morgan, Vernon 2.00 Morgan, William 2.00 Mosman, Clifton 14.30 Murray, O. Thomas 7.80 - Nickerson, Norton A. 2.00 .Nickerson, Thornton 2.00 Nickerson, William F. 2.00 Nickerson, Winfield -50 O'Neil, Bernard I-50 O'Neil, Whitney 1-50 Perry, Bernard 1-^ Perry, Eugene I-50 Perry, Manuel I-50 -41-

Phillips, Arthur 1,50 Place, Stanley 6,30 Romer, Walter 2.00 Sears, Arthur 9.30 Sears, Frank T. 1.50 Sears, John G. 2.00 Sears, Mervin 3.80 Shiverick, Paul 1.75 Studley, Gilbert 2.00 Studley, Oliver 2.00 Studley, Harvey 2.00 Swezey, Edward 1.00 Sylver, Dick 1.00 Taylor, Charles 1.50 Thacher, Fredson 2.00 Thacher, Ira R. 5.00 Walker, Joseph 3.80 Weinstock, Everett 12.10 White, Carl 2.00 Whittemore, Dana 1.50 Whittemore, Stacy 1.00 Wixon, Paul 1.50 To Revenue Account 3.45

$325.00 SHELLFISH Appropriation $1,800.00 Balance, January 1, 1941 246.52 Propagation: Bemis, David $ 9.50 Brierly, Thomas 3.50 Cahoon, Clifford 56.25 Cahoon, Ralph M. 56.25 Cahoon, Winthrop 1.25 Chase, Clarence L. 5.50 Crowell, Hollis 49.50 Crowell, William H. 54.00 - 42- Gray, Carlton 18.00 Harriman, Forrest 18.50 Hall, Harry 10-00 Howes, James 2.50 Kelley, Benjamin 32.00 King, Thomas 9-°° King, William 18-50 King, William, Jr. 14.50 McKenzie, Charles R. 56.25 Munson, John 50.00 Shiverick, Obed 8.00 Sylver, Richard 2.00 West, Charles 56.25 West, Harold 6.50 West, Harry 56.25 Whittemore, Robert 13-00 Whittemore, Stacey 2.00 Protection: Cahoon, Ralph F. -50 Gay, Horace F. 1,011.66 Kelley, Thomas T. 106.67 General: Dennis Garage—Gas H-86 Howes, I. Grafton—Supplies -50 JNTickerson, Clarence M.— Supplies -80 Ray Hall Service Station— Gas, oil 2.55 Sears, B. G.—Supplies -56 Shaw, M. P., Jr.—Supplies 1.20 West Dennis Garage— Gas, oil, repairs 6.56 Yarmouth Register, The— Printing 31.50 Open Balance 263.16

$2,046.52 - 43-

FISH AND GAME CONSERVATION Appropriation $200.00 Hall, Est. of Leon W. $ 25.00 Smith, Robert H. 160.00 Taylor, Leon 15.00

$200.00 Health and Sanitation HEALTH DEPARTMENT Appropriation $900.00 Transfer from Reserve Fund 250.00 Refund 16.90 Barnstable County Sanatorium— Board 789.10 Bearse, Edgar, Jr., Burying animal 1.00 Brierly, Thomas—Labor 2.50 Campbell, James A.— Burying animal 1.00 Cape Cod Hospital—Board 18.00 Cape Cod Standard-Times— Printing 30.64 Crowell, William H.-—Labor 2.00 Gill, Henry F., Jr.— Burying animal .50 Goss Print, The—Printing 8.00 Gray, Carlton—Labor 5.00 Howes, Clarence H.— Burying whale 6.00 Howes, Frank E.— Inspecting slaughtering 3.00 Howes, I. Grafton—Travel expense ! 3.00 Kelley, W. H.—Inspecting animals 21.00 Lord, William H.—Dog cases 28.00 Metcalf, Richard, M. D.— Medical 95.33 National Drug Company, The— Supplies 8.74 ■ 44-

Ray Hall Service Station—Gas 1.85 Sears, Ernest—Burying animal .35 Sylver, Leon—Labor 2.00 Wixon, Henry N.—Expenses 5.50 To Revenue Account 134.39

$1,166.90 PUBLIC NURSING Appropriation $300.00 District Nursing Association $200.00 Kenney, Ralph, D. M. D.— Dental clinic 100.00

$300.00 SANITATION Appropriation $800.00 Clough, Edward—Labor $ 3.60 Ellis, Archie—Labor 2.40 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies .50 Howes, Clarence H.—Labor 29.50 Lopes, Casemero—Labor 14.00 Mosman, Clifton—Labor 2.40 Sears, B. G.—Supplies 1.15 Smith, T. F.—Salary Keeper 720.00 Thacher, William Fredson—Labor 20.00 To Revenue Account 6.45

$800.00 Highways HIGHWAYS—GENERAL Appropriation $3,000.00 Refunds 112.44 Aylmer, Henry—16 hrs. @ $.50 $ 8.00 Baker, Brownell E., Jr.—Gas .60 Baker, W. E.—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Baribeault, Norman—Wood 35.00 -45-

Barnes, Ernest—50 hrs. @ $.62 % 31.25 Bates Hardware—Supplies 2.75 Bates, John E.—Supplies 7.33 Baxter's Express Corp.—Express 1.15 Brierley, Thomas— 7 hrs. @ $.62y2 4.37 Cahoon, Clifford—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Cahoon, Everett—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Cahoon, Herbert—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Cahoon, Winthrop—36 hrs. @ $.50 18.00 Chapman, Gerard—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Chase, Russell—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Connolly, Joseph—Sand 5.95 Cranberry Canners, Inc.—Tools 7.40 Crowell, Albert H.— 30 hrs. @ $1.50 45.00 Bulldozer—9 hrs. @ $4.37 39.33 Crowell, Edward E. Salary 435.02 Truck 276.00 Telephone 3,00 Rock 14.00 Crowell, Hollis—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Crowell, Shirley—Ashes 1.00 Crowell, William—Sand 86.00 Davis, Charles—Equipment 5.00 Dunagan, Jefferson L.— 12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Dunn, John—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Dyar Sales & Machinery Co.— Equipment 12.00 Eldridge, Allen—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Eldridge, William—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Ellis, Albert—7 hrs. @ $.50 3.50 Ellis, Russell D.— 162 hrs. @ $.621/2 101.25 Flaherty, Charles F.—Oil .24 -46-

Foley, Charles M.—Sand 9.00 Folger, Lawrence S., Jr.—Supplies 5.00 Gannon, Edward—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Gill, Harry—Sand 2-00 Goodspeed, C. L.—Supplies 1-88 Gott, Howard—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Gray, George—31 hrs. @ $.50 15.50 Greenleaf, Josiah—43 hrs. @ $.50 21.50 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies 165.75 Hall, John—Labor 4-00 Hall, Steve—43 hrs. @ $.50 21.50 Hedge & Mattheis Co.—Supplies 16.40 Hefler, Joseph—6 hrs. @ $2.00 12.00 Hinckley, John & Son Co.— Supplies ^•°" Howes, Clarence H.— 12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Howes, Frank B.—Sand 19.00 Howes, Mrs. Harvey—Rock 3.00 Howes, James—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Howes, Russell—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Jones, William A.—Materials 91.50 Kelley, Aaron—36 hrs. @ $.50 18.00 King, Thomas—19 hrs. @ $.50 9.50 Laurence, F. V.—Materials 26.51 Leighton, Amos—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 MeCormick, James— 21 hrs. @ $.50 10.50 Monroe, Sterling—10 hrs. @ $.50 5.00 Monteiro, Joseph— 70y2 hrs. @ $.50 35.25 Nemasket Transportation Co.— Express -ou Nickerson, Eddie—43 hrs. @ $.50 21.50 Nickerson, John—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 O'Dwyer, James P.—Gas -33 Olson, Ernest—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 -47-

Perry, Joseph—44 hrs. @ $.50 22.00 Perry, Sam.—51/0 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Phillips, Nathan—8 hrs. @ $1.50 4.00 Pickering's Garage—Kerosene .20 Pickering, Lorenzo— 8 hrs. @ $1.50 12.00 Pina, Ceasar—120 hrs. @ $.50 60.00 Place, Stanley—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Robbins, Linwood—6 hrs. @ $1.50 9.00 Rogers, Clarence—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Rogers, Edwin—35 hrs. @ $.50 17.50 Rogers, Harold—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 Sears, Benjamin F.—Express .93 Sears, David—33 hrs. @ $.50 16.50 Sears, Dean S.—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Sears, Freeman—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Sears, Howard B.—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Sears, Howard B.—Rock 4.00 Sears, Mervin H.—

83 hrs. @ $.621/2 49.87 Senter, Frank—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 Shiverick, Obed H.—Sand 16.20 Silva, Augustus—5*4 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Silva, Jack—103 hrs. @ $.50 51.50 Smith, Antone—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Smith, Charles M.—Supplies 35.85 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc.-— Supplies 635.75 Stalker, Donald—Sand 33.90 Stringer, Francis—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Sylver, Leon—43 hrs. @ $.50 21.50 Sylver, Richard—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Taylor, Zenas—173 hrs. @ $.50 86.50 Town Tractor—6 hrs. @ $1.25 7.50 (Refunded) Town Truck—175 hrs. @ $.75 34.62 (Refunded) Vincent, Irving—3 hrs. @ $.50 1.50 Walker, Stanley—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 -48-

West, Charles—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 West Dennis Garage—Kerosene .12 West, Harry—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Whittemore, Earl—91 hrs. @ $.50 45.50 Wixon, Orin—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 To Revenue Account 9.94 $3,112.44 HIGHWAYS—CHAPTER 81 Appropriation ^'olnnn State Allotment ll,8bu.uu Refunds 10-78 Baker, Brownell— 107 hrs. @ $.50 $ 53.50 Baribeault, Norman—Labor 2.00 Wood 3.50 Truck 345.00 Barnes, Ernest—32 hrs. @ $.62^ 20.00 24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Barrett Company, The—Tarvia 539.10 Bassett, Oliver—80 hrs. @ $.50 40.00 Bemis, David—112 hrs. @ $.50 56.00 Brierly, Thomas— 181 hrs. @ $.50 90.50 334 hrs. @ $.621/2 208-75 Brough, Thomas—42 hrs. @ $.50 21.00 Byrne, Louis A.— Grader—7 hrs. @ $2.20 15.40 Mixer—7 hrs. @ $5.00 35.00 Roller—16l/2 hrs. @ $2.75 45.38 Transportation of roller and grader 13.52 Cahoon, Everett— 183 hrs. @ $1.50 274.50 2 hrs. @ $.50 I-00 Cahoon, Herbert—104 hrs. @ $.50 52.00 Cahoon, Marshall—36 hrs. @ $.50 18.00 -49- Cahoon, Sherwood— 182 hrs. @ $.50 91.00 Cahoon, Winthrop— 140 hrs. @ $.50 70.00 Canfield, John—184 hrs. @ $.50 92.00 Carter & Young—Repairs 5.71 Chapman, Gerard— 222% hrs. @ $.50 111.25 Chase, Isaiah—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Chase, M'elvin—41 hrs. @ $.50 20.50 Chase, Russell—60 hrs. @ $.50 30.00 Clough, Edward—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Cotell, Walter—74 hrs. @ $.50 37.00 Cranberry Canners Inc.—Wood 16.85 Crowell, Albert— 44 hrs. @ $1.50—Truck 66.00 Crowell, Edward E.— Truck—-10771/2 hrs. @ $2 2,155.00 Truck—202 hrs. @ $1.50 303.00 Mower—186 hrs. @ $.75 139.52 Crowell, Edward E.— Salary—9931/2 hrs. 620.95 Crowell, Hollis—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Crowell, William—88 hrs. @ $.50 44.00 Davis, Benjamin—83 hrs. @ $.50 41.50 Deal, Morris—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Dearborn, Bernard— 54 hrs. @ $.50 , 27.00 Dearborn, Leslie—46 hrs. @ $.50 23.00 Doane, Carlton—72 hrs. @ $.50 36.00 Dunagan, Jefferson— 1441/2 hrs. @ $.50 72.25 Dunn, John—84 hrs. @ $.50 42.00 Eaton, Earl—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 Eldredge, Allen— IO6I/2 hrs. @ $.50 53.25 Elland, Herbert—92 hrs. @ $.50 46.00 -50-

Elland, John—137 hrs. @ $.50 68.50 Ellis, Allie—89 hrs. @ $.50 44.50 Ellis, Russell— 10221/2 hrs. @ $.62i/2 639.06 Emery, Frank—68 hrs. @ $.50 34.00 Fenn, Herbert—164 hrs. @ $.50 82.00 Foley, Charles—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Gannon, Edward—84 hrs. @ $.50 42.00 Gibbs, Francis—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 Gray, Carlton—148 hrs. @ $.50 74.00 Gray, George—281 hrs. @ $.50 140.50 Greenleaf, Alvin—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Greenleaf, Josiah—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Hall, Harry—108 hrs. @ $.50 54.00 Hall, Est. Leon W.—Supplies 35.42 Hall, Steve—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Hallett, Arthur— 1491/2 hrs. @ $1.50 224.25 Harriman, Fred—184 hrs. @ $.50 92.00 Hefler, Joseph R.— 215 hrs. @ $2.00 430.00 26 hrs. @ $1.50 39.00 Howes, Clarence—144 hrs. @ $.50 72.00 Howes, James—21 hrs. @ $.50 10.50 Howes, Joseph—37 hrs. @ $.50 18.50 Howes, Julius—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Howes, Morton—118 hrs. @ $.50 59.00 Howes, Frank B.—194 hrs. @ $.50 97.00 Howes, Russell—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Jones, William A.—Supplies 26.00 Kelley, Aaron— 356V2 hrs. @ $.50 178.25 Kelley, Benjamin S.— 147 hrs. @ $.50 73.50 Kelley, Harry—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 Kelley, Howard—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Kelley, John—28 hrs. @ $.50 14.00 -51-

Kelley, Louis O.—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Kelley, Otis—28 hrs. @ $.50 14.00 Kendrick, Donald—44 hrs. @ $.50 22.00 Kendrick, Elmer—7 hrs. @ $.50 3.50 King, Thomas—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 King, William—154i/2 hrs. @ $.50 77.25 Lane, David—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Langdon, Thomas—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Lapham, Stanley—144 hrs. @ $.50 72.00 Leighton, Amos—64 hrs. @ $.50 32.00 Long, Harry—128 hrs. @ $.50 64.00 Linnell, William—28 hrs. @ $.50 14.00 Long, Joseph—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Lopes, Casey—60 hrs. @ $.50 30.00 Martin, Charles—236 hrs. @ $.50 128.00 McDowell, George— 76 hrs. @ $.50 38.00 McCormick, James— 252 hrs. @ $.50 126.00 Merchant, Isaac Jr.— 16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Merchant, Isaac Sr.— 24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Monteiro, Joseph— 2181/2 hrs. @ $.50 109.25 Monteiro, Mike—161 hrs. @ $.50 80.50 Nemasket Transportation Co.— Express 7,39 New England Metal Culvert Co. Supplies 239.95 Nickerson, Eddie—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Nickerson, John—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Olson, Ernest—127 hrs. @ $.50 63.50 Perry, Joseph—85 hrs. @ $.50 42.50 Perry, Sam.—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Phillips, Arthur—88 hrs. @ $.50 44.00 Phillips, Nathan—125 hrs. @ $.50 62.50 -52-

Pickering, Lorenzo— 24 hrs. @ $1.50 36.00 Pina, Ceasar—955i/2 hrs. @ $.50 477.75 Pina, Joseph—140 hrs. @ $.50 70.00 16 hrs. @ $.62i/2 10.00 Place, Stanley—168 hrs. @ $.50 84.00 Raczkowski, Julius— 4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 16 hrs. @ $1.50 24.00 Robbins, Linwood— 159 hrs. @ $1-50 238.50 Rodoalph, John—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Rogers, Clarence— 1021/2 hrs. @ $.50 51.25 Rogers, Eddie—23 hrs. @ $.50 11.50 Rogers, Harold— 2931/, hrs. @ $.50 146.75 Sears, David—197 hrs. @ $.50 98.50 Sears, Dean S.—144 hrs. @ $.50 72.00 Sears, E. Howard—80 hrs. @ $.50 40.00 Sears, Freeman—205 hrs. @ $.50 102.50 Sears, Irving—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Sears, Mervin—420 hrs. @ $.621/2 262.50 149V2 hrs. @ $.50 74.75 Sears, Morton—44 hrs. @ $.50 22.00 Senter, Frank—63 hrs. @ $.50 31.60 Shiverick, Obed—26 hrs. @ $.50 13.00 Silva, Augustus—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Silva, Jack—537 hrs. @ $.50 268.50 Small, William—136 hrs. @ $.50 68.00 Snow, George-162 hrs. @ $.50 81.00 Snow, Lathiel—89 hrs. @ $.50 44.50 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. Inc.—oil 5,227.08 Southeastern Construction Co.— Material 88-00 State'Prison—Supplies 266.43 Stringer, Francis—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 -53-

Sylver, Leon—-155 hrs. @ $.50 77.50 Tarr, Ralph—476 hrs. @ $.50 238.00 . Taylor, Zenas—1197 hrs. @ $.50 598.50 Thatcher, Fredson—59 hrs. @ $.50 29.50 Town of Dennis— Grader—62 hrs. @ $1.25 77.50 Town of Dennis— Tractor—585 hrs. @ $1.25 731.25 Town of Dennis— Truck—1190 hrs. @ $.75 893.25 Vincent, Irving—218 hrs. @ $.50 109.00 Vincent, Robert—101 hrs. @ $.50 50.50 Walker, Stanley—96 hrs. @ $.50 48.00 Weeks, Charles—72 hrs. @ $.50 36.00 West, Alton—99 hrs. @ $.50 49.50 West, Charles—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 West, Harry—207 hrs. @ $.50 103.50 White, Harold—149 hrs. @ $.50 74.50 Whittemore, Earl— 729% hrs. @ $.50 364.75 Wixon, Orin—56 hrs. @ $.50 28 00 Eldridge, William A.— 2501/2 hrs. @ $.50 125.25 To Revenue Account .02

$21,735.78 HIGHWAYS—CHAPTER 90 Appropriation ^ 750 00 State & County Allotment 1,500.00 Ambrose, John—24 hrs. @ $1.00 $24.00 American Bitumuls Co.—Supplies 620.00 Brough, Thomas—17 hrs. @ $.50 8.50 Byrne, Louis—30 hrs. @ $2.75 82.50 46 hrs. @ $1.50 69.00 Cahdon, Everett—8 hrs. @ $1.50 12.00 Cahoon, Sherwood—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Chase, Lawrence—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 -54-

Crowell, Edward—18 hrs. @ $2.00 36.00 Crowell, Edward— 15 00 24 hrs. @ $.62i/2 - Doane, Henry—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Elland, John—29 hrs. @ $.50 14.50 Fenn, Herbert—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Fraher, John—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Gray, Carleton—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Harriman, Fred—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Howard, Allen—21 hrs. @ $1.50 31.50 Kelley, Harold—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Kelley, John—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 McDowell, George—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Mosman, Clifton—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Old Colony Crushed Stone Co.— Material 1,075,5I Pina, Ceasar—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Rogers, Harold—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Sears, Dean—10 hrs. @ $.50 5.00 Sears, Everett H.—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Sears, Freeman—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Sears, Howard B.—30 hrs. @ $.50 15.00 Shiverick, Paul—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Stringer, Francis—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Sylver, Leon—17 hrs. @ $.50 8.50 Taylor, Zenas—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Town of Dennis— Truck_25 hrs. @ $-75 18.75 Van Buskirk, E. R.—31 hrs. 60.00 White, Harold—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 To Revenue Account -21 $2,250.00

STREET LIGHTS i . .. $7,500.00v Appropriation Cape & Vineyard Elec. Co. $7,378.50 -55-

H. L. Norris—Supplies 8.45 To Revenue Account 113.05

$7,500.00 STREET SIGNS Appropriation «100 Q0 William Crowell—Labor $ .75 Est. of Leon W. Hall—Materials 39.93 Otis E. Kelley—Painting 30.00 To Revenue Account 29.32


Appropriation «15Q QQ Norman Baribeault— 8 hrs. @ $1.50 $ i2.oo Thomas Brierley—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Sherwood Cahoon—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Bernard Dearborn—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Herbert Elland—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Russell D. Ellis—8 hrs. @ $.62*/> 5.00 Charles M. Foley—Sand " 3.00 George Gray—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Josiah Greenleaf—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Steve Hall—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Joseph Hefler—lli/2 hrs. @ $2.00 23.00 Joseph Perry—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Caesar Pina—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Dean S. Sears—8 hrs. @ $.50 4^00 Mervin Sears—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc—oil 41.65 Leon Sylver—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Zenas Taylor—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Town Truck—8 hrs. To Revenue Account 5.35

$150.00 -56-


Appropriation n Benjamin P. Chase—Surveying $200.00

WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ^ Appropriation ion'on Balance, January 1, 1940 I39-00 G. Everett Howes, Agent $498.21 Open Balance 240.79 $739.00

BR IDGES . . $100.00 AppropriationA + Hall, Est. Leon W.—Material $ 47.55 To Revenue Account 52-45 $100.00 BRIDGE SIDEWALK SPECIAL (Crab Bridge) Appropriation v Crowell, Edward E.— 4 hrs. @ $1.50 $ 6-00 Hall, Est. Leon W.—Material 211.84 Nickerson, Charles—Labor 10.00 Wixon, Nathaniel H.—Labor 20.00 To Revenue Account 12-16 $260.00 SNOW REMOVAL Appropriation v ^ Refunds Arsenault, Robert— 51/2 hrs. @ $-50 ' 2'7 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.—Salt 1.00 Aylmer, Henry—28 hrs. @ $.50 14.00 Babineau, Leo—10 hrs. @ $.50 5.00 Baker, Brownell—911/2 hrs. @ $.50 45.75 -57-

Baribeault, Norman— 23 hrs. @ $1.50 34.50 Barnes, Ernest—7M> hrs. @ $.50 3.75 Bassett, Alden—31 hrs. @ $.50 15.50 Bassett, Oliver—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50

Bearse, Edgar—10y2 hrs. @ $.80 8.40 55 hrs. @ $3.00 165.00 13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 Black, Ernest—3 hrs. @ $.50 1.50 Boden, Edward—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Braddock, Raymond— 28 hrs. @ $.50 14.00 Brierley, Thomas—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Cahoon, Arthur—23 hrs. @ $.50 11.50 Cahoon, Clifton—5i/2 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Cahoon, Everett— 181/j hrs. @ $1.50 27.75 Cahoon, Herbert—21/2 hrs. @ $.50 1.25 Cahoon, Marshall—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Cahoon, Sherwood—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Cahoon, Winthrop—11 hrs. @ $.50 5.50 Campbell, James—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Card, Jack—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 Caswell, Richard—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Cefelli, Pete—1114 hrs. @ $.50 5.75 Chapman, Gerard— 15 hrs. @ $1.00 15.00 5i/2 hrs. @ $1.50 8.25 26 hrs. @ $.50 13.OO Chapman, William—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Chase, Frank—17 hrs. @ $.50 8.50 Chase, Herbert Jr.—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Chase, Lawrence—10 hrs. @ $.50 5.00

Chase, Linwood—1/2 hr. @ $.50 .25 Chase, Melvin—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Chase, Russell—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Chase, Thomas—11 hrs. @ $.50 5.50 -58-

Chick, Leslie—21 hrs. @ $.50 10.50 Costa, John—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Crowell, Albert— 70 hrs. @ $3.00 181.50

48l/2 hrs. @ $3.50 169.75 16 hrs. @ $1.00 16.00 Crowell, Edward E.— 42 hrs. @ $1.00 42.00 16 hrs. @ $2.00 32.00 38V2 hrs. @ $1.50 57.75 Crowell, Hollis—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 Crowell, William—81/2 hrs. @ $.50 4.25 Deal, Maurice—IOV2 hrs. @ $.50 5.50 Doane, Carlton—13i/2 hrs. @ $.50 6.75 Doane, Henry L.—1/2 hr. @ $.50 .25 Doane, Isaac—171/2 hrs. @ $.50 8.75 Doane, Stewart—11V2 hrs. @ $.50 5.75 Dupee, Allan—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Dyar Sales and Mach. Co.— Material 126.00 Eaton, Earl—Hi/2 hrs. @ $.50 5.75 Eaton, Harry—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 Eaton, Thatcher^-125 hrs. @ $.50 62.50 Eaton, Wesley—131/2 hrs. @ $.50 6.75 Eldridge, Allen M.— I71/2 hrs. @ $.50 8.75 Eldridge, William—11 hrs. @ $.50 5.50 Ellis, Charles E.—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Ellis, Russell—24 hrs. @ $.62 y2 15.00 Ellis, Winfred—1/2 hr. @ $.50 -25 Estey, Franklin—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Foley, Charles—8V2 hrs. @ $.50 4.25 Foss, Earl—5 hrs. @ $.50 2.50 Gammons, John—7 hrs. @ $.50 3.50 Gibbs, Oscar Francis— 14 hrs. @ $.50 • 7.00 Gibbs, Wilbur—34 hrs. @ $.50 17.00 -59-

Gill, Forrest—2y2 hrs. @ $.50 1.25 Gill, Harry—i/2 hr. @ $.50 .25 Gray, George—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 Green, Everett D.—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Gunn, Ernest—25 hrs. @ $.50 12.50 Hall, David R.—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Hall, Edward—4 hrs. @ $.50 , 2.00 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies 23.65 Hall, Roland—24l/2 hrs. @ $.50 12.25 Hallett, Arthur—iy2 hrs. @ $.50 .75 65 hrs. @ $1.50 97.50 Harriman, Fred—10y2 hrs. @ $.50 5.25 Hayden, Minot—8l/2 hrs. @ $.50 4.25 Hersey, Raymond—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Higglns, Edwin. Jr.—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Horton, Clarence—6y2 hrs. @ $.50 3.25 Howard, Allen—14 hrs. @ $1.50 21.00 Howes, Anson, H.—35 hrs. @ $.50 17.75 Howes, Frank B.—10y2 hrs. @ $.80 8.40 2 hrs. @ $.50 i.oo 6 hrs. @ $1.50 9.00 12y2 hrs. @ $1.00 12.50 Howes, James E.— 25i/2 hrs. @ $.50 12.75 Kelley, Aaron—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 Kelley, Benjamin F.— 71/2 hrs. @ $.50 3.75 Kelley, Thomas—1 hr. @ $.50 .50 Kelley, Herbert—62 hrs. @ $.50 31.00 Kelley, William R.— 46l/2 hrs. @ $.50 23.25 Kendrick, Charles—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Kendrick, Donald—14 Tirs. @ $.50 7.00 Kendrick, Elmore— 17l/2 hrs. @ $.50 8.75 Kendrick, Simon—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 King, Thomas—32 hrs. @ $.50 16.00 -60-

King, William, Jr.—25 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Langton, Thomas—40 hrs. @ $.50 20.00 Lapham, Stanley—20 hrs. @ $.50 10.00 Leonard, Frank—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Long, Arthur—41/2 hrs. @ $.50 2.25 Long, Charles—5V2 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Long, Harry—16% hrs. @ $.50 8.25 MacRoberts, Carl N.— 71/2 hrs. @ $.50 3.75 McAnistan, Andrew—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 McCormiek, James—13 hrs. @ $.50 6.50 McDowell, George— 491/2 hrs. @ $.50 24.75 Merchant, Isaac—81/2 hrs. @ $.50 4.25 Metcalf, Ernest—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Metcalf, John E.—9 hrs. @ $1.50 13.50 Monterio, Manuel—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Monterio, Mike—22 hrs. @ $.50 11.00 Mosman, Clifton—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Nickerson, John—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Nickerson, Judah—6 hrs. @ $.50 3.00 Nickerson, Warren— V> hr. @ $.50 .25 Olson, Ernest—7 hrs. @ $.50 3.50 O'Neil, Bernard—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 O'Neil, Lester—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Pate, Cloyde, H.—5M> hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Pate, Bird—6% hrs. @ $.50 3.25 Perry, Joseph M.—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.0.0 Perry, Manuel—7 V2 hrs. @ $.50- 3.75 Phillips, Arthur—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Pickerings Garage—Repairs 32.50 Pickering, Lorenzo— 7 hrs. @ $1.50 1°-50 Pina, Joseph—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Pina, Caesar—44 hrs. @ $.50 22.00 Place, Stanley—94 hrs. @ $.50 47.00 -61-

Raczkowski, Julius— 19 hrs. @ $1.50 28.50 Raiskio, Victor—11 hrs. @ $.50 5.50 Ramos, John—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Robbins, Linwood— 29 hrs. @ $1.50 43.50 Robie, Edward—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Rogers, Clarence—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Rogers, Clarence, Jr.— 221/2 hrs. @ $.50 11.25 Rogers, Eddie—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Ryder, Mervin—12 hrs. @ $.50 6.00 Savage, Leslie—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Sears, Benjamin F.—Express .79 Sears, David—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Sears, Dean S.—16 hrs. @ $.50 8.00 Sears, E. Howard—6i/> hrs. @ $.50 3.25 Sears, Frank T.—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Sears, Freeman—2 hrs. @ $.50 1.00 Sears, Howard—6V2 hrs. @ $1.50 9.75 Hi/2 hrs. @ $.50 5.75 Sears, L. Morton—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Sears, Mervin H.—24 hrs. @ $.50 12.00 14 hrs. @ $.62i/2 8.75 Sears, Roger—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Sears, Sylvanus S.—31/2 hrs. @ $.50 1.75 Silver, Jack—48 hrs. @ $.50 24.00 Small, William—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Snow, Alec—5 hrs. @ $.50 2.50 Snow, Donald—514 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Snow, George—9 hrs. @ $.50 ' 4.50 Snow, Lathiel—16i/> hrs. @ $.50 8.25 Stinson, John—5l/2 hrs. @ $.50 2.75 Studley, Norman—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 Sylver, Leon F.—41/2 hrs. @ $.50 2.25 Sylver, Richard—23 hrs. @ $.50 11.50 Systrom, E. W.—Equipment 50.00 -62- Taylor, Zenas L.—83 hrs. @ $.50 41.50 Thacher, Fredson— 741/2 hrs. @ $.50 37.25 Town Tractor—14 hrs. Town Truck—173V2 hrs. Vincent, Fred—18% hrs. @ $.50 9.25 Vincent, Robert—2% hrs. @ $.50 2.25 Walker, Daniel—17% hrs. @ $-50 8.75 Walker, Harry P.— I31/2 hrs. @ $.50 6.75 Walker, Joseph—4i/2 hrs. @ $.50 2.25 Walker, Stanley—8 hrs. @ $.50 4.00 Weekes, Charles D.—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 Weinstock, Everett— 26 hrs. @ $.50 13.00 West, Allan—9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 White, Edward—4 hrs. @ $.50 2.00 White, Harold—171/2 hrs. @ $.50 8.75 White, Jack—12i/2 hrs. @ $.50 6.25 White, James—61/2 hrs. @ $.50 3.25 Whittemore, Dana— , 22 hrs. @ $.50 H-25 Whittemore, Earl— 451/2 hrs. @ $.50 22.75 Whittemore, Robert— 221/2 hrs. @ $.50 11-25 Wilkey, Reginald—5 hrs. @ $.50 2.50 Wixon, Charles P.— 9 hrs. @ $1.50 13-50 21/2 hrs. @ $.50 1-25 531/2 hrs. @ $3.00 160.50 Wixon, Nathaniel—4 hrs. @ $-50 2.00 Wixon, Paul—381/2 hrs. @ $.50 19.25 Wixon, Stewar^-9 hrs. @ $.50 4.50 To Revenue Account 333.88 To Revenue Account 333.88 $3,008.37 -63-

INDEMNITY INSURANCE Appropriation «50 Q0 Nickerson, Norton H., agent $44.15 To Revenue Account 5.85

$50.00 ROAD MACHINERY ACCOUNT Appropriation ^80o OO Baker, Brownell E., Jr. Gas, oil, repairs $ 26.14 Baxter's Express Corporation— Express j QQ Brown & Brown, Inc.—Repairs 2.00 Cape Cod Oil Co.—Gas 27.76 Carter & Young—Repairs 3.50 Coffin & Garfield—Gas, oil 26.63 Dennis Garage—Gas, repairs 50.42 Dyar Sales & Mach. Co.—Repairs 60.00 Files, R. L. & H. J. O'Keefe Co.— Supplies 147.08 German, A. F. Co., Inc.—Supplies 4.95 Flaherty, B. H.—Gas, truck 2.23 Flaherty, Charles F.—Gas 10.83 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Gas, oil 104.97 Harriman, F. M.—Labor 1.25 Hedge & Mattheirs Company Supplies 10.50 Hendrickson, G.—Gas, oil 24.72 Howes, Anson H. 2.63 Howes, I. G.—Express .65 Hyannis Garage—Repairs 2.75 International Harvester Co. Repairs 7 4g Jacobs, W. J.—Gas 2.75 Keander, A. F. L.—Gas, oil 17.32 Murray's Service Station—Gas, oil 56.81 Phillips Garage—Gas, oil 19.67 -64-

Pickerings Garage— Gas, oil, repairs 36.28 Pierce & Homer—Repairs, chains 29.64 Ray Hall Service Station—Gas, oil 70.59 Sears, Benj. F.—Express 1.75 Sears, & Sears—Gas 1.70 West Dennis Garage— Gas, oil, repairs 11.78 To Revenue Account 34.24 $800.00 PARKING SPACE RENTAL $40.00 Balance January 1, 1940 240.00 Appropriation Ginn, Lucy L. 240.00 Open Balance 40.00 $280.00 TRUCK CHASSIS PURCHASE $795.00 Appropriation Chase Chevrolet Co., Inc. $795.00 HOSPITAL ACCOUNT $500.00 Appropriation Cape Cod Hospital $500.00 PUBLIC WELFARE $20,000.00 Appropriation Transfer from Reserve Fund 1,500.00 Transfer from O. A. A. App. 1,000.00 18.77 Refunds General Administration: Agna, John R.—Record $ 1.50 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary 7.50 Hobbs & Warren, Inc.—Supplies 16.82 Howes, I. Grafton—Expense 1.35 Meserve, H. M. & Co.—Supplies 48.76 Moore, John C. Corp.—Supplies 3.00 -65-

Moran, James A.—Equipment 2.00 Nickerson, Clarence M.— Expense 3.38 Sears, Benjamin F.—Postage 5.08 Thorp & Martin—Equipment 7.60 Whittemore, Mildred L.— Salary 205.00 Travel, Telephone 37.29 Wixon, Henry N.—Expense .15

$339.43 Cash $2,052.00 Board $1,518.17 Fuel: Baribeault, Norman $177.50 Cahoon, Everett 78.00 Cape Cod Oil Company 6.00 Chase, Walter F. 125.63 Coffin & Garfield 57.25 Dennis Coal Company 18.00 Hall, Est. Leon W. 921.23 Harriman, Forest M. 19.00 Howes, G. Everett 11.50 Kelley, Gilbert S. 483.80 Murray's Service Station 148.95

$2,046.86 Care $1,511.13 Groceries: Baker, E. L. $1,442.65 Bayles, C. W. 938.56 Cape Cod Creamery, The 115.65 Davidson, E. M. 68.00 Dennis School Cafeteria 68.00 Flaherty, B. H. 111.72 Flaherty, Charles 25.02 Reliable Cash Market 821.00 -66-

Goodspeed, C. L. 4.99 Mystic Lake Farm I3-77 O'Dwyer, James P. 138.08 Pickering, Stanley 660.50 Robbins, Edith 40.65 Sanders, R. A. 18.30 Savage, Hartley 22.00

Sears, & Sears l,K Smith, Bertram H. 7 :« Young, T. F. ^539.10 $7,008.14 Hospital: Cape Cod Hospital $807.80 $807.80

Medical: ^CAAA Chute, James L., M. D. $150.00 Colonial Pharmacy 1°-77 D'Elia, Arthur J., M. D. 6.00 Dennisport Pharmacy 43.85 District Nursing Association 1-00 Estey F Henson,' - Paul,°- M. D. It'll50.00 Higgins, Donald E., M. D. 38.00 Hopkins, Henry P., M. D. 5.00 Hunt, Sheldon L., M. D. 16.35 Hyannis Pharmacy !«•"" Johnston, Leonard C, D. S. P. 4.00 Kelley, John N., M. D. 15.00 Lodge, A. V., Dr. 172.70 Nickerson, Dr. John P. **■*< Osborne, Dr. E. S., M. D. 449.89 Parish, Fred A., M. D. 15.00 Rice, Jackson, M. D 291.00 Rowley, Dr. Harold F. 291.62 Sears, Frederick M., M. D. 138.00 -67-

Travers, Frank, M. D. 15.00 West Dennis Pharmacy .89

$1,792.37 Glasses: Hinckley, Harold F. $31.25 Rent $2,236.50 State Institution: Commonwealth of Mass. $126.71 Clothing : Burman's Store $ 3.30 Central Dry Goods Store 32.21 Dranetz & Co. , 4.50 Prager's Dry Goods Store 1.20 Pearlstein's 7.77 Raymond's 201.41 Ryder's Shoe Store 14.80 Small & Co., Z. H. 251.48 Stringer, Millie 4.00 Whittemore, Mildred L. 22.78

$543.45 Other Town Aid: Chatham, Town of $ 15.00 Barnstable, Town of 151.65 Harwich, Town of 621.63 Middleborough, Town of 350.22 Yarmouth, Town of 48.50

$1,187.00 Household and miscellaneous: Gay, Horace F. $ 5.50 Smith, Charles M. 9.O6 Chase, Russell F. .50

$15.06 •68-

Burial: Doane & Beal $471.75 Electricity: Cape & Vineyard Elec. Co. $ 39.47 Dental: Baxter, John R. $27.00 Baxter, Robert L., D. M. D. 5.00 Kelley, C. B., D. M. D. 35.00

$67.00 To Revenue Account $724.68


OLD AGE ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION $600.00 Appropriation Bayles, C. W., P. M.—Postage $ 81.06 Diamond-Union Stamp Works— Supplies ■ 1.05 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary 10.00 Meserve, H. M., Co.— Office Supplies 3.12 Nickerson, Clarence M.—Postage .18 Moore, John C, Corp.— Office Supplies 9.00 Sears, Benj. F., Treas.—Postage 7.08 Whittemore, Mildred L. Salary 360.00 Telephone .60 To Revenue Account 127.91


OLD AGE ASSISTANCE $26,000.00 Appropriation 144.55 Refunds $100.00 Burial 3.25 Cash -69-

Board 17>60 Other Towns 414.28 Care 19 86 Medical 355-58 Cape Cod Hospital 302.72 Nursing 88;50 Pay Rolls 23,277.69 Transferred to Public Welfare 1,000.00 To Revenue Account 565.17

$26,144.55 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE FEDERAL Balance, January 1, 1940 g8 Received U. S. Grants 18,200.49 Refunds ' 1250 Pay Rolls $17,662.22 Open Balance 551.65

$18,213.87 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL Balance, January 1, 1940 $853.99 Received U. S. Grants 60683 Dunford, Madeline P.—Salary $ 80.00 Whittemore, Mildred L.—Salary 335.00 Open Balance 1,045.62

$1,460.62 AID DEPENDENT CHILDREN Appropriation $2,500.00 Pay Rolls $1,567.00 To Revenue Account 933.00

$2,500.00 -70-

AID DEPENDENT CHILDREN FEDERAL Balance, January 1, 1940 $ 85.50 Received U. S. Grants 950-3d Pay Rolls $ 916.25 Open Balance 119.58

$1,035.83 AID DEPENDENT CHILDREN ADMINISTRATION Appropriation $100.00 Dimond-Union Stamp Works— Supplies $ 1,0° Moore, John C. Corp.—Supplies 1.50 Whittemore, Mildred L.—Salary 45.25 To Revenue Account 52.25 $100.00 AID DEPENDENT CHILDREN FENERAL ADMINISTRATION Balance, January 1, 1940 $ 54.02 Received U. S. Grants 22-63 Pay Rolls $ 52-75 Open Balance 23.90

$ 76.65

SOLDIERS' RELIEF Appropriation $1,5°!)'?J! Transferred to Public Welfare 7-5U Administration: Whittemore, Mildred L. $ 12.00 Cash: 615.00 Fuel: Cape Cod Oil Company 6.96 Chase, Walter F. 7.00 Hall, Est. of Leon W. 29.00 -71-

Kelley, Gilbert S. 37.50 Murray's Service Station 12.65

93.11 Rent : 210.00 Groceries: Davidson, E. M. 22.25 Dennis School Cafeteria 9.10 First National Stores 222.00 Goodspeed, C. L. 9.01 O'Dwyer, James P. 10.00 Reliable Cash Market 26.00 Savage, Hartley 21.00 The Great A. & P. Tea Company 5.98

325.34 Medical: Henson, Paul P., M. D. 50.00 Osborne, Dr. E. S. 2.66 Rowley, Dr. Harold F. 2.00 Sears, Frederick M., M. D. 24.00

78.66 Dental: Kelley, C. B., D. M. D. 15.00 Other Town Aid: Barnstable, Town of 19.65 To Revenue Account 138.74

$1,507.50 Schools & Libraries SCHOOL HOUSE WATERPROOFING Open Balance, January 1, 1940 $ 89.40 Appropriation 400.00 Derick Bros. $316.77 -72-

Open Balance 172.63

$489.40 NURSERY SCHOOL Open Balance, January 1, 1940 $128.01 Appropriation 300.00 Cape Cod Creamery, The—Milk $ 69.42 First National Stores, Inc.— Groceries 259.72 Open Balance 98.87

428.01 SCHOOL INSURANCE Appropriation $290.00 Chase, Herbert C, Agent $ 64.50 Kelley, Robert M., Agent 150.50 Nickerson, Norton H., Agent 64.50 To Revenue Account 10.50

290.00 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Appropriation $43,620.38 Transferred from Dog Fund 379.04 Refunds 90-00 Acme Laundry Co. $ 9.95 Allyn & Brown 3.08 American Book Co. 35.74 ' Babb Co., Edward E. 85.44 Baker, Alton M. 32.50 Baribeault, Norman 7.00 Beacon Wiper Supply Co. 4.13 Bearse, Richard H. 8.80 Boesse, Marilyn 4.50 Bradley, Milton C. 7.07 Brown & Brown, Inc. 30.00 Babb, Edward E. & Co., Inc. 184.32 ' -73-

Buttner Co. 6.31 Buzzards Bay Gas Co. 43.70 Cable Co., The 7^91 Cahoon, Arthur F. 32.00 Campbell Furniture Co. 22.35 Cape Cod Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 50.82 Cape & Vineyard Electric Co. 327.30 Chase, Herbert C. 73.77 Circle Book Co., The 6.04 Clough, Edward N. 2.00 Collins, Franklin F. 49.50 Crawford, K. M., Company 3.15 Crosby, John F. 4.00 Crowell, Albert H. 3.00 Crowell, Jane E. 30.00 Crowell, Madeline E. 89.00 Derick Bros. 49.95 Dist. Nursing Asso. 255.00 Division of the Blind 3.00 Doane, E. F. 3 00 Dunham, Mrs. Elise j*64 Eastman's Sporting Goods 5.85 Eldridge, Nathan 233.33 Fischer, Inc., Carl 15.26 Forse Corporation 73.11 Frontier Press Company 8.65 Ginn & Company 68.75 Gladhill Bros., Inc. 8.25 Glover Co., Inc., L. M. 8.00 Glover Products, The 18.35 Goodspeed, C. L. 180 Grace, J. W. Co., 28.20 Hall, Est. of Leon W. 1,338.76 Hallett, Hope C. (Mrs.) ' 50.00 Hammett Co., J. L. 5.32 Harper Brush Works 4.99 -74-

Heath & Co., D. E. 17.51 Hinckley, John & Son Co. -75 Holmerden Co., The 5-17 Horner, William M. 13-50 Houghton Mifflin Co. 18-88 Howes, Elmer E. (Mrs.) 136.25 Junior Literary Guild, The 6.00 Kelley, Robert M. 174-56 Kenney's Sport Shop 30.00 Laidlow Brothers 29.33 Liggett Drug Company !•" Lord, William H. 4.60 McLellan Stores Co. 5-0U McLin, William H. 10-63 MacMillan Co., The 57.15 McDowell, Walter F. 32.50 McNallay & Co., Rand 1-56 Meserve, H. M. & Co. 12.50 Monterio, Mrs. Joseph 3.50 Munroe Co., D. F. 127.51 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. 146.55 Newhall, M. Erdine 18-00 Nickerson, Norton H. tt Pay Rolls (See School Report) 26,213.83 Phillips, Richard E. B. 20.00 Reformatory for Women 5-«0 Remington Rand, Inc. 3.75 Richer Co., Inc. R. l°-»» Row, Peterson & Company & Sanborn, Ben. H. & Co. 19.96 Scott, Foresman & Co. 41.^ Scribner's, Charles Sons 2Z.US Smallhoff & Haines f.bU Smith, Mrs. Fred W. 35.00 „, T> 198.86 Stacy, C.n R- Standard Elec. Time Co., The 38.2 J State Chemical Co. I2-50 ■75-

Sullivan Bros. 1.75 Toothager, O. H. 5.41 Vanasse, Gertrude E. 45.00 Visual Education Service, Inc. 6.54 Walker, Mrs. Frank 3.50 Webster, Edward M. 9.25 Webster Publishing Co. 5.93 Welles Publishing Co., The .90 Wilbur, Dr. George B. 32.50 Winston, John E., The Co. .97 World Book Company 40.69 Wright & Potter Printing Co. 3.96 Town of Yarmouth 12,049.32 To Revenue Account 1,019.40

$44,089.42 LIBRARIES Appropriation $750.00 Chase Library Asso. $150.00 Dennis Memorial Library Asso. 150.00 Jacob Sears Memorial Library 150.00 S. D. Free Public Library Asso. 150.00 West Dennis Library Asso. 150.00

$750.00 Recreation and Unclassified PARK DEPARTMENT Appropriation $500.00 Bearse, Edgar—Labor $ 12.00 Chapman, Gerard—Labor 22.75 Chase, Frank B.—Labor 3.00 Ellis, Archie—Labor 30.00 Fenn, Herbert—Labor 23.75 Gill, Herbert—Labor 3.25 Hall, Est. Leon W.—Lumber 15.54 Hallett, Arthur—Labor 5.21 -76-

Howard, Allen F.—Labor 12.00 Truck 110.75 Kelley, O. E.—Labor 6.00 Nickerson, W. T.— Labor and Material 4.20 Pina, Ceasar—Labor 1.50 Sears, Bartlett—Labor 13.25 Sears, B. G.—Material 14.29 Sears, David—Labor 8.25 Sears, Dean—Labor 3.25 Sears, George—Cinders 6.00 Sears, Howard—Labor & Truckck 16.75 Sears, Sylvanus—Truck 3.75 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co.—Materialerial 96.00 Taylor, Leon—Labor 10.00 Weinstock, Everett—Labor 2.00 West, Charles—Labor 4.00 To Revenue Account 72.51 500.00 BATH HOUSES Appropriation $1,200.00 Baker, Willis—Labor & material $16.95 Bates, John E.—Material 1.10 Bearse, Edgar—Labor 9.00 Cape & Vineyard—Electric power 55.68 Cape Cod Plumbing & Heating Co.—Labor 3.75 Dennisport Pharmacy—Material 3.52 Derrick, James—Labor 2.00 Ellis, Brant D.—Labor & material 31.20 Fenn, Herbert—Labor 11.75 Goodspeed, C. T.—Merchandise 1.40 Grace, J. W. Co.— Labor and material 57.60 Hall, Est. Leon W.—Supplies 65.88 -77-

Howard, A. F.—Truck 44.50 Howes, Mrs. Elmer W.— Insurance policy 40.00 Kendrick, Charles E.— Labor and materials 69.37 Nickerson, Norton H.— Insurance policy 40.00 Robbins, Paul—Keeper 205.71 Robinson, H. E.—Material 10.70 Sears, B. G.—Material .74 Sears, Mervin H.—Keeper 205.71 Sears, Sylvanus—Labor 3.25 Speirs, James L.—Labor & material 4.90 Taylor, Leon—Labor 3.00 Weinstock, Everett L.—Keeper 205.71 Material 2.58 West, Charles—Labor 2.00 West Dennis Pharmacy—Material 4.43 To Revenue Account 97.57

$1,200.00 CHASE GARDEN RIVER Appropriation $100.00 Bearse, Edgar Jr.—Labor $ 20.00 Bemis, David—Labor 10.00 Gray, George D.—Labor 10.00 Greenleaf, Josiah H.—Labor 18.00 Hall, Harry—Labor 8.00 Kelley, William R.—Labor 14.00 Langton, Thomas—Labor 8.00 McDowell, George—Labor 12.00

$100.00 LAND DAMAGE APPROPRIATION Open Balance $186.00 Hall, Gershom D., Attorney $186.00 -78-

W P A Open Balance, January 1, 1940 $ 535.00 Appropriation 3,300.uu Moth Work Pay Roll $ 291.80 Bates, John E.—Supplies 28.18 Bayles, C. W.—Supplies -35 Chase, Russell—Labor 2.96 Dennisport Pharmacy—Supplies .90 Eaton, Harry—Labor 4.44 Estey, F. D.—Supplies -55 Gay, Horace F.—Supplies 3.15 Hall, E. C. Co.—Supplies 21.83 Hall, Est. of Leon W.—Supplies 54.49 Howard, Allen F.—Supplies 7.00 Howes, I. Grafton—Supplies 6.00 Moran, James A.—Supplies 1-00 Perry, Arthur—Labor 28.86 Sears, B. G.—Supplies -50 Smith, Charles M.—Supplies -45 Swansey, Charles—Trucking 198.19 Treasurer of the United States— Adm. 85-82 Walker, Harry P.—Labor 33.30 Open Balance 3,065.23 $3,835.00 SPECIAL BATH HOUSE Appropriation Chapman, Gerard—Labor $ 12.00 Goodspeed, C. L.—Supplies 1.80 Gc-rham, Robert—Labor 54.00 Hallett, C. Arthur—Labor 99.79 Kendrick, Charles E.—Contract 432.41


WHARF -ft Balance, January 1, 1940 ? ^-5U -79-

Appropriation 300.00 Fontneau, Earl N.—Contract $300.00 To Revenue Account 2.50

$302.50 MEMORIAL DAY Appropriation $200.00 Bates, John E. $ 49.25 Chatham Band 75.00 Davidson, E. M. 7.00 Griffin, Charles M. 16.00 To Revenue Account 52.75

$200.00 BUOYS BASS RIVER Appropriation $50.00 Ellis, Archie R. $50.00 TOWN REPORTS Appropriation $380.00 Goss Print $380.00 TOWER CLOCKS Appropriation $100.00 S. D. Cong. Church Society $ 25.00 Union Church Society 18.75 Weekes, Charles D. 6.25 W. D. M. E. Church Society 25.00 Wes. Meth. Church Society 25.00

$100.00 OTHER NECESSARY EXPENSE Appropriation . $400.00 Monroe, James Sterling— Harbor Master $ 5.00 Nickerson, W. T.~Rep. town pump 1.60 Vincent, F. H.—Repairs 2.00 -80-

Walker, Benjamin— Harbor Master 5-00 To Revenue Account 386.40


1939 UNPAID BILLS Appropriation $800.00 Public Welfare: Barnstable, Town of $135.76 Commonwealth of Massachusetts 65.71 Estey, Mrs. F. D. I-18 Harwich, Town of 186-99 Hunt, Sheldon L., M. D. 3.00 Election & Registration: Bayles, C. W. 4-00 Fire Department: Dennis Firemen's Relief Asso- ciation 44.70 McCarthy Co., Justin A. 49.64 Old Age Assistance: Esty, Mrs. F. D. .90 Machinery Account: Hall, Ray Service Station 4.37 Highways: Smith, Charles M. 4-uu Health: Doane & Beal 8-bU Soldiers' Relief: Goodspeed, C. L. 5-01 Hall, Est. of Leon W. 4-25 Bath Houses: Sears, B. G. -40

$800.00 -81-

INTEREST Appropriation $1,000.00 Burke, Edmund J.—Refund $ 1.30 Commonwealth of Massachusetts 400.00 First Nat'l Bank of Maiden 108.75 James, George F.—Refund .61 Second Nat'l Bank of Boston 41.26 State Street Trust Company 320.00 To Revenue Account 128.08


DEBT Appropriation $10,500.00 First Nat'l Bank of Maiden- Playgrounds $4,500.00 State Street Trust Company— School 6,000.00


CEMETERIES Appropriation $200.00 Chapman, Gerard—Labor $24.00 Greenleaf, Josiah H.—Labor 24.00 Hall, Stephen S.—Labor 24.00 Hallett, C. Arthur—Labor 15.00 Harriman, F. M. 7.00 McDowell, George—Labor 24.00 Sears, Dean S.—Labor 6.00 To Revenue Account 96.00

$200.00 -82-


AGENCY County Dog Licenses $342.60 State Tax 11,360.00 State Tax Parks 122.81 C. C. Mosquito Control Tax 1,719.57 Auditing 239.06 County Tax 14,430.64 Trust Funds 223.00 Robbins Fund 1,994.97 Paddock Fund 15-n Caleb Chase Fund 80.00

REFUNDS 320.81

RECAPITULATION Cash on hand January 1, 1940 $9,626.05 Cash Receipts $282,965.38

$292,591.43 Cash Payments $256,141.04 Cash Balance December 31, 1940 36,450.39

$292,591.43 -83-

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HANNAH H. PADDOCK TRUST FUND Deposited at Bass River Savings Bank Jan. 1, 1940 *6?"'"" ^. • . J 15.11 Dividends■ $515.11 Disbursement to Dennis Improvement Association $15.11 Balance on Deposit Dec. 31, 1940 500.00 ^ ^

CALEB CHASE TRUST FUND Balance January 1, 1940 $5'tno'oo Interest received Can. Nat'l Ry. Bonds 100.00 Interest received on Deposit ' $5,581.54 Elmer B. Lewis, Trustee Disbursement $40.00 Emery W. Sears, Trustee 40 uu Disbursement - g() 00

Balance December 31, 1940 $5,501.54 Trust Funds $3,000.00 N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co. Bonds 4% 2 000 00 Can. Nat'l Railways Bonds 5 /o '367 46 Deposited C. C. F. C. Savings Bank 134.08 Income Caleb Chase Fund Account

$5,501.54 JONATHAN MATTHEWS TRUST FUND Bequest received by Town $3,000.00 ^. ., i 62.81 Dividends $3,062.81 •87-

Balance on Deposit C. C. F. C. Savings Bank Dec. 31, 1940 3,062.81

SAMUEL J. ROBBINS SCHOOL FUND Bequest received by Town $1,990.97 Dividends 19 90

$2,010.87 Balance on Deposit Bass Kiver Savings Bank Dec. 31, 1940 2,010.87 CO O oo ■* t- as 00 00 t- ic co co 00 TH as 1C t- \a © TA r-I CO (N t-i d as © o CO to 1C 00 t- rH (M CO

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o 00 03 t~ O <3i CO CN oo o t-^ t> ia oo CO o ffj to to 00 lffl 1—1 to oo CO OS to CO CO 6©- T-i oo 60- 6©- to to 09-


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3 3 to to w o QJ Q> 3 T3 tn r-i -98- BEPORT OF AUDIT

January 20, 1941

To the Board of Selectmen Mr. I. Grafton Howes, Chairman Dennis, Massachusetts Gentlemen: I submit herewith my report of an audit of the books and accounts of the Town of Dennis for the year ending December 31, 1940, made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44, General Laws. This is in the form of a report made to me by Mr. Herman B. Dine, Assistant Director of Accounts. Very truly yours, THEODORE N. WADDELL, Director of Accounts

Mr. Theodore N. Waddell Director of Accounts Department of Corporations and Taxation State House, Boston Sir: In accordance with your instructions, I have made an audit of the books and accounts of the town o± Dennis for the year ending December 31, 1940, and submit the following report thereon: The recorded financial transactions on the books of the several departments receiving or disbursing -99-

money for the town or committing bills for collection were examined and reconciled with the accounting of- ficer's records. The ledger accounts were analyzed, the receipts, as recorded, being checked with the treasurer's books, and the payments being compared with the warrants authorizing them and with the treasurer's record of payments. The appropriation accounts and reserve fund transfers as recorded were checked with the town clerk's record of town meeting proceedings and with the records of the finance committee. The ledger accounts were analyzed, and a bal- ance sheet, which is appended to this report, was pre- pared showing the financial condition of the town on December 31, 1940. This balance sheet indicates that the financial condition of the town is very good. The books and accounts of the treasurer were examined and checked. The recorded receipts were analyzed and checked with the records of the several departments collecting money for the town and with other sources from which money was paid into the treasury, while the payments were compared with the selectmen's warrants authorizing the treasurer to dis- burse town funds. The cash book additions were veri- fied and the cash balance on December 31, 1940, was proved by reconciliation of the bank balances with statements furnished by the banks of deposit and by actual count of the cash in the office. Payments made for maturing debt and interest were compared with cancelled securities and coupons on file and with amounts falling due. The savings bank books and securities represent- ing ;the investment of the several trust funds in the -100- custody of the town treasurer were examined and list- ed, the income and withdrawals being proved and checked with the treasurer's cash book.

The records of tax titles held by the town were examined and reconciled with the tax collector's books and the accounting officer's ledger and were further verified by comparison with the records in the Regis- try of Deeds.

The books and accounts of the collector of taxes were examined and checked. The taxes and assess- ments outstanding according to the previous exami- nation were audited, and all subsequent commitments were compared with the assessors' warrants issued for their collection. The payments to the treasurer were verified the recorded abatements were checked with the assessors' records, the taxes transferred to the tax title account were proved, and the outstanding accounts were listed.

The commitments of departmental accounts re- ceivable were examined and checked. The payments to the treasurer were compared with the treasurer's recorded receipts, the abatements were checked with the records in the departments authorized to grant abatements, and the outstanding accounts were listed and proved. The outstanding tax, assessment and depart- mental accounts were verified by mailing notices to a number of persons whose names appeared on the books as owing money to the town, the replies re- ceived thereto indicating that the amounts, as listed, are correct. -101-

The financial accounts of the town clerk were examined for dog and sporting licenses issued, the payments to the town and State being verified.

The retiring treasurer, collector of taxes, town clerk and accounting officer is to be commended for the efficient and accurate manner in which his work has been performed during the many years he has been connected with the town.

The records of the selectmen, sealer of weights and measures, and milk inspector were examined, as well as the records of all other departments collecting money for the town or committing bills for collection being reconciled with the treasurer's and accounting officers records.

In addition to the balance sheet previously men- tioned, there are, appended to this report, tables show- ing a reconciliation of the treasurer's cash, summaries of the tax, assessment, tax title and departmental ac- counts, as well as tables showing' the trust fund tran- sactions. During the progress of the audit, co-op- eration was extended by the various town officials, for which, I wish, on behalf of my assistants and for my- self, to express appreciation.

Respectfully submitted, HERMAN B. DINE, Assistant Director of Accounts -102-

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Dennis, Mass., February 5, 1941

We the undersigned Auditors of the Town of Dennis have examined the accounts of the Town Of- ficers from January 1, 1940, to January 1, 1941, and find them correct according to the vouchers including Trust Funds in the hands of the Treasurer, Gerard Chapman, find the balances including overlay reserve fund of Thirty-six Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and 39/100 Dollars (36,450.39) and Trust Funds Twenty Thousand Thirty-six and 66/100 Dollars (20,036.66).


Parks Appropriation $500.00 Expended $427.49 Unexpended balance 72.51 $500.00 Bathhouse Accounts DENNIS BATH HOUSE RECEIPTS 16 Seasonal Rentals $217.00 12 Monthly Rentals 95-0u 4 Weekly Rentals 15-00 Transient Rentals 69.50 $396.50

EXPENSES Wages to ,keeper $205i^uo./i 71 Material and supplies 183.67 . ± $389.38 DENNISPORT BATH HOUSE RECEIPTS 1 Seasonal Rental * '-u^ 2 Monthly Rentals 10.00 Weekly Rentals 13-**j Transient Rentals , 90-50 $120.75 EXPENSES Wages of keeper IOR i« Materials and supplies IU».«J» $314.09 -107-

WEST DENNIS BATH HOUSE RECEIPTS Seasonal Rentals $355.00 Monthly Rentals 18.00 Weekly Rentals 51.00 Transient Rentals 85.25

$509.25 EXPENSES Wages of keeper $205.71 Materials and supplies 193.25

$398.96 Your Park Commissioners are pleased to make the above report as to the expenses of the Parks and the receipts and expenses of each of the three bath houses. The bath houses are now in very satisfactory condition, but we would like to call attention to the steps in the Scargo Hill Tower at Dennis. They are in a dangerous condition and we are asking a special appropriation to take care of this matter before there is any liability coming on the Town. Many people use this lookout tower and we feel this is a worthy purpose.



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen Town Office, South Dennis, Massachusetts

Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of the Fire Depart- ment for the year ending December 31, 1940. The Department responded to 52 alarms, includ- ing 8 still. The fire loss was approximately $11,500.00.

The causes of the alarms were as follows: Spontaneous ignition 2 Railroad 1 Electric wires 2 Oil Heater 1 Incinerators 5 Burning without permit 1 Lightning 1 Rubbish 4 Children with matches 2. Unknown J Chimney 3 Automobile 5 Incendiary 7 Needless Hot ashes 3 Call to Yarmouth 1 Cat on pole 1 Sailboat capsized 1 Total 52

Calls for each month of the year January 0 July 3 February 4 August 9 March 9 September 2 April 3 October 3 May 12 November 2 june 4 December 1 — 109 —

Calls for each village Dennis 10 East Dennis 8 South Dennis 13 West Dennis 12 Dennisport 8 Town of Yarmouth 1

The apparatus and equipment are in good condi- tion except Truck No. 5 (Model A Ford 1929) which should have new tires, due to their age and overload they carry; also, the booster pump is about worn out, causing difficulty in drafting water; and Truck No. 7 (Dodge, 1927) which needs work done on the motor. I would like to recommend the following: 1. That consideration be given to replacing the two above trucks with one equipped similar to the International we now have. 2. That the insurance on firemen be changed to blanket form of coverage. 3. That a booster tank and hose for same be installed on Truck No. 3 (500 gal. Pumper) to increase the efficiency and usefulness of this truck. In conclusion, I would like to thank the officers and members of the Fire Department, the Board of Selectmen and other officers and citizens of the town for the cooperation and assistance they have given the Fire Department. I wish at this time to thank the former firemen and members of the State Fire Truck crew who are so willing answering alarms during the present emer- gency, when so many firemen are temporarily em- ployed out of town. Respectfully submitted, EDWARD N. CLOUGH, Fire Chief -110- REPORT OF THE SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE TOWN OF DENNIS, 1940

To the Board of Selectmen: I herewith submit my fifteenth annual report: 101 Scales Sealed 32 Adjusted 73 Weights Sealed 3 Vehicle Tanks Sealed 33 Liquid Measures Sealed 6 Dry Measures Sealed 49 Gasoline Meters Sealed 6 Gasoline Pumps Sealed 2 Condemned 5 Oil Measuring Pumps Sealed 7 Grease Pumps Sealed 13 Kerosene Oil Pumps Sealed Sealing Fees and Adjusting $ 63.17 7 Transient Vendors' Licenses 105.00 13 Victuallers' Licenses 65.00 13 Rooming House Licenses 26.00 3 Sign Permits 1-50 1 Dog License 2-00


Which has been turned in to the Town Clerk.


Sealer of Weights and Measures -Ill-


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:

During the year 1940 the Shellfisheries of this Town have been depleted to such an extent that this industry should be restored, not only to benefit the fishermen, but also the summer people who make dig- ging shellfish one of their weekly pastimes. Over 120 people dug clams in one day on the north shore alone.

The State furnished 250 bushels of clams, which were planted on the north shore. The State also paid for moving 280 bushels of scallops, taken from the flats at Grand Cove and moved to deeper water. Some were replanted at Oldfield Bend.

Two hundred and ninety-six (296) bushels of oysters and 168 bushels of quahaugs were taken from Swan River and planted around the Island at Grand Cover and Grand Cove Channel. One hundred and twenty-five (125) bushel of these oysters were planted at Nickerson Point in Bass River.

This work was done from the appropriation of Town money. Dennis men were employed on all these projects.

Approximately $7,000.00 worth of shellfish were taken by Commercial Fishermen this year, this figure being less than last year due to the fact that there were less fishermen, a majority being employed at Camp Edwards. There were 32 Commercial Permits and 8 Eel Pot Permits issued this year. -112-

The Shellfish Appropriation should be increased this year as it will be necessary to buy seed to continue the progress of cultivation that has developed in the last few years. In closing, the Wardens wish to thank all those who have so willingly rendered their services that our Shellfisheries may be preserved.

Respectfully submitted, HORACE F. GAY THOMAS T. KELLEY Shellfish Constables -113-


Moth Report by State Dept. Conservation

Required expenditures $1,990.00 Gross expenditures 2,'816*43 Private wort 310 50 Net expenditures 2,505*93 Pay rolls financed by State 450^00 Supplies furnished by State 539 03 Total received from State 989.03

WALTER F. HOLMES Div. Supt. —114 —



Record of the Doings at the Annual Town Meeting Held March 4-5, 1940

Agreeable to the warrant, the' inhabitants of Dennis qualified to vote in elections, met at the vari- ous precincts and in the following places: Precinct 1 Carleton Hall, William R. Kelley, Warden Precinct 2 Worden Hall, U. C. Phillips, "Warden Precinct 3 Village Improvement Club Han, John F. McLaughlin, Warden Precinct 4 Town Hall, Jesse D. Woodbury, Warden Precinct 5 Fire Station, Ernest N. Barnes, Warden The Polls were declared open at 7:00 o clock a.m. in each precinct and declared closed at 1.00

C'Cl0TkheP'wardens of each precinct fought the votes of their precincts to the Town Office and the Regis- trars of Voters found that result of said vote as follows: Total Vote Cast: 1004 Precincts Total 12 3 4 5 Moderator for one year: •W«»»H.l.toW 227 60 U 58 73 25 Scattering ** Town Clerk for one year: •Benjamin F. Sears had 879 137 83 326 214 119 — 115 —

Precincts Total 1 2 3 4 5 Town Treasurer for one year: •Benjamin F. Sears had 863 133 80 321 213 116 Selectman for three years: Herbert M. Gill had 203 31 13 63 71 25 "Henry N. Wixon had 758 114 71 308 169 96 Auditors for one year: *Brant D. Ellis had 689 126 66 228 175 94 *Frank M. Embler had 657 126 73 207 165 86 *Rebecca B. Monroe had 741 114 63 258 200 106 Scattering 3 2 1 Constables for one year: David E. Crowell had 286 40 18 108 80 40 Henry F. Gill, Jr., had 219 18 10 38 123 30 ■■'Thomas T. Kelley had 473 135 58 125 91 64 *Benjamin F. Kendrick had 653 61 43 308 155 86 Isaac J. Merchant, Sr. had 102 15 6 38 23 20 *Mervin H. Sears had 535 100 74 162 113 86 Everett Cahoon had 1 1 Park Commissioner for three years: *Charles A. Hallett had 563 114 67 171 137 74 Thomas H. Langton had 166 29 9 72 32 24 Dean S. Sears had 1 1 School Committee for three years: ♦Walter F. McDowell had 719 134 80 237 169 99 *A. Maud Smith had 686 101 62 264 170 89 Scattering 5 ^ is Tree Warden for one year: Herbert C. Chase had 273 60 18 57 116 22 ♦George B. Ellis had 610 66 46 287 116 95 Surveyor of Highways for one year: *Edward E. Crowell had 453 44 42 193 85 89 Irving B. Eldridge had 250 61 13 121 28 27 Edwin Gray had 278 52 32 51 133 10 -116-

Precincts Total 12 3 4 5 Planning Board for five years: •Lester O'Neil had 28 6 2 0 18 2 Scattering ^ 30 12 25 19 13 Planning Board for four years (to fill vacancy) : * Margaret H. Richardson 0 14 3 had 30 12 1 8 17 7 Scattering 52 11 9 Planning Board for three years (to fill vacancy) : 1 * Norman A. Hallett had 19 1 1 0 16 15 10 Scattering 57 16 8 8 Planning Board for two years .(to fill vacancy) : 2 *John R. Raymond had 26 6 4 0 14 8 12 7 Scattering 40 n 2 Planning Board for one year (to fill vacancy) : 14 1 *Minot C. Hayden had 27 8 4 0 4 11 7 Scattering 34 9 3

*Elected SUBSEQUENT MEETING In accordance with the warrant, the subsequent meeting was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, March 5 1940 ' "The meeting was called to order at 9:30 o'clock bv the Town Clerk who proceeded to read the war- ran and after reading the call it was voted to dis- pense with the reading of the balance of the warrant Article 1. To hear the report of the election of Town Officers elected upon the official ballot. The Town Clerk read the result of the previous day's voting as canvassed by the Registrars of -117- Voters. The Moderator was then sworn in and made the declaration of the election of the following offic- ers, according to the returns: Moderator for one year: William H. McLin Town Clerk for one year: Benjamin F. Sears Selectman for three years: Henry N. Wixon Auditors for one year: Brant D. Ellis Frank M. Embler Eebecca B. Monroe Constables for one year: Thomas T. Kelley Benjamin F. Kendrick Mervin H. Sears Park Commissioner for three years: ' Charles A. Hallett Town Treasurer for one year: Benjamin F. Sears School Committee for three years: Walter F. McDowell A. Maud Smith Surveyor of Highways for one year: Edward E. Crowell Planning Board for five years: Lester O'Neil Planning Board for four years (to fill vacancy) : Margaret H. Richardson Planning Board for three years (to fill vacancy) : Norman A. Hallett Planning Board for two years (to fill vacancy) : John R. Raymond Planning Board for one year (to fill vacancy) : Minot C. Hayden The Moderator called for a standing tribute and a minute of silence to the former town officers whose deaths occurred during the past year-- Owen B. Murray, Leon W. Hall, Clarence L. Gage and Barnabas C. Hall. —118 —

The Moderator appointed three tellers to count the house on all standing votes:- Paul S. Rob- bins, Archie R. Ellis and Anson H. Howes—and they took oath before the Moderator. Article 2. To choose one Trustee of the Caleb Chase Fund for the term of three years, and all other necessary Officers and Committees. After proper instruction, the Town Clerk cast one ballot for Elmer B. Lewis, to serve as Trustee oi the Caleb Chase Fund for three years, and he was declared elected. Voted: that all other necessary officers and com- mittees be appointed by the Selectmen, with the exception of the Finance Committee which shall be appointed by the Moderator. Article 3. To elect one Cemetery Commissioner, by ballot, for the term of three years. After proper instruction, the Town Clerk cast one ballot for Nathan D. Eldridge for Cemetery Commissioner for the term of three years and he was declared elected. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Town Officers as printed. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: that the report be accepted as printed. Article 5 To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the town treasurer, with the approval of the selectmen, to borrow money from time to time m an- ticipation of the revenue of the financial year begin- ning January 1, 1940, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than cne year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. , On motion of Henry N. Wixon, it was voted. that the Town Treasurer, with the approval oi the -119-

selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1940, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable in one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. Unanimously voted. Article 6. To hear the report of any outstand- ing committees and act thereon. The committee appointed under article 55 of the annual town meeting warrant of 1939 to inves- tigate the duties of the Board of Public Welfare had no report to make and this committee was discharged. On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to give a vote of thanks for the com- mittee's services. On motion of Charles E. Finley, it was voted: that the special committee appointed under article 49 of the annual town meeting warrant of 1937 be continued. Article 7. To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Moderator, Selectmen's Department, Auditing Department, Treasurer's Department, Assessors' Department, other Finance Officers and Accounts, Finance Committee Expenses, Law Department, Town Clerk's Depart- ment, Election Department and Registration, Town Office and other Town Buildings, Police Department, Fire Department, Inspection of Wires, Sealers' De- partment, Moth Suppression, Tree Warden, Forest Fires, Health Department, Public Nursing, Sanitation including Dumping Grounds, Highway Department, Bridges, Snow Removal, Street Lights, Street Signs Relocation and Defining of Roads, Public Welfare Aid to Dependent Children, Aid to Dependent Chil- dren Administration, Soldiers' Relief, State Aid, Old -120-

Age Assistance, Old Age Assistance Administration, Support of Schools, Parks, Bath Houses, Reserve Fund, Tower Clocks, Cemeteries, Interest, Town Reports, Maturing Debt, 1939 Unpaid Bills, Road Machinery Account, Memorial Day Observance, Planning Board and any other necessary charges arising in this town or otherwise provide. It was voted to raise and appropriate the follow- ing amounts: S> 20 00 Moderator * " Selectmen's Department In 00 Auditing Department *". Treasurer's Department i'IKA no Assessors' Department on no Other Finance Accounts ^-"" Finance Committee's Expense au.uu Law Department »""•"" Town Clerk's Department £""•«" Election and Registration ann no Town Buildings *""'"" Planning Board 1^.00 Police Department z,zuu.uu Fire Department (to include insurance for firemen) ,1™ Inspection of Wires ^OO.OU Sealer of Weights and Measures ^O.uu (voted: that the Sealer be instructed to collect license fees in addition to his regular duties) Moth Department 2,500.00

Tree Warden 00 Forest Fires Health Department |00

Public Nursing g0(J .QQ Sanitation M Highways ' Bridges —121 —

Snow Removal 3 QOO QQ Street Lights 7'500.'()0 Street Signs 100.00 Relocation and Defining Roads 200 00 Public Welfare 20,000.'oO Aid to Dependent Children 2,500.00 Aid to Dependent Children Adm. 100.00 Old Age Assistance 26,000.00 Old Age Assistance Adm. '600 00 Soldiers' Relief l,500.'oO State Aid 100 QO Memorial Day Observance ' 200.00 Parks 500.00 Bath Houses 1 200 00 Reserve Fund (See Article 46) Tower Clocks 100.00 Cemeteries 200 00 Interest 1,000.00 Town Reports 380.00 Maturing Debts 10 500.00 Unpaid Bills, 1939 ' '800.00 Road Machinery Fund 800.00 Other Necessary Expenses 400.00 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 60000 Schools 43,620.38 Article 8. To fix the pay of all elected officers as provided in Section 108, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: that the salaries of the elected officers be the same as last year. Article 9. To see if the town will vote to pay the selectmen a salary of $1500 each, with an addi- tional $100 to the chairman, and instruct them to keep the office open five and one-half days a week with a majority of the board present, except when out of town or otherwise employed on the town business— -122 — or will vote to pay the chairman a salary of $2,000 per year, he to keep the office open five and one-halt days per week, the other two members to receive a salary of $1,200 per year and attend all regular meet- ings—and do or act anything in relation to the article. On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: that the Selectmen's pay at least for the next year, be the same as it is now, and the time they are present at the office be left to their discretion. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the Town Treasurer to act as Collector of Taxes. On motion of Herbert C. Chase, it was voted: that the Town Treasurer be authorized to act as Collector of Taxes. Article 11 To see if the Town will instruct the Selectmen to control, regulate or prohibit the taking of eels and any or all kinds of shellfish and seaworms within the Town. ' , On motion of Henry N. Wixon, it was voted, that the Selectmen be authorized and instructed, in their discretion, to control, regulate or pro- hibit the taking of eels and any or all kinds ot shellfish and seaworms within the Town under the provisions of General Laws (Ter Ed.) Chap- ter 130, Section 48, as amended by Acts of Vd66, Chapter 329, and all other acts and amendments thereof or in addition thereto. Unanimously voted. Article 12 To see if the Town will authorize the granting of eel and shellfish permits by any one member of the Board of Selectmen. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted, that one member of the Board of Selectmen be auth- orized to grant eel and shellfish permits. • Article 13 To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen, from time to time, to declare a close season for any and all kinds of shellfish for not more —123 — than three years in the waters, flats or creeks within the Town, under the provisions of General Laws, Chap.- 130, Sec. 55, as amended by Acts of 1935, Chap. 329, and all other acts in amendment thereof or in relation thereto. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to accept the provisions of the article. Article 14. To see if the Town will choose a Town Director for the Cape Cod Extension Service as provided in Chapter 128 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: that Marcus L. Crowell be chosen as Town Direc- tor of the Cape Cod Extension Service. Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to ap- propriate the sum of $379.04, which is the amount of the County Dog Fund received, for expenses of schools for the current year. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: that the Dog- Fund of $379.04 be appropriated toward the expense of the schools for the current year. Unanimously voted. Article 16. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum of money for support and mainten- ance of Public Libraries and Library service. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: that the sum of $600.00 be raised and appropriated and to be divided equally among the libraries in the town. Unanimously voted. Article 17. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for the support of the Chase Public Library in the Town of Harwich. On motion of George B. Wilbur, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $150.00 for the support of the Chase Library in the Town of Harwich. Unanimously voted. — 124 —

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and' appropriate a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500) to be paid to the Cape Cod Hospital for the establishment and maintenance of a free bed in the hospital for care and treatment of persons certi- fied by the Selectmen to be residents of the Town and unable to pay for such care and treatment, in accord- ance with section 74 of Chapter 111 of the General Laws, or take any action in relation thereto, and act fully thereon. On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $500.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Unanimously voted. Article 19 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,875.00 for the mainten- ance of the roads under provisions of Section 26-29, Chapter 81, of the General Laws, as amended, said amount to be expended under direction of the Select- men and the Department of Public Works. On motion of I. G. Howes, it was voted: that the Town raise and appropriate the sum ot $9 875 00 for the maintenance of the roads under the provisions of Sections 26-29, Chapter 81 of the General Laws, as amended, said amount to be expended under the direction of the Select- men and Department of Public Works. Unani- mously voted. Article 20 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750 to be used with a like amount from the State and a like amount from the County to resurface a portion of the East Denms- to-West Dennis Road, work to be done under provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Laws. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $750.00 under the provis- ions of the article. Unanimously voted. — 125 —

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1800 for the protection and propagation of shellfish for the ensuing year. On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $1800.00—$1200.00 to be used for protection and $600.00 for propagation. Unanimously voted. Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used, with a like amount that may be contributed by land owners on the waterfront in the Town of Dennis, for the pro- tection of the shores, these moneys to be expended in conjunction with any moneys that may be received from the State and County under the Erosion Act, Chapter 275, Acts of 1935, as amended. On motion of I. G. Howes, it was voted: to raise and appropriate the sum of $900.00 to be used for the protection of the shores—these moneys to be expended in conjunction with any moneys that may be received from the State and County under the Erosion Act, Chapter 275, Acts of 1933, as amended. Unanimously voted. Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be expended under the supervision of the Board of Selectmen for con- tingent expenses connected with Federal Relief Ad- ministration, in the distribution of commodities and for use on any projects where town funds are required. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $3,300.00 and $1,800.00 to be used to complete unfinished sidewalks and $1,500.00 for contingent expenses as called for in the article. Unanimously voted. Article 24. To see if the Town of Dennis will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400.00 to supply food for the children of the W. P. A. Nursery — 126 —

School of the Town of Dennis, as the Federal Govern- ment so requires. On motion of Madeline Crowell, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $300.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 25 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $300 to add a section to the present wharf in Bass River twenty-five feet long and the same width and act fully in regard to the article On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $300.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 26 To see if the Town will vote to ap- point a Dennis man to take care of and place Dennis buoys in the Bass River channel on the Dennis side, instead of a Yarmouth man. On motion of William C. Pierce, it was voted. that this be left in the hands of the Selectmen. Article 27 To see if the Town will appropriate »nd raise the sum of $50 for care and upkeep of Bass River channel buoys on the Dennis side, which buoys are already the property of the town of Dennis. On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $50.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 28 To see if the town will vote to accept sections one, three, six and seven and sections eleven to sixteen inclusive of Chapter 142, General Laws and all amendments and additions thereto, said act being relative to the regulation and supervision of plumb-

mg' On motion of Smith R. Kelley, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone the article. It was also voted: that the Moderator be in- structed to appoint a committee of three to bring in a set of regulations at the next annual town . — 127 — meeting. The Moderator appointed the following committee: Alton L. Robbins, Norton H. Nicker- son, Arthur J. Hudson (providing he is a Master Plumber, otherwise Mr. James L. Speirs will be placed on the committee.) Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money not exceeding $6,000. to replace the drain from Finnegan's meadow so-called with thirty inch tile or corrugated pipe and new catch basins and tidegate if needed through property of Elza Kelley and Chase Avenue and Inman Road to the beach, to help correct the condition which existed in this locality last spring, provided Mrs. Kelley gives the required releases through her property. On motion of Smith R. Kelley, it was voted: to in- definitely postpone the article. Under this article, on motion of William Crowell, an informal vote was taken: that it is the sense of this meeting that the Selectmen be instructed to consult with the town counsel to investigate the possibilities of a ditch being opened up through Mr. Ide's land. Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.) to be used in clearing Chase Garden River, commencing at New Boston Bridge and working up- stream. On motion of I. G. Howes, it was voted: that $100.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur- pose stated in the article. Article 31. To see if the town will vote to lease, for the period of one'year, the vacant lot in Dennis- port formerly the property of the late David R. Ginn, located east of the brick block on Main Street, for the purpose of using same as a public parking place, and vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300. to pay rent thereof and to act fully thereon. — 128 — On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $240.00 for the purpose stated in the article, provided that the owner keep the holes filled. ■ Article 32. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to build or construct a sidewalk in the village of Dennis from Nobscusset Avenue westerly to the intersection of Beach Street. On motion of Charles M. Foley, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $150.00 to make some im- provements on the sidewalk. Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to erect two Warning signs, one near Newcomb's hill in Dennis and one near the Tobey farm, informing autoists that they are en- tering the village of Dennis and caution them against speeding through the village. On motion of Percy F. Williams, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone. Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to in- stall one street light on Swan Pond Road in South Dennis near the entrance to the swan River Cabins, and to raise and appropriate a sum of money to maintain the same. On motion of Richard S. Hall, it was voted: to accept the article and the expense of the light be taken from the general appropriation for street lights. Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to place two street lights on Hamilton Road in Dennisport, one light to be placed on the third pole and one on the fifth pole on the east side of said road in a northerly direction from Old Wharf Road. On motion of Henry N. Wixon, it was voted: to accept the article and the expense of the lights be taken from the general appropriation for street lights. — 129 — Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to install a street light on Pleasant Street on the first pole north- erly from Lower County Road near the residence of J. R. Hennessy. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: to install a light on the second pole instead of the first and that the expense of the light be taken from the general appropriation for street lights. Article 37. To see if the town wil vote to install an electric light on the fourth pole south on Chase Street from Lower County Road near the residence of Mrs. Lina Chase and raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money for maintaining same. On motion of Herbert C. Chase, it was voted: to accept the article and the expense of the light be taken from the general appropriation for street lights. Article 38. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400. for waterproofing and other repairs to the Dennis Consolidated School. On motion of George B. Wilbur, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $400.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 39. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $290. for additional fire insurance of $10,000. on the Dennis Consolidated School. On motion of William Crowell, it was voted: to raise and appropriate the sum of $290.00 to be expended for additional fire insurance on the school building. Article 40. To see if the town will vote to change the name of a street in West Dennis called Swampun Road to South Village Road, and give this name to the whole street which passes the residence of Harold Blake and others, crosses Lower County Road and runs to the sea, and erect a sign in a suitable place. — 130 —

On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to change the name to SOUTH VILLAGE ROAD. Article 41 To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100. (One Hundred Dollars) for the purpose of clearing the streets of papers and rubbish, to be expended in the different

Pre°On"motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to leave this work in the hands of the Surveyor of Highways. Article 42 To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 41, Section 97, General Laws (Ter. Ed.) establishing a Police Department un- der the direction of the Board of Selectmen and act fully thereon. On motion of Isaac J. Merchant, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone the article. Article 43 To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Five Hundred ($3 500.) Dollars for a Police Department. ' On motion of H. Clinton Chase, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone the article. Article 44. To see if the town will vote to accept the bequest of $3,000. under the will of the late Jona- than Matthews for establishment of a charity fund and to elect trustees under the provisions of the will. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: to accept the bequest and the trustees of the Caleb Chase Fund be also appointed to administer this fund. Unanimously voted. Article 45 To see if the town will vote to accept the bequest under the will of the late Samuel J. Rob- bins for the establishment of an education fund and to act in any way pertaining to this bequest. On motion of Benjamin F. Sears, it was voted: to accept the bequest and the school committee be —131 — appointed to administer this fund. Unanimously voted. Article 46. To see if the Town will vote to ap- propriate to the Reserve Fund the sum of $2,500.00. To be transferred from the Overlay Surplus. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to transfer from the Overlay Surplus the sum of $2,500.00 and appropriate it to the Reserve Fund. Article 47. To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 100A, Chapter 41, General Laws (Ter. Ed.) providing for indemnity of officers and employees and to raise and appropriate the sum of $50.00 for the purpose of paying indemnity insur- ance as provided in said Section 100A, Chapter 41, of the General Laws. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $50.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 48. To see if the town will vote to trans- fer the unexpended balances of the following accounts to Surplus Revenue: Salt Works Road Appropriation $8.00 Glendon Road Appropriation 2.00 New School Building Appropriation 169.00 Boundary Stones 50.00 On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to trans- fer the unexpended balances to Surplus Revenue. Article 49. To see if the town will vote to au- thorize the Selectmen to sell by private or public sale any property which the town may acquire by the fore- closure of Tax Titles. On motion of Rita Regan, it was voted: to au- thorize the Selectmen to sell by private or public sale foreclosed Tax Title property. Article 50. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $795.00 to purchase a new dump truck chassis and authorize the Selectmen to sell -132- the present truck chassis and to meet the appropriation for said purchase the sum of $795.00 be transferred from the funds in the Treasury set aside as Road Mach- inery Fund or take any action relative thereto. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to au- thorize the Selectmen to sell the truck chassis and to purchase a new chassis and that $795.00 be appropriated from the Machinery fund. • Article 51 To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used with any sums that may be contributed by the town of Yar- mouth, the State and Federal authorities and by pri- vate contribution for dredging the entrance to Bass River and an anchorage basin within said river and construction of proper jetties or riprap work Under this article, on motion of H. Clinton Chase, a vote of sentiment was taken: in case this river is dredged at some later date, the town shall be recorded as favoring this project. Unanimously voted. Article 52 To see if the town will vote to name the road running from Uncle Barney's Road to Bass River and bounded by the land now or formerly owned by the "Hon. Charles H. Davis and Mr. Churchill UNCLE FREEMAN'S ROAD and a sign so placed. On motion of Herbert C. Chase, it was voted: to accept the provisions of the article. Article 53 To see if the town will vote to in- struct the Selectmen that when appointing shellfish constables one of said constables shall be a resident of the north side of the town, the other a resident of the south side of the town, appointments to be made for a period of one year, said Constables to alternate m their tours of duty, one week on the north side and one week on the south side; in accordance with General Laws Chapter 130, Section 152, and to raise $1,200. or a sufficient sum of money for services and expenses of — 133 —

said Constables, and take any action relative thereto and act fully thereon. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone the article. Article 54. To see if the town will vote to re- scind any action that may have been taken at a pre- vious town meeting whereby it was voted that no wel- fare business be given to the chain stores and that from now on those chain stores with Dennis tax paying help be given a share. On motion of Earle M. Davidson, it was voted: to indefinitely postpone the article. Article 55. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $600. to tear down the old lockers and replace with new, to harden and oil the parking space at the Dennis Bath House, Corporation Beach, Dennis, Mass. On motion of John Canfield, it was voted: to raise and appropriate $600.00 for the provisions of the article. Article 56. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $200. to be used to pay for the purchase and distribution of fish and game in the town and feed of wild life. On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted- to raise and appropriate $200.00 for the provisions of the article. Article 57. To see if the Town will vote to abolish all signs directing the public to the of the town of Dennis. (Sponsored by the Planning Board) On motion of John Canfield to abolish all signs, it was voted as follows: YES 41. NO 47. Article 58. To see if the Town will vote to make all street and directional signs in the town of Dennis of a uniform size and style. (Sponsored by the Plan- ning Board). —134 — On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted; that all street and directional signs in the future be made of uniform size and style and that these signs be painted white with black letters with mouldings around them, like the old-fashioned signs. Article 59 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of Xcing a flag pole upon the Town Office or Town Office grounds and purchase a flag for the same. (Sponsored by the Planning Board.) On motion of Herbert C. Chase, it was voted, to raise and appropriate the sum of $60.00 for the purpose stated in the article. Article 60 To see if the Town will vote to build a sidewalk on Route 6 in East Dennis from the present post office to Homer's corner, so called, raise and ap- propriate a sum of money for the same or act on the article in any way the town may see fit. On motion of Herbert C. Chase, it was voted, to indefinitely postpone the article. Article 61 To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of One Hundred Twenty-Five ($125 00) Dollars to repair the stone and iron fence around the Old Indian Burying Ground near bcargo Lake and appoint a committee to ook up title and have the work done-provided it is legal for the town to spend the money on the repairs. On motion of I. G. Howes, it was voted, to in- definitely postpone the article. Article 62 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Sixty ($260.00) Dollars to build a sidewalk on each side ol Swan River Upper Bridge, known as Crabs Bridge On motion of William C. Kelley, it was voted: to raise and appropriate the sum of $260.00 for the purpose stated in the article. — 135 —

No further business coming before the meeting the meeting was adjourned at 5<:40 p. m.

Attest: Benj. F. Sears TOWN CLERK

1940 RECORD OF SPECIAL TOWN MEETING December 18, 1940 Agreeable to the warrant on page 137 a Special Town Meeting was held in the Town Hall, on Wed- nesday evening December 18, 1940.

Meeting was called to order at 8:04 o'clock by Mr. William H. McLin, Moderator.

The Town Clerk read the warrant for the meet- ing and the Moderator and Town Clerk then took a count of the voters present to ascertain if a quorum was present and it was shown that 85 voters were pres- ent at the time of the count.

The Moderator then appointed Mr. Joshua Crowell and Mr. Marcus L. Crowell as Tellers and they were sworn before the Moderator.

Article 1. To see if the town will vote to rescind the action taken under Article 10 of warrant for the annual town meeting held March 5, 1940, whereby it was voted that the Treasurer act as Collector of Taxes and provide for the election of a Treasurer'and a Col- lector of Taxes. -136-

VOTED: Motion of I. Grafton Howes, duly sec- onded, that the provisions of this article be ac- cepted, was lost. Vote Yes 20, No 57.

Article 2 To see if the Town will vote to trans- fer the sum of $1,000.00 from the unexpended balance in the appropriation for Old Age Assistance to the ap- propriation for Public Welfare.

VOTED: Motion of I. Grafton Howes, duly sec- onded, that the amount of $1,000.00 be trans- ferred from the Old Age Assistance Appropria- tions to the Public Welfare Appropriation. Un- animously voted. No further business coming before the meeting it was adjourned at 9:05 P. M.

Attest: Benj. F. Sears TOWN CLERK —137- T3 CO co co ft -t^> CD ^73 « co" £ 2 » S -2 v S3a> .£ ^ 42 0 T3 U S O^C^ (j O o «kO o9 «

o a OS o3 : S ■ ra j s : o 42 co 03 CO CO . CO CO i—i CO < © pq co a Hi AH AH o CO m a - o3 a w ^ M w CO CO M X .a a 43 ^ AH' OS • »—I 03 H I—< p> > a a, co CO a o3 +j *a a p CO a z <: §u t3 o a OS O ,2 a 5 a a 03 w D o3 a a cs T3 03 Q CO §§ a . MM oj H SH a -5 ^ > 2 p. ft a _ 73 2 to 3 CO CO CO *r< CO CO s 2 CO co ^ CO CO a a co 43 a w O O 53 o o a lo3 >> o 43 i-s >-s H 8 3 Q m Pw t-lQO ►-a C/2 a CM Q 1-3 W be w CO a; a CO o co CO w Si o H u )—3 co 03 42 CO u § o o « co o3 2£ PQO -q P4 PM W co td 5 a O CO o3 CO ^ s u co o3 a S 03 43 a « CO O > o3 CO S o CO X ^ >-s

S-, <_, CO o3 3 a oj co a a ^ s 03 a co 43 3 O O g.Sg.. co 2 & O « « > Q o 1-3

CT!cnO(Ml»00airfMt>00l0«0H O * « ^ r-HrH H CM CM m&Z33£A£ii££a a 42 42 SH'S;>.>.>>2222 — 138 —

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CD o CO fa .-5 -2o3 CD — -t-> CD fa PS 5-1 3 ^J O 5-1 3 fa m a 2T3 ^ tf O en w£ fa O 0 03 < s PQ fa pq g -g « !» 3 .. 03 CD £ ^ << CD c« PQ w pq ^3 I s TJ H cd s . 03 C *s r a PS 03 T3 03 CO O l- P5 03 CO 3 6 to Z fa P CO o3 TS fa -^ g 03 5 5H ,E) CD O ft CD ft T3 PS D CD iS > CO £5 Q o3 5H >»^ o P3 « 5 £3 PH 3 PH fa CO U 1-5 to>-* Z Z U4 CD Q 5-1 03 CD CD ^ U 5-i CD CO 03 bfi a O CD E-i Q fa O CD Is "5-1 « CD 03 (-! a: CD > 5 W CD w Q 5-1 >> * r5" 03o3 ffl .a o 03 H CD SH ^ 03 o3 CO S N I—* •r!Jgfa rt T3 03^ 2 S2 M < a O W CO U ui O 03 CD — o fl >>2 CD 5 fl « t>> 5H ^ CD 03 3 03 3 >5 ^ Si «i M a: « » O PM-^s pq J H c c a5 !: ,rH rt <:<,<:y:1 as t-cX31iO'* Ot- * " * ' ' 2 CM CN

>> >> ^■ft^^- £ £ ^ ^ ^ co1 W eg O O O fc O fi Q — 139 —


Jan. 6 Raymond A. Perry of Dennis and Clotilde Mendez of New Bedford Feb. 10 Donald W. Bachman of Dennis and Dorothy E. Derby of Harwich Mar. 24 John C. Rourke of Edgartown and Anne W. Horton of Dennis ' Mar. 30 William H. Crowell, Jr., of New Britain, Conn., and Paula K. Jones of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Apr. 15 Thomas J. Walsh of Hyannis and Nora B. Hall of Dennis May 4 Charles R. Ellis of Dennis and Lillian Sasse Morgan of Dennis June 8 Arthur G. Long of Dennis and Marie Lin- nell of Dennis June 9 Frank A. Foss of Dennis and Ann Crowell of Dennis June 15 William M. Haller, 2nd, of Bemidji, Minn., and Dorothy M. Lizer of Bemidji, Minn. June 15 Edward L. Drew of Harwich and Milia M. Puukka of Dennis June 17 Oliver M. Hinckley of Hyannis and .Irene C. Colby of Dennis June 29 Roland B. Taylor of Yarmouth and Helen W. Wigginton of Dennis July 4 Richard S. Aldrich of Dennis and Gertrude Gordon-Howley of Dennis July 6 John H. Rose of Harwich and Clara Perry of Dennis July 8 Percy F. Williams, Jr., of Dennis and Bar- bara L. Haskins of Hyannis — 140 — Aug. 24 George S. Hyde of New York and Rosamond Robb of Winchester Sept. 1 John Barnard, Jr., of Barnstable and Nan- nette Kelley of Dennis Sept. 2 Henry F. Gill of Dennis and Sarah G. Owen of Dennis Sept. 6 Anthony Oddo of Bronx, N. Y., and Doro- thy Brigham of Dennis Sept. 7 Sulo A. Jackson of Harwich and Hazel D. Dickey of Dennis Sept. 14 Robert P. Whittemore of Hanson and Ther- sa Poucher of Hyannis Sept. 28 Lloyd Corning of Fairhaven and Evelyn B. Eldridge of Dennis Oct. 4 Gordon A. Barker of Dennis and Elsie H. Sears of Yarmouth Oct. 12 George R. Foss of Dennis and Vida T. Preston of Dennis Oct. 12 James S. Lapham, Jr., of Dennis and Gert- rude P. Mason of Dennis Oct. 23 Louis K. Karros of Barnstable and Eliza- bBth J. Crowell of Dennis Oct. 25 August Buschmann of Auburn, Maine, and Elizabeth L. King of Dennis Nov. 2 George Canham of Brewster and Marion Z. Clancy of Dennis Nov. 26 John V. Lamminen, Jr.. of Barnstable and Marie Monroe of Dennis Dec. 22 James R. Snyder of Dennis and Emma M. Kimball of Dennis -141-


Dat< s of Age Death Name Yrs. ' Mos. Days Jan. 6 Emilie B. Meek 78 10 5 Jan. 6 Amay W. Little 55 3 0 Jan. 7 Harry Clinto Sears 4 27 Jan. 9 Phebe F. Murray 91 2 2 Jan. 23 Kate Dawson 82 6 8 Feb. 13 George F. Humphrey 79 4 27 Feb. 18 Lucy C. Cook 85 1 3 Feb. 20 William R. Young 69 3 8 Mar. 5 Elmer E. Ellis 72 4 14 Mar. 7 Stella M. Kelley 49 6 20 Mar. 9 Warren S. Rogers 81 5 12 Mar. 19 Henry S. F. Sears 88 1 18 Mar. 11 Harold W. Nickerson 48 9 24 Apr. 3 David E. Crowell 76 4 28 Apr. 8 George C. Eldridge 80 5 Apr. 27 Albert Monterio 70 4 1 Apr. 29 Alonzo F. Howes 79 10 3 May 2 Elizabeth Jane Gray Norris 82 5 10 May 9 Medora H. Nickerson 84 3 2 May 14 Charles H. Bradford 79 9 24 May 31 James C. Kelley 70 2 17 June 11 Sarah J. Wixon 91 3 19 June 13 Horace E. Millan 81 4 15 June 16 Stella A. Alosevitch 47 June 16 Bessie W. Matthews 77 2 0 July 16 Raymond W. Moore 44 July 16 Alida R. Marchant 77 6 0 July 17 George F. Davis 55 July 24 Percy F. Williams 66 0 26 July 22 Everett Crowell 58 1 4 Aug. 6 Manuel Perry 20 Aug. 8 Thomas J. McLin 73 142- Age Date of Yrs. Mos. Days Death Name 2 27 Sept. 10 John F. McLaughlin 52 9 4 Sept. 19 Harriet G. Eldridge 33 11 29 Oct. 29 Mary H. C. Howes 89 3 9 Nov. 7 Charles H. Jackson 67 5 30 Nov. 9 Herbert H. Howes 59 11 Nov. 18 Beverly Perry 5 20 Nov. 18 George P. Chatterley 65 10 16 Dec. 6 Flora Small 62 9 7 Dec. 11 Marie L. Roberts 64 80 2 16 Dec. 12 Nellie D. Wheldon 4 3 Dec. 13 William H. Bain 77 6 14 Dec, 18 David Shiverick 97 10 28 Dec. 25 Joseph Hedge 80 Brought to Dennis for Burial Buried at Date of Death East Dennis Feb. 6 Arthur S. Hall South Dennis Mar. 10 Mercie T. Bangs South Dennis Mar. 19 Frederick L. Steele West Dennis Apr. 16 Rowland C. Atcherley Dennis Port May 12 Adelia M. Wixon East Dennis June 6 Warren C. Sears East Dennis July 4 Mary Eva Wefer East Dennis June 16 Lelia F. Sears South Dennis July 26 Benjamin T. Baker Dennis Dec. 25-38 James Scott South Dennis Aug. 15-40 Ansel E. Crosby South Dennis Aug. 22 Elizabeth E. Baxter East Dennis Sept. 5 Carolyn Hyde Wingate East Dennis Sept. 27 Harriet Harvey Sears South Dennis Oct. 21 George B. Colbauth Dennis Nov. 4 Mary E. Phillips South Dennis Dec. 8 Stanley Baker West Dennis Dec. 8 Ida Fiske Miller West Dennis Dec. 16-40 Harry D. Miller East Dennis Dec. 19 Joseph L. Schlesinger West Dennis Dec. 26 Russell A. Sears, 2nd — 143 —


Number of Births 28 Males, 15; Females, 13 Number of Marriages 30 Number of Deaths 45

TOWN CLERK FEES Recording Fees $ 53.50 Recording Gasoline Licenses 25.00 Dog License Fees 32 45 Marriage Licenses 60.00 Certified Copies 20 00 Sporting and Lobster Licenses 43.25


30 Marriage Licenses Issued 145 Male Dogs Registered 17 Female Dogs Registered 49 Fishing Licenses Issued 96 Hunting Licenses Issued 17 Sporting Licenses Issued 7 Trapping Licenses Issued 4 Lobster Licenses Issued 10 Sporting Licenses Issued (no fee) 2 Duplicate Licenses Issued (no fee) Attest: BENJ. F. SEARS Town Clerk


Printed by THE GOSS PRINT Harwich, Mass. —146— SCHOOL OFFICERS

SCHOOL COMMITTEE Mrs. Jane E. Crowell, Chairman East Dennis Term expires 1941 Dr George B. Wilbur, Secretary South Dennis Term expires 1942 Mr Alton M. Baker, West Dennis Term expires 1942 Mrs A. Maud Smith, Dennisport Term expires 1943 Mr. Walter F. McDowell, Dennis Term expires 1943

SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS C. R. Stacy Office: Bass River School Residence: West Yarmouth Tel. Hyannis 1465-M Tel. Hyanms 498


SCHOOL PHYSICIAN County Health Officer, A. P. Goff, M. D. Telephone Hyannis 593

SCHOOL NURSE Nurses from the District Nurses' Association Telephone Hyannis 431

SUPERVISOR OF ATTENDANCE Richard E. B. Phillips Telephone Harwich 459M-3 -147-


Winter term began Thursday, January 2, 1941, and closes Friday, Feb. 21, 1941 8 weeks Early spring term begins Monday, March 3, and closes Friday, April 18 7 weeks Late spring term begins Monday, April 28, and closes Friday, June 13 7 weeks Fall term begins Monday, September 8, and closes Friday, December 19 16 weeks Winter term begins Monday, December 29, 1941


New Year's Day, January 1 Washington's Birthday, February 22 Patriot's Day, April 19 Memorial Day, May 30 Independence Day, July 4 Labor Day, first Monday in September Columbus Day, October 12 Armistice Day, November 11 Thanksgiving Day, last Thursday in November Christmas Day, December 25 Note: Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, is not a legal holiday in Massachusetts. On Wednesday before Thanksgiving school will close at noon. —148—

NOTE At a regular meeting of the school committee of Dennis, Massachusetts, held January 24, 1941, it was voted to adopt the annual report of the Superin- tendent of Schools as the annual report of the school committee for the year ending December 31, 1940. GEORGE B. WILBUR, Secretary

THE REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS To the School Committee of Dennis, Mass. Ladies and Gentlemen: Herewith is presented the forty-ninth report in the series of the union superintendent's annual reports. SCHOOL COSTS The net local taxation cost for Dennis Schools for 1940 was $41,019.40. Expenditures: Income: General Mass. School Fund Part I $2,008.00 $43,005.02 Boston City Wards 336.03 Waterproofing State Wards • and painting Rebate on Insurance ld.bJ 316>77 $2,581.89 Insurance 279 50 Net local taxation of the L_ schools 41,019.40 $43,601.29 $43,601.29 -149- THE TEACHING STAFF At the end of the school year last June Miss Lodema A. Merrill, who had been doing work very competently as cafeteria manager and teacher of household arts, resigned on account of marriage. Miss Eleanor D. White, a graduate of Framingham State Teachers College, household arts course, has filled this vacancy and is carrying on successfully. Earlier in the year, Miss Cora Burnett resigned on account of ill health. Mrs. Hope Crowell Hallett, a former teacher of our fifth grade was appointed as substitute teacher for this grade for the rest of the school year and Miss Elsie R. I. Anderson, who had been teacheing grade five, was appointed to the place vacated by Miss Burnett, teaching arithmetic in the upper grades. Miss Helen W. Wigginton of the fifth grade re- signed at the end of June also on account of marriage. She had been in charge of this grade since January, 1937, and had done excellent work there. She has been succeeded by Miss Helen B. Lane, who is a grad- uate of the Wheelock School and Boston University, with one and a half years of successful teaching ex- perience in the town of Chilmark on the Vineyard. REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS The work of water-proofing and repainting has gone forward successfully. The windows on the south- east side of the building have been metal weather- stripped against wind-driven rain in southeast storms, which had before injured interior walls and window shades. Fourteen more windows need to have this same metal weather-stripping installed and then this part of the job is complete. Some more furring between the outer walls and inner plaster walls remains to be attended to. Like- wise, damaged plaster needs to be replaced and more -150- class room walls require repainting before the building- is restored to a good condition after nine or ten years of use. The resurfacing of class room floors which has been in mind was not attended to last summer because of other more urgent matters having the right of way It is hoped that this improvement can be accomplished this coming summer vacation. Fire alarm gongs have been installed on each floor so that any one at any time can sound an alarm through the building from any floor. The fire escape at the suggestion of the state in- spector, has been provided with an iron grill which better encloses the stairs and midway landing and makes the passage down the escape free from any uncomfortableness of mind on the part of the younger children. INSURANCE Insurance policies on the school building and its contents have been rewritten at a lower rate and with extended coverage beyond fire only. An additional $12,000 over and above the former amount is now- m effect This makes the amount on the building $48,000 and on contents, $5,000. Policies are arranged so that the premiums payable each year will be equal in amount. Moreover, the cost of this increased protec- tion, owing to the lower rate, is only slightly more than the amount formerly paid. REPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF THE DENNIS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL I present herewith my tenth annual report as principal of the Dennis Consolidated School, the tenth in a series of such reports. -151-

The final steps in the revision of our course of study in arithmetic were accomplished this year, thus bringing us into better alignment with modern practice in this field of education. Acting upon your sugges- tions in the matter and following the procedure you outlined, a committee of teachers has made an exhaus- tive study of newer textbooks in the field of spelling. The report of this committee is now ready for your in- spection and study and it is hoped that steps may be taken at once to bring this branch of instruction up to date in our school, particularly since the spelling books now in use are worn out and must be replaced this year. The next problem confronting us in the re- vision of our course of study is the examination and better co-ordination of our materials and methods in reading. Changes have taken place in our faculty during the past year by which we have lost the services of a teacher both experienced and valuable who resigned to be married as well as those of other teachers who had been with us shorter periods of time, but whose work gave promise of successful service to the school. The usual clinics safeguarding the health of our pupils were held during the year. Several of the pupils were enabled to spend portions of the summer vacation at health camps with noticeable improvements in their school work as a direct result. In the "Be Kind to Animals" Poster Contest spon- sored by the Massachusetts S. P. C. A., the following pupils won recognition: first prizes, Priscilla Hall, Edward White; second prizes, Gertrude Gannon, Rob- ert Estes, Marie Ellis; honorable mention, Warren Howes, Harold Wilkey, Laurence Cash. The Parent-Teacher Association continued its service to our pupils by sponsoring the Annual Spell- ing Bee and in addition a Hobby Show for the pupils. It also offered a cash prize of five dollars to the mem- —152— ber of the graduating class who had shown the greatest all-round improvement during the year. This prize was awarded to Manuel Joseph Gomes. The Dennis Fireman's Association places at our disposal a fund upon which we draw for the benefit of the underprivileged among our pupils and with it we have been able to assist many children. On behalf of these children we extend sincere thanks to this or- ganization. During Fire Prevention Week the firemen brought several pieces of apparatus to the school and carried on interesting demonstrations. The Central Cape Kiwanis Club made available to us two student tickets issued by the Cape Cod Co- operative Concert Association. These were rotated among the pupils so that several students were enabled to attend the concert offerings of the Association with- out charge. The scholarship prize offered by the Club was won last June by Thomas Elmer Kelley. The Bi- cycle Safety and Registration Campaign sponsored by the Club met with enthusiastic response among the pupils, and at the present time nearly fifty pupils have had their bicycles equipped with necessary safety de- vices and have been issued registration plates. The Village Improvement Club of Denmsport offered a prize to the member of the graduating class who in the opinion of the teachers had made an out- standing record in both citizenship and scholarship during the year. This award, a copy of "The Narrow Land: Folk Chronicles of Old Cape Cod", was voted to Dorothy Mae Harriman. The American Legion Medal awarded by the votes of teachers and classmates to the boy graduate who best exemplified the American tradition was pre- sented by Commander C. E. Finley of the Harwich post to Stanley Eugene Robbins. Under the direction of Miss Esther Thomas the pupils of the upper grades of the school carried on the —153—

course of required reading as set up by the Division of Public Libraries of the Department of Education. Honor certificates in recognition of the completion of the required list of readings were awarded to Jean Bayles, Gene Dunham, and Phyllis Nickerson This program would not have been possible without the co- operation of the five libraries which serve the town and the active participation of the several librarians con- cerned is gratefully acknowledged. The program is being continued this year. For the first time since consolidation of our ele- mentary schools in 1931, an evening session was held during the past year. A large number of parents ana friends availed themselves of the opportunity of be- coming acquainted with the work of the school. If the efforts to defend and to preserve our na- tion which are now in the forefront of consciousness in the mind of every citizen are to be crowned with ulti- mate success we must prepare our children adequately to appreciate the blessings we enjoy under the Ameri- can form of government. A task so stupendous requires the assistance of every thoughtful man and woman and this school welcomes the active interest of each and every such person. Each and every suggestion will be accorded courteous consideration. The belief held by every person connected with this school that the School Committee takes only those steps which it con- siders to be for the ultimate good of the school is strengthened by the patient and kindly manner in which the policies of the Committee are interpreted for us by you, its executive officer. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. McLIN. December 31, 1940 —154—

YARMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL'S REPORT Herewith is submitted my eighth annual report as principal of the Yarmouth High School. Last June there were fifty graduates. Of these,, three returned as post graduates, eight are enrolled m college four are enrolled in other schools, two are m the Navy, three are in the Army, three are married, twenty-one are employed, and six are unreported. At the present time graduates of the school are in attendance at the following institutions: (This is not a complete list.) State Teachers Colleges at Hyanms and Framingham, Massachusetts State College, Har- vard, University of Vermont, Norwich University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Oberlin, Zion Bible Institute, Eastern Bible Institute, Waltham Training School Green Mountain Junior College, Lesley School, Cambridge Hospital, Cape Cod Secretarial School Reports from these institutions indicate that these pupils are well qualified and testify to the high grade of work being done by our teachers. The school continues to be ranked as an A school by the State Department of Education and enjoys full certification privileges of the College Entrance Certifi- cate Board. Any pupil of Yarmouth High School may be certified to college without additional preparation provided he takes the subjects required by such college for entrance and maintains a grade of 80 per cent or better, the grade necessary for certification. Prepar- ing oneself for college is an active matter. It requires the best efforts of both the pupil and the teacher. Pu- pils who are lazy or inefficient should not expect that any school can prepare them for college. The enrollment by subjects is as follows: Algebra I 16 Instrumental Music 13 Algebra II 15 Latin <>» Biology 39 Mechanic Arts oo —155—

Bookkeeping 23 Office Practice 22 Chemistry 32 Trigonometry 4 Civics 65 Physical Education Clothing 23 (Boys) 96 English I 63 Physical Education English II 53 (Girls) 108 English III 59 Plane Geometry 12 English IV 53 Problems of Dem. 47 Fine Arts 24 Retail Selling 21 Foods 25 Shorthand I , 23 French • 30 Shorthand II 13 General Math. 52 Typewriting I 27 General Science 21 Typewriting II 16 Health (Girls) 98 Typewriting III 19 Health (Boys) 80 United States History 58 Introductory Business 20 World History 58 Our visual aids have been materially increased. The students have purchased and installed a 9' x 12' glass beaded, motor driven screen for the auditorium. The school committee, through the Howes Fund, has purchased a microprojector, a delineascope, and a new microscope with a substage condenser. A new lathe purchased from the same fund has strengthened our work in the Manual Arts Course. For the school library, the school committee has purchased through the same fund, additional volumes of literature and reference works which are aiding considerably in all courses. Two very useful books on "Indians" were given to the school by Mr. Joshua F. Crowell of West Yar- mouth. During the year the school was the recipient of a gift of mounted birds, the collection of Captain Fred Hurst, given by his wife in his memory. The gift is very much appreciated and has proved stimulating and in- structive in our nature study and our biology courses. —156—

Mr. Charles Henry Davis has offered us a pottery kiln which we have been unable to accept through lack of space to set and operate the kiln. The school has also received a ping-pong table and a play slide from Mrs. I. K. Taylor whom we wish to thank. The student body has also purchased a portable radio and record player which has proven valuable m curriculum enrichment. A two speaker amplifier and record player has been purchased by the students to provide music in the gymnasium for dancing. It is hoped that this may serve as a nucleus for a public address system throughout the school. In closing, I wish to thank you and the entire staff for the splendid cooperation shown during the past year. ARTHUR E. JENNER Principal

December 31, 1940 REPORT OF THE SCHOOL PHYSICIAN All of the regular work in connection with health in the schools has been carried on as usual. A steadily increasing interest is being taken in these matters, and of course it is well known that the matter of health m school children is closely connected with all of the work in the school, and this is a matter which is being more and more borne in mind by both teachers and nurses and all concerned. All of the schools in the County have been quite fortunate regarding communicable diseases and those which have occurred have been of the ordinary nature. Scarlet fever as has been mentioned before, has lately been quite mild, and this, of course, makes diagnosis difficult at times. A very mild case may possibly escape notice by all concerned in some instances. _ The regular physical examinations which are —157—

always given to all pupils, show on the whole a certain amount of improvement in physical conditions, es- pecially in the matter of teeth. All towns have now, of course, dental treatment available. An especial attempt has been made to have parents present when physical examination is being made, and a certain number have attended. All of the regular clinics have been conducted, and it may be stated that diphtheria immunization has become, without compulsion, a more or less routine matter, much the same as is now vaccination against smallpox. The work of the nutritionist is continuing with very satisfactory results in all schools. As usual the cooperation of all officials, associa- tions etc., concerned with schools has been very com- plete, and health work has been supported in every way. As has been stated before a very genuine interest is shown in health work by all superintendents and school committees, etc., and we wish to assure all con- cerned that every effort will be made during the com- ing year to the end, that health conditions in schools may continue to be satisfactory in every way. Respectfully, A. P. GOFF, M. D. County Health Officer. December 31, 1940

REPORT OF THE SCHOOL NURSE A careful analysis of the school nursing work would bring to light many things that occupy the school nurse's time and attention yet do not appear as time consumers on a statistical report. One of our first items "Inspections" both classroom, when the children and their surroundings are viewed as a whole, and the in- dividual inspection can and does present many prob- —158— lems that require tact as well as time to correct and to improve the general atmosphere and attitude of the school. Next on our list is consultations with various people dealing with matters relating to the best inter- est of the whole school group. Annual health examinations and weighing of chil- dren require in addition to the time spent in the actual examination also a detailed report of any and all de- fects found. This report is given to the parent and to interested school authorities as well as being kept on file by the nurse. First-aid treatments and Home Visits. This last item means many miles of travel as well as time spent in making the visit. The testing of vision and hearing is certainly one of the most important phases of our work and requires exceptionally good judgment as well as a trained person to select and classify defects found in these tests. Last on our list is clinics, perhaps the most time consuming of all for in order for a child to attend any clinic a contact must first be made with the parent and arrangement made for transportation when necessary and later a report must be given to the parent and in- structions regarding the recommendations of the clinic. Each school child has a Health Record that the nurse must keep up to date, so clerical work must not be forgotten when we take an inventory of the ways and means of a School Health Program. Our statistical report follows: Statistical Report—School Nurse 64 School visits Inspections Sanitary Classroom . Exclusions Consultations —159— Superintendent ^ Teachers -jig School Physician 4 Parents g Children g First-aid treatments 6 Annual Physical Examinations 240 No. weighed 756 Home Visits No. homes 84 No. children 104 Vision retested ^g Hearing tested with Audiometer 100 Hearing retested with Audiometer 25 Vaccinations r. Clinic attendance Chest X-rays g Toxoid Q,f 00 Dental go Eye 6 Pre-school 24 Respectfully submitted, DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION December 31, 1940 REPORT OF SUPERVISOR OF ATTENDANCE For the School Year Ending December 31, 1940 Number of cases investigated ' n Sent to school from streets - 1 Cases found of truancy 1 Detained at home on account of personal sickness Found at work ^ Found at work illegally Returned to school- 1 Detained at home on account of parents 1 Other cases than above g RICHARD E. B. PHILLIPS, Attendance Supervisor. —160—

In closing this report, let me express my appre- ciation of the interest and cooperation of the school committee, principal and teachers during the year, and of the earnest and progressive attitude maintained by all these fellow workers. Sincerely yours, C. R. STACY, Superintendent of Schools -161-


October 1, 1940

Grade Dennis- East North South West Total port Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis

I 13 4 3 7 9 36 II 10 0 1 5 3 19 III 15 2 3 4 8 32 !V 6 2 3 8 8 27 V 7 0 8 8 7 30 VI 11 7 5 4 7 34 VII 13 0 8 7 4 32 VIII 11 3 5 9 5 33 Special 8 0 1 2 2 13

Total 94 18 37 54 53 256

Dennis Pupils at Yarmouth High School

Grade Dennis- East North South West Total port Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis

IX 6 2 6 9 4 27 X 17 0 9 3 3 32 XI 11 2 5 4 5 27 XII 7 0 6 2 6 21 P. G. 1 1

Total 42 26 18 18 108 -162-

-a a> OOIOOJOCOCOOO +-> o c CO CO CO CO CO S co »o S^ * p.

& m ■-

m o3 bo •£j 5- C8 3> ° 2 ^s g 3 +3 HS M M OS S fn ai OS .3 00 OS. , ^ » 3 3 .g r, g®.gaifl o .S 03 'C t3 ^ 03 oi .i*s*.S' JS .S H ,13 TH 4J 3 0) _,K5 CU^IICOtN 1-H^ gIIS- rj C^ 03 •—1 w* <3 o rs .2 o> 5 a) a) a> tu.S Positi ° "? TO B TO TO TO TO CJ w ■+-> 4J >j _>j 5 III 60 OS .15 03 OS si OS 0) IH Cafeter A in Grad " a u f-j f-i ?H H r* OCQ V Geograph Prinicipal >T u *a ps a) ■ S 0> 0> _ acK T3 cud a MS o Sg a> a S «H 0> O H 4) O 9) o S EC a> "oS^ a> -p oQ OT^ to S3 < M >»0 in 'o >; Sx r4 Hi r-o Sit) o C "S •£ to » O '3 w <1 "&8 H H ,« y 5 r-H »« ^ «H > O &H^! ££|°g g g >H u. .9 s 1—t 0 oS 5^H§H§|gI V O ° CD QJ bo O O Univeri a

Educate a> 0 &*^ ;3 reacher; e Teach s H CQ so 5^5 O « 05.„

v. Stat Sch lolle tate nsti here mal; it! tate ' 1 OS +• <-> eW- HJ a) S 1-1 to H ^ _ a bn ft to > V tnmm'Z, i 0 Nisso gfield £ fi a £'S 0)r2'c'q S3 - annis worth 0 03 ™ 'S3 !» S asO to •S to ,2" (3 X (« JH tnpq tu ^£f-hd os- TO SsTOjK os os os^ o °SH ^*'?H ►? ^ *** ^ OS a.

a> a tog r? H2 3 a> S3? « 0 as a> fi^la 2 N cSW^3 a §^ S3 ^ S3 to IN OCR PH +i a 03 ft H ° a> (IH1 W .-" *H ^S OS 0 H 03 S3 a>^< S3 S3 .* _a> a) OS 1—4 OS to is +3 oS 'to ■a es rS a) ui ty I-H a) S3 'tJ O.H ^ TO l-H ^ w HPHW a !>S -163-

SUMMARY OF STATISTICS For Year 1940 State valuation of the town $4,975,000.00 Total appropriation of the town 151,869.26 School appropriations 44,689.42 School expenditures 43,601.29 School income 2,581.89 Net local taxation cost of the schools 41,019.40 Tax rate 28.20 Population of town, 1940 census 2,085

Census Enumerator's Report Number of Minors in Town, October 1, 1940 Age 5-7 7-14 14-16 Illiterate Minors Boys 20' 81 42 over 16 and under 21 Girls 14 116 34 0 0

Total 34 197 76 0

TEACHERS Total number of teachers in public school part-time 5 Total number of teachers in public school whole-time 10 Number of college graduates: Males 3; Females 7 10 Number of normal school graduates: Males 0; Females 2 2 others Males 2; Females 1 3 -164- ■

EXERCISES OF GRADUATION DENNIS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL June 13, 1940 -2p.m. Selections by the School Orchestra Mr. Adolfe Querze, conducting "The Wizard", March "Over the Waves", Waltz "Sweet and Low", Song Processional March of the graduating class Priscilla Hall, grade 6, pianist Essays — "The United States from 1796 to 1815" "The Rise of Political Parties" Charles Cobb "The Purchase of Louisiana" Josie Speirs "Exploring the New Territory" Laurence Cash Piano solo "Minuet" (Padrewski) Lois Loud "American Freedom of the Seas" Jean Bayles "Victory on Lake Erie" Phyllis Nickerson "Birth of Our National Anthem" Edward White, Jr. Clarinet Duet "Andantino" (Lemare) Jean Bayles, Josie Speirs Presentation of Honor Reading Certificates Parent-Teacher Achievement Prize Principal William H. McLm Award of the American Legion Medal Commander Charles E. Finley Harwich Post No. 292 Presentation of Dennis Port Village Improvement Club Prize Central Cape Kiwanis Club Award Superintendent of Schools, C. R. Stacy Awarding of Diplomas Mrs. Marcus L Crowell Chairman, Dennis School Committee -165- '

Class Song

Benediction Rev. Malcolm Matheson South Dennis Church Recessional March of the Graduates MEMBERS OF THE CLASS **Jean Bayles Ernest Clinton Black Cortes Otho Brigham **Laurence Wilson Cash ** Charles Thomas Cobb Helen Anna Crowell Sally Dean Wallace Chadbourne Doane Gene Durham ** Marie Ellis * Manuel Joseph Gomes Dorothy Phyllis Gott **Dorothy Mae Harriman David Anson Howes Mavi Manola Kelley *Geraldine Edith Kingston Josephine Helen Linnell Joseph Henry Long, Jr. **Lois Winship Loud **Norman MacRoberts Mary Fernandes Monteiro **Phyllis Nickerson Ruth Eileen O'Neil John Manuel Perry, Jr. Stanley Eugene Robbins Josie Norton Speirs Ernestine May Tripp Edward White, Jr. Jane Wilcox Single' star indicates Honor Pupil Double Stars indicate High Honor Pupil —166— YARMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Class of 1940 Auditorium, John Simpkins School Bass River Massachusetts June 18, at 8:00 p. m. Order of Exercises Selection: Entrance and March of the Peers from Iolanthe Sullivan Processional: "War March of the Priests" Mendelssohn Grand Processional March Invocation Rev. Carl F. Schultz Chorus: "America" Salutatory: Economic Problems of American Youth Roger Gerhart Edwards, Jr. Selection: Faust Waltz Gounod Honor Essay: Social Problems of American Youth Donal'S Sheldon Macoy Selection: Suite Number One Mozart Valedictory: Political Problems of American Youth George Browning Wilbur, III Presentation of Graduation Awards By Principal Arthur E. Jenner Selection: Hungarian Dance No. 5 Brahms Presentation of Washington and Franklin History Medal By Superintendent Chester R. Stacy Presentation of Diplomas By Mr. William L. Woodward Chorus: "Star Spangled Banner" Benediction Rev. Samuel L. Riggs Recessional —167—

With High Honors George Browning Wilbur, III Roger Gerhart Edwards, Jr. Donald Sheldon Macoy With Honors Jean Crowell Margaret-Ann French Dwyer Stanley Raymond Sweetser Mary Eleanor Wain Priscilla Doten Drew Myrtle Leona Bryar Elizabeth Ann Murphy Honorable Mention in Subjects Margaret-Ann French Dwyer English Roger Gerhart Edwards, Jr. Mathematics Elizabeth Ann Murphy Social Sciences Donald Sheldon Macoy Music Mary Eleanor Wain Social Sciences George Browning Wilbur, III Social Sciences Honorable mention in a subject is given on the basis of three years' work with fifty per cent of the marks "A" and no "C". GRADUATING CLASS, 1940 Doris Gertrude Baker General Joan Miles Brigham Commercial Myrtle Leona Bryar Commercial Elaine Small Cash Commercial Lois Chase College Lora Lucile Chase Commercial Ruth Frances Chase College Wilfred Roger Chicoine Manual Arts Florence May Cox Commercial June Crossley Commercial Jean Crowell College Philip Goulding Curtis, Jr. College Lewis Junior Dearborn Manual Arts Lloyd Hdwes Dauphinais Manual Arts. Priscilla Doten Drew Commercial -168-

Margaret-Ann French Dwyer College Roger Gerhart Edwards, Jr. College Charles Edwin Ellis General Virginia Ellis College Wilfred P. Ellis Manual Arts Emma Louise Govoni General Dorothy Gray General Jean Hassett College John Arthur Hastings Technical Alice Dorothy Hawkes General Laura Edna Hill Commercial Catherine Alice Howard Commercial Barbara Louise Johnson General Elizabeth Osborne Kelley Household Arts Nannette Lee Kelley Civic Arts Bertha Katherine Kittila Household Arts Amos Joseph Leighton Manual Arts Margaret Mary Long Commercial Doris Marion Mason Civic Arts Donald Sheldon Macoy College Elizabeth Ann Murphy College Stanley Raymond Sweetser College Pauline Robbins Hospital Preparatory Janette Sears Schauwecker Commercial Clifford Thayer Small General Edwin Arthur Sprague Manual Arts Raymond Lawrence Sprague Manual Arts John Stinson College Kenneth Harvey Studley Manual Arts Lucretia Mae Taylor Commercial Donald Newton Thatcher College Mary Eleanor Wain Commercial Dana Hewitt Whittemore Civic Arts George Browning Wilbur, III College Paul Gardner Wixon Manual Arts -169-

PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORD Pupils Neither Absent Nor Tardy

FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1939-40 Grade Grade Robert MacRoberts 1 Mary Sears 5 John Lomba 1 Jack Gomes 6 Ralph Tarr l Nathan Howes 6 Lorraine MacRoberts 1 Warren Howes 6 Frank Gomes 2 Richard MacRoberts 6 Anthony Perry 3 James Merchant 6 Orie Sampson 3 Norma Baribeau 6 Chrysella Ellis 3 Lena Dearborn 6 Anna Ferry 3 Hazel Morey 6 Charles J. Perry 4 Evelyn Van Idersteine 6 Doris M. Babineau 4 Cathleen Long 7 Arthur Faria 5 Janet MacRoberts 7 Joseph Gomes 5 Manuel J. Gomes 8 Richard Howes 5 Norman MacRoberts 8 William Thacher 5 John M. Perry 8 Evelyn Bryant , 5 Jean Sears 3 Mary Gomes 5

For First Half Year Grade Grade John Gomes 2 David Sears 5 Marie A. Sears 2 Catherine Sylver 5 Richard Kelley 3 Ruth Thacher 5 Mevlin Thacher 3 Lorraine Wixon 5 Roger Wilkey 3 Douglas Robbins 6 Mirjam Raiskio 3 Oren Foley -170-

Anthony J. Gonsalves 4 Charles Gray 6 Hai-ry E. Van Idersteine 4 Ethel Foley 6 7 Katherine E. Cahoon 4 Thomas Kelley Avis H. Hallett 4 Brenard Taylor Shirley L. Loud 4 David A. Howes Phyllis A. Sylver 4 Stanley Robbins Francis I. Dalton 5 Gene A. Dunham Donald Hamilton 5 For Second Half Year Grade Grade 4 Louis Gonsalves 1 Edward W. Faria 1 Nancy Thacher 4 Richard Shea 4 Beverley A. Robie 2 Jean L. Uhlman 5 Katherine Garfield 2 Earle Whittemore 3 Marjorie Crowell 5 Mary Sylvia 6 Betty Sylver 3 Betty McCarthy Gloria De Christopher 6 Jean Baylis Eunice Lon 7 Sally Dean Yvonne Babineau 7 Marie Ellis Phyllis Robbins 7 -171-


William H. McLin, 10 mos. @ $200 $2,000.00 Esther Thomas, 10 mos. @ $110 1,100.00 Lodema Merrill, 6 mos. @ $100 600.00 Eleanor D. White, 4 mos. @ $100 400.00 Elsie R. I. Anderson, 6 mos. @ $105; 4 mos. @ $110 1,070.00 Helen Wigginton, 6 mos. @ $115 690.00 Helen B. Lane, 4 mos. @ $100 400.00 Vida Preston, 6 mos. @ $115; 4 mos. @ $120 1,170.00 Margaret E. Walker, 6 mos. @ $115; 4 mos. @ $120 1,170.00 Susan P. McHenry, 10 mos. @ $130 1,300.00 Mariva L. Bruce, 10 mos. @ $130 1,300.00 Pearl Bodfish, 4 mos. @ $100 400.00 Richard H. Bearse, 10 mos. @ $13 130.00 Erdine Newhall, 10 mos. @ $20 200.00 Edward M. Webster, 6 mos. @ $16; 4 mos. @ $17 164.00 Adolfo Querze, 10 mos. @ $28 280.00 Robert G. Rankin, 10 mos. @ $32.25 322.46 Cora Burnett, 2 mos. @ $90 180.00 Hope C. Hallett, 51 days @ $5.00 255.00 Mrs. Elmer Howes, 25 days @ $5.00 125.00 Marion M. Eldridge, 1 day @ $5.00 5.00 Dorothy Mitchell, 5 days @ $4i50 22.50 Brant Ellis, 10 mos. @ $200 2,000.00 Theodore H. Sears, 10 mos. @ $230 2,31)0.00 Allen F. Howard, 10 mos. @ $210 2,100.00 Edwin C. Higgins, 10 mos. @ $227.50 2,275.00 Frank M. Embler, 10 mos. @ $200 2,000.00 Nathan Eldridge, 12 mos. @ $116.66 1,399.93 C. R. Stacy, 12 mos. @ $87.50 1,050.01 -172—

115.31 Mildred B. MacArthur, 5V8 mos. @ $22.50 Gertrude E. Vanasse, 3% mos. @ $22.50 87.20 Marilyn Boesse, 2 9/10 mos. @ $22.50 65.25


OTHER SCHOOL EXPENSES Insurance on School Building $ 472.12 Telephone Service ,136.55 Books and Supplies 919.04 Electric Light and Power 327.30 Health 256.99 Supervisors' Travel 46.68 Maintenance of School Building 262.20 1,163.45 Fuel School Committee Salaries 125.00 School Committee Travel 7.50 Attendance Officer 20.00 Taking Census 30.00 High School Tuitions 12,049.32 Shelter for Bus Children 89.00 Transporting Sick Children to Their Homes 4.00 New Equipment 169.40 Janitor's Supplies 187.77 Miscellaneous 21.95 General Control, Other Expense 5.39 Superintendent's Other Expense 34.70

Total $16,328.36

FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1940 Budget Spent in Estimates 1941 Items Allowance 1940 General Control Salaries, Sch. Committee $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 —173—

1940 Budget Spent in Estimates Items Allowance 1940 1941 Other Expenses Sch. Committee 100.00 42.89 100.00 Salaries Supt. and Sec'y. 1,320.00 1,317.77 1,320.00 Other Expenses 100.00 54.70 100.00

1,645.00 1,540.36 1,645.00 Instruction Teachers' Salaries 13,682.50 13,283.96 13,602.40 Supervisor's Travel 40.00 46.68 40.00 Textbooks and Supplies 1,000.00 919.04 1,000.00

14,722.50 14,249.68 14,642.40 Operation Janitor's Salary 1,400.00 1,399.93 1,400.00 Fuel 600.00 1,163.45 600.00 Janitor's Supplies . 300.00 187.77 300.00 Electricity 325.00 327.30 325.00 Miscellaneous 165.00 158.50 165.00

2,790.00 3,236.95 2,790.00 Maintenance Repairs 300.00 262.20 300.00 Auxiliary Agencies Library 25.00 none 25.00 Health 265.00 256.99 265.00 Transportation 10,774.40 10,768.00 10,785.50 Tuitions 13,081.52 12,049.32 12,670.00 Insurance 196.00 472.12 335.58

24,341.92 23,546.43 24,081.08 —174—

0UNew Equipment 200.00 169.40 200.00

Totals 43,999.42 43,005.02 43,658.48 994.40

Balance 43,999.42 43,999.42 Special 1940 Appropriations Waterproofing and Additional Painting 400.00 Insurance 290.00 Spent 316/H Spent 279J30

Balance 83.23 -175-


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss. To Braddock N. Kelley, in the Town of Dennis, Greetings:

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet at the several precincts in said Town at the following places: Carleton Hall, Dennis Worden Hall, East Dennis Village Improvement Club Hall, Dennisport Town Hall West Dennis Totten Hall, South Dennis on MONDAY the 3rd day of March next, at 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to vote for the election of the following named officers: Moderator for one year, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year, one Selectman for three years, three Auditors for one year, three Constables for one year, one Park Commissioner for three years, one member of School Committee for three years, one Tree Warden for one year, one Surveyor of Highways for one year, one member of the Planning Board for five years, one member of the Planning Board for three —176— years (to fill vacancy), one member of the Planning Board for one year (to fill vacancy). And to vote upon any other matters which may appear on the official ballot. The polls will be open at 7:00 o'clock a.m. and shall be closed at one o'clock p. m. And also in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall in West Den- nis in said Town on TUESDAY, the 4th day of March next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following Articles:

Article 1. To hear report of the election of Town Officers elected upon the official ballot.

Article 2. To choose one Trustee of the Caleb Chase Fund for the term of three years, and all other necessary Officers and Committees.

Article 3. To elect one Cemetery Commissioner, by ballot, for the term of three years.

Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Town Officers as printed.

Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the town treasurer, with the approval of the selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in an- ticipation of the revenue of the financial year begin- ning January 1, 1941, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. -177-

Article 6. To hear the report of any outstanding committees and act thereon.

Article 7. To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Moderator, Selectmen's Department, Auditing Department,' Treasurer's Department, Assessors' Department, other Finance Officers and Accounts, Finance Committee Expenses, Law Department, Town Clerk's Department, Election Department and Registration, Town Office and other Town Buildings, Police Department, Fire Department, Inspection of Wires, Sealer's Department, Moth Suppression, Tree Warden, Forest Fires, Health Department, Public Nursing, Sanitation including Dumping Grounds, Highway Department, Bridges Snow Removal, Street Lights, Street Signs, Relocation and Denning of Roads, Public Welfare, Aid to Depen- dent Children, Aid to Dependent Children Adminis- tration, Soldiers' Relief, State Aid, Old Age Assistance, Old Age Assistance Administration, Support of Schools, Parks, Bath Houses, Reserve Fund, Tower Clocks, Cemeteries, Interest, Town Reports, Maturing Debt,' 1940 Unpaid Bills, Road Machinery Account, Memori- al Day Observance, Planning Board and any other necessary charges arising in this town or otherwise provide.

Article 8. To fix the pay of all elected officers as provided in Section 108, Chapter 41 of the General Laws.

Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the Town Treasurer to act as Collector of Taxes. Article 10. To see if the Town will instruct the Selectmen to control, regulate or prohibit the taking of eels and any or all kinds of shell fish and sea worms within the Town. —178—

Article 11. To see if the Town will authorize the granting of eel and shellfish permits by any one member of the Board of Selectmen.

Article 12. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen, from time to time, to declare a close season for any and all kinds of shellfish for not more than three years in the waters, flats or creeks within the Town, under the provisions of General Laws, Chap. 130 Sec. 55, as amended by Acts of 1935, Chap. 329, and all other acts in amendment thereof or in relation thereto. Article 13 To see if the Town will choose a Town Director for the Cape Cod Extension Service as provided in Chapter 128 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. Article 14 To see if the Town will vote to ap- propriate the sum of $303.76, which is the amount of the County Dog Fund received, for expenses of schools for the current year. Article 15 To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate a sum of money for support and mainten- ance of Public Libraries and Library service. Article 16 To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for the support of the Chase Public Library in the Town of Harwich. Article 17 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to be paid to the Cape Cod Hospital for the establishment and maintainance of a free bed in the hospital for care and treatment of persons cer- tified by the Selectmen to be residents of the Town and —179—

unable to pay for such care and treatment, in accord- ance with section 74 of Chapter 111 of the Qenefal Laws, or take any action in relation thereto, and act fully thereon.

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750.00 to be used with a like amount from the State and a like amount from the County to resurface a portion of the East West Dennis Road, work to be done under provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Laws.

Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the protection and propagation of shellfish for the ensuing year.

Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used, with a like amount that may be contributed by land owners on the waterfront in the Town of Dennis, for the protection of the shores, these moneys to be expended in conjunction with any moneys that may be received from the State and County under the Erosion Act, Chapter 275, Acts of 1933, as amended, or enacted in 1941.

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be expended under the supervision of the Board of Selectmen for con- tingent expenses connected with Federal Relief Ad- ministration, in the distribution of commodities and for use on any projects where town funds are required.

Article 22. To see if the Town will accept the layout of a Town Way in the village of South Dennis, between the East-West Dennis and the Great Western Road as reported and recommended by the Selectmen under date of December 26, 1940, and will authorize —180— and instruct the Selectmen to take by purchase or eminent domain, in behalf of the Town the lands or in- terests in the lands within the lines of sari layout for said Town Way and for this purpose will raise and ap- propriate a sum not exceeding Ten dollars.

Article 23 To see if the Town will accept the layout of a Town Way in the village of South Dennis at a place called Sandy Bottom leading from the Bass River Road to Kelley's Bay together with a Common Landing at the terminus with the boundaries and measurements as reported and recommended by the Selectmen under date of December 24, 1940 and will authorize and instruct the Selectmen to take bypur- chase or eminent domain, m behalf of the Town the lands or interests in the lands within the lines of said layout for said Town Ways and for this purpose wi 1 raise and appropriate a sum not exceeding Forty dol- lars. ($40.00).

Article 24 To see if the Town will accept the layout of a Town Way in the village of Dennis, from the New Boston Road to the residence of Mary H. C. Howes with the boundaries and measurements as re- ported and recommended by the Selectmen under date £ December 24, 1940 and will authorize and instruct the Selectmen to take by purchase or eminent domain ^hlalf of the Town, the lands or interests in the lands within the lines of said layout for said Town Way and J this purpose will raise and appropriate a sum not exceeding Ten dollars.

Article 25. ■ To see if the Town of Dennis will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 to lupply food for the children of the W. P. A Nursery School of the Town of Dennis, as the Federal Govern- ment so requires. -181-

Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to au- thorize the Selectmen to appoint a Town Accountant as provided in Chapter 41—Section 55, General Laws, or will pass any vote or votes the Town may see fit in regard to employing or appointing an Accounting Officer.

Article 27. ' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of seventy-five ($75.) dollars, to drive a well, and to provide proper drinking facilities for the public at the end of Taunton Avenue, near jetty on Town Beach.

Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,875.00 for the mainten- ance of the roads under provisions of Section 26-29 Chapter 81 of the General Laws, as amended, said amount to be expended under direction of the Select- men and the Department of Public Works.

Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approprite the sum of $1,000.00 to harden with oil, or otherwise improve, the road in West Dennis leading from Main Street southerly, known as Uncle Barney's Road.

Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to resurface with oil or otherwise improve the Town road leading from the State Highway near the office of Louis A. Byrne to the Lower County Road.

Article 31. To see if the Town will vote to build a sidewalk on Route 6, in East Dennis, from the present Post Office to Homer's Corner, so called; raise and appropriate a sum of money for the same or act in any way on the article the Town may see fit. —182—

Article 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $125.00 to repair and re- build the stairs in the tower on Scargo Hill, work to be done under the supervision of the Park Commissioner.

Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to re- pair and improve the bulkhead around the parking area at the end of Corporation Road, and apply hard- ening to the parking area surface, and raise and ap- propriate a sum of money for the purpose, work to be done under supervision of the Selectmen.

Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to resurface (tarvia method) the Raycroft Park in Dennisport.

Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to purchase a new road grader, and authorize the Selectmen to sell the present grader,, or act in any way necessary to carry out provision of the Article.

Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to lease for a public parking place for the term of one year the vacant lot belonging to Lucy Ginn located on the south side of the State Highway in Dennisport and between the Ginn's Block, so called, and the bakery shop lot of one Mercer; and raise and appropriate the sum o± three hundred ($300.00) dollars therefore and act fully upon. , Article 37 To see if the Town will vote to have plumbing inspection and to become effective the pres- ent year, and to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to maintain same:. '

Article 38 To see if the Town will vote, to ;raise and appropriate the; sum of $200.00 to be paid for fire —183—

patrol work in the Town as provided in General Laws, Chapter 48 and Section 288.

Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to be expended for the spraying and suppression of the Dutch Elm Leaf Beetle.

Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to compile and have printed in booklet form all By-laws that have been ac- cepted by the Town, together with any important votes which the Town has taken governing its affairs.

Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) to take down and remove the old willow trees and in other ways improve the Baker Park in South Dennis.

Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the purchase and liberation of Fish and Game and that a committee of one be appointed by the moderator at the Town Meeting.

Article 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used for the im- provement of Lower County Road, said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this pur- pose or take any other action in relation thereto.

Article 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the general main- tenance and repairs on certain roads, said money to be used in conjunction with anyi money which may be -184- allotted by the State or County, or both, for this pur- pose or take any action in relation thereto.

Article 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used with any sums that may be contributed by the Town of Yar- mouth, the State and Federal authorities and by private contribution for dredging the entrance to Bass River and an anchorage basin within said river and construc- tion of proper jetties or riprap work.

Article 46 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $194.05 to pay for repairs on the Bass River Upper Bridge which is one-fourth ol the cost of the repairs and the Town's proportionate part of the cost. Article 47 To see if the Town will vote to appro- priate to the Reserve Fund the sum of $2,500.00 to be transferred from the Overlay Surplus.

Article 48 To see if the Town will vote to take over all the property, rights and privileges of the Dennis South Improvement District, establisned in 1924 and assume all the duties and obligations of said District and to take action on the disposition of prop- erty of said District.

Article 49 To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $50.00 for the care and upkeep of the Bass River Channel Buoys on the Dennis side.

Article 50 To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout of a Town way and a common landing m the village of Dennis, from Taunton Avenue along the beach over property of A. Pedini Dr. Bottero, and others to a common landing with the boundaries and —185—

measurements as reported and recommended by the Selectmen under date of February 8, 1941 and will authorize and instruct the Selectmen to take by pur- chase or eminent domain in behalf of the Town the lands or interests in the lands within the lines of said layout for said Town way and for this purpose will raise and appropriate a sum not exceeding $200.00 (two hundred dollars) for the purpose of paying land damage and for working the road.

Article 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to purchase a truck chassis and necessary equipment for the same to re- place the two old trucks in the South Fire House.

Article 52. To see if the Town will instruct the Selectmen to grant licenses to inhabitants, firms, or corporations estabished in Dennis for periods not ex- ceeding fifteen years to plant, grow and dig shellfish and to plant shells for catching the shellfish seed on specified areas within tide waters under the provisions of General Laws—Chapter 130, Section 57 as amend- ed by the Acts of 1933, Chapter 329 and all other Acts in amendment thereof and relative thereto.

Article 53. To see if the Town will vote to ap- propriate a sum of money to make navigable for small boats the portion of Swan Pond River below the Lower County Road by dredging the mouth or in any way improving the river, said money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County for the purpose in the Article.

Article 54. To see if the Town will vote to in- struct the Road Surveyor to clear the snow from the approach to all driveways in Town where it is thrown up by the snow plows when clearing the highways of —186— snow, or act in any way the Town may see fit regarding the disposal of the snow within the highway areas. Article 55. To see if the Town will vote to have a street light placed on the pole near the residence of George Foss on Edwards Avenue in Dennisport, and raise a sum of money for the same. Article 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the maintenance of one street light at the corner of Ferncliff and Lower County Road, and one at the corner of Ferncliff and Fenway Roads. Article 57. To see if the Town will vote to have one street light placed on the pole near the residence of Winfred Jacobs on Center street, South Dennis. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by causing attested copies thereof to be posted in each of the post offices in the Town and at the store of Sears and Sears on Quivet Neck, seven days at least before the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this war- rant to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this tenth day of Febru- ary in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- one. I. GRAFTON HOWES, CLARENCE M. NICKERSON, HENRY N. WIXON, Selectmen of Dennis.

A true copy ATTEST: „■_ Constable.

INDEX Assessors' Report jg Audit, Report of State 98 Audit, Report of Town 105 Balance Sheet 95 .Board of Public Welfare, Report of 17 Estimated Budget for 1941 H Fire Chief's Report 108 Jury List 10 Park Commissioners' Report , 106 ■School Report I45 Attendance Record 169 Calendar 147 Enrollment Igl Expenditures 171 Graduation, Dennis 164 Graduation, Yarmouth 166 Officers 146 Summary of Statistics 163 Superintendent's Report 148 Teachers, List of 162 Sealer of Weights and Measures Report 110 Selectmen's Report 6 Shellfish Warden's Report 11] -Tax Collector's Report 91 Town Clerk's Report 114 Annual Town Meeting and Election 1940 114 Births, Marriages and Deaths 137 Town Clerk Fees I43 Town Officials 3 Appointments 4 Treasurer's Report 22 Comparison Expenditures for Five Years 88 Trust Funds 83

Warrant for 1941 175 ■ NOTES- - NOTES ■ • NOTES-