DAVID BRANDENBERGER University of Richmond
[email protected] Department of History Tel. (804) 289-8667 28 Westhampton Way Fax: (804) 287-6875 Richmond, VA 23173 facultystaff.richmond.edu/~dbranden E D U C A T I O N Harvard University. Ph.D., Department of History, November 16, 1999. Dissertation advisors: Richard Pipes, Roman Szporluk, Loren Graham & Terry Martin. Harvard University. A. M., Department of History, June 8, 1995. Macalester College. B.A., magna cum laude, History, Soviet/E. European Studies, May 23, 1992. S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N Russo-Soviet history; European & East European history; nationalism & national identity formation; ideology; Marxism; propaganda. E M P L O Y M E N T Professor, Department of History, University of Richmond (2016-) Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Richmond (2010-2016). Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Richmond (2003-2010). Visiting Lecturer in Russian History, Amherst College (2004-2005). Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Connecticut College (2001). Lecturer, Department of History, Yale University (2000-2001). Lecturer, Committee on Degrees in History & Literature, Harvard University (1999-2002). B O O K M A N U S C R I P T S 1. Stalin’s Usable Past: A Critical Edition of the 1937 Short History of the USSR (in preparation, 2020-) 2. The Leningrad Affair: The Purge of Stalin’s Would-Be Successors, co-authored with K. A. Boldovskii and N. Iu. Pivovarov (in preparation, 2016-). 3. The Purge-Era Politburo Diaries of G. I. Petrovskii, co-edited with N. Iu.