60 Years in Furniture Contents 04 | Foreword

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60 Years in Furniture Contents 04 | Foreword 60 YEARS IN FURNITURE Contents 04 | Foreword 06 | The 50s The origins of Lahden Lepokalusto Oy 22 | The 60s Lepokalusto Oy 46 | The 70s The Lepofinn brand 58 | The 80s Lepofinn Oy 68 | The 90s Lepo Product Oy 82 | The 2000s 94 | The 2010s 104 | Ship furnishing 118 | Furniture export 132 | Designers 143 | References Foreword A major industrial concentration for fur- ourful history the name has changed sev- nishing of Finnish homes and public inte- eral times, but be it Lahden Lepokalusto, riors emerged in the Lahti area from the Lepokalusto, Lepofinn, or Lepo Product, 1950’s. The post-war reconstruction and the company has always been known as the growing migration from the rural ar- Lepo. eas to the industrial cities resulted in an The scrapbooks collected by the founder increased demand of furniture. Gradu- of Lahden Lepokalusto Oy, Aake Anttila, ally as people got wealthier, households were used as a source for the book. Antti- stopped using steel-framed ‘Heteka’ beds la had assembled a vast collection of pho- and switched to spring mattresses. And tographs and excerpts from articles from the origin and success of the Lahti Lepo the first three decades of the company’s furniture range owes much to this. existence. I would like to warmly thank Through the collaboration of manufactur- the Anttila estate for lending the excel- ers and interior designers, the Finnish fur- lent material. niture industry’s success story was born, I would also like to thank Lepo designers and its reputation around the world grew. Reijo Ojanen, Yrjö Kukkapuro, Ahti Taski- This book tells the story of just one furni- nen and Risto Halme, whom I interviewed ture manufacturer. The story reveals the and who gave me vital information and reasons behind the success and the Finn- photographic material for this booklet. ish designers who influenced it, some of Many thanks to the Council for Architec- whose contribution to the development ture and Design of the Arts Promotion Cen- of Finnish interior design has been partly tre for their support, and naturally to Lepo forgotten. An impression of past decades Product Oy for publishing this work. and the changes in interior design is con- veyed through the archival material pre- For the author, this archival adventure has sented here: contemporary photographs, been an exhilarating experience. Interior brochures and events. design photos, newspaper cuttings and excerpts from furniture catalogues cho- The story also reveals how teachers pass sen for this booklet will hopefully convey on the art of design from one generation similar feelings to the reader. to the next. Indeed, there has been a direct link between teachers and fellow students Lepo at 60 in 2013 in sharing the craft since the beginning of Lepokalusto. During the company’s col- Kaarle Holmberg, Interior Architect SIO 5 1 6 The 50s The origins of Lahden Lepokalusto Oy 7 Lahden Lepokalusto Oy The 1950’s 1 | Soft Epeda spring suspension In 1953 the technician Aake Anttila, Pent- er some of them at least. Aake Anttila was ti Roitto and Paavo Virusmäki founded the also a music lover. He was the chairman of company Lahden Lepokalusto, which be- the Lahti Opera Association and he per- gan to manufacture upholstered furniture formed in Lahti Opera’s concerts. Music using the “world-renowned Epeda meth- was always an important ingredient in the od.” Sofa beds and beds with elm veneer company’s parties. headboards were manufactured in the be- In the beginning there were five employ- ginning and easy chairs by the end of the ees, who did the padding, upholstering year. In the first years Anttila was respon- and assembly of the furniture, working in sible for the design of new furniture mod- a space rented from the Salvation Army at els and Roitto was responsible for sales. 28 Hämeenkatu road. The managing direc- Pentti Roitto, Aake’s brother-in-law, said tor, Aake Anttila, was responsible for the to Aake: “If somebody were to make good design and for overseeing the production. sofas, then it would be easy to sell them. Before this the majority of Finnish beds Aake answered: “Then I will start to make had simple horizontal springing (Heteka) them, if you will sell them.” and the more luxurious vertical spring type of the new spring mattresses was an From the start the managing director was outright success. A nationwide newspaper responsible for a great variety of work. ad campaign was successful and in under Anttila was an enthusiastic and skillful a year Lepo furnishings had 15 employees photographer: initially all the photos of and after two years a further 30. the collections were taken by him, and lat- 8 The first circular letter was sent to furniture salespeople on June 20, 1953: ”Lahti Lepokaluste Oy Upholstered furniture with Epeda spring suspension The company will begin to manufacture upholstered furniture using the world-re- nowned epeda method in the beginning of July. The first models will be a sofa bed and a single bed with an elm headboard. Later in October we will begin to produce 2 | Soft Epeda bed from 1953 easy chairs. Our managing director is the technician Aake Anttila, who has previously worked in Finland’s largest furniture factory and is very experienced in managing modern se- rial upholstery production, so rest assured: our production will be fully efficient from the start. Mr. Pentti Roitto will be handling the sales along his other tasks. In order for us to better plan our production programme as a new company, it would be of importance to us that you could make your first order as soon as possible. Our telephone number 6014 will be in op- eration from July 6th onwards. 3 | The details of a sofa bed Awaiting your valued orders, respectfully yours, Lahti Lepokalusto Oy.” 9 4 | Manufacturing a mattress at Lahden Lepokalusto's first workshop. From the top-left: a spring machine, machine sew- ing and mattress manufacturing, knitters of a spring mattress in line, spring coilers, framers and upholsterers. 10 5 | The collection's first printed leaflet, 1954 11 6 | Exhibit section, 1956. In the foreground is the streamlined easy chair Lili designed by the managing director. Lepokalusto's collaboration with young fort has been a byword for Lepokalusto's Finnish interior designers began in 1958. chairs. In the beginning, the furniture was de- By 1958 the collection of Lahti’s Lepo- signed by the interior designer Oiva Parvi- kalusto was already available in Finland ainen and, when Lepokalusto acquired in 35 furniture stores as far as Rovaniemi Moderno Oy, the production of designs by and Maarianhamina. Yrjö Kukkapuro began. Since then, com- 12 Interior Design Oiva Parviainen Due to a shortage of material, the inte- Oiva Parviainen was Lepokalusto's first rior design in the 1950s was plain, even designer to graduate from the School of spartan, compared to the current range Arts and Design (nowadays Aalto Univer- of trends and possibilities. The typical fea- sity). This talented young interior design- tures of furniture were tapered legs and er started working for Lepokalusto in May the use of hardwood materials. In inte- 1958, right after graduating. His new col- rior design the wallpaper patterns were lection immediately caught the attention restrained and the shades were light. of the press. Houses were small and there were lots of A caption in a report in the Lahti newspaper children. The size of sofas, armchairs and concerning the Kodinsisustus exhibition beds was 10-20cm smaller then than it is opened on May 11, 1958 in the Lahti Art now and often a sofa with no armrests was Hall: “Attention is drawn to the living room used as a spare bed. For this purpose Lah- furniture designed for Lahti’s Lepokalusto ti’s Lepokalusto manufactured sofa beds by the young art student Oiva Parviainen.” that became very popular. The sofas were usually upholstered in two colours, the In a report from August 17, 1958 on the sides in light grey and the seat in black or Lahti Furniture Fair, Oiva Parviainen de- burgundy red. scribes the furnishing style of the day, as well as the importance of quality: “Tran- quillity as a current furnishing style is re- flected in the furniture: matt surfaces and tranquil, plain fabrics are used. Great trib- ute must also be paid to the Finnish fac- tories producing upholstery textiles, be- cause their products are nowadays not only elegant, but also display top qual- ity in every way.” 7 | Pehmo-Epeda couch Silvana, 1956 13 8 | Spring exhibition, 1954 9 | Furniture designed by Oiva Parviainen, the easy chairs Linna and Pikku Linna, and a double table, the upper surface of which may be doubled in size by lifting up the lower surface. 14 10 | Most of the furniture from the 1950’s was photographed in a temporary studio within the factory. 15 11 | On display is the armchair, which can be assembled, and was designed by Parviainen for export. This Export chair and the Pikku Linna easy chair were awarded the Export Mark of the Finnish Foreign Trade Association as a sign of quality in design and manufacture. 16 12 | A view from the 1957 exhibition in the Lahti Art Hall, planned by Ilmari Lappalainen and Kurt Hvitsjö. The exhibition was organised by the Lahti Art Association, the Lahti Association of Artists, and the Industrial Artists’ Society. Fabrics designed by Anna Vainio in the background. 17 13 13 | A collection 14 | The Toivekoti magazine advertised the brochure from 1958. chair like this. The name of the chair is Pehmo Liisa (‘soft Lisa’). 18 14 12 | Näkymä Ilmari Lappalaisen ja Kurt Hvitsjön suunnittelemasta näytte- lystä Lahden Taidehallissa 1957.
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    Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Sinikka Vanhala Editors Leadership through the Gender Lens Women and Men in Organisations Forskningsrapporter från Svenska handelshögskolan Hanken School of Economics Research Reports 71 Helsinki 2010 Leadership through the Gender Lens: Women and Men in Organisations Key words: careers, gender, hierarchy, interventions, leadership, management, organisations, men, women © Hanken School of Economics & Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Sinikka Vanhala and contributors Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Sinikka Vanhala Hanken School of Economics Department of Management and Organisation P.O. Box 479, 00101, Helsinki, Finland Distributor: Library Hanken School of Economics P.O. Box 479 00101 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: +358 (0)40 3521 376, +358 (0)40 3521 265 Fax: +358-(0)9-4313 3425 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.hanken.fi/ Edita Prima Ltd, Helsinki 2010 ISBN 978-952-232-100-8 (printed) ISBN 978 952-232-101-5 (PDF) ISSN 0357-5764 iii CONTENTS Preface. Leadership through the Gender Lens: Women and Men in Organisations......v Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Sinikka Vanhala KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS The Impact of Gender Equality on the Management and Leadership: Reflections on change and resistance. ........................................................................................................ 1 Anna Wahl Ten Things You Should Know About Gender, Leadership, and Organizational Culture: Reflections on twenty years of research. .......................................................................... 21 Albert J. Mills Women on Top Corporate Boards: The slow progress and initiatives that provide change ................................................................................................................................ 38 Ruth Sealy and Susan Vinnicombe CAREERS and LEADERSHIP All roads lead to the top, or do they? How women get leading positions ....................... 56 Susanne Ahlers and Andrea D.
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