Confederate States

Confederate States

IWWT—'. a^a—«—a— CONFEDERATE STATES \ BEINa BISSI«XTILE, OR LEAP YEAK, AND THE 4TH TBA.R OF THE IND-EPENDENCE OF THE CONFEDHRATB STATES OF AMERl.aA. A CALCULATIONS MASS AT UNIVERSITY OF^ ALABAMA. PUBLISHED FOR THE TRADE BY BUEKE. BOYKIN &.C0., ^MKK, li^ 1864. AEMANAO. '."cf" "?,: Ecclesiastical'.C^e^ca^pi :ifary 1. tSscumdsion. May' "29.1st Sun.'aflter'Trinity. 6. Epiphany. Junei-' 11. St. Barnabas. j^.';> 24. gepinagesimaj. ,, -• ;, * .:'24. Nativity of St John 25. Con^ersionofSt. Paul. • the Baptist. 31. S^xagesirna.' ' % '•:;:H;29-,St. Peter. Feb'ry 2j^uriflcation of Virgin July 25. St. James. , ' ^^ Mary. ' --; August 21. St. Barthoromew. ,- -"''^ '^..'Quinquagesiiaa. , - Sept. 21. St. Matthew. • 9. Shrove Tuesdaj^ 29. St. Michael ani All A,n- ' . 10. Aali \'Vedne!9day^ • ; — gels. " H-First Sunday in lent, October 18. St. Luke the Evangelist 24; St. Matthias. 28. Sts. Simon and Jude, March- 20. Palm Sunday. Nov. 1, All Saint's Day.'; 25. -Good Friday. - • • 27. Advent. 27. laster. * '?'• W. St, Andrew. iprJl 25. St. Mark.' BeCi 4. 1st Sunday in Advent. Mftj 1. 5th Sunday after Easter. 21. St. Thomas. Sts. Philip & James. 25r Christmas Day. 6. Aseehsiori Day;; 26. St:TStepheh. ?.:Sond8y after ;4s.oensi«?n - 27. St. John the Evangelist 15; Whitsunday. 28. Innocents. ».-y-.. - 22. Triaity. • '^: Grler's Almanac. RoBBRT &JMBB' died,,. May 4tfi, 1848.; ^SfotwithstijHdiug the fact thus noted, the people insist on having J;&na«ac» made by Grier, and stramge to relate, Grier's Almanaa'! are still puljiished, and ignorant people believe the .celebrated Almanac maker had something to do with the ea^umions. Biit he has not, He has^gone where they don't make Almeimcs. We ask these lovers of Grier's Almanacs to look on the title page and see who inakes th# calculations-^Bot.<?j-iisr, certain; a / A 9t«autirul and lasting' Whitewash. Saks a quarter of a pecfc"'of unsktcked lime; and pour it in a kettle of boiling water; while the lime is slacking, add half a gallon of stale ohamber-tey;. wlien the lime is poi'fectly sladttfti, dilute it •with water to the-prtiper consistence, and add to tlifs mixture otf^-quirCw of an ounce ef Priisian bliie. This wilLgive yotf a beaiitifal atid lasting iw«h, that WflJneither peel off nor turn yellow. Bjr-iiircreaaSng the quantity of blna, you may ma^e either a pale or dark blae; and by afiding yellow m rwl oehre, you cmy impart either of these tints to suit yout taste. ^ REMOVE PANES OP GLASS.—rPfft soft soap on the pttty for a few htbrs, snd it becomes as soft as if -Just put on,. though the piitty had become OS hard as a stone. • , i' =&= =¥«: 'i iifl,H "•"•» T*"TT "f! ,.ai-< M'WIWWm! HW'TOHi THE mmw, A MONXHLY PAPER FOR PUBLISHED ON THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH, in UMIaeoii, Oa. - THIS PAPEK has already attained a ^ery large circulation, and h«i| become a great favorite with tlie ^ ijiii"nj3Es o isr E! js . It is handsomely illustrated and beautifully printed. The terms are as follows:. ' . / - '' -,,'; For a Single Copy, .X . .'$1.00 For 10 Copies, sent to one address, at the rate of. * 80 For 20 " " " K h .!< • ...., i« For 50 " « " " « « : ^ .,, eo For 100 « « " • • " ............ »0 Jt^" Remit in Confederate feills, or |;ood State ehange bills; Address J. liV. BURKE:, Publisher, MACON, GA. TH•..L' ' E • , CHRISTIAI ."', .; .-,,1-ji^iMi—liai mil' N INDEX;,, ! •• • 9f.\, A BAPTIST FAMILY RELIGIOUS PAPER, ;; PUBLISHED WEEKLT IN MAOON, By SAlVtUEL BOYKIN. THE CURISTIAN INBHX possesses the best corps of contributor! <rf' any Religious paper in the South. Its stated correspondents are nuin- erous and able. Its summary of n»ws is unsurpassed. It aims to b« THE PASTOR'S AID, THE CHRISTIAN'S 6UIDE AND THE SINNER'S FRIEMHi It is of full size and haiidsomely printed on good paper. TERMS : $10 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Address, S. BOYKISf, Macon, Gsl, THE CHILD'S HSTDEX, PUBLISHED MONTHLY, IN MACON, GA. .. THE CHILD'S INDBI is I»o<somely printed on fine pjqDer, aEwii^tflri trated, at the follo\vfing low mtcs: Single copies^ $i»00 Thirty copies...... .$30<©^ i> Imir " -., 4.10 Forty " 40.00 - Ten " .10.00 Sixty " m).<J0 Twenty " 20.00 100 ". ..100.00 Or, at the" rate of 1.00 per cwpy. AH orflKfts may be adtosfBd to.; S. BOTUIN, Mace», Qfu- I *ilT».TniaaMiBa^--_ i M^^B....^ — '• -^ issss u (ii 'f\: JANJJARY. [31 Day]^ ;Bal^h. SUN SUN MOON MlSCBLIiANEOfaL RISE' SETS. SETS. /}. m. h. m. h.m. New Teat's Day. _n_ 7-12 4 55 morn. Oold and mndy. 7 12 4^56 0 9 Ft. Pulaski taken^ *61. •HI. 7 12 4.57 1 8 Ft Morgan captured, '61 7 12 4 58 3 9 Ctoitdy. t 7 12 4'59 3 12 Slight rain. 7 11 e 0 4 1'6 Mor» pteasamt 7 11 5 1 5 21 t. Johnson taken." 7 11 a 2 sets. ississippi seceded, '61. vs 7 U 5 3 5. 50 Ft. Jackson taken, "61 7 11 5 4 7 1 Ala:.& Flav seceded, '61. 7 11 5. 5 8 12 Pen'cola.navyydtkn, '61 K 7 11 5 5 9 2] Richard II, killed, 1490. 7 11 5 6 10 29 N.E. winds -T 7 11 5 7 U 34 FiBSt QB.] and dark 7 11 5 ,S morn. clouds flying. 7 10 5 9 0 38 Battle of Oowpans. « 7 10 5 H) .1 40 High windis 7 10 5 11 2 40 Georgia seceded, '61. ['21 U 7 10 5 12 3 37 Gen. Breckinridge born, 7 9 5 13 4 31 fromN.W. Cold. 5^ 7- 9 5 14 6 19 P*rhaptsnow. , 7 9 5 16 6 3 FTJLLMOON. ['61. .id 7 8 5 16 rises. Augusta, Arsenal taken, 7. 8 5 17 6 21 Oonversion of St. Paul, 7 7 5 18 7 16 Louisiana saceda^, '61. Tn? 7 6 5 19 8 11 W4aih«r very 7 5 4 21 9 6 .,. changeable. -r\- r 4 5 22 10 1 S»me appaarance 7 3 & 23 10 59 i)f snow. 7 S 5 24 11 67 LAST QK m 7 2 5 25j morn. Uoon's Phases. pEticluuond,^ Biileigli . Charleston. Hobile. H. M. H. M. H. M. , M. JiSist Qu,arte»,. 2 .29 mo. 2 24 mo. 2 19 mo. 47; mo. Ifew Mooii... 2 36 mo. 2 30 mo. 2 25 mo. 53 mO. ^ First Quarter. 5 56 er. S SI ev. 5 46 ev. 14, ev. .-^rFulJ-MoBa... 4 52 ST. 4 47 ^v. 4 42 ev. 10 ev. .-(© Last QuoT.... 7 "^ er. 7 2 ev. 6 57 ev. 25 eye. • FiiiHB ON THE EYE.—The easiest as-well as most eQectUal remedy &<mi}g a, film from the eye of an animal,-is simply to put a tea- ^dwful of moia^es on the eye-ball. Oxen^ horses, cows^ and sheep, li»y», in this manner, been relieved;. .' • I.Bi.lCil,. •B9BH ji:iii.iMi< M «p» -li!! 1JU..!J1U|MJ 2d Month.] F^feUARY. "^I^fl^ Killedgeville, D B SUN .SUN MOON SUN SDK MOON MISCELLANEOUS. of of RISE' SETS. SETS. KISE' SSTg^ W M h. m. h. m. h.' m li. m- h.m Km., M 1 57 0 ,52 Texas seceded, '61. ' - 2Q\ 58 f'T 2 152 " . Fair and 1 2-7 W 6 2 53 ; .•' • ..frdsiu. 0 2^ T 55 3 52 Rev. Cutter Gas^cap.'6r 59 29 so F *l 64 4 47 LaPlace died, 1827. 6 58 30 -S 53 sets. ; • .'• . Damp 6 57 31 sets. •• S 6 52 5 S51NEW \%0N. 6 56 32 J5- 4i iij^M 6 %61 7 «-Sifi<eti,j«*w4,Vy(^ '*-and 6 50 32 6 H T 9116 8 }Spfi4u,^J'£A^' cloudy 6 55 33 W 10;|6 9 22' As• h^ —Wednesday - - . - 6 54 34{ 17 T 11 lie 10 27 Eeyoron. in Si. Dorningo '°I°: G 53 35 24 I F 12ij6 11 30 Windy 6 52 36 11 2» 13|!6 morn. and cold. 6 50 37 s 14i]6 45 0 30 1st QR. [St. Yaripes.Day 6 49 39 31 M 15|:6 44 27 Cloudy. ^6 48 40 30J T 16;'6 44 20 Melancthon born, 1497. 6 47 41 28- W 17:'6 43 9 . Changeable. 46 •42 &i T I'Si'e 42 53 Davis inaugurated, '61. 45 43 i; F 19:i6 41 33 Look out 43% 441 42 j S 20'-6 40 9 for 42 ii m S 2l||6 38 43 . bad weather. 41 46 M 22i|6 37 rises. Washington born, .1732. 39 47 rises. ' T 23|i6 30:5 7 0 FULL J^O.ON. 38 48 W 246 3515 7 55 Novj a little -rt- 37 49 •% S« T 25 6 31i5 8 50, more 36 50 8 S3' F 26!6 33(5 9 47 pleasant 35 51 9 SI: S 27 6 10 45 Marion died, 1795. 33 52 10 49 S 28;!6 3ffl5 11 43 towards close: 32]5 53 11 4S 29:!6 2915 mem. M of the month. J 31 mars. ] Moon's Phases. EichmondJ Ealeigh- Gharlestoui i Mobile. : D. E. M. • . H. M. H It K. M. HI New Moon I 7 1 0 ev. i 0 55 ev. 0 50 ev. 0 18 ev. |) First Quarter '14 .8 14 mo;-} 8 9 mo. 8 ^ mo. .7 32 mo. I o Full Moon .'22 11 50 mo.'ll 45 mo.

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