Elementary Sumerian Glossary” Author: Daniel A
Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints <http://cdli.ucla.edu/?q=cuneiform-digital-library-preprints> Hosted by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (<http://cdli.ucla.edu>) Editor: Bertrand Lafont (CNRS, Nanterre) Number 3 Title: “Elementary Sumerian Glossary” Author: Daniel A. Foxvog Posted to web: 4 January 2016 Elementary Sumerian Glossary (after M. Civil 1967) Daniel A Foxvog Lecturer in Assyriology (retired) University of California at Berkeley A glossary suitable for the first several years of instruction, with emphasis on the vocabulary of easy literary texts, early royal inscriptions, and uncomplicated economic and administrative documents. Minor annual revisions add some new entries or update readings or translations. For additional terms and alternate readings and translations see the Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary on the Revised January 2016 Web. Not for Citation Guerneville, California USA 2 A a-è-a sudden onrush of water, damburst, flood wave kuš kuš a, `à water, fluid; semen, seed; offspring, child; father; A.EDIN.LÁ → ummu3 watercourse (cf. e) a-EN-da → a-ru12-da a Ah! (an interjection) (Attinger, Eléments p. 414) a-eštubku6 'carp flood,' early(?) flood (a literary phrase) a, a-a (now being read áya and aya respectively) father (Civil, AuOr 15, 52: “that time in early spring when, after the water temperature has reached at least 16° C, the large carps spawn, with spectacular splashings, in a-a-ugu(4) father who has begotten, one's own true father, progenitor the shallowest edges of ponds, marshes, and rivers,” cf. Lammerhirt, Šulgi F p. 77) a-ab-ba, a-aba (water of the) sea (cf.
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