Chapter 12 - Ayodhya not to won and Promise Land Moses

Table of Contents

12 Ayodhya not to won and Promise Land Moses ...... 3 12.1 Peniel Face of EL ...... 4 12.2 Reflection of Moses and Promise Land ...... 6 12.2.1 Moses...... 7 12.2.2 Pharaoh ...... 9 12.2.3 Events in Reflection and prophecies ...... 10 The Purgatory ...... 12 Unconscious Moses and Pharaoh ...... 13 Conscious Moses ...... 15 Unconscious Moses, Exodus, Children of Israel turns Pharaoh ...... 16 Tuwaa (Roll up or Fold) ...... 19 Point of No Return...... 23 Kingship ...... 27 Reflection and the City Misr ...... 28 At Midyan and the promise land ...... 30 12.3 Reflection of exalted and Ayodhya not to won ...... 32 12.3.1 Rama & ...... 33 Rama () ...... 34 Pandavas () ...... 34 12.3.2 and ...... 35 Ravana (Ramayana) ...... 36 Kauravas (Mahabharata) ...... 38 12.3.3 Lanka, Kurukeshtra ...... 39 Lanka (Ramayana)...... 39 Kurukeshtra (Mahabharata) ...... 41 12.3.4 and ...... 42 Hanuman (Ramayana) ...... 42 Krishna (Mahabharata) ...... 44 12.3.5 Events in Reflection and Prophecies ...... 46 The Purgatory and War ...... 46 Ramayana Lankan War (Rama, Ravana) ...... 46 Phase I (Day 1) ...... 46 Phase II (Day 2 – 9) ...... 49 Phase III (3 Days of Indrajit) ...... 51 Death of Ravana and his wife ...... 54 Kurukhestra War (Mahabharata) ...... 54 Phase I (Day 1-9) ...... 59 Phase II (Day 10-18) ...... 63 Phase III (End of war and the outcomes) ...... 67 Unconscious Rama / , Exodus, Exalted turns Ravana / 67 Tuwaa (Roll up or Fold) ...... 68 1 Point of No Return...... 69 Kingship ...... 70 Reflection and the Lanka ...... 71 At Lanka, and the promise land ...... 72 2

12 Ayodhya not to won and Promise Land Moses

Q [33:13] A group of them said, "O people of Yathrib, you cannot attain victory; go back." Others made up excuses to the prophet: "Our homes are vulnerable," when they were not vulnerable. They just wanted to flee.

Story of Rama and the story of Moses are of utmost importance to understand the scriptural and human psychophysical paradigm. If you recall from Chapter 8 section a recitation of Ramayana happens before the 4th chapter of Mahabharata the majestic. Similarly, the events of Moses happen in a place called Midyan strife or place of Judgment. Ramayana dwells around a kingdom named Ayodhya not to be won and Story of Moses revolves around a Promise Land that was never attained by Moses before his death section In my analysis, both events are pointing to the same events in human experience.

Q [28:22] As he (Moses) traveled towards Midyan, he said, "May my Lord guide me in the right path."

In Abrahamic scriptures, it’s the reflection of Moses experienced by Abram. For Sanatana , it’s the reflection of Vallaba dear one experienced by Rama. Moses and or Vallaba both is the key to our psychophysical orientation. Before we dive into detail, please read Chapter 11 – alignment of two Sanatana Dharma scriptures; Ramayana and Mahabharata with human life time, and understand the use of “Cave” and its relationship in scriptures and human consciousness. To remind, these two are known as Smrits memories and Vedanta end of knowledge.

At this point, I also like to present a human psychophysical orientation or “I” with 4 days or 4 Yugas in scriptural framework. If you recall from the scriptural summaries, Ramayana, Old testament Moses and other books and Quran, the use of ocean and sea which was crossed by Rama and Moses with the help of mainly Hanuman assumed respect and Yahweh I am, respectively. Diagram below sets the basic of alignment of scriptures with human consciousness. I will refer this diagram as we evaluate the scripture and human psychophysical aspects. Reflection / Memory Pain & Sufferings Adam / Nara Physicality


Day 1&2 Heaven & Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Earth 3 Figure 12.1: Six days and human psychophysical orientation with “I”

12.1 Peniel Face of EL

Before we dive into the story of Moses and the story of Rama, let us shed some light on section 32:22-31 of Genesis to get a glimpse of what to come. This is the story of Jacob’s wrestle with a man at night where he was named as Israel (wrestle with EL) at daybreak. There are a number of aspects in this story requires explanation and careful attention. It’s a summary of realization after landing in promise land.

Genesis 32 22-32 22 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 23 After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. 24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”27 The man asked him, “What is your name?”“Jacob,” he answered. 28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God (El) and with humans and have overcome.” 29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip. 32 Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob’s hip was touched near the tendon.

The event happened across a river named “Jabbok”. “Jabbok” means “to empty out” in Hebrew and not a physical river as commonly understood (Fig 12.3) but “a river of life” (Fig 12.2) in scriptural paradigm. In the map, you can find a physical river connected with river Jordan. This river is the river to empty life or sufferings in unconscious or in conscious state, respectively. The night here is the night where events of Pharaoh and Moses happened in unconscious state but reflected in conscious state. An unconscious state will never see the daylight and has to wait for the reincarnation or next life. The event wrenched Jacob’s hip and he couldn’t walk is a representation of his realization of what would happen when one wrestles with the creator (EL) and humanity. Reflection and resurrection at this night is the “Lailatul Qadar” the night of destiny in Quran or “Shivaratri” night of enlightenment in Sanatana Dharma.

This ordeal of Jacob also noted as hell realized for time being before being rescued by Allah creator in Quran. The recollection of event in Lanka is also the same events where Rama leaves Vibhishana traumatized in charge.

Q [19:71-72] Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord. Then we rescue the righteous, and leave the transgressors in it, humiliated.

Ramayana Chapter 6 excerpts: Ravana’s wives come to weep for him. Rama allows Vibhishana to perform funeral rites for his and give him a proper burial. After he has finished this task, Rama crowns Vibhishana the new king of Lanka. 4

World Crafted by our psychophysiology

Figure 12.2 - Jabbok River in scriptural paradigm 5

Figure 12.3: Jabbok River Map

12.2 Reflection of Moses and Promise Land

Q [32:23] We have given Moses the scripture - do not harbor any doubt about meeting Him - and we made it a guide for the Children of Israel.

Moses is mentioned multiple times in Quran. He is one of the most referred prophets with his story repeated in multiple chapters. God gave him and Aaron the Furqan Criteria for distinction and gave him the scripture which circumvents around him. It’s very important to understand who Moses really is and his journey in each of us. Hence the statement “do not harbor any doubt meeting him” and the scripture is the guide for the “children of Israel” opponent of El or creator.

In the scriptural paradigm, there are stories of two Moses; conscious and unconscious. Conscious Moses reflects on the journey of unconscious Moses in a place call Midyan place of judgment which brings back the story of Moses and Pharaoh to life. The established explanation of a physical human being named Moses who led the “children of Israel” through the sea for promise land out of Egypt doesn’t hold true and can’t be explained. For example, it is physically impossible to divide the sea with a stick. One might say God can do what ever he wants but it goes against the physicality or natural law we reside in. Natural laws are fixed and obeyed by all creations.

Q [55:5-8] The sun and the moon are perfectly calculated. The stars and the trees prostrate. He constructed the sky and established the law. You shall not transgress the law.

To understand the story, we have to understand the identity of Moses, his family hierarchy and Pharaoh. I have divided the story of “unconscious Moses” as seen by “conscious Moses” into five sub-sections. These stories are metaphorical with a reflection of SELF. I will use mainly Quranic references with reference to Torah where applicable. Before we begin, let’s list the meaning of the individuals and their actions briefly to align our thoughts.

Name (Hebrew or Arabic) Meaning in English Role Moses (conscious) Realizes he is drawn out of Confront Pharaoh SELF, water or is lifeless for reflect on his actions, turns strength/resurrection to homes into synagogues in follow Egypt Misr or City, trust on God creator for guidance Moses (unconscious) Was drawn out of water and Suffers from Pharaoh’s SELF lifeless, dies for action, He is the demi-god reincarnation and becomes Pharaoh, can’t reflect on the events, driven 6 out of promise land as a leader of “Children of Israel” opponent of El or creator Pharaoh ‘Big House’ is our Claims himself God, psychophysical superiority dictates religious guidelines, opposes God creator of conscious Moses Aaron Priestly appearance for Lead calf worship in unconscious Moses, or Sign absence of Moses and joins within for conscious Moses unconscious Moses to warn Pharaoh Others, Joins conscious Moses to confront Pharaoh SELF Haamaan Noise, confusion, disorder Asked by Pharaoh to build a loft place to mount to see God of Moses unconscious Qaaroon Baldness, Ice, Hail, Frost People of Moses, wealth and driver of Pharaoh, earth swallowed him and his mansion Sea An allegory used for pain and sufferings. Fish is an allegory for truth.

Table 12.1: Key names, their meaning and roles in the story of Moses

12.2.1 Moses

Q [32:23] We have given Moses the scripture - do not harbor any doubt about meeting him - and we made it a guide for the Children of Israel.

Quran doesn’t provide names of Moses’ family, his parents, his wife or children as in the Bible. It documents Moses’ birth, his transition to Pharaoh and his upbringings. To know who he is we will look into his family detail, events before and after his birth, names from Bible, and align with Quran. These names will provide a very different identity of unconscious Moses. Birth of Moses is mentioned in Exodus 2 Old Testament and Quran Chapters 20 and 28. Please note the usage of “three months” and naming of Moses in Exodus as mentioned in below reference from Exodus.

[Exodus 1 – OT 19-22] So God EL was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. And because the midwives feared God EL, he gave them families of their own. Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: “Every Hebrew to pass over boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.”

[Exodus 2 – OT 1-10] 2 Now a man of the tribe of Levi attached married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine , she hid him for 7 three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” “Yes, go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”

Q [28:3-14] We recite to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe. Pharaoh turned into a tyrant on earth, and discriminated against some people. He persecuted a helpless group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was indeed wicked. We willed to compensate those who were oppressed on earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them the inheritors. And to establish them on earth, and to give Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops a taste of their own medicine. We inspired Moses' mother: "Nurse him, and when you fear for his life, throw him into the river without fear or grief. We will return him to you, and will make him one of the messengers." Pharaoh's family picked him up, only to have him lead the opposition and to be a source of grief for them. That is because Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops were transgressors. Pharaoh's wife said, "This can be a joyous find for me and you. Do not kill him, for he may be of some benefit for us, or we may adopt him to be our son." They had no idea. The mind of Moses' mother was growing so anxious that she almost gave away his identity. But we strengthened her heart, to make her a believer. She said to his sister, "Trace his path." She watched him from afar, while they did not perceive. We forbade him from accepting all the nursing mothers. (His sister) then said, "I can show you a family that can raise him for you, and take good care of him." Thus, we restored him to his mother, in order to please her, remove her worries, and to let her know that GOD's promise is the truth. However, most of them do not know. When he reached maturity and strength, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous.

Coming to Moses’ family hierarchy (Fig 12.4), Amram was son of Kohath and married his father’s sister Jochabed [Exodus 6:20]. Jochabed had three children; two sons Moses and Aaron and a daughter Miriam. Moses married Zipporah and had two sons Elizer and Gershom. Reflection of Moses set’s in after three months or in 5th day Scriptural map when he realized that Yahweh I am is the cause for his lifelessness. Once realized all other entities are brought into perspective. Moses’ wife Zipporah has two meaning “trumpet/mourning” or “little bird”. These are two aspects of Moses’ orientation in unconscious state realized in conscious state; “little bird” turns to “trumpet/mourning”.

The names of Moses’ sons reflect two outcomes; Elizer El is my help and Gershom Foreigner/stranger. At the same time, Moses siblings identities are revealed; Aaron high mountain or the ego and Miriam rebellion against the creator EL. Both reveal two appearances; priestly/religious external and decay of physiology internal. 8 Levi (Attached)

Kohath (Assembly)

Jochabed (f) Amram (Yahweh is Glory) (Exalted Nation)

Aaron Moses Miriam (f) (High Mountain, Sign) (Drawn Out of Water / (Rebel) Lifeless) Zipporah (f) (Trumpet / mourning, or bird)

Fig 12.4: Moses family hierarchy and name meanings

12.2.2 Pharaoh

Common wisdom ties historical Pharaoh of Egypt to Pharaoh of Abrahamic scriptures. Knowing what we know today from archeological evidence, it’s quite unreasonable that a king of that might would listen and confront Moses. Pharaoh in scriptural paradigm simply means “big house” or the unconscious SELF governed by this worldly life pride in material ownership. This entity of us is the king that is sole cause of our misery. Unconscious Moses is sent to Pharaoh, Hamaan confusion and Qaaroon wealth outward as a messenger who hasn’t realized SELF and became lifeless within for reckoning.

Pharaoh believes God is up in cosmos as preached by Moses unconscious, messenger, and wants to see Moses’ God by building a tower by Hamaan confusion. He wants to kill Moses messenger and dictate religion for his people. All these characteristics of Pharaoh are mentioned in Chapter 40 of Quran 40 lunar year, figure 8.2. The 40th Lunar year in human life also the last year of Day 2 in 4 days of scriptural spread. If this unexplained faith is carried for the rest of the life, resurrection will not be initiated in conscious state. Scriptural spread has two lives and the “First Life” is explained as an illusion by a believer.

Q [40:23-39] We sent Moses with our signs and a profound authority. To Pharaoh, Haamaan, and Qaaroon. But they said, "A magician; a liar." And when he showed them the truth from us, they said, "Kill the sons of those who believed with him, and spare their daughters." Thus, the scheming of the disbelievers is always wicked. Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses, and let him implore his Lord. I worry lest he corrupts your religion, or spreads evil throughout the land." Moses said, "I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning." A believing man among Pharaoh's people, who was concealing his belief, said, "How can you kill a man just for saying, `My Lord is GOD,' and he has shown you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, that is his problem, and if he is truthful, you benefit from his promises. Surely, GOD does not guide any transgressor, liar. "O my people, today you have kingship and the upperhand. But who will help us against GOD's 9 judgment, should it come to us?" Pharaoh said, "You are to follow only what I see fit; I will guide you only in the right path." The one who believed said, "O my people, I fear for you the same fate as the previous opponents. "The opponents of Noah, and `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them. GOD does not wish any injustice for the people. "O my people, I fear for you the Day of Summoning. "That is the day when you may wish to turn around and flee. But nothing will protect you then from GOD. Whomever GOD sends astray, nothing can guide him." Joseph had come to you before that with clear revelations, but you continued to doubt his message. Then, when he died you said, "GOD will not send any other messenger after him. (He was the last messenger)!" GOD thus sends astray those who are transgressors, doubtful. They argue against GOD's revelations, without any basis. This is a trait that is most abhorred by GOD and by those who believe. GOD thus seals the hearts of every arrogant tyrant. Pharaoh said, "O Haamaan, build for me a high tower, that I may reach out and discover. "I want to reach the heaven, and take a look at the god of Moses. I believe he is a liar." Thus were the evil works of Pharaoh adorned in his eyes, and thus was he kept from following (the right) path. Pharaoh's scheming was truly evil. The one who believed said, "O my people, follow me, and I will guide you in the right way.”O my people, this first life is a temporary illusion, while the Hereafter is the eternal abode."

12.2.3 Events in Reflection and prophecies

To understand how conscious and unconscious Moses, Pharaoh and his troops, “Children of Israel”, Misr Egypt or city, Sea sorrow, bitterness, etc. play out within human psychophysical domain, we need to review the events presented in different Quran chapters based on psychophysical reflection. Quran organization is very unique as stated in Section 8.1.3 and meant to reflect journey of SELF for realization and creator identification. I know many have read the Quran chapters over and over again but there are very minute details that set the stories in perspective. If not read very carefully and the events presented not questioned, they will be misunderstood.

Quran mentions two lives with 2nd life starting at age 41lunar year with a shift in unquestionable obedience at 44. Life becomes meaningless or cumbersome at 46. At year 47, in conscious awareness, Muhammad praised is identified and the purgatory begins which is reflected in Sura 47 with corresponding reflection in Sura 7. The subsequent awareness is reflected by Sura 48 Victory and understating the spoils of War Sura 8. If this awareness of “self praised” is not reflected, the event ends with Sura 49 The Wall and “the ultimatum” Sura 9 is issued.

In unconscious awareness (Fig 12.6), the inevitable sets in Sura 56 which is identified by “The Bee” Sura 16. The subsequent steps are; “disbelieve” as strong as “Iron” Sura 57 and “The children of Israel” Sura 17, “The Debate” Sura 58 or raise from the Cave Sura 18, and “Exodus” Sura 59 from the promise land or our physicality. 10

Fig 12.5: Midyan, Hell and Paradise in Abrahamic scriptural Map 11

Fig 12.6: Midyan, Hell and Paradise in Quran chapters The Purgatory

The Purgatory holds the people who are confused and have both, believe and disbelieve, as their guidance. They believe but questions and their questions aren’t answered. This very phenomenon is presented in Sura 7 with two events of Moses, Pharaoh and God encounter. This is the reflection of SELF which has two starting points, age 7 and age 47. I will explore Sura 7 in two separate sections. First is the story of unconscious Moses and his interaction with Pharaoh. Second is the interaction of SELF for awakening and realizing his unconscious actions. 12 Unconscious Moses and Pharaoh

In Quran chapter 7 below, key events between unconscious Moses and Pharaoh are highlighted in bold. They are preaching to Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s threat for crucifixion, Magicians assertion to die as submitters Muslims, Moses assertion that ultimate victory belongs to righteous, and the prophecy that God will establish prosecuted people to see how they behave. These events were followed by sufferings of “people of Pharaoh”, drowning them into sea and delivery of Children of Israel across the sea. “Drowning of troops” and “delivery across the sea” is allegorical yet physical. These two events indicate Pharaoh’s troops are within our psychophysiology and we, the SELF, are out from our bodies and living outside material vanities. These two events will materialize at later human age presented in subsequent sections.

Q [7:103-129] After (those messengers,) we sent Moses with our signs to Pharaoh and his people, but they transgressed. Note the consequences for the wicked. Moses said, "O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe. "It is incumbent upon me that I do not say about GOD except the truth. I come to you with a sign from your Lord; let the Children of Israel go." He said, "If you have a sign, then produce it, if you are truthful."He threw down his staff, and it turned into a tremendous serpent. He took out his hand, and it was white to the beholders. The leaders among Pharaoh's people said, "This is no more than a clever magician. "He wants to take you out of your land; what do you recommend?" They said, "Respite him and his brother, and send summoners to every city."Let them summon every experienced magician." The magicians came to Pharaoh and said, "Do we get paid if we are the winners?" He said, "Yes indeed; you will even become close to me." They said, "O Moses, either you throw, or we are throwing." He said, "You throw." When they threw, they tricked the people's eyes, intimidated them, and produced a great magic. We then inspired Moses: "Throw down your staff," whereupon it swallowed whatever they fabricated. Thus, the truth prevailed, and what they did was nullified. They were defeated then and there; they were humiliated. The magicians fell prostrate. They said, "We believe in the Lord of the universe. "The Lord of Moses and Aaron." Pharaoh said, "Did you believe in him without my permission? This must be a conspiracy you schemed in the city, in order to take its people away. You will surely find out. "I will cut your hands and feet on alternate sides, then I will crucify you all." They said, "We will then return to our Lord.”You persecute us simply because we believed in the proofs of our Lord when they came to us." "Our Lord, grant us steadfastness, and let us die as submitters." The leaders among Pharaoh's people said, "Will you allow Moses and his people to corrupt the earth, and forsake you and your gods?" He said, "We will kill their sons, and spare their daughters. We are much more powerful than they are." Moses said to his people, "Seek GOD's help, and steadfastly persevere. The earth belongs to GOD, and He grants it to whomever He chooses from among His servants. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous." They said, "We were persecuted before you came to us, and after you came to us." He said, "Your Lord will annihilate your enemy and establish you on earth, then He will see how you behave."

Q [7:130-141] We then afflicted Pharaoh's people with drought, and shortage of crops, that they may take heed. When good omens came their way, they said, "We have deserved this," but when a hardship afflicted them, they blamed Moses and those with him. In fact, their omens are decided only by GOD, but most of them do not know. They said, "No matter what kind of sign you show us, to dupe us with your magic, we will not believe." Consequently, we sent upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood - profound signs. But they maintained their arrogance. They were evil people. Whenever a plague afflicted them, they said, "O Moses, 13 implore your Lord - you are close to Him. If you relieve this plague, we will believe with you, and will send the Children of Israel with you." Yet, when we relieved the plague for any length of time, they violated their pledge. Consequently, we avenged their actions, and drowned them in the sea. That is because they rejected our signs, and were totally heedless thereof. We let the oppressed people inherit the land, east and west, and we blessed it. The blessed commands of your Lord were thus fulfilled for the Children of Israel, to reward them for their steadfastness, and we annihilated the works of Pharaoh and his people and everything they harvested. We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. When they passed by people who were worshiping statues, they said, "O Moses, make a god for us, like the gods they have." He said, "Indeed, you are ignorant people.”These people are committing a blasphemy, for what they are doing is disastrous for them. "Shall I seek for you other than GOD to be your god, when He has blessed you more than anyone else in the world?" Recall that we delivered you from Pharaoh's people, who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, killing your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial for you from your Lord.

Fig 12.7: Begin of Purgatory in Quran chapters 14 Conscious Moses

Moses comes back to senses when he realized that his God was his “Ego” and that made him lifeless or made him crumble physiologically. The duration of his freewill to choose his own “Ego” as master lasted for 40 nights till the full fledged hell. During this time, his intentions were fulfilled by the forces in the creations which are termed as “We”. Once back to awareness, Moses repented and “We” wrote for him tablets with all enlightenments and details of everything. This tablet is the scripture that built into all language dependent scriptures which has details of everything. This conscious Moses also realized and reflects on his unconscious SELF when he got angry for his people’s misguidance and throwing down the tablet. Later, he picked up the tablet or language dependent scripture for whoever reverences their lord including him. Unconscious Moses have no reflection of SELF is fearful of his fate and his people.

Q [7:142-147] We summoned Moses for thirty nights, and completed them by adding ten. Thus, the audience with his Lord lasted forty nights. Moses said to his brother Aaron, "Stay here with my people, maintain righteousness, and do not follow the ways of the corruptors." When Moses came at our appointed time, and his Lord spoke with him, he said, "My Lord, let me look and see You." He said, "You cannot see Me. Look at that mountain; if it stays in its place, then you can see Me." Then, his Lord manifested Himself to the mountain, and this caused it to crumble. Moses fell unconscious. When he came to, he said, "Be You glorified. I repent to You, and I am the most convinced believer." He said, "O Moses, I have chosen you, out of all the people, with My messages and with my words. Therefore, take what I have given you and be appreciative." We wrote for him on the tablets all kinds of enlightenments and details of everything: "You shall uphold these teachings strongly, and exhort your people to uphold them - these are the best teachings. I will point out for you the fate of the wicked." I will divert from My revelations those who are arrogant on earth, without justification. Consequently, when they see every kind of proof they will not believe. And when they see the path of guidance they will not adopt it as their path, but when they see the path of straying they will adopt it as their path. This is the consequence of their rejecting our proofs, and being totally heedless thereof. Those who reject our revelations and the meeting of the Hereafter, their works are nullified. Are they requited only for what they committed?

Q [7:148-157] During his absence (conscious Moses), Moses' people made from their jewelry the statue of a calf, complete with the sound of a calf. Did they not see that it could not speak to them, or guide them in any path? They worshiped it, and thus turned wicked. Finally, when they regretted their action, and realized that they had gone astray, they said, "Unless our Lord redeems us with His mercy, and forgives us, we will be losers." When Moses (unconscious) returned to his people, angry and disappointed, he said, "What a terrible thing you have done in my absence! Could you not wait for the commandments of your Lord?" He threw down the tablets, and took hold of his brother's head, pulling him towards himself. (Aaron) said, "Son of my mother, the people took advantage of my weakness, and almost killed me. Let not my enemies rejoice, and do not count me with the transgressing people." (Moses) said, "My Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Your mercy. Of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful." Surely, those who idolized the calf have incurred wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in this life. We thus requite the innovators. As for those who committed sins, then repented thereafter and believed, your Lord - after this - is Forgiver, Most Merciful. When Moses' anger subsided, he picked up the tablets, containing guidance and mercy for those who reverence their Lord. Moses then selected seventy men from among his people, to come to our 15 appointed audience. When the quake shook them, he said, "My Lord, You could have annihilated them in the past, together with me, if You so willed. Would You annihilate us for the deeds of those among us who are foolish? This must be the test that You have instituted for us. With it, You condemn whomever You will, and guide whomever You will. You are our Lord and Master, so forgive us, shower us with Your mercy; You are the best Forgiver. "And decree for us righteousness in this world, and in the Hereafter. We have repented to You." He said, "My retribution befalls whomever I will. But My mercy encompasses all things. However, I will specify it for those who (1) lead a righteous life, (2) give the obligatory charity, (3) believe in our revelations, and "(4) follow the messenger, the gentile prophet, whom they find written in their Torah and Gospel. He exhorts them to be righteous, enjoins them from evil, allows for them all good food, and prohibits that which is bad, and unloads the burdens and the shackles imposed upon them. Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones." Unconscious Moses, Exodus, Children of Israel turns Pharaoh

Next phase of unconscious Moses is explained through the story in chapter 10 Jonah or reflection in Chapter 50 Q – the glorious Quran. You may be familiar with the “Story of Jonah” – who was swallowed by the fish for his rebellion against the creator. Jonah means “Dove” in Hebrew and is a symbol of weakness or indecisiveness. In Matthew 12:40, Jesus compares his three day stay in the grave with Jonah's famous three-day stay in the great fish. This three-day is the 3rd, 4th and 5th in Abrahamic scriptural Map.

The chapter 9 Ultimatum is a reflection/manifestation of Chapter 49 (The Walls). “Ego as God” or “Creator as God” is the prophecies in these chapters’. “Ego as God” is an outbound journey leaving the promise land physicality and “Creator as God” is the inbound journey leaving Egypt psychological confusion. The story begins with unconscious Moses asking his people who believed him to put their trust in God if they are really submitters, stay in Egypt Misr, city for time being, turn their homes into Synagogues together bring, societal aspect and maintain contact prayers. Use of worshipping place “Synagogue” is quite important. Togetherness is a group phenomenon is the confusion in the city Egypt and is the origin of organized religion.

Pharaoh and his troops pursued them aggressively and sinfully. “Children of Israel” crossed the sea and when drowning became the reality for Pharaoh, he believed in God of “Children of Israel” and wants to become a submitter. Note the usage of God of “Children of Israel” to whom Pharaoh submits. “Israel” by definition is the opponent of the creator EL. So, in other words, “Children of Israel” opponent of the creator is forced out from their physicality and Pharaoh occupies it. Thus Pharaoh’s body is preserved as the opponent of the creator. They become Pharaoh dictating religion to others except SELF. Hence, the argument about the scripture, religion and the creator never gets solved. In the Chapter mapping, “Q” is aligned with Chapter 59 Exodus. Exodus is also mapped to Chapter 19 Mary in reflection. “Sea of bitterness” or “Rebelliousness” and “wished for a child” is the meaning of Mary in Hebrew. This Mary is the outcome of “Miriam” rebellion – Moses’s sister who wishes for a child name Jesus Yeshua, “to deliver” or “rescue”. 16 Q [10:74-89] Then we sent after him messengers to their people, and they showed them clear proofs. But they were not to believe in what they had rejected in the past. We thus seal the hearts of the transgressors. Then we sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his group, with our proofs. But they turned arrogant; and were transgressing people. When the truth came to them from us, they said, "This is obviously magic!" Moses said, "Is this how you describe the truth when it comes to you? Is this magic? How can any magicians prevail?" They said, "Did you come to divert us from what we found our parents doing, and to attain positions of prominence for yourselves? We will never join you as believers." Pharaoh said, "Bring to me every experienced magician." When the magicians came, Moses said to them, "Throw whatever you are going to throw." When they threw, Moses said, "What you have produced is magic, and GOD will make it fail. GOD does not support the transgressors' work." GOD establishes the truth with His words, despite the criminals. None believed with Moses except a few of his people, while fearing the tyranny of Pharaoh and his elders. Surely, Pharaoh was much too arrogant on earth, and a real tyrant. Moses said, "O my people, if you have really believed in GOD, then put your trust in Him, if you are really submitters." They said, "We trust in GOD. Our Lord, save us from the persecution of these oppressive people. "Deliver us, with Your mercy, from the disbelieving people." We inspired Moses and his brother. "Maintain your homes in Egypt for the time being, turn your homes into synagogues, and maintain the Contact Prayers. Give good news to the believers." Moses said, "Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his elders luxuries and wealth in this world. Our Lord, they only use them to repulse others from Your path. Our Lord, wipe out their wealth, and harden their hearts to prevent them from believing, until they see the painful retribution." He said, "Your prayer has been answered, so be steadfast, and do not follow the ways of those who do not know."

Q [10:90-94] We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his troops pursued them, aggressively and sinfully. When drowning became a reality for him, he said, "I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel have believed; I am a submitter." "Too late! For you have rebelled already, and chose to be a transgressor. "Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations." Unfortunately, many people are totally oblivious to our signs. We have endowed the Children of Israel with a position of honor, and blessed them with good provisions. Yet, they disputed when this knowledge came to them. Your Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding everything they disputed. If you have any doubt regarding what is revealed to you from your Lord, then ask those who read the previous scripture. Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Do not be with the doubters. 17

Fig 12.8: “Children of Israel” delivered across “sea of bitterness” and transitioned to Pharaoh

This transition to Pharaoh also tied to the Chapter 18 Sura Cave a previous phase. In this Sura, youths took refuge for a number of years and were resurrected to let everyone know that the end of the world is the truth. This resurrection is also tied to the 13th year of Mahabharata where if the Pandavas get caught they will go to Forest once again for 12 years reincarnation.

Q [18:9-22] Why else do you think we are telling you about the people of the cave, and the numbers connected with them? They are among our wondrous signs. When the youths took refuge in the cave, they said, "Our Lord, shower us with Your mercy, and bless our affairs with Your guidance." We then sealed their ears in the cave for a predetermined number of years. Then we resurrected them to see which of the two parties could count the duration of their stay therein. We narrate to you their history, truthfully. They were youths who believed in their Lord, and we 18 increased their guidance. We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and proclaimed: "Our only Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will never worship any other god beside Him. Otherwise, we would be far astray. "Here are our people setting up gods beside Him. If only they could provide any proof to support their stand! Who is more evil than the one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD? "Since you wish to avoid them, and their worshiping of other than GOD,* let us take refuge in the cave. May your Lord shower you with His mercy and direct you to the right decision." You could see the sun when it rose coming from the right side of their cave, and when it set, it shone on them from the left, as they slept in the hollow thereof. This is one of GOD's portents. Whomever GOD guides is the truly guided one, and whomever He sends astray, you will not find for him a guiding teacher. You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst. Had you looked at them, you would have fled from them, stricken with terror. When we resurrected them, they asked each other, "How long have you been here?" "We have been here one day or part of the day," they answered. "Your Lord knows best how long we stayed here, so let us send one of us with this money to the city. Let him fetch the cleanest food, and buy some for us. Let him keep a low profile, and attract no attention. "If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you to revert to their religion, then you can never succeed." We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that GOD's promise is true, and to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world. The people then disputed among themselves regarding them. Some said, "Let us build a building around them." Their Lord is the best knower about them. Those who prevailed said, "We will build a place of worship around them." Some would say, "They were three; their dog being the fourth," while others would say, "Five; the sixth being their dog," as they guessed. Others said, "Seven," and the eighth was their dog. Say, "My Lord is the best knower of their number." Only a few knew the correct number. Therefore, do not argue with them; just go along with them. You need not consult anyone about this. Tuwaa (Roll up or Fold)

Once “children of Israel” becomes Pharaoh unconsciously, he sees a fire at sacred valley Tuwaa and turns to unconscious Moses. Later, Moses and Aaron are sent as messengers of “Pharaoh’s Lord” to Pharaoh and his people. If you recall, one aspect of Pharaoh, among many, is to dictate religion for others and crucify others who disagrees with him. Doesn’t that sound familiar with established religious “Fundamentalism”? Anyone questions their faith or mocks are threatened with death or post-death hell.

Tuwaa simply means “roll up” or “Fold” in Hebrew. It is the sacred ground for Sura 20 Ta Ha – the next phase of transition (Fig 12.9). At this juncture, unconscious Moses’s Lord talks to him from burning bush, sends him and his brother Aaron sign, High Mountain, or priestly appearance to Pharaoh. Moses takes ownership for leading his people. At the end, “We” the forces in the creation, lead Moses and his servants across the sea in a dry road. This leads to the raise of Kings; Saul, David and Solomon.

The Lord that talks to unconscious Moses is not the creator but the Ego which creates and lives within the fire of SELF. This Lord is termed as “Yahweh” in Old Testament, “Ego” in Quran and as “Brahmma” in Santana Dharma scriptures and only to be realized by conscious Moses. Unconscious Moses thinks he is the chosen one. Serving this God will lead to reincarnation for next cycle of life for redemption. This God doesn’t reveal the 19 end of hour rather keeps it hidden. “The staff” is our identity that we lean on and Moses unconscious uses that to herd his sheep. As you know, “sheep” in scriptural paradigm is used as allegory for the followers who believe without any question and obeys their leaders blindly. Only unconscious Moses thinks he can led anyone to truth. However, in true sense, enlightenment has to come from within SELF for consciousness and purification.

Q [20:9-79] Have you noted the history of Moses? When he saw a fire, he said to his family, "Stay here. I have seen a fire. Maybe I can bring you some of it, or find some guidance at the fire." When he came to it, he was called, "O, Moses. "I am your Lord; remove your sandals. You are in the sacred valley, Tuwaa. "I have chosen you, so listen to what is being revealed.”I am GOD; there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me. "The Hour (end of the world) is surely coming; I will keep it almost hidden, for each soul must be paid for its works." Do not be diverted therefrom by those who do not believe in it - those who pursue their own opinions - lest you fall. "What is this in your right hand, Moses?" He said, "This is my staff. I lean on it, herd my sheep with it, and I use it for other purposes." He said, "Throw it down, Moses." He threw it down, whereupon it turned into a moving serpent. He said, "Pick it up; do not be afraid. We will return it to its original state. "And hold your hand under your wing; it will come out white without a blemish; another proof." We thus show you some of our great portents. "Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed." He said, "My Lord, cool my temper. And make this matter easy for me." And untie a knot from my tongue. "So they can understand my speech.” And appoint an assistant for me from my family. "My brother Aaron. "Strengthen me with him. "Let him be my partner in this matter. "That we may glorify You frequently. "And commemorate You frequently. "You are Seer of us." He said, "Your request is granted, O Moses.”We have blessed you another time. "When we revealed to your mother what we revealed. "Saying: `Throw him into the box, then throw him into the river. The river will throw him onto the shore, to be picked up by an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his.' I showered you with love from Me, and I had you made before My watchful eye. "Your sister walked to them and said, `I can tell you about a nursing mother who can take good care of him.' We thus returned you to your mother, that she may be happy and stop worrying. And when you killed a person, we saved you from the grievous consequences; indeed we tested you thoroughly. You stayed years with the people of Midyan, and now you have come back in accordance with a precise plan. "I have made you just for Me. "Go with your brother, supported by My signs, and do not waver in remembering Me. "Go to Pharaoh, for he transgressed. "Speak to him nicely; he may take heed, or become reverent." They said, "Our Lord, we fear lest he may attack us, or transgress." He said, "Do not be afraid, for I will be with you, listening and watching. "Go to him and say, `We are two messengers from your Lord. Let the Children of Israel go. You must refrain from persecuting them. We bring a sign from your Lord, and peace is the lot of those who heed the guidance. "`We have been inspired that the retribution will inevitably afflict those who disbelieve and turn away.' " He said, "Who is your Lord, O Moses." He said, "Our Lord is the One who granted everything its existence, and its guidance." He said, "What about the past generations?" He said, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord never errs, nor does He forget." He is the One who made the earth habitable for you, and paved in it roads for you. And He sends down from the sky water with which we produce many different kinds of plants. Eat and raise your livestock. These are sufficient proofs for those who possess intelligence. From it we created you, into it we return you, and from it we bring you out once more. We showed him all our proofs, but he disbelieved and refused. He said, "Did you come here to take us out of our land with your magic, O Moses? "We will surely show you similar magic. Therefore, set an appointment that neither we, nor you will violate; in a neutral place." He said, "Your appointed time shall be the day of festivities. Let us all meet in the forenoon." Pharaoh summoned his forces, then came. Moses said to them, "Woe to you. Do you 20 fabricate lies to fight GOD and thus incur His retribution? Such fabricators will surely fail." They disputed among themselves, as they conferred privately. They said, "These two are no more than magicians who wish to take you out of your land with their magic, and to destroy your ideal way of life. "Let us agree upon one scheme and face them as a united front. The winner today will have the upper hand." They said, "O Moses, either you throw, or we will be the first to throw." He said, "You throw." Whereupon, their ropes and sticks appeared to him, because of their magic, as if they were moving. Moses harbored some fear. We said, "Have no fear. You will prevail. "Throw what you hold in your right hand, and it will swallow what they fabricated. What they fabricated is no more than the scheming of a magician. The magician's work will not succeed." The magicians fell prostrate, saying, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses." He said, "Did you believe in him without my permission? He must be your chief; the one who taught you magic. I will surely sever your hands and feet on alternate sides. I will crucify you on the palm trunks. You will find out which of us can inflict the worst retribution, and who outlasts whom." They said, "We will not prefer you over the clear proofs that came to us, and over the One who created us. Therefore, issue whatever judgment you wish to issue. You can only rule in this lowly life. "We have believed in our Lord, that He may forgive us our sins, and the magic that you forced us to perform. GOD is far better and Everlasting." Anyone who comes to his Lord guilty will incur Hell, wherein he never dies, nor stays alive. As for those who come to Him as believers who had led a righteous life, they attain the high ranks. The gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow, will be their abode forever. Such is the reward for those who purify themselves. We inspired Moses: "Lead My servants out, and strike for them a dry road across the sea. You shall not fear that you may get caught, nor shall you worry." Pharaoh pursued them with his troops, but the sea overwhelmed them, as it was destined to overwhelm them. Thus, Pharaoh misled his people; he did not guide them.

After crossing the sea or our physicality or promise land, it’s possible to reverse back the course of destruction with repent and reform. Unconscious Moses comes back, blames Samarian watchers or keepers of the scriptures, burns downs the golden calf and throws into the sea. This sea is the same sea of pain which “children of Israel” crossed is ignited many fold. Golden calf, as indicated before, is a symbol for desire, power and money which is crafted by religious scholars based on the message delivered by the messenger. To put into perspective, the attraction for desire, power and money increases as the promise land physicality/body breaks down. These goodies are the religious promises made after death paradise which never comes true.

Q [20:80-98] O Children of Israel, we delivered you from your enemy, summoned you to the right side of Mount Sinai, and we sent down to you manna and quails. Eat from the good things we provided for you, and do not transgress, lest you incur My wrath. Whoever incurs My wrath has fallen. I am surely forgiving for those who repent, believe, lead a righteous life, and steadfastly remain guided. "Why did you rush away from your people, O Moses?" He said, "They are close behind me. I have rushed to You my Lord, that You may be pleased." He said, "We have put your people to the test after you left, but the Samarian misled them." Moses returned to his people, angry and disappointed, saying, "O my people, did your Lord not promise you a good promise? Could you not wait? Did you want to incur wrath from your Lord? Is this why you broke your agreement with me?" They said, "We did not break our agreement with you on purpose. But we were loaded down with jewelry, and decided to throw our loads in. This is what the Samarian suggested." He produced for them a sculpted calf, complete with a calf's sound. They said, "This is your god, and the god of Moses." Thus, he forgot. Could they not see that it neither responded to them, nor possessed any power to harm them, or benefit them? And Aaron had told them, "O my people, this is a test for you. Your only Lord is the Most Gracious, so follow me, and 21 obey my commands." They said, "We will continue to worship it, until Moses comes back." (Moses) said, "O Aaron, what is it that prevented you, when you saw them go astray, "from following my orders? Have you rebelled against me?" He said, "O son of my mother; do not pull me by my beard and my head. I was afraid that you might say, `You have divided the Children of Israel, and disobeyed my orders.' " He said, "What is the matter with you, O Samarian?" He said, "I saw what they could not see. I grabbed a fistful (of dust) from the place where the messenger stood, and used it (to mix into the golden calf). This is what my mind inspired me to do." He said, "Then go, and, throughout your life, do not even come close. You have an appointed time (for your final judgment) that you can never evade. Look at your god that you used to worship; we will burn it and throw it into the sea, to stay down there forever." Your only god is GOD; the One beside whom there is no other god. His knowledge encompasses all things.

Fig: 12.9 – Reincarnation sets in for next cycle 22 Point of No Return

Once exited from the promise land, there are eight stages before the final exit or point of no return takes place. By that time, unconscious Moses and his followers are drowned in the misery of hell, physicality is destroyed, and restlessness and hopelessness are constant companions. Life and living have left for ever and next cycle is about to begin. However, in the minds of everyone, they are victors. Only the knowledgeable knows the outcome as they see the resurrection or /liberty firsthand.

The event takes place in Chapter 26 Sura Poets. It’s the 57th in sequence when the shift to hell or misery is considered. This chapter mentions unconscious Moses’s history, his assertion of his messenger ship to Pharaoh to “let the children of Israel go”. The story begins with “My Lord” and ends with “Travel with My servants”. Note the absence of word “Allah” or God. Both parties see each other as Moses’s people are pursued towards East. Moses was inspired to strike the sea with his staff and the sea parted into two great hills. The story ends with Moses and those who were with him were saved. Everybody else was drowned. Here the conscious Moses and those with him are saved as they travel back to promise land. The details of conscious Moses are laid out in chapter 28 History. Others who are drowned into the sea of bitterness follow the next step of Kingship stage 9. Usage of East or new day is the resurrection of peace or utmost sufferings. This new day is also the outcome when Jacob realized that he was Israel in unconscious state or in darkness or night Peniel.

Q [26:10-67] Recall that your Lord called Moses: "Go to the transgressing people. "Pharaoh's people; perhaps they reform." He said, "My Lord, I fear lest they disbelieve me. "I may lose my temper. My tongue gets tied; send for my brother Aaron. "Also, they consider me a fugitive; I fear lest they kill me." He said, "No, (they will not). Go with My proofs. We will be with you, listening. "Go to Pharaoh and say, `We are messengers from the Lord of the universe.' " `Let the Children of Israel go.' " He said, "Did we not raise you from infancy, and you spent many years with us? "Then you committed the crime that you committed, and you were ungrateful." He said, "Indeed, I did it when I was astray. "Then I fled, when I feared you, and my Lord endowed me with wisdom and made me one of the messengers. "You are boasting that you did me a favor, while enslaving the Children of Israel!" Pharaoh said, "What is the Lord of the universe?" He said, "The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them. You should be certain about this." He said to those around him, "Did you hear this?" He said, "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors." He said, "Your messenger who is sent to you is crazy." He said, "The Lord of the east and the west, and everything between them, if you understand." He said, "If you accept any god, other than me, I will throw you in the prison." He said, "What if I show you something profound?" He said, "Then produce it, if you are truthful." He then threw his staff, whereupon it became a profound snake. And he took out his hand, and it was white to the beholders. He said to the elders around him, "This is an experienced magician. "He wants to take you out of your land, with his magic. What do you suggest?" They said, "Respite him and his brother, and send summoners to every town. "Let them summon every experienced magician." The magicians were gathered at the appointed time, on the appointed day. The people were told: "Come one and all; let us gather together here. "Maybe we will follow the magicians, if they are the winners." When the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, "Do we get paid, if we are the winners?" He said, "Yes indeed; you will even be close to me." Moses said to them "Throw what you are going to throw." 23 They threw their ropes and sticks, and said, "By Pharaoh's majesty, we will be the victors." Moses threw his staff, whereupon it swallowed what they fabricated. The magicians fell prostrate. They said, "We believe in the Lord of the universe. "The Lord of Moses and Aaron." He said, "Did you believe with him before I give you permission? He must be your teacher, who taught you magic. You will surely find out. I will sever your hands and feet on alternate sides. I will crucify you all." They said, "This will not change our decision; to our Lord we will return. "We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, especially that we are the first believers." We inspired Moses: "Travel with My servants; you will be pursued." Pharaoh sent to the cities callers. (Proclaiming,) "This is a small gang. "They are now opposing us. "Let us all beware of them." Consequently, we deprived them of gardens and springs. And treasures and an honorable position. Then we made it an inheritance for the Children of Israel. They pursued them towards the east. When both parties saw each other, Moses' people said, "We will be caught." He said, "No way. My Lord is with me; He will guide me." We then inspired Moses: "Strike the sea with your staff," whereupon it parted. Each part was like a great hill. We then delivered them all. We thus saved Moses and all those who were with him. And we drowned the others. This should be a sufficient proof, but most people are not believers. Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful. 24

Fig: 12.10 – Reincarnation confirmed for next cycle

Existing wisdom suggests that the crossing of the sea an outward movement from Egypt to promise land at night. The scriptural direction for conscious Moses is inward towards body from the psychological space called “Egypt” city. Conscious Moses and others with him were saved while all others were drowned into sufferings of unimaginable proportions and never found their way back to promise land. It’s where the story of Conscious and unconscious Moses ends and the kingship begins. It’s the point of “no return”. The picture below (Fig 12.11) usually used to explain the crossing of the sea. Note the “|_|” shape of the sea. I will come to this shape when we look into Ramayana. The same journey is depicted through “” or conduit with three sides. 25

Fig: 12.11 – Moses strike the sea with his staff

Quran Chapter 26 ends with a warning to the poets that scripture is not poetry and poets are usually followed by the strayers except the righteous. Scripture should not be recited without understanding. Those who recite it without reflection of SELF will be deprived of gardens and springs, treasures and honors. The gain of paradise in 1st life and loss of it in 2nd will be inherited by the “children of Israel” for the next cycle.

Q [26:224-227] As for the poets, they are followed only by the strayers. Do you not see that their loyalty shifts according to the situation? And that they say what they do not do? Exempted are those who believe, lead a righteous life, commemorate GOD frequently, and stand up for their rights. Surely, the transgressors will find out what their ultimate destiny is.

Q [36:69] What we taught him was not poetry, nor is he (a poet). This is but a formidable proof, and a profound Quran.

Q [57-59] Consequently, we deprived them of gardens and springs. And treasures and an honorable position. Then we made it (deprivation) an inheritance for the Children of Israel.

According to Bible, Moses led the children of Israel out from Egypt at the age of 80 and died at the age of 120. This story led to believe that Moses lived for 120 years. In my analysis, it’s not a physical count of 120 years but a life in three different phases; First 40 physical years, second 9 phases till exodus for 40 years and final 8 phases after exodus for 40 years. These three together constitutes 120 years. This is the life span of unconscious Moses who lead the “children of Israel” to promise land but failed.

[89:23] On that day, Gehenna will be brought forth. On that day, the human being will remember - but what a remembrance - it will be too late. 26 [68:43] With their eyes subdued, humiliation will cover them. They were invited to fall prostrate when they were whole and able.

Fig: 12.12 – Age of Moses in scriptural years Kingship

Kingship, righteousness, superiority, conversion and oppression to other religious followers are the outcome for those who are drowned in misery sea. They are devoid of knowledge and faith Iman in Arabic, and pursue forces to submit. Absence of understanding or darkness is responsible for wars and oppression in the name of religion. This is reflected in the story of Solomon Peace and Sheba Oath in chapter 27 the Ants. The Arabic word used for Ant is “Naml” which actually means “Termite”. If you recall, Valmiki or “Hill of Termite” is the author of Ramayana. The same reference is made to termites in this Sura to go to their homes when Solomon is mobilized with his soldiers of Jinns, humans and birds. As you know, hell will be filled with Jinns and humans and this is where the hell in full force without any return.

Q [27:17-19] Mobilized in the service of Solomon were his obedient soldiers of jinns and humans, as well as the birds; all at his disposal. When they approached the valley of the ants, one ant said, "O you ants, go into your homes, lest you get crushed by Solomon and his soldiers, without perceiving. He smiled and laughed at her statement, and said, "My Lord, direct me to be appreciative of the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."

A reference of Moses is also made at the beginning of Sura 27 to indicate that the blessed one or God of fire usually resides within fire of Hell. This God is the “Ego” or “Identity based on superiority” that burns one inside out and is responsible for the kingship that follows. This God within fire is the almighty and most wise, and the glory belongs to 27 God, lord of the universe. The story also talks about nine signs ayatin in Arabic to Pharaoh and his messengership.

Q [27:4-14] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, we adorn their works in their eyes. Thus, they continue to blunder. It is these who incur the worst retribution, and in the Hereafter, they will be the worst losers. Surely, you are receiving the Quran from a Most Wise, Omniscient. Recall that Moses said to his family, "I see a fire; let me bring you news therefrom, or a torch to warm you." he came to it, he was called: "Blessed is the One within the fire, and those around it." Glory be to GOD, Lord of the universe. "O Moses, this is Me, GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise. "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, do not be afraid. My messengers shall not fear. Except those who commit a transgression, then substitute righteousness after sinning; I am Forgiving, Most Merciful. "Put your hand in your pocket; it will come out white, without a blemish. These are among nine miracles to Pharaoh and his people, for they are wicked people." our miracles were presented to them, clear and profound, they said, "This is obviously magic.". They rejected them and were utterly convinced of their wrong ways, due to their arrogance. Note the consequences for the evildoers. Reflection and the City Misr

One may question, how all these reflection began? Well, it all started when “unconscious Moses” entered the city unexpectedly and saw what happened to him. He reflected that he killed one of his own when he was unconscious, a people of Pharaoh, and fled the city as Pharaoh’s troops pursued him. This killing of his own is the realization of killing of Abel Breath of Life by Cain Acquired. Realizations of this event lead him to Midyan Strife or place of Judgment. These events and realizations are document in chapter 28 History where the creator is explaining true history of Moses and Pharaoh. To note, it’s also aligned with the chapter 68 The Pen confirming the law Torah in each human life written long before our birth (Fig 12.13). The use of “slaughtering their sons and sparing their daughters” is the allegory for killing our conscious while sparing our physicality where hell originates.

Q [28:3-22] We recite to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe. Pharaoh turned into a tyrant on earth, and discriminated against some people. He persecuted a helpless group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was indeed wicked. We willed to compensate those who were oppressed on earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them the inheritors. And to establish them on earth, and to give Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops a taste of their own medicine. We inspired Moses' mother: "Nurse him, and when you fear for his life, throw him into the river without fear or grief. We will return him to you, and will make him one of the messengers." Pharaoh's family picked him up, only to have him lead the opposition and to be a source of grief for them. That is because Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops were transgressors. Pharaoh's wife said, "This can be a joyous find for me and you. Do not kill him, for he may be of some benefit for us, or we may adopt him to be our son." They had no idea. The mind of Moses' mother was growing so anxious that she almost gave away his identity. But we strengthened her heart, to make her a believer. She said to his sister, "Trace his path." She watched him from afar, while they did not perceive. We forbade him from accepting all the nursing mothers. (His sister) then said, "I can show you a family that can raise him for you, and take good care of him." Thus, we restored him to his mother, in order to please her, remove her worries, and to let her know that GOD's promise is the 28 truth. However, most of them do not know. When he reached maturity and strength, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous. Once he entered the city unexpectedly, without being recognized by the people. He found two men fighting; one was from his people, and the other was from his enemies. The one from his people called on him for help against his enemy. Moses punched him, killing him. He said, "This is the work of the devil; he is a real enemy, and a profound misleader." He said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. Please forgive me," and He forgave him. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful. He said, "My Lord, in return for Your blessings upon me, I will never be a supporter of the guilty ones." In the morning, he was in the city, afraid and watchful. The one who sought his help yesterday (people of pharaoh), asked for his help again. Moses said to him, "You are really a trouble maker." Before he attempted to strike their common enemy, he said, "O Moses, do you want to kill me, as you killed the other man yesterday? Obviously, you wish to be a tyrant on earth; you do not wish to be righteous." A man came running from the other side of the city, saying, "O Moses, the people are plotting to kill you. You better leave immediately. I am giving you good advice." He fled the city, afraid and watchful. He said, "My Lord, save me from the oppressive people." As he traveled towards Midyan, he said, "May my Lord guide me in the right path."

Fig: 12.13 – True story of conscious Moses and the Pen 29 If you note, there is only one killing in “the scripture” that is of Abel by Cain. This truth is established and proven through the facts of Prophets, messengers and reflections within each of us. This realization is identified in Midyan where resurrection initiates.

[5:27] Recite for them the true history of Adam's two sons. They made an offering, and it was accepted from one of them, but not from the other. He said, "I will surely kill you." He said, "GOD accepts only from the righteous.

[30:56] Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, "You have lasted, according to GOD's decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it." At Midyan and the promise land

Resurrection initiates when one reaches Midyan’s water as life starts to come back within. At Midyan, conscious Moses helped two women with water and met his father. He married one of them with an agreement to work or reflect eight or ten phases of SELF reflection from Noah to Adam. The realization of all phases or “Ten” is voluntary and guided by self where all events come to life. These ten are Adam’s ten generation as shown in Abrahamic Scriptural Map.

Q [28:23:28] “When he reached Midyan's water, he found a crowd of people watering, and noticed two women waiting on the side. He said, "What is it that you need?" They said, "We are not able to water, until the crowd disperses, and our father is an old man." He watered for them, then turned to the shade, saying, "My Lord, whatever provision you send to me, I am in dire need for it." Soon, one of the two women approached him, shyly, and said, "My father invites you to pay you for watering for us." When he met him, and told him his story, he said, "Have no fear. You have been saved from the oppressive people." One of the two women said, "O my father, hire him. He is the best one to hire, for he is strong and honest." He said, "I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight hijajin (confrontations); if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, GOD willing, righteous." He said, "It is an agreement between me and you. Whichever period I fulfill, you will not be averse to either one. GOD is the guarantor of what we said."

After Moses fulfilled his commitment, he met two Gods in SELF realization; “the almighty and most wise” and “the Lord of the universe”. First God is the fire and second is the creator where burning bush was located – a transition. This is the reflection of SELF within fire or hell followed by the resurrection. God shows Moses what he holds as identity is a mirage and a demon. He asked of Aaron priestly or sign as an assistant who is eloquent and both were sent to Pharaoh. SELF evaluation takes place. Pharaoh and his troops were punished by throwing into the sea to lead their people to hell. At this juncture, conscious Moses has the scripture and realizes his past events. He also understands that he can not be present when revelations are recited to the “people of Midyan” and knows that messenger was sent to every community. SELF, the psycho- physical playground, is the promise land for joy and happiness or hell for the unaware. 30 Q [28:29-50] When he had fulfilled his obligation, he traveled with his family (towards Egypt). He saw from the slope of Mount Sinai a fire. He said to his family, "Stay here. I have seen a fire. Maybe I can bring to you news, or a portion of the fire to warm you." When he reached it, he was called from the edge of the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot where the burning bush was located: "O Moses, this is Me. GOD; Lord of the universe. "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, come back; do not be afraid. You are perfectly safe. "Put your hand into your pocket; it will come out white without a blemish. Fold your wings and settle down from your fear. These are two proofs from your Lord, to be shown to Pharaoh and his elders; they have been wicked people." He said, "My Lord, I killed of them a man, and I fear lest they kill me. "Also, my brother Aaron is more eloquent than I. Send him with me as a helper to confirm and strengthen me. I fear lest they disbelieve me." He said, "We will strengthen you with your brother, and we will provide you both with manifest authority. Thus, they will not be able to touch either one of you. With our miracles, the two of you, together with those who follow you, will be the victors." When Moses went to them with our proofs, clear and profound, they said, "This is fabricated magic. We have never heard of this from our ancient ancestors." Moses said, "My Lord knows best who brought the guidance from Him, and who will be the ultimate victors. Surely, the transgressors never succeed." Pharaoh said, "O you elders, I have not known of any god for you other than me. Therefore, fire the adobe, O Hamaan, in order to build a tower, that I may take a look at the god of Moses. I am sure that he is a liar." Thus, he and his troops continued to commit arrogance on earth, without any right, and thought that they would not be returned to us. Consequently, we punished him and his troops, by throwing them into the sea. Note the consequences for the transgressors. We made them imams who led their people to Hell. Furthermore, on the Day of Resurrection, they will have no help. They incurred in this life condemnation, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be despised. We gave Moses the scripture - after having annihilated the previous generations, and after setting the examples through them - to provide enlightenment for the people, and guidance, and mercy, that they may take heed. You were not present on the slope of the western mount, when we issued the command to Moses; you were not a witness. But we established many generations, and, because of the length of time, (they deviated). Nor were you among the people of Midyan, reciting our revelations to them. But we did send messengers. Nor were you on the slope of Mount Sinai when we called (Moses). But it is mercy from your Lord, (towards the people,) in order to warn people who received no warner before you, that they may take heed. Thus, they cannot say, when a disaster strikes them as a consequence of their own deeds, "Our Lord, had You sent a messenger to us, we would have followed Your revelations, and would have been believers." Now that the truth has come to them from us, they said, "If only we could be given what was given to Moses!" Did they not disbelieve in what was given to Moses in the past? They said, "Both (scriptures) are works of magic that copied one another." They also said, "We are disbelievers in both of them." Say, "Then produce a scripture from GOD with better guidance than the two, so I can follow it, if you are truthful." If they fail to respond to you, then know that they follow only their own opinions. Who is farther astray than those who follow their own opinions, without guidance from GOD? GOD does not guide such wicked people.

Q [19:71] Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord.

Q [21:103] The great horror will not worry them, and the angels will receive them joyfully: "This is your day, that has been promised to you."

So, now to put things in perspective, I will refer to the first diagram (Fig 12.1). Day 5 Abrahamic scriptural map is where we locate ourselves to the right side of Mount Sinai. Within this day or period, Conscious Moses travels back to promise land our physicality for 31 resurrection – an inward flow. For unconscious, it’s outward and at the same time all are drowned in misery of unimaginable proportions termed as Hell by the creator. A creation, Adam, is destroyed for next cycle to recognize, if the creator wills based on SELF pursuit.

Reflection / Memory Pain & Sufferings Adam / Nara Physicality


Day 1&2 Heaven & Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Earth

Fig: 12.14 – Psycho-physical transformation

12.3 Reflection of Rama exalted and Ayodhya not to won

Unlike Abrahamic scriptures, Sanatana Dharma scriptures are divided into three volumes; Veda, Ramayana and Mahabharata. In order to align, Rama with Moses and the events, I will use Ramayana and Mahabharata together. Though, Vedic gods play role in those two epics on different mythological SELF characters aspects. Abrahamic scriptures are more concise than Sanatana Dharma yet conveys the same message without any ambiguity. In this section, I will also refer back to topics mentioned in prior chapters, especially, for lineage and meanings of the names.

To recap from the Section 8.2.2, Rama is the first son of king DasharathaTen Chariots of Ayodhya Not to Won in the land of KosalaWickedness. Rama and his were born when their mothers drank form the cup of a holy messenger appeared from fire. This cup was given to Rishyaringa deer horned when he was chanting final verses of the horse sacrifice. The kingdom Ayodhya not to won was filled with delight after their birth as the events were beginning to unfold. Ramayana reflection of Exalted and the Mahabharata great message stories are the reflections within SELF of his choices made before the horse strength sacrifice. Let’s look at the meaning of some important characters in Ramayana and their definitions (Table 12.2).

Name Meaning in English Role Rama (unconscious) “Enlightened Person” and Lost Sita in forest when he possesses all virtues went after the golden dear becomes king of Ayodhya after epic battle with 32 Ravana. He is the seventh avatar of and in pain (blue Rama). Valmiki/ (conscious) Termite hill / genderless Valmiki suffered from consciousness SELF pride (Rama) and oppression from Ravana. A self-realized demi-god who became Ravana at the expense of Sita Ravana or Dasa griva DasaTen GrivaNecks are the Well versed in , ten openings in human body commits terrible violence which never satisfied with and pollute holy places. He material pride is king of Lankafire which is awesome in the middle of the sea and situated at the three mountain top. Hanuman / Lakshman Priestly appearance of Son of Vayuair appear as unconscious Moses, or Brahmanapriestly. He is able Lakshmansign within for to locate Sita and flew them conscious Nara (formerly from Lanka Rama) Sugriva Nice neck or comforting Prince of vanarasforest man/lost voice lives in mountain top called Rishyalokasageland. Hanuman is his advisor. Message (Heard), religion a Younger brother of Rama social endeavor who is born out of Kaikeyisocial becomes the ruler of Ayodhya after Ram goes to forest Sea An allegory used for pain and sufferings. Destruction of heaven and earth from within

Table 12.2: Ramayana names, their meaning and Role in the epic

12.3.1 Rama & Pandavas

To understand Rama, his generations, his actions and outcomes, in my opinion, Pandavas pale brothers or bloodless must be analyzed and reflected. These two are inseparable and dwell within the same human consciousness. I will be referring back to prior chapters for alignment as most of these sections are already stated. 33 Rama (Ramayana)

Rama’s generation begins from current Manu, who turns to Ikshavaku Manu (Fig 12.15) to Dasaratha Ten Chariots to Bharata heard, message, Lakshman signs, Rama exalted and Shatrughna killer of the enemy. Our current understanding of scripture is derived from “what is heard”, that gives our superiority and driven by killing of anyone who doesn’t agree with me. If you recall, Rama is from Section Details of Rama, his orientation and marriage to Sita our physicality are described in section Rama is realized in phase seven of Vishnu Avatar what is blue pain.

Manu / Vaivasvata Manu (Adam or current human)

Ikshavaku Manu (Sweet speech / bitter)

Dasaratha Ten Chariots

Bharata (Message) Vedas (Heard)

Lakshman (Sign or Symptom)

Rama (Enlightened Person)

Lava (Rock)

Kush (Wicked)

Shatrughna (Killer of enemies)

Fig 12.15: Rama’s Family Lineage Pandavas (Mahabharata)

Pandavas are the son of pale who is also Rama to the outfacing world. Pandavas were born out of realization when compiler becomes intimate with sensitive wife of various efforts (Section In Pandu’s family lineage, Yati wanderer divides up into two lineages Magic/illusion and Puru abundant. A realized Pandu comes from the Bharata message, heard which was compiled by Vyasa. At this stage, the message begins to unravel and starts to take shape. If you note the generation (Fig 12.16), it begins 34 with current Manu just as Rama but delves into another branch which is driven by a sex transformation thus making the creation a gender neutral entity and the Lingum sign of Enlightenment. To tie up with Abrahamic scriptural entities, Yati wonderer is Gorshon stranger or Gershom stranger in Levi lineage. Gorshon and Gershom are also the same entity in two realization paradigm.

Pandu Manu / Vaivasvata Manu (Adam or current Yudhisthria human) / Sudyumna (Righteousness) (both sexes) Veema (Courage) (king of new day) Arjuna Ayush (Intelligence) (Life Span) (Caste less) (neighbor)

Shahadeva (With God) (Wanderer)

Yadu (Cowherd, magic)

Krishna (Black)

Puru (abundant,Paradise ) Bharata (Message)

Pandu (Bloodless)

Fig 12.16: Pandavas Family Lineage

12.3.2 Ravana and Kauravas

Ravana is the evil force and the king of Lanka hot, island in Ramayana. The epic depicts the fight between Rama and Ravana ten heads with two outcomes. In Mahabharata, Kauravas doers are the evil forces at war with Pandavas Pale, bloodless with exactly the same outcomes. 35 Ravana (Ramayana)

Ravana is the grand son of Pulasteya vision non-stealing and Havirbhoo visible. Pulasteya is one of the ten Prajapati subject/people owner or mind born son of creator of psychological world. His father Vishrava poisoned voice had two wives; Ilavida both sexes knowledge and Kaikeshi darkness. bad enclosure, elder half brother of Ravana ten heads, cry, roar, is the lord of wealth and god-king of semi-divine death by desire or saintism. He is also known as Dikpal direction guardian and protector of the world psychological. Vishrava left Ilavida changed sex (both) knowledge after falling love with demon princes Kaikeshi who is one of the three daughters of Sumali wise, easy and Tataka stars. Maricha illusion, Subahu strong arm are the other two. Kaikeshi had six sons and a daughter with Vishrava with Ravana being the eldest (Fig 12.16).

Ravana is a wise person, follower of Shiva Rudra, a great scholar, very well versed in Vedas heard, heresy and a master of Veena pain. He had ten heads representing four Vedas, and six Shastras percepts or first six chapter of Ramayana. He was blessed with a boon that would make him invincible to the creation of Brahma, except for humans. He also received weapons, chariot and the ability to shape shift from Brahma. Ravana later usurped Lanka fire from his half-brother Kubera and became the King of Lanka. He appointed Shukracharya sperm dweller or desire as his priest and learned the Arthashastra science of Politics from him Wikipedia. Ravana married Mandodari poor digestion, Dhanyamalini praise fragrance and another third wife and gave birth to seven sons. Meaning, relevance and after war outcomes of Ravana family is shown in table 12.3 and 12.4.

Fig 12.17: Ravana Family Hierarchy ( 36

Name Meaning Relevance After war Vibheeshana Scared, Hellish He spoke the truth without fear He became the experience and advised Ravana to return the king of Lanka kidnapped Sita. He changed side after the second council and fought for Rama. Kumbhakarna Watery Ears / Brahma mitigated the power of Killed in the unclear hearings the boon by making battle (2nd Kumbhakarna sleep for six phase) months and being awake for the rest six months of a year (in some versions, he is awake for one day out of the year). During the war with Rama, Kumbhakarna was untimely awakened from his sleep. He tried to persuade Ravana to open negotiations with Rama and return Sita to him. But he too failed to mend the ways of Ravana. However, bound by a brother's duty, he fought on the side of Ravana and was killed in the battlefield. Before dying he met Vibheeshana and blessed him for following the path of righteousness. Khara Rough, hard, King of Janasthan people’s place also Killed by pungent, painful known as Danda quarrel Kingdom Rama Dushana Blaming Ruler representative of Janasthan Killed by Rama Ahiravan or Snake/Fire or King of underworld Killed by Mahiravan great Ravana Hanuman Khumbhini Earth Elder sister of Ravana Retires in Sea for penance Surpanakha Hand winnowing Younger sister of Ravana who Mocked Sita in nails, choosers of kidnapped Sita. She married forest exile likings Dushtobuddhi wicked intelligence who after the war was killed by Ravana

Table 12.3: Ravana brothers and sisters ( 37 Name Meaning Relevance After war Indrajit Winner Also known as Meghnad. Killed by (unaware) of the Meghnad means heaven or noise Lakshmana senses from cloud or darkness. His with help from mother was Mandodari and he Vibheeshana fought for three days in the war. Atikaya Gigantic His mother was Mandodari. Killed by Lakshmana Akshayakumara Un-decaying His mother was Mandodari. He Killed by Youth died while saving the Ashoka Hanuman Vita sorrow less place Devantaka Destroyer of God Mother Dhanyamalini Killed by Hanuman Narantaka Destroyer of Nara Mother Dhanyamalini Killed by Vanara Angada forest man ornaments Trishira Three heads Mother Dhanyamalini Killed by Rama Parahasta Extended Hands Reborn as Purochana (wicked advice and manipulation) as Duryodhana’s aide in Mahabharata and was responsible for burning down the Lakshagriha Wax house

Table 12.4: Ravana seven sons ( Kauravas (Mahabharata)

Dhritarashtra holer of the kingdom was the first born son of Mother, first wife of Vichitravirya various efforts, by Vyasa. He was born blind and married smell or odorous life. Gandhari choose to live as blind by blindfolding her as her husband. From chapter, “As Vyasa had, prophesied, Gandhari gives birth to one hundred sons and one daughter—all of whom come from a single ball of flesh that lies in her womb for two years first two days of four. Called the Kauravas doers, the eldest son is Duryodhana Dur-yodona, hard to conquer, jealousy, the second boy is Duhsasana Du-shashana, Grief rule, while the sole daughter is called Duhsala Du-shala, grief or sorrow house.” Two years are the first two yugas when these entities are invisible.

Kauravas plan all their life to defeat Pandavas pale, bloodless and take their kingdom. They burnt the Lakshagriha wax house, sent Pandavas to forest, engaged in war, and at the end become friends with Pandavas to rule the kingdom. These events occur twice in human life. Without reflection, except Yudhisthira, all Pandavas die while climbing Mount Meru for the next cycle to begin. 38 12.3.3 Lanka, Kurukeshtra

Lanka Fire and Kurukeshtra Doer’s place are the two places where wars were fought in Ramayana and Mahabharata, respectively. Common wisdom asserts that these places as physical locations in India sub-continent but in scriptural paradigm, these are our psychophysical space where each of us dwells individually. All outcomes of our actions are reflected in these spaces. Lanka (Ramayana)

Lanka is the island in Ramayana where Sita was abducted to and kept in a white temple in Ravana’s garden. Even though she was kept in a good environment, she turned thin and wan from months of Ravana’s terror. The island was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta three peaks Mountains. Lanka was originally ruled by a demon or 3rd Muhūrta or 3rd Yuga named Sumali good gardener. Kubera bad fence seized the control of Lanka and established the Yaksha death Kingdom and his capital was guarded by . His half-brother Ravana, son of the sage Vishrava fame, poisoned voice and Sumali's daughter, fought with Kubera and took Lanka from him. Ravana ruled Lanka as king of the Rakshasa Kingdom. In addition to being situated in the peaks of three mountains, it’s also an island within the ocean. Ocean is a synonym for psychophysical bitterness, Mary, in Abrahamic religion.

Q [14:6] Recall that Moses said to his people, "Remember GOD's blessings upon you. He saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, slaughtering your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial from your Lord."

Fig 12.17: Psychophysical location of Lanka (above three mountains) in Scriptural Map 39

Fig 12.18: Lanka is burning as seen by Hanuman (Wikipedia)

Abduction of Sita is documented in chapter 3 of Ramayana summary (section It’s important to understand how major Ramayana entities and their alignment within human consciousness gave rise to Lanka. It’s referenced again below.

mountain thrower offers the two princely brothers a number of magical, supernatural weapons, including the powerful bow of Vishnu sustainer and armor that cannot be pierced by any weapon. He tells the brothers that they must go to the south to eliminate the Rakshasa demon, evil menace, and sends them to a place called Panchavati owner of five. Rama exalted, Sita body, and Lakshmana signs follow his orders, heading to this lovely place. They meet Jatayu plaited hair or life on the way, a magnificent eagle that can speak in the voice of a human being. He was loyal to Dasaratha, and pledges his service to Rama as well. Panchavati owner of five is a lovely place, but it is only a short while before the travelers are harassed by the rakshasi Surpanakha surpa-nakha, long nails, wannoing nails sister of Ravana. She attempts to seduce first Rama, then Lakshmana, and attempts to kill Sita when they rebuff her advances. The princely brothers defeat her easily, chopping off her nose and ears. She flees back to her cousins Khara tough and Dushana fault or blames others, rakshasa lords who preside over vast armies, and persuades them to go to war over the terrible insult she has received. Seeing the advancing rakshasa army, Rama sends Lakshmana away with Sita, and faces the army of fourteen thousand rakshasas alone. He defeats them using his magical weapons. But one of the rakshasas named Akampana unshakable, escapes and brings the news to the court of Ravana on Lanka. Ravana is a terrifying rakshasa with ten heads, and he is thousands of years old. He is a great scholar, irresistible to women, and an undefeated warrior who has been blessed by the gods Brahma psychological God and Siva Rudra. He is shocked and infuriated by the news that Akampana brings, of a single man who defeated fourteen thousand rakshasas, including his cousin Khara upright. Akampana suggests that Rama's greatest weakness is his wife Sita; if she were abducted, he would die of a broken heart. Ravana consults with his uncle Maricha illusion about how best to defeat Rama. Rama defeated Maricha when Rama was 40 only a youth; one of Rama's magical weapons plunged Maricha thousands of miles into the sea. Maricha tells Ravana that Rama will be his doom, but Ravana is determined to seek revenge against the prince. Ravana's wrath is increased by the appearance of his sister Surpanakha, who had been mutilated by Rama and Lakshmana for attacking Sita. She tells Ravana about the incomparable beauty of Sita, kindling his lust as well as his fury. He cajoles and threatens Maricha illusion until the other rakshasa agrees to assist him, and hatches a wicked plan. Ravana and Maricha travel to Panchavati owner of five, and Maricha transforms himself into a beautiful golden stag. Sita physicality, who loves animals, is utterly enchanted by him as soon as she seems him, and she asks Rama to capture the deer for her. Rama chases after the deer, who leads him deep into the forest. Slowly, Rama realizes that this is no true creature of the forest, but a rakshasa. He shoots the stag with an arrow, and Maricha illusion takes on his rakshasa appearance once again. Before he dies, Maricha calls out for Lakshmana and Sita in a perfect imitation of Rama's voice. Hearing this terrible cry, Lakshmana signs plunges into the forest lost to help his brother, leaving Sita alone in the hut. Ravana takes on the form of a wandering ascetic and approaches her. As soon as he sees Sita, he falls madly in love with her. When he has gained her trust and been invited into the hut, he reveals his true self and demands that she be his queen. Sita refuses, saying that she loves Rama far too much to ever leave him. Ravana ten heads grabs Sita and takes her away in his sky chariot, ignoring her screams of protest.”

To summarize the above, Surpanakha is our ability to sip through the information to know SELF. If the Surpanakha is entangled with wickedness, the information we relay to us doesn’t work for SELF. Sita’s love for golden deer is the symbol of material vanity for our physical identity. Rama, the exalted self, rushes behind the vanity for better life. In the meantime Sita our physicality is left alone with Lakshman signs. The terrible cry of Maricha in Rama’s voice is our inner cry when we are eluded by illusion and the physical manifestation just follows it. Ravana, SELF, falls in love with Sita physicality once abducted to Lanka - a majestic city of illusion where Sita becomes weak and wan. During her abduction, Sita drops jewelry for Rama to find her is an allegory to find our physicality which we ignored for material vanity.

[3:7] He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.

[4:120] He promises them and entices them; what the devil promises is no more than an illusion. Kurukeshtra (Mahabharata)

It is the place where the war was fought between Kauravas doers and Pandavas pale. It is also known as (religion/holy/peaceful region). It was named after King 41 Kuru doer. It’s the same place as Lanka but with different connotations and with more details of human psychological entities in play. It’s our psychophysical space named differently based on different aspects of SELF. Ramayana war was fought for 13 days, while the was fought for 18 days. It’s the same war depicted differently in both scriptures. Kurukshetra or Lanka both are synonymous to Midyan resurrection or strife in Abrahamic scriptures.

“As the loss of mind Purana describes, King Kuru chose a land at the banks of Sarasvati watery or Knowledge River for embedding spirituality with eight virtues: Tapas austerity, Satya truth, Kshama forgiveness, Daya kindness, Shuddha purity, Daan charity, Yajna devotion, and Brahmacharya conduct or psychological dwelling. Lord Vishnu was impressed with the acts of King Kuru and blessed him with two boons—first, that this land forever will be known as a Holy Land after his name as Kurukshetra land of Kuru or doer; second that anyone dying on this land will go to heaven. The land of Kurukshetra was situated between two rivers—the Sarasvati watery, lively and the Drishadvati river with obstacles/stones.” In other words, in mindless recollection, free will, bounded by two rivers, is our psychophysical space where truth is suppressed by eight virtues with Brahma, the creator of wrong psychological space, where the war is fought and the people residing therein are destined to heaven up or cosmos for reincarnation to begin next cycle

12.3.4 Hanuman and Krishna

Hanuman priestly and Krishna darkness are two entities in two epics were responsible to guide Rama and Arjuna, respectively. In both epics, Wars were lost with the presence of both who acted as guiding teacher. I know, if you are Sanatana Dharma followers, you may not agree with Hanuman and lost war but that’s my conclusion from the war chronicles explained later. Both entities represent the same identity within us played with different entities of us with the same outcome. Hanuman (Ramayana)

Hanuman is mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata with a bit different role with pristine accuracy. "Hanuman", the name is derived from the words Han ("killed" or "destroyed") and maana (pride) The name implies "One who is destroyed by false pride". On a different Sanskrit derivation, Hanumaan can be decomposed into Hanu assumed Maana respected. Or in other words, it’s the religious heads who assumed they know the scripture or religion and deserves respect.

He is an ardent devotee of Rama, Chronjibi immortal, and lord of celibacy and Brahmachari dweller of psychological world. His devotion to Rama can be translated as priesthood or religious sign for exalted identity. His celibacy, as I understood, is not due to his distance from women but failure to engage within SELF to give birth to different entities that makes the psychological illusion Brahma, world possible, thus making him immortal. 42 Q [24:40] Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.

Q [2:96] In fact, you will find them the most covetous of life; even more so than the idol worshipers. The one of them wishes to live a thousand years. But this will not spare him any retribution, no matter how long he lives. GOD is seer of everything they do.

His birth was also miraculous. “According to Hindu legends, Hanuman believed to be respected was born to Anjana an-Jana, who doesn’t know and father Kesari woven circlet of hair for cows. Hanuman (half ape + half human) is also called the son of the deity wind god, life because of legends associated with Vayu's role in Hanuman's birth. One story mentioned in Eknath's Bhavartha Ramayana (16th century CE) states that when Anjana was worshiping Shiva Rudra, the King Dasharatha of Ayodhya was also performing the ritual of Putrakama wish for a son yagna in order to have children. As a result, he received some sacred pudding (payasam) to be shared by his three wives, leading to the birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna. By divine ordinance, a kite snatched a fragment of that pudding and dropped it while flying over the forest where Anjana was engaged in worship. Vayu, the Hindu deity of the wind, delivered the falling pudding to the outstretched hands of Anjana, who consumed it. Thus, Hanuman was born to her as a result.” In other words, as the four entities of SELF is recognized, the breath focuses within and Hanuman is born. He is identifies as the child of one “who doesn’t know” with “religious fabrications focused on desire after death”.

Q [7:166] When they continued to defy the commandments, we said to them, "Be you despicable apes."

Q [12:111] In their history, there is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Quran) confirms all previous scriptures, provides the details of everything, and is a beacon and mercy for those who believe.

Hanuman is our priestly or false religious knowledge as preached by the religious scholars. Which are loud, dictated from the mountain top, yet doesn’t make sense. Rama exalted SELF was introduced to Hanuman when Sita went missing - “From his perch on a mountaintop, Sugriva good voice sees the approach of Rama and Lakshmana. He is terrified that they are warriors sent by his brother Vali sacrifice to kill him, but his advisor Hanuman reassures him and goes down to ascertain the identity of the two men. Appearing before Rama and Lakshmana as a brahmana (a member of the priestly class, or psychological dweller), Hanuman son of Vayu or wind, breathe inquires why they have come to this isolated place. The brothers explain the story of their exile from Ayodhya and Sita's abduction. Hanuman tells them that his king was also exiled and his wife abducted” (section

Hanuman is also shown as a half brother of Bhima in Mahabharata. “In Book 3, the of the Mahabharata, he is presented as a half brother of Bhima, who meets him accidentally on his way to Mount Kailasha heard - paradise of Rudra. He is a man of extraordinary strength, Bhima was unable to move Hanuman's tail, making him realize and acknowledge the strength of Hanuman.” In other words, this Hanuman and Bhima is the same pair as Aaron priestly and Moses. This priestly characteristic or tail 43 of our father’s religion and obedience that’s impossible to bend by physical force unless realized from within. Krishna (Mahabharata)

He is the major deity in and known as eighth avatar of Vishnu. In the prior chapters, I have covered much about Krishna but here will refer back to them for identification of Krishna. Krishna simple means “darkness” or “dark blue” indicating absence of clarity, and existence of pain and sufferings. In Mahabharata, he appears as the chief advisor to Pandavas bloodless in the . This war was lost by Pandavas even though Krishna advised Arjuna intelligence in the war. In section, the family hierarchy of Krishna is laid out in Moon Dynasty. Krishna is a discovery within human consciousness of God who doesn’t lead to Moksha or liberation rather to reincarnation. Manu mind realizes he is the wanderer lead by two aspects of life; abundance and desire. The Yadu illusion gives rise to Krishna where we fail to see the truth.

[2:257] GOD is Lord of those who believe; He leads them out of darkness into the light. As for those who disbelieve, their lords are their idols; they lead them out of the light into darkness - these will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide in it forever.

Birth and survival of Krishna is very interesting. Once we analyze the names, it appears to be our unconscious reincarnated joyless and unhappy life without clarity. “In Krishna darkness Charitas dwelling, Krishna is born to heavenly and her husband God of wealth of the illusion, desire clan in Mathura Indrapur, city of senses. When Mother Earth was burdened by heinous activities of Kamsa doer, sexual desire and other demon Kings, she went to Lord Brahma in form of a cow desire who along with other gods took her to the shore of the milky ocean reincarnation. There they chanted the Purusha demi individual Brahma Sukta praise to summon Lord Vishnu sustainer. Lord Vishnu assured her and other gods that he would himself take birth along with his part Shesha snake, poison in Yadu's clan to end the tyranny. Devaki's brother is a tyrant named Kamsa. At Devaki's wedding, according to Puranic ancient tale legends, Kamsa is told by fortune tellers that a child of Devaki would kill him. Kamsa arranges to kill all of Devaki's children. When Krishna is born, Vasudeva secretly carries the infant Krishna away across the Yamuna black and exchanges him. When Kamsa tries to kill the newborn, the exchanged baby appears as the Hindu goddess invincible, warning him that his death has arrived in his kingdom, and then disappears, according to the legends in the . Krishna grows up with Baba father of Joy and his wife Yasoda fame near modern-day Mathura city of senses. Two of Krishna's siblings also survived, namely force exaltation and well behaved, according to these legends. The day of birth of Krishna is celebrated as Krishna Janmashtami eighth birth.”

One of the early mentions of Krishna is in chapter 1 of Mahabharata where Arjuna goes to Krishna’s city Dwaraka city of gates for 12 years and gets married. Per section, “Yudhisthira's rule at is peaceful for more than a decade. Meanwhile Arjuna leaves his brother's kingdom for twelve years. He visits the wise and mighty Krishna in the city of Dwaraka city of gates. There he falls in love with Subhadra well mannered, Krishna's sister, and embarks on several adventures”. This “12 years” are the years when we get 44 accustomed to the society as well behaved and physical identity with ignorance surrounding the creation or life before we embark on a journey towards forest or unclear doings and achievements.

One of the very interesting aspects of Krishna is his interaction with protector of Child or innocence in section chapter 2 - Mahabharata. Shishupala is killed by Krishna in Rajasuya king’s bed ceremony where Shahadeva God like offers offering to Krishna. The detail in Mahabharata goes as”Shishupala was born with three eyes Shiva’s third eye and four arms four Yugas. His parents were inclined to cast him out, but were warned by a voice, Akashvani Sky message, not to do so, as his time had not come. It also foretold that his superfluous members should disappear when a certain person took the child into his lap, and that he would eventually die by the hands of that same person. Coming to visit his cousin, Krishna placed the child on his knees and the extra eye third eye and arms last two Yugas disappeared, thus indicating Shishupala's death was destined at the hands of Krishna darkness. Shishupala's mother persuaded her nephew, Krishna that he would pardon his cousin Shishupala for a hundred offenses. first son of Bishmaka (adorned with poison), the prince of Vidarbha without green / life, was very close to Shishupala. He wanted his sister adorned with Gold to marry Shishupala. But before the ceremony could take place, Rukmini was carried away by Krishna (according to her wish). This made Shishupala hate Krishna. When undertook the Rajasuya king’s bed Yajna sacrifice, he sent Bhima strength to obtain the fealty of Shishupala, now king after his father's death. Shishupala accepted Yudhishthira's supremacy with no protest, and was invited to the final ceremony at Indraprastha breadth of senses. At that event, the Pandavas pale decided that Krishna would be the special honored guest of the sacrificial ceremony. This angered Shishupala and he started insulting Krishna, calling him a mere cowherd and worthless to be honored as a king. Through this act, he committed his 100th sin and was pardoned by Krishna. When he insulted Krishna again, he committed his 101st sin. Krishna then released his good vision disk or eloquent presence on Shishupala, killing him on the spot. Shishupala's soul was liberated and attained salvation by merging into Krishna's body.”

This story depicts our life experience as we grow up. Shishupala protector of innocence/life has three eyes and four arms indicating the third eye and the grasp of four yugas or 4 days of our human cycle, respectively. This extra eye and last two yugas disappear when we embrace Krishna darkness as God or enlightenment. like God aspect of us offers gratitude to Krishna in Rajasuya Yajna king bed honor or fire. When Shishupala keeps on mocking Krishna, Krishna kills him with Sudarshana Chakra indicating loss of consciousness when the enlightenment is used to mock or scold others. Or in others words appear priestly.

Q [16:125] You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.

Q [63:1-4] When the hypocrites come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of GOD." GOD knows that you are His messenger, and GOD bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. Under the guise of their apparent faith, they repel the people from the path 45 of GOD. Miserable indeed is what they do. This is because they believed, then disbelieved. Hence, their minds are blocked; they do not understand. When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. They are like standing logs. They think that every call is intended against them. These are the real enemies; beware of them. GOD condemns them; they have deviated. Sudarshana Chakra

12.3.5 Events in Reflection and Prophecies

Events in Ramayana and Mahabharata are the reflection and realization of SELF. They also serve as prophecies for unenlightened humans and to-be born in days to come. Our psychophysical life is bounded by the same design with either of the outcome. These timelines, events, and results are the same as Abrahamic scriptures or any other language dependent scriptures.

Q [41:53] We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things? The Purgatory and War

As indicated in prior sections, every human life spanning over “40 lunar years plus 40 nights of Moses” and is divided into two lives to grant the outcome of our “Free will”. “40 nights of Moses” includes of 30 years of reflection followed by “10 nights”. Purgatory is defined by timeframe from “Ayodhya Kanda” Ramayana or “Sabha Parva” Mahabharata to “End of War” in both epics. During this duration, people are recognized by their looks and consciousness is possible for Moksha or resurrection or liberation. Once war ends, the destruction of physiology is irreversible, termed as point of no-return, and hell Lava and Kusha manifests with full force. Duration of wars in both epics is usually explained as days. In my opinion, they are not days per say rather the duration units. Ramayana Lankan War (Rama, Ravana)

Lankan fire war between Rama and Ravana is divided into two phases; Day 1 end of first Life and Day 2-10 2nd Life. The “3 Days” of Indrajit sense winner are shown differently though and covers Phase I and Phase II. It’s rather a recollection. Indrajit is the first born of Ravana and his war is covers three Yugas before “Day 2-10”. A transition in war occurs after “Day 1” continuing the second phase followed by Kingship and reincarnation for next cycle. Phase I (Day 1)

“Day 1“of the Lankan War is the reflection of events already took place. This Day comes to life when Nala open conduit set’s the bridge to Lanka or to SELF. It’s the first life mentioned in Quran or “This life” before the exodus 30 nights of Moses when unconscious 46 Moses becomes Pharaoh in Abrahamic scripture or unconscious Rama becomes Ravana in Ramayana. This is also the end of “Day 3” or Third Yuga in a single human life span context.

Fig 12.19: Day 1 of Lankan war before Exodus (Sura 59 Quran)

Rama is already in Lanka or Egypt Phraoh in “Day 1” but haven’t realized. This “first day” is the reflection initiated by own experience and recognition of pain and suffering created by SELF within SELF. In the epic, this realization begins in the full-moon night with the ascent of Mount Subela auspicious time. Mount Subela is the same as Mount Sinai Moon Mountain. Hostilities begin in full force or brought to perspective in the dark half when Rama and Lakshmana signs released from Indrajit’s winner of senses Nagpash coiled by snake.

Summary of Ramayana in section doesn’t have the details of Lankan war. To identify the key moments in “Day 1/ Phase I”, a bit more details are presented below. It all began when Vibheeshana tormented started talking to Rama exalted SELF.

Q [19:71-72] Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord. Then we rescue the righteous, and leave the transgressors in it, humiliated.

Vibhishana tormented said to Rama exalted he would help identify who was coming. Holding a gem studded bow was Ravana ten heads. On his right was Indrajit, whose 47 skin was the color or clouds and who had copper colored blind eyes. He was the one who had bound Rama and Lakshmana. Nagendra lord of snakes and Devendra god of senses were with Ravana, who had helped Ravana on his victory over the Gods.

Sugriva nice neck was angry seeing Ravana ten heads. Lifting a huge boulder, he hurled that at Ravana. Shooting ten arrows, Ravana cut off the boulder. Ravana then shot arrows at Sugriva, who fell on the ground, but was alive. Rama lifted his bow but Lakshmana signs stopped him saying, he would go and fight Ravana. Rama said Ravana was no ordinary warrior. He had won over the three worlds three yugas, earth heaven and hell and one would have to be very skilled to fight Ravana. Lakshmana said he would go anyways.

Hanuman priestly, assumed respected told Lakshmana signs to stay back while he dealt with Ravana. After him, Lakshmana could fight Ravana. Taking Lakshmana's blessings, Hanuman went to face Ravana. He jumped onto Ravana's chariot and flung the charioteer from the chariot. He then said - So far, your battles have been won because of Brahma's psychological or sky God blessings. Face a Vanara lost human today. Ravana said - You should be the one to worry. You have fallen in my hands, where will you go.

Hanuman religious priests, assumed respected said you seem to have forgotten how easily I killed Akshayakumara unending youth and others. Saying this Hanuman slapped Ravana. Ravana fell senseless on the chariot, living only because of Brahma's boon. Regaining consciousness and getting up, Ravana said to Hanuman - You are brave and strong. Hanuman said Fie on my strength. You are living. Ravana then slapped Hanuman, who fell off the chariot onto the ground. Seeing Hanuman fall, Ravana attacked Nila pain. Hanuman got up and said - Is this your war? While fighting one, you attack another?

Not caring, Ravana kept fighting Nila. Nila was in pain. He made his size like that of a mongoose and jumped on Ravana's chariot and climbed on the flag post. When Ravana looked up, Nila jumped down on his bow. From there Nila jumped on Ravana's head. When Ravana tried to catch him, Nila jumped on his crown. Nila kept avoiding Ravana. Nila kicked off the crown from Ravana's head pain becomes the crown. He then urinated on Ravana's head. Finally Ravana shot an arrow catching a glimpse of Nila. The arrow struck Nila, but he did not die.

After Nila and Hanuman, Lakshmana came to face Ravana. Ravana shot arrows at Lakshmana, who cut them off. Seeing his arrows go waste, Ravana released more powerful weapons on Lakshmana which struck him, and soon his body was red from the blood flowing. Lakshmana somehow managed to control himself and cut off Ravana's bow and chariot. Ravana changed his bow and chariot and shot arrows at Lakshmana which were countered.

Ravana then remembered a spear that he had got from Brahma sky God. He flung that at Lakshmana. Lakshmana tried to cut it off, but the spear hit him. 48 Lakshmana fell on the ground. Seeing Lakshmana fall, Ravana tried to lift him up to take him to Lanka, but was unable to move Lakshmana's body. Hanuman saw this. He came and hit Ravana. Reeling, Ravana fell on the ground. Ravana fled from there. Hanuman then carefully lifted Lakshmana and took him away from there. Rama saw this. He caressed Lakshmana with his hands and Lakshmana came to his senses.

Rama then went to face Ravana. Hanuman said to Rama - Ravana is riding a chariot and you need a chariot too, Climb on me and I will take you there. Rama exalted went to Ravana, on Hanuman’s back. Ravana saw this and decided to attack Hanuman as he would not be able to fight back, with Rama in his shoulder.

Hanuman was being showered with arrows. He was in a dilemma. He started growing in size. His body became huge and his tail became fifty yojanas Number of Quran Suras till Exodus long. Seeing the huge tail of Hanumana religious identity, Ravana remembered Vali sacrificed and was scared. Rama showered arrows at Ravana, and he, struck by them, fainted. When he came to his senses, Rama said - Go back. I spare your life.

Rama cut off the ten crowns on the ten heads of Ravana, and Ravana ordered his charioteer to take the chariot back to Lanka. htttp:// /ravanas-first-day-of-war.html

At the end of Day 1 (Phase I), Rama cuts off ten crowns of Ravana allegorically describing one of two based on consciousness; 1) Ravana isn’t identified within SELF and one becomes Ravana himself, or 2) Ravana is identified and crowns are removed from SELF. It’s the same event following Exodus.

Q [20:80-82] O Children of Israel, we delivered you from your enemy, summoned you to the right side of Mount Sinai, and we sent down to you manna and quails. Eat from the good things we provided for you, and do not transgress, lest you incur My wrath. Whoever incurs My wrath has fallen. I am surely Forgiving for those who repent, believe, lead a righteous life, and steadfastly remain guided. Phase II (Day 2 – 9)

Phase 2 of war is resumed when Rama turns to Ravana or Ravana is aligned within SELF and unidentified. At this stage, humans are unaware of their own religious authenticity and focus outside for the approval of their faiths. People usually get emotional and angry at this stage when questioned. It’s also the beginning of Day 4 Quran or KaliYuga Darkness, 4th. Now, the war is in full force within SELF and destructing physiology to “point of no return”. These three days of reflection prevents us to see the war that’s being waged at the expense of SELF. “Rama decided that as long as the ocean was not bridged, it was impossible for any one but Hanuman priestly to cross it. Rama meditated for three days, but in vain. In his anger at being so ignored, Rama turned his weapons against the ocean, until from the terrified waves arose to surround, to embrace, the god of the ocean god of pain, 49 who promised him that if he built a bridge, the waves should support the materials as firmly as though it were built on land.”

I won’t get into the details of war but point out Ravana’s family and their destinies. Most of Ravana’s brothers and sons get killed in the 2nd phase of war (Table 12.5) followed by Ravana’s death. Killings aren’t the physical killing of individuals in an outward or geographical war rather the failure to discover those entities within human psychology. These events along with 2nd day of “three day of Indrajit” constitute the second life or hereafter for the guilty. Once Ravana is killed, return to physicality is impossible and one has to wait for the next cycle. We are of two lives. End of first life occurs on Krishna - 8th avatar of Vishnu. Avatar 9 of Vishnu or Buddha of the human life constitutes the second life with 9 phases ending at day 9 of Phase 2 of war scriptural map.

Q [40:11] They will say, "Our Lord, you have put us to death twice, and You gave us two lives; now we have confessed our sins. Is there any way out?"

Q [54:7] With their eyes humiliated, they come out of the graves like scattered locusts.

Day Name Meaning Relevance, Sarga Quran Chapter (Phase 2) (Sub-chapter) Reference

1 Dhumraksha “Grey Eye” Demon Sarga 42. Slain by 59 - Exodus Hanuman

2 Vajradmastra Owner of Sarga 43 60 - The Test “Thunderbolt”

3 Akampana Unshakable Sarga 43 61 - The Column

4 Parahasta “Extended Hands” or Sarga 46 62 - “Others Knowledge” Congregation

5 Ravana “Ten Heads”, ten Breaking of his 63 - The avatar of Vishnu or ten crown - Sarga 47 Hypocrites openings in human body (two eyes, two ears, one mouth, two nostrils, urine, stool, and genitelia)

6 Kumbhakarna “Impaired Hearings” Sarga 55 64 - Mutual Blaming 50 7 Atikaya Gigantic Sarga 59 65 - Divorce

8 Kumbha / “Watery Pot” /”inward Renewed battle 66 - Nikumbha (Ni) watery Pot” with Indrajit; Prohibition Night of the ninth

9 Makaraksha Water-monster Half Sarga 66 67 - Kingship mammal and half fish. Emblem of (sex and desire God)

Table 12.5: Phase II war causalities and Quran chapters Phase III (3 Days of Indrajit)

War of Indrajit is shown following the Day 2-9 of phase 2 in different Ramayana Explanations (Fig 12.19). In my opinion, Day 1 and Day 2 of Indrajeet’s war was fought in the same time frame as Phase 1 and Phase 2 without any reflection. Following Day 1, Rama turns to Ravana and following Day 2, Ravana is killed or never to be identified.. Day 3 took place following the point of no return where Lakshmana signs become the reincarnation of Sesh Naga last Snake. These three days are also indicated by last 3 Suras or chapters in human out come orientation of Quran (Fig 12.19 and Table 12.6) indicating scripture composition and execution per design, followed by resurrection and ascend to heaven for next cycle.

Day of Highlight Quran Sura Highlights War (Chapter)

1 Nagpash snakes coil arrests Sura 68 - Scripture written and executed per Rama and Lakshmana The Pen design (Yuga 1 & 2) Q [68:52] It is in fact a message to the world.

2 Religious unrealistic Sura 69 - The pain or enlightenment sets in for hearsay is supported The resurrection (Yuga 3) incontestable Q [69:18] On that day, you will be exposed, nothing of you can be hidden.

3 Death of Indrajeet Sura 70 - Angel ascend to heaven with their (Yuga 4) The Heights reports

Table 12.6: “3 Days of Indrajeet” War and Quran Chapters 51

Fig 12.19: End of Human life and “3 days of Indrajeet”

“3 Days of Indrajeet’s” war summary from Wikipedia are presented below for a better alignment within SELF.

First Day: On the first day of his battle with Rama's army, Indrajit winner of senses was fast with his weapons. He swiftly wiped out the armies of Sugriva comfort voice, calling on Lord Rama and Lakshmana to come out of their hiding, so he could avenge the deaths of his paternal uncle and his brothers. When Rama and Lakshmana appeared before him, he fought fiercely and arrested both the brothers using his most nefarious weapon Nagpash a trap made of a million snakes. Both the brothers fell on the ground breathless. They were rescued by Garuda fool or owner of cows on behest of Hanuman. Garuda was the enemy of the serpents and also the flying vehicle of Vishnu, of whom Rama was the seventh avatar.

Second Day: When Indrajit learned that both Rama exalted and Lakshmana signs had been rescued by Garuda fool and were still alive, he was livid and vowed to kill at least one of the brothers that day. When the battle started, he used all his force to cast havoc on the armies of Sugriva nice neck, well spoken. At this Rama and Lakshmana appeared before him and fought a fierce battle with him. Indrajit used his supreme magical powers, darting across the clouds and skies like a bolt of lightning. He combined his skills of sorcery and warfare, repeatedly vanishing and reappearing behind Rama's and Lakshmana's back. Indrajit used the Vasavi Sakthi heresy forces against Lakshmana signs and upon being impaled Lakshmana fell unconscious, poised to die precisely at the following sunrise. His life was saved by Lord Hanuman assumed respected, who brought the whole mountain of Dronagiri 52 distilled trough mountain from the Himalayas to Lanka overnight to find the remedy (the magical herb - Sanjivani) for the weapon used by Indrajit and cured him.

Third Day: When Indrajit came to know that Lakshmana had survived again, he went to his native deity's secret temple to perform the yagna offering that would make him invincible. Vibhishana tormented, Indrajeet’s paternal uncle who left Ravana to join Rama, learned of his nephew Indrajit's plans through his spies and alerted Rama. Lakshmana and Vibhishana took the opportunity to face Indrajit in the "Yagnaagaar", where Indrajit would not touch any weapons. As the Valmiki Ramayana quotes, upon his Yagna being destroyed by the armies of Lakshmana, Indrajit became enraged and stormed out of the Temple Cave. Indrajit fought Lakshmana with the utensils of the yagna.

Q [70:43] That is the day they come out of the graves in a hurry, as if herded to the (sacrificial) altars.

Seeing his uncle Vibhishana at Lakshmana's side multiplied Indrajit's fury manyfold. He vowed to kill his uncle Vibhishana along with Lakshmana once and for all, letting loose the - death (Yama) weapon (astra) which he had been conserving for punishing Vibhishana perceived treason. At this juncture, Lakshmana protected Vibhishana, countering the Yama-astra owing to an earlier warning by Kubera wealth, Gold. A fierce battle ensued and Indrajit resorted to using the three Supreme Weapons (Brahmanda astra egg of psychological world, Pashupatastra animal record weapon and Vaishnavastra Vishnu worshipper weapon) on Lakshmana. To Indrajit's surprise and dismay, each of the three weapons refused to touch Lakshmana signs, with the Vaishnavastra circumambulating Lakshmana before disappearing. Realization dawned on Indrajit that Lakshmana was not an ordinary human and had met the criteria to defeat Indrajit, i.e. blunder the yagna and not sleep for 13 years. Indrajit vanished briefly from the battlefield, returning to Ravana at the royal palace, and reported the developments, proposing that his father make peace with Rama. Ravana blinded with pride was unrelenting and annoyed, claiming that Indrajit was a coward for having fled the battlefield. This accusation provoked Indrajit sense winner who briefly lost his temper, striking fear even at the mighty Ravana's heart before apologizing and clarifying to his father that his primary duty as a son was to serve his father's best interests and that even in the face of death, he would never abandon Ravana. Preparing to go back to the battle and knowing that he indeed faced death at the hands of a heavenly incarnation, Indrajit said his last goodbyes to his parents and his wife. He returned to the battlefield and fought Lakshmana with all his skill at both warfare and sorcery. The celestial weapons of Indrajit refused to harm Lakshmana because Lakshmana was the part incarnation of Vishnu and Sesha Naga last snake. Lakshmana slew Indrajit by beheading him with the Indrastra sense weapon. It was possible only because of a curse given to Indrajit by Sesha Naga for marrying his daughter without his permission. Sesha Naga incarnated as Rama's brother Lakshmana signs, to kill Indrajit, didn't have any sleep or food for twelve years during their exile so that he would be able to serve Rama exalted and Sita physicality efficiently and meet the criteria to kill Indrajit. Upon his death his wife Sulochana beautiful eyes became chaste on his funeral pyre. 53 Q [9:28] O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Masjid after this their year. If you fear loss of income, GOD will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise. Death of Ravana and his wife

Ravana dies in Day 9 of the Phase 2 war followed by return of Rama and Sita to Ayodhya not to won. Bharata heard message hand over the kingship to Rama for many years. In retrospective of the war, it’s evident that Mandodari wife of Ravana, bad digestion and Vibhishana tormented helped Rama to win the war. In human consciousness, winning the war is not the goal rather identifying the war and realigning is the key. That’s where Mandodari and Vibhishana come in. If the war is fought all through, losing is inevitable. In Quran, it’s stated that Pharaoh’s wife will be granted paradise and a believer. She is the same entity as Mandodari and experience of hell is the same entity as Vibhishana. Ravana’s wife lament after his death is the same as lament of wives after the killings in Mahabharata war. As mentioned earlier, wives mentioned in epics are not individual females rather the physicality of ours suffering from the royal unconscious thought process. From the summary in section

Ravana ten heads has no more great warriors left, and though he knows that he cannot win this war, he heads into battle for a second time. Rama exalted and Ravana face each other at least, and engage in an epic confrontation. At last, Rama summons a weapon from Brahma sky god, the creator of all things, and kills Ravana. Ravana’s wives come to weep for him. Rama allows Vibhishana tormented to perform funeral rites for his brother and give him a proper burial. After he has finished this task, Rama crowns Vibhishana the new king of Lanka Fire, Island. Hanuman goes to Sita and tells her that she is free now. After adorning herself, she appears before Rama and his people, lovely as ever despite her long captivity. Rama receives her coldly; he tells her that her name is a stain on the family, and no man can take back a woman who has lived for so long in another man’s house. Sita is hurt, shocked, and furious – she has suffered much to maintain her chastity. She demands that Lakshmana kindle a fire, and then she steps into it herself. Miraculously, the flames do not harm her because of her purity, and the god himself emerges to vouch for Sita’s goodness.

Q [66:11] And GOD cites as an example of those who believed the wife of Pharaoh. She said, "My Lord, build a home for me at You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his works; save me from the transgressing people." Kurukhestra War (Mahabharata)

Kurukhestra war was raged for 18 days between Kauravas doers and Pandavas pale, bloodless resulted in massive killings on both sides. At the end of the war, there was no clear winner, Kauravas and Pandavas become allies of one another with Yudhisthira compromised righteousness as a king. The epic ends with death of all Pandavas and their wife Drupadi, firm footing except Yudhisthira. Yudhisthira goes up to sense sky god with his dog devotee to master and realizes heaven while his brothers are in hell. 54 This war is the same as the Lankan war with a different perspective and narration. Like Lankan war and events with Pharaoh Abrahamic scriptures, it’s divided in two phases with a third phase of no return. The two phases of “18 Days of war are; Day 1-9 and Day 10-18. A shift in strategy occurs at the juncture of 10th night or end of Day 9. Phase of war are shown differently in Mahabharata chapters. Chapter 6 has the first phase of war and Chapter 7-11 documents the Phase 2. Day 1-9, Phase I, is also the Day 1 of Lankan war which only to be reflected. Day 10-18, Phase II, is also the Day 2 Phase 2 of Lankan War. War highlights are compared with Quran chapters below (Table 12.7).

Day of Highlights Chapter of Quran Chapter War Mahabharata Reference

1 's sons, better and Sweta white, pure, Chapter 6 41 - Detailed were slain by surgical and grudge

2 Krishna darkness skillfully located Bhishma's Chapter 6 42 - grudge, Iblish chariot and steered Arjuna toward Consultation him. is it truth, who was assisting Bhima strength, shot at Bhishma's charioteer and killed him

3 The Kauravas doers concentrated their attack Chapter 6 43 - on Arjuna's position. Arjuna's intelligence Ornaments chariot was soon covered with arrows and javelins. Arjuna, with amazing skill, built a fortification around his chariot with an unending stream of arrows from his bow.

4 While upset without disclosure was still Chapter 6 44 - Smoke in his mother's womb, Arjuna had taught Abhimanyu on how to break and enter the ChakraVyuha circular array/fortress. But, before explaining how to exit the chakra Vyuha, Arjuna was interrupted by Krishna (another story is that Abhimanyu's mother falls asleep while Arjuna was explaining the chakra vyuha exit strategy). Thus from birth, Abhimanyu religious identity only knew how to enter the ChakraVyuha but didn't know how to come out of it. When the Kauravas doers formed the ChakraVyuha, Abhimanyu entered it but was surrounded and attacked by a number of princes. 55 5 Upright, firm footing and his son Chapter 6 45 - Kneeling Shikandi lock on the head crown drove to aid Bhima with his fight with Bhishma, but they were stopped by vi , without ear, one of Duryodhana's jealously brothers, who attacked them with his arrows, injuring both father and son badly.

6 The sixth day was marked by a prodigious Chapter 6 46 - The slaughter. trough caused immeasurable Dunes loss of life on the pale side. The formations of both the armies were broken.

7 Drona slew Shanka worry, a son of Virata. Chapter 6 47 - Yuyuthsu curious to fight was injured by Muhammad Kripacharya kindness dweller in a sword fight. Nakula and Sahadeva fight Duryodhana's brothers but are overwhelmed by the number of them. The terrific carnage continued, and the day's battle ended with the victory of the Kauravas doers.

8 king of ocean and the latter was killed by Chapter 6 48 - Victory the Rakshasa demon, devil after a fierce fight

9 Bhishma however tried to attack Krishna Chapter 6 49 - The darkness with his arrows when the entire Walls cosmos comes to rest and the time arrives for Bhishma as instructed by his mother to learn the actual dharma where Krishna reveals him as the "SUPREME PARABRAHMAN highest Brahma" after which Bhishma laid down his arms and stood ready to die at the hands of the Lord, but Arjuna stopped him, reminding of his promise not to wield a weapon. Realizing that the war could not be won as long as Bhishma was standing, Krishna suggested the strategy of placing a eunuch castrated man in the field to face him. 56 10 Pandavas unable to withstand Bhishma's Chapter 6 59 - Exodus prowess, decided to put Shikandi lock on the head crown - similar to cutting Ravana’s ten heads, who had been a woman in a prior life in front of Bhishma, as Bhishma has taken a vow not to attack a woman. Bhishma was seriously injured from arrows. His body did not touch the ground as it was held aloft by the arrows protruding from his body.

The Kauravas doers and Pandavas pale gathered around Bhishma grudge and at his request, Arjuna placed three arrows symbol under Bhishma's head to support it.

11 With Bhishma unable to continue, Karna Chapter 7, 8, 60 - The Test hearing, heard without clarity entered the battlefield, 9, 10, 11 much to Duryodhana's jealousy joy. Duryodhana jealousy, hard to conquer wanted to capture Yudhishthira alive.

12 Arjuna managed to defeat them before the 61 - The afternoon, and then faced wealth column granted, the ruler of Pragjyotisha former star/shinning, who had been creating havoc among the Pandava troops, defeating great warriors like Bhima strength, Abhimanyu upset yet won’t disclose and Satyaki is it truth. Bhagadatta fought with Arjuna riding on his gigantic elephant named Supratika good symbol

13 According to Drona's instructions, six 62 - warriors together attacked Abhimanyu (the Congregation warriors included Drona himself, Karna heard, kindness and armor of achievements), and deprived Abhimanyu of his chariot, bow, sword and shield. Abhimanyu, however, determined to fight, picked up a mace, smashed ’s cessation of horse chariot (upon which the latter fled), killed one of 's brothers and numerous troops and elephants, and finally encountered the son of Dussasana blame in a mace-fight. The latter was a strong mace- 57 fighter, and an exhausted Abhimanyu was defeated and killed by his adversary.

14 When the bright moon rose, 63 - The empty head, the Rakshasa son of Bhima, hypocrites slaughtered numerous warriors, like Alamvusha enough praise and Alayudha enlighten debate attacking while flying in the air. Karna stood against him and both fought fiercely until Karna released the strength, a divine weapon given to him by Indra senses.

15 Drona approached Yudhishthira righteousness to 64 - Mutual seek the truth of his son's death. Blaming Yudhishthira proclaimed Ashwathama Hatahath death of “horse cessation”, Naro Va Kunjaro Va, implying Ashwathama had died but he was not sure whether it was a Drona's son or an elephant. Prior to this incident, the chariot of Yudhishthira, proclaimed as Dharma raja King of righteousness hovered a few inches off the ground. After the event, the chariot landed on the ground as he lied. Drona was disheartened, and laid down his weapons. Drona was then killed by splendor vision to avenge his father's death and satisfy his vow.

16 On the same day, Bhima strength swung his 65 - Divorce mace and shattered 's grief rule chariot. Bhima seized Dushasana, ripped his right hand from shoulder and killed him, tearing open his chest and drinking his blood and carrying some to smear on 's strong footing untied hair without clarity, thus fulfilling his vow made when Draupadi strong footing was humiliated.

17 Before the battle, Karna's hearing, heard sacred 66 - armor ('Kavacha') and earrings ('Kundala' Prohibition coil) were taken as by Lord Indra senses when asked for, which resulted in his death by Arjuna's arrows. 58 18 Ashwatthama Horse cessation, Kripacharya 67 - Kingship kindness dweller, and Kritavarma armor of achievements met Duryodhana holder of the kingdom at his deathbed and promised to avenge the actions of Bhima. They attacked the Pandavas' camp later that night and killed all the Pandavas' remaining army including their children. Amongst the dead were Dhrishtadyumna splendor vision, Shikandi lock on the head crown, Uttamaujas best ability, and children of Draupadi. Other than the Pandavas and Krishna, only Satyaki is it truth and Yuyuthsu curious to fight survived.

Table 12.7: 18 Days of War, Mahabharata and Quran Chapters alignment

Though Chapter 8, scripture summaries, of this book presents the summary, for a bit more detail with day sequence, I have presented below from Wikipedia. Phase I (Day 1-9)

Phase I of the war begins with song of God where Krishna darkness is the Lord. Here, Arjuna intelligence was instructed to kill his cousins, teachers and others to win the war. The war begins with Yudhisthira righteousness (lost) seeking blessing from Bhishma grudge, Iblish who is responsible for expel of Adam from paradise. Bhagabat Gita and Day dependent war summaries with major events are presented later for better understanding of human psychological decay. All are presented from with added character translation English from Sanskrit.

Q [7:12] He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud."

The Bhagavad Gita (Mahabharata Chapter 6): When the war was declared and the two armies were facing each other, Arjuna intelligence realized that he would have to kill his dear granduncle (Bhishma grudge), on whose lap he had played as a child and his respected teacher (Drona pitcher for pain), who had held his hand and taught him how to hold the bow and arrow, making him the greatest archer in the world. Arjuna felt weak and sickened at the prospect of killing his entire family, including his 100 cousins and friends such as Ashwatthama cessation of horse. Despondent and confused about what is right and what is wrong, Arjuna turned to Krishna Darkness for divine advice and teachings. Krishna darkness, who Arjuna intelligence chose as his charioteer, advised him of his duty. This conversation forms the Bhagavad Devotion to God Gita Song, one of the most respected religious and philosophical texts in the Hindu religion. Krishna instructs Arjuna not to yield to degrading impotence and to fight his kin, for that was the only way to righteousness. He also reminded him that this was a war between righteousness and unrighteousness (dharma and adharma) and it was Arjuna's duty to slay anyone who supported the cause 59 of unrighteousness, or sin. Krishna then revealed his divine form and explained that he is born realized on earth in each aeon when evil raises its head evil felt within. It also forms one of the foremost treatises on the several aspects of Yoga and mystical knowledge.

Before the battle began, Yudhisthira righteousness did something unexpected. He suddenly dropped his weapons, took off his armor and started walking towards the Kaurava doers’ army with folded hands in prayer. The Pandava pale, bloodless brothers and the Kauravas looked on in disbelief, thinking Yudhisthira righteousness (lost) was surrendering before the first arrow was shot. Yudhisthira’s purpose became clear, however, when he fell on Bhishma's feet to seek his blessing for success in battle. Bhishma grudge, grandfather to both the Pandavas and Kauravas, blessed Yudhisthira. Yudhishthira returned to his chariot and the battle was ready to commence SELF destruction to begin.

Note Day 1 to 9 is the reflection or already fought within human conciousness for majority.

Day 1: When the battle was commenced, Arjuna created a Vajra thunderbolt, or one of nine gems formation and Bhishma grudge went through the Pandava formation wreaking havoc wherever he went, but Abhimanyu upset with wrong understanding, Arjuna's son, seeing this went straight at Bhishma, defeated his bodyguards and directly attacked the commander of the Kaurava forces. However, the young warrior couldn't match the prowess of Bhishma, and was defeated. The Pandavas suffered heavy losses and were defeated at the end of the first day. Virata's magnificent sons, Uttara better and Sweta pure, white, were slain by Shalya arrow, surgical and Bhishma. Krishna darkness consoled the distraught Yudhishthira saying that eventually victory would be his.

Day 2: The second day of the war commenced with a confident Kaurava doers army facing the Pandavas pale, bloodless. Arjuna, realizing that something needed to be done quickly to reverse the Pandava losses, decided that he had to try to kill Bhishma grudge. Krishna skillfully located Bhishma's chariot and steered Arjuna intelligence toward him. Arjuna tried to engage Bhishma in a duel, but the Kaurava soldiers placed a cordon around Bhishma to protect him and attacked Arjuna to try to prevent him from directly engaging Bhishma. Arjuna and Bhishma fought a fierce battle that raged for hours. Drona and Dhrishtadyumna daring splendor similarly engaged in a duel in which Drona defeated Dhrishtadyumna. Bhima strength intervened and rescued Dhrishtadyumna. Duryodhana hard to conquer sent the troops of clever, cunning to attack Bhima and most of them, including the king of Kalinga, lost their lives at his hands. Bhishma immediately came to relieve the battered Kalinga forces. Satyaki what is truth, who was assisting Bhima, shot at Bhishma's charioteer and killed him. Bhishma's horses, with no one to control them, bolted carrying Bhishma away from the battlefield. The Kaurava army had suffered great losses at the end of the second day, and was considered defeated.

Day 3: On the third day, Bhishma grudge arranged the Kaurava doer forces in the formation of an eagle with himself leading from the front, while Duryodhana's forces protected the rear. Bhishma wanted to be sure of avoiding any mishap. The Pandavas pale countered this by using the crescent half moon formation with Bhima and Arjuna at the head of the right 60 and the left horns, respectively. The Kauravas concentrated their attack on Arjuna's position. Arjuna's chariot was soon covered with arrows and javelins. Arjuna, with amazing skill, built a fortification around his chariot with an unending stream of arrows from his bow. Abhimanyu upset yet won’t acknowledge wrong understanding and Satyaki what is truth combined to defeat the Gandhara bad smell forces of Shakuni Subala, well spoken. Bhima and his son Ghatotkacha Empty head attacked Duryodhana in the rear. Bhima's arrows hit Duryodhana, who swooned in his chariot. His charioteer immediately drove them out of danger. Duryodhana's forces, however, saw their leader fleeing the battlefield and soon scattered. Bhishma soon restored order and Duryodhana hard to conquer returned to lead the army. He was angry at Bhishma grudge, however, at what he saw as leniency towards the five Pandava brothers and spoke harshly at his commander. Bhishma, stung by this unfair charge, fell on the Pandava army with renewed vigor. It was as if there were more than one Bhishma on the field.

Arjuna attacked Bhishma trying to restore order. Arjuna and Bhishma again engaged in a fierce duel, however Arjuna's heart was not in the battle as he did not like the idea of attacking his grand-uncle. During the battle, Bhishma killed numerous soldiers of Arjuna's armies.

Day 4: The fourth-day of the battle was noted for the valor shown by Bhima strength. Bhishma commanded the Kaurava army to move on the offensive from the outset. While Abhimanyu upset yet won’t acknowledge wrong understanding was still in his mother's womb, Arjuna had taught Abhimanyu on how to break and enter the ChakraVyuha circular defense. But, before explaining how to exit the ChakraVyuha, Arjuna was interrupted by Krishna darkness (another story is that Abhimanyu’s mother falls asleep while Arjuna was explaining the chakra vyuha exit strategy). Thus from birth, Abhimanyu only knew how to enter the Chakra vyuha but didn't know how to come out of it. When the Kauravas formed the ChakraVyuha, Abhimanyu entered it but was surrounded and attacked by a number of Kaurava doers’ princes. Arjuna joined the fray in aid of Abhimanyu. Bhima appeared on the scene with his mace aloft and started attacking the Kauravas. Duryodhana hard to conquer, jealously sent a huge force of elephants at Bhima. When Bhima saw the mass of elephants approaching, he got down from his chariot and attacked them singlehandedly with his iron mace. They scattered and stampeded into the Kaurava forces killing many. Duryodhana hard to conquer ordered an all-out attack on Bhima. Bhima withstood all that was thrown at him and attacked Duryodhana's brothers, killing eight of them. Bhima was soon struck by an arrow from Dushasana sad/terrible rule, the second-eldest Kaurava, on the chest and sat down in his chariot dazed.

Duryodhana was distraught at the loss of his brothers. Duryodhana, overwhelmed by sorrow at the loss of his brothers, went to Bhishma at the end of the fourth day of the battle and asked his commander how could the Pandavas, facing a superior force against them, still prevail and win. Arjuna used the Aindra- Astra of senses weapon which killed thousands of Rathis chariot fighter, Atirathis highest chariot fighters, Elephants and horses. Bhishma grudge replied that the Pandavas had justice on their side and advised Duryodhana to seek peace 61 Day 5: When the battle resumed on the fifth day, the slaughter continued. The Pandava army again suffered against Bhishma's attacks. Satyaki what is truth bore the brunt of Drona's attacks and could not withstand them. Bhima drove by and rescued Satyaki what is truth. Arjuna intelligence fought and killed thousands of soldiers sent by Duryodhana to attack him. Bhima engaged in a fierce duel with Bhishma, which remained inconclusive. Drupada upright, strong footing/legs and his son Shikandi lock on the head crown drove to aid Bhima with his fight with Bhishma, but they were stopped by Vikarna vi-karna, without ear, one of Duryodhana's brothers, who attacked them with his arrows, injuring both father and son badly. The unimaginable carnage continued during the ensuing days of the battle.

Day 6: The sixth day was marked by a prodigious slaughter. Drona pitcher for pain caused immeasurable loss of life on the Pandava side. The formations of both the armies were broken. However, Bhima managed to penetrate the Kaurava formation and attacked Duryodhana. Duryodhana was defeated, but was rescued by others. The Upapandavas sons of Drupadi fought with Ashwatthama cessation of horse and destroyed his chariot. The day's battle ended with the defeat of the Kauravas.

Day 7: On the 7th day, Drona slew Shanka worry, a son of Virata. Yuyuthsu curious to fight was injured by Kripacharya kindness dweller in a sword fight. Nakula no caste and Sahadeva with God fight Duryodhana's brothers but are overwhelmed by the number of them. The terrific carnage continued, and the day's battle ended with the victory of the Kauravas.

Day 8: On the 8th day, Bhima killed 17 of 's holder of kingdom sons. Iravan king of ocean, the son of Arjuna and the snake-princess charming face killed 5 brothers of Shakuni, princes hailing from Gandhara. Duryodhana sent the Rakshasa demon fighter Alamvusha enough Vusha/praise to kill Iravan, and the latter was killed by the Rakshasa after a fierce fight. The day ended with a crushing defeat of the Kauravas.

Day 9: On the 9th day, Krishna darkness, overwhelmed by anger at the apparent inability of Arjuna intelligence to defeat Bhishma grudge, rushed towards the Kaurava commander, jumping furiously from the chariot taking the wheel of a fallen chariot in his hands. According to some texts, Bhishma however tried to attack Krishna with his arrows when the entire cosmos comes to rest and the time arrives for Bhishma as instructed by his mother Ganga river of life to learn the actual dharma where Krishna reveals him as the "SUPREME PARABRAHMAN highest Brahma" after which Bhishma laid down his arms and stood ready to die at the hands of the Lord, but Arjuna stopped him, reminding of his promise not to wield a weapon. Realizing that the war could not be won as long as Bhishma was standing, Krishna suggested the strategy of placing a eunuch castrated, genderless in the field to face him. Some sources however state that it was Yudhishthira who visited Bhishma's camp at night asking him for help. To this Bhishma said that he would not fight a eunuch castrated. 62 Phase II (Day 10-18)

Phase II of the war begins when Bhishma is neutralized in allegory. It’s where we become the active playground of Bhishma and refuse to analyze SELF. Arjuna intelligence hides behind Shikandi and Shikandi attacks Bhishma grudge (SELF). End of the day, Bhishma’s body don’t touch the ground but was held aloft by arrows and Arjuna placed three arrows under Bhishma’s head as support. This is the same event as “Children of Israel” turning to Pharaoh big house and Rama exalted turning to Ravana ten faces.

Day 10: On the tenth day, the Pandavas, unable to withstand Bhishma's prowess, decided to put Shikandi lock on the head crown, who had been a woman in a prior life in front of Bhishma, as Bhishma has taken a vow not to attack a woman. Shikandi’s arrows fell on Bhishma without hindrance. Arjuna intelligence positioned himself behind Shikandi, protecting himself from Bhishma's attack and aimed his arrows at the weak points in Bhishma's armor. Soon, with arrows sticking from every part of his body, the great warrior fell from his chariot. His body did not touch the ground as it was held aloft by the arrows protruding from his body.

The Kauravas and Pandavas gathered around Bhishma and at his request, Arjuna placed three arrows TriMurti, three reflections under Bhishma's head to support it. Bhishma had promised his father, King calm, angelic, that he would live until place of elephants were secured from all directions. To keep this promise, Bhishma used the boon of "Ichcha Mrityu" self wished death given to him by his father. After the war was over, when Hastinapur had become safe from all sides and after giving lessons on politics and Vishnu Sahasranama thousand names to the Pandavas, Bhishma died on the first day of Uttarayana journey of better.

Day 11: With Bhishma unable to continue, Karna hearing, heard entered the battlefield, much to Duryodhana's joy. He made Drona the supreme commander of the Kaurava forces, according to Karna's suggestion. Duryodhana jealousy, hard to conquer wanted to capture Yudhishthira alive. Killing Yudhishthira in battle would only enrage the Pandavas pale more, whereas holding him as hostage would be strategically useful. Drona formulated his battle plans for the eleventh day to this aim. He cut down Yudhisthira’s bow and the Pandava army feared that their leader would be taken prisoner. Arjuna rushed to the scene, however and with a flood of arrows stopped Drona.

Day 12: With his attempts to capture Yudhishthira thwarted, Drona confided to Duryodhana that it would be difficult as long as Arjuna was around. So, he ordered the Samsaptakas equal of seven (the Trigarta three holes warriors headed by Susharma well comfort, who had vowed to either conquer or die) to keep Arjuna intelligence busy in a remote part of the battlefield, an order which they readily obeyed, on account of their old hostilities with the Pandava scion. However, Arjuna managed to defeat them before the afternoon, and then faced Bhagadatta wealth granted, the ruler of Pragjyotisha former star/shinning (modern day Assam, India), who had been creating havoc among the Pandava troops, defeating great warriors like Bhima strength, Abhimanyu upset yet won’t acklnowledge wrong believe and Satyaki what is truth. Bhagadatta fought with Arjuna riding on his gigantic elephant named Supratika good symbol. 63 Arjuna and Bhagadatta fought a fierce duel, and finally Arjuna succeeded in defeating and killing his antagonist. Drona continued his attempts to capture Yudhishthira. The Pandavas, however, fought hard and delivered severe blows to the Kaurava army, frustrating Drona's plans.

Day 13: On the 13th day, Drona pitcher for pain arrayed his troops in the Chakra circular / Padma lotus / Kamala desire, perfection formation, a very complex and almost impenetrable formation. His target remained the same, that is, to capture Yudhishthira. Among the Pandavas, only Arjuna intelligence and Krishna darkness knew how to penetrate this formation and in order to prevent them from doing so, the Samsaptakas equal seven led by Susharma good comfort again challenged Arjuna, and kept him busy at a remote part of the battlefield the whole day. Arjuna killed thousands of Samsaptakas equal seven, however, he couldn't exterminate all of them.

On the other side of the battlefield, the remaining four Pandavas and their allies were finding it impossible to break Drona's Chakra formation. Yudhishthira instructed, Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna and Subhadra well behaved, to break the Chakra/Padma formation. Abhimanyu knew the strategy of entering the Chakra formation, but did not know how to exit it. So, the Pandava heroes followed him to protect him from any potential danger. As soon as, however, Abhimanyu entered the formation, King victory chariot stopped the Pandava warriors. He held at bay the whole Pandava army, thanks to a boon obtained from Lord Shiva Rudra, and defeated Bhima and Satyaki.

Inside the Chakra circular /Kamala desire, perfection formation, Abhimanyu slew tens of thousands of warriors. Some of them included Vrihadvala Bigger good (the ruler of Kosala wicked), the ruler of Asmaka stony, Martikavata (the son of Kritavarma armor of achievements), Rukmaratha prevent great territory (the son of Shalya surgical), Shalya's younger brother, Lakshmana signs (the son of Duryodhana) and many others. He also managed to defeat great warriors like Drona, Ashwatthama, Kritavarma and others.

Facing the prospect of the complete annihilation of their army, the Kaurava commanders devised a strategy to deter Abhimanyu from causing further damage to their force. According to Drona's instructions, six warriors together attacked Abhimanyu (the warriors included Drona himself, Karna heard, Kripa kindness and Kritavarma armor of achievements), and deprived Abhimanyu of his chariot, bow, sword and shield. Abhimanyu, however, determined to fight, picked up a mace, smashed Ashwatthama’s cessation of horse chariot (upon which the latter fled), killed one of Shakuni's brothers and numerous troops and elephants, and finally encountered the son of Dussasana blame in a mace-fight. The latter was a strong mace-fighter, and an exhausted Abhimanyu was defeated and killed by his adversary.

Upon learning of the death of his son, Arjuna vowed to kill Jayadratha victory chariot on the morrow before the battle ended at sunset, otherwise he would throw himself into the fire.

Day 14: While searching for Jayadratha victory chariot on the battlefield, Arjuna slew an un-decayed broom (battle formation that consisted of 21,870 chariots (Sanskrit 64 ratha); 21,870 elephants; 65,610 cavalry and 109,350 infantry) of Kaurava doers soldiers. By Shakuni's plot Duryodhana hid Jayadratha victory chariot in their camp as if Arjuna failed to kill Jayadratha he would walk into the fire himself according to his vow which would make war easier for the Kauravas. Lord Krishna fakes sunset using his sudarshan well appearance chakra and all the Kauravas insults and laughs at Arjuna remembering his vow to walk into fire if, he fails to kill Jayadratha. Arjuna simply saying to Krishna "IT MUST HAVE BEEN YOUR WISH MADHAV honey" and starts walking towards fire. And Jayadratha knowing the sunset being informed by soldiers, starts towards Kurukhestra to kill Arjuna. But Shakuni soon learns about Krishna's plot and returns to Duryodhana However Jayadratha returns to battlefield where Shakuni reveals it's just Krishna's plot. And the Lord Krishna removes chakra removing the sunset environment. Jayadratha warns Arjuna if his head falls on the ground due to his bow he would be fired too, because of his boon by his father. Arjuna uses "Divyastra" weapon of consciousness to carry Jayadrath's head to his father leading to his own father's death. Many maharathis great charioteers including Drona, Karna try to protect Jayadratha but fail to do so. Arjuna warns that everyone who supported adharma will be killed in this war in such pathetic way.

While Arjuna destroying the rest of the Shakatavuyha strong fort, Vikarna without hearing, the third eldest Kaurava, challenged Arjuna to an archery fight. Arjuna asked Bhima to decimate Vikarna, but Bhima refused to, because Vikarna had defended the Pandavas during the Draupadi firm standing Vastrapaharanam removal of clothes. Bhima and Vikarna showered arrows at each other. Later Bhima threw his mace at Vikarna, killing him. The muscular Pandava was devastated and mourned his death saying he was a man of Dharma and it was a pity how he lived his life. Drona killed Vrihatkshatra great authority, the ruler of hearsay and Dhrishtakethu bad looking, socially unacceptable, the ruler of Chedi moon.

The battle continued past sunset. Dushasana's sad/terrible rule son, Durmasena dur-ma-sena, long shot solider soldier, was slain by Prativindya handicap, the eldest son of Draupadi and Yudhishthira, in a duel. When the bright moon rose, Ghatotkacha empty head, the Rakshasa son of Bhima, slaughtered numerous warriors, like Alamvusha enough praise and Alayudha enlighten debate attacking while flying in the air. Karna stood against him and both fought fiercely until Karna released the Shakti strength, a divine weapon given to him by Indra senses, sky God. Ghatotkacha empty head increased his size and fell dead on the Kaurava doer’s army killing an Akshauhini un-decayed broom of them.

Day 15: After King Drupada firm stand and King Virata majestic were slain by Drona, Bhima strength and Dhrishtadyumna splendor vision fought him on the fifteenth day. Because Drona was very powerful and in conquerable having the irresistible Brahmanda astra egg of psychological world, Krishna hinted to Yudhishthira that Drona would give up his arms if his son Ashwatthama horse cessation was dead. Bhima proceeded to kill an elephant named Ashwatthama and loudly proclaimed that Ashwatthama was dead. Drona approached Yudhishthira to seek the truth of his son's death. Yudhishthira proclaimed Ashwathama Hatahath death of “horse cessation”, Naro Va Kunjaro Va, implying Ashwathama had died but he was not sure whether it was a Drona's son or an elephant, The latter part of his proclamation (Naro va Kunjaro va) were drowned out by sound of the conch blown by Krishna intentionally (a different version of the story is that Yudhishthira pronounced the 65 last words so feebly that Drona could not hear the word elephant). Prior to this incident, the chariot of Yudhishthira, proclaimed as Dharma raja (King of righteousness), hovered a few inches off the ground. After the event, the chariot landed on the ground as he lied.

Drona was disheartened, and laid down his weapons. He was then killed by Dhrishtadyumna splendor vision to avenge his father's death and satisfy his vow. Later, the Pandavas pale, bloodless mother changes side, to turn secretly met her abandoned son Karna and requested him to spare the Pandavas, as they were his younger brothers. Karna promised Kunti that he would spare them except for Arjuna, but also added that he would not fire a same weapon against Arjuna intelligence twice.

Day 16: On the sixteenth day, Karna was made the supreme commander of the Kuru doers’ army. Karna heard, hearsay fought valiantly but was surrounded and attacked by Pandava generals, who were unable to prevail upon him. Karna inflicted heavy damage on the Pandava army, which fled. Then Arjuna successfully resisted Karna's weapons with his own and also inflicted casualties upon the Kaurava army. The sun soon set and with darkness and dust making the assessment of proceedings difficult, the Kaurava army retreated for the day.

On the same day, Bhima strength swung his mace and shattered Dushasana's sad/terrible rule chariot. Bhima seized Dushasana, ripped his right hand from shoulder and killed him, tearing open his chest and drinking his blood and carrying some to smear on Draupadi's untied hair, thus fulfilling his vow made when Draupadi was humiliated.

Day 17: On the seventeenth day, Karna heard defeated the Pandava brothers Nakula no caste, Sahadeva with God and Yudhishthira righteousness in battle but spared their lives. Later, Karna resumed dueling with Arjuna. During their duel, Karna's chariot wheel got stuck in the mud and Karna asked for a pause. Krishna reminded Arjuna about Karna's ruthlessness unto Abhimanyu while he was similarly left without chariot and weapons. Hearing his son's fate, Arjuna shot his arrow and decapitated Karna. Before the battle, Karna's sacred armor ('Kavacha' protection) and earrings ('Kundala' coil) were taken as alms by Lord Indra when asked for, which resulted in his death by Arjuna's arrows.

Day 18: On the 18th day, Shalya surgical took over as the commander-in-chief of the remaining Kaurava forces. Yudhishthira killed king Shalya in a spear combat and Sahadeva killed Shakuni well spoken. Nakula no rescue kills Shakuni’s son Uluka Owl, night vision. Realizing that he had been defeated, Duryodhana fled the battlefield and took refuge in the lake, where the Pandavas caught up with him. Under the supervision of the now returned BalaRama forced exalted, a mace battle took place between Bhima and Duryodhana. Bhima flouted the rules (under instructions from Krishna) to strike Duryodhana beneath the waist in which he was mortally wounded same story as in Peniel.

Ashwatthama Horse cessation, Kripacharya kindness dweller, and Kritavarma armor of achievements met Duryodhana at his deathbed and promised to avenge the actions of Bhima. They attacked the Pandavas' camp later that night and killed all the Pandavas' remaining army including their children. Amongst the dead were Dhrishtadyumna splendor vision, Shikandi lock on the head 66 crown, Uttamaujas best ability, and children of Draupadi. Other than the Pandavas and Krishna, only Satyaki is it truth and Yuyuthsu curious to fight survived. Phase III (End of war and the outcomes)

Following the War, Pandavas and Kauravas unite together to rule the kingdom. It begins with peace and instructions of Bhishma at his deathbed. These are the reflection of scripture as it began. The seven chapters can also be divided into three sections or three Yugas and are aligned with Quran below. Once the war is fought through phase II, the point of no return is crossed resulting in hell for Pandavas and realization of heaven wrong perception by Yudhisthira.

Days of Mahabharata Chapters Quran Sura Highlights Phase III (Chapter)

1 12 – Shanti peace Parva Sura 68 - The Scripture written and executed chapter, 13 – Anushasana Pen per design Instructions Parva Q [68:52] It is in fact a message to the world.

2 14 Ashvamedhika Horse Sura 69 - The The pain or enlightenment sets sacrifice Parva, 15 incontestable in for reincarnation or Asramavasika Empty resurrection dwelling Parva, 16 Mausala Clubs Parva Q [69:18] On that day, you will be exposed, nothing of you can be hidden.

3 17 Mahaprasthanika Great Sura 70 - The Angel ascend to heaven with departure Parva, 18 Heights their reports Swargarohana Ascend to Heaven Parva

Table 12.8: Phase III, scripture executed and written for next cycle Unconscious Rama / Arjuna, Exodus, Exalted turns Ravana / Duryodhana

The epic or Ramayana and Mahabharata are our life journey explained with very minute details. In both epics, SELF, Rama exalted and Arjuna intelligence are unaware of the creation and the forces in play in four Yugas and two phases of war. In both wars, a single step initiates the ninth avatar, Buddha, following first eight days or eight avatars (Fig 12.20). In 9th Avatar or 9th day, another nine phases are initiated reflected by 2-10 days of 67 Ramayana war or 10-18 days of Mahabharata war. After first 8th avatar, the exodus takes place within human psychophysiology with sufferings as signs of following the wrong path for resurrection or Moksha liberation. If these signs are ignored and creation life, crator not reflected, this cycle ends with enormous pain as noted “heavy day” in Quran.

Q [76:27] These people are preoccupied with this fleeting life, while disregarding - just ahead of them - a heavy day.

Q [27:82] At the right time, we will produce for them a creature Adam/Nara, made of earthly materials, declaring that the people are not certain about our revelations.

Fig 12.20: Heavy day in “Sanatana Dharma scriptural map” Tuwaa (Roll up or Fold)

Day 3 in Phase II of Ramayana and Mahabharata war are very special. In both the epics, in day 3, Akampana unshakable and Abhimanyu upset but won’t disclose was killed, respectively. Day 3 also aligned with Quran chapter 21 -“The prophets” (Fig 12.21). It’s the stage of human believe systems irrational, unexplained which are unshakable yet followers are upset for their faith as they can’t explain to themselves but won’t acknowledge either - the prophecies within are never reflected or unfolded. In other words, prophets are killed by anti-creator SELF (“children of Israel”) and scripture is never revealed. On the other side, prophets are revealed and scripture is explained by the most gracious. In both events, heaven is rolled up or folded and the creation is initiated for next cycle or this cycle.

Q [21:104] On that day, we will fold the heaven (samaa), like the folding of a book. Just as we initiated the first creation, we will repeat it. This is our promise; we will certainly carry it out.

Q [2:61] Recall that you said, "O Moses, we can no longer tolerate one kind of food. Call upon your Lord to produce for us such earthly crops as beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Do you wish to substitute that which is inferior for that which is good? Go down to Egypt, where you can find what you asked for." They have incurred condemnation, humiliation, and disgrace, and brought upon themselves wrath from GOD. This is because they rejected 68 GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed.

Day 2 of the Mahabharata war is lead by Karna Hearing, heard the sacred ground for unexplained religious knowledge and believe systems. In Day 2 of Lanka war, Vajradmastra owner of thunderbolt is killed. Both events indicate the lost of true knowledge with war being fought within destructing the psychophysiology.

Q 2:20 The lightning almost snatches away their eyesight. When it lights for them, they move forward, and when it turns dark, they stand still. If GOD wills, H* can take away their hearing and their eyesight. GOD is Omnipotent.

Fig 12.21: Day 3 in Phase II of both wars Point of No Return

If consciousness doesn’t set in before the Day 10th of Lanka war or the Day 18th of Kurukhestra Mahabharata war, chance to redeem SELF in this living is not possible. Hell will 69 be turned up for eternity time will cease to exist till the heaven and earth exists. If consciousness is initiated, paradise will be presented till the heaven and earth exists. Both are “point of no return”.

Fig 12.22: Point of No Return Kingship

Kingship is initiated following the “point of no return”. It can go two ways; consciousness of the creator and the creation, or the superiority and ego. These are shown by the scripture in three phases. For exalted, the scripture Torah or the law been executed, their homes are broken and destined to go up for next cycle (Table 12.7, Fig 12.23). 70

Fig 12.23: Scripture or history written long before the creation, destruction and rising up Reflection and the Lanka

Reflecting on SELF is the key to understand the true place of our dwelling. Our psychophysiology and the creations around us is our home Lanka. Ego Ayodhya on the other hand is a temporary space that we dwell based on our material possessions and religious supremacy Hanuman which burns everything down in Lanka Fire. This is where, Ego driven psycho-physicality or Ayodhya, we become kings and send Sita to Forest again for societal sake for Lava molten rock and Kush wickedness to be born under care of Valmiki Termite Mountain.

Reflection begins when the messenger in the fire is identified in Ramayana Journey of Exalted or Yudhisthira righteouness answered right questions on the lake. Thus the scripture became live with characters children within or Abraham father of many is born.

From Chapter 1 (Ramayana): Back on earth, Rishyaringa deer horn, meditation at mountain top is chanting the final verses of the horse sacrifice. Suddenly, out of the fire a holy messenger appears Moses and burning 71 bush, and tells Dasaratha chariot of ten and Rishyaringa to have the queens’ drink from the vessel he holds. Dasaratha brings the cup to his queens Kausalya skilled, cleaver, Sumitra good friend, and Kaikeyi social, well behaved, heard, who drink from it. The messenger vanishes.

From Chapter 3 (Mahabharata): Pandavas pale return to Dwaita duality Aranya forest. They chase a deer symbolizing wealth who has carried away fire hell sticks of a priest. The deer is too fast to catch. The Pandava brothers rest after exhaustion and from thirst. Each goes, one after another, to a lake to fetch water, where each dies. Finally Yudhishthira goes to the lake, where he laments the death of his brothers. Yaksha diminishing breathing, with a booming aerial voice, appears. He interrogates Yudhishthira with 124 questions about nature of human life, necessary virtues for a happy life, ethics and morality. Yudhishthira answers the questions correctly. Yaksha revives Pandava brothers, and reveals himself as Dharma, awards Yudhishthira boons that will help the Pandavas in their 13th required year of concealed life.

Even though Yudhishthira had answered all questions in a satisfactory manner, the Yaksha death, lung disease with bleeding only allowed him to choose one of his brothers to be living. Yudhishthira said, "I choose my younger brother, Nakula No Caste "When the Yaksha asked him why he chose Nakula when he could choose sharp Arjuna or brave Bhima Yudhishthira replied, "I love Kunti to turn over, my mother and sweetness, my stepmother equally, If I choose my blood brothers it will give injustice to Madri, hence I choose Nakula no caste.

Q [3:44] This is news from the past that we reveal to you. You were not there when they drew their raffles to select Mary's sea of bitterness guardian Nakula. You were not present when they argued with one another.

Q [2:62] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone Nakula who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. At Lanka, Sita and the promise land

Hanuman assumed respected is the one who put Lanka into fire where Sita was captive by Ravana. Ravana ten faces, Rama exalted, Hanuman, and all others chracters are our psychophysical characteristics portrayed in our psychophysical space SELF. Sita on the other hand is our physicality where we truly live surrounded by magnificence creations. All together is Lanka or promise land. Lanka doesn’t burn but the physicality which turns becomes week and sick. That in turn takes down the beauty and magnificence that we are in.

In order to rescue Sita, Hanuman assumed respected, religious identity shows Rama exalted what the religion ought to be, turn SELF a god beside the creator, thereby start the fire within taking down our surroundings allegorically. At the end of the war, Vibhishana tormented is put in charge of Lanka and is a fact for resurrection and reincarnation both outcomes. For resurrection, SELF knows what hell is like as he is been there and is terrified to do un- righteous deeds at the expense of his own health and well being. For reincarnation, SELF doesn’t know what’s coming after death, his health and well being are gone - terrified. 72

Q [19:70-71] We know full well those who are most deserving of burning therein. Every single one of you must see it; this is an irrevocable decision of your Lord.

Q [40:18] Warn them about the imminent day, when the hearts will be terrified, and many will be remorseful. The transgressors will have no friend nor an intercessor to be obeyed.

Lanka is the Midyan place of strife of Abrahamic scriptures and the promise land. Unconscious Moses, or unconscious Rama or unconscious Pandu never finds the promise land and has to wait for the any of the next cycle after present life.

Reflection / Memory Pain & Sufferings Adam / Nara Physicality


Day 1&2 Heaven & Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Earth

Fig: 12.24 – Psycho-physical transformation 73