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January 19, 2018 | Volume XV, Issue 19 ering the president signed an executive or- e der in Septemberf to renew PACHA. HIV Treatment and In in the meantime, an estimated 1.2 million people have HIV / AIDS in the US, with the brunt of the epidemic hitting the African-American community and, espe- Prevention in Peril cially, black transgender women and young BY BILL REDMOND-PALMER egy, a five-year plan black, gay men, the demographic where “All things AIDS, nationally and interna- responding to the epi- Trump most new HIV infections are occurring. tionally, are in danger from the Trump ad- demic. Over the years, Kaye Hayes, a council staff member, ministration, from PACHA to PrEP funding the volunteer council obliterates characterized the firings as routine, citing and other services right here in Baltimore,” was made up of doc- AIDS ‘You’re fired!’ – Presidential AIDS previous examples of presidents who had says Lynda Dee, president of AIDS Action tors, industry leaders, advisory panel, in place since 1995, replaced all the council members when Baltimore, a non-profit group marking its activists, and people advisory dismissed they were elected. When asked about it re- 30th year providing essential services to living with the disease. cently, White House secretary Sarah Huck- people with HIV / AIDS. Last December council stamp on such councils by replacing mem- abee Sanders stated that “We’re looking at “PACHA” is the acronym for the Pres- 27th, the president bers, though not so late into their terms. the different options, and we’ll keep you idents Advisory Council on HIV / AIDS, fired all 16 remaining members of the While the remaining members were ap- posted if we have an announcement on created in 1995 to advise the president on council, effective immediately, through pointed by Obama, several had time left that front.” policies related to the treatment and pre- a form letter sent out by FedEx, with no in their terms, and others had even been The first sign of apparent presidential vention of HIV, and to make recommen- warning or explanation.
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