Lepenies, Wolf
The End of “German Culture” WOLF LEPENIES The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Delivered at Harvard University November 3–5, 1999 Wolf Lepenies is professor of sociology at the Free University, Berlin. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Münster. He has been a fel- low of the Center for Advanced Studies, Vienna, and the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin. He has also been a member of the School of So- cial Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; the German Academy for Language and Literature; the Academia Europaea; the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften; and Interna- tional P.E.N., among others; and was a founding member of the Acad- emy of Sciences and Technology, Berlin. He is the author of numerous books, including Between Literature and Science: The Rise of Sociology (1988) and Melancholy and Society (1992). He is a recipient of the French Légion d’Honneur. I. EXILE AND EMIGRATION: THE SURVIVAL OF “GERMAN CULTURE” Introduction In 1941, the Hungarian ambassador in Washington paid a courtesy call to the State Department, since Nazi Germany had forced his country to declare war against the United States. It turned out to be a very civilized meeting indeed and after the ambassador, following the rules of diplo- macy, had fulŠlled his somewhat delicate mission, the secretary of state politely asked him to sit down so that the two of them might take the rare opportunity for a good talk over crackers and a glass of brandy. The following conversation ensued. “I cannot hide from you, Mr. Ambassador, how much I regret that the Hungarian Republic has decided to wage war against my country, the United States of America!” “Sir,” the ambassador replied, “please believe me when I say how much I personally resent this decision.
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