0. Application Dossier EQUO
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Brussels, 18 March 2013 APPLICATION DOSSIER EQUO 26 July 2012 1. EQUO letter with request for full membership 23 Nov 2012 2. EQUO letter with adherence to the EGP Statutes, Rule Book, Green Charters of EGP and Global Greens November 2012 3. EQUO Constitution (final ratified statutes) - March 2013 4. Electoral Program 5. It is the moment: possible and effective alternatives 6. Presence in Media and Social Networks 7. Annex A (Rule book) 8. Report on activities 9. List of member parties 10. General country information on Spain European Green Party, Overview Application dossier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Madrid, 23rd November 2012 At its regular meeting today, the Comisión Ejecutiva Federal de EQUO, adopted unanimously the following resolution: EQUO adheres to the European Green Party Green Charter, Statutes and Rule Book of the EGP, and to the Global Greens Charter. And agreed as well to forward it to the European Green Party. Best regards, Juan López de Uralde Co-spokeperson EQUO Constitution (final ratified version) FIRST CHAPTER. ABOUT EQUO. Article 1. Name 1. The political party by the name of EQUO is constituted under the provision of article 6 of the Spanish Constitution and article 1 of the Organic Law 6/2002, dated 27 June, on Political Parties. 2. The name EQUO is the generic name of the federal organisation and may be used in combination with the name of the province, autonomous community or town in accordance with the relevant electoral and geographic scope. 3. It is the competency of the federated territorial organisations to establish their own name in their respective scope, being able to be in their respective languages and which in any case shall include the word EQUO at the start of the name . The name will be made known to the federal organisation of EQUO. 4. The symbol of EQUO is a Q with a horizontal line of length equal to that forming part of the Q, SODFHGEHORZLWVXFKWKDWWKH³HTXDO´V\PERO LVGHSLFWHG7KLVV\PEROVKDOOQRWEHUHVWULFWHG to any one colour. Without being the only one, green shall be used as the reference colour and shall dominate 7KHORJRW\SHRI(482VKDOOFRQVLVWRIWKHOHWWHUVLQORZHUFDVHRIWKHZRUG³HTXR´ZKHUHWKH OHWWHU³T´LVWKHV\PEROGHVFULEHGDERYH 6. The use of the logotype of the European Greens is recommended wherever appropriate and convenient. 7. An example of the logotype and symbol are appended to this Constitution. The logotypes and symbols of EQUO are property of EQUO. 8. The name remains property of EQUO, whose federal bodies shall take care of its registration, protection and good use, in acFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHSDUW\¶VLQWHUQDOUXOHVDQGSURFHGXUHV Article 2. Federal character and remit 1. EQUO is founded for an indefinite period as a political party at the Spanish State level. EQUO shall have the European Green Party and the Global Greens as its international political reference. 2. EQUO is a party structured as a federal organisation which, within a common ideological and political framework, is composed of territorial organisations at the autonomous community or island level. These organisations may be legal entities in themselves and shall respect the federal distribution of competences described in article 17. Within the remit of their competences they shall be governed by their own constitutions which shall be compatible with the overall framework of rules and regulations of EQUO, this Federal Constitution and the general principles of procedure described within and in all cases ensuring the equality of rights and obligations of all the members of EQUO throughout the Spanish state. 3. Within the remit of each autonomous community or island there shall be no more than one political organisation of EQUO which shall operate throughout said autonomous community or island and which shall have the ability to establish its own name, which shall include the word EQUO. 1 4. Other political and social organisations may partner with EQUO through the relevant bilateral agreements and in line with this Constitution. This shall be particularly relevant for political parties at autonomous community, island or local level which remain as their own legal entity. Methods of coordination with the relevant bodies of EQUO at the autonomous community level shall be established by means of the bilateral agreement with these parties or organisations. The equality of rights and obligations of the members of these parties or organisations with those of the members of EQUO throughout the entirety of the Spanish state and the relevant autonomous community shall be ensured. 5. The federated organisations, associations, groups and individuals who freely and voluntarily VXEVFULEHWRDQGDFFHSW(482¶VSROLF\DVDSSURYHGLQLWVJHQHUDODVVHPEOLHVVKDOOEHIUHHWR participate in EQUO. 6. EQUO shall have legal personality and the ability to act as required to achieve its aims and objectives. It has full sovereignty of decision and action within its geographic and competence remit. 7. The federated organisations in EQUO may not adopt decisions which contradict the principles contained within this Constitution or the decisions taken by a Federal Assembly or a Federal Congress. The Federal Executive Committee or the Federal Board when the matter relates to decisions within the remit of any of the federated parts shall act as consultees. 8. The agreements of the Assembly, Federal Congress and other federal bodies of EQUO within the federal remit are binding for all its federated organisations and individual members. The decisions or stances of the federated organisations of EQUO shall in no case be binding at the federal level. Article 3. Aims and objectives 1. EQUO shall act in accordance with the ideological and political principles described in its Foundational Charter. EQUO has the aim to construct, based on political ecology, social equity and democratic regeneration, a coherent proposal of social, ecological and democratic transformation to offer to society in order to, with its support, achieve participation in the political representative institutions through the nomination and support of candidates in the relevant elections. Its objectives shall be: a) To promote an economic, social and environmental model which, reducing the ecologic footprint, allows to responsibly reconcile human development with the current and future physical limits of the planet, setting human wellbeing and social justice as objectives of the economy. b) To promote the defence and conservation of biodiversity and the rights of all living beings in a balanced relationship between the human being and other forms of life. c) To defend and promote the necessary and enriching relationship between ecology and feminism, to promote real equality and respect of diversity, and erradicate any form of discrimination or violence towards women. d) To contribute to a change in the economic model which supersedes capitalism and productivism. 2 e) To contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the rates recommended by the scientific community, and through the construction of resilient societies. f) To promote a change in the energy model towards a post-fossil fuel scenario, based on the improved management, reduced demand, energy saving and efficiency and renewable energy generation.