Arkhangelsk 2014

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Arkhangelsk 2014 ISSN 2221-2698 Arkhangelsk 2014. № 16 ISSN 2221-2698 Arctiс and North. 2014. N 16 electronic periodical © Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2014 © Editorial board of the electronic scientific journal “Arctic and North”, 2014 Published not less than four times per year The journal is registered at: Roskomnadzor as electronic periodical published in Russian and English. Registration certif- icate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media El № FS77-42809 from November 26, 2010. The ISSN International Centre — world catalog of serials and ongoing resources. ISSN 2221- 2698, 23-24 March 2011. The system of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). License contract № 96-04/2011R from April 12, 2011. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) — catalog of free access journals, 18.08.2013. EBSCO Publishing (2012) and Global Serials Directory Ulrichsweb — periodic international catalog database (2013). Founder — FSAEI HPE Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The editorial board staff of the “Arctic and North” journal is published in the Summary section at the end of each issue before the output data. Editor-in-Chief — Yury Fedorovich Lukin, Doctor of Historical Sciences,Professor, Honorary Worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation. Interdisciplinary electronic scientific journal “Arctic and North” is intended for wide audi- ence both in Russia and abroad. The journal publishes articles in which the Arctic and the North are research objects, specifical- ly in the following fields of science: history, economics, social sciences; political science (geopolitics); ecology. The subject and contents of an article submitted for being published must correspond with the profile and the subject of the journal, feature scientific novelty, be of interest to specialists. All manuscripts are reviewed. The editorial board of the journal has the right to choose the most interesting and relevant materials which are published in the first place. All journal issues in Russian and English are available for free at the NArFU website: The journal is neither published nor distributed in a printed form. The infor- mation for authors is published at: No payments for article publication are collected from authors, including students and postgraduate students; honorariums are not paid. The editorial board considers receiving manuscripts as an authors’ transfer of their rights to be published in the “Arctic and North” journal and placed in databases, including RSCI, DOAJ, Ul- richsweb, EBSCO Publishing, etc., which assists to promote the publishing activity of the authors. We will be glad to see you among the authors of the “Arctic and North” journal! 3 Arctiс and North. 2014. N 16 CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCES ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT Balova M.B., Shilova N.A. Identification of the Optimal Conditions for Functioning of the Arctic Marine Services Market 5 Zuevskaya A.P. Formation of oil and gas clusters and special economic zon in the Euro- pean Russian Arctic 14 Inieva N.S. Problems of Rational Island Management in the Arctic 25 Koptseva N.P. On the Question of Public Policy in the Field of Language Preservation of the Indigenous Peoples of the North 30 Lukin Y.F. Modern Situation in the Arctic in the Context of Global Trends 36 Sushko O.P. Labor Potential of the Russian Arctic 64 HISTORICAL SCIENCES Astakhova I.S. The Interaction of the Regional Government and Indigenous Peoples: the Role of the Scientific Community of Yakutia (80s – Early 90s of the 20th Century) 76 Ievlev A.A. The Ukhta Expedition of the OGPU: the Start of Industrial Exploration of Min- eral Resourсes of the Pechora Region 83 Konstantinov A.S. Migratory Processes in the Conditions of Transformation of Territorial and Settlement Structure in the Arkhangelsk region (1926-1989 108 Stas’ I.N. Towns or Hotels? Gas Workers Towns’ Construction Issue in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Late 1960s 123 Strogova E.A. Origins of Cultural Traditions of Russian Old-time Residents of the Lower Kolyma 134 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Bobyleva N.I. Ecological Preimage of the Symbol of Northern University in the context of Regional Cultural Code 142 Kopeina E.I., Korolyova N.E. Non-saline Meadows and Grasslands in the Kola Peninsula 148 REVIEW Shepelev E.A. “Russian Polar Researches” — Information-Analytical Collection of “Arctic 161 and Antarctic Research Institute” of Roshydromet Kiselyov A.A. The Historical Study about Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North 165 4 Arctiс and North. 2014. N 16 SUMMARY Authors 170 Abstracts, keywords 172 Editorial board 175 Output data 177 5 Arctiс and North. 2014. N 16 SOCIAL SCIENCES ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT UDK 332.142.4 + 656.61 + 519.71 IDENTIFICATION OF THE OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR FUNCTIONING OF THE ARCTIC MARINE SERVICES MARKET © Balova Maria Borisovna, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), As- sociate Professor, Director of the Institute for Human Sci- ences, NArFU, Severodvinsk branch. E-mail: m.balova@ © Shilova Natalia Alexandrovna, Cand. Sci. (Phys.- Math.), Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics, IMIKT, NArFU. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The article analyzes the prerequisites for the development of the Arctic sea- market service, the main stages in the modernization of infrastructure of the Arctic transport sys- tem, as well as barriers to the exploitation of the Northern Sea Route. Keywords: Arctic, Strategy of development, Northern Sea Route, management model, op- timum conditions. Introduction Today Arctic is in the centre of politicians’, economists’ and scientists’ attention, firstly drawing attention to unutilized resources and unlimited vastitude for realization of the most chal- lenging projects. Nevertheless, specialists acknowledge that Arctic is considered to be the high risk area because of its natural and climatic conditions’ characteristic, character of its territories’ industrial development and remoteness from the main industrial centers [1]. Conditions of market growth development of the maritime Arctic service in terms of the world globalization are studied in the article. Main stages of formation and modernization of Arctic transfer system’s infrastruc- ture and also barriers for exploitation of the Northern sea route are determined. For building a scenario forecast of the services market’s development and a risk assessment of its business ex- ploitation new methods must be suggested. These methods must be based on the elements of mathematical model method and self-optimizing control. 6 Arctiс and North. 2014. N 16 Perspectives of the Northern Sea route usage It is mentioned in the “Development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period up to 2020”, that imperfection of the transport infrastructure, its maritime and continental components, aging of the ice-routing fleet and lack of small aircrafts’ resources are considered to be basic risks of the social-economic development of Arctic zone. Though the main hopes of the problem’s solution are related to revival of Northern sea route1. For the purpose of modernization and development of Arctic transfer system, which guards against loss of the Northern sea route as the only main traffic artery of the Russian Federation, it is provided in the “Development strategy…” a) development of the only main Arctic transfer system of the Russian Federation in the capacity of the national maritime traffic artery, which is oriented on the year-round functioning, comprising Northern sea route and gravitating to it meridional river and railway communications, and also airport network; b) restructurisation and cargo traffic volume growth through the Northern sea route, including account of State support of the construction activity of icebreaker, wrecking and auxiliary fleets, and also development of coast infrastructure; c) improvement of the Russian regulatory framework concerning state regulation of navigation throughout the Northern sea route’s water area, promotion of its safety, tariff regulation of services in the area of icebreaking and other ways of supporting, and also development of insurance mechanisms, including required insurance; d) improvement of organizational structure of management and provision of the Russian Arctic zone navigation’s safety; e) modernization of Arctic harbors and build-up of new harbor-industrial complexes, realization of dredging operations on Arctic River mains; f) development of effective system of Arctic region’s air services. From the viewpoint of economic effectiveness the perspective of intensive usage of the Northern sea route is appreciated by experts in different ways. It is worth mentioning that water carriage still plays an important role and occupies 60-70 percentage of the whole world cargo turn-over. Air carriage can be considered to be an alternative to water carriage, though the competitive ability of the water car- riage is higher, which is based on higher cost of air carriage and a low total quanta of cargo traffic [2]. As a rule, six main factors, which are used for initial estimate of availability one or another means of transport with conditions of concrete carriage (acceptance of a permanent solution must 1 Development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period up to 2020 URL: online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=142561 (accessed 06.10. 2013). 7 Arctiс and North.
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