Army. the Evacuation of North Russia, 1919
L jzed by tfiWTTOrnet Archive T 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation : AEMT. * i^re THE EVACUATION OF NOETH RUSSIA^ 1919. Majesty. Presented to Parliament by Command of His M$^i^ LONDON PUBLISHED BY fflS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICK To be puiclKiBtiil thiough any Bookseller or directly from II. M. STATIONhlliV OFFICE at the following addresses: IMI'EKIAL HovsE, KiN'^swAY, LONDu.N, W.C. 2, and 28, Abi.vudon Strket, Londin, 3.W. 1 37, I'ETEu Sr.acKT, Manchesjkr; 1, St. Andiikw's Crkbcknt, Cardiff; 23. Fdkth Street, EDi.siaKGH; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltu., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1920. Price Is. &d. net. [CuJ. 818.] : ;; GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS (with the i»TCter»«nentien<?d exceptions) can be purchased in the mannfer inrficftted on tte first page of this wrapper. Hydrographical Publications ol the Admiralty are aolfl "by J. I). Potter, 145, MinorieB, Lcr.don, E.l. Patent Office PubUcations are sold at The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildirgf, Chancery Lane, Loridcc. W.C.2., Ordnance Survey and Geological Survey Puilications can be purchased frcm The DirectorGer.cial cf the Oidnarce Si iTt y, s Dublin ; or Agents in meet cf the Chief Tevi in the Vrited Southampton ; from The.Dhector, Ordnance Survey, hem Kingdom. They can also be ordered through any Bookseller. Small Scale Maps are en eale at the follcuirg Breretes of H.M. Stationery Of>ice:—28, Abingdon Street, S.W.I; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Ardrew's Cretctrt, Cardiff ; and 23, Forth Street, Edinbiu-gh. and all Kailway Bookstalls. The Journal of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries is published monthly by the Board, and is obtainable from 3, St.
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