Breslov’s View On Doctors & Medicine written by Meir Elkabas | December 10, 2018

Reb Meir Elkabas gives an overview of Rebbe Nachman’s view on medicine and doctors–and it may not be what you think!

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To Believe in Oneself written by | December 10, 2018 Reb Noson would often teach that each person must believe in oneself, no matter what lowly spiritual level they find themselves. God wants him and yearns for his prayers and praise; because this is God’s ultimate truth!

King declared, “I will also thank you for your truth with a stringed instrument, my God…” (Psalm 71:22) [Reb Noson would paraphrase,] “Master of the Universe, such is your truth that even I will also praise You! Even in my insignificant and lowly stature, still You want me to praise You – for such is Your truth! (Quoted from Yitzchok Bender)

The Hebrew words kli nevel mentioned in the verse above, which usually means a stringed instrument, can also be translated as a withered and ugly vessel. This means that even with my perceived impure and unholy spiritual vessels, it is Your will and truth that I still endlessly thank you.

~ Otzer Nachmani, Volume I, 51, (Page 62) It is Time to Vanquish the Darkness written by Dovid Mark | December 10, 2018

The darkness surrounds us, weakening our ability to see the light that permeates our world. This darkness is part of the fabric of our exile, intertwined within our broken world.

In the beginning of creation, the tells us that the “Earth was in a state of chaos and unformed, with darkness on the face of the abyss.” It is this very darkness, which became analogous with the Greeks that has taken hold within the endless abyss that is synonymous with , which has grown to control the world as we know it.

While the Greeks were defeated, it is Rome, which uses the darkness to its fullest. The world is so dark it has become nearly impossible to see the truth hidden within – to see the light of the Creator.

So how do we get out of the darkness? How do we connect to the inner light that is held within?

The Hashmonaim gave us a secret weapon to fight the darkness – the Hanukiah is placed very low to the ground, far lower than any other …why? Because no matter how far down the abyss has dragged us, there is still light there. There is still light within us.

The darkness may have covered everything within the endless pit of despair and disconnection, but this light, cultivated and nurtured by the Tzaddikim is waiting to be lit by each of us.

That is our mission now.

We must take hopelessness and uncertainty we all find ourselves in and cling to the light of Chanukah. This is the light of the Tzaddikim, drawn from the highest places and brought down to vanquish the darkness that entraps us and the world.

(Based on Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 2 Hilchos Kevod Rabo veTalmid Chochom 3 and Choshen Mishpat Hilchos Toen and Nitaan Halacha 5)

Parshas – The Power of Ma’aser (Tithing) written by Nasan Maimon | December 10, 2018 Dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Zvi Aryeh b’Reb Yisroel Abba Rosenfeld z”l, whose yahrzeit is the 11th of Kislev.

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

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Connecting Faith and Prayer written by Yirmy Ginsburg | December 10, 2018 Yirmy Ginsburg continues teaching lesson nine in the Likutey Moharan, focusing in on the power of prayer and its interconnection to emunah.

Parshas – Why Did Yaakov Fall Asleep? written by Nasan Maimon | December 10, 2018 During his 14 years as a student of Shem veEver, Yaakov Avinu didn’t allow himself a single night’s rest because he was immersed in Torah study ( on Bereishis/Genesis 28:9-11). But when he arrived at the holiest place on earth and was about to receive one of the most significant prophecies of his life, why did he take a nap?

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

For more: Parshas Toldos – The First Jewish Child written by Nasan Maimon | December 10, 2018

Why did the birth of the first Jewish child bring so much light into the world? Why do we rejoice at a wedding? The in light of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

For more: Emunah & Business written by Meir Elkabas | December 10, 2018

A of emunah is needed in business transactions.

Help share Breslov with everyone–please LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE Parshas Chayei – When Small is Big written by Nasan Maimon | December 10, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

For more: Parshas VaYera – Hashem Visits the Sick written by Nasan Maimon | December 10, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

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