



^MKK, li^

1864. AEMANAO. '."cf" "?,: Ecclesiastical'.C^e^ca^pi :ifary 1. tSscumdsion. May' "29.1st Sun.'aflter'Trinity. 6. Epiphany. Junei-' 11. St. Barnabas. j^.';> 24. gepinagesimaj. ,, -• ;, * .:'24. Nativity of St John 25. Con^ersionofSt. Paul. • the Baptist. 31. S^xagesirna.' ' % '•:;:H;29-,St. Peter. Feb'ry 2j^uriflcation of Virgin July 25. St. James. , ' ^^ Mary. ' --; August 21. St. Barthoromew. ,- -"''^ '^..'Quinquagesiiaa. , - Sept. 21. St. Matthew. • 9. Shrove Tuesdaj^ 29. St. Michael ani All A,n- ' . 10. Aali \'Vedne!9day^ • ; — gels. " H-First Sunday in , October 18. St. Luke the Evangelist 24; St. Matthias. 28. Sts. Simon and Jude, March- 20. . Nov. 1, All Saint's Day.'; 25. -. - • • 27. Advent. 27. laster. * '?'• W. St, Andrew. iprJl 25. St. Mark.' BeCi 4. 1st Sunday in Advent. Mftj 1. 5th Sunday after . 21. St. Thomas. Sts. Philip & James. 25r Christmas Day. 6. Aseehsiori Day;; 26. St:TStepheh. ?.:Sond8y after ;4s.oensi«?n - 27. St. John the Evangelist 15; Whitsunday. 28. Innocents. ».-y-.. - 22. Triaity. • '^: Grler's Almanac. RoBBRT &JMBB' died,,. May 4tfi, 1848.; ^SfotwithstijHdiug the fact thus noted, the people insist on having J;&na«ac» made by Grier, and stramge to relate, Grier's Almanaa'! are still puljiished, and ignorant people believe the .celebrated Almanac maker had something to do with the ea^umions. Biit he has not, He has^gone where they don't make Almeimcs. We ask these lovers of Grier's Almanacs to look on the title page and see who inakes th# calculations-^Bot.

a / A 9t«autirul and lasting' Whitewash. Saks a quarter of a pecfc"'of unsktcked lime; and pour it in a kettle of boiling water; while the lime is slacking, add half a gallon of stale ohamber-tey;. wlien the lime is poi'fectly sladttfti, dilute it •with water to the-prtiper consistence, and add to tlifs mixture otf^-quirCw of an ounce ef Priisian bliie. This wilLgive yotf a beaiitifal atid lasting iw«h, that WflJneither peel off nor turn yellow. Bjr-iiircreaaSng the quantity of blna, you may ma^e either a pale or dark blae; and by afiding yellow m rwl oehre, you cmy impart either of these tints to suit yout taste.

^ REMOVE PANES OP GLASS.—rPfft soft soap on the pttty for a few htbrs, snd it becomes as soft as if -Just put on,. though the piitty had become OS hard as a stone. • , i' =&= =¥«: 'i iifl,H "•"•» T*"TT "f! ,.ai-< M'WIWWm! HW'TOHi THE mmw, A MONXHLY PAPER FOR

PUBLISHED ON THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH, in UMIaeoii, Oa. - THIS PAPEK has already attained a ^ery large circulation, and h«i| become a great favorite with tlie ^ ijiii"nj3Es o isr E! js . It is handsomely illustrated and beautifully printed. . The terms are as follows:. ' . / - '' -,,'; For a Single Copy, .X . .'$1.00 For 10 Copies, sent to one address, at the rate of. * 80 For 20 " " " K h .!< • ...., i« For 50 " « " " « « : ^ .,, eo For 100 « « " • • " ...... »0 Jt^" Remit in Confederate feills, or |;ood State ehange bills; Address J. liV. BURKE:, Publisher, MACON, GA. TH•..L' ' E • , CHRISTIAI ."', .; .-,,1-ji^iMi—liai mil' N INDEX;,, ! •• • 9f.\, A BAPTIST FAMILY RELIGIOUS PAPER, ;; PUBLISHED WEEKLT IN MAOON, By SAlVtUEL BOYKIN. THE CURISTIAN INBHX possesses the best corps of contributor! Imir " -., 4.10 Forty " 40.00 - Ten " .10.00 Sixty " m).

;Bal^h. SUN SUN MOON MlSCBLIiANEOfaL RISE' SETS. SETS. /}. m. h. m. h.m.

New Teat's Day. _n_ 7-12 4 55 morn. Oold and mndy. 7 12 4^56 0 9 Ft. Pulaski taken^ *61. •HI. 7 12 4.57 1 8 Ft Morgan captured, '61 7 12 4 58 3 9 Ctoitdy. t 7 12 4'59 3 12 Slight rain. 7 11 e 0 4 1'6 Mor» pteasamt 7 11 5 1 5 21 t. Johnson taken." 7 11 a 2 sets. ississippi seceded, '61. vs 7 U 5 3 5. 50 Ft. Jackson taken, "61 7 11 5 4 7 1 Ala:.& Flav seceded, '61. 7 11 5. 5 8 12 Pen'cola.navyydtkn, '61 K 7 11 5 5 9 2] Richard II, killed, 1490. 7 11 5 6 10 29 N.E. winds -T 7 11 5 7 U 34 FiBSt QB.] and dark 7 11 5 ,S morn. clouds flying. 7 10 5 9 0 38 Battle of Oowpans. « 7 10 5 H) .1 40 High windis 7 10 5 11 2 40 Georgia seceded, '61. ['21 U 7 10 5 12 3 37 Gen. Breckinridge born, 7 9 5 13 4 31 fromN.W. Cold. 5^ 7- 9 5 14 6 19 P*rhaptsnow. , 7 9 5 16 6 3 FTJLLMOON. ['61. .id 7 8 5 16 rises. Augusta, Arsenal taken, 7. 8 5 17 6 21 Oonversion of St. Paul, 7 7 5 18 7 16 Louisiana saceda^, '61. Tn? 7 6 5 19 8 11 W4aih«r very 7 5 4 21 9 6 .,. changeable. -r\- r 4 5 22 10 1 S»me appaarance 7 3 & 23 10 59 i)f snow. 7 S 5 24 11 67 LAST QK m 7 2 5 25j morn.

Uoon's Phases. pEticluuond,^ Biileigli . Charleston. Hobile. H. M. H. M. H. M. , M. JiSist Qu,arte»,. 2 .29 mo. 2 24 mo. 2 19 mo. 47; mo. Ifew Mooii... 2 36 mo. 2 30 mo. 2 25 mo. 53 mO. ^ First Quarter. 5 56 er. S SI ev. 5 46 ev. 14, ev. .-^rFulJ-MoBa... 4 52 ST. 4 47 ^v. 4 42 ev. 10 ev. .-(© Last QuoT.... 7 "^ er. 7 2 ev. 6 57 ev. . 25 eye.

• FiiiHB ON THE EYE.—The easiest as-well as most eQectUal remedy &8r.mm


D B SUN .SUN MOON SUN SDK MOON MISCELLANEOUS. of of RISE' SETS. SETS. KISE' SSTg^ W M h. m. h. m. h.' m li. m- h.m Km.,

M 1 57 0 ,52 Texas seceded, '61. ' - 2Q\ 58 f'T 2 152 " . Fair and 1 2-7 W 6 2 53 ; .•' • ..frdsiu. 0 2^ T 55 3 52 Rev. Cutter Gas^cap.'6r 59 29 so F *l 64 4 47 LaPlace died, 1827. 6 58 30 -S 53 sets. ; • .'• . Damp 6 57 31 sets. •• S 6 52 5 S51NEW \%0N. 6 56 32 J5- 4i iij^M 6 %61 7 «-Sifi

T \ r,6 28 57,0 42 Houston born, 1793. [':61 t 30 0 48 W| 2'6 27 5S!l 39 Rev. Cutter, Bodge, pap. V5 29 1 46 3:6 26 59'2 34 , Coid and windy. 28 2 40 J-1 4 6 24 03 25 Pain. - [ter, '6J. 26 3 29 si- 23 0,4 13 Beauregard at Ft Sump- 25 4 17 .Si 616 22lS 114 57ltoa.Ty Crocket died, '36. 23 5 0 M; S 21 2; set^: . NEW M00N..V - ' 22 0; sets. T i :2(J16..,3 6 5 f ^«4^"/(!*«/??£• More agreedble, 14 6[morn. Mi 14 6 11 8-"0 12(1 yet oooi ii.' 13f6 6i 0 16 T il5 6 10 9:1 • 3 1st QR. lll6 7 1 7 w:iG 6 8 lOil 49 Fair o,nd cold. 1 57 T!I7 6 7 102 31 St. Patriek'iS Day. , 1 2 40 p Il8^ 6 6 ii;3 9i Mai-e pleasant. .S3 6 10 3 lY S jio 6 546 1113 43 5 ir 3 52 S|2C 6 12'4 16 Sun enters °f 4 12i 4 25 frM|2l 6 12;4 48 Spring begins. 2 13: 4 65 T 12 6 0ja::i3t5 19 016 14' ^ 6 25 -n- 5 596- 141 rises. FULL MOON.. 59'6 14| riaeSi .5 58 6 14^7 41 58l6 15! 7 44r 5 57 6 158 -39j Good Friday. 57k; 16' 8 42 S see 16 9 37 m 55 17) 9 43 0. .54 6 1810-36 Easter Sunday. 53 18 10 42" 5 5^:19jil 34 . t 52 19|il. 40 5lS'20imorn. 51 ISjmorn. 6'21:0 28 LAST QE. V5 49 20! 0' 34 3l]5 6 2211 19 Galhaun died, 1850. '48 201.1 ?%

'. •• - - 1* Moon's Fh«»es. Sic hmond- Elaleigji . [Charleston. Mobile. .^^ ID. H M. H M. H. M. M., , 0 Last Quarter. '. J 8 1 mo. 7 56 mo. 7 51 mo. 19 ma # Hew Moon.- | 7 10 49 ev. 10 44 ev. 10 39 ev," 7-ev. 9t First- Quarter. .^ .:15 0 57 mo. 0 52.ino. 0 47 mo. 15 mo.. OFnU Moon... L23 5 14 mo; -5 9 mo. 6 4 mo. 32^0. ®. Last-Quarter...... JSO 6 9ev. 5 4ev. , 4 59 ev. 27 ev:

To' DBSTEOT -FMES.—^Half a spbohfol of ground black pepper^ one teaiipoonful of brown sugaij one tabtespoonful of ^eaffl, njixed well to- getlier, and place on a plate,' will attract and destroy flies, -withoutiany danger of poisoning children. • - Ik iaia 4th SEoiitli.] APUlt^ f^JSays. J^ledge'Tille- ^ --mm- fi T> HUN SUNIMOONJ; SUN BUS ^OON of of MiSOEIiLANKOUS. RISE' SSIBI SETS. Ij o ^ BISS' SBIEL sura. W M h.m. h. m.\ h. jw.ti \h. «tiiA. m.

P I 5 48 6 22 2 6 Pleasant d- 5 47 6 20 2 11 2 5 47 6 23 2 50 with, is 466 21 2 53 s 3 45 6 23 3 31 slight showers. 5 466 21 3 33 M 4 44 6 23 4 10 Harrison died, '41. s •5 45 6 21 4 11 T- 6 43 6 24J sets, Odod far planting. 5 44 6 22 sets.: r-W 6 42 6 24 6 50!'NBW MOON,] Battle off '•. 5 436 22 6 47 T 7 41 6 25 7 B6i| Shiloh,'62., Pain 5 41 23 7 54 P 8 40 6 26 8 69:' • with thunder. 6 24 9 0 S 9 6 39 26 9 58|iBdward IV died, 1483. 6 25 10 2 10 5 38 26 10 53JiBatile of Toulouse, 1814. 5. 36|6 26 10 59 Ms 11 37 27 11 42i;Pittsburg burned, 1845 n io 35 6 26 11 60. T 12 36 28 morfl.lBattle of Ft. Sumpter, at 34|6 27 mom.- W Vi 35 6 28 0 26:' Charleston, '61 33^ 27 0 38 T 14 34 1 .6'iFt. Siimpter evacuated 6 28 1 15 5 16 33 1 421 i byU..S. Warm 6 29 1 61 S 16 31 2 16;:^. 0, Forts seized, '61. j5 28*6 30 8 17 30 2 48!:Star of the West cap. '61 6 27 6 31 18 29 6 3 19|; for this month. m 5 256 32 Tu 19 28t6 32 3 50:'Virginia seceded, '61. |5 246 33 W 20 5 27 6 32 4 2S:iIndianola, Tex.; cap. '61, Ifr 23l6 34 T 21 6 26 6 33 rises.tiFuLL MOON. ^ 6 22 6 35 rises. 1 22 25 6 34 30|| Cloudy fl\ j6 20r6 36 7 34 S 23 24 6 35 30;j and windy, 6 37 8 35 241 6 23 6 36 28.iBrazil d&eovered, 1500. '\ 6 38 9 34 Ms 25 1 22 6 37 10 24ii Fair. 6 3910 31 T 26 21 6 38 11 IS'' j47%ef7ter (7oodjj-V5 6 40'll 23; W 27 20 6 39 rnorn.^, 'and ' 6 il'mom. T 28 IS 6 39 0 4|'LAST QB. ., 12:6 42; 0 t F 29 6 18 6 40 0 4811 pleasant weathm: 116 431 a 62 S 3o| 1716 41 1 29!(WasbiBgton inaug. 1789 |6 10,6 44^32

Moon's Phases. jEichmond, | Saleigh. Oharleston- Mobile- i-B.; II, M, II. M. B. M. H, M, ©New Mood...... ; C: 8 38 mo, 8 33 mo. 8 28 mo. 7 56 mo. C First Quarter ,'.li\ 7 0 ey-, 6 55 ev. 6 50 ev. 6 18 ev, O Full Moon '21 8 8,ev. 8 3 ev. 7 58 ev, 1 26'«T. Last Quarter '28 11 24 ev. 11 19 ev. tfl 14 ev.' 10 42 ev. xarnimfKr. STAGOEES,—Sheep, as well as horses, are sometiojes afflicted.with the Bta.ggers, It is occasioned by improper food. Oak leaves and budsare particularly prejudieial. Tliey bind the bowels and staggers ire^efltly follow. To cure this disorder, dissolve half ^ an,ounce of asgafseti^ ia two quarts of water; give a quarter of a pint, •warm, every three hours,. SBSB: am tfs Wk ie.m.tix.1 MAY [31 Days. Milla^eville, Balei^. euN SUN MOON OS . SUN' SUN NOON SEta SETS, MlSCELLAiTEQUS. RISE' SBTS. SETS. WW h.m. h. m. h. m: h. m.h, m. h.m. 16 41 2 Battle of Chancellorsville 45 2 9 15 41 2 46 com'ced, '63.] Pleasant 46 2 45 14 41 3 24 Tennessee seceded, '61. r 47 3 22 13 42 4 3 Robert Grier died," 6|6 48 4 'O 12 42 sets. Napoleon died, 1821 « 6 49 sets. 11 42 7 43 HEW MOON, 5th.] r63. 6 60 7 45 10 43 8 40 Stonewall Jackson died, n 8 45 9|6 43 9 32 Cool and pkasant. 9 39 KJ,^ 8'8 44 1^ Blockade of Va begun'61 10 28 10 8 44 11^2 St. Louis massacre, '61 11 10 11 7 45 11 40 Blockade of Charleston 11 49 12 6 46 tmorn '61.] Warm. morn. 13 6 47 « 14 1st QR, 0 23 :i14 6 47 47 Bainy. 0 5.5 B 15 4 48 18 Whit Sunday. •"R 25 M 16 4 48 49 Puebla capitulated, '47. 546 54 17 -3 49 21 Vegetff,tion groips jinety 54 25 ^ 18 3 50 55 Clear and 53 57 T 19 2 61 32 pleasant. m 33 P 20 1 52 1* N. Carolina seceded, '61 13 S 21 1 52 rises. I'hunder and rises. 23 0 63 8 16 lightning 8 23 8 23 59 54 9 11 Livingston died, '36. 9 18 M 24 59 55 10 2 Queen Victori^i born '19 V3 10 7 T 25 58 66 10 47 (7fear and 10 52 T 26 58 57 11 30 cool 11 34 F 27 57 58 morn. N, Orleans and Mobile mora. 8 2* 57 59 0 9 blockaded, '61.] 0 10 29 4 56 0 0 46Mexic o captured, '47 0 47 M 130 0| 1 24 Ckmdy. r 1 22 11 2 '2 SHght rain. 1 50 Moon's Phases, Eiehmond, Ealeigh' Charleston. Mobile- H H H. M. H. M, H. M.

©Last .Quarter.. 4 10 mo. 4 5 mo. 4 0 mo. 3 28 mo:

CHINESE METHOD OF MENDING CHINA.—Take a piece of flint glass, beat it to a fine powder, and grind it with the white of an egg;,this Mixture joins china without riveting, so that no art can break it in the game place. The composition is to be ground extremely fine on a paint­ er's stone. ^* m'' %ii .•.ir:n.iriipr 6th Mottth.] JUNE.

Milledgeville B SUN SUN 1 MOON MISCELLANEOUS. of RISE' SETS. I SETS. W h. m. h. m.; h, m.

W 4 55 2 4: Battle of Acquia Creek T 4 55 3 25 begun, '61. P sets. Jeff. Davis Ijorn, ISOS.- S 7 22 Bat.'of Philipa, Va., '61] s 8 12 Warm tueather. M 8 5G Patrick'Henry died; 17 99 T 9 36 ' Some ruin. W 4 55 4Jl0 13 Andrew Jackson d. '45. T 9 4 55 4J1O 46 • Ckntdy. F 10 4 55 11 17 Bat. of Great Bethel, '61 S 11 4 55»7 5;U 48 Warm and S 12 55 6 morn. raiher ^sultry, M 13 6,5 7 0 19 Henschel discov'd. 1781. T 14 55 0 51 Still dry. W 15i!4 5517 1 26 Aud'w Jackson b. 1767. T 16! ;4 2 5 Battle of Vienna, '61. 1714 2 49 Bat. of Bunker EUU, 177.') s 18i4 3- 38 Bat. of Waterloo, 1815. Cloudy Its A 5417 rise*. Victoria crowned, 1837. M '4 54 7 7 53 Madison died, 1836. T :4 54 7 8 42 W 22 |4 54 7 9 .27 and vjarm. T 23J4 54 10 8 Akenside died, 1772. F 24i'4 55 10 47 John the Baptist born^ S 25{|4 55 11 25 Weather 26'!4 55|7 morn.I' sultry and s 27ili 5&|7 0 2 •hot M 28!i4 567 0 41 Appearance of rain. T 29jj4 56!7 1 23 Henry Clay died, 185: W 30||4 56i7 2 7 T Moon's Phases. Richmond. Ealeigh,— Charleetott., Mobile. •: ii.'^i. H. if. n, M. Jt M. (9 New Moon,... .' 4, G • 30 mo. 6 25 lao. G 20 mo. 5 48 mo. i if) First Quarter. .|l2 6 38 mo. 6 33 rao. 6 28 mo. 5 56 «0;| O Pull Moon .il9 5 41 ev. 5 39 ev. 5 34 ev.' 5 2 fk. .- (§) Last Quarter.. .'2G 9 14 mo. 9 9 mo. 9 4 mo. 8. 32 mo,;

STABCH.—In making starchTrbm wheat, the grain is steeped.in cold.', water until it becomes soft, and yields a milky juice by pfesstire'; Jt is. then put into sacks of linen.'and preasedjn a vat, filled With cold?wnter,' as long as-any milky juice e.^udes. After staudihg some time,the fluid, gradually becomes clear, and a white pow-der, which is starch; .remains:' at the bottom . ^i f •.• io'ffifli'iii|-nl^Bi'jiiiif>T fMiMontli.] JUBY [31Dayt.

Kalele^. D!ir [SUN SUN JMOON SUN SUN MOON lofiof IRISE' SETS. SEfs. MISCELLANEOUS. BI^' SET# SETS. [WIM h. m.\ h. m. h. m.h. m. A. Wi.

!F 1 '4 2 55; Battle of ©ettysburfe, '63 4 48 >2 4^-^ IS 2 4 3 46 n 4 49 3 41t •3! 4 sets. NEW MOON. 4 49 7 17 sets. i^' 7 31' Independence Day, 0. S, 14 50 7 17 7 43 8 ll| Bat. of Cheat Mountain, 14 50 7 17 8 20 8 46 '61.] ,- Rain !4 51 7 17 8 54 111"' 9 18| \uith thunder 51 7 16 9 26' fp I. 59 9 49; and lightning. 4 51 7 16 9 66; S-^ 9 59j7 10 20' Pres. Taylor died, '50: 4 52 7 16 10' 25 S 10 0|7 10 5ll' Columbus born, 1147. =0: 4 S2 7 16 10 SS- M' 111^5 0:7 11 24; Lst QE. ['61. f* S3 7-16 11 27 12t!5 lj7 u 59; Fight at'Rich Mountain, m 4 53 7 15 morn. W 13 5- 217 morn.] Warm 4 54f7 15: 0 1 141 5 3j7- 0 40: and sultry 4 54 7 15 0 40 f^F4 M :5 317 1 26' hot weather; t 4 557 15 1 24 S 16 4 7 2 19; Stony Point taken, 1779. 4 56 7 14 2 13 S jl 4I7 3 16- Pain. vs 3 9 !M1I8^I6- 5i7 4 22j Battle of Bull Run, '61. 4 13 iT jlDlo 517 riges.i Congress met at Rich'd, rises. |W20:W 6 5 4 FULL MOON, 19th. ['61. 8 -T" iT 21h5 6 8 45; Battle of Manassas, '61 8 46 P 22:;5 7 9 24' Agreement for-.'general 9 24 SS 23i;5 8 10 •• 3; ex. of prisoners, '62. 10 i s 24; :5 8 10 42 Yankee gunboats ab'don OjC 10 39 M 25''5 0 11'23 LAST QR: [Vibksburg. il 19 IT 26! [5 10 morn. (. War7n and morn-, W 27j|5 10 0 7 ven-y dry 0 2 *P 28U5 11 i 0 53 weather n 6f7 0 48 F 29:15 11 1 40 just.now. G 1 37 & |30!i5 2 35 Gen,-Morgan makes a 7 2 30 S !;5li|5 3 28 ' sSc'ful run in Ky. '62 3: 24

-' Moon's Phases. I Bichmond. i Baleigb. Glaa^Ieston. Iloblle. iD.I H. M.' M. H. M. H. M. •^ New Moon,,. ., r-Sf .7 14 ev. 9 ev. 7 4.ev. 6 3.2 ev. -^ First Quarter,.... 11 10 41 ev. 10 36 ev. 10 31 ev. 9 59 ev. Q'Pull Moon 19 I 25 mo.l 1 20 mo. 1 15 mo. 0 43 mo. .{©.Last Quarter. .*25 3 35 ev.: 3 30 ev. 3 25 ev. 2; 63 ev.

A XIuEB #QR RED' ANTS.:—Gotampn salt is a complete barrier to thi? approach of the. red ant. . Let^thesalt be so placed, that they cannot approach the place from, which you wish to exclude them, -without paas^ ing over it, and the remedy is complete. . STINGS.—Bind on the part a thick plaster of common salt, moistened. BHRBESsaa sea Sth Month.] AUGUST. t&lDasrs. ^mede^ville. Baleigh, SUN SUN MOONli SUN SBN-tltooN ^HSK' SETS, SETS.: MISCELLANEOUS. KISE'jSfiTB.; SSTS.! h.m. h.m. h. r,i.i h. m. A.W.I A.m. 5 14 sets. I Battle of Nile, 1798. 8:7 3 set*. T 6 15 6 47- NEW MOON. "... 9!7 2 6:5fi W 6 15 7 20' Burr's trial, 1807. . loW. 1 7 28 T 6 16l6 7 52: I Rain 1117 0 7 66 P 6^6 17 8 23[ •Bat. of Baton Rouge; '62; 5:1217 0 8 28 S 18 8 631 i " Hanging Rock, '62.! -f\- . 5 13(6 59 8 68 S 18 9 25i • .. Thunder. 1316 58 9 28 Mi 8 19 10 0' ! " So. Mountain, -'62, I 0 14 6 67ilO :1 T 9 191 50(10 37i i . ShJoicery.' n 5 55'lO'37f W 10 20 49!ll 19| list QB, Battle of Oak 5 64|11 17 T 11 21 48imorn.! I Hill, Mo., '61. I 5 53imorn, F 12 21 471 0 7; i Windy. 6 6 511 0 4; S 13 22 46j 1 1 |Cortez in Mexico, 1521.S V5 "5 18t6 50 0 65 JS 14 '5 23 45' 2 •1 I Showery}. 5 19 G 49| 1 54; M 15 6 24 6 44I 3 6 iBonaparte born, 1769. j 5 206 28i 2 58 T 16 26te 43! 4 15 IBattleof Camden, 1780.', 5 21 6 47 4 6 W 17 25!6 421 rises. I FULL MOON, j 5 21:6 46 rises." T 18 2616 41; 7 18; 1 Warynl 5 22 6 46 7 ig' F 19 27j6 40i 7 59 I . and}\ 5 23 6. 44 S 20 286 39! 8*39; ; sultry. 5 23 6 43 s 21 296 38: 9 '21? iCherokees take sides 5 24 6-41J 9 17 M 22 296 37;i0 6: j with Confederacy, '61. 3 2* 6 40|10 3 T 23 30i6 36:10 52' I Ram. 5 25 6 39jl0 46 W 24 6 3116 3411 40. jLiST QR. i 5 2616 38jll 36 T 25 6 3lie 33'morn.^ Herscbel died, 1822. I n 5 27 j6 36 morn, P 26 32 6 32l 0 32| jDr, Adam Clark d.,''32.' 5 2716 36 0 27 S 27 32 31 i 1 24 j Fair and mild.' 5 6 34 1 20 S 28 5 33 30i 2 18 iJHatteras taken,'61. 5 6 33 2 16 ,M 2» 6 33 28i 3 12 iJJohn Baptist behe.aded. 2 5 6 31 3; 8 T feO 34 27! 4 6 'jDr. Webster hung, '50. 5 3016 30 4 4 WSl 15 34^6 26i sets. ;j Sultry and dry) ;5 3li6 29 sets,'

Moon'B Pbases. BlchiF.ond. Baleigh, , Charlesten. llobUe. ID. H'. M. IL M. n. M. H. If. New Moon.. I 2 9 23 mo. 9 .18 mo. 9 13 mo. 8 41 mo; First Quarter llO 0 47 ev. 0 42" ©V. 0 37 er. 0 5;ev. Full Moon. 17 8 25 mo. 8 21 mo. 8 16 mo. 7 44 ma Last Quarter 124 0-64 mo. 0 49 mo. 0 44 mo. 0 12 ma BLAOKsaERY SYRUP.—To two quarts of juice of blackberries, add 1 pound of loaf sugar, half an punce of nutmeg, half an ounce of cinna-. mon, pulverized, one-quarter of an ouuce of cloves, ons-quapter of an ounce of allspice, pulverized;; boil together for a^horttime, and when cold add a pint of fourth-proof French Brandy. Xo CLBAN A BRASS KETTLE.—tlse salt and vinegar, brfore cooking jn it, -.'.'ii • ••••rfii,-'r«r^' "'Mii^ii''"ii-"i 'ii-fiii'iiri-"nirr •i.'irr'Tir 'I'mifcs: dUllff^rith.] S^IPTEMBEB. £30Dai^

/SiUedgeviUe. Bsleigh. D ,D BUN SUN MOON SUN I SUN MOON of of EISB' S£T@. BETS. MlSeKLLANEOUS.- RfsE'iSETS.! SETS. WiM h. m. k. m. h. m. h. m.Ji. 9ji.' h. m.

,T 6 35 24- Creation, 5508, B. C. 326 27 6^ 13 F 36 23 fiondon burnbd, 1666. 3316 26 7 1 S 37 2d . Cloudy and ^m 34:6 24' 7 32 37 20 Bat of Ft. Scott, '61. 34!6 231 8 -4 s 38 18 8 37 rain, with 3'6'6 21 8'38 M 39i€ 1^ 9 19 Gen. Polk occupies Co 36'6 20, 9 17 T 4;0f6 15l0 2 lunibus, Ky;] - thunder. 376 19| 9 §9 W^.7 Battle of Euiaw, 1781.;, 38^6 17 10 47 T 'IS- 40 10 52 Invasiou orMarylan^,'62 38^ 9 41 11.47 16 11 41 6 41 morn. Bat. of Carnifex Ferry, 39'6 14morii. 10 Va. '61.] Cloudy Sill 42 0 48 40'6 13 0 to M!12 42 1 54 and damp. 5.4116 U; 1-45 43 3 4 Bat. of Cotton Hill, and 5 41'6 9! 2 54 i/r ii3 cap. ofHarper's F., '62. 5 42'6 *^W!14 43 6 8 4 11 8: 4. 3 FULL MOON. 5 43'6 T 115 446 rises. 7 rises. 45 6 31 Changeable 5 44,6 5' 6 29 .F 16 Battle of S'harpsburg, '62 5 45:6 8 il7 5.46 3 7 ii 46-6 and unsettled.] 45'6 S 18 a 2 7 54 M 5 47 6 8 45 Bat. of Chickamauga, '631 46'6 1 8 37 T 5 47 6 9 34 • ['63.; 47:6 0[ 9 29 W 48 i6 10 Peyton H, Colquitt died, 48 5 5.810 20 T 495 57ll Stormy 49 5 57111 1,4 F 495 eSuiorn. and boisterous 505 55 morir. S 60i6 0 14 . weather may 51:5 53 0 10 6116 1 now be expected. 515 62 1 6 M 615 2 1 Gen. Beaiiregapi takes 52 50 1 58" T 6215 • 2 65 command at Charles­ 53 48 2 &? .LJV 635 2 48 ton, S. C,'62. 54

Uoen's Phases. Richmoild. | Raleigh. Charleston. Mabil« D. H. M, . 1 H, M, H. M. H. U. 1 0 58 mo.l 0 53 mo, 0 48 rao, 0 16 mo H) First Quarter.,.. 9 0 40 mo.j 0 35 mo. 0 30 mo, 0 0 mo. O j*"!! Maqn,....,. 15 3 69 ev. j,3 54 ev, 3 49 -ev. 3 17 Or. igjjl Last Quarter..,.. 22 1 44 ev. ) 1 39 ev. 1 34 ev. 1 2 ev. (IDNew.Moon... .. 30 5 33' ev. 5 28 ev. .5 23 ev. 4 51 ev. CfcBB FOB MURRAIN IN CATTLE.—Give one and a half ounces pearl- ash, dissolved in two' quarts of iron-water (froin the blacksmi-th^ tub.) If not betteritt B hours, givelialf an ouncemore in one quart of water. The water: should be warm. Giye no drink but warm water, for two days. Give warm, ma,sh to eat.' ;- AH stables and barris should-be properly ventilated. 10th Month.] OCTOBER. lit Hal*.

KinedgeTille. ., ^iteigb. D i> SUN SUN 1 MOON "..; SUN f SUS 1 MOON MISCELLANEOUS. of of RISE' SETS.' SETS. BISS'iSBTS.! SETS. W M h. m. h.-m) h. in._ i3 h. m. h. m. h. m. 5 55% 44 'Cloudy. 6 55'5 43 *-s 1 6 4 6 € s 2 5 55'5 43 6 39 Maj. Andre ex'ted, 1780. 6" 56-6 42 6 40: M 3 5 56'5 41 7 18 BSttle of Corinth com­ ^ -6-'57 5'40 7 ll ; T 4 5 57 5 40 8 1 menced and contniued. 5 585 38 7 59 W 6 5 57 5 39 8 49 1862. t 5 5»5 37 8 44 T 6 5 586 38 9 41 Rainy « 6 ' 0I5 36 9 35 k'i 5 595 37 10 39 weather. V5 6 0 5 34 10 30 1^"-s 5 59 5 3611 40 Battle of Perryvflle, '63. 6 16-33 11*32 S 9 6 0 5 35 mora. Gen. Stuart in Pa., '62. ;6 2'5 31taorn, M 10 6 15 34 0 44 British Consuls dismiss­ 8 2 5 30 0 36 T 11 6 2;5 33 1 51 ed from Confederacy. 6' §15'29 •1 42': W 12 6 2 5 32 2 58 Cool nights H 6 4 5 28 2 51 T 13 5 35 31 4 7 and B 5*6-27 4 Or F 14 6 4 5 30 5 16 • mornings. 6 65 25 5 ll 15 6 5 5 28 rises. Bank panic, 1857. 6 75 24 'rises. • 'S 16 6 6 5 27 6 33 Cool rain. « 6 -8[r22 6 28 ;.M 17 6, 7 5 25 7 23 Burgoyne surren'd, 17-77 6 9,5 21 7 J7 T 18 6 8 5 24 8 15 Slight-frost. 6 10 5 20 8 9. W 19 6 9 5 23 9 9 Bat. of Yorktown,l781. .n 6 11 5 19 9 4' T 20 6 10 5 21 10 4 Bat. qf Leesburg, '61. , 6 12 5 1810 0 F 21 6 11 5 20 11 . 0 Bat. of Trafalgar, 1805. n. 6 13 5 1710 56: ,* 22 6 11 5 18 11 54 LAST QR. 6 14 5 1611 51 23 6 12 5 17 morn. Windy and cool. s,' 6 14 5 14 mori]. fe24 6 12 5 16 0 48 Daniel Webster d,, '52. 6 15 5 13 0 46 ,T 25 6 13 5 15 1 41 Dixon H. Lewis d., '48. 6 16 5 12 1 41 W 26 6 13 5 14 2 34 Fair m 6 17 5 ll 2 33 T 27 6 14 5 13 3 28 weather. 6. 18 5 10 3 28-

F 38 6 15 6 12 4 22 Locke died, 1704. •^ 6619 5 9 4 23 S 29 6 16 5 11 5 17 Bat. of Freyburg, 1745. 6 20 5 8 •5 19- S 30 6 17 5 11 sots. NEW MOON. W 6 21 5 % sets. • .^ 31 6 18 5 10 5 59 vnsettled. 6 22 ^ 61'5^8' Moon's Phases. r Biohmoud.i Baleigh. Charleston Mobile. 1 ^ :D.! H. M. I H. M. H. M. H. .Jf. I® First Quarter | 8ilO,27 mo.lO 22mo.l0 17 mo. 9 45 mo.^ 0 23 mo., , dH Last-Quarter .22' 6 17 me.' 6 12 mo.i 6 T mo. 6 35 mo. ^ New Moon. 30 10 1 8 mn.'rO 13 mo. 10 8 mo. 9 36 mo. '

•-- - . - —-—^--r •' '• - • •: ^ CoEN BEBB.—Boil one pint-of corn, until quite soft, in water to cover it, pouT into ajar. Add aqu'a?tof syrupor m^asses, a handful oPdried ; apples, one ounce pulverized ginger, acup of solid.yeast dissolved in a Uttle warm water, and three gallons of water. Set it in a warm place in winter, and a cool place in suinmer. It will be fit.for usse in ,t^o days. NOVEMBER. [30 Dayjr-

Raleigh. SUN, SUN MOON MlSCBLLJlNEOUS. RISE'[SETS. SEa-s, 2-* /(. m. h. m. h. m. Missouri seceded, '61. 6 24'5 6 42 AH Soul's Day. 6 25 5 •7 30 VariaJbledne^ 26'5 8 27^ unpleasant V5 27-6 9 2^ Gun powder plot, 1605., 285 10 28 1st QB. 29 4 59 11 31 Battle of Belmont, '61 30,4 58knorn. Milton died, 1674. K 6 3i:4 57 0 37 Luther born, 1683. « 324 56 1 44 Frosty 6 334 65 2 51 erndfair. 6 344 54 4 0 Montreal taken, 1775. 36'4 53 h ?r PULL MOON. 364 52 rises. Chas. Carroll died, 183!. 374 61 5 54 Bridges burnt in Ten.'62 n 384 51 6 49 Boston tea party, o.s,'73.! 304 50 7 46 Clear'i 40'4 50 8 43 ; cold] 404 49 9 40 and. 4l'4 49 10 36 ivindy. 424 49 11 31 LAST QR. 43'4 48, morn. Fight at Pensacola, '61. n. 44J4 48 0 25 Ft. Pickens bomb'd, '61. 46,4 48 19 Zack Taylor born, 1784. -TV 47 4 47 13 Cold winds. 48 4 47 8' Dr, Watts died, 1784. m 494 47 5 Cold 504 47 3 omd ckmdy. 5l!4 46 sets. NEWMOQ.S- . 52^4 46 5 26 St. Andrew's Day., 6 53'4 45 6 20,

•^iloon's Phases, B.lehmpnd. Baleieh. CharleBon. Mobilfe.-

H. U., H. M. H SI ® JFiret Quarter, 6-?42 ev. 6 37 ev. 6 0 ev. O Full Moon... 0 23 ev. 0 18 ev. 11 41 mo. 0,IjaBt Quarter. 2 6 mo. 2 1 mo. 1 24 mo •ift-New Moop.. 2 7 mo. 2 2 mo. 1 26 mo

; TAR'FOR SHEEP.—A gentleman Wlio has a lai^e flock of sheep says,; that during the season of gi'&ziriglie gives his sheep tar, at the rate oT a gill a day to e^ry twenty sheep. He puts thetar in troughs, sprink­ ler a littl.8 fine salt over it, and the Sheep consume it wit|i eagerniess. Tiiis pre.se'rves them from worms.in the head, promotes thek" li^alth in general, and is thought to be a good specific against the rot, , fei ti ias 12th Month.] DECEMBER. £81 Days.


D'tD 'I SUN j SUN I MOON SUN I SUN MiSOELLANBOUS. IIOON of of ::RISE':SET8.: SETS. RISE'^ETS: 'SETS. W'M .7(. m.l/i. m.\ h..m. Sin, h.m.'.Ji.m. k. m.

i;8 46,4 7 26 V5 54 4 45 7 19 2''G 47^4 8 29 [1800. 55 4 45 8 21 3,6 0 33 Battle of Hohenlinden^j 55 4 9 25 4;:6 10 38 Windy, 564 10 30 5,6 11 42 and cold.l 57:4 11 35 G'G 4914 morn. 1st. QB. 58i4 45|morn. 7H6 50;4 0 47 Look out, 69:4 0 41 8.:G 61,4 1 52 for bad 0'4 1 47 ij 1 9';6 62,4 2 56 weather] 0:4 2 64 fs :i0;!6 53k 4 1 about now.. l'4 4 3 'Sll:6 544 6 4 Burnside crossed Rappa^j 2I4 5 5 J.i:i2:G 56'4 rises. han'k atPred'kbnrg, '62.' 3J4 46 j rises. T ,13 '6 57,4 5 36 FULL MOON. Battle of ,44 451 6 31 W14 :G 5714 6 33 Fredericksburg--Yan­ - 414 45! 6 28 T 'l5iiG 58:4 7 30 kees badly whipped— 5i4 7 26 P |16 |6 5S4 8 26 Gen'l T. R. R. Cobb 5i4- 8 23 S •17,;6 9 21 killed, 1862. 9 19 S is'.e. 10 15 Clear 10 14 Ml9 7 11 and boisterous. 11 9 •fc^T 20 7 0 4 rnorn. LAST QR. S. Carolina n morn. w;2i,7 0 1 [seceded, '60. 0 2 T :22.;7 ft 0 55 CoU: 0 67 F 23f,7 i;4 1 49 Sir Isaac'Nowtou b.l642 m 1 62 S •24::7 2l4 2 45 Christmas l£ve. 2 49 s i25;:7 2|4 3 42 CHRITMAS DAY. 3 46 Mi26|,7 214 4 40 Colder. 4 45 T !27,;7 2l5 « 37 St. John the Evangelist. 5 43 W'28s7 3i6 sets. NEW MOON. ik sets. T [29f7 3i5 6 16 The Java taken, 1812. 6 7 F |30'j7 3l5 7 21 Savannah taken, 1778. 7 13 s isiih .4'f5 8'28 uBat. of Murfreesboro','62 54i 8 31

MOOON'S PHASES. £K»IiSOKD. KAU3QH. CuASIJiSTOIf. Mosa.s. .] D. H. M. H. M. n. 11. H, M. (JD First Quarter i 6 2 23 mo. 2 18 mo. 2 13 mo. 1 41 mo. O Full Moon ..jl3 2 2 mo. 1 57 mo. 1 52 rao. 1 30 mo. (§1 Last Quarter i20 11 52 ev. 11 47 ev. 11 42 ev. 11 lO-ev. la New Moon !28 4 11 ev., 4 6 ev. 4 1 ev. 3 29 ev.

TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE OUT OF RYB.—The rye is to be welf clefaned, and then boiled till soft; but care should be taken that it does tot burst. It is afterwards to be driedin the sun, or in an oven, and then burnt like coffee. Turn it about frequently, and let it all be well brownisd, but not black. Do not grind too fine. n.:ir^rw .-mfi , \ .,,.«iAi).' n.u' iMiii.iw'ii'ri"—' " 1 'w :ii.i!iiiii"rn 6®i-ffBiaril0,.,@'tTif.iw©ii



CABINET, IS'ecrdary of State—S^. P. BENJAMIN, of Louisiana. Seerttary of the Frea««n/^—C. G.' MBMMINGER, of a C. Seentaryof War—J As. A. SEDDEN, of Virginia. Secretary of the N-avy—B. R. MALLORY, of Florida. AtUn-hey ^eweroZ—TIldS. H. WATTS, of Alabama. Postmaster General—J. II. REAGAN, of Texas.

ITEMS OF gOFTH£RT«r HISTORY. I860. Marcli 4tb,T—Abrahanj. jiincoln and Hann\bal Hamlin elected Presi­ dent and Vice President of the UDited States. This result of the Pre- 'sidential Section was viewed by the people of the South as an assur- ^ance that.their political rights in the Union wore lio longer to be fas- pected; and ^y, therefore resolved to assert their indopendeace, aa our forefathers did in the.Revolution of 1776, and set up a Governmant ibr themselves.. they determiued first, however, to try and settle all difScultie^ byan efibrt either to obtain some guarantees from the North tibat theif rights would be respected, or to separate peaceably, if p»gs$- bl^ For .this pUrpo.se, offers of eompropyise wore made by Sriutherm members of Congress, apd a Peace Convention assembled in Wajhiagf- ton city; and CcunKrissioners were, also^sent to Washington'city frem Sonth Carciina; but all to no purpose; Hence the States now OWB- posing tb«.Southern Confederacy seceded by t\ie adoption of ordinances ^secessiQB, which were adopted in State Conventions in the ord«r in which they are b,©!** pre.sented: Dec. 20tli—South Carolina seceded. 18 ITEMS OP SOUTHERN "HISTORY.

1861. Jan. 9th—Mississippi. Jan. 10th. .Florida. Jan. 19th..Georgia. Jan. 20th. .Louisiana. Feb. lst. .Texas; declared, by the State Ooaveuttwi, tcr be outttf tlie Union, March 20th. April 18th. .Virginia. May 6th.. Arkansas. May 6th. .Tennessee; ratified by the people, June 8th. May 20th..North Carolina. Missouri.. Declaration of Independence issued by Gov. Jackson, at New Madison, April 15th. Kentucky.. Otber E:vents,<}r Importance. Feb. 4th. .Provisional Congress meets at Montgoqjery, Ala. Feb.^7th. .The Provisional Congress adopts a Provisional Constitution. Feb. 9th. .Jefferson Davis, of iMissisgippj, a,nd .Alejeitnder II, -Steph­ ens, of Georgia, elected Provisional PreMdenfTaM Vice Presidecft of the Confederate States of America—the name adopted by the new nation, Feb. ISth, .Jefferson Davis inaugurated in Montgomery, Aia, as Provisional President of the Confederate States. . March'9th. .Permanent ConstituMofi of the Confederate States adopt­ ed by the Provisional Congress. . 15 ATTIiES. .April 12th, 13th. .Battle of Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor. .Con- - federate victory. Juno 3d. .Battle, of Phillippi, in Western Va.. .Pederalvictory, June 10th. .Battle of Great Bethel, Va. .Confederate victory.. June 17th. .Battle of Kansas City, Mo.. .Confederate victory.^ June 18th. .Battle of Booneville, Mo.. .Federal victory. July 2d, 3d. .Battle of Haynesville, Va.. .Confederates retire. July 5th. .Battle of Carthage, Ifo;, .'Confederate victory. -^ July 12th. .Battle of Rich Mountain, Va..„Federal rietory. July 13th. .Battle of St. George, W. Va...,Federal victory. July 17th, .Battle of Scarey Creek, W. Va,. .Confede»ttte riotory.- July 18th.. Battle of Bull Run, Va.; ;ConfederHte victory. _ * ' July 21st. .Great Battle of Mana.ssas..Confederate victory.- Jnly 2.6tJi. .Battle of Mosilla, Arizona Ter.. .Confederate victory." Aug. 10th. .Batth3 of Oak Hill, Mo.; .Confederate victory.- Aug. 27th. .Battle of Cross Lane, W. Va.. .Confederate victory. - Aug. 28th, 29th. .Battle of Fort Hatteras. .Federal victory. - v' Sept. 10th. .Battle of the Gauloy, at Carnifex Ferry, in W. Vft.; both parties retired. ' - Sept 11th. .Battle of Le-ivivsv^ille, on Potomac. .Confederate vict^y.- Sept, 11th. .Battle of Toney's Creek, on Kanawha. .Confed. yietory.- Sept. J9tb. .Battle of BarbQursville; Ky. ^Confederate victory. . " : Sept. 20th. .Battle of Lexington, Mo.. Confederaie victory. Sept. 25th, 26th. .Battloof Arlamesa, in N. Mexico. .Confed. victory. -. Oct. 3d. .Battle of Green Briar River, in W. Va,Conftderate.victory, - Oct. 9th. .Battle of Santa Rosa Island, Fla. .Confederate victory. - Oct, 12th. .Battle of the Mississippi Passes. .Confei»r»te vietiwy. ITSIMS OP SOXJTHERN HISTORY. 19

Oct. lOtlr. .Battle of Bolivar, near Harper's Peny. .Oanfed. Tictory; y Oct. 31st. .Battle of Frederickstown, Mol .Federal viotory. 5*^'Oct. 2l3t. .Battle of LeeabuFgjVa,.Confederate victory. . Nov. 6th. .Battle of Belmont, Mo. .Confederate victory.' . Nov. 7th. .Battle of Port Royal, S. G.. .Federal Tictory. • Nov. 9th. .Battle of Piketop, Ky..Confederate vietoTf. Nov. 9th. .Battle of Guyandotte, Va. .Confederate victory. Nov. 62d; 23d. .Bombardment of Port Pickens, near Pensacola.. Loss light on both sides. ' . "Dec. 5 tlr. .Battle of Drains'vilte, Va.. .ConfederMi Victory. . Dec: I3th-..Battle of the -Alleghany, W. V»..Confederate victory. Dec. IGth. .Battle between Opotheyoholp, (Yankee Indian,) aOdOol.' James Mcintosh, .(Confederate,") 70 miles northwest of Port ftibaon, Indian Territory. .Confederate victory.. ,^ * Dec. 17th. .Battle of Woodsonvaie,Ey. .Confederate victory. Dec, 28th. .Battle of Mount Zion, Mo. .Federal victory. 1862. A " J .Jan. lst,-.Battle of J'ort Royal, S.O.:.Cpnfederateviotoiy.' Jan, 2d, .Bombardment of Port Pickons, and Bragg's batteries re- sumecl.. Result unimporfant. ' Jan. Oth,.-^.Battle bet'ween the-Indians in the Cliorokee oountrf.. Confederate viotory. • Jan. 15th.. Battle of Frestonsbufg, £y.. .Confederate victory. Jaa, 19th. .Battle of Falling Creek, Ky^.Pedwal victory. Feb. 4th. .Attack on Ft! Henry, Bennegaee. ..Abolitionists repulsed. Peb. 6th.. Pcvrt Henry, Teon., captured, by the Aboiitionists. Feb. 7t;h, .Burnside's fleet attacks Roanoke Island, N, C, Feb. 8th, .Roanoke Island, N. C, captured by the Abolitionists, Feb. 13th, .Attack on Ft. Dohelsonj Tepn, ty the Abolitionists.. Feb. 15th. ..Bowling Green, Ky., shelled 1^ the AbolitioniBts. Feb, 16th, .Fort Donefeon, Tenn,, eaptfired by the Abolitionists. Pob._22d...Inauguration oll'resident DaviSr at BicAmond. _Mftrch 6, 7, 8.?.Battloof ElkHoni, er Pea Bidge. .Confed. retreat. March's, t>. .Naval battle in Haoipton Roads. The Viiiginia-Merri- ,mac defeats the Abolition vessels. . ' ' March 15th. .Bombardment of New Madrid, Mo., and Island No. 10, ill the Mississippi, commenced.\ •', March .23d.. Battle of KefnstoWB, Va... Stonewall jaoksoa, defeats the Abolition General, Shields. '' April 6> 7 .Battle of Shiloh, Tenn..OoBfedetate victory, April '7th. .Capture of Island Na, 10, by the Aboliti£)niat?. .^ April lltli, .Attackon Fort Pulaski, near ^vannab, Ga, A.pril 12th. .Capture of Fort Pulaski by the Abolitionists. Apriliath. .Attack on Fort Macon, N.C, by the Abolitioaists: . • April 13th. .Attack on Ports Javfcson and St, PbiUipe,near New Or­ leans, La., by the Abolitionists. , April 10. .Battleof SoutliMflls, Sewjers" Lane, Va. .Confed. vic'ry. April 24. .Naval engagement above Et.-.Jackson, near N. 0., La. April 25. .Fort Macoii, .N.C, surrendered- conditionally to jiie^Abo- liti.pnists,. ' ' ..... ,. ' -'.' April 26. .The Abplitioa fleet^rives in front of New Orleans and takes Possession of the citT._ 20 ITEMS OP. SOUTHERN HISTORY,

April 27, 28. .Bftttle,of Oarsville, Missouri. .Federal victory. May 7,. Battle of Barhamsville, or West Point, Va.. Confed. victory. May 8. .Battle of McDowell's, or Lithington's Mills, Va,.'.Confeder­ ate victory. May 9,. Battle of Fa-rmington, Tenn,, near Oorinth... Confeid. victory. May 1&. .Attack on Drury's Bluff, James River, near Riohmpnd,V». by the Abolition fleet, wbich is repulsed, ' , May l7. .Battle of Princeton, Westerii. Va. .Confedsrate vtetory. Msy 18, 19. .Battle near Searcy, Ark. .Confederate victory. May 21. .BomlJ||rdment of FtPillow, near Memphis, Tens., resumed. May 23, 24. .Battle of Front Royal, "Va, .Confederate victory. May 25. .Battle of Winchester, Va,.Confederate victory. May 31. .Battle of the Seven Pines, near Richmond, Va. .Oonfedejr- ate victory. June 6. .Naval battle ort the Mississippi river, in front of Memphis, Tens. .Federal victory. . .^ June 6.. The city of Memphis,irenn., surrendered to the Abolitionistis. Juno 8, 9 ...Battle of Port Republic, Va...Confederate victory. June 11. .Battle of Cross Keys, Va. .Gen. Ewell defeats the Aboli­ tion General, Fremont. Juno 14,,Battle of Languelle, on White'river. Ark, .Confed, victorf. June 16,, Battle of SecessiCtrville, S, C. .Confederate victory. Juno 2,"). .Battle on the Williamsburg road, near Richmond, Va... Confadonito victory. June 26-July 1. .Battles of the Chkikahominy, or the Seven Baft.' B-)!tles before Bichmond, as followx : June 26. .Battle of-MechanicsviUe. June 27. .Battle of Gainesville. June 29. .Battle of Frazier's Farm. .lune 30. .Battle of Willis'Church. July 1. .Battle of Malvern HilL .AH Confederate victories. June 28. .Bombardment of Vicksbure, Miss., by the Abolition fleet July 13. .Battle of Murfreesboro', Tena. .Confederate victory. .July 15. .The ram Arkansas successfully rur« the^gauntlet of the Abolition fleet near Vicksburg. July 24. .The soige and b.ombardment of Vicksburg, abandonad jjy the Abolitionists. July 28. .Battle of Moore's Mill, near Pulton, Mo. .Federal victory, Aug. 6, 6..Second battle of Malvern Hill, near Richmorid, Va... Federal victory. Aug. 5...Battle of Tazewell; Tenn., near Cumberland Gap,, .Confed­ erate yictbry, Aug. 5. .Battle of Baton Rouge, La. .Confederate '^'ictory. Aug, 6. .The ram Arkansas ^abandoned and destroyed by her. officers and crew, . Aug. 8, 9,, Battle of South West Mountain, Va, .Confed, victory. Aug. 11. .Battle of Independence, Mo. .Confederate victory. Aug. 15, 16. .Uattle of Lobe Jack, Mo. .Confederate victory. ^ Aug. 21. .Battle near Gallatin, Tenn. .Confederate victory. Aug. 22. .Battle of Big Hill, near Richmond, Ky. .Confed, victory. Aug. 30. .Battle of Richmond, Ky. .(Jen. Kirby iSmith victorious.' Aug. 28. .Battle, of Thoroughfare Gap, Va.. .Confederate victory. BURKE, BOYKIN & CO.,

PUBLISH the following works, which they will sell at wholesale only: Welister's Diententary Spe|ling Book; Burke's Picture Prinaer; Ifoung Marooners, BY MR. GotiLDiNa; Child's Scripture Question Book. (5^" Circulars sent to Booksell«rs. Address as above.

THE following beautiful Sonjs may be Itad by addressing J. W. BURKli, Agent; Macon, Cra., AND ALMOST ALL THE NBW AlTD POPULAR MUSIC OF THE DAY: Gentle Nettie Moore, (post paid,) f 1.00 Brightest Eyes, " " 1.00 Shells of Ocean, " " 1.00 When I saw sweet Nellie home, (post paid,) 1.00 Will you Love me Then as Nsw, 1.0.0 Dearest, Then I'll Love you more. . • 1.00 Tale of Rest, .' 1.00 Bleeping, I Dreamed, Love 1.00 On the Mountains airy Sumait, 1.00 Gently Rest .. .. 1-00 Listen to the Mocking Bird,. 1.00 Lorena, 1.00 Monastery Bells,.. 1.00 Softly, Ye Night Winds, 1.00 We will send seven pieces Of the above for $5.00, post paid.

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Mulberry Street, between Lanier ^[ouse and Post Oiaoe.

Tni8 ACtENUY represents the following first class Companies: Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Bichmond, Va. Cash Capital, $300,000 | Surplus, _..$20ft000 Marion Insurance and Trust Company, Marion, Ala. Cash Capital, $300,000 | Surplus, $150,000 Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company, Petersburg, Va. Cash Capital, $360,000 | Surplus, $100,000 Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia, Farmville, Va. Cash Capital, .. $300,000 | Surplas, , $150,000 James River Insurance Company, Howardsville, Va. Cash Capital, $250,000 | Large Surplus, Danville Insurance Company, Danville, Va. Cash Capital,: $200,000 | Surplus, $ "iS.OOO Firemen's and MercJiants Insurance Company, Petersburg. Va. Cash Capital .$250,000 | Large Surplas, CITY INSURANCE AND SAVINGS SOCIETY, Petersburg, Va. Cash Capital $150,000 | "Large Surplus, FARMVILLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Farmville, Va* Cash Capital, *. - .;. $150,000 ft;7^ Poreons do.stroua of ofi«otftag iQBvraiiM vpoa any species of property would do svcU to call on nio b»fore Inaarlng ol^owhcre. PiHciw IssQod on aetachedtresidenete, for 3 or 5 jeara, will be allowed a tiberal dflduot{»n. from tbe MiBqal rates. OCf Open polieles Issued lipou coW«u tor ttorageot Bhippage. *. W. BUKRE, Agent,. Next to Post Office. ;#irfsia

ARE engaged largely in PpiatiiQ,.* g and Binding, and from the superiority of their fiietlltiesjaf e prepared to take largo contracts for BOOKS,



Bonnd and Re-bound in any stjde. Tlie attention,of Quftctcrmastera and othet Government officers is especially i>ivited, as we have Jt MEGS SUPPLY OF PIPER, and can tindgr»ke IHrge conlmcta for printing and furnishing GOVERNMENT BLANKS. NEATNESS A%D|SPATCH IS THE WATCflWORO. . BUR' f, Ag't., iCorner of Mulberry .^^^e^ovkik Strc^tn, "• f i^sr-^oossr, o.^.-, - "-X - , f Jt/jE EPS ON HAND A G G 0 D STOCK OF? p» RelJ^ious, Miscellaneous Mi^School Books; lEPaper Snd &t^iiionehy oirltll hinds. I- Xmong the SCHOOL BOOKS,.be keeps a large supply of

]>lxie §peMer and'^IS^J^df rv HE PtJBLISI-IJ!:S AN EDITION OF Stsnday ScIa0«ii;|ilS?M^^^T]|Qpt. NOTES.) Calvary CatecliisiBa 5 "^ •; ISersnota CdtecjBisKi. Ad*e.. J. w54trtlI£B, Ag't. I)i^ 1^1



rOR RAGS DELIVERED AT ANY DEPOT IN THE CONFEDERACY. Baye your r«gs, and save your tags, , Bring the shirt upon your hi Bare your good-for-nothing bags^ liriiig us pieces white or blac Xring them to this oflice, soon. Bring us rags and hrfng us taj^^ Bring them morning, evii, or noon. Bring us good-for-notHji^ bagsX f* Irom the "meuntaiji, fi-om the vale, Anything ]aat so 'tis^Bfc— "Whsre the Ungerinjj camp-flres pale, White, or blacl£, or blaeJwLgreen, t Tf here the morning-tipfe.the rose, Anything that paper makeii^ ' "Where the parting sunset gloTH's, Every Editor now takes, From tho East and from the West, And Tyi-iiJaay y.ou for yoncrngs, Bring ui ragt and do your hmt; And^aj^SMd>for-nouiiDg bags. Bring us 8cra6«aCoo.ttQai^ea(' JP th]Q|l,'':and bring them soou, Bring the nighWcSffSidi ruing, BVeping, and at noon.