*F,,Ttv' \ Oz - Apnrropolo4'f
4oz*: ' arfta:4' "" Ph. D. SYLLABUS ! (F OR ENTRANCE EXAMINATION) FORPh. D. PROGRAMME IN ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY DOCTOR HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALA SAGAR, M.P. 2018-2020 G<,r.-- r,-.riti.E f:r,?rl.\--fi *F,,ttv' \ oZ - APnrRoPoLo4'f SECTION- A (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) EmPiricism Scientific Research : Characteristics, types and methods : Approach' (P'& ositivism) v/s Phiiosophical : Importince, PurPose Social Research : Nature of Social Research Meaning, and Scope. ' of Fietd Work : Tradition in Anthropology : Covering all branches Anthropology to gain holistic perspectives' schedules and 4. Techniques of Data collection: observation, Interview, Case study, Genealogy' Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussion, Types of Social Research : Fundamental or Pure Research, Applied Research, Action Research, Evaluation Research, Exploratory Research' in social 6. Social Research and Social Survey : Research Design. Major Steps resealch and HYPothesis. 1 Bio-statisties : Importance of statistics in Anthropology. Measures of central tendencies: Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of DiSpersion: Standard Deviation;-Coefficient of variation. 'T' test and 'Chi-squire' test' V ffitr t loz-. and Lower Jaw; Blood Groups; Dermatoglyphics. Distribution and Characteristics - Caucasoid; Negroid; Mongoloid' Racial Classifications - Deniker's; Hooton's; Coon, Garn and Birdsel Ts. Racial Classifica?ion of Indian Populations - Risley's; Guha's; Sarkar's' Chroriology : Relative, Absolute and Cultural. Geological framework :Tertiary, during pleistocene. Quatemary-Pleistocene, Holocene. Major Climatic changes Glacial and lnterglacial periods. Causes of lce Ages. Pluvial and lnterpluvial periods. Moraines, River Terraces, Loess, sealevel changes-caves, Marine, terraces, Beach, ridges. Relative dating : Terrace, Stratigraphy, Palaenology, Palaeoutology. Absolute dating : Radio-carbon, Potassium-argon, Thermol uminescence, Dendrochronology. Cultural Chronology-Three-age system : Stone Age, Copper / Bronze A-ge, Iron Age.
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