Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-09-05
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1,1942 -- -'!-'"'":'"-.. _ .... _-" ~ 1.. .• Cards Win $cernered ShowerS Over ClIIeIbDa&1 lied.. 8c:.... red howen west porliOtt toda,: not ....eh elwin JD 5 '" J Hee 8&01', 011 PIlle t l.eluetatue. III lower City's Morning Newsperper .. --- fIVE CENTS Tal A"OCIATiD Pa188 IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1942 VOLUME XLll NUMBER 296 ~UI I~r '-.... ~ r. :r I~Ck. !" ~Ol. ~ I ltal 1 :~ter,' * * * 11 1.')1: * * * * -.: * * * * *"* * * * . * * * 1... ... I:~ rn. , :ohh IllBh ~ , 8. Russia; 'Rommel Reverses ~Ie No.zis P.ush O.nih' ;~Ies Nl:Ioo * * * I Ut 2 FIRST YANK PARADE IN ~ONDON ::::::, Germans Put Interpreting Nazis Announce Execution of 4Churchmen, Planning Most .. , The 'War News IOne a Bishop, for Aiding Heydrich Slayers Drastic Action Enlire Weigtil Intimate Stalingrad .' LONDON (AP)-Three months Gorazd Elder J8n Sonneveld. Dr. Defense Successful to the day atter Reinhard (the Vladimir Petrek a chaplain and Of HI T hangman) Heydrich died of '. is ' IS \nto 3Dri¥es Delaying Operation wounds In!licted by Czech patriota, Vaclav Clk!. a min ter. Their pro- erm the Germans (nnounced last night party was confiscated. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON the execution of lour churchmen, Earlier In the day Czech govern Claim Kerch Crossing; Wide World WIU' Analyst one a bishop, on charges th st they ment circles In London heard that Report F.R. to Issue The steel-shod nazi vise is clos had concealed and aided "para- 19 persons had been shot yes Allied De ..rt Fliers chute agenta" I(CC USOO of the aSBaS- terday In Prague. Eight of them prder Monday Limiting ing on Stalingrad so relentlessly sination. were, allegedly, leaders in a secret Blast Enemy legions that there is llttle to gain say Ger AlreQdy the Gestapo's revenge anti-German organ iza tlon. Three Salaries, Farm Prices man predictions of its early fall for the killing 01 this ruthless were reported accused of espionage By FRED VANDERSCHMIDT but there is some Intimatlon that German r uler of Bohemia-Moravia a.nd the other eight of bur,lary W A, II I ' T N (AP) Associated Press War Editor • Russian strategy has already writ- has claimed hundreds, perhaps during the blackout. President Roo. ('velt, r ponsible I 0 b . len off the battle of Stalin grad as thousr nds ot Czech lives and has In connection with the executlon T le rma. IL'I were t rOWIn g a holding and delaYing ROtlree rev a l d llll t night. Ita succe~sful resulted in the destruction ot two of the churchmen, the Prague 1'1- all their offensive weight last operation rather than a defeat. entire villages and the death, ar- dlo reiterated German charles that pr pa.r d for i suanll Monday night into t1l1'ce drives to sue· Moscow reports that the city's rest or transportation of tbeir in- the actual slayers were dropped the mQllt drastic order affeetiDg ce sively isolate, by· pass and defenders are greatly outnumbered h abit~t$. by parachute from an RAF plane. th vcryday lif of Amrrican8 eroS! the Caucasus and thus by their axis foes . That would im The churchmen executed yesler- Two of th.e alleged kl\ler were in th ni ne lind II half yCl\1iI fi\i nce make good Adolf H itler 's mas- ply th a ~ Russian reserves are be· day, accordin, to the German Ta- shot on June 18 after they had h Ix' amt' pr(', idl'nt- a d r te l'. p lan of takir'ig the middle ing usbanded for use elsewhere. dio, were the Orthodox . BishOp, been found In a church. limitinl{ all W8~(, , hlliari lind east via the historic land bridge. Stratel'lc ftil'm priecs in th Fnitcd bItes. This -became increasingly evi. The great industrial city, spraw- At th 'IIrn(' limt', th~ ord r, dent 'lfith Ger man announce. ling for a score or more miles . d I along the west bluffs of the Volga, GuHey Presents New lit; pl' sently drafted. will erea.te mont oj' Ule' I OflA'·awal te assau t is important to the Rusillns for its Three Chicago an ('conomi e ac1rni nistra tor to e from the 'rimea, aoroHS Kerch strategic position commanding' the that tit 'C aud other poli'i to strait to the wc~te rn shores of Volga transportation I'oute from 'Double' Tax Proposal holel down the war-time cost of the Black sea and wi th a strong the Caspian. Bu t the preservation living are carried out. Wendell new nazi push into the mid-Cau- of the red army as a fighting en Pairs ~harged Would Couple Retail WilIkie, Gov. Herbert H. Leh· casus. at the height of the battle of tity i':l vastly more important than man of New York and Bernard Stalingrad. the retention of Stalingrad or any Levy With 5 Per Cent M . Baruch werc among those men The mldnlrht Moscow com- other city or river line. Payroll AsseSiment tioned as po Ibllltics for the job. munlque Indlcded the Soviet It is possible that ultimately the With Jreason Revolutionary armies were dlffenlnr some- heavy price being exacted of Hit WASHINGTON (AP\- A pro Asidc from its Impact on every what at Stallnrrad, haltlnr the leI' in blood, in de s ~r oyed or worn CHICAGO (AP) _ A federal posal to couple a 5 per cent re- American, the order is deemed nazi advance from the southwest Qut machines, in air strength, in tail sa lca tex with a 5 per cent even by the president's advisers and tlrhUnr furiously el.ewhere. oll reserves and, most of all, in los t grand Jury accused three Chicago payroll levy to raise $5,Mo.Ooo,000 who helped hIm draft It to be al ba t there was nothlnr to really time will more than offset StaJ couples pt treason yesterday lor annually was advanced last night most revolutionary because th e relieve tbe r eenral milliary erl- ingrad's indicated fa ll. This is a the "ar~ they allegedly played in by SenlilOl' Gufley (D-Pa) as the [arm price section will. in etrect, sis. war of alu'ilion in every sense. the abl.lrtlve nal:i plot to sabot.age senale finance committee delayed set aBide an act of congress-a In this situation the curious Lost time fp'r Hitier <;o uld be .j. actlon WlUl next week on tal( provision .ot the price con LTol act Rommel offmsive in Egypl took on . more deadly menace than lost Am dean Industry. Bcheld les (or indivIdual' in the Which spccUically lorblds any eell Ihe appearance of a di versionary men or war gear. An indictment returned. before new revenue bill. ings on farm products at leas ~ actio n intended in the main, to im- Vllal Time AmerJcilJl troops parade through tbe of LOn fot ;tn ~ their /lrrlval In the British Judge John P Barnes charged in Guffey to ld reporters he planned 110 per cent of parity. Some com mobilize allied land, air and sea That conception has marked Isles. Followln, the parade, the doul'hboys were fe te d at a durin,. whleh Maj. Oen J. C. ~, 41 counts that the defendants, aU to force a showdown at the next modities are above this mark, but meeting of the committee Tuesday some are below It. The president torces west of Suez. Rommel's Russian strategy from the moment U.S. supply chief In Europe, told them tha.·t " they wer e not here to .defend this beautiful kingdom but natu\"alizl'd A rne ric an citi2;ens, tanks, which started last Monday of Hitler's attacks. It was indi to join his majesty's forces In all-out offenSive operations:' (Cablephoto) on adopting a sales tax I n lieu "fill assert his wartlme powen and morning through the British mine- cated even before that. The Rus gave aid lind comfort to Herbert of a treasury proposa 1 for stiff duties are suflicient to justl(y such .. Hans Houpt, one of the six sabo unprecedented action, to prevent fields north of the Qattara depres· sian-Finnish war grew out of it. levies on Individual expenditures. sion, already had gone into re- Russian expansion into buffer ter teurs executed in Washington Aug. Guffey sald he was sponsoring a a threatened runaway rl e In the verse. ritory westward before Hitler tore 8. proposal to place a !lilt 5 per cent cost of living. Moreover, the German desert up his non-agression pact with 200 Publishets 10 Lead· Steel POSI lble Death tax on payrolls, calculated to yield As outlined by government of marshal's strange shortage of air Moscow had the same meaning. On recommendation of the grand $3,060,000,000 annually. He figured (lclal6 who cannot be quoted by support coincided significantly All were efforts to forestall an ex Jurors, Judge Barnes ordered the tbat a 5 per cent sales tax on name, the president's action 18 with the German high command's peeled nazi attack, to tgain tiine. defendants held without ball. They "everything except rent" would scheduled to do these thlnls: disclosure that a major air opera- Russian leaders have never , Sqlvoge as Plonts Slow 'f)own face p03slble death senten"es lJPon bri ng in an additional $2,300 ,000 . Ware_Any work paid for b, =:;::I tion was involved In the leaping failed to yield ground rather than co nviction, and the lightest pen- 000. an hourly rate, or other pe!'llOna! - of Kerch strait, and with the risk loss of field armies.