TIDE Free Madme Il 19

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TIDE Free Madme Il 19 w MWVAff lf» IMt aaitfllfStfr gnttttefl itralb Avsvsta M ir Nat I Tha Wasthar I e f O. A WaeMto T to PHaadahty win bmM Caughtara of liberty jyjgrjssari.’t 9 3 8 8 at tha SalvatUm Army M taM UOA. win meat tomorraw torht at oawlng group af tto Araaii aan row Mght ad 7 :A T to aulbjaat >atTown S at Oranga Ban. A aodal with r^ urn Meaea Bay.” dfoouaalon arlQ .ba **Japa£~ liBitrijpfitpr Inptttttg IbraU i thla aranlng at T:1S, and laava for glon Auxtnarr. aaa nnaoa a worla froahmanta win foBow ^la b i ^ ettaa and attor stod t h t m wi S k H arS^ to hold thaH Srat nam maatlng in chaiga o f tha maatlng tor ^ maatlng with Mra. Potar Oaroon bar 81, at tha haana ® f—**" — , atran to tto and aa Man^^~~^ Owtar Chores Mr»> Saptambar conimlttaa. to r w ft. Mandimier-^A O fy of Village Charm l M i » wffl im M at fowat lUdgo. A fun tumoat oa, 48 Oourthuid atroM. It w l i m la boyod for. aa an*day maatlaf. Marubara wW gxargga Watoaaday , w atgM «t ■ hi tl» ItebNw Bmiton U Whitcomb, a f 47 BU* mamigmato y «al todS* Orange w n , ae ffiMs U> .ifaTlUdiTW hiwlOyk briag riiair owa >aa luachaa aag VOL LXVnU NO. IM MANCHESTER, OOlfN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1040 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE POURaNTt The Manchaatar fV u dapart' yuo atraat. waa baM man at tto tto arana PfonicPftnlc luMtoo----------------------- a -— raMot trtp to tfea Ocmd aonnara-Lomnaa wadding ba)d In by tto vMtom and oaffaa waa TaBowJUa Natk*«l maat'a Ladtaa* Auxiliary haa can- aad Mtoban at tto In* callod ita maatlng which waa Hartford laat Saturday morning. - - m aai onlao do ■prhica. R«* I at St Auguatlaa’a church. "r*r ' I «tn ba aarvad. •ehaduladfor thla avonlng. Mra. ioh a Olaaaaa. _ Gold Ferer In London atraat haa reeafood saofo af <lto Woa*a«'8 toatoty a f Cbria* Mt. a r t Mra. John ^ U ^ t Mra. Charlotta Ckitbarg. at K t- , uwla Foraataa of NorU Cbran* daath af tor Mitar. Sarvlca wRI meal thla ava* Coal Strike Idles News Tidbits kin atraat. la vlaltlag tor alatar try, who formarly attiadad Mas- Dartdboa. of Btaay Breek. L. I. Traders in Sterling •ad (a a l^ . ning at T:U In tha aaalal haU af Colltd Frsai (4P) Wirsg T * Amim ftoa^ ara moatnc into tbair In Altadana, Canf., whom 'ebaatar High achool. and raoantH Mra. Parldaoa waa tto f ^Sonth IMtoM M B ^ SERVICES anilatad In tha V. S. Anay. laft Praacaa SeuUaa and toad '’1,. m W raaldanca today n* «|>rln* hak not aoan for alevon yaara. aawcuttva beard w<I meat ad TJO ■tiaat. IBchlaad Path. FiMay tor Port Dix. N. J. prior to bar amrrlago. p. m. Ip tto ladlya’ paalar. Tkat taUinMRrtlM wW m Over Half Million; Mra. MUdrad Tadford o f HU- .____ vlllaga orith human Tha I bl i f bniia 9 M Uard atraat, dapartmant waaldant - The Cine Orchaatra wlU held Ita Mra. Aiiala Msrtla Hywltt af M s f t N V Areas Buying t o tha MaVtiwt^r ■ n n ch a< tha ofUmtad SpailMi War V a l^ regular rahaaraaJ thla aranlng at Hawthama atraat *a M Praaar. MlcWgaa. Aircraft aUa to fly at S,3Jr3oSS5^T.W wui auxUlarlaa, wUt make har official Ijaight o’clock at tto Second Oon- l e a r n T O DRIVE bo hatd thta aaonlnc at •:•>. All Tlalt to Torrlngton, No. 18 thla gragatlonal church. An inatruman* at har aon, Jacob Bawm, Ba» Johli I. turk« Railroads Lay Off fora rabimlng to town ito w « Dual Canwol ^ E®venue#fit fr- haviBf tabl« taU ^ aranlng, and No. 8, New Britain, tailau arc Inntad U attend. niN ^A t ROHR mrikGm Wadnaoday aranlng. nait tto fnmiiy of anottor. *« c«vu Imnaa ara aakod to tolayhoM tha WlUam Bawltt to Si aad m U I^ aviatloa at dava- m o m at 10:W y. m „ to tha com* •tBMi'ftoiM’ak M.MI Commodity St Marya Wbman’a AuxlUary HUf Doaen Cool-CArry- laad awat. .Death aaaatty la mtttaa m a m ^ who lavltad Tha Kaanay atraat Parent- A natlra af BoUaat Taaehar Club arlU hold Ita drat win hold lU fan rummaga aala Hawttt haa Mato Elect Romulo atoad la Waif Virginia court for to yoitldyata, laataad o f to Mra. Thuraday morning at nlna o’clock Ing Roads Order More i , aceucad o f UUIng Watton. aa provioosly annouacad. maatlng of the aaaaon tomorrow ovar4Syaan. v:. evening at 7:80 at tha achooL Tha In tha pariah bouaa, with entrmnoa Ttth birthday on Oetobor ^ and y^uaa ha wouldn’t Oommlttaa mambara who may ba mada tha trip to D etroit Mich., by t l ^ 27,000 Employes As New Head to y h to a Meycla. , / .Baeraitary France and Canada A m caOad am M n. Alaa Olmataad. bualneaa wiU ba foUowad by an on Locuat atraat Thooa who Ska Collins Urges Story Depict* Grippe antartalnmant and rafraahmanta. planning to danaba arttclaa and da* alrplana, I t o .nakaa h ^ Not to Work as Retroh at Btata Aehason caUa on Latin Mta. Wlnatoo Sharpa, Mra. Thom* wito bar aan*ln*law aad dautotar Amariea to Join U. 8. in eoneertad As Eating Own Words Added Overnight to aa Dawkina. Mra. Bm ar BuU, alro them callad for, ahould tala* yhpna Mra. Prank Bartal, Mra. M r T ^ Mra. John KMMA. Of Lewis* Rliners Of Assembly move to end yooro^kmg wmiiuco List of Devaluing Na> Mm. lUchard Tnmai\ Mra. David Tha name o f Mra. Wayna Car' Hayrthomo atraat AFL Support London, Sept. 30.—(O —New Kaith and Mra. Morgan Portar. Uar. o f ITS High atraat, who waa Wflllam Brannaa or Mra. Max Ka- ■1 devnluaUon story folng the auUd. A FULL YEAR’S Enters Seeond Day Fire causes estimated tSOJMO Uons; Labor Govern* Prlaaa for tha wtnnara hava barn aa attendant at tha Holmao-Ban- rounds about Sir Stafford natt araddlng Saturday, waa Inad- ______ nal Laasuo af Woman FRipino Delegate Gets damage to old end aa|y whaUag dooatad by local bualaaaa man. •totlea la r . S-, located In CaUfar- For Bowles Olpps, who devalued the ment in Britain Now vertaaUy omlttad In tha account Mambara o f tha Frank J. Mana* Votora of M andm ^ artn hold ai> ■ Pittsburgh, Sspt. 30.—<4^ pound after denying nine of tha arantia Baturday’a Hamid. orlantotlon paaal this avaMu at 8 53 of 59 Votw To- nla. , ..Sixteen German police­ OuTSobuU of Senior T^oop 1 Said Marina Corp Uoagua AMxlllury •^Tba uatTonwida coal atrika man have Bed weetward from 8o- times that he would: Qosing Its Ranks for ara invited to a Mnt; laMadbticn at tto toHM o f Ifra. Oiariaa SUPPLY OF r who hava baan tourlnf^ Buropa Towle, 811 Hartford rqgd. Pune? today klM more than a half day( Sowiet Bloc Fa- ^ aone In past 34 houn and FederatioB President The vegetarian chancellor of and Oraat Britain tha paat thraa Myatic Banaw, No. 3, Woman'a of the American Legion Poet and Fight of life; Parlia­ Banefii AaaoclaUon, wUl meat to* tiona of tto loagua. mottoda af op>- lYaidiH 'W ool million mipara and railroad- state at alarm haa been proclaimed the exchequer haa added a new nyiqih^ ara aapoctad to arrlva at Auxlttary, tomorrow night at B at T o r s CsediosloTakian tom g frontier by Ruairieas, say And Rourke Join in dleh to hie sparse diet; He's morrow avaiUng at 7 ;S0 abarp. lOia the La^on Heme on Leonard amtion aad Ito uatoty wUl ba dM* era while the White House ment Session Slated tha dapot, Hartford, thla avanlng ctmaed. New mambara aad all In* West German polios. .Plan eating hla own words. at T.'V#. Thay laft LaHavra, aorllar hour la to allow time tax a atraat watched from the aidalinea. A Now Torti, Sopt 80-*(ff>—Brig. fo r m n d ln g $1,747,000 bequest by Praising CH>vemor*s damonatratlon to follow tha bual* toraatad ara lavltod to attend. Hakca Hue fPranca, Saptambar 10 and dockad Mambara o f tto orlantatlen paaal half desen eoal^esnryiag raiL Oaa. Carlae P. Komule nf tto PhU* ■UM western Pennaylvqaia toam Legislative Program By The Aseodsted Preaa naaa aaaaloo. Tha committee for Mlaa Dorla Halfttch. daughter of Perrysaalls may hava been Ht- at OMbac. In tha party wava nlna ara: Ura.Jo»m,X>efmi^ TIDE roada ordered more than 27^ ipptaas waa alactad prasMont at Devaluation of currencies taan*a(a acouU and thraa laadara. Saptambar wlU aarva rafraahmanta o f Mra. Hugh P. Ward, Jn, o f 80 SKUn* Free tla premature. arina Putnam, Mra. OwHan Dana* 000 emNoyea laid off as the acroas half the world lent A number at ralatlvaa, frianda and and mambara and frianda are Lockwood atraat, returned to har a* tto Ualtad Natloaa Aaamnbly to* New Haven, Sept 20.—0^—The urged to attend. Photographa of hue, Mra. Juatua Paul. Jr.. Mra pmaton no work” rovott of • l^ ftold . Mess., peiioe depart- Connecticut Federation of Labor Gets Support traders , in sterling areas Girt Scouta ara planning to wal* Btudlaa today at Bay Path Sacra* Curtla Malian aad Mra John Loaf; 8ee Oqp SeUellen WUhth» . John L. Uwto* 400,000 Unitod day. Ha inunadiatriy chaUangod eat ia defended by grand Jury coma thani on arrival at Hartford. tha guarda taken at tha convention tarial SchooC Long Meadow, Maaa tha 88 datogatlooB to awka thla Investigating charges that rack- (A F L) waa told today by Its scuro’ing for gold and com­ win ba avallabla at tha maatlng fler.
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