UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (“RMA”) IN THE MATTER of the Proposed Waikato District Plan: Hearing 22 – Infrastructure. STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF JON ROBERT STYLES ON BEHALF OF KĀINGA ORA-HOMES AND COMMUNITIES NOISE AND VIBRATION 29 SEPTEMBER 2020 Instructing Solicitor: Solicitors Instructed: C E Kirman ELLIS GOULD Special Counsel LAWYERS Kāinga Ora-Homes and AUCKLAND Communities REF: Douglas Allan / Alex Devine PO Box 14594 Central Auckland 1061 Level 17 Vero Centre E.
[email protected] 48 Shortland Street, Auckland Tel: 09 3072172 / Fax: 09 3585215 PO Box 1509, DX CP22003 AUCKLAND AD-004386-343-51-V1 2 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 My full name is Jon Robert Styles. I am an acoustic consultant, director and the principal of Styles Group Acoustics and Vibration Consultants. I am providing noise and vibration evidence on behalf of Kāinga Ora-Homes and Communities (“Kāinga Ora”) (formally Housing New Zealand Corporation) in relation to the submissions and further submissions1 it made on the Proposed Waikato District Plan (“PWDP” or “Plan”) (insofar as they relate to this hearing). Primarily, my evidence in this hearing relates to the request by KiwiRail and NZTA (“the Submitters”) to introduce new permitted and restricted discretionary rules for development of noise sensitive activities adjacent to railway corridors and the state highway network. 1.2 In summary, the key points addressed in my evidence are: (a) In fundamental terms, I agree with the Submitters that there is a need to manage the noise and vibration of effects of land transport on activities sensitive to noise where adverse effects would otherwise arise.