Floor of the Senate That Attacked This Country

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Floor of the Senate That Attacked This Country E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 No. 118 Senate The Senate met at 10:01 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the will be a vote on the resolution some- called to order by the President pro United States of America and to the Repub- time this afternoon. It is my hope and tempore [Mr. BYRD]. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, expectation that there will also be a The PRESIDENT pro tempore. By indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. prayer service tonight. The time will unanimous consent, the Senate will f be announced at a later time today now convene notwithstanding the pro- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY subject to further discussions with the visions of Senate Resolution No. 6 LEADER Speaker and, of course, the Republican adopted January 3 in this year of our The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The leader. Lord, 2001. majority leader is recognized. I would also ask, Mr. President, to accommodate schedules of certain Sen- PRAYER f ators, that after the resolution is pro- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ORDER OF PROCEDURE posed and the four leaders have been Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Mr. DASCHLE. I ask unanimous con- recognized for their statements, the Almighty God, source of strength and sent that the Journal of proceedings be Senators from New York and the Sen- hope in the darkest hours of our Na- approved to date; that the morning ators from Virginia be given first rec- tion’s history, we praise You for the hour be deemed expired; that the time ognition, and following the statements consistency and constancy of Your for the two leaders be reserved for their made by those Senators, that Senators presence with us to help us confront use later in the day; further, that the be recognized on an alternatinh basis and battle the forces of evil manifested Senate recess from 12:30 to 2 p.m. for throughout the day. in infamous, illusive, cowardly acts of the weekly party conferences. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is terrorism. We turn to You with hearts The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- there objection? Hearing no objection, filled with dismay, anger, and grief out objection, the requests are granted. it is so ordered. over the terrorist attacks on the World THANKING THE CHAPLAIN f Trade buildings in New York City and Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I the Pentagon here in Washington. We thank the Chaplain for his prayer. I RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY pray for the thousands of victims who know he speaks for us all. LEADER lost their lives as a result of these vio- lent acts against our Nation. We inter- THANKING THE REPUBLICAN LEADER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The cede for their loved ones; comfort them Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I also Republican leader is recognized. and give them courage. In particular, thank the distinguished Republican Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I just want we pray for the loved ones of the fire leader for the cooperation and leader- to say also—and I will have more to fighters and police who died seeking to ship that he showed yesterday as we say about the resolution in a moment— help others. Quiet our turbulent made decisions throughout the day how much I appreciate the work yes- hearts. Remind us of how You have with regard to the schedule. terday that was totally nonpartisan, been with us in trouble and tragedies of SCHEDULE totally cooperative from the leadership the past and have given us victory over Mr. DASCHLE. For the interest of all on the Democratic side of the aisle and tyranny. Bless the women and men of Senators, there will be a debate on the on this side of the aisle and with the this Senate today as they join with resolution which I am about to propose House of Representatives. That was the President Bush in decisive action. on behalf of both leaders. I might say right thing to do. It was done. Senator Guide them as they seek justice this is also a resolution verbatim that DASCHLE was there. He made decisions against the perpetrators of yesterday’s will be offered in the House of Rep- that were appropriate after consulta- evil destruction and seek to devise a resentatives; the same resolution will tion—and some of them were tough— long-range solution to the insidious be offered simultaneously in both the that even sometimes had to be modi- problem of terrorism. Thank You in ad- House and the Senate this morning. We fied later because events kept chang- vance for the courageous leadership will break for party conferences at ing. I express my appreciation to him You will provide through this Senate. 12:30. We will not break, but there will for that. You are our Lord and Saviour. Amen. be a classified briefing at 2 o’clock this Also, this resolution today is bipar- f afternoon for all Senators. We will con- tisan and bicameral; the same resolu- tinue to have an opportunity for Sen- tion will be considered in the House of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ators to be heard on the resolution Representatives. It is a good resolu- The Honorable ROBERT C. BYRD led throughout the day. And at a time tion. I believe it is strong. It is impor- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: upon which we will agree later, there tant that the American people and the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9283 . VerDate 31-AUG-2001 00:45 Sep 13, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12SE6.000 pfrm01 PsN: S12PT1 S9284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 12, 2001 world know that is the way we are pro- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is that this kind of heinous, vicious ac- ceeding. I thank Senator DASCHLE for there objection to the immediate con- tion will not happen again in America. his cooperation. sideration of the resolution? Hearing This premediated action against inno- no objection, the resolution is before cent men and women and children and f the Senate. their families, at the symbols of our TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST The majority leader is recognized. country—our economic strength, our THE UNITED STATES Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, it is military strength, and most impor- Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I send with pain, sorrow, anger, and resolve tantly, our freedoms—is unimaginable. There’s no way to understand it, to a resolution to the desk. that I stand before this Senate, a sym- explain it, to defend it. Americans just The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bol for 212 years of the strength of our don’t think that way. That makes it clerk will state the resolution. democracy, and say that America will hard for us to comprehend this very The assistant legislative clerk read emerge from this tragedy, as we have difficult moment and to do what’s nec- as follows. emerged from all adversity, united and strong. essary to deal with terrorism and stop A joint resolution (SJ. Res. 22) expressing The America in which we awoke it in the future. the sense of the Senate and the House of today is far different from the one in Our prayers are going out to the vic- Representatives regarding the terrorist at- tims and their families, to those who tacks launched against the United States on which we awoke yesterday. This morn- September 11, 2001: ing, as our rescue workers and medical are suffering in so many ways in New Whereas on September 11, 2001, terrorists personnel continue their heroic work, York, in Virginia, and in Pennsyl- hijacked and destroyed four civilian aircraft, we begin to truly understand the enor- vania—in all of America. We have such crashing two of them into the towers of the mity of what happened. a debt of appreciation to pay to those World Trade Center in New York City, and a My heart aches for the people of New who have struggled mightily with third into the Pentagon outside Washington, York, our men and women serving at these catastrophic events at the Pen- D.C.; tagon and at the World Trade Center Whereas thousands of innocent Americans the Pentagon, the passengers and crew of the four hijacked aircraft, and for and in our cities and states—the volun- were killed and injured as a result of these teers, those who gave their lives trying attacks, including the passengers and crew their families and friends. These at- of the four aircraft, workers in the World tacks were an assault on our people to deal with this terrible moment. To Trade Center and in the Pentagon, rescue and on our freedom. They aimed at the our allies and to those around the workers, and bystanders; heart of the American community and world who see this not just as a strike Whereas these attacks destroyed both tow- the symbols and structures of our eco- at America, but at freedom and democ- ers of the World Trade Center, as well as ad- nomic and military strength. racy all over the world, and to those jacent buildings, and seriously damaged the As an American, as an elected rep- who already have extended hands of co- Pentagon; and operation, understanding, and support, Whereas these attacks were by far the resentative, I am outraged.
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