Bibliography 8
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Bibliography 8. Bibliography 8.1 Printed Editions of Kasika 1. Panini's aphorisms with the commentary of Jayaditya and Vamana, edited by Pandit Bala Sastri, Benares, Pandit Old Series no. 8, 9, 10 (1874-1876) & New Series no. 1, 2 and 3 (1877-1879). 2. Kasika, a commentary on Panini's grammatical aphorisms by Pandit Vamana and Jayaditya, edited by Pandit Bala Sastri, Benares, printed at the Medical Hall Press, Benares, Vol.1: 1876, Vol.2; 1878, second edition 1898, third edition 1928. 3. Kasika Vrtti, edited by Bhagavat Prasad Sarman, Benares, printed at Timir Nashak Press, Benares, two volumes 1890. 4. Kasikavyakhya Padamaiijari Mahamahopadhyaya-Sri-Haradatta-Misra- viracita, Bharadvaja Damodara Sastrina samsodhitam, Benares, printed at the Medical Hall Press, Benares, Vol.1: 1895, Vol.2: 1898. 5. Paninlyavyakaranasutravrttih Kasika vidvadvaraVamanaJayaditya viracita, edited by Pt. Gangadhar Sastri Manavalli and Pt. Ratna Gopal Bhatta, Benares, printed at Chowkhamba, Benares (Kasi Sanskrit Series 37), 1908. Second edition is edited by Sri Ananta Sastri Phadke, printed at Chowkhamba, Benares (Kasi Sanskrit Series 37), 1931. Third edition edited by Sri Sobhita Misra, printed at Chowkhamba Benares (Kasi Sanskrit Series 37), 1952. Fourth and fifth edition edited by Sri Narayana Misra, printed at Chaukhamba Benares (Kasi Sanskrit Series 37), vol.1: 1969, vol.2: 1972 and in 1992. 321 6. Kasika Vrtti, Critically edited by Swami Dwarikadas Shastri and Pt. Kalika Prasad Shukla, Benares, printed at Sudhi Prakashan Benares, in 6 Volumes 1965-1967, second edition edited by Sii Narayana Misra, printed by Ratna Publications (Ratnabharati Series 5-10), 6 volumes 1985 . 7. Kasika, A commentary on Panini's Grammar by Vamana and Jayaditya, Critically edited by Dr. Aryendra Sharma and Sri Khanderao Deshpande and Sri D.G Padhye, published by Sanskrit Academy, Osmania University, Hyderabad, part-1: 1969, part-2: 1970 and part-3 vol.1: edited by B.R. Sastri, V. Sundara Sarma & D.G padhye in 1976, vol.2: edited by P.Ramachandrudu & V. Sundara Sarma in 1985. 8. Kasika Vrtti, Critically edited by Jaya Shankarlal Tripathi and Sudhakar Malaviya, published by Tara Book Agency (PracyabharatTgranthamala), in 11 volumes 1986-1995. 9. Kasika Vrtti, edited by Dr. Vijaypal, printed at RamJal Kapur Trust, Bahalgarh, Haryana, 1997. 10. Kasika Vrtti, printed at Kanya Gurukul, Narela, Delhi, 1978. 11. Kasika Vrtti, edited by Madhu Saksena, printed at Vimal Prakashan, Ramanagar, Gajiabad, Uttar Pradesh, 1976-77. 12. Kasika Vrtti, edited by Dr. Raghuvir Vedalamkara, Vol.1 (chapterl and 2). 322 8.2 Articles, books, and reviews Agrawala, Vasudeva S., 1945, Panini: His life and work, Journal of Ganganath Jha Research Institute, vol.-ii, part2-3, p.81-114. Birwe, Robert., 1955, Interpolation in Panini's Astadhyayi, Festschrift Willibald Kirfel, Bonn, Selbstverlag des Orientalisches Seminars der Universitat Bonn (Bonner Orientalische studien, Neue SerieBand 3), p.27-52. Birwe, Robert, 1958, Variae lectiones in Adhyaya IV and V der Astadhyayi, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft , Wiesbaden no. 108, p.133-154. Birwe, Robert., 1961, Der Ganapatha zu den IV and V der Grammatik Paninis, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz. Birwe, Robert., 1973, Review of the volume 1 of the Hyderabad edition of the Kasika, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden no. 123. Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar, 1954, The Mahabhasya vs. the Kasika, Sri Venkateswara University Oriental Journal no. 15, Tirupati, 61-70, 427-441. Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar, Some anomalies in the Astadhyayi and their justifications, Bharatiya Vidya, vol.xv, p. 110-119. Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar, Importance of the first words of the ganapathas, Bharatiya Vidya, vol.xv, p.29-34. Bhattacharya, Ram Shankar, Some objectionson the textual order of the Astadhyayi and their refutation. Journal of Ganganath Jha Research Institute, vol.- 13,'p. 119-129 Bahulikar, Saudamini, 1973, Concerning the structure of Paninis Astadhyayi, IL34-36, p.75-99. Bhim Sena Shastri, 1979, Nyasaparyalocana Jinendrabuddhikrta Kasikavivaranapafijika ka alocanatmaka adhyana, BhaimI Prakasan, Delhi. Bothlingk, Otto Von, 1909 Sanskrit cherstomathie, 3"* Part, Leipzig, 251-278 {Selections from Astadhyayi and Kasika translated into German, with Richard Garbe} 323 Bronkhorst, Johannes, 1983, On the history of Paninian grammar in the early centuries following Pataiijali, JIP- 11, p. 357-412. Cardona George, 1979, A Survey of Research, The Hauge, Mouton & co. Reprinted in India by Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi. Cardona George, 1999, Recent Researches in Paninian Studies, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi. Chakravarti, Srish Chandra, 1925, The Kasikavivaranapaiijika (Nyasa), a commentary on vamana Jayaditya's Kasika by JTnendrabuddhi, Varendra Research Society, Rajashahi, vol.1. Dash, Prafulla Chandra, A comparative study of the Paninian and Candra systems of grammar, Ramananda Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi. Dash, Radhamadhav, 1993 Idioms on Agriculture as available in the Kasika, Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, no.42, p. 115-121. Dash, Radhamadhav, 1995, Socio-linguistic attitude towards sons and daughters as reflected through idioms in Kasika, Bharatiya Vidya no. 53 (1-2), 1993, 1995, p.12-16. Dash, Radhamadhav, 1996 Idioms in Kasika, A study of idiomatic examples supplied in the Kasika Vrtti, Pratibha Prakashan, New Delhi. Dvivedi, H.P., Studies in Panini, Technical terms of the Astadhyayi, Inter-India Publications, Delhi. Garbe, Richard, 1909, Sanskrit chrestomathie, Leipzig (iii), 251-278, (Selections from and Kasika translated into German with O. Bothlingk) Jha, Govinda, 1976, A comparative study of the Kasika and the Siddhanta- kaumudl. Unpublished Ph.D dissertation, university of Bihar. Jha, Krishna Deo, 1976, A critical analysis of the examples used in the Kasika, Unpublished Ph.D dissertation, university of Bihar. Joshi, S. D., 1992, Evidence in the Kasika Vrtti for an authentic Paninian tradition independent of Pataiijli, Bulletin of the Deccan college post-graduate and research Institute, no. 51-52, p.131-135. 324 Joshi, S. D. and Bhate, Saroja, 1983, The role of the particle ca in the interpretation of the AstadhyayT, Centre for Advanced Study in Sanskrit, class-B, no.8, University of Poona, Pune. Joshi, S. D. and Roodbergen, J.A.F., 1998, AstadhyayT of Panini, with translation and Notes, Sahitya Academi, New Delhi. Katre, S.M. and Gode, P. K., 1954, An Introduction to Indian Textual Criticism, Deccan college post-graduate and research Institute, Pune. Kharwandikar, D.K., 1973, Mnemonic verses in the Padamaiijari of Haradatta Misra, Journal of the Gahganatha Jha KendiTya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, no:29, p.285- 294. Kielhorn, Franz, 1876 Katyayana and Pataiijali: their relation to each other and to Panini, The Educational Society, Bombay, Reprints: VaranasI (Indological Book House), 1963 by Osnabruck, Zeller 1965 by Kleine Schriften, 1969 (Rau), p. 1-64. Kielhorn, Franz, 1881, On Jainendra Vyakarana, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 10, 75-79, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.180-184. Kielhorn, Franz, 1885a, Quotations in the Mahabhasya and the Kaslkavrtti, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 14, 326-327, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.187-188. Kielhorn, Franz, 1886a, The Chandravyakarana and the Kaslkavrtti, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 15, 183-185, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.244-246. Kielhorn, Franz, 1886b, Notes on the Mahabhasya-3, On some doubtful Varttikas, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 15, 203-211, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.206- 214. Kielhorn, Franz, 1896c, Panini (1.3.11) Svaritenadhikarah, GurupujakaumudT, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.290-293. Kielhorn, Franz, 1887a, Notes on the Mahabhasya-6, The text of Panini's Sutras, as given in the Kaslkavrtti, compared with the text as known to Katyayana and Pataiijali, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 16, 178-184, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.226-232, STALL 1972, p.l 15-123. Kielhorn, Franz, 1887b, Notes on the Mahabhasya-7, Some devices of Indian Grammarians, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 16, 244-252, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.233-241, STALL 1972, p. 123-134. 325 Kielhorn, Franz, 1989a, The sixty-year cycle of Jupiter, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no, 18, 193-209, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.471-493, 554- 555&591. Kielhorn, Franz, 1989b, Kurze mittheilungen zur indische chronologie, Nachrichten von der koniglichen gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Gottingen, p. 431-440, Kleine Schriften (Raul969), p.497-506, 537, 593, 620. Kielhorn, Franz, 1893, Pausha Samvatsara in the Kasrkavrtti on P. 4.2.21, Indian Antiquary (Bombay) no. 22, 83 sqq, Kleine Schriften (Rau 1969), p.274-275. Kulkami, Malhar, 2000, Critical edition of KasTka (2.1), Ph.d dissertation, Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, University of Pune, Pune. Max Muller, Friedrich, 1880, The KasTka, Indian Antiquary(Bombay) no.9, p.305-308. Mazumdar, Surendra Nath, 1912, A note on the Ka^ika, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, no.8, p.57 Mimansaka, Yudhisthira, 1973, Sarnskrta vyakarana sastra ka itihasa (History of Sanskrit Grammar), Ramlal Kapur Trust, Sonipat, volumes i, ii & iii. Ojihara, Yutaka, 1960, La Kaslka-vrtti, (Ire partie), Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, Paris. Ojihara, Yutaka, 1962a, La Kaslka-vrtti, (2e partie), Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, Paris. Ojihara, Yutaka, 1967, La Kaslka-vrtti, (3e partie), Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, Paris. Ojihara, Yutaka, 1968b, Read ' parnain na veh, ' Kasika ad P. 1.1.4, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute,