To the Game of Chess

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To the Game of Chess A C O M P L E TE G U I D E TO THE G A M E O F C HE S S , FRO M THE l b t to t s o ut n nt: nstmxt un of r b g g gba z b S l io a Gl a i g a b in . H F L E Y E R . AQ , ’ on B o r . CM” C m b u t or t o T1): y s Own Pap e ) rom a n “ CHESS EDITO R. OF ’ ” Ha n n ove A n m 77u G en t le n u iza l a d rs du mg , ma s Yo r , n Ed a A merica n a . M TH A A N G R I F F I F R R , O ST PA UL ’S W EST CO RNER F . CHURC HYA RD, LO NDO N. 1 882 . C O N TE N TS . PA G E. Preface t I -The Elem en ts Par . —G II . ames — III Problems — H N t e IV . is torical o s A T P R I . THE ELE MEN TS . The Materials for Play Notation Board Pieces Firs t Ru les Movements of the Pieces Taking of Pieces m ti of the Pro o on P. M em e ts of the K ov n . K M m ovement Check Checkmate Draw Valu e of t he Pieces Simples t Checkmates Con s tru ction of t he Boarda n d NTS vi . CONTE . PA RT II. G A ME S . PA C! The Variou s Ways of Playin g Some Technical Term s The Laws of t he G am e Prelim inary G am e The O penings . Brief A nalysis of a Few of t he Openin gs G ames A ctually Played G ames Playedover the Board Correspondence G am es BlindfoldG am es Displacem ent G ames Solution s to the En d1n gs of t he G ames The Endings of G ames Middle G ames The En dings with Few Pieces En d-G ames a n dCompositions Solu tions t o the En d-G ames T PA R III. R B 'M P O LE S . Expla n ations Definitions Ru les Methods of Compos ition Ordinary Problems Self-Mate Problem s Conditional Problems Special Problems The Solving of Problem s Solu tion s of the Prob lem s T i CONTE N S . vi . A T P R IV. HIS TORI CA L N T O E S . The Origin of Chess P t of romo ion the P. K M i n s move Problem , Notations Va lue o f Chess A ppen dix : Priz e Problem Index of A u thors F SI NS A ND A BBRE VIA TI S LI S T O G ON . a for c C e s as x l n ed S t nd the pie es in h s , e p ai a 14 a n d15 on p ges , thus double check . m check ate. ou check m d ble and ate . takes (but in t he text it signifies “ the u pl s . m n times (in ultiplicatio ). equals. and . e numb r . idest -h t at is . ' videhcet = m na ely. PRE FA CE. fr m s a n da rt i c es u is h En i s h G er. o book l p bl gl , m a n Du tch Da n i s h Swedis h It a i a n S a n i s h , , , , l , p . t u u es Fren ch a n d Ru s s i a n a n Th e u a es . e o ; g , , l g g bo k es ecia u s eda re t h s e b BILG UER La n e s STA NT N p lly o y , , U O W om a n ) TO M LINS N M a s s a n dLI DE w . N . u r o , O , , O ackn l edgem e n t s a re a ls o du e t o t h e follow in g w rit ers a n t c rres on den t s — A o t t A n ders s en A n dre w s A n o p bb , , . th ou A n e Ba so n Ba i e Ba e Ba r ie r Ba er y , r ll , b , l y , rb , b , y Be den Be Be n o w Ber e Be z z el Biva B a c . l , ll , b , g r , , r , l k m ore B t n B o w n Bro wn s o n Br a n Bu Ca a n der , ol o , r , , y , ll , ll Ca t ez Ca r en te Ch a rlick Ch a tt o Coa t es Col i n s p , p r, , , , l C n don Coo Cra e Cu rt i s s Da v ds on Du fres n e o g , k , k , , i , Du rw a rd Ea to n Ev a n s Fa w cet t Fa s s e , , , , y , Fra z er Free b o ro u h Fu rn i va l G el b fu h s , g , , Go d or ia s i m s h a w Ha n s h e w Ha rri s l , G g , Gr , , , Hea e He w ood Ho w ood Ho w it z H l y , y , p , r , Hu n t e Ja e i s ch orda n Jiide ll l e t t Klin oht z r , n , J , , K , l g, u n d Kocke l korn K on del ik La n e La s s l a w s , , gl y , , , Lehn e McA rt h u r M a m v is t M a n e s dor Ma t i n i r , , l q , g l f , r Mehrt e n s Mi n ckw it z M n c M ort o n M u rra Na s h , , o k , , y , , Ne u m a n n Orch a rd Ors in i a m er ea rs on i erc , , , P l , P , P e , or il a Porti u s reti Ra n e n Ra s che Rei chhe l m P t l , , P , k , , , B u d e Sa h e r Sa l v i oli Sch n eide Sch u t z Sch u . g , lb g, , r , l , m ofi Sch w ede hieri Sm it h Sm ith w hit e Ste e e , , , , , l , St e v en s Sdre n s e n u h l e Ta or The rke l s en Th u rs , , , yl , , by, Tschi ori n e Va e Va z u e z Verb ee k Vi e s W a er g , ll , q , , l , lk , W a n n W a t i n s o n W a t s on W a t s W e e e W es t a s m , k , , y , k rl , . i do h W orte rs Z m a n t e s . W hite , , , r Thi s book con t a in s m a n y p a rticu la rs hi th ert o u n u is h ed et n w i n t ha t t here i s r o m for im rov e p bl , y k o g o p m n t t h e A u t hor w i ee o i edto hi s c rres on den t s e , ll f l bl g o p if t hey w ill ki n dly s u gges t a n ythin g te n din g t ow a rds th e p e rfect in g of on e of t he o ldes t a n d m os t wide s rea d m ea n s of in te rc u rs e a m on n a t ion s w h s e p o g , o n ds hi a n d w e fa re m a it is h o ed b e t h u s st i frie p l y , p , ll fu rth er p ro m ote d. u l 1881 . H . F L M E R J . YE y, . A C O M P L E T E G U I D E TO THE G A M E O F C H E S S , FROM THE a hzt tn t e S olutirmant t cnatrndnn s f rnb Emb h i fi hmx . T PA R I . THE ELEMENTS MA TE A S A THE RI L FOR PL Y . i of i 6 4 THES E cons st a square board d vided into equal squares, e of 32 altern at ly white and black , and a set men , namely , 16 white and 16 black , a s shown in the following diagram u 12 T1111 A LPHA BET or on s s . is a s d The NOTA TION for describing t he boa rd a n d men b e I A BET w d of W u pon the LA T N A LPH , which , ith the ad ition the , is t he following A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V l m n o r s t u v a b c d e f g h i j k p q W X Y Z u dfor the d K a n dof which a to h (or A to H) are se boar , and s to P for the men, as follow m n u n 3 o .
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