A.E. Brooks's Collection of Antique Guns, Pistols, Etc., Hartford, Conn
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NK 6903 B76B76 1899 NMAH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE A. E. Brooks Collection Hartford, Conn. CUI.I.KCTOR A. i:. P.KooKS. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE A. E. BROOKS'S Collection OF Antique Guns^ Pistols, Etc. HARTFORD, CONN. GUNS AND PISTOLS, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIODS, AND A VERY COMPLETE COLLECTION OF ALL THE DIFFERENT GUNS THAT WERE USED IN BOTH ARMIES DURING THE CIVIL WAR. FROM tS6i TO iS6; Gathered from nearly all the Battlefields of the Civil War Spanish Arms, etc.^ captured by United States troops in the recent war with Spain RELICS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE WAR OF ISIJ AND MANY OLD CARVED POWDER HORNS Of the Stone Ag^e, Indian Curiosities, Etc. -)0 t^amorO prrss ^v The Case. Lockwood ^: Brainari- Compan^ I S90 PREFATORY. It is probable that there are some errors among' the names and de- scriptions of the rehcs herein catalogued; but I beg to inform all who ma}' take an interest in the collection that I have, in many instances, been aided by the suggestions and advice of well known experts aad students in historical and antiquarian tore, ^ly own experience as a collector, for thirty years, has been replete with study and research, and the amount of labor performed and the expense incurred during the period can scarcely be imagined. On the whole, I believe the cata- logue to be very nearl}' correct. I invite the criticism and desire the opinions of all who may be interested in a collection of this character, with the view of correcting whatever errors may exist. The history of each piece is given, so far as it is known to me. At the time of each purchase, I invariably copied all the historic memoranda obtainable, or recorded the tradition as related by the former owner. The collection of Guns and Pistols is the most complete one in this country. It dates back to the early Crossbow, from the Crossbow- gun to the Match-lock, Wheel-lock, Flint-lock, and Percussion-lock. There is a ^•ery complete collection of the different guns used by the United States Government during the Civil \\'ar. There are no guns in the collection made after the year 1865. except a small mnubcr o: Mauser ritles, obtained, with some other relics oi tiie war with Spain (1898), in Cuba and Puerto Rico. In addition to the guns there are several cannon, from the early ages down to the Civil War. 8 PRRFATORV. The C(>lkcti<jn also coiUains: Prehistoric liiii)UMiK'nts of the Stone A.qe. Indian curios of the nineteenth century. Revolutionary War relics. A larc^e collection of relics of the Civil War. Nearly everythinc:; has been secured direct from parties who took them from the battle- fields, or from those who have owned them since the close of the war. Collection of old carved Powder-horns, from the French and Indian Wars, the Revolutionary War. and the War of 1812: also some that were carried in the Civil War. Miscellaneous collection of old Indentures, Commissi(jns. Manu- scripts, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Badges, etc. There are about ten thousand pieces in this interesting and valuable collection, which is deserving of a place in some Sta^e or Ciovcrniuental institution, it being a museum in itself. The collection is now on e.\hi])ition at the Wadsworth AthencCum, Hartford, C Onn. A. E. BR( MJKS. .\BBREVIATIONS. M . L.," muzzle-loader. P). L..'" breech-loader. ' U. S.." I'nited States. ' r. S. N.." Cnited States Navy. ' C. S.," Confederate States. C. S. A.," Confederate States Army. ' C. S. N.." Confederate States Nav\ LIST OF illustr.\t: COLLECTOR -\- EL BROOKS, Frontispiece. ** MR. BROOKS IX HTS • DEX OR WORKSHOP. Facing Frontispiece. PACE. CASE X.:.. r6 CASE Xo. J. 21 CASE Xo. 3. 24 AX OLD STR.\W BEEHIVE. 30 CASE X(x X 3t CASE Xo. 5. 54 r5-IXCH SOLID SHl T - CASE Xo. 6. ^j CASE Xr.. r 45 CASE Xo. S. 47 PCTXA2»rS WAR SADDLE 49 CASE Xo. 9. 50 REl.'OLLTIOXARY SWIVEL IROX CAXXOX. 53 CASE Xo- 10. 54 CASE Xo. ri. 56 COX'FEDERATE SPAR TORPEDO. 5S CASE Xo- 12. 59 CASE Xo. r :. 61 CASE Xo. 14- . 64 CASE Xo- 15. 66 OLD IRON CAXXOX 68 CASE Xo. 16, . 6g JOHX BROWX RIFLE. -: CASE Xo. 17. ... -- -5 CASE Xo. iS. CASE Xo. 19, .... 77 FOCRTEEXTH CEXTL'RY ARBALIST 78 CASE Xo. 20. ... 79 CASE Xo. 21 S2 RE^'OLLTIOXARY CAXXOX. 8g LIST or ILUSTRATIOXS. JOHN BR(J\VX PIKl- 91 CASE No. 2^ 92 CASE Xo. 24 9('. OLD CAXNOX. DATED 1400. '99 CASE Xo. 25 100 CASE Xo. 26 106 C.\SK X... 27 CASE Xu. 2S CONFEDERATE STATES GUIDOX. 12<i CASE X... 29 I2S 3-' CASE X... ;,o 1 CASE Xo. 31, . 136 U. S. lo-IXCH SOLID SHOT RIFLE PROJECTILE. 14-2 CASE X... 32 14^ C. S. ii-IXCH SOLID SHOT RIFLE PROJECTILE. 146 CASE Xo. x^ I4S CASE Xo. 34. 15- BRASS HOWITZER CAXXOX. 154 CASE Xo. 35 15^' CASE Xo. 36 160 CASE Xo. ^7 162 CASE Xo. 38 172 CASE No. 39. BREECH-LOADIXG CAXXOX. 178 CASE Xo. 40 180 WIXDHAM BACCHUS, .... 180 NORWICH BACCHUS 189 PUTXAM'S PLOW i<jS PAIR OF SIGNAL CAXXOX. JOO MONUMENT OF WAR RELICS. Xo. 2125. 201 MONUMENT OF WAR RELICS. Xo. 2126. 201 PAIR OF BRASS CANNON, 211 JOHN COOKSON BREECH-LOADIXG MAGAZIXE GUX. -\V) SECTIOXAL VIEW OF THE BREECH-BLOCK. 240 CONTEXTS. Case Xo. I. Case of old and rare Pistols; some of them made in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ij'j pieces), . i6 Case Xo. 2. Case of Carbines used in the Civil War. We have a full collection of all the different kinds of Guns that were in the service of the United States Government during the Civil War. 1861 to 1865 (.25 pieces). ....... 21 Case Xo. 3. Case of Pistols; many kinds. Flint-lock. Percussion-lock, Muzzle and Breech-loaders, Single and Double-barrel, Revolvers, and Magazine Pistols. Many of them were used in the Civil \\"ar (,64 pieces). ........ 24 Case Xo. 4. Case of Rifled Carbines: most of them were in the service in the Civil War (18 pieces). 31 Case Xo. 5. Case of Revolvers (Army and Xavy ) ; many of them are Pocket Pistols and were used in the Civil War on both sides (92 pieces), ......... 34 Case Xo. 6. Case of Breech-loading Rifles that were in the service during the Civil War (14 pieces), ..... 43 Case Xo. 7. Case of old Oriental Guns of the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries, Rare Lot (11 pieces), .... 45 Case Xo. 8. Case of United States Rifle Muskets that were in the service during the Civil War (16 pieces), .... 47 Case Xo. 9. Case of old Flint-lock Guns used in the French and Indian Wars: some of them used in the Revolutionary War (14 pieces). ........ 50 Case Xo. 10. Case of Guns used in the Civil War. mostly Foreign Manufacture (16 pieces). ...... 54 Case Xo. 11. Case of Rifles and Double-barrel Shotguns: some of them are very rare (14 pieces). ..... 56 Case Xo. 12. One-half of this case are Confederate Guns, used in the Civil War on the Southern Side; the other half are old Flint- lock Guns (14 pieces). ....... 59 Case Xo. 13. This case contains a collection of Guns made by the United States Government, from the Flint-lock Musket of 1799 to the Springfield Rifle, model of 1862 (14 pieces), . 6[ Case X'o. 14. Case of old Flint-lock Guns; some very rare (14 pieces). 64 Case Xo. 15. Case of Old Arms, Japanese Match-locks. Blunderbusses. etc.: very rare lot of Guns (21 pieces). .... 66 Case Xo. 16. Case of Indian Rifles, which were captured, and some of them were surrendered by Hostile Indians (Sioux and Cheyenne) soon after the Custer Massacre. June 26. 1876. on the Little Big Horn River. Wyoming Territory (18 pieces). c>) COXTEXTS. Case .\n. 17. Case of Early Brccch-Unidiii^ Rifles; sonic of thcin very rare (17 pieces), ....... 72 History of the John Brown Rirte. ...... yj, Case No. 18. Case of early Breech-loading^ Rifles and Shotguns; some of them very rare (14 pieces), ..... 75 Case No. 19. Case of very rare, old Oriental I'lint-l'ick and W'IkcI- lock Guns (10 pieces), ....... 77 Case No. 20. Case of very rare, old Arms of the I'ourteenth to Seven- teenth Centuries (12 pieces). ...... 79 Case No. 21. Case of Pistols. Burglars' Tools, Whaling Inii)lements, and other Curios, etc. (94 pieces), ..... 8_' History of the John Brown Pike. ...... 84 Case No. 22. Case of lot of Old Guns; some of them never duplicated {12 pieces), ........ 90 Case No. 2^. Case of Swords; some of them from the Civil War. War of 1812, and the Revolutionary War (26 pieces), ... 92 Case No. 24. Case of Relics of Civil War. from 1861 to 1865, Spherical Projectiles, Solid Shot, Shells, etc., also Revolutionary War Shot and Shell (61 pieces), ...... 9^; Case No. 25. Case of Sabers. Swords. Knives, and Saber Bayonets. etc., from different Battlefields of the Civil War. 1861 to 1865 ('54 pieces). ......... 100 Case No. 26. Case of Relics of the Civil War from 1861 to 18(15; Conical Projectiles for Rifled Cannon. Solid Shot and Shell (94 pieces). 106 Case No. 27. Case of War Relics from many ditTerent Battlefields of the Civil War. 1861 to 1865 (875 pieces). .112 Case No. 28. Case of Stands of Grape and Canister Shot. Shells. Solid Shot, etc., from the Civil War, 1861 to 1865 {^7 pieces), .