Last Months Meeting the Players Photo
LAST MONTHS MEETING Breakthru' started the evening off with with a good selecton of songs followed by the club members playing either with the band or to backing tracks. As an added bonus this month we had a surprise tribute to the late Phil Scott with Phil's friend and fellow guitarist Tony Vee playing some of Phil's favourite numbers backed by Breakthru'. We also had a surprise auction of a red Burns Cobra guitar kindly donated by Colin Howell, the proceeds of this going to the young musicians charity which Phil supported. I have been told that this event raised the sum of £430 from the raffle If I'd known about this event beforehand I could have placed a notice in our newsletter, however it was organised only a week before our meeting. THE PLAYERS Derek Misselbrook – Surfside Dream, Flamingo Alan Tarrant - Atlantis, Theme for Young Lovers Roger Surridge – Ghost Riders, Spring is Nearly Here David Lowe – Santa Ana, Dance On Peter Morse (from the Watford Club) – Misty, Saving all my Love (for you) Bob Withrington – Outdigo, Another Night Ken Bowler – Find me a Golden Street, Geronimo John Cade – Jessica, A selection of Buddy Holly numbers Chris Hill and Brian Jeffs – South of the Border, Foot Tapper “Albatross” Joe Lintott – Albatross, Move It Steve J – A Place in the Sun, Ghost Riders Tony Knight – Apache, Shindig Tony Vee with Breakthru' – Apache, Don't Make My Baby Blue, Please Don't Tease, Living Doll, The Young Ones, Move It PHOTO Tony Vee with Breakthru' The Surrey Shadows Club page 1 of 3 March 2015 A message from Colin...
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