Stamp Issue 6 March 2017

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Stamp Issue 6 March 2017 Philately Numismatics Literature/Souvenirs • Europa – Palaces and Castles • Outdoor Sports • Trades and Crafts • Crop Plants – Grain Accessories Issue 6 March 2017 1|17 Information 1 215.12.51 FDC/U1 CHF 6.15 Europa – Palaces and Castles Philately At yearly intervals the member states of the Associa- ed in 1287. Mentioned for the first time in 1322, the tion of European Public Postal Operators, PostEurop, castle came into the possession of the Princely Family issue stamps on a common theme. In 2017 their of Liechtenstein in 1712. focus is on palaces and castles. Liechtenstein’s contri- Gutenberg Castle is located in the country’s south- bution to the popular Europa stamps are illustrations ernmost municipality, Balzers, and was built in the of “Vaduz Castle” (value: CHF 1.50) and “Gutenberg High Middle Ages. The castle hill is around 70 metres Castle” (value: CHF 1.50). high and has been inhabited ever since the Neolithic Perched around 120 metres above the capital of the period. Originally a church with a cemetery, the build- small country, Vaduz Castle is a hallmark that has ing fell into ruin over the course of several centuries served as a residence for the head of state and his but was restored between 1905 and 1912. The outer family since 1939. The castle is presumed to date courtyard is open to visitors the whole year round back to the 12th century: Experts assume that the but the castle chapel and parts of the castle only at keep was built first and an inhabited tower was add- specific times. 217.01.52 FDC CHF 4.00 217.01.30 mint ; CHF 3.00 217.01.31 cancelled H CHF 3.00 217.01.51 FDC/U1 CHF 5.00 217.01.54 FDC/U4 CHF 14.00 217.01.40 mint ; CHF 12.00 217.01.41 cancelled H CHF 12.00 217.01.20 mint ; CHF 30.00 217.01.21 cancelled H CHF 30.00 2 3 Outdoor Sports Philately In collaboration with Fotoclub Spektral, Philately Tao Kreibich, a young man from the Vorarlberg region Liechtenstein carried out a youth photo competition in Austria, making perfect tracks in the deep snow on the theme of “Outdoor Sports” and accepted between the sun and shade. “Winter Storm Wind- entries from young people from Liechtenstein, Swit- surfing” (value: CHF 1.00) by Yannick Oberhofer from zerland and Austria aged up to 21 years. Besides the Vaduz was chosen for the second stamp. His power- theme, no requirements were specified regarding the ful photo was taken on Corsica. Julius Tiefenthaler motif, location or type of sport. supplied a further motif for the third special stamp: The jury was impressed by the sheer number and “Sunset Backflip” (value: CHF 2.00), which again quality of the photos entered and in an anonymous shows Tao Kreibich but this time doing a backward evaluation procedure awarded first place to Julius flip against the backdrop of a beautiful sunset. Tiefenthaler from Röthis (A) for his photo “Smooth The special stamps are issued in high-quality silver Powder Turn” (value: CHF 0.85). It shows freerider print on 16-stamp sheetlets. 217.02.30 mint ; CHF 3.85 217.02.31 cancelled H CHF 3.85 Issue Europa – Palaces and Castles Face value/subject CHF 1.50 Vaduz Castle CHF 1.50 Gutenberg Castle Stamp format 60.37 x 34.7 mm Perforation 14 ¼ x 14 ½ Sheet format 146 x 208 mm Design Angelo Boog, Wallisellen Printing 6-colour offset Cartor Security Printing, Meaucé la Loupe Paper Truwhite FSC Mix Credit, 110 g/m2, gummed 217.01.62 MK 427 CHF 5.00 217.02.20 mint ; CHF 61.60 217.02.21 cancelled H CHF 61.60 4 5 Philately 217.02.40 mint ; CHF 15.40 217.02.41 cancelled H CHF 15.40 217.02.52 FDC CHF 4.85 Issue Outdoor Sports Face value/subject CHF 0.85 Smooth powder-turn CHF 1.00 Winter Storm Windsurfing 217.02.51 FDC/U1 CHF 6.85 CHF 2.00 Sunset Backflip Stamp format 40.5 x 28 mm Perforation 13 ¼ x 13 ½ Sheet format 208 x 146 mm Design Julius Tiefenthaler, Röthis Yannick Oberhofer, Vaduz Printing 5-colour offset Cartor Security Printing, Meaucé la Loupe Paper Truwhite FSC Mix Credit, 110 g/m2, 217.02.54 FDC/U4 CHF 18.40 217.02.62 MK 428 CHF 6.85 gummed 6 7 Trades and Crafts Philately SEPAC is a cooperation between 14 small postal ad- the SEPAC stamp depicting the “Goldsmith” profes- ministrations in Europe that issue stamps on common sion (value: CHF 2.00), one of the oldest metalcrafts, themes on a regular basis. This year each country is the pictograms show a hammer, pliers, tweezers creating its own special stamp on the theme of trades and screw clamp. The “Stonemason” special stamp and crafts. Philately Liechtenstein used this as an op- (value: CHF 1.30) shows the graphic symbols of a portunity to integrate its SEPAC stamp this year into a hammer, pointed chisel and drove chisel. The oldest series that will be continued in the future. still preserved pieces of work of this profession are Graphic artist René Wolfinger chose to graphical- around 40,000 years old. By contrast, thimble, scis- ly represent the three motifs with pictograms and sors, needles, measuring tape and sewing machine placed these on different coloured backgrounds. A are to be seen on the “Tailor” special stamp (value: common feature on each special stamp is a stylised CHF 1.80). The origins of this profession go back to hand to symbolise the theme of trades and crafts. On the middle 12th century. 217.03.30 mint ; CHF 5.10 217.03.31 cancelled H CHF 5.10 217.03.52 FDC CHF 6.10 217.03.20 mint ; CHF 61.20 217.03.21 cancelled H CHF 61.20 217.03.51 FDC/U1 CHF 8.10 217.03.54 FDC/U4 CHF 23.40 8 9 Crop Plants – Grain Philately Philately Liechtenstein is continuing its popular series the region. Cornmeal is a basic ingredient of Ribel, a of self-adhesive definitive stamps on a 20-stamp traditional regional dish. From the 18th until well into sheet with four indigenous types of grain: “Oats” the 20th century, Ribel counted as one of the main (value: CHF 0.85), “Barley” (value: CHF 1.00), foods of the smallholder farming population in the “Maize” (value: CHF 1.50) and “Millet” (value: Rhine Valley and was usually eaten at breakfast time. CHF 2.00) are grown in Liechtenstein and partly processed here too. Farming in Liechtenstein is au- tonomous and diverse with one third of the national territory used for farming. Apart from dairy and meat products, agriculture, horticulture and viticulture is carried out. In this context, grain accounts for a share of around six percent of the agricultural land span- 217.03.40 mint ; CHF 20.40 217.03.41 cancelled H CHF 20.40 ning 5,234 hectares. Maize, which was originally came from Mexico, is often grown in the Alpine state as a fodder plant. Ever since the 17th century, grain has also played an important role in the cultural and economic history of Issue Trades and Crafts Face value/subject CHF 1.30 Stonemason CHF 1.80 Tailor CHF 2.00 Goldsmith (SEPAC) Stamp format 32 x 38 mm Perforation 12 ¾ x 12 Sheet format 146 x 208 mm Design René Wolfinger, Balzers Printing 3-colour offset Gutenberg AG, Schaan Paper Tullis Russel tru white litho 110 g/m2, gummed 217.03.62 MK 429 CHF 8.10 217.04.20 mint ; CHF 107.00 217.04.21 cancelled H CHF 107.00 10 11 Philately 217.04.30 mint ; CHF 5.35 217.04.31 cancelled H CHF 5.35 217.04.40 mint ; CHF 21.40 217.04.41 cancelled H CHF 21.40 Issue Crop Plants – Grain Face value/subject CHF 0.85 Oats CHF 1.00 Barley CHF 1.50 Maize 217.04.52 FDC CHF 6.35 CHF 2.00 Millet Stamp format 32.5 x 32.5 mm Perforation 12 ½ x 12 ½ Sheet format 146 x 208 mm Design Armin Hoop, Ruggell Printing 4-colour offset Gutenberg AG, Schaan Paper Special stamp paper 217.04.51 FDC/U1 CHF 9.35 UPM Raflatac, 110 g/m2, white Unik OBA free/perm/K80W, self-adhesive (water-soluble) 217.04.54 FDC/U4 CHF 25.40 217.04.62 MK 430 CHF 9.35 12 13 7th Official collection sheet «Famous Trains» Philately Offers Philately 85th Birthday of Prince Johann ll (1925) Special stamp MiNr. 72-74 125.05.30 Series mint ; CHF 225.00 125.05.31 Series cancelled H CHF 60.00 125.05.35 Series unused with hinge : CHF 67.50 87th Birthday of Prince Johann ll (1927) Special stamp MiNr. 75-77 ; 217.21.20 mint ; CHF 10.00 127.01.30 Series mint CHF 75.00 H 217.21.21 cancelled H CHF 10.00 127.01.31 Series cancelled CHF 75.00 127.01.35 Series unused with hinge : CHF 26.25 The official "" collection sheets are issued These sheets are available individually or on sub- twice yearly to mark special occasions. These sheets, scription, mint or cancelled. For further information Rhine disaster (1928) Special stamp MiNr. 78-81 each comprising ten different stamp designs printed please visit the Webshop at together in a se-tenant combination, are also valid 128.01.30 Series mint ; CHF 300.00 for postal use, published entirely independently and 128.01.31 Series cancelled H CHF 127.00 not linked to the official Principality of Liechtenstein 128.01.35 Series unused with hinge : CHF 75.00 stamp issues.
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