THE WEATHER TODAY ON THE INSIDE Dodgers Win; Cards Split ...... Page 2 Fair and continued hot and rather humid today, Characters Give Police laug~ ...... Page 3 and tomorrow. High today 95 to 100. Low to­ Congres ional Tours ...... Page .. e· orrran. night 72 to 75. . F..tab1iahed 1888-Vol. 79, No. 281-AP Newa and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. August 22, 1947-Five Cent.

City to Open Lightning Smashes No Relief from Heat Wave in Sight· JEscape Impossible Seven New Bridge, Injures 6; I Sit 'P" B d: As Ceiling Falls in Soviet 'No's' Bids on, New Hurls 4in River Iowa C·1I, y ce 1 ua ,IIon re y a At Theater, Injures SO August's tenacious heat wave aj810 centered in the midwest while cool, pleasant Make Total 18 COLUMBUS, Ohio (JP) - Six Weather was the rule on both coasts yesterday. MEADVILLE, Pa. (JP)-Police persons were bospltalized last Iowa City's hlah mark for the day was 98 defl'ees and the low was 73. The tem- reported approximately 50 people Fire House ni&ht for injuries received when perature had cooled considerably by 9:30 last nlah~to 82-but the humidity was up were injured last ni&ht in the cai­ lightning smashed a crowded to 79 percent. lapse of a large section of ceilm. Argentina Seeks End Burlington Street Broad street bridge across the The continued hot weather has placed Iowa City'S ice situation in "pretty bad con- In the central part at the Park the- Of Veto Privilege; Parking Plan Aired; Scioto river in downtown Colum­ dltion," accordin, to Clarence J. Englert at the Englett Artificial Ice company. ater. bus. He said Ice "is being rationed to out-ot-town dea.lers" and "dock service is cur- Two hours after the accident Sf Hot Battle Expected tailed. When customers come to persons had been treated. or ad­ Resolution Deferred At least four of the Injured were th plant and ask lor 100 pounds mllted to the. city's two hospitals. 'LAKE SUCCESS (JP)- Russia pulled' from the river and others of ice, we give them 50." The others received first aid at the vetoed the aspirations of Italy and The city council in a special were. picked up on the bridge Austria for membership 1n the meeting last night passed a resolu­ after the lightning struck about The company is still supplying scene. Ice on demand on the delivery The ceiling fell 60 feet to the United Nations yesterday and pro­ tion to open bids on constructlon 6 p.m. routes and to consuro rs living fioor with such suddenness that voked an angry outcry over the oC a city maintenance garage and Firemen discounted reports that in the university housing areas, he no one had a chance to escape. big power voting privilege tbo temporary fire house. The build­ two automobiles were also hurled · .. 1. Ing is to be located in the 300 said. Dr. H. C. Winslow, president ot Soviet Union now has used 18 JI Into the river. Dragging opera­ The ice supply is rupldly dis- the Park theater corp., and a pro­ times to block security councU block on South Gilbert street near tions failed t6 locate any cars. ~ the city scales. appearing and the company is minent BUr,eon, helped treat the maj orltles. .. JI Police and fire rescue units con­ trying to arrive at a plan where- injured. He said the theater had .... Bids will be accepted until tinued searching the river for Argentina moved swiftly to seek .. .a by all consumers can be served, been remodeled only last year at Sept. 8 and the)'l will be acted traces of possible missing persons. abolltlon of the veto privilege by .. .. even though in limited amounts. a cost of $87,000...... a upon at a council meeting that A gaping, 1 DO-Coot section of Bubarltting a resolution for the same date. "We've never had this sltua- Leo Conrad, manager of the consideration of the general is­ concrete railing and half the pave­ lion before. It's due to the pro- theater, said a larje steelmeshed The new auxiliary fire house, ment on t.Rt! south side were sembly when it meets In !~ew designed to house new fire equip­ longed hot spell," he said. section of the cellin&" about 20 by York Sept. 16. thrown into the river. The span Englert said the company had 25 feet, collapsed without warnln, ment and later to serve for city was roped off and traffic halted The Argentine government ask­ maintenance storage, Is estimat­ completely. been contacted by ofticlals of the as about 1,000 persons were wlt­ ed that the assembly call a gen­ ed to cost about $12,000. Scores. of pedestrians were state lair in Des Maine, who nessing a picture. The theater eral conference of all the United Plans to use the old Alert hose traversing the bridge when the appealed lor help to meet the ice seats about 1,500. Nations three days after the 55- house as a secondary station were bolt struck, accompanied by heavy shortage there. He said he had "It (the ceillng) folded like an nation body concludes Hs forth­ to refuse. umbrella, billowed out In the cen- discarded because renovation of thundershowers. coming session in order tl) con­ the building was considered too A crowded bus approached 100 About 16 tons oC Ice are being ter, hit on both ends at the floor sider revfsing the veto section of costly. Another plan to erect a feet from where the lightning used at the state fair each day, and then collapsed," Conrad laid. the U.N. charter. quonset hut for this purpose struck and driver Harlan Wright The Associated Press reported. Tbis move was expected to set btollght the objection that a qu'on­ said passengers were tossed about Appeals had been made to 12 off the hottest battle in tbe assem_ set is not a permanent enough by the impact but np Injuries midwest cities for aid, but witb­ bly yet over the veto. Since the building. were reported. out success. Bilbo Dies organization was founded the The new fire house will be con­ While the shortage is not ser­ small powers have fought unsuc­ structed of concrete and hollow ious, fair goers will be subject cessfully to a boUsh this big power tile. The new fire equipment wJll to a partial ration System. privilege. be housed elsewhere until the Elsewhere in the midwest, ac­ Louisiana As Russia ran her string of building is completed. Police Watch cording to The Associated Press­ In vetoes to seven lor this week, Voting on the resolution to al­ the heat Is on. NEW ORLEANS, La. (A')- Council President Faris EI Khoury low parking on Burlington street Bismarck, N.D., reported a high Death came yesterday to Theo- ot Syria used unprecedented lan­ was deferred until further investi­ o! 105 degrees to rank first on dore "The Man" BUbo, endln, a guage in announcing that the gation could be made. A petition Youths Escape the heat parade. Des Moines and Soviet Union had blocked Italy'l from bu~iness men on Burlington Sioux City had 99 degr e readings. two-weeks light for his life and membership in the U.N. in favor of parallel limited BALTIMORE (JP)-Two young street No rell [ was !n ~Igh t. stilling his strident cllim, to a El Khoury said: llarklQi was lojresl!nted. py Alder­ cousins strolled OUt ot Bal timore. At least deaths were attribu­ city court yesterday, past the 59 seat in the 80th cOn(l'ess as Mls- "The resolution is obstructed man W.H. Grandrath. ted to the heat, 30 in Chicago, arms of polic~ waiting to arrest slsslppl's senior senator. He was by one of the permanent members DISCUssion of Burlington park­ , two In downstate IllinOiS, 21 in ing centered around the advan­ them and sped aW4Y In a car 69. of the council." :..::.:.:..:.'::.:.:.:.:.~:.~:.:.:.~ Ohio, four In Indiana and two in tag~ ot parallel parking to slow while the frustrated cops looked __ ""'""-:-_--:-_____ I Th vinegar-tongued, wizened * * * down , speeding on Burlington. on, all with the blessing of a , Minnesota. politician, who won the election The UnIted States and Ru•• ia Several citizens appeared to ap­ judge. ------A sharp reduction In 1948 meat in 1946 on a platform of "white widened their breach yesterday peal for parking on that street JUdie Michael J. Manley kept I Cobb Hits 334 MPH I supplies app ared inevitable on supremacy," succumbed suddenly with a new exchange of diplomatic and tor more rigid enforcement the cops, from Maryland and Call New Budget 'Fallacious' Despite CroHwinds I the basis ot an official report that at Fountain hospital. It was a blows over Germany's future in­ against speeders. . Pennsylvania, at bay with an •I , the heat wave has cut corn pro- swift revenal of an apparent Im- dustry and the Red anny's con­ WASHINGTON (JP)- Key con- of 8 blll it will be, and I don't Traf!,i& engineer Dick Holcomp order that the cousins, William spects to the lowest level since BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, the severe drought of 1936. provement Wednesday when Hnued control of the Chinese port told thf council that 41 parking H. Miller, 18, and George R. Mil­ gressional Republicans, the chalr- know what the President will do, Utah (JP)-World record holder The federpl mid-month corn Bilbo sat up and declared. he was ,.01 Dairen, while pullin, farther spaces could be provided along ler, 20, of Westminster, Md., be men of the appropriatil;lg and but I am confident that congress "feeling fine." apart on other is!Nes too. (See CITY COUNCIL Page 5) given a IS-minute head start. John Cobb pronounced everything estimale placed Iowa's 1947 yield lin a n c Jng committees, blasted will pass legislation to reduce in­ except the wind "quite satislac- at 39 bushels on acre for a total Doctors gave "pro,ressJve beart A Moscow note protesting the The judge explained the head President Truman's new budget come taxes at the next session." failure" as the immediate caUse of British-French-American confer­ start was to avoid a possible uto­ tory" yesterday after he drove his production of 387,036,000 bushels. figures as "shocking" and "Iallac- And Chairman Knutson (R- giant car 334.26 miles per hour in death. They said he had never ence due to open today in L()ntlon mobile chase through downtown rallied from an operation Monday on a proposed increase in produc­ Baltimore. He instructed Assistant ious" yesterday and set up a new Mlnn) of the house ways and a trial run on these salt nats. Accidents Follow State's Attorney Alan H . Murrell clamor for tax cuts. means committee contended Mr. When he would make his offi­ longshoremen End Strike to tie a vein and seal off the tion for Germany brought word to see that the order was enforced. Senator Brfdges (R-NH) and cial race In an attempt to shatter blood clot from the heart. from the state department that 12-Year Old's Death The Millers left in a hurry in a Representative Taber (R-NY), Truman "continues to view our his land speed records remained NEW YORK (JP}-AFL long- Center of bitter controversy, the conference will be held re- big gray sedan and several hours chairmen of the senate and house tax problem from a polUical uncertain last night. shorem n and shippers last night Bilbo maintained to the end his gardless of Russian objections. later police admitted they were approprialions committees, allud- rather than an economic angle." A strong crosswind kept Ab Jen­ announced signing of a one-year unqualified dterminatlon to tU:e Then the department disclosed. ST. CHARLES, Va. (JP)- stili at liberty. ed to Mr. Truman as "high- But Senator O'Mahoney (0- klns ot Salt Lake City from trying contract granting ten-cents-an- his seat in Washington. He de- thal the United States has pro­ Twelve-year-old Louis Howard The "cat and mouse" game spending, high-taxing Harry" and Wyo) said In a statement Mr. Tru­ last night to break four interna­ hour Increases to 65,000 workers, nied charges that he hall inUmi- tested for a second time a,airut ran behind an automobile on the started earlier yesterday when said hJs budget revisions are tional and four national class D but an unauthorized walkout pro- dated Negro voters in Missillip- nusBia's failure to turn Darren. highway near Ewing, Va., into thE1 Pennsylvania poUce asked for the "political estimates." man is right in recommending marks. testing the contract continued to pi's 1946 Democratic primary, and back to Chinese control and to path of another car yesterday and extradition of the Millers and They declared the chief execu- use ot a treasury surplus to cut He opened up the 24-cYlinder delay salling of the America, the I rejected aUegations that be had open the port to international was killed. Robert W. Green of Reistertown live " resorts to more bugaboos the national debt rather' than machine through half of the mea­ nation's largest luxury liner. accepted bribes from war con- trade. Driving to investigate the 1atal on charges of stealing airplane to deny the people tax relief." taxes. sured mile, then coasted to a stop. Announcement of the signing tractors. Both accusations were American ships and buslness- accident State Trooper John S. parts from Raymond Devener's Chairman Millikin (R-Colo) ot Target of the pot shots was the His time tor the mile was consid­ was made by the international made 1IY senate investieatin, men are barred by Red annYl' Boyd's police car was virtually de­ airport in Hanover, Pa. the senate finance committee told President's mid-year recasting of erably below the record Of 368.9 longshoremen's association (AFL) committees. order. The new United States note, molished in collision with a truck Assistant Attorney General a reporter: the budget he sent to congress In he set with the same .r here in and the New York shipping asso- He had entered Foundation hos- delivered Aug. 14 at Moscow bJl and Boyd was seriously hurt. Joseph D. Buscher, appointed by "I don't .know just what kind January. 1939. ciation at 11:30 p. m. pita I Aug. 7, suffering from a Ambassador Walter B. Smith, said Highway Patrolman J. W. Har­ Go\,ernor William Preston Lane ___--:. ______r ______•____ -=--'~ _____ nerve infIamation which caused Russia will be held responsible 'rison, called to the scene of Boyd's Jr., to decide on the extradition partial paralysis. But his health for the treatment accorded Amer­ crash, was struck and suffered order, told Judge Manley he felt had been steadily falling since last ican interests during the prolone- arm and side InjUries by a car the Millers should be freed. The Cholera-Stricken Prisoners in China January. ed occupation. which apparently went out of con­ judge agreed, remanding Green to trol on the wet highway------. the Pennsylvania authorities. Harlley Says Management 30,000 Moslems Face Death Must 'Stand Up and Fight' In Indian Riots, Officer Says CHICAGO (JP)-Repretentative Referring to Green's challenge, Hartley (R-NJ) yesterday served Hartley stated: ROSHIARPUT, India (JP)-Brit­ receive food and medical reUef, notice that "we're going to brilll "I announced two years ago that Ish and 1ndian army officers of not now in sight. management as well as labor to this term was my last term in con­ the special Punjab border police "My own striking force of ap­ Washington" whenever a contract gress. I felt that II) terms-20 proximately 700 troops is entirely I Said yesterday they could not ful­ "violates the spirit" of he Tat­ years-was enough for any man. inadequate to maintain peace in Hartley act which becomes effec­ But if Mr. Green eggs me on a lit~ fill a pledge of saf~ty to thousands this district of 220 square miles, tive today. tie further, I may reconsider." of the Mohammedan minority in with Its 150 to 200 Moslem vil­ The veteran New Jersey con­ this district east of riot-wrecked la,es alone." Amritsat. gressman, now servin, his tenth tena, announctld also he milht ac­ The officers said Sikh mobs B-U-L-L-E-T-I-N were roaming rural areas in a cept ALF President WWlam .ystematlc extermination cam­ Cargo Plane Missing Green's challenge to seek public DBTROIT (JP)-The-Ford Mo­ paign, killing many lind matchin" office again "if Mr. G~ ega me tor Co. and the CIO United atrocity for atrocity, deeds re­ With Three Aboard on a little further." Auto Workers aJUlOuncecl jolllt­ Hartley, in an address before IJ' a' 12:51 a.m. (CDT) toda~ ~rted committed in areas where the National Food Distributors' an arreement coverlna a antoa the Mohammedans were in the BURBANK, Calit. {JP)-Slick lllaJority. airways. operating a trans-conti­ association, said he expected man­ aboP. All ofnclal cODlDanJ' lpokli­ A two-day tour of this broad nental freight airline, reported agement to "stand up and fiaht" for the union-curbin, law. ...." said the a,reement .rea has I:evealed hacked bodies yesterday one of its C-46 planes. wu "I don't expect manalement 11:59 of men, women and children. carrying 10,142 pounds of miscel­ "'Ilea Ai p.m. now to start signlne contracts that nil wu one minute before Numerous" bauds of Sikhs, armed laneous cargo, Is overdue on a violate tlle spirit of thil act," be the Taft-Rartle, labor law with spears, swords, knives and tll&h there trom Detroi t. declared. went Inio full effect rell~ 10111 staves have been seen foam­ A-board were Capt. Marvin G. "Le me lerve notice that wher­ a maJorit~ approval ." a com­ ing the countryside. Vau&han, 33, of Santa Monica. ever we find a cont.ract that v10~ PUtTI emplo~es for a aniOD Col. D. KhaUd Jan, commander First Officer Robert Frederick lates the spirit of the law, w,'re IIhop. of a special Punjab military torce Humes, 28, Los An,eles, and Her­ going to bring management as well t1nder the arreement, Ford's In this district, said: bert V. Preeg, aviation writer for as labor to Washington and ask 10'1,000 t1AW members .01 "Thirty th4usand Moslems, at the Los Angeles Daily News. them 'how come?' choose between two alterna­ the very least, are dootfttcl to The company announced the SOM2 OF 2,000 COMMUNIST SOLDIERS, captured b~ naUonalJst1l jal becaue 01 all outbreak 01 cbolera .board. At rirM. a IOldler, 01117 "Now that you've lOt an aet Uves. death In this district unleu they crew, in its position report, said In northe.,t China, are shown at lell huddllna' In nUh and lCluuor 14 :rean old, Is Uown slU. with aDoibel' prl.oner on deck. The that 'protects your riihtJ, It'ell't 0 ... woald combine a peutOIl . , ; can be evacuated. Many of them the plane was over Hawville, In the hold 0' a abip. The prillOners were broqht to 8haqhal, A .... ,01lJlllt_ saljl be "no" ba the ...... corps. (,\.I' WJB.EPROTOS) you willing to stand up and be IlIaD with. Hve" cea&s aD hour .~ Will Ilie anyway unl••• they lOOn ytah, at 13:58 a.m. (CST). 16, trom B1I"1~ ta norlh.... (lhbaa aDd w.... Il ....aa ..... after urtT· coun~ and tilbt f~ ~ lawl" "~ba_•. ______,...t ,tHE DAlLY IOWAN. nmAY. AUGUST t2. 194't-I>AOf! TWcJ, L Favo ed by -0 ne Touchdown ·Marg,in . -~--~----~------~------. " I COLLEOB ALL TAlt5 CHICAGO BEARS \ r Burr B.I .... ln. (U LA) LE Jlen X.vanarb (La 51.10) Dh:k Barwe,en, (Purdue) Lr ",.41 Da.. (Alaba.a.) Aiel[ A,ue (illinois) LG Charles Dr.U. (Temple) :AII-Stars Lose Paul Dulle. - tOcor,l. Tech. C Clyde Tarner (Hard"! SlmmeDI) Davenport Legion 1II.ldon H .... bl. (ltl .. ) &G ltey Bray (Wul.... U&~I~ ... J . Mash.nlelo (Notre Oame) R r WaUer SUe"el (Pebb,ylvanl.' Joe 'Ten hlnlkl (Geor,I.) Itt! Ed Sprinkle ( Hardln.8Immonl) F Georce Ra.Herm_an (Notre Dame) Q n Sid Lutlkman (Columhla) Nine Beaten 12-S Broo~/yn Wins; Cardinals Split Buddy Youn~ (Jilinol.. Lit a.y McLe.n (SI. AaHlm. ::Army Ace for Vie Sehw.n (Norlkwulern) au Hu,h O.nune., (81,,'ord. Jim Mello (Notre D.~e) Ii' B Joe O.manlkl tHoly Crol') In Sectional Play Referre Carl Hebele. Pen" Sbte (N'FL): umpire-Rollie Barnum. Wlseon,I. head IInum ••-Cb_rlel Berr,. LaI_nUe INFL): lield Judre-IIIIIUam Blake. Who Would Arguel .Redbir~s LO~A Loras. Bums . t CEDAR RAPIDS (A')- Robert Smash Klc,,"11 Tlme-7 :~ 9 p.m. (CSt) Tonight's Tilt Radio llroadcul.-WMT (Codar H.,ld.) 000 kc. E. Bentley post of Cincinnati. re­ mained the only undefeated team CHICAGO IIP)- The 147 grid­ in the sectional American Legion iron season kicks off tonight with Blackwell, 8;.1 Star GardeneJ ni Junior tournament after ot .the revengeful Chicago Bears, winning 12-5 from Davenport. BROOKLYN (A'}-Crossing the PHlLADELPHIA (IP}-The 5L champions of the National Foot­ Aufomen fliminated in Stile Louis Cardinals, drubbed 9 to 21n here yesterday. plate four times in an uproarious ball league, determined to wallop Cincinnati batters teed off fifth inning which was enlivened the College All-Stars and soothe agClipst 14-yeClr-old Ed Lindsey, by three Brooklyn hits and three ;~~ f\~~erga~eefe~:e thc~~ePi~~i~ .Jthe 16-0 licking the All-Stars collecting two runs in the first stolen bases. ' two Cincinnati er­ struck back at the PhiiadelphJ. .handed the Los Angeles Rams Tourney; Lose 10 Boyt 1-0 Phillies with a long range atlark 10 two frames. going scoreless lor the rors, a base oh balls. a ba lk. wild 01 last year. Boyt Harness of Des Moines put together two scratch hits in the next three innings, and blasting pitch and pased ball, the Dodgers to take the nightcap 13 to 3 and The 14th annual contest, to be first extra frame Last night to squeeze out a 1-0 victory over Iowa the young Iowan from the mbund routed yesterday gain an even split in Thursda1'l played in flood-lighted soldier City's Complete Auto Cardinals and eliminate· the local nine from the in the sixth after three more run­ and went on to defeat the Reds doubleheader. ·field on Chicago's lake front, will State Softball tournament in Des Moines. ners had crossed the plate. 8-1. The Phils pounded out 12 hib draw a record-breaking crowd of The two teams battled Ihrough ...------­ Lugene Dietz relieved Lindsey Before the wild inning was in the opener with four errors by 103.000. the regulation seven innings at that point and became the next completed, Ray Lamanno the Cardinal infield, two of !hera charged against Whitey Kurowski, The All-Stars, coached by Notre without so much as a loud 0(­ victim of the Cincinnati slaughter. and bench warmers Johnny Van­ helping their cause. But I!Je Dame's Frank Leahy, are handi­ fensive threat. But in the top of Two runs came home in the sev­ der Meer and Bucky Walters of world champions made 14 tlows, capped by the loss of a t least three tile eighth Boyt center fieLder Leo (hi$OI Edge enth on four hits including a triple the Reds had been thumbed off 'outstanding backfield performers. by Shortstop Don Zimmer. the field by Plate Umpire Jou thrce of them homers, good for a Golden beat out a bunt down the triumph in the second. Army's ()lenn Davis, the "Mr. third base line, stole second and In the ninth the Cincinnati bar­ Jorda. , Outside" of the Cadets' famed rage totaled five runs on a pair Up to that hilarious fifth. The Cards also lost the services. came in with the winning run on at least temporarily, of hart.hll· offense last year; Julie' Ryko­ Boslon, 3-2 of walks. an error, two singles, Blackwell had been supel'b 011 Emory Reeves' pop single into the mound. The lean, lanky side­ ting Enos Slaughter. I The lef( vich. star 01 Illinois' Rose Bowl right. CHICAGO (IP) - The Chicago and Zimmer's second triple. champions, and Bob Fenimore of , The two teams will meet again armer allowed only two runners fielder collided wi t~ (.~ernie ()e· Paul Eeberry went the distance White Sox rapped Tex Hughson to reach base in the first four in­ ger, subbing for Sh1".~tstop Marty 'Oklahoma A.&M. All three were for the Cardinals and gave up toqay. Should Davenpol't win. a 'injured while scrimmaging at the for three runs in the first inning second game will be played the nings, one on a single and another Marion. in the e' Jhth inning of only three widely sca ttered hits on a base on balls. In the mean­ the first game a d was takCJI'io "All-Star camp in Evanston, Ill., until the eighth. Bob Savage. Boyt lor a 3-2 victory over the Boston same afternoon. and will sce liltle or no action. time the Reds had gotten to Clyde Temple hospital here Dr. HenT)' star hurler. held Complete Auto Red Sox before 30,00B persons Wycis said he s ffered a cerol::.l But the Collegians are en thus­ King for a run in the second in­ to two blows and fanned eleven. last night. It was Chicago's third concussion. He w to be detain. "iaslic and. if they lose. it will ning on an errol' by Jackie Robin­ Pa41 Reberry, entering the first victory in sixteen games against son. a single by Lamanno and a ed over night in the hospital for 'take a lot of playing by the heav­ game with one out in the fifth Aussie Tennis Stars . jcr Bcars, who will average 230 the Red Sox this season. long rJy by Bobby Adams. observation. inning, fanned eight straight bat­ Oscar Judd, Philadelphia south . pounds in the line. Chicago made four and Boston Arky Vaughan, filling in for ters and singled in the winning Fail in Doubles Play Johnny Jorgensen at third for the paw. checked the Cards with five The All-Stars wi11 depend upon run to give JOWil City their 2-1 two errors in the game. Hughson's tenth loss against ten wins. It was Dodgers. opened the last half of hits in the first game for his see· •ba~field speed, including the BROOKLmE. Mass. (IP)- The victory over Albia . the fifth with his first of three and triumph of the campaign l5 win No. 11 for hurler Frank entire Australian Davis Cup forces \Sweeps of Claude (Buddy) Young, Albia had tied the score in the hits, a single to right. against 12 deJ'ests. He also stop. ,Illinois' !lyer, Charley Trippi of fourth and had held Iowa City' in Papish of Chicago. were wiped out in the quarter­ Taft Wright walked WIth twc> When Hugh Poland. who had ped Kurowski's string of gettIng Georgia and Vic Schwall of the deadlock until the seventh. finals of the National Doubles out in the first for the White Sox. reptaced Lamanno behind the on first base at 11. But the Car. Northwestern, and on the shqrp Tben Clayton Colbert dOUbled, tennis tournament at Longwood Rudy York singled. Wright taking plate or the Reds, let a pitch get dlnal baseman came back to hif a ' Passi~ of Notre Dame's George went to third on an infied hit and yesterday. third. Dave Philley followed with away from him, Vaughan found double and homer, his 23rd of lite - ~atterman , Ben Raimondi of came home on Reberry's single. his tenth triple of the season, U.S. Davis Cuppers Gardnar himself on third, where he fretted EMIL VERBAN. Phillies' second baseman, sprawls over Catcher Joe year, before striking out in the Indiana and perhaps Trippi. Boyt Harness scored three runs scoring Wright and York. Philley Mulloy of Coral Gables. Fla., and as Blackwell bore down and dis­ Garaglola. of the Cardinals. as he scores in the second of a. twin bill ninth and then landed at the I~i. i The Chicago Bears, in execellent in the first inning and coasted to also scored when Bobby Doerr !Frank Parker of Los Angeles posed of Bruce Edwards and King nlghtca.p yesterday. Verban came home on Shortstop Ralph La.Polnte's \lal sack the nrst three timeS al a 4-1 WOI< over Marshalltown. physical condition and rated seven threw wild to the plate. started the rout with a 6-3, 6-4, in between a walk to Reese. single to center. beating the throw from Centerfielder Terry Moore. bat in the second, . Marshalltown could get only and a half points better than the Dominic DiMaggio batted in 6-3 win over Geoff Brown and Then the fun began. Reese stole (AP WmEPHOTO) The Ph lIs drove George M\lnBer Collegiales by local bet-makers, two hits, which produced their Dinny Pails. Then Bill Talbert Boston's first run in the thinj. ,second and both runners scored to . the showers after sCQrinv; ~ou\: are determined to win if lor no lone tally in the first inning, Birdie Tebbetts singled for the of Wiltnington, Del., and Bill Sid­ on Ed Stanky's double. Robinson while Boyt was getting eight. runs off him in the first five in· ot\1el' reason than tp avenge the Red Sox' la ~ t run Jh the eighth. well of Australia buried mighty was safe on an error by Second nings of the first Iray and con\inu. The Cardinals will return to ,bruising dimt in National Football Boston had the tying run on sec­ Jack Bromwich and' Colin Long. Baseman Adams. stole second and The Baseball Scoreboard ed their attack in the next \wo league prestige caused by last Iowa City Sunday night for a Olld base and the lead tally on 6-3, 6-4, B-6. continued to third on Poland's NATIONAL J,EAGl'E frames at the expense of Teddy year's all-star trimming of the double-header with the Marshall­ Iirst with only one out in the In the other men's matches, wild throw. Reiser singled in Rob­ - AMERICAN ~:A~.UEp ... O.B. Wilks before ,being halted by :Rams. town Moose nine. The chl1mpion­ of Los Angeles, and inson. then stole second and tV [. rcl. G.B. ninth when DiMaggio grOUnded Brot'tklyn ...... 1:1 47 .IiOS Ntw York ...... 711 411 .f15~ Johnny Grodzicki. ship of the Midwest league will be Ted ~chroeder of Glendale. Calif .• sprinted to third on a wild pitch. Boston ...... • . . . . , ... HJ Sf .[,.5 III Although Davis may not even into a game-ending double play. Lnu ls ...... • . fl't ;; 1 .1108 5 I·hl!ad elphl...... ' ;~ r,;; ... :10 14\, The nightcap was the same 611\1'Y at stake in the Sunday night the U.S. Davis Cup aces. moved S'. 5uit up tor the game, his famed When he tried to score. Poland Boston ...... •••• G(i i!3 .:m:'i 6~i O.lrol...... '1(1 iii .l!:!U III in reverse. The Phils lumped Cleveland ...... toR M .n lH 161, clash with Marshalltown needing into the semi-finals with a 6-3. recovered the ball and pegged to York ...... ~O .j;} .:;'8 II Army running mate. Doc (Mr. New M An2 221i one win for lhe crown and Com~ Chi cago ...... , .... 6~ away to a three-run lead at th~ Inside) Blanchard, probably will Joe LOllis Open 6-3, 9-7 win over Jim Brink of Blackwell who tagged him out at Clnt'inna.ll ...... • .'i8 61 .n;, 16 Wa.shln,lon ...... 18 UO .421 27. '. expense of Jim Hearn in the first be called upon early by Coach plete Auto needing a pair of vic- Seattle, Wash., and Dick Gonazles the plate. Chlel.lD • ...... :i'! fif'i .11 1 to 81. Loql...... 11 7U .3110 iI(j\, tories to grab the ti tie. . 1'lUlburrh ...... • 1iO liS ,I'J I ... Veslerda y's Hesqlt. two innings but found themsel~es Leahy, who wJll start his own DETROIT (A') - Theoqore of Los Angeles. N~w J-fork 9. Clevel .. nd 3 h k d th . d f th RhOdes. 29-year-old Nashville, Francisco (Pancho) Segura of )'hlladel phla ...... 48 fi!) . • Iu 23\, lII ashln , ton 3.5, OetrolL ~.3 C ec e e remam er a e waY Notre Dame fullback, .Jim Mello, VuLerday·. H••• II, I'hliRdelllhla S, St. Louis ii by Ai Brazle's southpaw slants 'as Tenn., prqressional. fired final instead of the Cadet star who was Anderson in Semi·finals Miami, and Enrique Morea of BrOOkl yn K. Clneinnati I hl._,o 3, Boston ~ the Cards pounded To"'~ v rounds of 68 and 69 yester,day Todayt. Pltchen ll~11J' late re,lfOrtil'lg. . INDIANiPOLIS (A'}-Fred Ko­ A r g en tin a. spotted Seymour T'hlladelphla fHI. SI. Louis ~·Ia New York ,t Cleveland (2 TwlllrM. Hughes, and Charlie Schanz to ,all valeski of Detroit and Willis An­ o"er the par 72 Rack/lam Muni­ Greenbel'g of Chicago. and Vic A's Move Inlo New York 4. l)lttsburrh I d D (2 ,. IE the battIe is to be settled up Bo,lon 8-G. ChIc.,. '). 1 corners of the lot. : derson of Los Angeles won easy cipal gol! course to win the $1,000 Seixas of Philadelphia, the first ~, ~~::(~~9~b~~~-16e~~1 (8~~~'or 2L~m~",; in iront, the hulking. seasoned Today'. I'ltchers (;J.~) Stan Musial was the big gun In victories yesterday and will meet tirst prize in the Joe Louis open two sets belore gaining a 1-6, 3-6, Bears may hold 'a dL~ d advan­ PiUllburrh a .. .New York-Queen GJ~i!) \-Vashin,ton It. Detroit On-Masterson the at\ack. He homered with the Saturday in the feature match of championship. with a 72-hole to­ VI. Jones (O·J) (9-Jl ) and Scarborou,h (4·(1) VI. Trout tage. 6-4, 6-4, 10-8 victory that moved Clnclnnall at Bro.kl,n-Rarten,ber,or (8· 11) and Routeman (1·0) bases empty in' the second and the National Public Parks tennis t/ll of 280, eight strokes under them into the Kramer-Schroeder Third Place • The Bears, dtilling assiduously 16·0) vo. Dalten 112·7) n08lon al Chle'r. (~)-Ferri •• [10-10) then ·unloaded another four. m J• tournament semi-finals. par. bracket. Chle.,o at 1I • • lon (nlrhL)-Kush 16·1) and a,lehou.e (S·U) • • . Lopa' (11-10) .. ",~ at CoUelleville, Ind.. again will ST. LOurS (IP}-Those amazing VI. Lanftaneonl (I-~) and Omesple (~·5) ter in the sixth with all sacks. lIC. I. L •• I. al Phll,dolphl.. .""h' Phlladelphl .. at L. Loui o (nl,M) - blink on the passing of Quarter- Philadelphia Athletics took over Broohe.n ( 14·7) .s. L.onard 114.') .' owler 18·8) va. ~unorlel (G·la) cupied. Ron Northey also hit a back Sid Luckman, the speed of the third place slot in the Ameri­ ------:.------I homer with two on in the seventh. backs Hugh Gallarneau. Ray Mc- • 5 d can league standings last night Lean and George McAtee and the! when they slugged the luckless ~Hitter thrusts of the fullbacking broth- e y . St. Louis Browns into submission, Hartung's 2 Nats Rebound; IBraves Pound Ctlbs ers, Joe and Bill Osmanski. er Wins Decision 8 to 5. Jeff Heath's 22nd and 23rd home runs accounted for four of Stops Pirates, 4-1 There wero no knockdowns as the Browns' runs off rookie Bill · weep Pall r Flor 'Double Vktory , McCahan. Perfect,for .a Hot Day each boxer fought a careful fight NEW YORK (IP)- Rookie Clinl S BOSTON (IP)-Coming from be------,.-..,.--- .. ---_._._----.- Cavil Forfeits Their fifteen-hit attack against without too much action. Hartung pitched the New York hind with a five-run rally in 'the Ivor Wells of Iowa City won an Jack Kramer and Nelson Potter Giants to a two-hit 4-1 victory DETROIT (,lP)- A double victory seventh inning of the second g~m~, unpopular deCision over Tommy enabled the hustling A's to dis­ over the Detroit Tigers, following the Boston Braves defeated C~ica· Ellis of Des Moines. They weigh­ pJace the Detroit Tigers, who over the Pittsburgh Pirates last a players' vote of confl'dence I'n go, 6 -4, a f ter h avmg. th umpe d l\.we To Bob Rossie 'tlropped a day doubleheader to ed in at 126-pounds. Well's show­ night. Jimmy Bloodworth singled Manager Ossie Bluege, restored Cubs, 8-2. in the opener at Bra~es By KEN ,KEW ed a good lelt wh ile Ellis' best the Washington Senators. in the eighth for the first Pirate peace to the Washington Senators Field yesterday to gain a hali punch was a right cross. Barney McCosky poled four hits hit and Frank Gustine homered yesterday after reports of a rift game on the league lea'~og The outdoor fight card at K~lly Ernie Faler of Des Moines S4b­ and Eddie Joost and Hank Ma­ in thc ninth for the other. Har- between players and Bluege had Brooklyn Dodgers. field last night was highlighte~ stituted for Red Arams and jeski had three each. Majeski's . . . . . I capped o{~ an ll-game Senator The Braves, sparked by Bob ~. by Lyle Seydel's victory over punched out a three round victory trio included his seventh homer. tung also alded hl S own cause With losing streak. liolt·s l'Bth of the ~eason Merrill Van Patten of Indianola over Charles "Whitey" Sindelar which>' opened the fourth inning a home r un in the fifth inning. Ossie took a couple of harmless in the eighth after Barna RoWell in toe main event. The Iowa City 01 Iowa City. Faler carried the scoring. Hartung walked four and struck pokes at Burton Hawikins, Wash- had doubled home Johnny H?~P . !lB-pound Golden Gloves champ fight to Sindelar from the open­ McCahan, aside from his two out five in regIstering his eighth ington sports wriler who wrote of had little trouble in winning the won a unanimous decision in a ing bell. ill-advised pitches to big J efl, victory of the season against six an Internal disturbance on the first tilt as Lefty Warren Spihn close battle. evenin~ In the first bout of the ea~h with a man on base, pitched defeats. He also had a hand in club over Bluege's managerial tac- notched his 16th victory. , . The anticipated return match Larry Lemme of Iowa City came a strong game. He struck out both Giant run-scoring innings. tics. and the Senators proceeded to Spahn let the cubs down with between Iowa City's Bob Rosiie. back from a first round knock­ eight batters and issued no passes. His bunt single in the third filled land a couple of l1aymakers on the seven hits, including three by C.t­ and LeRoy Cavil of Des Moines down to earn a split decision The Browns' fifth run stemmed the bases and sct the stage for a T igers, dumping Detroit danger- cher Bob Schef[jng, while the failed to materialize when Cavil from Joe Budreau also of Iowa from a wild throw by Joost. three-run frame. In the fifth he ously near fourth place by beating Braves teed-off for a total of II , didn't appear for the bout. Earlier City. In an earlier match this cracked his third home run of Harold Newhouser 3 to 2 and ,bingles against Paul Ericksen, this summer Rossie won a TKO summer Lemr.e had also shatled the season high Inl0 lhe left field Freddie Hutchinso n 5 to 3. Russ Meers and Claude Pass~aU. from the Capital City battler when Budreau. The fight was in the 150 Yanks Smash Tribe stands. Early Wynn, who hurled a six- TIIREE-I LEA(mE he came up with an injured hand pound bracket. Kriby Higbe was the loser. a1- hitter and let only one Tiger run­ Sprlngtlcld II . Evansvmc 10 in the first round. All of the bouts were refereed Winning St~eak, 9·3 though he allowed only six hits ner touch base before the ninth in­ Quincy 4. Terre Houle 1 The schedUled 138-po\.!I1d match by Shipley Farrah of Iowa Clty. in the seven innings hc worked. \ning, when Jol\nny McHale belted between Johnny Valdez of Weijt The next fight card at Kelly CLEVELAND (IP)-The New The defeat was the 12th for the a two-run homer .to spoll the shut­ Ends ROAD TO UTOPl~ Des Moines and Ernie Nisser of field will be held on the night of YQrk Yankees jumped off to a ex-Brooklyn Dodger dghthilndcr. oul, was superb IJ1 the opener. Tpnlte SWING PARA.,I' Des Moines WaS also cancelled. Sept. 11. 7-0 lead over the Cleveland In­ He has won ten. The classy Seydel really h~rI his ~iljn" Illst night, routing Don work cut out for him against Van Robinson KO's Secreet Blaclj: In the sixth. and went on AMERICAN ASSOClA 'fION Patten. The Des Moines boy start­ AKRON. O. (IP}-Sugar Ray to end the Indians live-game Milwaukee 7·8, Toledo 2-6 I ['1\~1 · lndlanapolis 10. Minneapolis I) • l(AnliAs City 4. Columbus 2 • ed strong, but Seydel's agressive­ Robinson. welterweight cham­ winning string with a 9-3 tri­ 2 REQUEST HITS . ness turned the tide in the second pion, knocked out Sailor Sammy umph. St. Paul 4. Louisville S "Home Sweet and third rounds. Both fi~hters Secreet of Pittsburgh with a ri~ht Homicide" STARTS SATURDAY were slu"in~ it out at the finfll cross to tlfe jaw in the first rou)'Id "Doo~ Open 1:15-10:00" bell. • of a scheduled la-round non-title I liThe Killer at Large" ~ou, In the semi-windup Don Doc;h­ tWI MO" . ., headliner last nigh.t Doors Open 1:15·9:45 terman of Cedar Rapids practi,,­ ,,0'11 ,01~ WEBTE-aN LEAOUE STARTS Of 1M1 ally lett-handed Willie 'I!'ord ot De. Moln •• 7. Omaha S we" Des Moines right out of the ring. Sioux Cliy 8. Lincoln 2 "ENDS TODAY Dochterman kept his lElft in Ford's Pueqlp II. Denver 8 TO-pAY SA'I,'URDAY" ~ face throughout the bout and won XTRA going away. I. nvnley Uoo/,fll STARTS SATURDAY Tommy Gavin of Cascade flood­ ENDS TONlTJ: • 5 'LOVa• AND LE~ILN' Plus ~"r~ Jr a AleXIS ed Tommy Thompson of Des COLOR IJEWI;LS OF BRANJlIlN~UBY. ,It.~~IYC~ SMIl I' Moines in the second round and CARTOONS went on to take a victory. Thomp­ son's' .low crQuching attack gave Gavin a bit of trouble but the Oascade battler hit 'otten enough ~ and hard enough to earp. the det;i­ STAR,tS SATURDA VI sian. In the 11ol-pound class K~ith Carder of North English dropped PIIIII eli decision to LeRoy , Thompwn of Des Moines. I BUl'l Bunny Carder. an Iowa City Golden "SMin- YEGGS" co-un Glover; laid back waiUlli for FI ...t Tlme-al... , Run Thompson to close in but the Des Pete Smith...... MAIIJORII': DUllANT (rl,bt). Lo. An,eles A.C .. abd r. ¥olnes boy used hit lind run BUSTER CRABBE .re ...... -Add~- "pl;\¥ONP DEMON" holder of the 100·meter free style ilUe,. relax after worldn, eue In. tactics. 'Tfl~ CAT'S T-\LI1'--earloolJ In ...... ,.'I.n for Ute Women'. N.onal AM .~I ... and dlvln.. 'In a 126-pound bout Johnny '~IAMOND GAL8'-8poti .Late Newa- "PANHANDLE TRAIL" .....I.n ... l,. .tart.... In Chiearo today. Marjorie. wllo Is 19, Is Waters -of De! MfIines . sharltNi -Late -World l'{ewr Eve... " t- COIIIpeUq for the lint- ,,_ . (M WJ&EBlCDO). '. Bobby Baird of Cedar Rapids. '!--=:::'-':";:";;':;'~"';"';~-----'I t 1'BE DAlLY IOWAN,-nmAY. A'UotmT 21. 1.47-'XGI TIIQI r\ II -I Tortures Estranged 1\1 CQ ege .F 1m. PdF ro ucers arm Wife To 'Show Her Pick Predicts ' · 1M· p. . C . -I She's Still Married Completion 01 N Will Be /il atlona ohon Icture ouncl· ~S~~:~=J:~;!: Basin Plan wife to a hotel bed here during Sept. DENVER (JP}- Brig. Gen. Lewis Plan Study Miss Lackender Weds Robert F. Geigel the night, then in drunken fury beat her and l'arved portions of Bride A. Pick declared yesterday that hel body for eight hours to show he felt construction oC 110 darns she was still married to him. and other structures would 10 Problems He carved his initials on one or 0,. forward without interruption until 'her thighs, County Solicitor Wide interchange 01 ideas, tech­ the Missouri river basin develop­ Wayne Ripley quoted the 25- niques and problems was the basis ment plan becomes a reality. of the success of the first motion year-old bride or three months, picture production confereRce Ithen climaxed the night of tor- Pick, chief of the Missouri river which closed following the after­ ture by forcing her to knife her division of the army engineers noon session yesterday. initials on one of his thigos. w ith headquarters In Omaha and Ripley identified the wife as Stanley E. Nelson, film editor one of the authors of the river Mrs, Jewell Ledford Lewis, agent for the University of Iowa bureau plan, made the statement at a of visual instruction, speaking for for a Jacksonsville liCe insuran e firm; and her husband as Robert luncheon honoring members of the Dean Bruce E. Mahan and the ex­ tissouri basin inter-agency com­ tension division, sponsor of the Eugene Lewis, 25, ot Kewanee. 111., former sta tf sergeant with the mittee meeting. Pick was intro­ five-day co nference, said college, duced by Gov. Lee Knous of Colo­ university and photogl'aphic com­ Eighth air force, who said trom his jail cell: rado as "the man given one of the pany represeatalives enjoyed the 1 MR. A D I\fR • ROY C. LJ. 'D. Sheldon, annollDce the enfaa'ement I nation's greatest postwar projects "Whatever my wife says about besl possible opportunity [or di­ nd approaching DlIlnlal'e of their da~hler , Lolli, to Richard K. Riley. -harnessing the Missouri river." rect consideration of educational last night is true." §on of frs, John Ii. Burri~r, Oxford, and Frank Riley, OHumwa. MlU "I am confident that congress film production. The story came to light early Lind was ~ra duat~d from heldon hj ~h chool and III a Hnlor In the has set a definife policy to carry yesterday when she telephoned A notable outcome of the co n­ nJv~ lIy of Iowa y said ~he told him, hold a nationwide radio rally '35 ust, 1948, Announcement of the location Is pending the official In­ YESTERDAY AFTERNOON In the Congregational nhurch, Vera Laekender was married to Robert F. could get back into the army. "but I did dig them us deep os Sept. 2 as an exp riment looking Solon Pair Gets Licen .. stop.. Gelgel. The Rev, ,James E. Waery performed the ceremony. Mrs, James E. Lawrence, Iowa City, wa When she entered, the first I COUld." toward the 1948 presidential cam,; gettlns terchange of invitation and ac­ ceptance between the host univer­ matron of honor and Angus Cotton, Lone Rock, w as best man. John Krabbenhor. Cedar Rapids, and thing she saw in almost surgical Finally, he went 10 sleep and palgn. One couple obtained a marriaJe the Car. James La.wrence, Iowa City, served as ushers. Mrs. Gelgel, daughler of Mr. and ~trs. J es e Lackender, array on the dresser was a she managed to reach the knife Sullivan said it will mark the license from the county clerk's ot­ to hi{ ~ dty and the counciL All colleges and universities in­ i07 Rowery street, was graduated rro'm University high school and attended the 'University of Iowa straight razor, a hunting knife, Iwith her toes nnd use it to cut first time () major political party tice yesterday, of the for two years. Her husband, son ot l\fr, and Mrs. Fred Gelgel, Alcona, W&II graduated from All'ona high electric wires, a belt, a bottle o[ her bonds. has used the radio as a means at They wer Clifford E. Lamansky in the terested in cinematography but not represented at the conference school and Is a junior in the college of liberal arts. Arter Bpt. 1 the couple will be at home at 515 liquor, Lewis was still asleep when po- conductJng a meeting of the party and 'Beverly A. Kessler, both at the ini. E, College street. (Left to rlgM-Lawrence, Mrs. La.wrence, the bride and ~room.) He threalened her, she said, lice arrest d him, Ripley charged nationally, Solon, timeS at here will be suppJled reports of the proceedings and invitallons to ~==~======:======~======~ the 1948 meeting. An organizational committee (or the council was named at the [i­ Oam~ s, Dope Addicts, Drunks Add Variety nal session yesterday afternoon, Moore, the council chairman, was also named committee chair­ TQ Daily Life of Iowa City Policemen man. Named to serve with him were Lee Cochran, executive as­ By RAY HENRY sistant of the University of Iowa, Policemen are said to live a. Aboul six months ago a tellow extension division; Ann Hyer, In­ pretty drab lire - !Jut their job came illlo the stallon aIter he had diana university; p, M. Stallings, has its moments. becn reported to the poJlce the day University of Minnesota; John One morning recently a young belore fur drunken driving. Mercer, University of Nebraska; lady marched det rminedly into The captain asked how he hap­ James Bragg, University of Okla­ the police station with a tall lanky pened to be driving when he was homa, and Floyd G, Walters, Uni­ man lollowing her. She an- drunk. versity oJ Colorado. nounced, "This mUll keeps follow- The man exclaimed, "But I Vernon E. Putnam, chiel tech­ ing me," wasn't driving." nician ot the bUI'eau of visual in­ Although he had never seen the "You were both drunk weren't struction of the UniverSity of couple before in his life he said, you?" Iowa, was named chairman of the " He's your husband isn't he'!" "Yes," nomenclature committee. Com­ "Yes" she said wIth a tone of "Well, how is it that Joe says mittee members are J. Sol Wrenn surprise at the desk- sergeant's you wel'e driving," Jr , Virginia state department of qu ick recognition of their marital "To tell yOll the truth, otficer, education, and Walters, status, I can't remember who was driv- Advisors appointed for the "Then you dont want to see ing." nomenclature committee we r e me, you want to see the county "Neither can Joe," said the cap- Wescott Burlingame Jr., Eastman attorney," the policeman said. tain. Kod ak Co" and Larry Sherwood, With that answer she turned to- Calvin Co., Kansas Oity. The Univeraity of Iowa achiev­ ward the door and walked out with her husband rollowing close ed 100 per'cent commitlee repre­ behind, sentation when Nelson was made Experts Warn Hay One of the captains tells u story chairman oC the equipment com­ mittee. This group will have the about a dope addict ,icked ' up Fever Sufferers of responsi bility of investigating mo­ several years ago, who in the of­ Uon picture apparatus, reporting ficer's own words, "was quite a findings, and recommending im­ character," Increase in Pollen provements. The addict was arrested at a Named to serve with Nelson football game Cor pick-pocketing. A sharp increase in the pollen I were Moore, Williams Stallings The police put hIm in jail and to count is expected within the next , and Wrenn, their regret soon found they had few d:lYs, according to reports Nelson said the extension di vi ­ to give him dope, from the University hospital's de­ lion had considered sponsoring "ff we didn't give him the stuIt, partment of hygJene and preven­ such a' meeting before the war. he'd roll around on the cell floor tive medicine, When opportunity to hold it and frolh at the mouth. It was a At the present time ragweed materialized lhis summer, invila­ pitiful sight and we hud no ' other pollen-the maln scourge to "hay tions were sent ottt to more .than choice but to ca1J in a doctor to fever" sufferers-is predOminant. 25 Institutions known to be inter­ give him a 'pop.' Tree and grass pollens have been ested in cinematography, and to "Alter several days we fined recorded for quite some time this representatives of phot9graphic him and turned him loose," year but lew people are sensItive tirms, Then the officer pulled a po­ to these two irritants, the depart­ lice record trom tbe file a bout ment reported, the man. The volumlnlous re­ A high pollen count is the signal port had been closed with the for all sufferers to make prepara­ Miss Douglas Weds remark - "died in a curative tions {or the great ordeal, Some hospital for d,rug addicts In of the more fortunate persons can Houston, Texas, March 4. 1947:' pack up and move out of the area Dean Housel Here Drunk drivers are always sup­ until the count comes back to nor­ :He-liad ~ worke«I'afe-==-he was-tired-thougl1tlesslY.''he walked fo- ffi~ ­ plying the police with many an mal. The remainder must rely In a candlelight service at 7:30 anecdote. upon physical and chemical :right along the darkened_highwar._B.e.lon.d thejurn of.the..roa.d,,\UR last night, Corinne Douglas Ibe­ Just recently a patroi-car police­ means of prevention. L the lights of home: came the bride of Dean R. Housel men spotted a cal' weaving down Oddly enough, what is a treat­ f . '-- r.:- - in the Methodist church. The the street. They went in pursuit ment in one case may not be so in Rev. James E, Waery officated' at and discovered a slightly tipsy dri­ another. Prevention is accom­ Speeding. through:the'Tearly-"'''darkness;ra~drite( urged:llis' car the double ring cel·emony. ver a t the wheel. plished by some through the use aTong, hugging the:edge of,... the· ~oad. --.A dim:shape,~ a - sudden~ s~~~~n. \ Mrs, Housel is the daughter of When the driver saw the police of masks and special window fil­ Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Douglas, 817 pulling along side he scooted out lers. Others may rely upon de­ ing jolt'- and the terrorized driver~ his - car~careening~8ped;on ~ t Seventh avenue. Her husband is from under the steering wheel sensitizing injections. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd while the car was still moving and Dr, Roland Rooks said that New around th~ curve; past'the lightedjeottag~~beside::..the::..roild,~And..m f Housel, 702 Grant street. sat gazing at them trom the other York has a gross prevention plan -the still.ofJhe_night;a man , died~J Arnella Marshall, Iowa City, side of the seat. The car continued of spraying weed-klller around was maid 01 honor and Chester on for a short distance, hi t a curb vacant lots. A popular method ~i1Jer, of Iowa City, served as and stopped. around Iowa City is to aclually cut These are the ingredienf(ofaccidenlsnodeafl1 at'rug . te best man. Margie Douglas, sister The startled police slammed down and destroy the rak;weed be­ ot the bride, and Shirley Ralston, on the brakes of their car and fore "hay fever" season starts, . the victim contributes ~ to his:own.:.death" by no(wa~g'to~the : lef '­ Iowa City, were -bridesmaids. Us­ rushed over to see what had Along with performing a service hers were Wayne Housel, Clay prompted such action from the to local "hay lever" sufferers, the ~a~i~g traffic. _ Bu~ far'too many pay.. with\-t~ei~Jivel~for~the~ie~k~~ , Cenler, Neb,; Floyd Housel, Lex- driver. He claimed a "Gremlin" department's pollen counting aids driVIng of the hit-and-run ' car coward., ~ T" . hlJlLself.n"eservaboD_lIl • Inilon, Neb. and Lauren Housel, had taken over at the wheel. in determining high incident areas Iowa City. ' ------. throughout the country. more urgent-thanJhe saving of, Following the wedding, a receP­ An actual estimate of the pollen " ' tion was hela in the church par­ floating freely in the air is taken To his-kind Jet this be a-warning. Ofall hirhwaTand trallie Vi~ lors. Sleeping Pills Put from a vaseline coated slide placed A graduate of Iowa City high on the roof of the medical 1 ab lators,. the hit-an resuU of the rise in the cost of Uvill4' You'd b t it your. elI and be on easy treet in no time. shop, non-union men can be hired but ailerwards they must join the are bound to increase the use of In.~tallmellt payment plans. These The v(>1'Y last thing- you would do would be to let others in Influences wilJ bring about pressure to IJberalize credit terms, \n splle a d 'al as good as mOMy in th bank. union.) Mediation-The U. S. concilia­ of the fact that a Jood case can be made for curbing the use of credll ow stop again. 'OUllt on YOUl' fingers the number of booki('s In various ways in an Inflationary envirOlvnent such as prevails tociat, you know who went out of busines.'1 becalL'Ie theil' customers got tion service is divorced from the the board pOints out. labor department and becomes a til hest of th m. ( Ignore t hOIi bookies suspcnwng operations at new independent agency, called thl' requcst of the law.) We IJ8.,(] last year. ~----~----~--~~------~------~------~------~------N"oL none. H/lee h'acks made more money last year oCf you and ~FFI(IAl DAilY BULLETIN [ and people playing' systemll-cven /lotion packed systems-than ev~ n befol'e in the hi. tory of racing. "It would sr!'m obvions, wouldn't it, that if tllol'e wel'e a flY. I I'm Congress May Have Adjourned But Probes whi b could b at th · races and wh iell you could buy f01' $1, $10 or even $1000 that somebody would lose money. 'l'hC1'C just ain't no such animal. And, of Course, Junkets Go ' Merrily On Don't get us wrOll,t!. 'fbe1'c arc ways to win at the races. Peo­ VOL. XXID, No. 281 Friday, August ~~, 1~7 pl(' do it CI"('I'Y day. Bll t they don't do it with a syst m. By ESTIJ,.ER V. W. TUFTY For instancc, a gcntlpman we know in Rock Island got (1 hot tip Central pless Correspondent UNIVERSITY CALENDAR on a hOI'); . HI' and lwo fl'iC'nds put in $10 each and wel'(' all seL WAS l [ING TON - As congress Saturda.y, August 23 • Unit. Iowa Mountaineers: Overnight Monday, Sell I. 15 to make a killing. But in the ('xcitement of betting the boys got a lect town, members were not ask­ bit flu ·tp reLl and ended up with $'60 bet on a horse they had outing to Backbone state Park; Beginning of Orientation and ing each other: "Wherc are you Leader, Eugene Burmeister Registl'8 tion. neVl'r heard of before. gOing to spend your vacation?" Wednesday, August 27 Monday, Sep," 22 Thc horse camc in lind paid $1,732. but "Where arc you going to Close of Independent Study 7 :30 a.m, Opening of Classes. They won. Thl'Y won because they were very, wry lucky. spend your investigation?" WI" hean! of a fellow in Plol'ida that madf' $50,000 off onl' The itch to investigale got (For information regarding dales beyond this schedule. lei .... I·ace. 1l srcms he switched horses in a race. Ran a speedy na g worse and worse as the BOth con­ scrvatJon In the office of the President, Old CapitoL) COl' an old plunker. gress progressed. At first, it was IIe won becanRe he was A CI·OOk. just a good political urge to find And thell th l'e'~ another man who literally" cleans up" al the out what the Democrats had been GENERAL NOTICES I·aces. lir ba lin ts the "1 sa)' old fellow" section' of the lrack. up to tor the last 14 years, and UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HOURS day through Friday. B:30 a.m. to Equipped wilh a Cll nr with a nail on the end, he picks IIp all the then it got to be a habit. By the Listed is the library schedule 12 noon Saturday. discarclrd belling' stubs hl' [iuds, / . end of the session, il became an from Aug. 9 to Sept. 21. Educatlon. ;>hUv"uJ/u1 - P!I)'chQI· epidemic. Readlng room, Macbrlde hall; ogy library, East hall; 8:30 a.m. He makes an aV('I'age ' of a week by cashing in winning $75 Now, with the congress ad­ B:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 'P.m. to to 12 poon Monday through fri­ tickets people hare th"own away by 'mistake. joumed, any solon who does not 5 p.m. Monday thl'ough Friday. day. B:30 a.m. to 12 noon Satur­ 'I'his man makes money at lh track-but only through tbe care­ grab himself II trip somewhere 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday. day. lessneks of otl1l'1'8. must be allergic to free travelling, Periodical readill&' room, Ubrary Reserve readill8 room, libra" Wr know ~'C lllnOthcl' man. IIe's bern a1'Olll1d horses all his life. transporta tion discomforts and annex; 8:30 a.m. to 12 \,\oon and annex; B:30 a.m. to 12 noon &lid He 1000w!-/ t heir records and eapabili ties. Het gels out t~ all [lI e spending the taxpayer's money. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through dawn workouts and clocks them. He knows the owners, the tl'llin­ Republicans list many reasons F'riday. B:30 a.m. to 12 noon Sat­ Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Sat. ers and the jockeys. for their investigation junkets. urday. urday. , ometimcs he willS brclluse of a tip from a fril'ndly trllinl;'t'. However, Demotl'ats, who_chided Government documents depart­ Schedules of hours for other de­ the RepLlbilcans for -ec.nomy­ Sometimes hc wins bre!lllSr of luck. ometimes he wins bl;' 'alls(' he ment, library annex; 8:30 a.m. to partmental libraries will be post¢ fever while congress was in ses­ knows what the S 'ore is, and so metime he loses. But be wins 12 noon and 1 p.\ll. to 5 p.m. Mon- on the doors 01 each library. sfbn, now t~U · their GOP col­ more than Jl loses. leagues these reasons are excuses. Primarily, w(' would sar, because he has patience. He bets only Not that many a Democrat is not aft('\' he wait~, only after he considers all the angles. going on the Republican-okayed WSUI PROGR~M CALENDAR me, ally bet i, a gamble. TJuek helps a lot. 'fhe crook cleans trips. I'r14a1, A_,ust 22 , 1947 01' 11:15 a.m. Melodies You Love up if lhr bluecoats j>inkprtons fail to nab him. And the man • • • 8:00 a.m. Morning Chapel 11 :30 a.m. News with knowlpdgr of f h raci nil' situo tiou may win. REPUBLICANS will investigate \ R:t5 a.m. News 11 :40 '.m. Keep 'Em Ealing &:30 a.m. Morning MelodIes 11 :45 a.m. Sport. Time But the man wilh a syst m, be it gold-plated or 10 miles long, everything from a Cull-dress 9:00 a.m. Voice of The Army 12:00 noon Rhythm Rambles probe or the rinderpest menace to 9:15 a.m. News 12:30 p.m. News doesn 'l win. He loses. 9:30 a.m. The Bookshelf 12:45 p.m. FIve Cent\1rles of French The man who sells the system makes the real money. United Stales crops to the raciio 9:4.5 a.m. Arter .8reak(a.t CoClee Music habits 01 Czechoslovakia. 10: 15 a.m. Lest We ~'orget loCO p.ln. Musical Chais Now we have a system here that will beat any race. Just seud 10:30 a·m. Masterworks 01 MusIc 2:00 p.m. News (Johnson County) $5 (in cash ) lo...... Money for the va rious junkets 11 :00 a.m. Iowa State Medical SocIety 2:15 p.m. SION OFF' ., l'lII'IS "Well into seven 'figures. In" the last 4B hours oC the first ses­ sion of th~ 80th Congress, some .WMI Calendar · . WHO Calendar Saving Greece-and the UN $1,500,000- was


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. J

------, I THE J)AJLY IOWAN, nmn, Xl1G'UST !2~ 194'f-PAGE SIX law -Explained Provisions 'of Taff~~~rfley Ad To Hear Auto Saftey AII-! ------~--~------~------Take Effect; AFL, (10 Silent Ann W ASHlNGTON (.4") - Labor­ President Truman's veto. But Holds Drivers Getting Ready for Field Day management relations moved into most of it, including a thoroUCb ApF British Ignore a new era under the Taft-Hartley overhauling of the Wagner act, act last night as the government has an Aug, 22 eCfective date. issued new rules and its concili­ The NLRB, which becomes Responsible ation service headed for a shake­ mainly a labor court under th~ - Soviet Protest up. new law, announced it has 805 With the new law fully effec­ old cases pending. tive at midnight, these things The board ruled that 411 .1 For Aeeiden,ls happened: tbese-which are petltlous lor To Con:ferenee 1. The national labor relations By BOB HOOVER plant elections to detenafDt LONDON (JP')-Britain brushed board put more pressure on unions what union, If any, sball rep· Details of the new state safety by announcing a strict policy re­ resent the workers will be ... responsibility law will be ex­ aside a last-minute Soviet pro­ test at being left out yesterday garding the hundreds of cases missed unless the unlous IJ­ plained at a public meeting in the now pending before the board in volved comply with the reels­ court room of the Johnson county and went ahead with plans for a private French-British American Washington. tration and non-commWlilt pn­ courthouse at 8 p.m. next Tues­ visions of tbe law within U day Sheriff Albert J. (Pat) Mur­ huddle in London today on set­ 2. The U.S. chamber of com­ ting a higher ceiling for industrial merce commended the new act days. - phy, meeting chairman, announc­ ed yesterday. activity in western Germany. and said that calling it a "slave Thus the board agreed with The meeting will feature a two­ In notes to the British and labor law" is "absurd." Robert N, Denham, the nf'll man public forum speaking team American governments-but not '. The AFL and ClO kept silent. NLRB general counsel who h.. sponsored by the Iowa department MEMBERS 01 the public forum speaking team which will be In Iowa to the I'rench-Russia protested Their policies tows I'd the new act independent powers. De.nham of public safety, according to Ed City Tuesday, Aug, 2G. to explain the new motor vehicle financial and that the projected conference was with its many curbs on unions Wednesday announced the same Polson, department field repre­ safety responsibility law to the public and to Johnson county peace a violation of the four-power have n'ot been fully formed, policy concerning about a,ooe sentative. officers are Highway Patrolman Byron Hockenberry of Des Moines Potsdam accord of 1945. ' The 4. But the AFL International cases pending in the 28 field of. This team, composed of High­ (cent~r) and Jesse lIalden of Newton (right). Ed po'ison of Indillnola Russians said the accord provided typographical union, in conven­ fices. way Patrolman Byron Hocken­ (left) was in Iowa. City earlier this week as advance man for the fo r German industrial levels and tion at Cleveland, approved a At Cleveland, the typographi­ berry and Public Safety Repre­ ipeakers. any\ revision should be a matter policy of signing no more con­ cal union voted, wi tbout a dissent­ sentative Jesse Halden, is on a for consideration by the four­ tracts with employers. ing voice, to force employers to 5. There were reports that the hire printers from now on with­ 33-county speaking tour, ending dent within 24 hours and send it and multiple-deaths and $1,000 for power foreign ministers coun­ Oct. 1, at which tIme the law goes cil. federal mediation and cOl1ciliation out a contract-only a brief mem­ to the department 01 public safety , total property damage. service, which comes into exist­ into effect. The team is one of state house, Des Moines, Iowa. Seven ways for the driver to "The Russian note will make orandum of "conditions of em­ three such units covering every establish his financial responsibil­ no difference to present plans for ence today, will begin with an im­ ployment." In case the driver is unable to portant reshuffling of officials county seat in the state. make the report because of in­ ity with the department of public opening the conference today," a The new law bans the makin, brought over from the labor de­ of closed shop contracts, The Another meeting. to be held at juries. an occupan t of the caris safety are: foreign office spokesmjln said. partment's concil1atlon service. printers have a long tradition 01 2 p.m. in the Iowa-Illinois Gas required to do so. (1) Giving- proper proof of an The state departnnent In Wash­ and Electric company auditorium, 6. Another big Independent the closed shop, under which oniy "II the accident occurs within accident insurace liability policy ington took a like view. will be for the benefit of all that will adequately cover the ac­ The London spokesman said the union, the communications work­ union printers are hired. They county peace officers. a first class city (population ers of America, announced it has don't want to give' this up, over 15.000) a report must also cident. conference was for the purpose Polsom emphasized that the (2) Posting a _proper bond of a of discussing tbe level of in­ registered under the new law and The new law, in creating a new law atrects resident non-resi­ be flied with the chief of police its officers have provided sworn and indellendent m e d i a t ion of that city. surety company or by two private dustry of the combined British dent drivers, and includes, be­ sureties in an amount that will and American zones, not of all statements that they are not com­ agency, provides for automatic sides autos, all types ot tnctors, Forms can be obtained from adequately cover the accident. Germany, and implied that this munist sympathizers. The machin­ transfer of the 425 persons in the motorcycles, motorscooters and highway patrolmen, local taw en" (3) DelloslUng with the depart­ Invalidated the Russian claim the ists union registered Wednesday. expiring conciliation service, motorbikes. forcement authorities, insurance Yesterday was the final day of But Cyrus S. Ching, New Yori or sUl'ety agencies or civic groups ment of public safety sufficient talks should be on a four-power Similar laws are in effect i~ 36 cash or acceptable securities to basis . . the Wagner act as it has existed industrial relations expert who interested in highway safety. since 1935. protecting rights of will direct the new agency, can states, he added. adequately cover the cost of the U, S. Secretary of State George COMMUNITY DADS' ticket sale drive is In full swing and Iowa City The new law states that the Failure to make an accident re- accident. C. Marshall proposed the three­ employes. bire and fire the leaders of the itore windows are being utilized to post notIces of the Aug. 31 Field Some provisions of the Taft­ service as he plellSes. commissioner of publlc safety port subjects the offender to sus- (4) GivIng satisfactory proof of power talks several wee\{s ago day which the organization Is sponsoring. Frank Fryauf, III Ule win­ shall, after receiving a report of Hartley act took effect June 23, President Truman yesterday pension of his operator's license release from any liability for the after the French had protested dow of his ~tore, and Bj/.l Norris of the Mercer Printing company, 1 a motor vehicle accident which and a fipe of not more than $100 accident by all other parties in­ strongly against a tentative Bri­ when congress passed the law over designated Howard T. Colvin 10 looking on, are two of the Dads WilD are blanketing the downtown be acting director of the agency costs somebody more than $50, or imprisonment for not more volved. tish-American agreement in Ber­ section with the signs. Tile Dads sell the tickets $1 each. Proceeds suspend the license of each oper­ than 20 days. This applies regard-. (5) Obtaining a final court de­ lin to raise the limit on German unbl Ching takes over ntx\ of the sale will be used to purchase 16 bicycles to be given to the month._ Colvin has been ¥sslJtant ator and aU registrations of each less of who is to blame for the ac- cision relieving him of all liabil­ steel output from the pres en t 5,- Johnson connty boys and girls who are selected by the ticket bUyers, ownel' of a motor vehicle in any cident. Th e reports are confiden- ity. R,eps. Patman and chief of the old conciliation serv· 800,000 tons annually to 10,000,- ilnd to sponsor community recreation projects. ice. manner involved in such accident, tial and canol be used as evidence. (6) Procuring a duly acknowl- 000 or 12,000,000 tons. , unless the operators or owners The second step is for the driver edged written agreement provid­ PI oeser Tangle on shall deposit security to satisfy to prove to the department of ing for payment of a stated Estimates 14 Percent Grant Two Divorces any judgment for damages result­ public safety, within 60 days after amount in installments to satisfy Three Pay Traffic Fines ing from such accident. the' accident, that he is financial- all possible claims for injuries or I Prof. (aywood, Of Iowa Auto Drivers Cooperal,ive Inquiry In District Court The new law further provides ly able to pay for all damages and damages resulting from the acci­ Police Judge Emil G. Trott fin- Not Properly Licensed that the commissioner of public injuries caused to all others in- dent. ed three persons for traffic viola­ WASHINGTON (A")-Reps. Pat­ Judge Hprold D. Evans f1',nted safety shall suspend the license of volved, even though it does not (7) Confessing ltabllfty by ex- tions yesterday. man (D-Tex) and Ploeser (R-Mo) two divorces.., in Johnson county DES MOINES (.4"J-Alfred W: set up the scenery yesterday for any person who wilfully fails, re­ appear that he is at raull. ecuting a warrant for confession Rdbert Ziethamel, route 4, paid Dies at 60 district court yesterday, fuses or neglects to make reports Drivers failing to do this are of judgment, payable when and $17.50 on a speeding charge. Kahl, sta~e commissioner of publ~c a major cros ~ -c ountry political Isabel Smelser, obtained cUstody 01 a traffic accident as required subject to having their driver's]i- in such installments as all other It cost Ed L. Kessberg, 7 W. Da­ Professor Thomas Garfield Cay- safety, Said yesterday that an eslJ- show with mutual accusations of of her child in an action against by the laws of this state. censes and car registrations sus- parties involved in the accident venport street, $10 for failing to wood, 60, of the mechanical engi­ mated 14 p.ercent of Iowa drivers partisan p)Jrposes in an investiga­ Everett Smelser on grounds 01 and operatmg motor vehlcies on tion of cooperatives starting today. This means that the driver of a pended until such proof is e~tab- determine. cruelty. The defendant was re­ lished. ______stop at a railroad grade crossing. Ineering department, died about 2 the highways without proper Patman former chairman of the motor verhicle involved in an ac­ Raymond Dunawa.y, 709 S. Du- p. m. yesterday at his home, 710 fused the right to visit the child. cident resulting in death, injury or The maximum amount or proof Citrus seeds al'e peculiar in that buque street, was fined $4 .50 for IB d t· t driver's licenses. house sm'all business com'mittee, The court order awarded aU in property damage over $50, must of financial responsibility re- each results in more than one not having a muffler on his car. ayar s 1 ee . He urged such drivers to ob-Iled off with a statemen't saying household furniture and e1fects 10 report immediately to the nearest quired by the law for anyone ac- citrus seedling plant, only one of The cause of his death was not tain or renew their licenses before he sees in committee plans for the plaintiff and assessed the de­ peace officer and fill out a "writ­ cident is $5,000 for one injury or which can be the result of the Lev Davidovich Trotsky's real known immediately, but may have Oct. 1. the hearings a scheme to "smear" fendant with the costs of the ac­ ten report of motor vehicle acci- death, $10,000 for total injuries fertilization process. name was Bronstein. been due to the excessive heat, his "Failure to do so," Kahl sa id , cooperatives and make a political tion plus $75 for the plaintiff'5 at­ "will subject such non-licenscd aUack on President Truman and physiCian said. The body was torney fee. Her attorneys were drivers to severe penalties nnd the Democratic party. Swisher and Swisher. di scovered in th\! workshop at the require them to post immediately Ploeser (R-Mo), who now heads The couple was' first married on rear of his residence. evidence of financial responsibil- the committee, came back with June 3, 19-15. They received a di­ Professor Caywood was born tn ity before licenses can be issued to an accusation that · Patman, now vorce Jan. 29, 1947, and remarried Says Doctors them after the October 1 dead- ranking Democrat in the group, Feb. 28, 1947. Must 'Treat Life' Somerset, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1887. lIe line." is trying to use the committee for received his degree in mechanical Judge Evans also granted Em­ Kahl said that at the present partisan "ends. ma Duffy a divorce from Edward rhad a great influence on me." I engineering lr~m O,hio uni~el'sity lime there is no fine or penalty He implied a possibility that Duffy on grounds of cruelty, Me,hla Tours 'You can be a doctor and still be a in 1913 at which t~me ~e lamed applying to any unlicensed driver he might not put Patman on the He a warded the plaintiff custo­ poet,' my father told me, 'ilut you the staff of the Umverslly of 10 - who applies for his drivers' li- subcommittee making the coop­ dy of her two children by a tor­ cannot be a poet and be a doctor.' wa. . .. cense before that date, but "after- erative inquiry and said he hopes, mer marriage. Dr. SaroJ Munim, now here at the . Wh!le here he conhl1ued hiS s~ u ­ wal'd it wiil be anoU1er matler." that if he does name Patman, the The couple was married Oct. 11, U.S. To Help. University hospital, was a great dies 1!1 c~mmerce as well as ~n­ Texan will avoid "continued ,part­ ] 946. A ttorneys for the plaintiff friend of mine. She also influ- structmg 10 the college of upplted isanship." were Lucas and Bowen, enced my choice to become a doc- sciences. Wilma Savage Files for In his statement Patman com­ tor." Professor Caywood had served plained of what he called' plans at the university continuously ex­ Divorce in Court Here Nalive India To be a doctor, Mehta. had to for "an inquisition instead of an overcome fear of the sight of cept for a 15 month absence in investigation. " By GAIL MEYERS blood. The reporter looked at 1918-19 uHel' which he returned Wilma Savage asked for a di­ Ploeser has said the purpose I The small dark man with large the ex-poet'. record as a doc­ as an associ a te professor. vorce Irom Eldon Savage in an ac­ of the hearings is to "ascertain \bright eyes bounced jauntily tor: more than two thounnd During World War II he in­ tion filed in Johnson county dis­ whether, and to what extent, tax­ across the hotel lobby and asked major surlical operaUoDS per­ structed numerous courses on ma­ trict court yesterday. In her peti­ exempt privileges of cooperatives for his key. ' formed, and treatises written on chine and tool design in Cedul' Ra­ tion, the plaintiff alleged cruel and are harmful to free competitive A reporter stepped up and ask­ many medicsl lubJects from pids, Waterloo and the Tri-cities. inhuman treatment. enterprise." ed, "Dr. Vasant Mehta from Bom­ "a study of 101 cases of head He was active in Sigma Xi, na­ The couple was married Mar. 10, Yesterday he described Pat_ bay?" Injuries" to a report on ele­ tional honorary scientific frater­ 1944. The plaintiff's attorneys are man's original complaint as "re­ \rYes-oh yes, th'e interview; phantiasis. nity, E,ngineering club of Iowa Ci­ Swisher and Swisher. plete with falsehood." ty, Triangle club, Faculty club, " R \: M Ali' '15 ::'1 come up to my room," he said ' . At 27, Vasant Mehta, ,M. Masons, and in work in the Meth- It is ,estimated that about 300 . 'lind strode for the elevator, the P', B./ B. S., ,M.S., M.D., .F .C.P.S., IS lec- odist church. He was employed million people throughout the reporter trying to keep up with Rinelra To Handle Estate !J)'POiiiR turer 10 surgery at Seth G. S. in an advisory capacity by many District court Judge Harold D. world have malaria in some years, CHILI CON CARNE him. Dr. Mehta was '\ very busy Medical college and honorary as-' organizations on and off the cam- Evans appointed Anthony J. Ri- man, only a few minutes before sistant at the K. E. M. hospital in pus. nella administrator of the estate of he ' haq, been watching an opera­ Bombay. Surviving him are his wife Joseph A. Rinella, who died Aug. tion af the UniverSity hospital. "1 was very 1kL1~ y, "he sal,'d "to Sophronia, and one so n, Robert. ' ]9. The interv.iew began with Dr. my degrees, III much shorter The body is at Beckman's (un- He set bond at $1,000. Attor- iM\i!hta handing the reporter a time. than usual. . . eral home pending funeral ar- neys for the estate are Al brec11t, NOT A BETTER small piece of paper Which listed "Very few do.c tors 111 America rangements. Knox and Taylor. the doctor's affiliations and exper­ have a record like yours,' the re- ience. Before the reporter had porter suggested. time to read the paper, the doc­ "Let me tell you about Amer- I MOU$E TRAP \ tor spoke: "I came to 'the United ica," Doctor Mehta leaned for­ States from India for three rea­ ward. "These are the views 01 a sons; I'll list them for yo~." man seeting the United States for HOT WEATHER SPECIALS "First realon was to study the first tlme. operative techniques, instruments "Standards of honesty here are CALIFORNIA SUNKIST • BUT A· BETTER used and generally acquaint my­ Dr. Vasant P'. Mehta very high. Standards of helpful­ self with surgical methods over Tours U.S. Hospitals To Help In.dia ness to other Americans and' to here. foreigners are very good. People "Second reason was to 'ry to to stay until late November. record the little things I . run into have been very nice to me. Effi­ LEMONS Doz·49c: BABY BOTTLE , I arrange for medical motion pic­ Before he returns to Bombay he ev~ry ' day in this country._ ciency is outstanding; people do tures distribution in India. We "I will make this into a book- their Jobs well and work hard. No other nursing combination excels tbe hopes to visit most of the large SUNKIST are trying to establish an all­ t t "Except [or one thing America iimplicity, convenience, safety and com- ' not to pupliSh, but to hand.ou 0 is heaven on earth. People lack India exchange motion picture American medical institutions. friends who go to the States. If rort 01 the REX ALL STORK NURS_ library to serve 50 medical cen- Already he has been to Boston, they learn the slang, the accent a spiritual life; they have no real • WILL NOT LEAK . . • Nipple re­ 1ers in India. New York, Buffalo and Chicago. and such things as eating customs purpose in liivng and they take Ora.ges 2 DOZ. 35e mains Dry and Sanitary. of the Americans they will get no time to think. There are great • NEW TYPE NIPPLE ••. Duplicatei' "Third reason, I am tl'1ln&' to He will return to Chicag<\ to at­ i work . out a system of exchange tend th e International College of along -much better here." secrets of life and death which do Complete Natural Nursing. He pulled out a larger book. not Impress most of your people. COOL, REFRESHING BEVERAGES • WIDE OPENING ..• Convenient tor of internes and residences with Surgeons meeting. 350 the United States. You see, our "It is a funny thing," he said, "Here I have American medical They lack a philosophy and with IN THROW AWAYS IN THROW AWAYS Filling and Washing. medical $tudents must train in "about this international meeting. institutions listed alphabetically. very few exceptions, do not even rin&' or cap • NON-TILT, NON-ROLL •.. For .D1 think about a philosophy." position or surface. the states for from three to seven Each nation has a representative Under each institution I have the By this time Dr. Mehta had only KEELEY'S FOX DELUXE 100 eacb names of men to see and where • S HOC K RESISTING . • • Quick years before they get a degree but so far India has never sent HALF & HALF CARTON OF 12 BoUie, nipple, or diploma. The training is for anyone, Then I got u cablegram reference malter on them may be 15 minutes to get ready for a din­ change of temperature will not break found." l ner engagement. He walked to the lOe eacb much shorter time in England and the other d<\y ~aying they have Bottle. elevator with the reporter and as CARTON • ACTUALLY GRADUATED. India. decided to send someone. I may "These technical and non- they shook hands the reporter • 99 OF 12 "How is India to benelit from get another cable any day and find 1 1.79 • VALVE PERMITS AIR TO ENTII technical books will be (lompUed asked, "It you had become a poet . .. Prevents nipple from coU.psin,. ~merican training when there out they h""'e asked me to re­ whell I back to Bombay. I do you think you would have I are so few Indian students who present India." , ge' • REGULAR SIZE ... For any steri- think ·1 mat tura thellC Gwr to written a~man pOems as you have lizer or warmer. , can spare time and money to stay "That Is how my trIp Is." he the U. S. Inlormat+on In performed operations?" -HrYtc, • CONVENIENT FOR TKA VELING. seven years in the United States? went Olt, ". am on my OWII, Bombay to belp vtaJt." ,to the The little doctor laughed, "No. Mimy institutions are willing to payIng my own way, but at the ' States." , not 2,000 poems. But there is give special consideration to the same time there are manY' He pointed out a page of poetry something ' poetical thai some foreign students but so far no things I can do for IndIa. while wl'ittcn into the dairy. "I was · hlghly commercialized medical one has gotten behind the move­ I am here." going to be a poet," he. said sim-I centers in American have 10rgot­ LOUIS' REXALL DRUG SIORE · ment and made it work." "For instance, look here," he ply. Iten: they treat only diseases. But Dr. Mehta flew to the United said, pulling out a large notebook. Why did he ,become a doctor? a doctor, to fulfill hi., minion, 1%. EAST COLLEGE • "tatea early in June and plant "Thia iI Jn7. diary in which I it a ~~to~ IIlUit treat _~~ \ ·'M)'.: father and he lit.," .__ -""'"