w MWVAff lf» IMt aaitfllfStfr gnttttefl itralb Avsvsta M ir Nat I Tha Wasthar I e f O. A WaeMto

T to PHaadahty win bmM Caughtara of liberty jyjgrjssari.’t 9 3 8 8 at tha SalvatUm Army M taM UOA. win meat tomorraw torht at oawlng group af tto Araaii aan row Mght ad 7 :A T to aulbjaat >atTown S at Oranga Ban. A aodal with r^ urn Meaea Bay.” dfoouaalon arlQ .ba **Japa£~ liBitrijpfitpr Inptttttg IbraU i thla aranlng at T:1S, and laava for glon Auxtnarr. aaa nnaoa a worla froahmanta win foBow ^la b i ^ ettaa and attor stod t h t m wi S k H arS^ to hold thaH Srat nam maatlng in chaiga o f tha maatlng tor ^ maatlng with Mra. Potar Oaroon bar 81, at tha haana ® f—**" — , atran to tto and aa Man^^~~^ Owtar Chores Mr»> Saptambar conimlttaa. to r w ft. Mandimier-^A O fy of Village Charm l M i » wffl im M at fowat lUdgo. A fun tumoat oa, 48 Oourthuid atroM. It w l i m la boyod for. aa an*day maatlaf. Marubara wW gxargga Watoaaday , w atgM «t ■ hi tl» ItebNw Bmiton U Whitcomb, a f 47 BU* mamigmato y «al todS* Orange w n , ae ffiMs U> .ifaTlUdiTW hiwlOyk briag riiair owa >aa luachaa aag VOL LXVnU NO. IM MANCHESTER, OOlfN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1040 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE POURaNTt The Manchaatar fV u dapart' yuo atraat. waa baM man at tto tto arana Pfonic Pftnlc luMtoo------a -— raMot trtp to tfea Ocmd aonnara-Lomnaa wadding ba)d In by tto vMtom and oaffaa waa TaBowJUa Natk*«l maat'a Ladtaa* Auxiliary haa can- aad Mtoban at tto In* callod ita maatlng which waa Hartford laat Saturday morning. - - m aai onlao do ■prhica. R«* I at St Auguatlaa’a church. "r*r ' I «tn ba aarvad. •ehaduladfor thla avonlng. Mra. ioh a Olaaaaa. _ Gold Ferer In London atraat haa reeafood saofo af rln* hak not aoan for alevon yaara. aawcuttva beard w. All Tlalt to Torrlngton, No. 18 thla gragatlonal church. An inatruman* at har aon, Jacob Bawm, Ba» Johli I. turk« Railroads Lay Off fora rabimlng to town ito w « Dual Canwol ^ E®venue#fit fr- haviBf tabl« taU ^ aranlng, and No. 8, New Britain, tailau arc Inntad U attend. niN ^A t ROHR mrikGm Wadnaoday aranlng. nait tto fnmiiy of anottor. *« c«vu Imnaa ara aakod to tolayhoM tha WlUam Bawltt to Si aad m U I^ aviatloa at dava- m o m at 10:W y. m „ to tha com* •tBMi'ftoiM’ak M.MI Commodity St Marya Wbman’a AuxlUary HUf Doaen Cool-CArry- laad awat. . . .Death aaaatty la mtttaa m a m ^ who lavltad Tha Kaanay atraat Parent- A natlra af BoUaat Taaehar Club arlU hold Ita drat win hold lU fan rummaga aala Hawttt haa Mato Elect Romulo atoad la Waif Virginia court for to yoitldyata, laataad o f to Mra. Thuraday morning at nlna o’clock Ing Roads Order More i , aceucad o f UUIng Watton. aa provioosly annouacad. maatlng of the aaaaon tomorrow ovar4Syaan. v:. evening at 7:80 at tha achooL Tha In tha pariah bouaa, with entrmnoa Ttth birthday on Oetobor ^ and y^uaa ha wouldn’t Oommlttaa mambara who may ba mada tha trip to D etroit Mich., by t l ^ 27,000 Employes As New Head to y h to a Meycla. , / .Baeraitary France and Canada A m caOad am M n. Alaa Olmataad. bualneaa wiU ba foUowad by an on Locuat atraat Thooa who Ska Collins Urges Story Depict* Grippe antartalnmant and rafraahmanta. planning to danaba arttclaa and da* alrplana, I t o .nakaa h ^ Not to Work as Retroh at Btata Aehason caUa on Latin Mta. Wlnatoo Sharpa, Mra. Thom* wito bar aan*ln*law aad dautotar Amariea to Join U. 8. in eoneertad As Eating Own Words Added Overnight to aa Dawkina. Mra. Bm ar BuU, alro them callad for, ahould tala* yhpna Mra. Prank Bartal, Mra. M r T ^ Mra. John KMMA. Of Lewis* Rliners Of Assembly move to end yooro^kmg wmiiuco List of Devaluing Na> Mm. lUchard Tnmai\ Mra. David Tha name o f Mra. Wayna Car' Hayrthomo atraat AFL Support London, Sept. 30.—(O —New Kaith and Mra. Morgan Portar. Uar. o f ITS High atraat, who waa Wflllam Brannaa or Mra. Max Ka- ■1 devnluaUon story folng the auUd. A FULL YEAR’S Enters Seeond Day Fire causes estimated tSOJMO Uons; Labor Govern* Prlaaa for tha wtnnara hava barn aa attendant at tha Holmao-Ban- rounds about Sir Stafford natt araddlng Saturday, waa Inad- ______nal Laasuo af Woman FRipino Delegate Gets damage to old end aa|y whaUag dooatad by local bualaaaa man. •totlea la r . S-, located In CaUfar- For Bowles Olpps, who devalued the ment in Britain Now vertaaUy omlttad In tha account Mambara o f tha Frank J. Mana* Votora of M andm ^ artn hold ai> ■ Pittsburgh, Sspt. 30.—<4^ pound after denying nine of tha arantia Baturday’a Hamid. orlantotlon paaal this avaMu at 8 53 of 59 Votw To- nla. . , ..Sixteen German police­ OuTSobuU of Senior T^oop 1 Said Marina Corp Uoagua AMxlllury •^Tba uatTonwida coal atrika man have Bed weetward from 8o- times that he would: Qosing Its Ranks for ara invited to a Mnt; laMadbticn at tto toHM o f Ifra. Oiariaa SUPPLY OF r who hava baan tourlnf^ Buropa Towle, 811 Hartford rqgd. Pune? today klM more than a half day( Sowiet Bloc Fa- ^ aone In past 34 houn and FederatioB President The vegetarian chancellor of and Oraat Britain tha paat thraa Myatic Banaw, No. 3, Woman'a of the American Legion Poet and Fight of life; Parlia­ Banefii AaaoclaUon, wUl meat to* tiona of tto loagua. mottoda af op>- lYaidiH 'W ool million mipara and railroad- state at alarm haa been proclaimed the exchequer haa added a new nyiqih^ ara aapoctad to arrlva at Auxlttary, tomorrow night at B at T o r s CsediosloTakian tom g frontier by Ruairieas, say And Rourke Join in dleh to hie sparse diet; He's morrow avaiUng at 7 ;S0 abarp. lOia the La^on Heme on Leonard amtion aad Ito uatoty wUl ba dM* era while the White House ment Session Slated tha dapot, Hartford, thla avanlng ctmaed. New mambara aad all In* West German polios. . . .Plan eating hla own words. at T.'V#. Thay laft LaHavra, aorllar hour la to allow time tax a atraat watched from the aidalinea. A Now Torti, Sopt 80-*(ff>—Brig. fo r m n d ln g $1,747,000 bequest by Praising CH>vemor*s damonatratlon to follow tha bual* toraatad ara lavltod to attend. Hakca Hue fPranca, Saptambar 10 and dockad Mambara o f tto orlantatlen paaal half desen eoal^esnryiag raiL Oaa. Carlae P. Komule nf tto PhU* ■UM western Pennaylvqaia toam Legislative Program By The Aseodsted Preaa naaa aaaaloo. Tha committee for Mlaa Dorla Halfttch. daughter of Perrysaalls may hava been Ht- at OMbac. In tha party wava nlna ara: Ura.Jo»m,X>efmi^ TIDE roada ordered more than 27^ ipptaas waa alactad prasMont at Devaluation of currencies taan*a(a acouU and thraa laadara. Saptambar wlU aarva rafraahmanta o f Mra. Hugh P. Ward, Jn, o f 80 SKUn* Free tla premature. . . . arina Putnam, Mra. OwHan Dana* 000 emNoyea laid off as the acroas half the world lent A number at ralatlvaa, frianda and and mambara and frianda are Lockwood atraat, returned to har a* tto Ualtad Natloaa Aaamnbly to* New Haven, Sept 20.—0^—The urged to attend. Photographa of hue, Mra. Juatua Paul. Jr.. Mra pmaton no work” rovott of • l^ ftold . Mess., peiioe depart- Connecticut Federation of Labor Gets Support traders , in sterling areas Girt Scouta ara planning to wal* Btudlaa today at Bay Path Sacra* Curtla Malian aad Mra John Loaf; 8ee Oqp SeUellen WUhth» . John L. Uwto* 400,000 Unitod day. Ha inunadiatriy chaUangod eat ia defended by grand Jury coma thani on arrival at Hartford. tha guarda taken at tha convention tarial SchooC Long Meadow, Maaa tha 88 datogatlooB to awka thla Investigating charges that rack- (A F L) waa told today by Its scuro’ing for gold and com­ win ba avallabla at tha maatlng fler. I Purcha$0 Itliw Werkon mtorod Ito Moond president ’Dmothy M. Collins, "tto poaoa aaamihly.” ataerlng and corruption thrive In For Arms Aid modity stocks today but Catholic Motharia Circle rapra- for thoaa who ordered them. O f F ta oW odlsni ^ t d ty by poHea consent. . . , that It should support Oov. Ches­ Tha meeting o f Our Lady of Fa* S t Cbriatophar’a Mothara’ Ghr^ o f Any Wnahtagton, Prom Socrotoiy Romulo wus riaotod a faw atia* ter Bowles with "aU the vigor and brought little change in Unit­ aantatlvaa will moat tonight In tha tima Mottor’a Clrda, which waa cla WlU meat Wadnaaday at 8 p. merlw a ffoM m M rrmhtont Staler teat at strength between ri I WInnara o f tha DupUcaU Bridge utaa aftar tha Aaaombly opaaad Its val factions of CIO United Elec­ resources at Ita command." ed States markeU. With KatTT"* ^ Jamaa*a church Im- poatponad laat weak will ba bald m. at tha home o f 3tra. Hugh 54” WOOLENS 91.M TA Tnimnn haa ’Wotktag la Um fourth aaaaioa In tha pookad bhM Vandenberg Rallies Re­ B o m a ly following the novana. Tournament at tha Waat Side Roc, Wadnaaday avanlng at 8, at tto woriW* to attar aa a formula for trical Workers la expected at Bowles, a Dem ocrat la expect­ France and Canada added laat Priday night are aa followa: Hamilton, 84 WaddaU road. Phis Ckedu nmi P ls id s . and gold Aaaombly ehambar at union’s 14th annuel convention In ed to seek re-elccUon In 1880. home of Mra Raymond llamey, aattUng atthar tba eoal or atoal Phiablag Ifaadow park, alta of the publicans Behind Ad­ overnight to the list of de­ North and South, H. J. Itoehel and 38 Bhaa atraat . . . .CSaato’e devnlu- In reports prepared for the valuing countries, making tba to­ William r. Klrkpatriek,-7814; Joa Mlaa Wanda Olcria • Paganl. ISIS World’s fair. ntlon ia lure to American tourists, opening of the Faderatloo’a four- ministration Program daughter oT Mr. and Mra Arnold ^^iaewag ia la right,” ha addad. tal 20, others had sUU to faU la Mcauskay and Jamaa Baker, 78; J. V. gnlUvaa, aaeraUry of tha Romulo got 63 of tha 6# votao. but it comae after 1048 eeaenn day convenUon. CoIUns and S«c- Une. Kaat and Waat, Mr. and Mra. Oil* ’Thara will ba a meeting tonight Paganl of 1744 Spruoa atraat, Tto Sovtot bloe east tiva votaa tapered off. . retary-Treasurar Joseph M. at 8 o’clock o f tha eommittea In aria eater tto Boaton School of Waat VIrgtala Oaal aaaadatlcM. B u lletin I Dutch Aetton LUm BfttMi latU, 71; tied for aecond place. aaM mlaara ” ara aot atrlktng at for VladUmlr aammtlB. CBadio- OatoMa L m iia fb Btoek E trtoaga, elaaad after tto Rourke Joined in praising the gov­ charge of the Britlah Amaricaa Dental Nuratng on Saptambar IS. Slovak fan' farslgn mlalatm-. 71^ m othw BriUln for Bret time certifies Western Germany to to raducs* Mr. and Mra. Mark Harritt, Jr„ thalr own aeeord” hut ” baeauaa anaaeacanmat, hrakera gatker ia Tkragmortaa atrMt hi turbo-Jet-propeUed airliner ea air­ ernor’s leglalaUve program and Washington, Sopt. 20—^ , — the value of Its mark. The Hong Mra. a. O. Cartier and Mra. R. A. Club Baaaball party In tha club- She la a graduato of Manehaatof thay eoC tha rienaL” ballot waaraa oaolarod Invalid. bitting at Republican opposition Senator Vaadarberg (R., rooma. High School In tto claaa o f IN S. maalatri m tradtog far goM aharra. - Prioaa rocketed at namh a a J 8 worthy for passenger, and traffic Kong dollar fell into tha davahi* Parker, all with 88. ’Thara will ba Ha dMdaradlaa atatamant that par seat to aaa af tto moat beetle "aactteaa” la )dstery. (NBA ia4to* servfoa. . . .U. 8. District Judge to it 'Both alao blamad the Mich.) told the Beaata today atlon lineup. Holland offldaUy aat another game at tha Waat Bide Madme LawtiT rapr— ntoOvaa ” hava Raamto plaodod for oooporaUoe Simon H. Rifkiad announces he Maaufacturera Asaodatlon of that Coagreas wlU almply be Its devaluation rate for the honae- Rac next Friday at 8 p.m. to tto aPrtng diatrlata for a waak totoug tto Mg pewata, Ba i WlU gtgn teraperary lajuaetlea re- Connecticut for the defeat of teraatlgatlag la "flra or Ufa la- aoraaca” U It appro vaa tha $1,- land and Indonesia at about SO Wrinfer Typo' * advM ag loeal unloaa.' High world poUtiea] eoadltl(ttlaaa alroady ■tralning Fbderal Communications much of the Bowles program. per cent, approximately tha asm* Winiam K. Road, aon of Mr. and I nalea oSBriala had aald tto atrUia wora liaproviag aad It' was tha kfo commlsslan from enforcing Ita Asserted CoUtne, Federation S14J>19JMe fo r a l^ armo pro- as Britain. Mra. Prank Hamilton Road, of 8S | ► mweetoam goUStt lOCf of tto Aaaombly to ban oa radio gtvaawmy programs preeidcat since 194$: graae. Vaadaaberg begaa the oapact atraat, haa ratumad to or.Aatomatie' aoa that UUa The Labor government in Britain HALE'S SELF SERVE Ralph b. Taggart of tread coatlauod. Priests and Nuns after Oct. 1. . . .CMpitel AlrUnea "Oov, Chester Bowles has co­ oaeand day at debate on the cloeed its ranks for the fight at SuffMd Preparatory Academy for | tto Famaybraala AathiaeUa Op* "This saarion.” ho aald "coin- announces it wtu begin sir coach operated 100 per cent with the arma aid biU as loaders ma* hla aophomora year. H m O r ifin s l I r New En^snd its life. Parliament ia due to mast aralen Waga >graimwit eoa ridaa wtth a taratag potat ia M service between north and south program of the Cbnnactlcut Fed­ neavered for a final vote oa the next week, on tha demand at taa amt a tilagram to lewto • w hrtaruatlorioliriSSoMr next week at "appraxhaately raO eration of Labor. . . . Tba gov­ meaeari Tharaday. Winston ChurchlU and other ap­ Jailed* by Czechs eoato teraa.” and HEALTH MARKET 54’* BAULINGS PRE8HRUNK FLANNEL <2JS Yd. fW tto UMW abtaftaln to no ^ ‘Though many fo rm to iU oh* ernor's program oa labor and so­ position leaders. Labor unions Wat afforta toward gottlng hard a ^ o a to world poaoa romaln, tha , New Haven and cial legislation waa Just aa prac­ WesMagton, Sept. 30—(O— Sen­ were restive st the proepect at il 19 »s t o a n r at a now war which evar* Hartford railroad says it does aot tical and liberal aa the Connecti­ ator Vandenberg of Michigan ral- Incresses In the cost of llvlnf. eat PRESCRIPTIONS Tea ralaa your ChMB, n a 00,000 aathrartta dteRw* la *M ow ad our daUboratlona la Domu Armted by Gov.j A »nm S p civ ta expect to be aerloualy affected by cut Federation of Labor'a pro­ Ued RepubUcea support behind the off by rises in ths price of bread. i TO gram." aadlfedmatolyayau CALLED FOR TUESDAY SPECIALS aaetw n Fanaaylvania Jotoad tha eminent in More oeCrClS ooal strike ... Stock market de- admlnletratlon'e program of for­ Stock Market Goes Wild ooat walkaat la a ayuqwthy work sa/.rr - «~«r velopa seggy price aaSerieae .... Said Rourke, who alao serves as London’s stock market waat gaaidH hawlnuily. AND Mske This Bolero rioppaga. Dlls SSSbImi 'Will ssm foa Aimed at Breaking Navy karricaaa hnattag plaaaa Icglalatlve agent for the Federa­ eign mlUtary aid today. Senate Sa^ aemtetoHa Modaw Ito^ tha title, ‘Ito Poaoa Assam laadara agreed to drive for a quick wild. Some gold aharas sold for u llg r Gt m b SUnps Gtrsn With Cash Ssks a * < AaoOur ooal earrylag railroad Sessions Open Inverilgata two widely-separated tion: nearly triple last Friday’s prieas. ia now aeon aeftar, DELIVERED Reriatanoe to Control Dress fro m announead ptoM to lay off work* ” araas o f auaplclon,” one In Gulf "Governor Bowles presented a final vote. Everywhere, gold was tto toast I cemfortable. $ ^ , 2 7 8WANSCO $349« on. Tto MwfoUi aad Waatara BIttor Vto at Oaaaamalam o f Mexico and othsr aast o f leaaar IMogram o f aodal and labor lagla- With ao organized opposition In of the day. One reason: The IL jX railway aald M te worpan w^ Prsgus, Sept. 20v—(4>>— WjiivBom A ^m b P r t V ^M I)«m SM 4M M SB da.0D M N > G > 0 Na Official Oanmamt Recently Vandenberg has been . Government Bonds Gain ,*'r atrip mlaa truck la Kontueky. Two President Tniman haa promised Lodge of the Fourth district. critical of the administration for Government bonds gained fa C sn iMmu aboadonad tba nhlclo aa It No official comment waa avail­ that ha ulU not make any com- The trio, he eeeerted, heve "no­ SAUCE 79® able on theaa figures. The govern­ what he has called a failure to London, but thay h ii ' suffoipfi r.: EVERY TUESDAY 8 P. M. eraahad ovor a mountatnaida. Justice Will mitmanta until after consulting torious enU-labor records in the carry out S^ipartiaan approach in Aad la Waat VIrglaU two tippla ment uatiaUy does not announce Congress. # Trawler Sunk present sesalan of Congress.’* PIIXSHDBT , arrasto of priaata uatU they have matters dealing with the Far Etost (Oentteoed oa Page Xha) warkara aad a trorit grlnr wort In an atmosphere that was only He eald: and the Middle East. RAINBOW BALLROOM, BOLTON Smart w.oollyke serge in all the new fall oolors. Black, baataa at a atrip mlaa oparatlan. baan aentancad. Howavar, the sUfhtly leas than completely “We must defeat these three 25 Lb. Bag Thlrtom tnekloada at eoal w on Head Probe Ciach praaa haa recantly carried By Freighter RepubUcan Floor Leader Wher­ FLOUR $ 2 .0 9 navy, brown, teal, green, scarlet,.wine, copen blue and secret, representatives of the thraa congressmen who are against la­ ry of Nebraska told reporters be Dolores N. Aleman)^ ; dumpad. / an increaalng aumbar of threaU governments were called together bor and the working man, and Fprr Traiitpopffltion Bd*At Thl»d tST?il g r e y . Ja both Inataaeoo banda of rov- agaiaat priests who carry out ■how the Republican organizaUen has promised Democratic leaders NO. 1 MdNTOSH at the State department (1.30 p. m. to cot^ ra te in an effort to push ^ piekato wara Uamad. Tha track Canadian Commission to "Sati-stata" ordara iaauad foom a j.t.) M on^efir Rams Fish* in ConnecUcut that they must AnnouncoM the Opening o f Her •. driven aad tippla eaaratKtor ara not tha Vaticaa or tha church hier­ nominate people for pubUc oflice the arms bill to an early vote. Begin Inquiry Into Cloaaly Reetricted ing Vessel in Fog So far, only five Republicans Flashes! APPLES K Q t B s l i L $1.29 nalea mambm mfW__ offletala archy. American officlala ara cloaaly ra- that wUI supiwit leglalaUon of so­ aald thay dteiT Know a thing Ito raport, gtvaa to oorraapond- cial security, minimum wsge, and have asked to be heard. Wherry (Lata BaOettas attUam Wlea) A D*m » O f A M iM y Disuter on Noronic strletad as to what thay can do or Southeast of Halifax ■aid. Tliey ara Vandenberg. and FRESH DANCE STUDIO aay about atomic energy informa­ a fair and Just Federal law on la-


Bowles aoUntatod that 16,000 and 100,000 now tat ____ follow the Junior avoato with rasa faraSnad aauplaa ever IS, aad two anek fsoos oM far mm and faaturas at tha day. ElUngtoo Slow to Start mm ara assdsd la Um attto. tor boys S through 11 yaara and toam from Um Boat aMs af Danbury Fair Oevarner Bowles raporM ' FerryMayBe ona ear UMsa from 11 to 16 jroanl playing a team from tha Wra' >oa for aroimn ovar 16. A will wind tha FaSeral govartMaent wttl help aid. w ill aleaa this port of tha pro* Blda. PViltowlng Um gama aanlo "grudga" gaaM hatwian the Mar> or Um taaal toam wMch ha o f Oath Home Mutgage Loans nanta and BunnyaMa team Z Today's Radio ThoIbBoad Housing Units oC iii^iiut, buUd abe^ 6JM0 graoL The "Md Umrra" gasM WIB ovaata will tadudo a throe tagged at 13 gasMa. loot 6 aad tied 3. Manchester Division' Draws Nearer under the Election Issue W H A T — m at 1:66 f. bouatag prognua. Ta data, ha aald, If ym are baUdteff er beyliif e m. at A a d e w ta ordala Rev. Mai* Lobhboofh Complains TOO Fadaral ualta hava bsMi al* Bout Becomes Cegiter jk t Hartford G a s Coa Golden Harvest Festi­ celm S. Crook to tho OvIsUan _____ to New Kavea, TBO to heoM, let se tea yen aboet tha Ministry, ba haWag paaood tha e«* Too Few Towns Have Brtdgaport and 6(W to Hartford. v a rio B i typae ef Soandns that era Of Wmn|^ at Bridge> W B A T-H sw s; Sports. val Opena Sat., Oct. 1 aaslnatloB gtvaa l y t M O i M a i ^ Wpiw-Www! M— Oounea at tbo Set Up AnthorHies nrti svaUsMs port Council Seasiou WONS—Moors. For Nine-Day Program The OrMaatlan aoc loa on tte'tOth, Is spaa ts tho pub* Hartford, Sopt. 60——Btoto Her huaband batng BitgbUy WDRO—W * Um BsopU.. ’ , lie. OStctalty. each ohurab ta ad btox* ---- W-.— . Sapt. 60 ■-IS) Aa WOMB-Jolm Stsslo, Adosntur- Danbury Fbir will opsa for Its Housing Administrator Barnard B. a . young THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. aged, elty*cwnad forty heat awy How woiilcl car rate on maw—N*w ▼a- program of nine days, Saturday, tlM ToDaitd Aasoatatlon Is rspi wtfa attamptad to haubma a eaqaa aalabra la Bridge* October 1, eecb day ^ of much aantad by pastor and diHgataa. R Leahboug eemptalM that too tow tompaiutura. and, la MANCHESTER, CONN. W HAT—MoonUgbt MsttoM. to entertsla, lastmet and smnss ta bw N that a larga eeagragatlea at OcBaaettcat's towaa aad dtlao peat's awinletpal aloetloa ta Ne- W T B T -*eaiMtcal WTXO—Bob Hops. o f groat exdtoBMBt. tbs thousands which dally wttl at* wU ba prooaat hava sat up loeal bousla a noto to tha dootor: toad. John W. Lsnhy, geasrnl tlMrlUea. Member Fadtral Dapaait Isa. Corp. **9 ta h o a t hoeaam the amtar o f a f«w Engtao4 N«U> *WDI10—It Psjrs To Bt Igsor* The LadtaV Rmivelwit Sodaty Doctor, — noaoo \ manager, and C. Xrvtag J s i ^ as* at the PUngton Congragatloaal O f the state's 166 mualdpaBtlas, wraagla at a Oamaaoa Obunetl s a t only 66 hava aatahUahed agendas ak ones. My husband'a awatfiig last sight during whkh BaateUad: N«wa Mstsnt gsBsrsl BMaager, art church wttl aeoat on Monday, Sap- paratura Is 166." this Ihckaid chart? WTBT WTHT—Nows. ___ for partidpattag la atota aad Fad* Open Thursday 6iS0 lo 8 p. ok Wmiamm tor an thrao patUas Wwl WONS—Mystsrlous Trsvrtor. working T e Ba lavltod ta OeaHwea % will be plain for all to ass whan The houelag admlaMtrator, The niarril atortod whan Oamo> BTcbiS—N«W«; UW Clufc. "wTWT-Bos Msapta Hstor- cuaoed, amant them aa aaetles Yon’ft looking st 6 facnml gss- Am siing? It's tha gm iw io m y th^ eWt tbs Fair. end aupper on Thursday. Oetober appeared ea Governor BewleO* eraUc Owuwllman Frank J. Vartt* N aabad tor the appetatOMnt a Teeng WWdw Brows. Werkliw wttb the heeds of ths >0. to reloo funds tor the repine* radio program, first at a at ' chart—based on repons iMStion m tha kna ear ia id i If enterprise are eupertntendents at waeikly aorles, raportod thal trlpartlaaB cemnmtoa to tavaoU from oaarljr l/XW new I*adiaid WHAT—ttay Tot T imms. WDRO—Htt tlw Jsokpot the various departaMnts. They lag tbo curTaltM bi tbo Mnetuary dala towns without hensti p t e the aparatlon o f tha Brladiar And hear in oaind: A lon g w ith F o u r O l d R a n g e w n o - B lg Town. are handling ths dstall work laef- A cordial lavltatioa lo extoaded to tberlUoa will bo lavltod to a con* haff, a ferry whieh fermarty pitad io brilUant oaw opanetmg aeon* **90110-014 Rscsrd Miop. WONS—Kom’s-A-Hrm eto. dent to their brenchea. This means all to attond thooo meetings. toranca hare next Tuesday aad hetwaan downtown B ildgepmt and It eovan tha highway gat milo> oaay, Packard givaa yon tha an* WHAT—Mory Qossn. WTHT—Unltod Jsortato Apposl. Myer Luea at Mala street la a t ^ t the Golden Harrest Fair, the urged to take action. oitywwtwd Plaaaura Beach park, age of the oaw 135*hp Golden during safety and CDoafon that W (»W -«tfsl«M Arrow. title gives the yearly sutunuial patient in the Rockville City hos­ Loahbough told the gevamor Tha boat, which tormarty aarv»3 Anniversary Packard Eight, •tom from two tons huolty, prp WTHT-Oross Honwt WDRC—Dsncs Music. fesUval. wBl ba oaa o f tha bast pital. that by the end the year about of REGARDLESS OF CONDITION...DURING THE at oonunvltlao an tho upper rtoehaa cisioii*bHilt road weight Brt^W lM S s Oiri MsrriM. WONS—Nows. la fact Mr. Ltahy regarda it as WediMsday night at S p. m. LOOO moderate-rent units win af Uk Hudupo river, %raa not astd aquippsd with overdrivitt—with WOOC-Junlor 0 ^ Jocksys. WTHT—As Wo ^ It taklag precedence over all prtvl September 88. m ingtoa Orange raady tar occupancy In tho atota. variatioiw cauaad by differenoaa Coma in oow for the most plaaa- fUquMt MsU- W HAT—Bins Mirror Trio, win meet la the Town Han for tala sumaMT bacauos.tt could aot WIOW—News; kms falra. Tha new apaitaMnta ara |naa a Fademi aMumuM Inapae. In ^Mod, tralBc, anid individual ant snrprim of all—tho nan'foirar w n c —Poopio Aro runny. O w of the things neeeeaary to their **Booetor Night" prograaL built under CoruMcticufe make any outdoor ovoat a auooaao drivnr hohio. prirat! f*U— lb its— housing program. ^ ^ r i l l l aald Um Briaekadhofra AIK THI MAN WNO OWN! ONI WOOC—HoloiUc Moods. WONS—Music You Uks. la tha waathar. Ovar tha many Win Havo LHUe Bffoct nstoallonf had coot tha e l^ about WHAT—Mart ths BanA W ntT—It's Tour Buslnoss. raars ths Danbury Fair has baan State Tops Nation ith the Houatng administrator 6160,000 during the past four or w n c—Poftu rscos ufo. a —ITW aslstanea W IBTOreVMfavoraWe waathar and Um goveewer agraed that the , Tha fore* Annii^usBry * * N ^ On AU StstloBS. I ganaratty prtvallad. ’ In Traffic Safety compleUon of thaee units won't Mayer Saapar MoLevy, raocatly **WOOC—Nows; Big Brotbor BlIL t tor tha eoialag Fair F i would do much to roUova the houalng WONS-GsptWOKB-Gsptsln Midnight m to tedlcato toat "typical aamtastod n>r a atnth eonaaeuttva **troR C —JSbli Satth m fW * by the Soetansta, rttorrad w n o —lust PIsIsBUL 1 Oonpo right Fair wastbar” win prevail. Tha Hartford. Sept 60—OR— Con* WtH T- Shy King. OM FarsMt'a Ahnaaac. which for aeetlcut leads tho naUeo In traf* Vatau's rsquast tor aa tevaaUga- W H AT—MoonUgbt Mstinoo. Unff to Um oouaelVs mlaosUaaaoua WTHT—loo Hssst 161 yaara has bass making long* Oc safety. That raport caaM yaa- raaga woatbor forocasta, has this torday from tho Nattooal SeiOty ooaljwttoa. WDRC—Curt Msassy snd Msr< WONS—Bop Show, Vtoun didn't Uka that Bu^kaixl TUton. w n c —Nsws. to aay rwt only tor tbo drat alna counc^ Table Pads iM NT nom • iM ar Wrii • tea nr custou days of Oetober. hut also tor tho The eouaett told tha Stats High­ "Tou'd bettor gat a raport on fS—Curtoy Brsdltjr. UiSS— tha Brinekarhoff now while the 8 ^ OLD RANGE ROUND-UP IT —Spoita. flrat thrao wtaks of that month: way Safoty eemadasion that Oon* WONS—Dsaoo Orchsstrs; Nows **HMaa aro tha ales eool sippy etallato eontrol tha eounclL” be w n c—rront Psgo rsrrsn. WTHT—Wosthsr Roundup; nactlcut'o traSle dsath mto, 6.1 araehi of thia yaar." par 100,000,000 mttao of motor va* told Um mayor, Imeouea It’s high­ Orchsstrs. With mnch ooolor waathar fora* ly probabto you're going to km WOOO-Spors. w n c —Dooes orchsstrs. Mda traffic, was tha lewast la the cast tor tha cloalag days o f Sep- naUon for the Siat aovoa BMotha eeuiMU control in Novaatoor. WbM |M pirehait a - - tanbor apparesUy tha Danbury Oouaallman A. Bdward Sandula WDRO-Nows. ■ WnO—Nows; Jebimr Hibd' o f this yaar. Slop in ond 8M this car that’s stopping trofflcl Fair win a ^ y plaaaoat days dur­ Watarbury, which has gooa ^ qtoks up for the Rapubneana. WOOO-Htts St ford; Dsaes Musts. ingmg thoUM Fairvwr ^Baa thav days taamodl' _ "After wa take ovar." ha aUtod WHNB—Nsws; Sports; WsS' atoto prooodlBg Itsttsoparuag. days without a troA o doath. stnee Jaa. 6, raaks ooooad la tbo sa- Tw o’ll aoa soma real tavesUgS' BMUID NEW QU RM6E tbsr- Fregsesey Modulstlos Tha Danbury FiFair la, primarily, nona. Fm tatting you new; aoma CAtf W HAT—Nows. Uea In dUoo uadar 300,000 popu* WTHT—m MS.1 MU. a Fair featuruigg tha products of With heads will roll.* WQMS-N o w s tha farm. Sines Ito oarly days It laUon. . . W 1IIT—BsU Scores; Music st Asbestos • "Tha RrinckarhoCf will bt dis Hero’s a wonderful opportunity to buy a modern Magic Chef Gan Rnngn 8;00*«:00—SasM se WTHT. haa featurad eattla, horses, ehaaa, New1950ShuMbalea" cuasad dmlBg the alaeUon cam and goats and tho sama la palgn," aald tha mayor. at an amazingly low price. The model pictured below includes featnren WTIO-Mbws. 6:00—ShowtUae. r , 6:60—Seroao Oanunell; Weather today. Tho banu sad TMB*W m XT ZOtUC**UV CAJtBt That brought Sandula to hIs uaunlly found only in higher priced rangen. In addition, you get a $20 trad# SlU— wUl be flUed with stock, tho entry CostoBi Made, Gsaraateed in nOowanes for your oM range towards the purchase of any Magic Chef * . w p flO - Jack Hssd- 6:40—Conosrt Hour. COSMETICS toft again with a centontlon that Ustf IWttosts. TsntToarTaUs meittag tha boat aa NaeUon la* Users Osh. 6 :00—Basehill Osaio. Aaothar dapartmant dating Gas Range at the Manchester Division of ’The Hartford Gaa Company dur­ Wa carry an k a d liif 'TUIMBAKEK doss h agiUn!.:. Studebakar, originator aua “uaurpe tha power o f the eoun WONS—Sports. WDRC—m 68.T MOl from tho oarty days, edll eoatala Phono 7691 Today ell. ing this special event. Wnc-Strictly Sports; Wssth* WFHA—106.1 MC. the products m tha home, tbo han­ brands. Cbeaiplna S o f (ha “ iMw lo o k " in cars, oow amaxae iha whola aeotor* w n o - m 4 IJ MCI 66A MC. diwork at tha women. Bread, pies, No extra oharfa to have ear at la* ing world with this avau omko ravolutlonary "naxt look" "God aava the Soelallsto the day WHAT—Snppor Ssrsnads WDRC—FM Os Mm air 1 w > eakeo and other toed w N bo Arthur Drag Stores aalsHnaa aaeue te year boo •Seir-atabia*- aftor alfctlon day," ha proclaimed. in cars! ‘Tfyauwtii. Godasva Bridge* llt06a.sa played and In eompatltlon. MaeeBmriaaneat iibiil wipM It’s a braaib-taking now 1950 Studobakar—with tha B. Boeord Am os, to as WDRC. ^ r a a g a s win hava diapMya, large port." aald Soetattat Ckmnethnaa Mm .Wlde-ftowbeeleaiMeebs- ^nte and tha lura of eomothing i«(-propallodl Loula B. Hafala. r—Spoctapsgs. WFHA aad r— 11 low.pmeere Urn • Sef-odluMlas P. M. Uadar tha "B ig Top,” tha mala brake* • Omdee etiadoue end It's a loogar, mors powarful new mooty-Mvsr of a BEGULAELT $149 WOKR—Answer Man. 6 :10—Sports. sxhlbttlon tont wtU ba oractod tha eindihMd • Okf-vaal "Mack Stu^bskar—dasignad whfa dramatic dlttioctioa from its WQOO-Wsws; Oooeort Hour. 6:80—Sports NewsreeL sxhlMta of many agrleuJtorlsts, u Hakt* iratrameot dieli • Weerwe- glaamfng aarocurva from to its ii^t*ttraaaMd rasr and! WHWB Sports. 6:48—640 Varieties. waU aa baauUfd Sowars ahowa by Saa tha tb ri^ 1950 Stndabakar—it's Amarks’s aaoM Wapping TBADB IN ALLOWANCE H 'lB l SsiMiu Qsmmsll; 6:00—Anything Goes; News. Sortsts from Danbury and many YOU’LL ilntoa amdebeker eraftnendilr. $20 distioctiva, moM a ^ a o e td now car! Westtsr. WTHT—IN Os Mm sir 6 p. other eoaununltlea. Thaaidora PototuaB______W n O —WrightTWa Folks. U p. >R- ____ • Sunday atoraiag at Same as WTHT. NEED m ort bualaaas oMatlag, to attond w n o —I N as Mm star 6iU a. at- CHORCHES MOTOR SALES BRUNNER'S, INCORPORATED SALE PRICE Tbooisss Um BoataalaaUoarnUattog^ tY-*Alrtrie 11 a. as. MANciBffnm $S8 EAST CENTER STREET MANCHESTER $129 aa OAKLAND 0«gtoSaUonal _ Jp-Hsnwrsnw. Sams as w n c . Tha Hoogbiff Aathorlly THE ehureh, W adriaaday at 4 p. m. ih o WWO—m ss star Bstrs. mposa of tho aMattag la fto WPMS—Brenlng Star. of tha Town of Manchaotor, ONLY 19% DOWN TelevlsioB II II A. Ai.Air; ■.MTU 1111. rJi.y.T I ■ ■■'K ■ ar * y * y * * ? R « * Charlae O ls t W lO m -StO Varletteo. SUN '•.TUnr.HAKl'.R S HTAl.I.Y HOI l.ir.-- I ' litliAK! iDr oftnnBCloa, W N H O -4V. win accept bids for the re* 24 MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE P. M. U m fam ily barbaeua. Suaday . WDRO-Baulah. Model 1561*4 WOOT—P^iltoo tawla, Jr. 8:00—Teletunes. plaeament of water pipaa at •Uonieon at Aadrulot’a O i^ 8:46—Howdy Doote. THIS wao attondad by more thaa 160 WHAT —Symphony Hall. Rangco to Hi every budget— modcln Tills oomnwny-prlcod Msgto Cbof o WTHT—Dra Oardlssr; HcadHae 0:00—Small Fry Club. Sihrar' Lana Homes. Bid paapta aad waa eonaldand by anek ontstaadtag fentareo ao divided ta 6:60—Lucky Fup. WINTERj Chafrman Howard Baimatt aa for ovtry kitchen! afraagament with eaater work apaook ^WCTO—Light Up Time. 6:48—Busy Deaa I t forms available at ■ "a n to tha ploytag Said oirt broiler, roomy even, extra targo 6:88—Weatharaum. ^ *ha aortbaO gama bo* ago apace, and autematic top Hghttag. " wON6-Tetto*Teat ARTHUR'S 7:00—Kukla, Fran and OlUe. 80 Waddell Road IS IT FACT or FICTION? I tha tnglon and South Wind* WTHT—Do Teu RememberT 1:80—Showroom. am Mardumto which ended in a W tlO-M owa. 7:48—Newaraol. WDIbBRO—Jack Smith Show. 8:00—Milton Borla. ■Dwraday at 1 p. m. tho Homa- 0:00—aNolUa. OMkars group arhieh area formed WONS—Gahrlal Baatter. 0:80—Suipanao. last OMath under tha dlrocUoa of 10:00—Boxing from Chicago. Theater. the Bxtonaloa Sarvlca of tho Farm A $250 GAS RANGE! To Win. Buraaa. w ill moat at the Commun­ ity Rouse. Tha subject o f this agoath’s oMatlag w ill be, T faw IRC—Bdward R. Murrow; WANTED yens caava* awnings hava atrvad jtm Ltfo for Old Furniture." ra»4i>p.^n WONS—Mel Alien. Experiancad Salaacirl wall during tha pan summer and now, • r tha local otgantaaUon to Mrp. 17 OTHER Stationary and Stfvaa Wllllama of Ellington ; WDRC—Mystery Theater. ghra tham the bm of care until Spring. Read. Wanplng. wito has axtond- Graetinff Cards We taka down, stora, and ksap your awoingf pce> I WONS Caaehook of Gregory Steady Position ad an Invitation to aS who are In* i Hood. ” metsd againat dsaaaga and detarioradon. Uraetod la tha typo of aeUvtty of* Q✓ b X ' • GREAT PRIZES! WTHT—Tala - Unlverelty of Write Box Q, ejoThe Herald If rapairing is oasemary. or raeovering desiiabla, torad by the Farm Bureau. ewm. Football Interview. Monday tho aoeoad la a aarlto WBAT-r-MuMe From Holly* > wa advlae you, se you can taka advantage of oar WIN J of tour dental eUnlca, apenaoi^ wood. low off-season pekas for this work. Talaphotaa ua mmJkrnm by the South Wlndaor Fubllc FAMOUS HYDRONIZED* OILS Just write, in 50 words or 1660. jrh p W Tttl—Cavalcade of America. tOQBjo a S itt : Haalth -Nuralng AaaociaUon, to apNy Suorina to pro echool chll* "Smart Cooks Know Gan Is BsM." Ras4 WDRO—Mr. and Mrs. North. MANCHESTER CANVAS AND the contest rules below . . , and aO abo^ W Tirr—Town Meeting at t INSURE dren’a teeth, was held at the Air.- AWNING PRODUCTS CO. Oomnnialty House. for complexion care at home the wonderful prises. Get your entry blank W HAT—Captain Glenn’s Talent McKINNKV B R d T H B R l Boor of Chmay Brathara Mata Office ___ Monday avoalng St Franeia of at your dealer or the Manchceter DivhrioB Om I Matatr ' h a b t f o b d bo ad riaoNK a-aoat Asiial CTO began Its InstrucUoa of The Hartford Gaa Company. Fill it out » W I^ ^ M e and Janie. .105 Main St. * * Tel M W clasa. A social fettowad WONB—OOdal DetocUve. The sixth uuiual baaaar of St. and bring it in . . .or mail it . . . to year FiSncla o f Aasisl church WUl ba favorite appliance dealer or the Manehsm held Friday and Saturday nights T^ortStUt MISS A NN KRENICK ter Division of The Hartford Gas Compony. Hora’ e a sno> at the Church hall. Soma faaturas raedMoateraef MOM THE DERMETICS FIFTH AVENUE Complete line of •'Be W ise - o f the baaaar wttl be food sad tat PRIZE—$256* GAS RANGE praeiical nr. PriamrilT a fancy article, booth, nmusementa 2nd PRIZE-$200« GAS RANGE tojrs, a 6ah pond, gamea grocariaa NEV YORK SALON HERE Basrlnga ___; * 3rd PRIZE—II50« GAS RANGE CONTEST RULES: baan am ha - r E c o n o m M * and priaas. John Lawton and Mrs. * Baton Vktoe nat to exeaeri thta priaa. Chair tacks ta AMviaf Bfaljw and Reda Alan Barbartck head the geMral FRI. AND SAT„ SEPT. 23 and 24 Buy and Ride On 'arrangement commmittoa aorist* Whm yan boy a gaa raaga Curtag thtx WEDNESbAY MOEIONG ptaaiMiabla.whoao Connacting Rods eoutest aM then wbi • prtae^ your 6etU- 1. Finiah this sentence in 50 words or I •d by John Curtla, Dennis Riordaa, . . . "Smart cooks know that Gas ia I Paul Btelokl, Edward Curtin, Mrs. H r a rfatln dean ffcin you limply imiet try 6A. or wttl rofung yaar migey atal exchanga ^ te h a s ANN KRENICK yaar purahnaa for thla prtaou If tha ptiaa because RECAPS John CurUn, Mrs. J. J. Cklahan, $oN ADterhing Cleapiar) tha 60 second, craomy non* af tha range yan bongM >s hli^r ta Floor Mats Mrs. John Lawton, Mra Stotta drying efeomar that clani|« your ikin by ADierplioa — an tha pitaa. a'eroKt will ba SPECIALS * Zaleakie, Mrs. Paul BlelsU, Mra. 2. Prixes for best entries are an nlatni Front End Farts 600 s I f from $1.00* Thomas Doherty and Mias Shirley above. No prizes can be cxchangni nr Enea Fuel Pomps Lew As aubstituted. Contest is open to onyono A GROUP OP BACK-TO-SCHOOL The new Poet Office at BurrUl'a H r §tH tle StflHUkltlOtl ma '’Muihlng* and feel Fram Oil Filtars market on Oakland Read was on the lines of the Hartford Gan Cr^ broken Into Thursday night En­ your iHn grow kwelei—lraih—elhw ond rodkmt, end you except employees of tho company. Gaakats $ 5 .4 5 COTTON DRESSES trance was made through the east will warn to by tho completo Darowtia compiaxlen pro* Ignition Parts window by breaking the lock on gram for o ikin m levaly m o chUd'* — from $1.35* On Yoer Own Casing the window then through Uw mfr* 3. An entries must be received at yanr Mnfflars Ona Day Senrlet ket to tha post office. Theta they Sib ta 8lh FBIEESt nTJM 4-PtaM Bet dealer or the Manchester DhrWoa a f MAIDS MOSTLY triad to take a safe weighing 660 Compiaxion D ron— fomeui oM Flav«-8eal ALUMINUM Watarlam Cook* The Hartford Gas Company by Octahar Tan Pipes Hr proteethn AND 9*15 * Satiafsetlon Gnarantaad pounds but tha barking o f Mr. Him pcotactlon hoto Niot albninatos lha haorinsM o f oU arare. Includes Dutch Oven Roaotor, 1 2. 1649. SOLIDS $5.88 BxhsastfifM or year menay back. Burrttl’a dog caused him to turn Saueepana, Covered Skillet. Triple Thltk fothlanad awka up tmd taovat your fnea yeulhfuL Ngki, eUharaeaf on the outride light when the burg­ Deluxe Quality. Raclpa Booklet REGULARLY $8J8 AND f 10J8 Seard call aao Perfect C l f ^ Rings lars Red leaving the aafe In the oby fairy ond frath— from $1.38* 4. In case of tics, dupHeate prises wfll ha ~ .TcMaalaaaao' Fimton* Tir«s doorway. 6 awarded. Tho decision of tho JodgoB he Rsybaatee Brake Lining Mr. BurriU reported nothing was 6aa1. Far prrfeet urtht portrait make-up ymin I t ALL WOOL Spark Ptoga, Champion WholoBote and Retail token from the atota. Whoa ^ d ia a the OoUa C. MacKanata of Sullivan ba iM Io d whan you try DormoNa Automatic Rauga avsnuo la raglatorad for atudlas In 8. AH entries become tho . a f thB Sant Cavers • Get Our Prices $1.00* UpeHck and Foe# Fowdar. •nwra> i era Hard Maids ^ baric radio and.alectroalea at CRL Hartford Goa ConipBay* - $ 2 4 .8 8 School of Btoctroniea, Hartford. SUITS - •tardy esaetfueilaa Shedi Abferbtrs Machipa Shop Work mummm 6th to 16th F B a E S i S U M B-Plaoa Grid, Sunday, Sapt 38 tha cutoant FORMERLY pl.98 AND $48.00 Starters and Ganaratera Quick Sadies aaaoon ,of tha South Wlndaor Mar* Coma in and ton your skin in nahiral co iori through tho ama^ng, sontathnal dia Bat lachMtaa atalnlam stoal ladta and obants softball team will*close pancake turner, aluminum griddta-broU* with a field day and "old Umera" toautyseopo and dotormino whothor tho rougo and poordor you too now using arwarvar, mixing bowL sad atnmttonal new griddle motor for aura nsulto. softball game at Bt Fraaola Atb- harmoniso with your truo skin coloring, or whothor you hooo any of tho minor letie field. The field day. whtah la a new avant this yaar will start at compiaxion probfsmt that might bocomo malor, uidou rotardod. No obligation. • • KEMP'S II C A M P B ELL 1 ;S0 p m. with many forms 6f raoaa tor young people o f the town. The flrat event will bo a 68 Manchester yard’ dash for boya and glria from 8 to 7 years old and a wbaalbarrow •An eraMw M M in a prate** AUTO SUPPLY race fo r boya. Next arttl ha a 80, eeetebb f *■ w« l ■# geew ea DRUG yard dash for boya and glria ba* Ma .ie *fag 6m perra. t«th to IM i FBIBBBt 68.66 Ovanotta tor The Hartford Gas t^l-atova baking and roastlag. Oom^ato STORES with sceaeeorlee; aovar, raek. haae, pta pan. caka pan, romntag pan. aad 7 murila miTHONE2«?3646 eupp. lIA N tm S T E l EVENING HERALD. MANCHEVrEE. OONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTE8IBER 20, 1949 rA ua SwvEII IU ^U U ari«M HJtllAU). MANCHBiTER. OQWM, TUESDAY. SEPTSMBEm » , X94B

Bmb of tto trea, and Um | they oaa eatorputeo I aaMs a aaU tog an whtch [«»«• thA proper grade. lis t Death 0« UM Polio Patients Tto new patlenta am aot MoMt- H l f ifiR ad aa ttoy am kwg poR ^^ «*- J l ^ Connecticut taglouB ataga. From tto ir bato As Suicide sdito toVhlsSSS mSy-a yew w hd a H O m X t m iM m to At Newington they atom tto dormitory Ufa of [ S S ? n i a tk«n an. Mont trapoctoat the othar ebUdren. watching thorn Aomey general for New York Yankee Mate, when he returned home ■OB, Om AtiMrtte foBeo taroo wtO gattlag ready for aehool, doing Body of Weatpoft Wom­ r a in II If Ml B j A. B . a Ten Admitted List t ^ home W k . piaylag from hla New York d^offleea. m M • MMloto toUraattoMl and______carrying' nonnal on a gmiar^i an Found Hanginn PoBca quoted him as saying Mm W e^ as Result of Out­ activity for” thair a ^ The ^ 1 Bragg had been IB and despondeat M wa thauld, to ahtaad tto At- dran who am up aad areoad often From Apple Tree Limb ^ some tlma. . . . ♦••nr ■25S n a r e may ba aoma heated aad break Tbb Summer mad to them aad help them fsM la addition to to r husbanA che laatlo Pact Into a world pact ua- loavas aa lfl-year-—PoOca dar prapar arorM aalhority tto road, but it ia noteworthy that Newington Home aad Hoapital sup. Tto normal, bun atmoa- Bstad aa sulelde today Um dsath O. Bragfc Jfn a Mudent at Hoban TWa ktod of anggaaflon wIB ob- college,coUegeToenava.------N.Y. _ ^ ^ for CHpplad Chlkhran la foollBg pham of tto hooM and hospital of Mrs. LilBan Hughes Bragg, flfl, be held “ aoit^m w »«T* gto M aBoourarauMt tto Rapubllcaa party la aatoarktng gives reassuraace to paranU who whoso body was found hanging pmiaral aervicaa will ••••••• tto aftermath of thia oummor’o Mew York dty. u»a Itm w •tlclal Aaaarlran upon Ite IflflO Coanectlcut ca coma to see them ovary Baturday from the Umb of an apple tme at ite — Uw I ,a«f •••••**•*>>•'• paiga at a vary early data. peUo. Mega with the admlttaam her home here. OM ■!■«> I EeII «••••••••••••# ^ 2 whioh la aa a«eh appoaad to kai- aad Buaday. »•••••••••••••••■# The alaction la more than a y«ar last areak of 10 patlenta from tha PoBo patlaata who have PoUee Ueut. Edward - . ^ Do You Want Your A&P •ufM m ...... Itattoa at araaaiaaata, or tto agaa of aavan aad a half mcatlia admitted to Tto Newlagtca Ho m ,jld Mrs. Bragg auecisded In 0»« Tm» .•••• M f ahead. Tat tto party ' already M aa latamatloaal polloa aaama la tto throm of Ite aalaetloB aad Hoapital fOr Qrtppled caui- haagtag hamalf with a place of RONESTRONE rlU H mm. rmrn>IfElSh »•••••••• ’ to Ifl yeara for long term treat- dottoHlne after her first attmpL foroa aa la Raaato itadf. Aad par- of caadidataa It la not ImpoadMo meat and rehablUUUoa. At leaat dren wltiila tto last waUi that davelopmaate ortthia the aant iJ«ne Bue Dattmaa. IT moaths, made with a leather bMt. MleA IQ T .S O e TU hapa It la Juot aa waU that It wlU as many more children win ba ad­ Plainfield; Carol Btlaabath Oould, Tto belL'torn In two, was fo o d sass^.w Maiortmy get nowhara, tor the flandera- faw oraaka ahouM produce tto i* t n •■• U rvMMmiiao af main ahapa of tto Republican mitted aa aoon ao an adequate T 1-fl months. MysUo; Eleanor underneath tto tree. S r^ « n o iG o w a. m Sparkman prepoaal la one nmre nursiiiC EtRfr c^n b® recruited ftttQ Ruth O’Rourke, Ifl years, Bey- The lieutenant aald MTa. to o n ComoUo'a Epienre Uckat for IflflO with major nom- knotted tto clotheellne around her M Oak at. Ftona fl-41flB Ml •mrMM Moomo plaoamaal attaoh on a problem inationa ao wall aaaurad that tto faclUUea rearranged. The poBo mr; Dorothy Jaaat Kanaedy. IM "T" admittance list thia year outnum­ fi 1-a years, Woodmoat; Oath- nook, after aecurlng one end to aa All U which probably can only ba ablrto ladioldnala achadulad to racalva them oould ga out and bogln thair bers any einea Ifltfl when flfl eaam laa toppott. I 1-fl ysars, MU la oaa Mg world were admitted from Nabr Haven ford; Dorothy LaCroix. Ifl years, «tw flimi «f B. B. A more haif-haartad gaatura toward campaigning a yaar ahead of ruU m time. County as a result of tha epidem­ Meriden; Raymond Omech, Ifl le*. la*. a progroaa which can probably ic there. years. New Praeton; Michael An­ Btrangaly onough. far a cam- Haapital Ready drew Paterno, 11 years, Norwich' only ooma la oaa groat world ro- la wMah It waa aaaaaai * n ^ jaliM lUUMM I -nirough tto genarouajiupgort Paulette Agnes J Tark. Oa<«a0 aolvo. yaara. TaftvUle. Put Out Of Business? It tto propeaal doaa haOb aay party would to lack' of ConnecUcut dtiaens, our MMUMM J^DIT mmBAO o r afam leroaB pital la ready to do aU that caa be t ; - ClKClnJiTIOWB praaent ralua. It la parhapa la tto done In the poUo emergency,” B. fact that It abowa that Last Thunday b New Yorky th® anti-tniit lawyer! from Waihington filed a suit to put AAP out of butiiietta ltoal?iy . _ E. Foaa, Director stated. “Our Deatiu Lasi Night Anaarlcaas aro highly conadoua of many amjcr weU equipped hoapital and ther­ lir»««M»WM of tto danger that Uaa la our pur- fi apy departments with their UrtlM Wrta MM M*MMi r«M.ia trained otaffo are already rehab­ Los Angeles—Dr. Hugh Kolao We carry a complete They a Aad the oourt to order us to get rid of meet of our stores and also the manufacturing facilities M tM Ma«f>M«M I of old-atyla power poittlea _____ . lady fmm Walker, AT, moderator M tto Prsa- ■ti-'• ^ OanntyJath hava ilitating thaaa youngsters. While I ') Tuootfoy. la tto form of tto North Atlaatlo this emergency Is caualBg some byterlaa church of the United stock of all baby ittor aaaOy avaUnMa BUUs of AaMTlea In Iflflfl and a which suppb you witfi.A&P coff^ Ann Page productSy Jane Parker baked goodsy and other quaKty Pact, aad highly oagor to put after yearn of pratcitoHma that rearrangenMnt of our operating Th« Web aoma haaUng aad npHfttag altara- Bchedule for aome of the flfl other former trustee of tto Christian need* and suppUee.* t ^ arcra mtirad from poBttea. dlaeaaea treated here, we are do­ Eadaavor sodety’a National iteme wo proAieo. ■fte toNc in the thrMtonto Uon into it Beth am capable af * ing everytMng wa.csn to keep up board. He was born In Rogers- PRACTICAL RADIO SERVICING CoBM la aad Bflfl oor op-to- % Baaatcr naadara, in argument tUil atriko la PMUp Mumjra ul- with our regular work in addition vUl#a Ttnii* LEARN BY DOING . . . DAY or EVENING CLASS daUBaby Dflpt for tto propeaal. gam a highly Hong Kong—Oen. Yang Chlah. UaantiMi tlwt Um laduotry moat to the polio cam and tmatmant.” Nflw XflTBi StartB Oetobtr 17, lf4» dramaUc. but aot aatlrMy uajua- I flarm p a rty ' The local ditoten of tto Nation­ flfl. former Chinese ambassador to This would mean food prices for you. It would mean less food on every dinner table and fewer ■(TM to ootobHah ■oa-oontrlba- al Foundation for Infantile Pa- Moscow. In Oson tory ponalona. Wa aold. tho othar Uflad. yarMon of how Amarlcaa ; Its ( 1 Reno, Nev.—Gilbert B. Blair, • A. M -T U fllT V CENTER dollars b every pay envdope. day, that the principle InyoWad intantlona aMm to him, aa Amar­ W itlT S a-^ like Mortenaan ^ e n U ^ TO, associate professor of physics REGISTER NOW waa worth a light, worth a atrlka. lcaa InduatrlaUat aad pubUc u f“ ‘”fJ ^ a iw m n d Z le to r5 lirillngton Home and Hoa- and astronomy at tto University BFFKaBNT PLAOBMBNT SBBVMIB It they aoaai aueh to Mm. of Nevada aad aa a u th o r^ on v r t b r a n b a o o b p t b d Wa think what muat alM. aa«B that way to meteors. He sms bom la Blalra- UMOEB Q, L JBBX NON-TIBEBBANS PH AR M Aa It would maan tha end of AdkP as you know IL Amarlcaa way calla for * aom ___ paopla_ ia tto outaida wo.ororld. it come about that tto " ? ^ " ;;;;u f T T i2 'g e r “ i t m r M burg, la. ayatan to which thooa who are ftoffleld. Bag.—Blr WlUlam Write as Ptoi^ fl-MBA tm FBBB Oaooripdfvo Cflmalar It looka to Mm. aald Banator 487 Mata St. 4858 to boaafit are alao paeaaaal coo- 1 Butborland, flfl, srho served suo- SSdJtoLtoTXtolSl Srtlng M 5 Oth" rearrangwnenu « casdvaly as private saemtary and This poses a basic question for the American peofde: Do they want to continue to enjoy lower prices and trlbntora. Aad wa thiak that «f nandara, aa If ”tto ataae murder iSirih ta g«>‘ng on to provide mom beda, NEW ENGLAND TECHNICAL INS*I’m JTE Prflfl DflMTflry of Mviliaaa ia tto atrataglc objac- parliamentary seerstary to David Mr. Mairay goaa through with a Iflfl TRUMBULL BTRKRT ’ HABTF'OBD, CONN. Open All Day Saadays tlro of our air force.” Ha chaigad Uoyd-Oeorga whUe tto later waa better living? Or do they want to break up AdbP and pay higher pricesy and have lower living standards? atriko oa thia iaa«a, ho «U1 to dscUon campaign in three months aome*MM?several years, DrtHM OltnlSiRfa «iy» the ortglaal atomic bomba Detroit—wmiam R. Cunnlck, wroag, aad wlO daaarra to loaa. on Japan to “dad SHmt. wa »Mnw um party lead- discharged It wouM ha plaaaaat, aaaataUy ST. vice praddent and general out what they would do,” not to manager of tto Groat Lakes Btaal What do yo a want? paaoaful. to to aMa to lat tho la- magwitiide of Its IflflO task. Ths Rapt ■••y win tto war, elaeo Japan had al­ comMnation of Oommor Bowles Parents and friends of poUo ana ataad Jnat that way. ready offarad Bra “poaea faalero.” ^^'iJuakagaa, MIeh.—Lawla L> Sat tto ataaoat hopalaaa la- aad Bm at-r McMahon on tto patients need not worry that tto Mlddldton, flfl, vies proMdeat of Ito a . rofarrlag to waU publlclaad Democmtlc ticket, which can alao childran am flndlng their days at lohManaat aad oataagWaiaBt of tto Bhafflald Steal Corporation of Air Porea plaaa to atom bomb be strengthened by a wlm. nom-1 Newington long and boring. They Kansas City, Mo. aa M ay od tto laanoa o( oor time ■a TO largeat dUea In caaa Inatlon for tha Jiort Senate term, I am very busy getting well. Hot Why Destroy A&P? Who Will Be Hurt? is going to ba something to beat, packs am applied almost con LCX)KING INTO of orar, ba charged that the Air Second, we suspect .th a t the atantly during tto day. Treat- Thari la aaothar grant atrlka Forca’a atrataglc objactlra in ouch IThlfl Bidf was hrooriit mkler dm anti-tmat kwB. Thflae are good laws. TK«y were atoady fahw Oh. tt la la tto party leadership has a special ma- ments am given in the idiyslcal There has never been any question in our mind diet it Is good liiiitnBes aid bombing would ba tto daatraettem SOB of Ms own for promoting a thampy department and in the pasflfld about fifty yafloa ago to pravoDt any company, or any group of companicfl, M to U Uwta ooal tadnatry. of tto drllian popuUttoaa of pmaant crystaUisatloa of major wards for short periods between good citizenship to sell good food as cheaply os poesible. As Fortune Magazine Hwa tto taana la alao that o( paa- ^an*****-*^— That p i^y leadership the packing. The tmatment under THE FUTURE thaaa dtlaa. fiLftCKUONt from getting a monopoly in a fieU and then raiaing prices to the public. atoM. aea-oaBtrtbatory pautoaa. is under flm from many sections trained themplata consUts of ex- wftSnfRS iBONtHS said about A&P some time ego, “It is firmly attached to die one great prindrie If you taka thia view of Air of tto state. Its leadership in thelerclses for weak and paralysed A&P ha* oevor-dona any of dtosa diinga. dm eellhig of mere for lem — that has made die deaeit bloom and dm nation Bat tora Mr. Lawla haa already Foroa otratagy, than the North last Oeneral Asaembly was net muscles and those needing to be won. to Ma oSort of a yaar ago, ^ ------. . . ,-• , „ .. g ^ Y Atlaatlo Paet la maroly tto In- impmaaiva. Its prestige is low. stmtehed because of existing w « gfM ts tto m m » ktod e t piaaton Mr. Some BAY It is wcH wt don’t kBow what tlm fa- etrtiment by which m aawra our- It wouM ba aatlrely poeslbla. to ] spawn. AutaesaMa Washers* el tko food kBihiiii mywfcwm Ae evmy hiuiiwlfi fcaim, Hm teU g w y M nm r M after. ,What wa tWak the montha ahead, for a revolt to Concern about missing school torn holds in store for os. and pot most paopla M bve Ikal wa have ksiped Iks aahroa tto baaaa nacaaaary for develop insida the party. which some of the older children Anthortaad Dealer wonM like taUke at least a peek into tho fntnre. I ifl dm tooM eempeiMve ta Ike eeualrF and we do edh a m n l pert ef R. onght to to d«dM Mr. Murray were showing haa disappeared aad hto ataal wartwra, Mr. LawU carrying out that atrategy. M. towwor, ttM preoeat party What tto Air Force may plan leaderaMp should play Its part with the promise that they will m ever mid we flhflcged lee Mgh priem—jart tae oppeiilA l¥b aad Ma aoal mlaata ataandy tora. attend the school at Newington Whatever comes, VouH have to take It! Tha dwt tite kunJrsdi of tfcoomadi of in tto orent of orar la, ore think, In tto enrty designation of ~ -V iaagedliaSS. *ttaod” win be sD-to-the-good; and aH voa caa do wMSn WUOmm V M Un IBU S M VSK wV OUB nW S fVM lOO OBUn^ W9 w W B Mr. towtoa atilto la aot to gala' Btnta tieket, nad tbnt ah Home aa soon as ttoy ara abto. TM fl-44lfl aot haw* had aay ef tab traoUa If, tartmd ef hwartag priem, we ked nked 1 em berinsw kevs prefiflsd ky our lost, 1 U, k«t to toroa adaa oparatora la­ far from any latent upon tho part ttehet ahouM ba one el obvlena Here the children attend aehool S«S Main St. nbont the "Bad” is to inaort agatast it. on their beds, In wheel cbalra and Hmm « d peckfltad the dMkmaee. te tahortag thoir own agraaauat of aoeraga Americana. But the weight nnd proapacta, na point, already wall Uluatratad by lindins ammbam of that . braces and crutches. The aehool Aa aeddent that kaaps yoa oat of work folr a o< Mat yaar. I to atrlka la balag program foUowa that of all State fle^le^lp Immr arrif flel^l tket ear pro^l^^ifgag^^iR^n too high. During Ike pert five [Hlroehlma, la that aoeraga Amer­ pertive atnto ticket ebeuM ba long perM of time; anid auto aceidant In whidi tket ow IKhOOO loyal miploysm sajoy today, m dwy always kavsh . . callad baoaaaa aoM o< tto aouth- wen latlaflad wltb tto paeamt achools so that upon discharge | your ear injnres or kills somaone. AU such things a wagst, iliBrtsrt ksim sad host worifiag cendMeas i ^dm opwatori tora daoldod to dla- icana aomatlmaa baoe very litUe party leederaMp, then that prte- wonld require huge aoBW of BMtiey—nnoney that •elm, wMA b lem Itam etaawl mqr edwr kwtame yea c * d ta k o T n < oonttona thair oaaMhntloaa to tto to aay about orbat American pol­ ^ lenderaMp woeld be aMeMei icy doaa, aoinatimaa even no sgnlast tto nttnok now Let's Take A Ride only insurance caa provide. piaaton foad. Bo m of tto aorth- Thfl American people have diown that they like our low-price poBcy by coming kaoorladga of orhat American pol­ bBng thrangh tto atnte. ara oparatora do aot approro of In That So look into the future. Dedde now that ao mat­ icy la planning to do. It la never But regardleaa of what happens to our fltorofl to do their shopping. If A&P u big, it ia becaufle the American . af keriassnmn — tka landlords who tset Oi mm thia raaaga. It glrao Mr. Lawla to tto party lasdemhlp. the grow­ ter how dark It may be youTl make it brighter * ' rate oor tracks, Iba psopls who supply ns wita goods aoM aioral ground for hla atriko. 1 unhealthy, therefore, for conaden- ing Ides that tto Isadem of tea by having insurance agatast all haaarda. CaU ua people, by their patronage, have made it big. tlona Americana to try to lift Republican ticket for IflflO ought and ssivbm — baveabiafltsbsta oer speratisas. Mr. Lawla’ poaaton aad wolfaro New 19S0 I'ACKARD t ^ a j f l Obviously, it is die dieocy of die and-tmst kw]rerfl dial die people have no riritt fund la a wondarful thing. Not thair com natloa'a policy, to try to to designated at an aarly datA to act public and offld al at. and allowed to begin building thair Obviously, all diese peofde will suffer if this company is put out of business. only oaa It afford to pay a aalary c a m p a ^ srtU bsfom campaign It D. I.. i 299 o a N H im M " to patronize a company, if their petronage will make that company grow; and of yS5,0M a yaar to Banator arda for it orhlch may have aoma eeaaon officially opens la sound In M Mi I t P diat any big buainem must be destroyed simply becaufle it w big, and even if thg alight moral influence on orhat BtylM Brldgea, Mr. Laarta’ Rapub- policy, almost too sound, perhaps, ^€>at^d6>evn public gets hurt in process. lieaa friend, la hla capacity of goaa on behind the top, cloaad to come true. ’Tto Dsmoersts hops tmatao. It alao prorldaa tor doora. Tto American paopla do It won’t con»s trus. ROBERT J. SMITH Inc •o t oraat to atom bomb Ruaala, What Shall We Do? aalaan aad ttotr famlHaa a woa- REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE darful flawarlag of tto welfare aad the more often they aay ao Do Yon Want Higher Prices? the better. The Flandera-Spark' The pretty aehool teacher was • til. 1 P At'tS CABINET | | 853 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 8450 , We admit diat the interests of die owners of A&P are of liitle importenoa. man propoaal ia one oray of aay- trying to teU tha^ pupils about tto • LOW PAYMfMTS Now Mr. Lewia and the coal advent of spring. miaara being what they aro, it ing it. *iu' T sto^ on tto alaUon plab-l • TPADf rODAY j liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiinBiM^^^^ There b raudrineie Involved in diis case dian dia future ef A&P. The entird Frankly, diey could maha an enormous amount of money by breaking up A&P, form one sunny aromlng wMtlngl I MOMI 5191 NOW can to aaaeptad aa fairly certain American system of efficient, lew-cost, lowiirofit distribution which we pioneered, as die anti-trust lawyera wish, and selling off the parts. that thara la ana thing that ia Thfl Lifted Bloom for my train I fMt ap Do they agree widi die and-Urust to aura that they ara aot going unfolds. It threatens to weight Its BKliNNF.K'S i'AtKAKD AffiP was dm fint dioin slose hfl dds country. For moro dwn ninsly ysan we have to giro up thIa fund. Oaa can be stem earthward. It droops, as * * ^a tsia^M* op««ter’t mua-[ IV ...Mil; lawyew diat our food prices are too low, and that we riiould be put out of tha aura that thara la no way of tak­ tactoT" auggaatad tto amMl boyj Msd lo buBd a ae«nd bMinssa on dm sfanpla formula dm feundsr gave nst though despairing of Its own of tha claas. *Ysive dm people die most good food you caa for dtair monsy.** Year after yaar picture eo odier grocers caa charge mere? ing It away from them. proofilss. Ba arhat about Mr. Murray aad Tliea It unfolds, extends Itself, wa hava tried to do a battsr jab, maha our husinsss more sffidsnt, and pass dm Frankly, if dus were the case, we would not want to continue in business. hla ataal arorfcara? What they j and grows. Now, suddenly, It savings oa to dm consuaisr ia dm fqna of lower prioss. » want la wrong. But, although it I floats lightly on the garden Mr. It But we seriously doubt diat thb b die case. Twelve years ago, an effort was ia wrong, Mr. Lewia and hla fllnga Us poised end dancing MiM ■lisr Our sfforls aloag dtssa Bass hava led edwr grocers to keep Ihrir costs aad adnera already tovo It Wo doubt dOi. mada to tax thb company and other diain stores out of business. The pahKe lenga to tha aky. Ite net y||^ght. profils dowa, i that anybody la going to taka It one would think, has incronsd. ralBad to our support. They said they liked our quality foods and our low prices. away from them. Tbara'a the tan­ BAUARD But something buoys it up, while In the old days before .A&P, food that cost the grocer 50f, often sold as hirit As a iqoult of their cqipositien, the tax was defeated. gled wab. How do wa gat out? tha bud yearned to droop. Dr ia the attuatlon hopelaaaly as$l.00atrstaiL ** -. • That buoyant something is, Driving School Now we are faced widi dib new attadt HuouriR die courts. Wo are fw’H widi beyond any good oolutlenT essUy enough, its own beauty.. a Today, food diat costs ths grocer 50^ generally sells to dia pubBe at lass dian 60f. force which, whenever and how­ die heavy costs aad all die trouUe that bwsuits iavolva. . _ IlflBdm-SpflrkBua PropoBfll ever it Is expreesed, haa its own Manchester's ONLY aehool able to offer you Na Down PnynMnt The methods we pioneered have been adopted not only fay odiar grocers, but B Tama To Fay CHEVROLET MEEDS LUBRlCATlOM daflance of the lawa of gravity, an A. A. A, TRAINED and CERTIFIED In- But we bsBeve dib attadi b a dm at to milHons of consuaisrs who rely on ut It la another of thoaa gesturaa y o u r C H E V R O U a by merchants in other lines. There are today Bterally hundreds of dudn stores, toward tto only real eventual l^pe lifted bloom ia at once aapl- Btrnetor. voluntary groups and individual msrdiaats opemdng with die same mathods lor fuaBty foods at low priesst tobnnsrswhorelyMUBforfa8t,lofWriX)stffistri- paaca.- a gaatura forlorn at tto m ttaa and fb . fulflUm«nt of Mfl' hulioM of thsb products; and to our loyal smployass. praaent moment but still proptot- ration. It opeas, falls In AH uaif A.A-A- ty p t eontroRed. AfTEIt W M fi SOMME and in the same pattern hare under attack. with tha sky, and U hMtway le of Utlnga whlah must ac Rffflulfl-vOur mntkod Ifl thn ba»l, fka etuieit. If the anti-truflt lawyers succeed in destroying A&P. the way will be clear for vrMcfa la rapraaent i d In tto ttora, aU la one draam-Uke mo- , ^ iMW m ltefli* ChflTT®*^ W a.fsd diat H b our rospondbOtty to all disse peopla to dsfsnid, by ovary ^ the destruction of every other efficient large ecale dmtributor. ’ paasd aoMndmaat ta tto forMgn Manchester'a oldest driver training school. thb company and dm low-prka poli^ oa which it was bdlL arms MU which haa, bean of Borne -Bvas ara like that too, | flirad by n M-partlaan * group of heavy and droopy,, and fuU of | Bfiiiilf 4 eoflf axparUnce, and axeeUent rep. OgJMjAJ »nying hurdon, uatU, suddenly, U Baaatora. lUation, What this group af Swat they ofea. and ravaal aa unaua-1 wauld Bka to do la to aarmark pacted bsauty whldi la buoyant flhaalcB. portion of ogr forolgn arms ax beyond aU tha drab routlna laws I Our imtmetora are ezperta. piBdltiiri lar tto erantton of of tto UBlvaraa. Reflufte-wTkouflflBuIfl of hour» pf accident free r spssiai North Atiantts BflM world That, a t laaat, la what Baptem- poBoa flares. bsr aattra aro aaylag. inetruetton. Bsnator John J. BpariMnan, tto • ^ T h e g r e a t A t l a n t i c & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Alnbawn Damocrat, and ons of Sales of Our policy is to ipake you an eaicellent driver* .tMa group of goMtors. dsacribsa I not Just the holder of a driver’s licenie. y tto purpaasB af aush n flares as At Auction Mart TM A‘P flaUows: geauU^-Hundrede o f eadefied atudante. CARtlR CH1VROI.ET vw., lhc< "Tto Atinatte paBaa flsrts CMuUflowar hlghUghted tha days I wauM n Mgkly tratnaC wMl _4laa yeatatflay a t tto Auction W. G. G lanney Co. to M aikat BtaMoon crates wars dla- i FOR SATISFACnON-r m a i m paM yr»*^M«*flfl^ af tto BM Na. Main BA Ftona 4 ta 311 aadtaialy 1 avail, pasad of at a Mgh of flS.4S and a MghaM tppa, Uuflitdtataly low M IMB. CALL MANCHESTER 2-2245 OpsnVA.BLtaBP.M. PHONE-4874-6398 flfgNflmi **Haid to Pkase* On Yoar Gift List Inclndlng Wodaeaday Afternoon ?; /a ■■''V p®r bMk®ts total aalaa anteuatad to |Uflfl.0fl.; Open TUI Moon on Bntwdny hilwiw .... ,r i’ll nilLlriiifiii WfcihrA ii’hi'V -t-2,>..1 ►T

M AM C B S8TU BVCNING HERALD. UANCHR8TER. CX)NN^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. IM t 1 PAM : v ^ KANCmSTEB ^VININO HKRALD^ MAICCWEVrBR. OIM II* TUBBDAT, ^ iE M B E K »0. which win to aeml-pabllA win to ta the * . Btoeelead Je held October 17 at the Masonic ’Double Talk' at Beltoa Omtor Lodge Pickt Temple. Backing Given tag ooanie Uea ef the paroeM et ooelaBy and amesSjr Soolrahia r w ladiTMadljr Dsaigasd Ito rartlripato to Bvsota OMpt. Orator c t Bu t t —ey Doctors To Form Pack Seen Brazen Loho. Its Officers A cUvIUm for the coming you With Hamilton Unas with tha protaeting tafkimoa Betlea PTA veto* to eeadaet a were thoroughly dlaciiued by an To Mortensen AaMMnti* ManeheBter a f tba hosM, whara parasto majr Speneer Foundatioiia Town Orders I t to dtSteutl tor ttoa STanf* Dr. Morttmar Morlarty. toL partmpala is the hot-haeh program at BoRee Bto* exceptionally targe turnout of p m m to iwUM whot anute oon 44S, and Dr. John Prlfnano, O f Cub Scouts amatory achael at Its reeent nmot- efficon aad memberA The chapter Date Btfok For 25 Years UMir eMMram Ota GhI Mta. EWs MWcadcl R ep ob U ca a tag. Tha milk program wbleh the Clifford W. Johnson H a rtfo rd Repnblican So^tiMtock. X otolt hooww. l-lOld. a n tba obyolctana of torlag taeraaalsg srlU definitely partlelpato ta Urn Special Truckl to tko Ajnoa ■**». Mok^ tba Maacbaotar Madical Amo- AascrU Boarles Guilty oBlt haa bom apmanrlng ta laeato State Plaque competition and path parosts as* tsa ymns m PImasTTST aetaMto tmr sovaral yaara wmt late Elected Master Coun­ Sato BowUag Leagno with the Town Committoe En­ to onUrUlo. would eiatloa who wlB raopond to HoRiiter PTA H«4ds M^n rrBHtT. eoBoliiM ttoi *oot olwptleoL ^ IfM tlng of Board of DIrocton. Paul Aainger ' of This amorgancy calto tooKUrow aft* In Promism to Peopb "TMC thti weak. cilor of DeMolay SUto BMkrilthan League peodtag dorses CaniUtlate Eqaipmeot to dutU orltk tbo IndtoMuol pottonts, Reeling to Take Steps other pansto at tho lloihatar B ihart Maria eh, am af Mr. and more devalopraenU.U. Viaitatlon for 1« 0W Municipal Building at d. Town One of First to chUdraa wha ora tat arm! ad is tha Mrs. TTiemaa Murdock e f Leka the next term w ill to AJwdnied by fliHto ouk w M t oonfo Mk* Joint Inotallatlon Dllworth- OoBhooter, BepL iS__Ba- Clifford W. Johnaon, aon of Mr. HartlorA SepL 30 —(81— Al­ IteMd Up Work of boot, and with bar accordion ptoya Oomdl-Quey Poijtiu^^^uBlt^ d. For Its Organiitton program toy abtsis aSyiy 11 atreet, has earoOed ta the aventag the new master councilor and re- Attain Service Record larmattaif from tha achael agflM pabBean Stato Chatrmaa O anaM ■eealBB Of HRlyer CMIege ta Hart* and Mi a Axel Jolmson, o f 31 Cam- leasod at the next m uting alaa though tha alaetton la almost 14 Catdibeelns and ton«t o » umKf roquaot iram> months away, the Hartford Ba- W Cru^^em ond Jublloa oboor- Tha f ^ OHjor Btap toward tha from M f» ASas Ikytar, F. Baldwta rraitmdad bora ] lord. He w ill studg biialnem taw brldgo street, waa unanimously WlUlam J. Oraif who waa e ffl- bora 00 Unw w ill ponnit. clany "Dad" of tbo ebaptor for hla pubUcan Tnra eomarittu hu lira. Mobrboclwr laotota aha vnUon. South church. T:SO> ni. Tha flrot man oaar to coaiptota Board Session formation cf a Cub Peek at tha Back Puns torSay that Oevoraar Bewtoo I oad aceouBtlag. Robert waa a June oloctad Maotor Councilor of Joha |ra<^to at Maacheotor High last time at last night's meettag made knowa its eboiu tor a guh- goto 00 muc^ of o lift out of alng* riiio j, Soptantor m twanty-flro yaara of aorrlaa with HoDtoUr Btraat oehocl wao tokaa ham gkOty of "doobla tatk" ta Mathor tliaptor. Order of Do- ■raatioatal nomtau- Winiam H. l|Moaordaraaowptaoaofa«iilp- thanked tbe boya Mr tba mpport f / i taiC oad ptoyinf for tha potlanta MUltary Whtot nod oatbadt. Hamlltan Standard dlvtoton of ta thS kehool ouditoctum taol sight I te OnoaeeUj^ j^wple. Stolay. a tha Srat fan burinem thoy gave him during the past Mortenaca. formor amyor aad ■dito wbUh win oaoro (uickty I thay could poaolMy (a t from Chapman Onirt, Order of Amar­ This Evening W B .e s . of Uaited Megrodtot umtad Alroraft Oorporation as forty tatoraoUd pansto gath- eburch wiU meet teatorrow eve- maottag at tha Masonic Tsmpio year. After Karl Frits aad Karitr fonner atato oonator. *Studio Of Tim StarlH$" ^SimilnalTir pawlda work In i bar Buale. anth. Maoonle Tampla. ’ tong this praeUea Tha commtttu. at a OMotlim racalvod apodal oanrlca ptna tioai tb ba tadoctrtnaUd ta thih dtag at A Membera wUl eleah the lari ovenlng. A senior at Man­ CouDcUor WlUlam 8. Miner had •tal fio M tbOB eoB aaw bo Monthly morlao ora aloo toiown - - - “ *^bar 1 WANTED o f doobto talk oaoM appear eoa- thanked "Dad" Oraif for his aerv- last night, officially andoraad carolira mantel Erto Martin, ganaral managar. open Hearing of Direc* vtantag," aaM BaUwta te a talk baaemeiit aad aro aMied to bring chester High aehool he has been mi by bond labor. Towm Kiiglaoar to tha poUenta by « * y Dwyar. TaU Cadan Pall (c o o t lota. a aandwteh. Ooffea w ill be served eutotandtag ta DeMolay work over leu the chapter gave a round .of Mortenoen by a vote of 34 ta A H m noakay >old today. Thlo antarUlnmant to now nndar Dograa work, S:M p. ParaM 6 They aro: Paul A. Aotngar of it Tha masting, called by Mrs. A l­ to the ■hisatrimr BepabUomi etab apptauu ta appruiatloa. T to rix dim uting votao cams Noreene Prall Annulli Ooburn road, Maachaotar and Aton tors on Petition of G m SutioM Attendant ■4 Oardhar laka. " I was rapaet- te the werhera the p u t few yaara and active ta aa- Ib a autopioaot coatoata of tha aponaonbip of tha rriandly las Taylor, praaMast M tha UoUls* tra curricular activities ta aehool. from tba fir s t Sanatorial diatriet a a d a l tn d k on wbtob to nouatad Clrcla. ^ Tbofufcy Octobao S P. Maanalla of OMPorbos Stnat, tar Street P. T. A., wtts tho ooop- adtor aaiaaad at tha braamnam ef which F o n u r Mayor Edward N. Eaot Hartford. Mandiester Reahops ^ Basrittk, wflhif Is wsrk Ka eharaetar. He la presently a member o f the ANNOUNCES THE Annual Pair, Womaa'a Auxiliary oratkm of Thomoo BasUoy. ookool Studmt OOaodl at the local High Allen rapreaenta on tha Rapubticaa baekot** H m tottar to o grab typa _f Manchaatar Memorial boapital Moaara Aotngur and Mannalla principal, was conducted by Har- ■ad asrvs tks paMle. T h om e f you who ttotoaod ta Contest Fans Can State Central commlttoA Allen Joinad tha Standard Staal.Propal- A praducUva "glva and taka' the f rnmtoss o f aeoaomy aad bare aehool oad loot yoor waa a candi* ba^fcat, u d ooa of tbo main u m In Masonic Tampla. sasth at tha Charter tmk C h lln P m a a Tolland data for rieetion u prerideitt e f has bean aseatlonad as a guberaa- REOPENING OF tow M d i It wm ba put to tha Job Oetabar 14, IS lar Obmpany, om of tba prosant dtscuaolon of Mancha#- asm extra vagaaee hi part onmaeo, torlal aemlnu, atao. Secure O ffice Oauneil. Bby Scouta of Amartoa, who hoard promloao of tbo aamo govomlng body. In hla Exercise Wits of etabnlng out oaonhotoo and may, "Jennla Ktoaad_.Ma." company's two pradaaaoaora, wban tar*a fuutra growth la ta and OUbart Hunt toinmoatar Ur- Tha ToOaad P.T.A. win epm tta sarUor y a m at-SLHB., Cliff held Tha six who voted agalnat Mor- It wao locataa at Homawood, McCLURE*S SUPER Mleoe aad are sun b e liig ______ctnhbatln- now tadloualy dona by W hi ton a«n , Community Piayaro proapaet for tonight oa the Joint ganloatloB asd Extanmun ooaraSt- I4S*S0 aoaom with the oanual the praridency of "Paint and Pow­ tanaen tart night did not bring A l­ For New Bank Panaiylvaala, and boootad a pay­ ay the eaot e f MvUig, who beard Hartford, SepL 39— Contest lan's name into the controvway. hood labor. ^ _ for C. L> o f O. Board of Dlractora and Town Plan­ taaman. Tha parenU at tbs ataat- SERVICE STATION proariaM e f pceoparlty aad aoaa pnbSe mpper and reooptlm to der." the High school dramatic Star-Lite tXadar tho now plan. Ino ta ^ of Oetobor It, IS, It roll of eight. Mr. Aotngar oat up mg watohad two fUma on Cub cluA which aoclalma hla loadtr- fa u had a chance today to axerdu They eunpty eontanded that aay Standord'Staero flrot tool daport< ning Commtoalon meets with maro- SS7MAIN8T. , unemptoyment sweep the state, teachers m Friday. September 10. barlnc • »•“ w arork on l/ieal Products SbOW, MOB^. gcoottng and pasaad tha latUal moot be wondering‘ ring Ihow loeg we ■hip abillto. Ho h u hold numor- their witA candldato enderaoment w u 'in mant, and Mr. MonaoDa waa blrad bera of tba Mnnehsstar Board of at (BO p. m.. at the Hlcka Memo­ timed." tbo cMoIng Job. togaUior with a To Be Used Tempop«plly Tuoaday sad WadBooday, Bn- Rpeltora to consider tha lattara' ‘BobcaV* teats, the fln t s t ^ >« ouo DeMolay oOceA tha last betiig Tbe Connecticut Council of ataadby tniOk and dHrar. tha now ehangs Oub, Stata Armory. aa a machtntot and latba-band. rial admol. It 1a ptannad that thU aenlor eouncUor, tho second high­ After thrir defeat, tto Am dla- Both men progreeaed with the pirUtlen for relaxation of oub-dl Cub Scouting. Tho now "Boboato” Womm'a Republican clubs h u aa- Dance Studio amlpinant raqulno only tha w«Mk Until Bank Building Tbu n iay and rM a y , Oct. (7. SS vision require manta here. WlU ba teaching their own sons to Aettoa win to a family algbt sod aU te- est ta the chapter, and h u also ■identa held a caucus oa the quao- M tta tniok drtvar. He runa t o TTia Oantar The^ana prcacat I compeny, recelrlng eueeaeelye pro- served on many eommitteee. He nounood a statowlda "grass roots tioQ o f making tba Mortonaan an- Is Constmcted moUons to foraman and than to John I t Allan, raaltor spokas- pass tba "Bobcat” taaU Is aattd- The O. O. P. Umirman called f or torsatod ta tha acheol and lU ac- Tbhlela up boolda a r a t^ b a ^ T o r Lova or Money," a comady by patlon o f tho Pack organtoatlon. "e lonaertid aetion by RepuDll- w u one of the four local chapter conteaL" The writer of the beet dorument unanlmouA but doetdad man. sold this morning that par- ttviUoa ara eordtaUy tavitod to delegatos to attend the DeMolay letter on the topic. “What Do Ton not to do u . tba orana to owunf o, tag's valuos to tho family and tba hrtag m ead te the wertlag ef the coototlttao ara Mrs. Oliver Peck. TVeoaurer Francia H. Sullivan the "Onum RooU contuL" P. O. Locort atreet Entraou BALLET ^ % a whoio oatup wUl not oort J. W VK/ Hartford plant A promotion community wlU bo shown, and ap- money by those who nith- w u re-elected to his office for en- Box 3193, Hartford, not later than tiou. while holding a large tract wmnU Mrs. Francu Hodglns. Mrs. WU- Oct. 18. SL Mary'a Waoma'a AoxUlary ■och orar M.MO. The oStoe'la held bf the name •w ^ m T T I ^ asstotant general super* pUcatlon blanks for proapacUva pewer ever the Uvee at other year. UkeMrlae Marahall E. I f l I j O U r t H . C F C Intendent soon f^ w e d . For the to build It up alowly. In the Utter fTsd Yoong, Mrs. Irvine R«u and BATON TWIRLING tnda-ln. Tha new truck w ill ra- of Plrat National Bank of Man- caae, the realtors would Uka to Cubo.wlU bo given to the parents. Mrs. Bdward Gottier. Miu. Ptam- Hodge w u reappointed scribe for ona BOW In oarrlca. chaeter Organtoing. and wlU These appUoaUoos. to ba returned tbe next year by the Advisory Aslnger and Mannello Wfro re- see uttlitiea and roads inatalUtloiia aOM b av ____ - Lady or haa also announoad that a uaed temporarily until ouch time raqulrad only to tha extent that at tha October 3 maettag, wlU d ^ Cbrtstmaa basaar la bring ached- Board. The la ttw alao elected an­ , , _ _ n I aponelble for four plante with termtaa tha chartar # WHh ar other chapter advisor. Nelson as the bank's qnartara are com Able to Leave Mogpitai, total at appronlmately 10,000 em' davalopmant takas placa. Allen • Oaad uled tor Docamber 1 tor tha bena- Classes and Private' pletad at tha Main and Hi also noted that In many Inatancea, at the new Pack. A t last night's Bolton Richmond after "Dad” WUUam J. Prize Winners to a f tha T.TJ l wbm thara win Oraif who, after an admirable Job • M o i atraat locaUon. tba Capa Cod atyla davalopmanta maettag. It woo atrim id by Mr. to tablaa tor tha following: New York Man W ill Be | who to now ,p«:to. Smith that paranU of proapacUva msiSOIATB onjVKBT iHtolta the past year, aubmitted hla rerig- Instruction Noroca Pratt AnnnlU, Director " A ll Inqulriea regarding deposit ■ giving way to tha more rural ON BOMB SSOfMCLB Tri. ^ p n oA tooC whlto olophant aad At Bridge Party Information, atock partldpatlon Given a Hearing asstotant to tha factory manager, Cubs muat ba praaant at Q U IN N ’S natlon. to a member at DOworth-Oornell' ranch typa in which dastraMIlty of othar handiworti. Tho drat ragu- .0 and other matters may ba lodged many tabtallsUons, Uka sidewalks remaining meetings ta order to ene McCLlTRB AUTO Karl rrita wu elected chair­ Quey Poet, Amertcaa L«glon, ter their sons ta the new Pack. The Board at Selects man at the Advisory Board and •More Flavor per Cup Mora than thirty tabloa were In at the temporary office for Mr, Oiuaeppe Leona, 49, of New and curbs, takas on a differant g f l Mata SL Oaenar BtimH told m Wadnoritay. D ^ b a r A at For Informstion and Registration, Phone 2—9244 Knight'a poraonal attenUon, Manchester, Emanuel LutlMran ai^acL AU o f tlMoa cor,sldera- called a special town meettag te George Russell w u elected iU afay at Jm telephone bridge parties Tork City; charged with theft and church. Orient Lodge No. S3, East flU tag • Real Naad P H A R M A a I p. m., at tba arhool—thla la the that of the Organtoing oonunlt- Uons, ba thinks, should ba dto- toko pleoo gatu-Mey aftomom at umml meeting ttmo. tha Srrt Wad- secretary. laal evening te local iiomra fbr attempted bribery, to expected to Hartford, the Hartford Poremah' The enthustastlcaUy tataraated tte Sm M l of tho work of Ito tee. cuaaed and definite working agraa- group at last night's meeting two e'cleeh at the Osmaranlty Han ■—day o f each asmth. An taUr- Maator Councilor a iffo rd W. •More for Your Money ba preaontad ta Town Court to-1 Club and tha Natloiial Aeronautics manto, generally accepUble, taould Johnaon wUI onnounco tha ra- ijenclwter Imneh of tho Bort- Association. He served as another evidence at the fact that to eoamair Items of major laipert- ridad aad frioado ara oordlaUy ta- Manchester Stuilio, Odd Fellows Building, At the Center morrow morning. Chief of Police ba arrived sL Cub Scouting ta Manchester to flU- vltad to attend thaaa maettaga. matadar of hla eorpo of offlcan at mechanic in the Array Air service Tha meeting tonight win be ta aaoe to the town's wrifOre. 11m tbo moating October A The install­ **flifm!^prtowM wm ^ ^ I Explorer Troop Herman Schendel stated today. during World War L tag a raal need ta the community. Buaday aad waahma guests of (kod Hoaa of Buffalo, N. Y „ who| r _ __ a the form of an open hearing and The tusUtuUon to organised to p ^ Srst two Iteme ta the warning r ^ ing auito wUl also to announced at Mr. Mannella to {ffoductlon sU' any Intareoted paraons may re­ for to rocommendatlana by this time and the InstaUetlon, with her parintendent In eharga of tha bub mote the family ties that ao often Mro. Ernest U Ruddy of •Mata of Mr. and Mia. Bdward To Be Formed, _____ mark. Tha hearing to acheduled ------The Nuner That the Selery Study commlaelon ta New York City, to also acheduled and aaaambly department. He is a for i p.m. ta tha municipal build­ become weekened ta modern clvlU- its recent report to the gelectoma. WriMring, OatartA Mt a Em W. Dlk of Honry atnot Tbo aocond for dispoaal tomorrow. member of SL Rosa’s church and xatlon. By dtreettag the energies Fm «M M Hartfted. Mr. aad Mn. pclaa araa won by Mro. Lawronra ing. Thla commlaetan was set up at a A new explorer troop to to be Leone waa rushed to the Man­ the Manchester Country Club, and town meeting a year ago to ra- ^ Qaofaaaa o f BomaM. Mr. and Ihora'a NotMog Bettor Thm c 3 ! of Joon Itood, tha third by organised at St. Mary'a Eptocopal to active In local bowling leagues. Revolulioiuzet Baby Feedfaig Mi a Ira Craalmaa at gtow, Maas. Walla Cass Dennlaon of Highland chester Memorial hospital from vtow the salartce oald town offi­ church within tho next nxmth. the Hartford County Jail when he Mt a Ruby Lovwta of TakottvUlA SALAM Pbrh. a napbaw of Mrs. Caaa and Feeling Results cials and recommend chaageo “Btoplorar" scouting to tho senior waa found to be suffering from Slow, MetUura, Fast A ir Flow whara neceaaary to put thaaa ^ Mr. aad SIt a Donald Lovorla fka fcortb prtoa fell to Mrs. Pran- program of tbo Boy ScouU of —d O0B. .itavtd ef Miami. FloridA OCc.o*44;s elp W. HMfrick of Waotmtastar acute appendicitto. Chief Schen­ Driver Arrested JO ANN aalariea on aa equttabla baala aad POPULAR MARKET FEATURE America. When a Scout raach- del stated that a hospital report Of Pound Devalue Whh Steri-Seal one that would compere faveraMy Bovaral from towa vlritod Lake TEA-BAGS Oonaolations prloaa want to Mrs. oa to fourtaenth birthday bo can on Lrone's condition Indicated Reader and Advisor with aalariea paid for rimUar w ^ amtooSuadav aojoyad tha bmu- ROASTING enroU with the explorer troop U that the New York man would be Following Crash ttful grova aad Io s a toktaa thrir WfeMton Sharp# of Summit atraat While the devaluation of Euro- ta othar COnaactlcut towm at Bol- luaaham ta tha o s t - e f n ^ ■ bS'M tb. Loeftlar of 33 Hudson ha daolrea. well enough to permit t o appear­ taa’a stae. In Urn eplalm ef the CHICKENS ■toeet HostaasM at aaeh of tha Oardner Rawaoo of S3 Hyde ance tomorrow. Leone to under Samuel W. Franklin, Jr„ $$. of >pean and Canadian currencies haa Advko on All ASmira of cemmisalon. It would ha te the During tba church school boor ■troat waa choaan leader at a CON-TROL-FLO Wa have tto u freak u frow kooMO provldad refireahmanta. 13.000 bond while bond for Lulu Depot HIU road. Cbbalt, w ill be not been of any launediate'con­ U fo. Iowa's bast latoraat ta view e f Ita thraa womm who war# paootag masting bald at St. Mary'a last waa set at $3,000. throogh tho omtor tn m PhUadoL at on thnoA taaladtag aoiNla) presented ta Town Court tomorrow cern ta t t o area, even today tha yocent rapid growth aad IndMatod Bight. LawroBca McOUpta waa The pair war# arrested geptom NURSING UNIT future growth to sstabUsb a Board phta atoppod at thrthurcb and at- BDII.UER8 OF named temporary chairman of tbo bar S by Police Lieutenant Ray­ morning on a charge of vlolaUon results are starting to be felt. Readings ConfldentiaL taadad tto school wMeh proved of ROGER OLCXHT To Give Program new troop committee, whoae other For Instance, there to a laifft a f rinaace. Such a board would 4gg Waal Osotor Street mond Griffin and Patrolman Bd- of rulea of the road. Ftaaklta waa centrol tba town budget and thos tatarari to the guaaU and te the * . 4 rwi I mainharamembara wuiwUI booa MiowigLudwig nanavn,Hanson, i mund Dwyer afU r they had al- arrasted early today following an group o f people in t t o section of S32 Ann Street-—Off Main So aiaiBlot So oosy to ad)«fM to “ xm iu'a claaa tor tho hour ta oao- 7188 AMESITE DRIVEWAY FREE!! ralteve tbe First Selectman ef A t A n n e x A O n i S n i l Randan Toop and the Rav. A. L. legedly stolen money from votive accident on Middle Turnpike, easL French-Canaman stock who main­ on. Also Tarvia and AaphaH and 908 EFFECTIVE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY ^ ' WUliama, taaUtuUonal rapresent- ug^t boxes at SL Bridgefa at 3:15 a. m. tain fa irly close eonnectlons with yomr baby’s woods. hla present reepooribUlty In thla their famlUea to the north. Many TeL S-1S70— Hartford connection. CbnalderaUon o f the Ovor otaty pupUa af Hicks Mo* RKMABIJE — ReA80NABI.B — WUSB tatlva. church. L«one and t o companion PoUce report that Franklin waa esUbUshmeet at such a Board la -jortal oehool a rt partletatotag ta Mta. Xom Mohrtaackar of Hansen and Mr. Toop have have pleaded not guilty to aU driving east on the Turn|Uke when here help to aupport the old folks tho oanual County fair. Titey win GtJARANTer.D - PBEB BSTIMATB8 •ngsupscnvina win visit tha Hos- aarved as committeemen of Troop in Quebec. It wUl be found that the Srst Item in the warning. LEARN TO DRIVE Muathly Payiauto If Oerir— charges. he lost control of hto car. The Here to the eafS, etopto oarriag m tt thmtm a^ Tim secoad item conoerna ap­ •sMbit otoek hroodtag, pmdtry, gdal # " » « « tonight under the 37, also sponeorad by St. Mary'a. vehicle left the highway and devaluation tends to promote the Doal Outrol Satoty Car *ip of Manchester transfer of funds from this coun­ mtma Imva woHod 9m. Tho oonm toMk yat o tad slr- proval o f tha recommendations for oggA bouaohold arto, bandlcraiL New man w ill ba added to the stryck four atate highway fence- fridto. vogatablaA ate. Exparloncod SAM Pw Pan Hoar T to will ba her fourth troop eonuntttee to replace them, try to Canada, for more Canadian tow eeatrel that le n lotlia lo.a hahy t o t o g. salary toeroosos to town officials. DE^IO BROS. posts, alao damaging the cable pnd SLOW. SUOroM, FAST aoeeNlag ta thUBnaaa < The proposed total Incraase to the Judgoa ara SUm Shtrlay Walk, aa- T a t * m Or 3*90— appaarasca thara, to an- the Srst being Benjamin Shank- To Hold Laying anchor. Supernumerary Policeman doUara now can be purchaaad for ■iatant County 4-H club aaent. ' tgrtshT tba paUants with her ae- a given amount of American dot' baby's taadtag hahHa. Maadter tar ra etto . aalm town hudgat of 1780.00 annually MA.HCMB8TBB SINCE 1920 TBI.KPHONE 2 m man of Coopar atraeL who was rhf r,....,____* _____ I Thomas Graham, who taveaUgat- doees ala saiSlag. preveata tii llapas af alppla, aid Emaat Tnckar, former ToOaad atadkm and otaglsg. present toot night. v f l V i O n i C r s n y n C ad, aatlmatad damaga to the poata lara than before. It to not yet to leas than 1-S o f a mill on the County Farm BuraaiaagenL OBIVIMO ACADEMY *^TfuM astartalnmanto by Mn. certain what tha exchange rate esMe. Tha S4aH deaJ Oea Tral Fto Noner to tlw g g m d bat but win accomplish tbe Those praaant at tha meeUng at 1100. avsr asada ta baby faadtag lielm i gos aad H*a aa i iM ABOt Mntebaekar a n brought about by whara tha appointments were will he and banks bera are gen­ Cemmlaataa's purpose to Charles S. House, chairman of Nathan 'nootsky, 40, at 05 Waat- erally bolding off transactions In more adequate reimbursement for tha Manchaatar Branch of the made were the Rav. Alfred L. Wil­ bourne Parkway, Hartford, wlU be 5 lb. BAG time spent on town bustnees. The Mmitard Ooua^ Y. W. C. A., who liams. nctor and ehairmon of the the Board of Education, was au­ preecnted ta court of violation of Canadisn doUara until the situa­ hhre^aehed various orgontoaUono gstberiM, Robert , McKinney, thorised tost night by the board to tion aettlaa down. Oommtaeloa rocomownded an tn- Moaebaotar to epcaaor an eva- parking laws. oroaso e f 1100 to the First Select­ chairman of St. Mary’s youth appoint a committee for the cor­ Three arrests for intoxication Similarly, persons here who ARTHUR DRUG STORES o f music St the Annex. Tha work committee; WUUam Vlena, have been sending money abroad Money Worries •• man which they remarked was low JACK FROST GRANULATED Club has also con- nerstone laying ceremonies at the WlU also be dlspoeed of tomortow. TEL. 2-S849 but wna rocommended only tf the chairman of the committee of Cub Verplanck school on Olcott street. The accused are Thomaa Dawson, will generally And that their 942 MAIN STREET tan doUora for the asms Pack 37; Albert delnes, aoout- American doUara win buy nrore In e year heom the me* ' propoaal to estabUsh a Finance , oliK> tha Exchange Club Sui^rintendent of Schools Arthur SO, of SO Park atreet; Leo Amant, Board waa acceptedc nuuter of Troop 37; WUUam B H. lUing stated that the school SO, of 50 Chapel atreeL Hartford, Europaan currency than before., era way aitb a 4% msrtgaga Kloppenbuvg, eommlttae chair­ wUl be ready for a cornerstone and John’ Morrtosey, 40, o f 50 However, In both the Canadian w O. L B n a f Btgbla Also racommaoded la aa increase man for TVoop 37, Vestryman Al­ and European tastancea, tf prices of 1300 to the Town Clerk which Is laying on October L Chapel street, Hartford. Coostraettoa Leaaa avaltohla. .Tailored Lingerie bert Chapin, MIm EvaUna Pent- The butkUng, one at two new in those parts rite, as haa been ta Mna with tha raMweelblUty of lond and Mliio Hannah Jenarn of schools now being constructed ta said likely, the increase wiU large­ Mortgage Saaaelng throoto CU tbe office aad time eoasuaaod ta tba pariah youth work eommlttae. ManchesUr, was named after ly cheek off the premium that r. H. A. or eaaveaneaal fhlSUiig Ha dutloa. Howavar, thla Mr. Bhankman, Mr. Rawaan and Fred A. Verplanck of S3 Elwood Sails Tomorrow American doUara w ill now com­ amount haa already boon voted the t o newly-appointed committee. road. Mr. Verplanck, who to 89 mand. raada atoe avaiehto for hoc town clerk by a previous town NowtoTheTIme meeting for office rent whleb has yea n 'olA was tha Srat aOiooI su­ For English Home ..jmlrs. asodorataattoa. ate. 8 perintendent ta Manchester. BO for comptota detalto ragard- navar ham aseoptad by him. The other school now under con­ (35 lacrsaae haa boon leeeiaaM SUGAR lag a aew toaa ar tha atraoi Mro..E. B. Spence who hao been To Prepare Year CSor JFo p ONE 5 LB. BAG SUGAR— ABSOLUTELY FREE WITS \Linen Decorations struction to located on Princeton 9x7 PARK.ROWAY Mntag at mm rxtottag toaa. ad to the aaoeeeon with aa odd!* street and has not aa yet been offl- spending the post six months with Uoaal 9330 to the clerk. It to felt elaUy named. .. her daui^tor'o fomUy, . Mr. and O V E R H E A D This to a fiaa Jarvto aarvlea that It to expedient to spend thla PURCHASES OF $10.6o OR OVER— ^IN GROCERY DEPT. —No eharga ta tba bar rower, The Cold Weather Ahead amount In order to main tain the Mrs. Patrick Rooaay and riUldraa aaaaeaora rocorda at the level ea- i=*k* of 73 Lockwood atreet, leaves tto GARARGE DOORS CbU wenthw aad aa aatomobtlc in poor mechanical 119 Witnesses evening toir New York, and wlU taWtohed py tha recently, com- NONE SOLD 'TO DEALERS^-QUANimES LIMITED f ^Hidttjw la a aare aitn of troable, hoadaches. and in* tasted revaluation which coat the • . . n *1.. I oaiisoil tomorrow on tnethe Queen Ellso-miso- An EXmA FOOT of Width JARVIS A g a i n s t l\ £ lJ K .Ib e th for her henie In England. conventeace. town 90,000. Other recommends ^ Mr*. Ethel Jeneo of Cooper HUl Thia 4 roctlon antra gwrilty REALTY CO. tlons Include a rate o f 91-00 per street and marabera of the Rooney oer to ataa svaBabla SVi** We Are Positive o f the Weather hour to the Regtotrars of Votera hi ‘ W4 OBNTBB 8T. and membera of the Board af Tax (Oenttaoed treos Page Ono) famUy wUl accompany Mrs. Spenca headreews. ^ Fheas 4113 Or WS and wtoh her bon voyage on her How b Your Car? Itevlew; a 938 increaso to the csw Thursday sod then hand down homeward trip. I f tb*. motor Is m ^ ia g sil, foaling plaga, lesking ttaanuer and a $30 lacnase to I Its verdict ^doy. The HhiglUb visitor has been en­ PARK-ROWAY compression or manlag rough in any way, the eoM tha Clark of the Board of Educa­ CREAMERY TUB BUTTER >65< Bight witnesses appeared during tertained by Mrs. Jonee and the J. New Leaden MIS tion. the rooming session o f this fourth A. Rooney family of Cooper street weather wUI not haprove H. The necessity of moving Bolton day of the trial. Four of them are and saya aha wUl cherish many I f the starter growb or heettatea, or the ampere Center School house which the I beinf held on chargea of plotting. pleasant memories of the kind peo-1 oatpdt o f yonr generator is low, thoae are additional town eishes to maintain for offi­ An Denonnee Bajk pie In Manchester. She haa had drags on yonr battery, which even at Ha beat la no auire cial buslhcM axplalns tho next They aU denounced Rajk. former three items ta tbs warning for tha su b) AMER. LOAF CHEESE > 4 5 ^ such a good time she saya and to the I No. 3 Communist of Himgary, as a Gel than adeqnate to ^ Its Job. s p e ^ town Rtoattag. Tba racmt d rwtm V f wvd Nil., prewar AnU-Red poMca Informer, hopes to return again In thrae of I four yean. We are In a poaltlon to prepare yonr car for winter. nfuaal of tbs veUra to approva Trotskylte agent ta Spain and No Job too large or too aaian. AU asakes and models. moving tho building to a alto at nkBoa and a post-war apy for tha Bolton Osnter aecounta for tbe Americana and Yugestava. WORLD Free Estimates! No ObUgatlont turn which ask an appropriation Ona o f tha wltnessea was Rajk’s An Work Gaarantcedl Tims Payments Arranged! COD FILLETS *33/ of 91,000 for tbe purchase e f a alto I brother-in-law, a nttrad captain 100 by 300 foot north ef tha Bln- - namad Lajos Bokor. 5S. Mirrorts Gloss VALVE AND bousa and another 91.000 to be Some of the witnesaea testified MOTOR used to construct a foaodatlon for I they had seen RaJk meet with Gen. Pnniitara Tops, WIndaw * ^ lE CARBON JOB OVERHAUL the building and dMray the ex- CUT FROM QUALITY STEER BEEF Alexander Rankovle. Yugoslav in­ •ad PIsta Gtaas, Aato Ghns | terior minister, ta several rendea- RENTA 6-CyUnder ..'....973.00 6-CyUnder ...... 919.50 penaa o f mavtag It. 8-Cyttnder ...... 187.00 Tbe last Item ta the warntag . ■ 0 SIRLOIN vous on estatas - near tha Hun­ S-Cylinder ...... 919.50 oaks that tha roadsrays ta North garian-Yugoalav border. Whifo Gloss Co. loeladee Ptotea Blags, Pkm, SHORT Ptao FHted, Bsariago, Vahra laeladee Labor, Befaelag cematory, Cmtor cemetery and CUBE 24 Bircb St. Maachestor Job, An Oaokots, OU aad Vataoe, Betoetag Beata, Has* Boltm Etomentary adwMl yard Distinguished by a Beautu AU its Ownt Television ho tacludad ta tho Tswa highway Labor. kola, Motor TWie-Up. O p « OaBy S A. IL To S P. SL aystaas. laeladhig aatoiev ^ t o . p _ _ u Mrs. Anthony nano haa com* Than’# as oamirialiabla rtaaip of diatiaetiQe aboot tbe warn Poatlae. It^ a lb. New and Used Meter T wm -Vm fle tm plans for tha annual aami- STEAKS Ton eon^vo li4s of pretty nn- Floaty Of Parktat baaoty from tba froat aad It'S a bosoty Ataa tba rami ilM m or vrhoa you nos PatUni Set Ceospleto B formal danea aponaorad to tha La- 8 0 3 0 Oa gU TI H m slip and pontto sot 0- H om es o f Ctotch aad dlaa at SL Itourlca. Tbe danoe will VtoceveryM eu He-Silver Streak-olyHag—fai city tnOc. ca the U^way, m * BHBnaUd eoRMo In a wide range at By Mn Aaae Cabot ■■ _ , ■ Work to told this ymr on November II ailboaottod at tbe curb—you kao« imiaodUiely that h'a a Poatiu aad tmma U. 8. N a 1 FANCY I BLUEBERRY otaio, fits smooth as allk undsr Hero a n lov^y croehatod and! O u tS t B lld illR V B llie t — VaHa Smta Befheed at tto Rainbow Oub and will faa- M ag mry spwsal ameng •utaambilM. ombratdarynhroMar* doalgnsi1m I. ii. for(ar baUtaanbodltaen IB ____ Braha Dnmw Toraad g&ittg faU elothaa. Wmy atw iw o f MAM- Today Blartar aad Oeaorator ture a drawing tor a Uleviaim aoL —moor ABC Bpaetal today! aad guaat tewoto that a n simple Bapaira Pomps BthoHt Several sola of ontertatamant aro Aad PMliu'e perfarmsaoe ie equallv unmietokable—iboobs to Pootiac's grut / POTATOES r , * 65 e CUPCAKES »-39e K itU n i No. S5IT 1s a aaw-rito and eooUy mode. W oik dainty 0HB8TBB, oL------by------JAB* _ Cythider Bldgoa BeoMvad being planned for Intermission In V IR Too o a p ^ as erith ■ power plants, tbe straigbi eight or tha sii, aad to tbe anuaing driving eopveo- ■ A nitaiterated pattam ta olaeo Si. tS, goosamer buttarSlao ta white cot­ FOOD SALE Whrol CyMadera Honed oelebratlon of the tenth annlver* ieaoe oi CM Uji^s.Matk Drive.* ■»* ton aad ambrolder deUcataly ahad- roar seeds. woTB aapply ysa m ■ary of tbe founding o f the Ladlea wHb tha hooM raa daalia. ■ of SL Maurice society. Heketo tor RtViR VMnvi PboiiaonB wido. auieaEy ad panstoa te aott hlua a ^ yel­ FBIDAY, SEPT. 23 THE E .G . Evw though Pontiac is ia a doss by itssif tsr beaaty, fsr perfwnuBM and kg low. A truly lovely g ift for tha Soak f W JABVI8 and Ta B BRUNNER’S depeodabUity, H ia rilA tae lowmt prkai rtraighl e ^ in Agmkat curved wiadsbMd, rtu wider wtadowa asd aaauMr aew bride or happy homomakar. Shall Ftod and Ba Happy, .g Starting At 4 P. M. pillafa ell erooad, pvaa yoa a aew ddvtag berlasg. Pattoni No. 6 iaalahtag dlrectlona. GARAGE I tVlator taono win do- Send 30c ta Ooltaa, your name, Btoaehaster, Om b . 8 On The Chnreh Lawn T in t ' FREE PARKING NETrTD] oddreoo oad the PotUrn Numtay I 054 pM tar Btraat _ • TcUimiL 3378 ar _ 8at. Afternoons ‘ frorita Sor eo to Anne CoboL The Manchester Variety of Home Bahtd Bvealng Herald. 1140 Ave. Amer- B ■ tiSrf ri*a W99 '• Foo» leeoA MOW York lA M. T. in B B • f m B'B V. M A X n iltT ft CVtKlNC HSJULD. MANCHBtTIR. CONN. TUE8UAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1949 MAKCHESTEB EVININO HERALD. MANCHE3TER. COWW.. TUM DAY. aEPTEMBER tO. m » P A G E I L t I

^lahlnaliy**?onJ5pi^mlnUtm ai 'WerUtoMark Elect Romulo goviat Ruaala. who aWd tha Aa-I C oal S trike Idles Bus Expenses aamhte could aotva iu im portant’ Obituary praMema with cooparatlan. Ha’aj Girl Scouts Back ju b ii^H T re O ver H alf M illion ; On Increase As New Head aaid that before, however, and. Dodf^rs^ Branca^ Barney Hit Old Form For Stretch Ru w eaum dclagmtaa wara waiting to i Railroads Lay O ff gat o leak at tha Sovtat-atyla oo- Special ProgrEm in Ol>- ■from Tour of Europe D e a t h * Board of Edneatioa Of Assembly oparatlon. seFYsnce to Be H eld in Tight Race Seen Williamt Leads <« Told of Ne«d tor Add- <1 tram Paga Ooe) Financial Success Seen ■ jr M thoT aro a rarttjr W Mb$~ am rtao r . Pagnrty Traders Scurry So. Methodist Chnrch For NIa. Bat Tide In Six Divi«iont Latter Misses Huiiing Gfrrw Account Imtd, tar man proeloua Uua tota." about tha dlserdars. No CM woa Charles F. Fogarty of l>-*0» «d Transportation will alwaya ba a motUr of deep E A R L W . mad Bm la O. * . Chandler atrsat, Hartfor^ died concern fo - him. T o Acquire G old The ManchesUr branch o f tha O f S ip oM ett Abroad Sunday avaning at Bt. Francis For Pep’Compo Fight YOST Oa July W «»• wowd Um Vinrtala's Oovamor Tuck got The neeeaslty o f acheduUng On tha economic problem Bvatt Women's C8irtsUaR Tempatance New Taek. Sept 8S-4*Waekie Chtoago, gapt. 80—(ifo—Roaton'a Choanal aad anrlood la into tha strlka story whlla g l^ ^ hospital after a short lllnaoa Bom Rabiaam a f Rreehlya end Baoe Ted WUUama to U gbten li^ hto yW are Away for Tluoo more buses to carry cblldrsn to aaid: Union wUl observo tho dtemotid Bperto U H «> No Hitter Against Ci Bolaluaa CHaotU van Hooroboho a anaach at Richmond.. Ramarking in Holyoke. Wasa. ha waa tha son "Through tha program of tach- CaaHaaad ffoas Pag* One SlangMsr e f S t Louie are hooked ANGLE aMApoly M AaMricA League Heathet Tbcir Trarda ol OoBt, a (Irl acout who vtoltod ha h aT au ly tour months at his ot the Uta Margaret Connor and UMtba vanouBvarloua achoola has resulted la ssslatance to aconomlcally jubllM of tho orgnnlA tion with n Lata Rush for TIdiois A la a MUWto-mA battle ter toe battlag amrka, taklag too load ta Michael J. Fogarty. He la wjrvhred Nattonal LeagA Atttag UUe - ^ Um ManchaoUr troop two y * ^ tarm loft Tuck daclarad: a I9.S00 Increase over the esUmat- u„g«r.^evelopad arcaa tha United severe loesen In the last few weeks apodal program SunAy avaning 126*Po«iiid Boss te amani aix diTlaloA of play. i Yankees Defeat ln*Hf*f w . ^ tba oao. Om baataaa during UMtt „I j mtanoinland to laavalamvo thatnw wv»avstate by bis w lfa Mra LaRelne Janninga edmsi appropriatlof.mnnMntdntJm. onfin thethc schoolSChOOl Amm Kmtoh MMhAvn mnnv In anticipation o f devaiuatlw . Promisss Big Gsto toat to even bit a etoae a toe h^ifJIl^?**'"^******^ OOonA . . . He teppod fiv e tameketa a week Handenffo Cubo 0*H Seet^ u iw ^ ^ ^ January and 1 don't in- Fogarty, two aona Chariaa F. and Nations can halp to ramovp many ht 7:80 la tha SouUi Matbodlat From Uua oornara eryaial ball, | Opening game la teturday agahut budget for that purpose, the Board of the great disparities In living Trading in foraign stocks was Dedger-Oudbal etraggU far too ago A d now hA added a sixUi— 1 Behind Ed Lopat lb, Iwaeehlp a* Mao B*Uy a( bahind tha trip juat com- ^ to laava It cold.” Than, wlth- Daniel M. Fogarty, both of Hart­ barrsd in Paris, where the ftw e church. Tha mlnlaUr, Rav. Frad R, For Thle Bout Toui|^l maalMt. we CA oA worM'a laataarweiguMtaarwngat Tala J Vow Hsvm l FeSSwingng iVtiW W amwi^w .. ^ ----- . ot Education was told last night stanArda and economic oppor- Doutog ohampiM W U A t v f ra- noM runs Atted to. Ia atetlatica W mana TunpUm. ratunod 1 watortcal potnu at iataraat out raferrlng raferrlng to to LawU, Lewis, ba ba aaid. aaid. ford; four daughtera Mra Nalaon opened‘ Shout 6 par w t undy Edgar, win apeak nn tha guhjsct RoMa m ’s toad, a m m aame U week toe VConim win hoM to by Superintendent of Schools tunitlqa which aaparaU lU mem- At Watorbuiy Stadinin toiaing hto erowB tonight agsiaM through Suaday'a gamM, WlUtoma Stretch League Lead' ”I will continue to anforca tha Horton of Uncaavllla Mlaa Pa- last wash's frae market P*to^ "The VUa That L ow a Oooipahy. patato, hA malted to torM peteto AIC . . LaM yaar is a A ad to batitog with 461; •at light attar a thiao uioy «w waia tha Arthur H. HUng. bera New sisvA’a Eddie Oempa TA \ laws o f Virginia during tha na.vt trteto A. Fogarty, Mlaa Margaret „ That wa at tha level songht by Special muMc w ill be raadarod, under •taughtar’s paratotoBt at­ •cored 178 peinta to 147 for too •cored too bm M run* 148; atom- To Three Big Games F. Fogarty and Mlaa LaRalna M. Mr. ming ataUd that approxl- Secretary of State Dean Ache- with aolos by Mrs. Ruth Shadd. Wnterbury. Sept 8*.— A cnratsl ball akews luuuuo teA oppoMtton la wtaaliig tbrA gamaa, x x ir jiT'SS’.is a s . four nmnths. Thera n»ay ha tack. Jaakto hA todad a bit, to A mad toe BoM hits. 188, moM mollycoddUng of theoa labor lead­ Fogarty. aU of Hartford, two mataly 86.300 w ill bo needed to son and Soviet Foreign '**'^***’’j economic observers and Mrs. Lura Rush at the piano. Into niMi far eento promtoed to watching Pap AnUnlMar a boxing toMiig five . . DA^a Day win A I By win CHaiiliy S S -ufw S!.SSSdS S:SSL- >« Andral T. VlahiMky wero In a! gov|,t nible wUI re- aura, but glaughtar'a aanAttonal doubles, St. aad A m ara 40; aad ers in Washington but there will brotliara John F. Fogarty of Man- supply transportation for school A pageant entiUad The Story make n Snnactol sueeane n f t A rtoa hA bUA toa aula factor. toaam to toe B A a ty 186-peuaa- Nov. 12 agalaM Naw Hamp^re h A bammerod aenwa 168 runa. AMeeiatA Prwa npwto Writer 5 S t SL. m awKt“t* they waraling mala aa an act at raprlaal tor chaaUr and Michari J. Fogarty of children. Buses have been added^to Jovial Bso^ as they shook handa j prasent relation to the er at Municipal gtadium to Wat- while Homecoming Day vrin A toe trip O o m | S loaa ot two 0 « « » “ ba no mollycoddling in Virginia.” of Aooompllahmant”. written by WllSe Pep. Eddie OMupe werM W Aa too CAda aaiM BaM on Dale MiteAU of Ctovelaad w a Brooklyn’s "B” twtaa—fUlpB Eaat Hartford, and several alacaa carry children from Silver Mns for photographers. ___ goUar. That win be Moncow*f the presldeat o f tho kienl brnndh. thair gfM trip toM aprtag. glaugh- •rbury. Pep eouM loaa, but it A Y previoA Atarday, Oct 0 agalaM tope la throe Aggore with 88 and BrsMa and Rax Benny have hit “ ***wa. Canada, by tialnTun glila |i i m paople wara vary Other leading dIplomaU praaant i ^ saying that iU ruble la aa we*lherwelght title Aut here to­ aad naphawa vicinity to the WaAIngton school, Mta. Ella F. Burr, wiD A another tar'WA tMtag toa Aach ter weak to toa boAs. T A HarUord rtoode Island State. Both gaama SC LouiF Bob DUHagA eonttned their old striA again and too I In good iBinta, h ^ p y to aaa I grataful tor tha Included British Foreign ^ V, S. coin. But Ruerin Ha waa a mambar of tha Holy from the HolUster Street school frature of tbe program. Mlaa Joyce n igh t hlUlag. New A *a amaalHag too to too greaUM Httto ffghUag ma- win A played at gtorra. . . Ooa- la too A M-MMling toad with 10. Dodgers’ pitching ateft appears at to tbe Nathan Hale school, and Ernest Bevin nn • great gold producer iaatode Soaday'a gaatob, with c a ^ UConra A re w m Id. IoM 18 aad tomorrow evening at S. A setback Union. Tha fuaargl will ba held Tiling also mentioned other In- i taking pnrt wtU A young glria rau^t oa ever tA week-end two weeks to gov berg aad Haaay Mendel, covered with 418; Don OlMagglo, Beaton, Thto te (Uecomforttag aewa toa iM ka a v lw t In a body to tha Brl- mada In tha stataa A trip to “ ••• Vlshlnsky, but tha two ignored South Africa, made a compro- toe two traiatag Ampn The ter- four ended to tiea. ConnecUcut h A Uab Islsa aad tha raSunant. | land and Am sUrdam pariy and rafraahmants will fol­ at DiUen'a Funaral Home. 5S Main Btancee where Increased transpor- , from the Youth TsmparanM Conn- An4 neeordtog to Prwnetor Ren­ 418; M itc A fl, 418; O ua Mlchaato, toe St. Auto UanUnal^ w A saw atroat, Thursday at S:15 am. wrlth Utlon facilities exceeded the esti­ each other. mlao devaluation — 10 par cent i cll. and efflceia nad nMmbtrn of •ton Mmtal af tta CSrda uaeal- anr worked at Pep’s aad Memtol WM toe UM four g- — r with toe their le A cApped to a gamo low tha buiinass meeting. an Mnm. in "mire tn A n Snnnelnl ly a faatar to any battlag reea, arch-rival Ramai CBlcago. 407; Jelmay Peaky, Boa- OMt an* OH *m oJ wiS! a aolamn raqutam high maaa at mate. U. N. otflclals listed l i foraign That manna It w ill cost 110 cants the tmlon. nil in i m Subm 4* 76 A OMAffa aammtt, N. J„ tiatotag tan. Jog; Bobby Em i t , Boaton. a half toM night aad w A have a to am a a M d a r to tola one. Ha Hand Coach Jm Ckrtottaa hA llcdt at tho tWM thay *P «tJlv- St. Lawrranca OTV>oIa church at Current and future school en minIsUra at the head of delaga- to buy an American dollar In Can- j’Ara ago and over. , An heavy favored Pep of Hnct- Mta. Tkey dug up aeam latotuat- 406; Root Bvora DMiolt. 401; three-game aertos with t A pur­ lag W iu o m Boouta In tha various B>u»- i t i s ti — *- A store moating and aalao rally tlona, prepared to tackla 72 aub-, sda, a«Ud wte tt but IWa tolrd at J88 b M at gtorra ataM 1684, eomtag wras held last night for all tha g a.m. Burial w ill ba In M L 8L rollmenta were also discussed in ferd nad O e a ^ of Now Hnera iag material on both boya. and Vie Werts, Detroit 480. suing Dodgers coming up tomor-- Benedict camatary. Tha funeral iecU already on scheduled for de- The pound's worth waa act at aad traA Robtoara by 18 petnts. Pep hA engaged la 14* bouts from BvMeth. Mtoa, Junior C ^ row. amployaas ot Burton's. A chicken detail by the board. Mr. Tiling ex­ Rend lajariea FnUI t winding up pipUma yeator- lege. Hto beM yean at UConn BoatM'a Enis Kinder took over homa wrill ba opan tonight and all plained a survey,study be prepar­ ' 15-OS In Chnadlaa funds. Thus thc . Mnrn proclnime* that A a t After toe SrM tone, it's strictly raue toraiag pro m July 8. 184a toe top pitching percentage rec­ BrAca A d Barmy, tbe erratic 2m S L ’tsTl^HM . U «» to too rwnch *“»*•«• and spaghetti dinner was served by day tomorrow for tha convenience ArgumenU. ipetchee. deals, j effect wae to benefit Britain, alnce S w e n in 1844 and 1*46 when hto ^ w2« w r a ^ e l r l s h s d bsan plng St tha partuma cantar. Urasoa, ComoUo the caterer. ed that covara a'period from Sep- rmdy has 888,T60 to hto tllta. and a rsM ter fourth pcaitton. Only Ma hA WM 148, toot two aad hA ord with 31-0 for 40t. BoMM’a roommates w A fell aA rt of toe of frienda who wlah to call. voUa and decisions are expected | the pound would have b e « worth Wnterbury, Sept 80 — -» atoa peiata aaparaU Rehby Tham- toaaw WM aevM gamm A d !2LT?iI^IL2r to M^ciosslag tha frootlar moman- Umber, 1948. to September. 1962. Frank Kuntse. 40. w A auf.'ered didn't laelnA gOOO geniral bOA iavolvod m one draw. Ha Mel Paraen had toe moM complete 20-game victory marks predicted to keep the delegatee here fo r, only 82AO if CaaSdlaii drflaro had am of N ow Tark, fourtb at JlO, had wiaatog etreaka of d8 and 78 ^ p ed but OM aaek aaac-m. . . . St. Judea Motheria Circle will According to Mr. nUng'a report, haad tnju riu in n fsU yM ta rA y X w imien seats wW«b went on ftorlM y graduated from HmaUn . SO, A d toe b m M w lA, 38. for them In toe apring, may ptoy U taTLufeliurM Lby slttwB to -jta rU a ^ to lta y a n d M ^ w nearly three months although U.j remained at par with U. B. dollars aad Rad grtisAdlraM af St Le«A bouts and woo, toe Mow York ver- meet tomorrow evening at 8:10, the peak in room needs-at 30 In front of the Church of the tn^ •die this morning. UMverMty aad atoo hA hto dogim T r a c A o f D etroit ■maintain­ a big role in t A importent sC ri&TuTlUa. llmiy had to glw Sti*a^ts.^w l^oi5 N offlclaU set Nov. 80 hopefuUy Over almoat all the world, gow "We Sgure a crowd ef tenth at JOl. Mm ef toe UUe on Nov. 88, 1*48, ed toe atrikeout psM with 141. Louu stend. . up thair Jobs to go, and now must Franch Qlri Bcouta « at tha homa of Mra. Anne Sheldon, F u n e r a l s pupila per room—wUl be reached as tha Ate they ahoiild tolah. (waa king—and the U. 8. dollar maculnU ConcepUon. died today A m an rtM i to# VnIrerMiy of MlniiwKita. Waterbuiy. hoapItaL • ____ Uton lOMO. We can't ndaa.” PlayeraadOu* AR R Pet m hto aoto HrtAtoy fteas Omaqr T A Leadara: Baraoy Both fashioned notable c a > 2Lia«pW »r;g-n. gg Sumnwr atreet. in 1968-54 when 187 rooms will be The diplomatic cheer grew out grew mightier.______Ho playA feotoad. baaoAn aad required to houae Oradas 1 to V L eiatotod Mam. Rabtaaea, R re e U :* 888 198 A44 Wright at toe Garden. Wtoto b^etoen M Hamlin and oarved (875 or more ttmm at-bat) quests the laM couple of daya over Staaghtar, S t Unto 818 170 441 WhUa la Bnglaad thay vlaltwl i2!t^iar hm- Futer Hnnaen Munielpal Stadium, t A aesM of gatoed toa NBA honor by kaoek- with toa bfarisM in World W a L A B H Pet. CleveUad fA mads a recording of the Chicago C u A Manager Burt H oly Ohoat Mothar’a Circla wUI The funaral of Pater Hansen, ot Local Sport Muatol, S t Unto 804 lOT J88 tog gel Bartoto ef Beataa stiff to WUnama. BoatM 686 188 461 aaewth aiZsuaed nowillsuhsaa ware- g by-paaaad. lp J S id . bMuaa Friday, Sept. 2S, at • p.m t A aerap, haa been mapped to . . . U m Coach Frits Growing is Um play-A'Play broadcaM Ad SAtton, w A bu used tAm apaa- Dobsoavint, who died suddenly at ThMBsaa. Now York 000 100 410 too 18th round a t toe Gardra, Ju a Ken, Detroit ...... 511 174 441 pamona.who had at ■ f thntha Hnmnhoma Afo f Mrs.Rfm. JfiMB)Joseph eaat exactly Ii4 l8 -j«a t to i a 380-pounder from M ltneeota. prearated it to M IA, wno proudly (odlcaUy, Indlcatee they c a ex­ hU homa Saturday morning waa Tam ttquaaad paying ouetoman KhiasawaW. O a. 484 l U 400 7, 104d. Aftra pUying three yean with tA DllUnger, S t Louto 610 161 416 amt it to hto folA in Caltlornla. . pect regular work here a out Oervais, 47 Saaman Circla. Chatter Marshall. New Tatfe 6M 140 407 DOfagrto. BoatM 566 418 bs.iSLi’r iS s H va:nssr5i5Si'sr£ru'o» held from Ms home this morning •* hppreml' TA ttA WA liftad by gaady Dopiwra. Frits coached at Mln- ITT Am e Akind folA might aay Mike Barney turned in one of t A beM Zion LiUtheraa Ladiea Aid Socie­ at 8:16 and from 8 t Bernard's mataly 146,000, a proM fer every' PurUlo. Srosklya 801 188 400 Saddler m a KU Uct u, UMs m naeoto befon movlag to UCo a MlteAn. Ctovelaad 086 168 413 hasn’t been able to find tA platter pitched genne of the seaaA yea- Dr. Alfred Suadqutot win de- Lackisaa, Nrsr York *T* 1T6 408 Mlchaeto. Chicago 534 161 407 ^ t a W S tm U o ^ of Natlona. Thay travalad ty will hold a aocial and Mission­ church, Rockville, at nlna o'clock. aaye Mara. toa Gaidm hut Pep outpoutad JWA . . . Frankie Oomfeld of since tAn .. . An expert observer j terday In shutting out toe C iiA A High rsqulam maaa waa cMahrat- ^ hto UA to tA Maaehaator Ktoar, PIttoburgk flO 164 408 Peaky. Boaton ---- 663 173 .806 one hit 4-0. He faced raty 2g omb. ary avaalag at Zkm church. Coop­ U m aa-OeanooUeut flght li Doctor'a Golf Touraaatoat at tA Saddiar to a return scrap laM Fab. Naw Britata hAdiM tA backs. w A MW VillAova thump Texas ad by Rev. Stanley Maasaro. sat S t L. 880 100 401 I L Sam AngoU to toa M ly othar Doerr, Boaton ___ 006 164 .800 none reached aecoA a A the Anly TmjSifMtrmn tha haad of OWlahova aaa laval, land of lea, anw er and High streets, tomorrow wftlsh WUlto to to defm d A OMmtiy etttb. First round pair- T A Hardwan a ty ama played at Aggtoa (and w A mye it could evening at 7 ;80, to which all wom­ During tha mass Mrs. WiUlam esewn tor tA ninth ttoM maea A UghA to pta a loA to P^. Thto Oeoegetowa aad IMa with toe Evers. Detroit .... 406 133 401 A v e been a Mggar tcora) adds: blow off hire WM PhU Cavarrnta’s aaM u la Bagland. For aoma Umaload *toclara tha yaar r o w l htok have A a made a teA w e: Werto. Detroit 173 .386 en and their friends are inVited. Pfunder p r id e d at the organ and it Into la 1M 8 toam Owlky caaM ta a ovarwaigbt maten. Pep New York Tankeea. Ho n rved a . . . 5Tl "Vlltonova hA mors depth at full­ ■ingle opening toe eighth. ttar U . bMoarTMfmidliiC -***1*^-**®—? .* ^ Dr. Suadq^ va Dr. Me Maa- A aaMatAt eoAh at New Britain It WM hto eighth vlctoiy agalnM The program will include dis­ at tho cloa# o f tha mass sang Wright to elatod to etort m T p. aaro. Dr. Ed. Baaaar-bye, Dr. WA bora la Middletown aad to flvo back than A y college toam I’ve to. (am.t). ftraira to to A no radio feet flva lachA la height Toachan bofon moving to UCo a eight defeats but a vital ona to r S S S S ^ cussion of the current Lutheran "What Could My Jesus Do More.” OiartoB JA obnon bye. Dr. Aatoa ever seen.” Bearora were Robert Skinner, Woadcaot or telovimen. f Tm t ago. PTai* enn i a a punt the Dodgers. lothor countrtaa. Women's Quarterly publication. A nrtood. Dr. Fetor FtoM, Dr. itew- TouageM o f atoven chUdren. CleaalBg tA COff Oovo Nytaa Stoefcinga I n^tunUng by train to Faria, the faatura of the evening will be the Bruce Skinner, Frank Chapman, Per Pep, ^ 1 to 4 (avertto, tA Osmpo started fighting la A p t back ter Gaorgetown S7 yaiA tor Sports Roundup A A Attall, toa otd-tlme fMther- A few hours later t A Oardtaala -Baah of uo hod brought oatra I ^nialned four daya before Carl Chapman, Edward Hanaan * A t —hto S m alaee A rocap- •fS S sy*—bye. Dr, Aady ThemA 1944. Ha hA WM Od beuU, tn- a TD agatoM ManAttA ta tA r A afoul a couple of Philadelphia visit and participation of tha Arija A. Dr. Gerard Miller. Dr. Ed. weigbt cAmp, flguroa Willie Pep m in of nylons with ua at ^ a u p ^ g homa. Thay arrived In Kelllja fam ily, displaced peraona and Francta Hansen. Burial waa ; ckidiBg 11 AockouUuloM but m m Felo Grounda. By Hugh FoBertea, Jr. rookiee A d loM to the PhUUes, 4-S W f^^^m -pound Utto m a^ ■a«Uo-hye. Dr. WOllam O en A i— muM A about washed up because food aad candy for glfta," Mlaa o T r " Sunday night, and an- from Latvia, who came to Man­ In St Bernard's cemetery. Rev.' Sandy Saddler laat February, ha* aad hA boM la Bhree drawn NewM t member e f Uie coachtajr Naw Tork, A p t. SO—up>—Caray Willie refused a 875 000 guarantee to A v e their adVAtage whittled b ys staff to Uoyd Wagaon, a 33^ Spiith aaid. T h a ItogUah glria ^atiwd for HarUord. whera they chester through the interest of Maxxaro was in charge of the com- Jtototoolgdaeanot. T e A ^ h*i Tkoato# Baato whlppad Eddto A t Stengel's aUndIng gag for hto In­ to fight Sandy Sadd'er A A ncvci to I'k games. pouad tA jcle With Indiana UM wars very happy to get theae wan mat last night by frionda and James 8. Klar, local resident and mittaL sTth Wrtbday. lls p e fte la a return bout Oobmo paatod Uia jury-ridden eeaaon h A bom "loae would A ve refused to accept that This A A new pressure to tta sak y^ . WagnM win hAdle Uw reUUvea. and planning engineer of the Tha Holmes I^msral Homs efi T r t gelag to A n happy birth- toetboU Win W IlA a -B siro 4, Riaghsmtoa A South Am ericA aU over toe ring. a man. win a ball gamo.” . .What'a much dough ■ . Dodger-cardinal eertoa openin* W on UaUonaa Dally etate. Tha program arill closa with 400 Main atrest Manchester, waa praettoa WeteModny, Thimday aad (WUhae-Rsrro toads to flnsto, 8-0) OOBipo h A A b e a tM s tre a A o f !M freahmM and will atoo coach ta- going to happen now that toe with a day-night doublahaader la l a i * ^ * * ’ *■“ ••F* tra-mural wnatltag.. .AthleUc Di­ S t Aula tomorrow. During their trip the glria con­ recreation and refreahments. in charge of arrangomenta. l A going to go attar him eaily, F r ^ evealag at d :U at Charter aad 88 aad to Uie flrM New Haveo TankM eripplee are beginning to m ready to go t A dtotaaea. Oak Leto. 1 A Silk a t y baaohan N ew Y erk 8. Oaveland 0. batttor to Mgage la a fMther- rector Qrarge V a Blbbra wUI round Into aApe?..W hen Har- Shottoo SAouncA A wouldn’t stantly wore thair uniforms, sym­ handle (A major than of the MAJOR LEAGUE The O. Ocf Club will meet at A s m E. Smith | if X A v a to A it^ toam wlO matt tonight at T at t A Phtladelpbto 7. S t Lento 4. weight Utto bout vard'a football team takm off to­ use big Don NewcomA la two Ot bolic of tho international orgmnlta- aeouttag duUn tor the UCAins. He CUuiBed Emanuel Lutheran church Thurs­ Funeral atrVices for Mrs. Annai Te whtah Om ^ repllee; ■ A t M a Rac. Ptoyora are aaked Nattoasl Tonlfht’a fight wUl A toe OrM morrow for tbe Stanford game the games m originally planned. Uon. W hile camping with the win atoe coach toe enda VA w a scouts from other coimtriea, not day-evening at eight o'clock. B. Smith, wife of James Smith, of ‘Tap win took good agaiaat to make ticket returna and Phitodelphto 4. S t teuto 8. Utto defoBM ly Pep in Connecticut Aturday. It will he only toe Nxtb NewromA will pitch toa ftiM ona 223 Oreen road, who died Saturday I to t A early rounds, but rU A equlpmant at thto ttom. Rreoklya 4, Chicage 0. and toe flrM championship affair named to the second AD A b m iI c a long trip ta Crimeon footbaU hto- A aaid, followed by Pdaaebar Roo Aihrertiseineatt K.ine able to speak thair lan- team In 1880 white a Mudmt at A d Branca or Baraey M Marten guagea, ttey ware thrilled to hear Tha Manchaater Republican morning at the Manchester Ms-' water Inter am. I expect to win. Naw YPrk d. PIttabnrgh 4. bMwoM two Nutmeg aerappers. tory and the second Ume Harvard Nsttoaal Laagoe Purdue where A pUyed tackle. He Batting — Robinaon, Brooklyn. in toe other twa tha — aongs being w n g In aev- Women's club will hold Ita first morial hospital, after a long 111-1 Adjetafe mare, lA to tA ^ Ferry Flood, leadtog pitcher to Beaten 0, OaelimaU 8. * Pep to Um 37th feathw w eight haa opened a eeaaon away from ness, waa held this afternoon at 2 | •ham ef my Hto.” hA been director of athleUca at home. .Tub-thumper Hank John­ .844; Slaughtor, Bt. Louto, 440. Branca Shows Tap Ferm eral different languages. meeting of tbe 1849-50 season to­ the Twilight BoaAaa League. h A king and tbe third Connecticut Stom ataM 1886. "How thosa Europeans love to o'clock at the Holmes Funeral | ttmpe. w A h A appeared to dO decided to hang up hto gteva after bexer to hold toe Utto. Louto "Kid” ston points out toat toe Harvard R u a — Raaat, Brooklyn. 123; BrAca, w A pitchA only 80 tan- SEE PAGE TWELVE morrow afternoon at 2:30, with W Much to expected of two traafer |f Aial, St. Louto, 130. hear the Amerieon Negro Spirit­ tha presidant, Mrs. John F. Pick- Home, 400 Main atreet Rev. Le- 11 tShto, meet ef them la New Eng |Aytog twenty yeara. Jerry la L F c t OBL Kapton WA toa flrM AUva to win squad haa • B mlnua average, Ing* since Aug. 1, abowA to y term ' Wb New Terk .... 61 Mudrata from Mtaneaota. Matt Runs Batted In — Robinson, uals,'* the leader commented. "W e las of 55 HoU street. AU members, land O. Hunt o f the Second Oon- load aad New Terk, haa le a tA t head baAban eoach at Nee 81 .641 — toe Utto fai 1838. T A aacond w a which h A nothing to do . with tha In setting down toa CuA Sunday, 1 gregatiohal church offlclated. Brl- Beaten ...••** A 56 418 8 BanoveU aad Bob ZetoxaikA, both Brooklyn, 180; Klner, P ltts A rg h . apent many houn singing as a and every one interested in • be­ tain High aad atoe b a c k ^ Eat Battallno w A w m Um U tle la fact theyn Ukaly A mlnm a few 7-1. Numeroua Soral tributes and the | D etroit 84 68 476 9 Ac A .. .AU but six memAie of pUyere when toe Indtom gM 118. While t A Nattonal L ea gn woo DOST—Black pockathook contain- group, and It waa fun square danc­ coming mambera wUl ba welcoma •at t A aatoe aohoel during 183*. . Record gate In this Mate •quad reside te Ooaaecticut. T A I A g small puna and aum of monay large number of friends who called! wltt*a~u*Aut Clevetonf •8 •1 478 S S through. .Duke’a Wallace Wade Hits—Bobtasoo, Brooklyn, IM ; growing tighter. t A A merto A ing with the people there.” to attend. Plana will be made for ibotball eeaaon. M fo r a UUe bout to 859,800 fo r t A "forelgnen" Itot IncludM two from SB Otnnactient bus or Cantor at the funeral home Miowed the es-, him la which A has woa leg Phitodelphto .. 77 481 1614 KapUn-RaA HennA bout In Wat- h A “recruited” baaAtball star Muatol. St. Louto, 189. begA to loosen up a bit T A Naw Sow Ifloeh Market activities of the faU and winter. teem in which the deceased was , Ch'.eago ...... 68 84 MlnneaoU, two from New York Doublas — Robtnaon. Brooklyn I oUoot; Finder please call 2-0078. tlmee. drawn eaee aad lent twice, .418 68H a sh w m m Ceep Toumans and baaeballer Tom York Tankeea tacreaaod their ton* In England tha girls bought Mra. Robert McIntosh and Mrs. held. ' ' OoadiUon played a Mg part la S t L o u to ...... 48 87 48 * 44 •rkury In 1835. K I U and two from Maaaachuactta... A d Ennto. Philadelphia, 86. aowsrd. Charles S. House will be hostesses. to rated aa too wUy and Powera for hto defensive footAU to three full ganoes over toa Mia some woolen goods that are sold Bearers were Joseph Oeolga, tA gUk a ty 13 to 8 wla over Wla- W aahtagtM . . 46 M 410 4 «H leferM'a dectoiM. BiggoM men on toe aquad ia Mario TriplM — Robinson, Brooklyn, for azport uaa only. The Eng­ paektog too mudi ring aawy ter Double checking toe crystal ball, aqiiad. And tha word probably Boeton Red Sox by trtmmlas Patrick Balleno, Andrew Broder- i. T A challenger to ag- atad laM SAday. T A loeala were N attoM l FntUroli of Stamford at 336. makes Wade bhiah every Ume he Muatol and Slaughter, St. Louto, aevelAd, 6-0. , DOST—PASS BOOK No. 68880. lish people cannot buy their own Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Calvert Oeaapo. a a we OA Pep winning a unanimous ' HoUoo Is hereby given that Paaa ick, John Albino. Anthony Arens: groaeiva boanr, but lacA steam to at tAir beM la tA second half S t L o u to ...... 81 S3 .886 — MlddlMown'a Ikny LaBella at 144 Aars it. 18. It WM toe fourtb etralMM tri­ (o ^ in Belgium the girls saw __of 76...... Phelps...... road...... have...... returned...... and Stanley Mllikowski. Burial! | dadaion. Book No. 58880, isauad by Tha his puBchM. when WUatad tired. Credit for tA Brooklyn ...... 80 04 .635 1V4 pounds to t A UghteM .. .OldeM is BucA Lateral Play Rome Runa—Kiner, 7*ittaArgh, umph over flrM dtvtoton toes ter some of the activities of the black | borne after spending the summer waa in Grove Hill cemetery, Rock­ eoadithm ef tA locals balongs to Phitodatphto .. 77 U .681 16 UCOA Wghlighta Roy Tuip at 37 while tha youngeM 50: Muatol, St. Louto, 33. Soviaga Bank of Maachaster has market that is dons right in the i their cottage at Otis Reservoir, ville. A uaual to Connecticut there Old-Umers at the University of the YanksM a A thair nlato vl6- • » Judgee; only a referee. Alax Farguaon w A workod with BoMon ...... 70 74 .48* 31H From the Unlveraity of Con- la It-yoA-old Bob Wesowicx of Wiseonain recall toat A ck in Stolen Bales—Robinson, Brook­ tory In toa laM ten gamaa. TAgTro baan and application has open. East OUa, Maas. State Athtotle OoauntoaioiMr the team etoos parly August New York .... W 70 .478 23»4 necUcut football brochure. edHad Windsor LocA .. .Qua Oaudlno of 1896 a million dollars gave Chi­ lyn, S3; Reeae, Brooklyn. 26. not giving quarter. asm mada to sold hank for pay- Commenting on their trip, the FIttaburgh .... smnt ef tha amount of dapoalt SwiMMl H. Malkaa detead a ra- 63 90 .441 38 bn* Lee Wllderman, we learn the MAcbMter carried tA baU on M cago a victory over the WleconMn Pitching—WUka. S t Louto, 11-S, A ft y Ed Lopat pitcAd a ftvo- girls seid they were happy about Legion Auxiliary Ctectanan .... 06 Mrs. Martha Ball of 17 Rosai- t ^ m port that A waa plamilng to hire MAchastar High's Jayvees will 86 .406 U following IntereeUng facta and flg- oecastoA aad gained 376 yardo for team..Thc Adgers were leading .78#; Branca A d Roe Brooklyn, hitter In ahuttlng out toa Indtann the great experience. CMeago ...... OT 87 486 S4U 18-5, .723. . mary place, and WUliain J. Gordon a knockdown timekeeper. He aaid mMt Um Manadtld Tratatog Cen- urea m Um UConn rMtar. a foA yard per try average tost 13-10 at half time. A t juM A jfecordlng hto 15th victory of t A “We learned a lot about tha for­ Installs Ton igh t | eeaaon. beM on toe equad. Btrikeouta—gpahn, Beaton. 184; of 165 Hlgii atreet, returned yea- an eight-count rate in oveat of a tar team tomorrow aftaraooa atS Team colora—him aad whlta . . . toe teams lined up to start the aeaaoo. Bob Feltor w m Otovotaaffa eign countries, especially thq eco­ terday on t A "Queen Elizabeth” NewcomA, Brooklyn. 137. «SXD MRS. Mahsl M. Brown, nomical situation, knowladga ot knockdown also would A waived o'clock at Charter O A Lota. It second half. t A preslAnt of Chi­ loatag hurler. from an eight weeks visit with ter t A title bout ’ win A tA drat gam# tor tha local AmeileBe laaRnM Baglstersd Spencer Cbrsstlar and rate of exchange In money, and Mrs. M aAl Winters of WaUr- Pemumt Raceg cago U. raced out on the Seid ex­ BatUng—WllllomaBoMon. .351; Rookies John (Jodw) TA B !*- fricnA and relatlVM in Belfast, OoraA ond Pep are to weigh to A A d . w a son aA Ed SAicM were t A Fh&- yruvs to youraslf what a correct- the languages,” one girl said. bury, tho new Apartment presi­ citedly wavln* a telegram. .It Kell. Detroit 44L Ireland. dent and Argaant-at Arms Mra. at aeon, and neither expected any FriencUy Atmosphere the newt ef a million dollar grant- Use who Jolted too OanflnaM I ar daatguad Spencer Support can Other acouts In tha troop are trouble coming'to at 186 or un- At a Glaaoe Runa—Williams, Boston, 143; •a far you. TsL 2-2778. planning now to make the aame Theresa Shanahan, also of the The High griddeie rams out of . In-ald te build atbleUe faetHUea.. Jooat PhllaAIphto. 132. Thompeon, a 29-year-old left An * trip two years hence. Mr. and Mra. Stuart G. Pren­ Brass City, will install tbe unit of- the LravaaworUi game to good The Wtoconain players, w A arm Rum Batted In—WlUiama. Boa­ or, held toe Canto ■ooralaaa ter t A CEDAR HUAt Ranch bay ridea, Mlsa Smith said they took mov­ tice, formerly of Manchester and fleers, at the Joint installation of I phyalcal condlUon. Cbaeh Walker L a a gA had to A y their own euita A d ton, Kto. Stephens. Boston, 150. Innings A d went all t A way vriSla glso Muldle horses for rent. Phone now' of Stoughton, Mass., ara via- the auxiliary and DUwortb-ODr- Briggs amt Um team through a W L Pet At Gardella Hearing ■hoM In thoA day*, were so over- giving up 11 aafettos. SanlcM, • ies, colored slides and many snap- Naw T erk Hits—Williams. BoMoo, 1S8; *800. ahota. This morning sbs bad Itlng at tha home of Mr. Frentlce'a nell-Quey Post, American Legiosi Hickman to Name long drill yAtarday afteraoen to •1 81 441 come A snvy (that’e the old- MltcAD, aovelAd, 181. 33-ysar-old outfielder, A tted ta ■svsral calls from organliatlona paranta, Mr. and Mrs. WlUiam H. this evening at sight o'clock in tho I preparation for Aturday’a game a * 66 4 U Umere' veralM) toat they went Doubles—^WilUaais, Boston, 89; thrM nma tor too FMla. twa af g fW U ia Msshlnai eapertly rs- Prentice. SOS Middle Turnpike, Legion hall. Mra. Oathcrino De-| with Han Rich at Wrat Hartford. RsflasUilM BchfidulM "Happy” aad Trod." Thay ware down By a 33-12 score. them on a Amer. psTu* or adtuated. Rsaaonable to apeak about tbe trip. The girls Chandler, Oppositiono Ken, Detroit 86. wlU do so when the pictures have eaat Mra. Prentica returned to Hautvllla of Hartford, tbe new dU- ; jV ale Lineup Tocla}^ New^Mk—Home (•)—BcatM once ctaaa-mateo at Harvard. Sportopeurri . Triplea—M ltcAU . aevetond. 38; la toe other Nattonal L A R A Tfttn Wash guaranteed. Gall town last night after driving bar trict president, will also A a ' 8, Philadelphia 8. Chicago t . Away The ApoalUon la designed to aid Hook MvUn. who at beM hasn’t DUlinger, B t Louis, IS. gamea, toe New Tork Otoata wen a m / o s evuntuga 8-0419. been developed. WaUy Farelak, MMt Valuable (4 )—Boston 8, WaahIngtM'3. Attorney, Ex - Q r s s - Althougli they had two rough parents. Mr. and Mra. Howard guest. I I New Haven. A p t 80—(F>—Hand proparaUM ef toa trial of Oar- nmny football players at New Home Runs—Wlllixma,- Boston, a ton-lnnlng affair from Fltta- Dowd of 281 Crater atreet, to Co­ Mrs. W llA r Little will succeed '' Player to tA gtate PoAh League Beaten—HooM (4 ) — arm laad PECT HILL School. fTr days crossing tha Atlantic, none of Tonight's your night at Watkins! Ooacb Herotoa Hiekmaa w a ex­ A d the Rec genior League, Ad mates at Harvard; deA'a $800,000 suit agalnM « York U.. got an awful shock tha 4d; Btophena, Boaton, 39. burgh. 6-4, rad the Boaton Braves 3. Naw York 3. Away (6)—Naw lumbus, Ohio, to vialt her Bister, herself as president of the unit gantoed A a e A U baaed on hto aus- other day when BUI Matthews, Stolon B a m — OlUinger, Bt whipped Cinclnaatt S-3. children, reopens Monday, the glria became seasick, beesuss pected to name hto Vaio football Tommy Maaqa ef last yaar’a York 8, WaahtagtM L Happy Reddls Tale* Dr, Sundquist had given them Mrs. Joseph Marabbura, Jr. Mra. The aurtllary will provide re- varaity aquad today a tA BA get ponalM for playing ta toe Mexican flashy soph halfback, calmly Louis, 18; Rizsuto, New 'fork, 15. Ralph Klner Mt hto 60th hofoa .p t" 18, 1849. Monday through freahmenta. Mra. Jane Fitzgerald, OuarA repertod to praeUM with NaataAllAagM ildoy, 9:00-11:45. Lela Tybur, some aparial pllla. Marahburn, the former Mlaa Pa­ Awn to serious preparations tor League. choned the news toat ha w a trana- Pitching—Kinder, Boetoo, 31-5, run o t toe asA A for tA Pintaa tricia Dowd, has Just become t A chairman, will A assisted by Mta. NassUrs teat alght at tA armory. ■ t Louto 91 58 486 — 11 sr. 4807. Included in the group of twelve Sdaturday'a claah with Uoanoaticut Now York, SepC 80—( ^ —There But daapite toe friendly atmoe- ferring to Michigm . . . When .806; Parnell. Boston, 23-7, .767. to become toe flrM player In t A besides Mias Smith, were Artemis mother of a. son. Joaeph Marsh- Emil Leveaque, Mrs. Ruth Hlckox, la tA Bowl. Brooklyn 90 M 486 IH 10 phero around toe long taMo ta Mike Garda ef the Indtone shut Btrikaouto — TrucA Detroit National League to Mt tost mark Dick Blow dlA 't am any action Rom ping Schadutoa: la a dtoarmingly casual air about lifAinnED—Students with or wlth- Pasianot, 17 Pearl atrest, Claire burn. 3rd. This U the Qgwd'a first Mra. Harold Belcher. Past Com- TA Bulldogs, faced wlU tA toe Federal Court room where tA out the Red Sm 1-6 toM July, a 141; Nawhouaer. D etro it 129. twice. Klner, who to preeetng Hack out cars to form Manchester to Olds, 21 Florence street, Anne grandchild. manAr FYancia E. Miner hesA | A Um Bristol Owls defaatad tho SL Louto—Homa (8)—Chicago tA proceedtaga In Federal Court attomoya aad Chandler ait. the Wileon's teagA record totm o t SS. Mart ot their one-a-Ay drilto, will Brldgtpert Bo a two game# to 8, Philadalrirta L BrooUyn 8. a to m Oomuating Club. Phone 2- Bush, 179 Oakland atreet, Virginia the committee from the Post ia which Commtoatener A. B. lawyera m baaobalTa alA ef toe poI«d 51 In 1M7. A given plenty of rugged CAtaet OA to win tA Cotonial LaagM Away ( 6 ) - PIttabnrgh 8, Oieago 8407 or 4084. Qreen, 473 Gardner atreet Barbara Mrs. Samuel J. Turklngton, wife worx ad Mtokman A d hto a id A Chandler to giving hto dapoaltlM feoM aip quick to pouneo ta vrith Warren Spahn turned ta hto iSlh playoff Oaato. Bristol atoe w m too Kloppenburg, 91 Cooper street, of MancAster’a town clerk, was in OPEN HOUSE work on tA problem of ""»"A ttln t ehJpeUcM. pittolng victory for toe Braves U Another Shower. Brooklya—Robm (8 ) —Philadal- to toa D sA y Oardelto case. FDT IN Your order now for Betty Jane Lewis, OSO Woodbridge very serious condition late this af­ regular aeaaea ehampicctohlp. JohnaM la atratag to show the S u ^ r Ray Robinson Wants tho ganM at Clneimiati which w m a Oomaetleut defaaalva line, whira ^ 8. A w a (8 )—PhUatelphta 8, Ouadler aad Fredorie JOhnaoa, Chrie^aae crocheted dollies, pot atrset, Marilyn Moors, 39 Jensen ternoon at Memorial hospital ava ra gA about 810 pouada. T A t tater-atato eharaetor of baaeban. a replay ef thc peevleua A y 's 1-1 holders in several atylas, pin street, Marion Scblldgc, 433 Oard- F or R ecent B ride m BMtM 8, Odeago 1. St. Louto 8. Gardaila'a attomoy, can oaMi other w Are she was taken following an w ill A at laaM a A m A u n * to J Amer, outatonding 01a» Ike attoraoya ara thare to guard Shot at Pound Crown Ue. jwiMiiiimM, aprons made to order. nar street Joan and Jtan Bchuats, attack at bar home this morning. weeesa ef tA Yale average. tenbury eagera aaveral yeara age. agalaM ptytag too deep tate WAa- 160 T A only ether game ta t A Am- Avon Products, Mrs. F. Bsntiff, twin slaters of 241 High street, may appaA with Naakff's tola baH'a hwatniA aoorata. ‘ cricM LMguc saw the Phlladal- She haa bera in poor health for Mra. lAwrenca J. Brogan, tha Although tA Yato mentor Ha Its W4rt street Phone 6375. and Carolyn ScoU, 69 Bigelow aoma tima. glvA no IndlAtlm Mhto plA ot aeaeoa. Jm perforated with Weat- Chaadler, w A rooumm tha ataad pbto AthlfUes posh over three atreet former MIA Margaret K. Hornar, Naw Tork— (NXA) —Aa oIBa a ta Mootreal hy too Frenchman, Attle, yMtarAy'a driUa'guve evl- •rn Kentucky to toe ertlegiate Michigan Still Powerhouse today, la a eabn wltnara w A dora •umndara uncoAltlon- runs ta the eighth to lubdoe toe waa bonorod with another gift I ranA laM aiAon but to trying to V»9Py_____ ^ n i y S' A u TA t Dautolto. A war-time de- St. Loula Browns, 7-4. Dick Fowtor Astosiobll— y«r 8nl* The laaamuch - claas of t A ahowar rsAnUy. Tha party waa dance t A t A to cAm ttog m hia not loA hto tanper. Twice A came ally In Ma oornar after seven velopnMSt and a mauler,, toe 4 •witch to Aton HalL Ja werkad won hie 14th game o t the eeaaon, P iib iie R ecorils Church of tha Naxarrae will meet given at tA home of Mrs. Bro­ oacond A ck flo ld with tw o apaedy up with Uttla anacdotoa too roAda, A d too writing Ays Ad Bronx Bull hA alwaye goA the this evening et 7:80 in the parish MUSIC—Ml'S. DoroUiy Stone at out with Baton HaU laM waak- queaUoBiiur g o t a A rp . going aU toe way. 1886 Dto SOTO sedan. Good motor gan's mother, Mrs. Kenneth A. daah man, Charley Keltor and Jack In Big Nine Conference ringworms start throwing oompU- hard way. A d that’s A t good for and fairly good tires. First 1125 house. the Hammond Organ. •ad A d if A nude tA grads, win 77bM JoA s m prosBid h ln te r Warrantee DeeA Best of 43 Cedar street by friends Lohaet, to eowter tA Connacticut ntoataiy adJectiVA around abMt toa gyatem. tgkes i t CaU 6779. ' MOVIES—"The Magic of Mak­ haft Kellor and LohaA tAmad up transfer to .toe New Jersey oel- detotla af aaetant baaaAU oon- Ray Rohtoaoa. TodaytoOanea A lA r t K and UUlan St. Cyr to The Lucy Spencer group will of the bride, MtA Beatrito Hop- HOME YM » laela that A to EMtora Playefte ing Bigelow Ruga and Carpel*'’ erith ouartarbaek ^Jbhnay RAart- lege. OUtorwtoe, toe six foot, tour A a Arbor —(NBA)— Parbapsathat pay off otfmaively to too traeta. aad tA roaulta ef Wortd Sugar R ay RoMa m undoubted­ still too tough ter Cardan, w A 1M7 BUICK 4-door super, white Charles B. and Bkfaia M. Hlef, two have a picnic tomorrow at one Inns and M iA JoAphlna Pasqual- inch tad win ptoy with toe toesto. 8*rlea bafora 190a Chaadlar a ^ : WtOces-Barre at BlngAmten. Inl. UpwapA of twenty frienA DOOR PRIZES—Every adult soa AU fullback Drto Latehty, I ptoM will toa* to oenfttaa. A quaatloB. ly to a lemarkabto prtoe tighter, elalma A to U , but to wrinkled wall Urea, 88,000 mllas. Phone properties on Hartford road. o'clock at the home of Miq. Her- jrba it will turn out to A ona of AmericM of Mrs. Brogan from East Hart­ Yate'a beef backfield whlra h a Flnlahlng with a record of th iA *Yty flrM recoUaetiM ef a Weild h A been reoogntoed a such tor MKHlRh to bfi 40. •873, 6-T p. m. Manuel D. Carrelra to R o A rt A rt L. Tenney, 881 Wodobridge Um yaaFa man brUltoat yimem at Chicago at New Yqrk—KuMva A. L ittle et al.'property on Sum- ford and this town attenAd tbe MODEL ROOMS—"How to Stu Tladale at quarter, Capt Levi The Aureto, 1840-48 Roe tealor vletottoa agatoM aix toaaaa, Pur- Rorim vnu too o m batwera Pltts- aavaral years. Bat why go over­ O srd A frankly aaid what he street. New members will A wel­ tolaktag, hut tor what it’a worth: dM W A Mitod too Flop of '4*. But horgh aad Detroit la IBOg. I itvA (10-4) ve. Rdymida (16-5) or 18M 8TUDEBAKER CHAMPION nMr atreet. party. , Make Small Rooma Look Jackson aad F ^ Nadharny at BAketosn LssgA ehsavtons. srtU board about him a w boM UA A tltought of RoUnson after seeing come. Okloiltoto aad Mtoaaaoto wUl too RoUanBakara' trouble w a a ia a Uttla KMtucky town, aad we Raechi (19-10). 4-DOOR SEDAN Manuel D. Carrelra to Forest Tha varied and Aautiful gifu the h alvA A d Bob Speara at full, held s meeting Thuredsy alght at kaoeked out balding and ahopworn toe Harlem Hot Shot swat A l- atrlA back tola fall, but it'a atUl hlUtog anAdule toat aent Stu WMt down to toe UtUe railroad aevetond at BoMop — Leoton Equipped with ovardrive. Radio WtUUma et al. property on Bum­ ware preamted in a gaily decorat- GALLERIES SUtton True- WA hampered aomewhat at drill 7:80 a t toa BaM S IA Ra Stave BoUotoeT T A Bronx vatar- lotoe with a mallet *T am glad 1 MtoUgM to tta Big Nine. Holooato’a yonag bmb agatoM •UU m aad heard a teUow ttek off (30-9) vs. Parnell (38-7). aad heatar, signal Ughta, ^)otlight. mer atreet. I cd basket A buffet luncheon waa type, Cushman Colonials, Hey- by a Abbbng ‘ Jackaon, w A to aa WA never anything more thA am fighting LaMotta, A t Robin- Purthto la to a bMuUful aipoit to Notre Dama, Northwaatora and m o t a Detroit at Philadelphia —Gray laAptionally low mllaaga— 11,496. R o A rt T. and Catherine M. Sul­ H as N o SteeL •erved, the table waa centered.j wood-Wakefleld, MoArn. nuraiag aaveral hurta. Hto place to e remilto M U M wire. T A t a olub fighter with a wallop, aad ■on." aal* Ma PeUte. SMak through, aad Northwaatera Miohigaa M auoooaalTe gaturdaya. W A Um aoly way wo had ef get- (10-8) va. ColeniA (13-18). livan to Louis S. AruA, Jr., at.ux, with a miniature bride and brlda- wA token part of the time hy iA tai lVighi*8 iFtghU toa taM that A twtoa fought K a Rocky QraMsA Ad Charley St Louto at WaahlngtA (Mgkt) 1846 PONTIAC 8EDANETTB n m ’vllb * ------RUSH SEAT MAKINO—Mr. apeedy Bob Ralnra. ia ratod a arttor Um b fifth da- T A y atilt A vo ftoa poteaUal team ttag toa aewai After toat I A Overita 15 rounA for toe middle­ property on Branford street. A c a c e g Ia n s j groom and tiny parasols in pratal J o A Kenney of ‘.the original Fueari colMde a t toa Polo Grounds, —Ottrowakl (S-S) va. SuthariAd STREAMLINER H m v v contact work will A c a - ^ t o Um teat that tA Ro a Bowl with tA Waetara OmteraaM's eaato a atadM t e f baaehaU JuM weight wreath ntae long yeara T ia A N s s m colors. Games and other pas- Hitchcock Chair- Factory and ago S ep t 14, In a A t t le gu arA teed (IM». Radio and htaUr—81,186 It’s your party . . you’re our guests . . . for Home Unued Wednaaday with tha tapar- Frovidmee, R .L — Charles MR Im A ppROtlORDy Ir * leading grouad-gatoar ot laM y t A . U A aU Am arlM a hoya." dates him pretty well Joseph F. Sommera of 93 Driva , UmA whiled away tbe evening. assistant taM. not to go toe limit Ad neltoer Nattonal (UeatiAM* tram Fags Om ) ------Fashion Time, the first pre.sentation of Fall Fa-shions tog o ff achadulod to start Thura- (Cabay) Lawto, lM l-4, RrocMSii. H arry .ionlborral. operaitag ho- . jww pays CAadler Thare ia a quasttoa la toe mind would go very ter with Robinaon. 1S4# FORD 8 OOiNVERTXBLB A and Party StocA of 866 Hart­ FURNITURE PTNISHING— M itoigA loM am tognlan from htod A aBtottar-mA Ua avorog- Brooklya at Chicago—Rrata (S- Ay. Even tA t win A ruggad, M tpolatad Jamete W a A r, 1841-4. •50,000 jrearly a eanntoalMer. ot thto ohaarvar aad many othare RoWa a stlcA At UA toe COUPE ford rqad, doing business as Allied for the Home. Watkina holds Open House every day in Hand ItoAlng Process by Mr. laM y s A i offenairo Has, but Um tag 810 1 S) va SchinlU (11-8). Bustneaa SarvlCM at 41 Purnen duatry-wide steel atrike by paraoa- Two KC Members howevar. Pawtucket R. L, (10). O nw It paid Mm much torn. toat aU Roblaam requirA to maA Empire State BuUdlag bacauA A Phitodelphto at S t Louto — Fully equipped. Fog lights, apot- the year. You’re always welcome to browse around to Walter Borst. TocM to — Eddto Itoatre, 17*. deteaatve uatt to there, aad much Noorthweatorn h A replaoemMU ‘That WA la 1*88.1 playw) for Ulpts, radio aad hAtcr-^,186. placa. Yala wall remambera ita T-0 a ctoA SWAP ot toa middleweight to OA of toe mighty few prrarat- HetatMlRiA (174) vn Martin your heart’s content. But this evening is “ sometlung UPHOLSTERING*— Watkina squoak agatoM tA UOanA laM Wbmlpag, knocked out JaMt-Kar- BMCO. T A WolvartaA Avo toa for AU-Amatlea OMtar A l « *ar- Lmdagtoa ta tA Blm Oraae dlvtalM la toa opportunity. mm a t Sale AIa Philip Murray; haad of tbe I Assembly Officers beM paaaer to t A mldwaM >to day flghtan wA Aowa how to (4-0) or BreebcM (1*-*). and t A mllUon-memAr StAl-1 Z special.” W e’re all slipked up from top to toes. New Fall Quality conatruetton Amon- yaar. "Into yaar, tho Ctomaetleut man, 804, MMtreal (Si. ktotoa aad | ^ A lfA a k Frank League. I d M 't rew einber much Suppose JaA LqMotta rapoato IMT 8TUDEBAKBR % TON Lao Braaauakaa to James Shaw. CIO Chailto Oftmaaa, at 181 thto trip flght I dA't know wA taught BoaSon at FIttaburgh (night)— PICKUP workers union, said t A man adU atrated by Maaara. A IA rt Grun- aquad la a yA r oldor and that Chtoage—Lutoar Rawttnga, 18R AaduaheoBaar. Rob Volgta h A about it, oxe^ z know I dlA’t agalnM Mareel Oeriran at tA Polo Sa Food Market 188 North Main decorations for many of our Model Rooms have just snd pRflMMlnR nosptkiiiRl toa TA i rv A to play toe platoM Mm. MayA A taught hlxiMlf. A Bickford (14-10) vn Werle (It- Very good wedltlee—8696 atrika SaturAy iinlraa tbe Indus-1 Two Manchrater mamArs of A r, Werner Shaffter and Joaeph much more axportohood. C ilcgao, knoekad out Pamte Or- vary much. My aalary w a Oreunda, Bm L 38, and atgra to de­ lot e f it JuM canto AturaUy. Any­ ). Btoaet. been completeSd. There will be demonstrations galore. taga, 188, Detroit (d). . Bing 'drive. 'iA oM problam to vMam. a tarriflo badtflald to Art 8 a BiMth." A a m . 11 Lsaaa Nottoe try agreA to a company-financed I BlaAp MoMaAn General aiAm* Cierwinaki. fend toe 160-pouad title agalaM way, A hra an toe punehee and (Only garoea atoa A I A ) And every one 'of us will be on hftnd to greet you. altoml — B U ^ Grabam, 144H> fladiag a quartorhaofc with Um Murakowalri. Dm Burton, Ed JohasM Btatod toat GardMla'a AB c a n naa i s puaehasad with Sycamore Corporation of Amer­ welfare plan . I bly. Fourth Degree Knights of • e n d u r a n c e .t e s t —An In- m RobinsM? There you would A ve trioA, aad kaoara how to exaeute a wnfH down payment and 24 Tbeu developments cams aa I ciolumbua, will A among tha new Nothing for sale 1 See you tonight I New York, StoppA Jamm (Ooeky) stoight-o-TiaBd thinking toat guya TuBloUff aad Jolmay MlHor, a 176- •alanr playing ter Jermy a ty of toe atraage apeetaoto of a eham- ica, Delaware ^ M. Joaeloff, to nersprlng M a t t i^ la tested by lUu Hawto Tergeeandlteto BlUott them. He haa speed e f hands and aidaua to pay. government conciUators pushed I offlcera to A installed at a meet- Mr. Calvin C- Cordy. . Oex. 188H, Miami (8). peuad apoad BwrehaaC Yet toa ^ Intoniational League and tA pion defending agalaM a ehaliaag- teM Ad A wra. Leslie H. Hale, store at 20 Eaat Rolyoka, Maaa. — Joa Deralale, gave toa ehib ter thrA yeara. conaaaaua h A too Purple no Atter Jtew Torh Oianta w a only g l,- Onttor street for Sa yeara from tfteir afforU to hraak the etoel ing of t A aaAmbly tomorrow eve- DEEP FR E lZlN O —Praparing or w A hA bAtoa Mm la four of Higher edueatton kaepe toa bulk 180H, Garftold. N. J„ outpeteted Ohto *tato hA 87 lettarmaB. than fifth thto Umo out im.*0 In 1N4. and toat ta 1846 five matobM aad w A would A aOBCHES MOTOR SALES Saptember 1. labor stalemato bafort tha daad-1 nlng at Slmabury, boBM town of eggs far home frMZlng by Mr. plA Vie Jaaowlei, a ISS-pouad ot toe Atter athtotee aut ef toe MODEL A e . Faithful Navigator JoaeA Kam. Taml MattieiOo, 80a New Terk Although lUlaoto ftotabad eighth toe Otoata paM Mm |4 60a A odda-A tavortts. Ssba sad Ssnrlea Dm om iI Donald Lee of Naeh-Kelvlnator ( ). •opbMMra fuQhaek wAm avory- beak-buaUag A efaieei today, but Cyrus *. Chlng, diractor of t A Faithful OapUln Frank J. Qulsh 10 laM autuma. Champaign ptokM up Rohinsra proAbly to grAt, a those w A A go hi tor lAngWng S8 Oaklaad St TA 8-901 Estate ef EllsaAth Jane WooA Newark, N. J.—Vara MttdMil, heidy aays la tomarkabla Paadol • t r e a ^ toward toa Md, aad hA Teatordayh •ton AIRPLANES to Thomas and JamM W o o A and Federal MadUtion and Conciliation end Faithful Outer AnUnel Mau- BAKIIfG—In the-Tappon Gga A v ie to a ftoa aaaiiwg quartorhaak they elalm, hut toare tg a gauge mugs oould uaa a tew men cap- stove for Mrvice, hinted that ha may hava rice E. O'Connor are the ManchM- 189, Oatreit outpelatad Eddto It lettonam. Wtoeoaato appeara hy wMA toe SegtA of hto IndA aMa inatrAtora. LtlUan M. Glenney, each undtvid- Range by Mr. Matirille La- Camaran, 188, MMW ir, N4. (*). worktog bahtad aa att-vatotM Tel. a perae. plan or two to toA at tha j ter memAra w A will A IndAteU to A ve toa material. A t wAtoer ■stUag-Bd gaaleM. rookie out- tabto extraordinary tA iat o a IS thay w on tentobod ooamM- BOATS ad Me third interest In two prop- Iriamme. Cotambus, Okie' — Harry Hart Itae. . ^ toa now ooAh, Ivy WUltomaM, hA flelder o f Uw Philadelphia PMUtoa, artiaa on Wadsworth and mi Can­ hotly-arguing steel firme and )to office. □ □ I measured. He towers cvm high­ •nt taaehara, toa next piohlan: 1«T«. P riA to the Installation by State 188, Dalawara, O., eutpoiatA Doug Mtaaaaoto AJl-Aatoriaan Leo bad auftlelMt Umo to work with It hit a home ran with om m bam K tor atraata. union. NobmUIbI ia poihapa tA MggAt, er becauA of toe medtoority ef thewould A kaoping too young a v - CARE Madtoy, 18*. LMMaviUa ( g ) . la a quM flM . towa doemY arom te u d aoeounted ter torm nme in toe field. WBl Itovo SuggAttoM . Master J. Frank Mulcahy of Hart- teateaC toughsM aad aatortaM agea ta toa grauMatama laag Cklng told roportan h6 will I ford raemAre of tA sAemhly will 75 ^Ay^m iyersa/y A v e amny more horsM thra were PhlUtos* 4-8 victory over the * t RoUadoa eome time hAk won enough to ahaorb hexing leaoena. Rldwrd Brannlek. altaratiena. L m R. (Dwteh) Mayer, teetoall tackle to oonege, aad around him able to haul the HawkeyA Into a Louto Cardtaale. North Bbn etroet *1.008. b * A s ‘lo t of aqgyoettow to 1 attend hanodletion gt tho tm . eoadi at T. C.* V., hA beM hAd is Adiovod wkat could A too tA champtonahlp ef LaMotu. Ad AnyMo avA aUghtiy acquaint- make" as t A peasten-lnsuranes t o i he church In Simsbury, following groaniag laM place laM season. In- Pitching—Rmt Barney Brooklyn then A m e. HOBBY El Jeoaph J. RsAondetta, altar- coach at h*s aeheel longer th A A y largeat, awUtoM and hardest- uaaa to looking toward 1830 ed with too dodga vHU tra you «■> srim nn. j|j I get boiled down in t A t a lA . jt A Installation refreshments wW Dodgere. pitched a ona-hltter in LaMotta acquired ths middle- that moot o l too laddyhucA atteaa. IT Nyo atrrat 8600. OA M]*» ether m m ter ta t A Menthweat ehAgtog Upa. Whatoar the Anj'way. tbMe arv t A prv- lAtting out the Chicago CuA Winiam Hollander. alteratloM. called A th alAs in again to- A A r fe d at tha Simsbqry K. of OonferoBM. jopharaAvatA bacAA make n^ght Itaderabip ahprtly after arrand today Avo aaltbar toe ^ 1C. Aiha. ■easM geau ot wladem. 4-6. A v tn g been dtoeredlte^ and b A t- U * 0 a «A gteAt, *86*. . . . tima aer IneilAtton to train. r ” i 3 ■ ; - i r i ‘ ;!:■' i. >■ , Is*‘ S!^'K ' / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, (X)NN.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, IM t V ' P A O l

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANTHESI^R. CONN.. TUESDAY. SEP T Q ^ R luu.vLMvii.i.s riM n<* • BY PUNT AIN E PUS Being known aa a "flquara Pntloni-Phra doBh gkoetar" avan euU a Mg tigura monojf. forD uU tof COUNTCRFEIT. HALF DOLLAR aateng eroaka and gaagatM. Weitfisf A99>rst-»ysfs 67 Urnmm to* Bolt ,21 Sense and INonsense pSlsIiiiih’eHlBtnsB Ub r s W pAp P o ts 41 Dmuat-woB, H j m ' UdUMkaM Scrrtcas •west Young Tbtog (fr o n tha Tone OaBy flndlo pttU It vary atawt; . TOUN4 OOUPLB FROM ' IM S! V m a & W eel'seat aiaa iT iriCROOM stegla, An toaumaca man walkad lata n AatewnWIw >*» < Oftrrt4 1XA Ming. F O R G O A T S asst omtar sad Pertw Mtoats. city )—Oh, wImm a atranga leoki^ ^ A divinity student named Twee- OHARBONNKAU HoMt BRUnOU CONN. ' IBkceUant aandhlim. Alae Mask ' dinar and taking kin ptooa an ona lag, interlo*. aatorwr. VISIT Lsundry sad sink leem. psatiT. oow! But why hasn’t she any die QlJALiry t»ED CARS AT BRBAKB UP HOOBaiCBBPINO aaada pokipa, amdlam haaL alaa r 6 A c 5 j horns? I of the vacant otools cnlarad brand Oorrsat Thla Banin “Wa WBAVINO of aurna. amtJi hoiaa nanglag. Soot aanduig and oil Hot wstar h ast Msstor h ^ Rafuaed to nocapt his dagraa; mad orilk. Tha follaw sitting on the sand hini to a goad aahaol,” dBM , . Q aniB edl . and torn clothuig, aoMary runa CAPRILANDS 5 Ro o m of farnlttih was eoM to TRAA. Phono 56M. REAL LOW PRICES uhlng Can 9-9678 oe P-3SU8 Mr. and Mrs.----- — an May Mth. roam with diesslag reasa N a^ Farmer < explaining i—We'J, you Ha didn't object to the "TWeadla,” ' next otool nakod; tha paiant, "and R a O rid w liZ uandnaga repaired, Upper ^ NOKTH COVENTRY daeaestod, copper pteasbiM. T K f aoe, oomo eows nro bom arltbout But hated Um ‘Twoadia, D. D ." PoUew—On n dtot? If ha uaoe hum g------r i ~ placamcnt. ambraliaa repatrad, INTEKIOK a n d Batarloi pninL UnfortunnOaty, ***■ $4» homa and never nnd nay, and oth- • w w — — iM tertM cm ciib IMS «TOD®BAK*R 4-DR. »B- have bean aorapaWa# t» girt eg Waaloi—To liBjr 16 eantly psintad. Frrnit OmT heck toaumaca galaanun- Na. Cbm- DAN—Radio u>d hoator. Dror- maa'a ahut ooUare raearaad and tug. paportaakgiar. aUHngarn- Brtadara af Toftanbursa Saar porchaa. Oomar let tw e-ciw p- era ohod theirs and oomo we do- ■tudant—Te whom was Mtnorva replaced. Maiiow'a UUla Maadlag amenad. “hiUj Inaurad iMpart nana NuWana At atnd raglaterad their fumtIUae. A (aw g i ^ age, BUYING Uaad fureitufe ai P u a ^ DRaetap (4a afad mom» . CLASSinBD ADVT. drlTo. this fornltttte was letumad to tm legs. Priaa $14,500. Bfvs Tyler, horn, aad oomo breads ain’t sup- marriad? nor)—How oM’am you? Shop. ______work New IPtk waLpnpar o o ^ bueka three hPatSii - makoid goeda, .aay euaatity agent Manehaatar 9*4450. S K U S I ^ poaad to hnyt bams nt nU. Thara'a Prefaaaor—My hoy, wheel win nJB P I. HOUIW: IMS FORD WATION WAOON—• BdWard H PNoa Phone 8-loaS. and although It has hpaa qaad a The WoedmiaA II Main atreat A medaet gentlamaa. to aponk- Aged Meumtr-rm *8; ba fli Tor Spla—Auguat hrad dhaa short time. K loeka Mka aaw aad n lot of ronaoM why oomo cows you learn that Minanra was Tha Ing of hia family, anld: "Tha Hard- nast month. •

i * TUESDAY, SEPTSMBEB IMS I M y Hal P Ths WsstlMr f ig a a i IM8 e U L M N e t o 4Utuli»c^ gpMtteg l»raU> 9 ^ Sten-e C h * wffl be e W ______lE iiP tttttg H rra U i naltaB Hlebolaon, Antotea ■ ^'1 Annual Bazaar Slartla Burna. Antheay lai«n*L will 1 Anbtn haada tha Vajar- Hnwcfcggfgr A O ty • / VQUge O im rm XbontTown win ha aadated hyO af- HALE’S ****?!S* '**wonkiy * . At S t F ra n d s' Weddings ______jhdaoa, 0 a m VOL. LXVHL, N a 899 ea fsge U) NANCHESTBB, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) pRioirouROri vttA WUUara Baaa, Thaaraa RdUy, Wed. Morning Speciah m a u r Franda MeOrath. South Wiudsor Parish Tha aaiaS toy both, BUa I d a ^ ^ ^ __ AObory Propurinig for Erentt ehaiga, aaalatodSgr H m O w l: •. MnL'San toy booth ONE GKOUF OF FI— IW Follow Explosion as Train Hits Gas Truck r ’ca w A h - j J ^ m t to T h e C o m m i t t e e s KnsdimMa hi chaise, aaddad %y Acheson Believes Truman Asks Steel Bophla and S ly g ^ *fSysTir SVaaoto o f Aariol ohureh, tho candy horibooth, erlth UM In dw rse, Ann l nd Mlaii win *• *wwpa> whieii la aitnated oa Itoato Sd, B - DRESSES °rsr 2l?^.'5f iS a «laM n ta«^ —cM«»- *•* Sngton road. South WIndmr, an- IheFloh Pend, Sira. ThemM East-West Rows S S ” Boptomhor * . ot • oeto*. joa tha opoaiag af tta Math Deherty in charge, aadatnl J 7 Strike Truce Last Haaifw tf g«— • tTShiS^ ggai: nl Raaaar, Friday ovanlat, Mra. BtaUa SaleiSia, Sira. S te ^ Reduced for Final C leanm ee a Ig krritod. H w hersi^ otooy Stead. Mra. Martha Rairiaoa. S te a tM o r H—ka » at Soptombor tS at alght e’cloek and cotttocted to hr^ ^ tha foUowlag ovantog. Saturday at Oartnida Lawla. Sira. AUaa lltor- Can Come to End to como V aaam hour. bartek; the punch board with Mra. omownt 0* » « J T - - £ ? m h toT John Cttrtln to charge, aadatod to td r Wtw TMk to- ca The kaanar win foature 10 REG. VALUES Warns Peacefnl Sola- tions D TSTt or p r * » o * ~ Mie. Jaaea CalUbaa. Mra. Joaai^ For Days More S m thuimtay. An o m « ^ bootha. letroAunant stead and a $3.00 - I w o ( Hi t ****""- who mtoa hoeth. Piteoa wUI ha award­ KUdry, Sira. Joba Lawton. Mra. T O $ 8 .9 8 Hon Win Not B e nHt«*"g ot » o'clodi win procodo Bdward CWtln, Onrlana Bautha. News Tidbits ■t tho Hotel Oon* tho onppor ___ ed b o tt Bighta. Quick or Easy; Prom- COmmHtpoa arraagtag tha affair Slary CUrtln. C a M PiMB (m Wires Also Requests Direei u ei Oonaral Chalrmaa. John Law- RefraahmanU will bs lahen cars iaes 59 National Dele­ Lewis Turns T o Hang mnXim In tho h**®!*®* ton; ehairlady, Mrs. Allan Barb*- of by Mt. and Mrs. Paul Blalakc ALL SALES HNAL Bargaining Betwneii rick; tieaauror, John Curiln. 0th- and Mr. and Sira. WlUiam Kata- gations Nation Ready Dofanaa oomtanda that prooaeo- convocotlon wWch te to te M O t*v W U«* Si wook hy t^ hi U WlUloBm, doughtor ot l ^ o M ■arvo: Food and fancy artlcloo, aadatod by >!'• X?- can ba ended peacefully, but o S u ^ t y T. A Pot Lock ou w « Mra. Itogor O. WlUloma, ot Buc»- mto T. Savery, of US Oroon rood, MANCHBSTllk COMM* tha ■ariloat rooonaldrraUon by m orrow at Pitt8bur|j||. ■uroneo Oo. ot Tf. T , o< which ho ausplcoo Rooaiy ARar Sodoty, O'Oonndl and Batty Ann fcnaa. warned that a solution will WMte Sulphur Springs W. Va., 5 o i ^ w ^ tho hoolnooo mooting. la o l oproomtotloo.______S 5 . wdJotai Tuno. o c ot Adorn and Wlchotoo Anthony rorrlgno, both paitlao ot our Inadoquata un- Mrs. Stanlay Money la charge as- not bt quick or easy. In a omployinant eompanaatkw lawa In Bept tl—(F>—John L. Lewis TuUo of WiUtogten. took Ptoto to non of Mr. and Mia. Anthony For- dated by Sira. Julian Baals, Sits. Waahington, Sept. 21.— ifAAv GL y —TUT Tint* o ootUag ot oroigrooM soltmn American policy tho tntaroata o f tho wolfara o f tho turned to vital contract talks with ^ j l noM • mooting tooUght ot S ot A ot tho rigno, of le MonUoaOe atraot. W ll- Alto Hallowall. sera. Jamaa OaUap wbols —President Truman, seeking ■otardoy oftonoon ot baa, Harry Odhna. Mm. Antbony ■peach before tha Unlt^ Na- I at a I hi Port Fettevflte. Pa, after a nortberB and western coal opera­ 47 Moplo fltroot. Father and Son church. won marrtod Saturday UN apaelal ooramlarioo on Ralk- to block a week-end stao Saeoad OemgrogaU^ 5?“^ •vantag In St Mary*B Bptacopal Sagorakl. Mra. Hardd Tunor. HALE'S Ueae AaramMy, A ehrao* pram- aad tom iwnnbera of tlw train crew tors today after aerring a blunt Rov. Lotoad Hunt porforsjod » lead the it natkmnl delegntlotw ■trike, today asked six moia eharch. Iha doabte-rlng candle­ Mra. John Lawton. Sira. J a M ana * * ^ 2 * ^ 2 m narrisir n a£ (AF wlwphriol* "pay up” ultimatum to southern Banquet Date donblo rtng coromoay end O. AL the Unitod Stotea la raady to da days of truce, and direct bort Poorooa organtot, aeoompe^ light eeronnony waa pornrm od by Lawlor. Mra. Ooorge Stona, Sira. along northarn bordaro of mine owners. the rector, Rov. Atfrod L., WU- Anthony XogonU. Headquarters Ma part. Aa •apaetad, kla taaa gaining between union al|3 lod tba oolotet. Mtoa A rlw ojto^ t itewM. The traditional bridal mu- waa eondUntory. Graaea. . . Congraaalanal laadara As coal pita acroaa th* nation Tho Mon'o Club of tho South of Brtotol. who oaag Amuaemant booths. In A arge oC wm dtocnao wttn Praoidant Tru­ remained Ml* for th* third straight the steel companies. In a 1^' Mothodlot church h onnouncod ale waa play^ by Ofgaalat John tha Mon’a Cluh and CathoUc War FOR Hla danlaratlon .Mamad Wnaria Sailor Admits ter to both sides, Mr. and “At Dawning, ’ and ptayod tho Ooekarham, and white chryaontho- TIME is MONEY man toniorrow tha laglaiatlaa that Political Crisis Faced day, Lewis’ United Mint Workers tho doto of rridoy oYonlng. Octo- woddtog marebao Vatorana of St Francia Poet 000. Ibr tha -profound amaa af inaa- may ho eawaldarid la ramalndar of union gave notice that It would man said: t- bor *S. for tho onnuol Fothor oad muma and wWto pompotna daoo- TTinnIi Rlordan who haada tha a n rltjr'w h M i ha aaM haa aaval- Praomitodla ^ ratod tha altar. two oandau a f Oaugraao. . . Sixth Shooting Man not bargain further with t l again emphasis* that tha ma Son bonquot which to olw^to (athar, tho brldo wofo a ChantlUy opad lam nraaa of tho world and of IX Communlat oonaplracy trial eouthemers until the operators Uonal Interest requires, and MM of tho outotmndlng ooelol ovonU ot Given la marriaga by hor father, haa lad to aneh atapa aa tho By Labor Govemmeiit laoo gowa ot Vlctorlaa a^to^th tho bride waa attoruM by M m Evary you pet into oar Optkmsl SsviBgs PIbb dafondaata takaa vritntaa atoad have peld up their royalty contrl- American people have a rlghtiSS a owoothoart nocklliia odg^ i^th Butlon af tha North Atlantic alU- after Slagar Paul Robaoen'a vain Marlon Lana of Hartford aa maid naea. Undertaker Diseopered buUona to tha miners’ b i^ th and ■torgaret Wltflanm (above), SI expect, an early setUemaaL" ***A*TOmmlttoo hoodod hy tte •aod poarto. Tha oklrt. win lurriBgi y ou capital and earn a sahstaatlal dlvt. The a o United Steelwortusia Quiet Dignity nowly-otoctod prooldont of too o f honor, brtdaamaldi were Mra. AUTO GLASS It la tha mala taak qf tha Aaoom- welfare fund. ^ year- *M member of Bril*la*a a poplum la tha back, aataadod In­ Richard Batoa of Oovantry ^ Dead in. New York Owe* Aaao)meea Stand Wemea's Royal A'rmy Corpa, w answer to thq president’a reqiMBt club, Mortto Koldorltog, to wock- to a cathadral length train. Hor y i— Nancy Leonard of Oohimbla, MIRRORS t o d . As tisM cow by th* dollars and intcrast pyrapU My. ha aaM. to try to aolva tha Toothful ontborata to Hartford will be decided at a meeting a t ThoM who attend IM oa plono ond bonding ovory proUama whleh lay bahiad tho ooM UMW Secretary Treasurer John se*te*eed to death to Loedoh for thraa g u a r ^ l^ C to voU o f both conalna of tho brldo. An­ war. oavorot waiha ago woro not “gang City Hotel Room Today R«oh‘ X SJSj^***"?® "**® ** the oaurder o f her Army sergMMt the union’a Wage-PoUcy oomatt- ■ervicM here never effort to moko thto <»a of tho h od roitod kroachyrwdi thony A. rorrigao. Jr, of Wim- ■p and bafor* yoe KNOW it, yoor aawts wlH tma ys«r wara" but “minor tofractlonr’ Owen announced that stand yes­ tee to Pittsburgh tomomW: bonqnota ertr glron by tho moo a ”1 pMgo for tho Unitod Btatao Higher Prices Result-1 T ra d e R a p u cd terday at Bluafleld, W. Va , where huabeiM. Mestague WUIIame. ia fail to remark on the plaoa by a Jullot oap Anddod wttt m o ^ c , wao beat man for hla atmllar to thooa tndulgad to by Now Toth, Sopt SI — (F) — A AiMtrla last July. Mra. WU' Cynu Ching, government club. ^ B toel boadi. Sba carrlod a caa- brothor, and uahara were Richard prechms plans or draania into cwumI roality. Don*t 1st unraaorvad aupport and davoUon many praoant-day paranta wbon the union has been holding con­ aerenity which reaulta to a oooeartad offort to thla Pa^uckot R. L, undortakor eraa ing from Deyaluation^ ____ IBIS’ defeaae was that she h*f Uon chief, said th* steel rurtiior onnouncomont oo to tho cado of white roaoa. j. Savory, of Daytona Roach, Flor­ thoy wara youagar, aaya majority tract talks with the southern op- panics had promised to give from the quiet dignity ottooliori ond ontorlotowont jmrt tho fstSTS pass yoB by—atart aavinc far tuaiorraw ha aaM. found dead la a room of Uw Hotel eraton. hae* Mt by ber huabeed aad that Mtoa Edith A WlUlama, ida, brother of tho bride, and Jo- Aobtaow mada ao dlract appaal optalon of OHy Ourlaw raaunittoo. Wherry Tabs Adminis­ e had bad tee oaneb te drink. answer soon. and smooth efficiency of tho program win bo moda from of tho bcldo, waa tho hoaor a t t ^ a o ^ Fterlgno. o f WlUlmonUe. .. Right wiiig laadara at United Edieon today today under mye- London, Sept. 21.—(A*)— Lewis attended only th* opening Today! Inqair*. to Rnaria lo r n gaaoral aatUamant, southern negotiations at Bluefleld Mr. Truman asked that tba ptl8^ with which we carry tiaao to ttmo, and a u h man of tho Mit, and brtdaamalda wora Mra brother of S o bridegroom. but dM oaU for Sovlat oooporatloa Bteetrical Woriian eoavantlon to teriouo elrcunwtancas. Britain’s Labor government tration Plan ^Another ent truce ending Saturday mfd^‘ oot every funeral church to roquootod to koop tho John Bwaaaoa, Jr., of B o lW Tho brido'a gown of caadMUght Ranges, Refrigentor* oa aavaral ipaelSc prabloow Clavalaad claim union’a laftlat ad- PoSoo found Uw mido body of last May. But he waa on hand for night be extended until 13:01 a.*ML‘ llftot. Knapp, Mra Joaeph Htoaky aatla waa daalgnod erlth a modl- faced a political crisia in ita Blow at Business' the bargaining with northern end plan. abovo data opon. M tbR RbOUMI dUBVM Mid mlntotratlon la paring «ap far ArthM T. GoaUgan, 60, of SOS own ranks today. Trade Welfare State Saturday, Oct. L o f Wool WlUtogton. a *5* Sad awoothoart nockUna. lee^ W ashers and AO Bovlot roralgn Mlalatar Andrai woariaa from a o . Broadway. Pawtucket on Uw floor western owners—snd for separate brldogroom; Mtoa Horn! O o ^ ^ riaevoa af eordod aatto coming to ALL SAVINGS INSURED UP TO I5.00* unions threatened to revolt talka with representativee of Rams StambKag Blsek " T. VMUaaky araa not pcaamt aa Formar Hartford Mayor Bdward of hla hotel room after CumocUcut Washington. Bept. 31—tocoa to fron t with bluo rlbtom to and believed ba bad Mlled Mm. Snirder advised committee mem­ meetings between th* UnlM Min* “ em*>g*ucP)—Ns- _ dieaa of navy bluo chiffon for hor ceremony. wh^ Waahlngtoa, SapL Sl—o«ora- Urtal for U. cash propoaed for arms aid. Uw hotel to July, IMS. The man­ w ^ Negro singer’s performance. German Chancellor Konrad Ade- Mm of more thaa gflb tbto aflsfw tto w Oeorge a Aahton. o r g a ^ Uw Houao Annod Sorvlooa com' And tf this move faile, Knowland Three of them are teen-agers. naur Informing the three allied America aa "moving toward mass agement sent him to Halloran Gen- 20.000 Troops Revolt slavery" to a vehicle known as the aooa, be toM poHce. Wetoer, btoed to 6 p.m . Every bay Except Sunday. of tha ohuK* gave mlttoo hoM boarlnga and oald It aaid In a prepared speech, then he oral hoapital on Staton Uand to . «to«no—Tha The technical count ia malicious Omitting discussion ^ Dulles’ Now Bavoa, Bept tl- UNTIL SEPT. 26 From Navy Chpt John G. Crom •errioea commlttaea. Ha la a mem­ jforitiOT o f tho TToasury Septom- northweotem Nlngaia province and The occupation statute gives the KeOeber, M, of North boat man for hla brother and tho '40 OLDS 2-D O O R...... 4 9 5 ber o f Uw latter oommlttea. mischief, a misdemeanor. Germans far greatsr rights of views, LaFoUette continued: uahora wora Philip T urktoi^. an- nwlln. tho oourt got a prodlcUon Four others charged with over­ gone over to the Reds. fonaer Vala hoaor stu that Worth ovontually “wUI bo But be aaM many who voted for Not budget rocelpte, $674.SM,- The Moriems belonged to the self-government than they have "What Mr. Hoover and Mr. o tte brathar. Samuel furktogtom '89 DODGE 2-DOOR > ...... 4 5 0 the maaaura dM so with a firm un- turning a parked car, were accuasd possessed atoc* th* war. Under Byrnes say they are argtUng ed of abdaetlag bla eatraagsd vtndlaaUd in tho oyaa of tho Tt4.88; budget expondituros, $1M,- of felonloud malicious mischief. command of Gen. Ma Hur.g-Kwel aad a Mead whom ha etabbad Jr oouatn; Robert McCann and I $sa,4g$.M; cash balanco, $4,SSg,- who W estimated to bave 80,000 the statute, the alUea retain con­ against la ’government spending. Albart Flachang ®f W ator^ . '37 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 395 AoMrican poojdo.” CroaunoUn aup- They are William B. WUllama, a ptotol, was owrioaeod t* pUad a sonoatlon o f hla own tan « ■1 0 fl,l»lA d . men under hla command to trols only over such key affslra as Since both agree that adequate PMonted to marriage by h « LV 30, And D avid.F. MUIer, 16, both foreign trade and raUtlons, f expenditures for defense and to- Bwatba la Jail today, *87 FORD 2-DOOR...... 125 dayo 4go with a charge that Air o f PoakriUlL and Vincent F. Doher­ Ningsia. Ma has been to Cbung- * lawyer eaM tba father, tho bride wore a go^ „of ktag trying to get Chlang Kal- mUItarlaatlon, decarteliaatlon and teniatlonal commitments are nec­ White falUo. with high nockltoo '87 PLYMOUTH COUPE...... 95 Fmeo and Armv genorala arc ty, l i , and Samuel J. BlonU, 17. essary, they must be thinking of aautt oocurrad aaly ba lAMYMWACITfl ruining tha Naivjra fighting power. of neaihy CroUm-on-Hudson. ShoK to allot much naodod armo to displaced persona. FUEIOI ■ad long aloovao termUiatlng to Adenauer described th* occasion public expenditures for domestic K*Ucber*a friead histotod oa potatoow tha wriate. Har ftig«^ '37 FORD STATION WAGON .. 395 Worth, under auoponolon aa apo­ School Health Program The atacUi man, Robert Lent 36- Ms troopa. lag boro,” pleaded d a l aaoiatanC to Navy Ubdoreocro- year-oM Peekaklll war veteran, Th* Ntogala revolt report fol­ as th* “first contact between the governmental programs — the ip voU o f Uluslon waa drapad fh «a lowed word both to Nationallat Germans o f the federal rapuMIe $7,000,000,000 out o f a $43,000.- ebarges of asasalt witl ■ dooba o f Uw white fallla, and aba LEHIGH VALLEY '39 BUICK 2-DOOR...... 4 9 5 tary Dan Kimball, gave hla ver­ waa charged with carrying con­ waapea aad oartyiag a SjSidl a white prayer book vrtto sion of a mooting laot i^ril in Seen Glaring Deficiency cealed weapons, also a f«lony. He China and Communist Shsnghsi, and th* Allied High crnnmMon.” 00,000 budget that goes for beslth, MEW orchid marker and otroamara ofl ’39 PACKARD SE D A N ...... 395 Martln’o BalUmora offhw. allegedly had two knives, one that 100,000 Nationalist troops to He aaid that tha occupation statute wolfara, aocurlty, farm supports Bulyuan ptovtoco, also to the waa a “new chapter Tn German Hnrriraaa la atmbanoUa and Ivy. ANTHRACITE /47 CHEV. AERO ...... 1395 It had dlffaront touehaa from tho strapped under each panUeg. Mlaail, Ha, Sapt. tl—(ff) fta matron at honor woro ai aceounts prerioualy gtvon to Lillis waa continued to custody northeast had gone over to the post-war history.” (Ooattaaad aa Fag* ■) ' B t o s r a i '47 PONTIAC SEDAN^...... 1395 Mattln, Navy Cbmdr. Tliomaa B. Hartford, Bept It—(^ —Con-ahoalth, should bo th* onoo roopon- of hla father, and the others re- Reda with Uirir arma. OLDSMOBILES foam graoB oatUi i nooUout’a “moat glaring deficien- ribi* for - th* ...... health problem In the malned" free on ball ranging from Private reports here today aaid of rad and white dablloo. I Darios and H ardd Moater, Wash­ ey" In the field of child ear* la In la tbs goBoral dtowtioe ed the I Codl that Snib^UrT '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ...... 1195 ington nttomoy for tho Mnrtla Air­ schools. Th* Dopartmdnt of $350 to $500. a strong Communlat force was Pill That TankI Tho maid of honor wora aattquol Its ochool hoalth program. Dr. BducaUon should bo raoponribl* mtolcaa ropabllr. MOST BODY STYLES - ppi ontin and bar eaaeado bouquet I craft Company. No Date Bat Far Trial striking westward toward Ntogala oouthwostMB Fa '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ...^ -1 2 9 5 Worth tootlfl^ that many of tho Ollvor L. Btringfirid, Now Bnglaiid for tlw oducaUonat aspocte In tho No date waa set fo r trIaL from adjoining Inner Mongolia. Report Diabetica Can Get Putting off that foal order wao of honay dabllaa. district chairman of the American ochooL IMMEDUTELY AVAILABLE The mother of Uio brldo rocolvod I h t s b — tt a "lEADIR" *1 Ivtls fw glaiM t ■ ctntBry '46 CHEV. SEDAN ...... -1 0 9 5 pointe that later appoarad In hla More than 100 persona were In­ Fighting tar th« Mg seaport of Buy nieaa that yoa’D be memo ware oovorod In Uw dlocuo- Academy of Pediatries, ttoclarod at Two Phoeeo Overtep jured to Uw barrage of stonae and Amoy rooe to full crooeendo to­ ti a teal blua droaa *^*8 gray ac- a Community ChUd Hoalth con- “Thao* two phooea overlap and Along Without Insulin Hit caoght wHh an em p^ tank '48 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 1 8 9 5 riona. Bo oaM aonw wara rvinora sUcka that met Mpartment con- day In Uw w akt o f Ohianr Kal- ilB parlJ coewiriae. andbritoroo*"*;” **!^ To pralocl etolM l wibsHMieao end lolorior ceoli-w that Iw haard for Uw'^ffrot Uma foronc* today. tlwro ahouM bo a coeporaUvs gr> cert-goera, followtng an anU-Oom- flhok'a appeal to reMi Communlat ia a sodden eald a tool blaa dwoi with gfoy 1 Dr. Btrlngftrid, apeaklng to Con- A Larga Satectlon Of Good Uacd Cars On Hand Mflw. Both mot hero wore I tasM en M e T lA O at OP rU lU r *49 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 2 1 9 5 from Martin—Iw thinks. rangoment mada ao the cMM wlU munlst veterans* parade outeMe aerfdom and rave (Jhtoa from bri tlnri HiU hril to doctera, oduoatora not M caught botwoon Uw two. In Booton, Sopt. tl—(ff>—Dr. How-aJ., that N per cant of adults with eoraaaot of white (awn dahUaik A | Ono of thoso rumora wao that the-conoert grounda. A half dosen oomlng a Russian vasaal. WE HANDLE AUTNniitio sureiguTOtt '49 NASH SEDAN...... 2095 Induatrlaliat Floyd Odium was oiu and Paront-Teaelwr aaaoolaUon the aehools w* hnvo tlw groateat cars were overturned. ard F. Root proaldont o f tbo dlabetaa can get along without rao^ n ea fo r I7B g iM ^ (oUowod Official dtspatchoa said thro* f ganlilng a merger of varloua alr- Isadora. aaM It is “ u ^ rtu n a to ’’ opportunity for iwchtog. nil tho The Uidictawate oame as West­ Rod Armloa with two artillery rog- Aawrtcan Diabetos D ittos asaoelatioo. Insulin with a now diet troatmant tho ooromonynony la the church par-1 O tP. ATLANTIC TRADES—TERMS eraft oompanlos and Symington that th* rosponriblUty for sohool illdran of tlw state.” chester Dlstriot Attoenqy Oeorga Imonto In aupport wore aooault- tost night tarinod "mlatoadlng” « Dr. Root in a triogyam to Dr. hi waa to raaign and run It Both health In this stats is dlvldsd hs- Tbo conforence was sponsored M. FanelU aaaounosd a fiw - ing th* one* thriving port fTB sUtomoat by. a S t Louis Macbeto* Llaua Pauling, prooldont at *"whaB the c^plo IjRJw • . twesn ths Hoalth and EducaUon gaady •• MANCHESTER Furnaco Oil trip to Now Torti city the Manch«tf$r Lumber ond Odium and Symington hnvo. doniod by th* Woman’s auxiliary of Uw sealed grand Jury tavasUgatlon to' miloo oaat-norttioaat of (Janton. tot that M par oant of dtobatier AoMTloan Chemical aoeiaty, a. Bb ( a that they oven ao much aa dls- dopartmonts. Btata Modleal aeiolaly with Uw so- to Uw violsnea will bagtai O ot $. Fall of Amoy, mainland hMd- can got along without Insulin. *Tnaulbt if sUn tha moat off active hrtoo wao waartog a salt and [ “In my oplnlom** - ha aaaartod, popper twood suit with black ac- euaaad anything Ilka th a t oloty. Btata IHparUnont of Hoalth, Fanelll aaM the regular October quartora of th* NatiaaaUat aouth- Dr. Mlohael S m o o t Mpritomtot treatmaat (or * dtobatoa” Ha Fuel Co. / Odhnn la praaldant of Ui* Atlso “Uio Oei^rtnwnt^ of Hoalth, Uw State Dopartnwnt of EduoaUon, county grand Jury will conduct the COEiOriOi aast China command, probably o f the Jewish hoo^tal In* 6 t asked Dr. Pauling to Inform th* SALES L t . WOOD 255 CENTER ST. TEL. 5145 BRUNNER’S-PACKARD eorparatien which controls Oon- Btata Modleal oocloty and Uw State Dental asaoclaUon and State Inveatigation, rather than a would herald a Mg Communlat Louis, Ma, told the 116th annual Diabataa aaaoctotlon of Dr. 8om- 358 BAST CENTER STREET aoUdatod-Vulteo, maker of Uw ihyriclana In thrir various locslod, Parent-Taaolwr aaoootation «a eo- drive from th* coast on alragdy convention a t th* Amoriean C3iom- ogyi’s quaUSoatlon for troatasanl IPEN EVENINGS thrir dopartmanU of soofwora. throatonod Cantos. leal society in Atlantic aty. ,N: of dtobetle patianta See Raymond B, Gorman fW ^ W■* yeo---- tsalik I * |8 WSSY CBHTBR 8Y. MANCHESTER Unoo of toouronco. 41 Brookfield | Phono 4496 BtrooL Phono 487L