A Survey of Maithili Literature ii मममअनुम अनुम iii A Survey of Maithili Literature Radhakrishna Chaudhary Shruti Publication iv मममअनुम Ist edition 2010 of Professor Radhakrishna Chaudhary’s A Survey of Maithili Literature published by Shruti Publication, 8/21, Ground Floor, New Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi -110008 Tel.: 25889656, 25889658 Fax: 011- 25889657 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means- photographic, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage-without the prior permission in writing of the copyright owner or as expressly permitted by law. You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. © Shruti Publication ISBN:978-93-80538-36-5 Price: Rs. 250/- (INR)-for individual buyers US $ 40 for libraries/ institutions(India & abroad). ुित काशन रिजटडर् ऑिफस: ८/२१, भूतल, यू राजे नगर, नई िदली-११०००८. दूरभाष-(०११) २५८८९६५६-५८ फैक्स- (०११)२५८८९६५७ Website:http://www.shruti-publication.com e-mail:
[email protected] Designed by: Prity Thakur Printed & Typeset at: Ajay Arts, Delhi-110002 Distributor : Pallavi Distributors, Ward no- 6, Nirmali (Supaul, BIHAR, INDIA), मो.- 9572450405, 9931654742 1 A Survey of Maithili Literature Radhakrishna Chaudhary 2 For Shri ShriKrishna Chaudhary Shri Binod Bihari Verma 3 Preface The survey was initially prepared for a particular occasion under the heading “History of Maithili Literature”, sponsored by the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. The man-made destiny willed otherwise and the mechanism, crowned with utter selfishness and sectarianism, did not allow the original sheme to materilise.