• DAILY PRESS.• » PORTLAND# I -f-*. 1 ■ ■■■■■ 1 I _ __1■.. ..- -1-'-> ..1-J!-J..- I I


PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. WANTS, LOST, FOUND MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. | HOTELS. -'11SCELLANEOO& JOHN T. GILMAN. Editor, Is poblishtd at No. 82* EXCHANGE bTHEET, by Board Wanted A SPRING SUPPLY W. W. Splendid Pleasure Resort! a or where but fuw boarders are CARR"^COT ELEGANT N. A. FOSTER & CO. private family, Store CLOAKS- F air Having taken the Fruit formerly ooenpicd by INtaken, for a gentleman, wile aud daughter. —AT— accommodations and moderate charges. Would Til a Portland Daily Psrbb is at $7.00 O. SAWYER. published furnish room if desirable. Inquire of C. D., at No. THE if paid In advance, a discount of WHITE POPULAR per vearA strictly y.'., commercial Ft. apr23eodlw* FASHIONABLE HOUSE, PRICES ! • 1.00 will be made. GOODS, No. 9 Exchange WILBOM -roR- Street, (FORMERLY HOUBB.) (Jingle oopies throe cents. ▲re to offer to the trade a and well J. P. Tub HI ainkStatb PhkhkIs published every Thurs- Wauled limned lately. prepared large MILLER, .PROPRIETOR. DOATS, PANTALOONS AND VESTS. selected stock of day morning,at $2.00 per annum, in advance; $,' 25 opportunities for bu loess are offered at if within six the last week in New York This Hotel has been LEACH & paid months and $2.bo, if payment be RARKT£i, Congress St. If you waut and in«au bus* obtained during popular recently pur- ROBINSON, the year. a and Domestic Fruit! ihsiod by Mr Miller (ot the Albion) and has delayed beyond iuesa, don’t uegleet lor ringle day to investigate. be found at the store of Foreign and , may been re titled, renovated aud re- ftl MfDDl.K STREET, it. CHAPMAN, Ja. Wholesale and thoroughly apra3dtf Retail paired, and nunx-rous excellent alterations Kates of It is located on the Wish to announce to their friends and the Ladies #f Advertiaing! WILLIM C. Oranges. Spruce* Gam, Lescnget _[made. Saccaranpa road, Wnnlrd. BECKETT, about lour miles from Portland, a beautiful Fort land and vicinity, that have of open and E\ ruing, fora Business affording they opened One inch space in leugtb of column, constitutes Day Thorough Unens, Seed, Candies* the second sforv over their k Cook at Saloon. Canary drive over a good road, and Just about far enough store for a ISEducation. Located ItsSo. Female Pastry Dartou'»Oyster illcrchnut Tailor, "syl'AKK." Limes, Leiuon Henry, for pleasure. the exclusive manufacture • 1.50 first week; 75 cents week S3, Congress St. aplbtf Syrup, per square daily per Hanson Block, middle M„ No. 161. 137 Middle Street. It has a tine large Dancing Hall and good Bowling and sale of after: tare* insertions or less, 91.00; continuing eve- Nl, Prunes. Cocoa Nats, Figs* in of the United States Alleys. In close proximity to the boose is a warm ry other after first we* k, 50 cents. Scholarships good any part Citron, Nuts, nil kinds* day is Dates, an if roomy Stable, containing twenty nice stalls. Half three insertions or less 76 one _fii: Principal has had 20 years experience; always square, cents; WANTED! 8«»me of these Good-, which have been There is also a well sheltered 106 feet tor after. on the spot, and attends to his business; and prom- recently Olives, Raisins, Tebacce, Shed, long, CAPES. w«ek, 81.00; 5<) cents per week differ much iu color, texture and finish horses. CLOAKS, as the 12 years, no pains shall be imported, Sardines, hitching -AID- Lndur head of Amcssmsmts, $2.«X) per square per ises, during past have continued iu tor a Cigars* snared in the future. Five hundred references of from tbe style* that vogue The choicest Suppers will be got np for sleighing w«*.’k three insertions or less, $1,60. 1,000 WOMEN, are Candles of aM of this >car or two past, ami considered elegant. Fancy description, and dancing parties, who will find it to their $1.76 souare first tne tire class business men, with main others very greatly 8pboial Notice, week, To make Drawers. Also Pant Pasters Beside* these ami other all the oote dtf and to the per city, willtmUh to the utility, capacious- Army good Good*,—comprising pleasure advantage to reaort White House. MANTILLAS! •1.00 per square after; three insertions or less, $1.26; practical wanted iu the to make ARMY at the same and manner aud Finishers shop varieties for fashionable wear, place may No effort will be spared for the entertainment of a three one ness and completeness of my systems half square, insertions, $1.00; week, be found a of Standard Geraina, of teaching, and citizens of other cities have testified PASTS. good supply guests. dtelv-dtf • 1.26 None but workmen wanted. at the Broadcloth* ai d to the same. will be awarded for thor- good Apply French* and KnsILH Doc- We have jest received Advertisements inserted in the Uaisi 8tatb Diplomas iu FREE STREET over the store with of F.M.CA RSLEY, courses. Able Assistants secured. Bartlett's rooms BLOCK, iu* lor genteel suits; together style* Pan** t which lias a large circulation in every part of ough of Tolford’s. No work out or to Plan, the founder of Cotamercial Colleges, strictly one door north given Vratiug* selected with a view suit all ta*tes. kALLOWELL HOUSE the State; for 60 cent# per souareiu addition to the in forenoons or afternoons. adhered to as not Certain times taken Monday Saturday Also, exceileut goods for Spriug Overcoats, Eng- Cloth above rates, for eaoh insertion. regards copying. 8. W. HUNTINGTON. and Elegant Gaimenta, Law elucidations — ffcb'29dtf lish Sacks. Paletot*, other Busiuesa CABINET MAKER Lb**al Notic mb at usual rates. will be devoted to Commercial Walking REOPENED! a Coats, with of the latest styles of Cutting and From the celebrated Hornsea of Transient adwrtisemeuts must be paid for la ad- Come all who have failed to be taught business plate* w to success. AND vanoe haud-writing and I ill guarantee you $200 Reward. Finishing. UPHOLSTERER, solicited for Accountants. in Middle Street. i Bosimc** Noticbs, in reading columns, 12 cents Applications Separate W A It D of Two Hundred Dollars will be paid No. 137 JU. HEW FURNITURE & FIXTURES! «n. mm, t c. cut k struction Students can enter any tiro*. Sep- Ho. 51 Union Street, p$r line for one insertion. No charge less than fitly given. the owners of the Ferry Boat H. U. Day, d6w arate rooms lor Ladies. Tuition reasonable. Intri- ARKby mch29 oents for each insertion. for of the or who to do all kinds of CABINET JOB Ladies and tieutlemeu that the apprehension person persons prepared S.O. Canal *t.f New York, cate accouutsadjusted. said Boat, ou Monday night IBBING in a prompt and satisfactory manner. DEXN1S, Proprietor. desire to take lessons, or a or a course, maliciously damaged tall, separate last. Portland, 6.1864. d8D* Mason & Hamlin’s which together with our own manufacture, wtii die* in either Navigation, Commercial April Book tnd Show Case* made to order. Book-Keeping, 17* The public are specially informed that the play the choicest congress of Law, Phonography, Higher Mathematics, Civil En- convenient and well COMMUNICATIONS. CABINET ORGANS. OTTuraitare Unde, and Tarnished nl spacious, known Uallowill gineering, Surveying, Native Busiuess Writing. Repaired Hockr, in the center of two miles from Card W anted.! Uallowell, CLOAK Commercial Arithmetic. Correspondence, Angusta, and four miies from Togus Spring, has MERCHANDISE teaching from and SHORT NOTICE. Irum the Marking, (and printed copies Second-Hand Candle subscriber, being impressed with the great been refurnished, and is open for tfce reception ot letter Blockading Squadron. Text Books will or address Boies, Portland. May », lSSk. If ever offered iu be avoided please call, excellence of these instruments, and their adap- company and permanent boarders. Vwiut, which will he (Old wt the the H. N.BROWN. At No. 90 Portland Street, Portland. THE Dobay Sockd, Kxehaoire St. Having token elegant ment, long wantod, and sure to find its way into Liuht Hocea Won* of all dceorlptl-.ni. and nil Tassels, seven months blockade in the .... doing duty can Street every household of taste and refinement that kind, of work reqaired In building fijyfHapover Boaton, Hullo aw, and South Atlantic Squadron, during which time NO* 104 MIDDLE STKEET possibly afford Its moderate expense. Your (abmrt FonririoATioxe. kaan in,ve.. Ine(„n««a ll.ax n„» rvtlx.r of BREED Al Organ is truly a charming instrument, worthy Iron Stair, and other Architectural COBSKlt or PLUM, TUKEY, and far to Work. vessel on the coast, having captured alone the high praioe it has received, superior The and Beit Hotel ORNAMENTS, of its class I have seen. I take Largest Arranged NO. 60 UNION STREET, everything pleasure Honeoe. Stores, and other beildinge, Itted with on hand. six btockaders,—some ot them very valuable Invites the attention of Gentlemen to his rich in- wor- Constantly In commeudiug it most heartily as everywhere Cte and Steam in the beet manner. IN NEW ENGLAND. aud sunk assisted -in voice of and Dealers in —ran ashore live, and Manufacturers Wholesale thy a place beside the Plano Forte, to which it it a rendering the capture of seven iu which she shares; One complement, from its capacity for In connection with the above la an Iron Foundry This department of oar business will be conducted^ much musm. sacred, secular, classio ana with n LEWIS with reference to tb* wants of the making as good a record for two years as any Foreign and domestic Cloths Shoe delightthl large u.ortment of Pattern., to which tb. RICE, Proprietor. special Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, popular, to which the Piano is attention of Mnchinieta, Ml«lr CLngCSr DCYLKS one can show. for and Summer w all of which have Millwright.,and fll.lp-BaUd Spring ear, just no^^adaj?t4»d/^ art 1. invited—and all kinds ol furnished boon from and host stocks in Casting, We are now stationed at the mouth of the -elected the largest Stock and New York. Md Sept.,im at ahort notice. New York and Bo ton. and will be made to order Findings. Altaraaha in about Af- up These Instruments may be found at the Mesie ▲11 the will and will river, Dobay Sound, importers of VOrdcr. for Machine Pattern, and popular styles appear early ho and with despatch in the latest styles—FULL Jobbing, J. £. FERNALD A exhibited in leen miles from Darien. We came here five MAT CURD or Forging., promptly ezeeated. SON., SUITS, COATS, PASTS VESTS, Srrges, LastiiiKS mid UiMMillnss the manufacturers' prices. oo2d|f months ago, aud since that time have captur- a- may be desired. FIVE, MEDIUM ed one steamer, the bound out with And the ouly M tnnfacturers of H. S. EDWARDS, Chatham, SINGER’S — AMD— cotton, and two schoouers, the Dely Nassau FURNISHING GOODS No. 849 1-3 Stewart’. Block. Consreu Bt Meroluint Tailors, KID AND GOAT STOCK dt»o5 dt* bound in with assorted _ and Sophia, cargoes, in great variety, and suited to the tastes of all. con- SEWING MACHINES! Low Cost Fabrics. shore in the State. Haring had large experience, and be- very valuable. We have also run on stantly on hand. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED CHAPMAN. Jr., Patent and Hunincnn Ag» AND DBALSM0 IN ing importers and manufacturers, enables us to sell aud the sell. bound in EVER Y WEEK. _j# No. 229 Congress Street. destroyed Syivauus, the same articles as low as they can be bought in ency, WOOD2UAN. TRUE * CO., With superior facilities tor manufacturing, we with a cargo o( liquors and' merchandise. Iloston. We have always takcu especial pains to hop* 104 MIDDLE STREET. at wholesale and retail. to merit the continued patronage of our friends. oue or more refu- our customers URLIAHLR GOODS, aud be- WRINGERS Hardly a day passes but give at 229 AGENTS, Gents' none have better satisiactiou. Agents wanted (in every town). Call Furnishing Goods, Irom the main laud aud arrive Portland, March 8,1864. eodtojunl lieve given Country CLOTHES LEACH* ROBINSON. gees escape dealers are invited to examine oar stock before pur- Congress Strret. IWi. M ui Middle IIIMI on board. For tbe last two mouths we aprVtdlm. safely chasiug. Particular attention given to orders re- Needle!end nlwt on knad. have a have received the Savannah papers quite reg- ceived by mail. febl0d£w3m Pulley Elevating and Revolving Trimming! ji just opened pila af sale at 229 Street. mefeUtf ularly, as most of the refugees are deserters SPRING & SUMMER OPENING! HAWSK’3Clot ken Dryer for; Congress "new" store r Irom the Georgia regiments stationed near JFiaIcrwkeel, unsurpassed by auy NBW GOODS, there and doing picket duty on the coast. FEUCHTWANGER & ZUNDER, improved A CARD. A. D. AN yet invented. Models at 229 Congress Street. When the sight of the old flag and the REEVES, NO. 81 MIDDLE 8THEET, Skirts! Skirts! of Uncle Sam’s rations are an incen- DR. S. C. and can now show more than Hoop Hoop thought (FOX BLOCK), having capital to invest would do well FERNALD, tive to leave the Confederate sham aud star- TAILOR & DRAPER, 1>AKTIF.Sto call at No. 229 Congress Street. vation, they can't resist. Only the other day Are Again in the Field Prem-li, Grrmtia & AinrrUmi Corsets. NO. 98 EXCHANGE STREET, is made those who hare invest- DENTIST, FOUR HUNDRED the Chaplain, a Captain and l.ieut. in the nth — WITH- being by MONEYed at 229 Congress Street. No. 175 Middl Street. Georgia, deserted and came oil' to the “Lojlo- Has just returned from Boston and New York with a JUST OH1ID, AT Karma bucks.Dr*. Baoov tad Baaaua a few mileB above us. The & style* of Good* for ua,” Captain's Divisions, Brigades Regiments! A SPRING BED, which, for simplicity and dura- Fancy of about men were on HIGH AND FASHIONABLE Portland, May 96,1868. tf 154 Middle, corner of Croea Street. company eighty picket. _o,_ i\ bility, is unsurpassed. Samples at229 Congress The Chaplain came down to the shore to get AB&o&TMKXT ON Street. NEW AND FASH ION AII I.E Dr. J. H. wou>d inform Uie Ladies of Portland and some but he could get better HGALD* Gentlemen’s and oysters, thought Boys’Garment*. WKvicinity that w« have tbs snd bast as- same these officers were de- Cassimeres and ventured nothing gained in thcmaxtm or his entire interest in hi I largest North. Tbe night Cloths, Vestings, disposed sortment ever olfered in this efts. We do not intend N'OTHINOat 229 Congress Street. HAVINGOffice to Dr. 8.C FKKNALD, would cbeerfrilt serting to the Lodona, three of their men were to ret up any cnm|M>tition with oor neighbors, bnt Of every variety and style, (including many of the DRY GOODS! reocommend him to his former patients and the a down Sound pub being connected with oae of the largest manufac- dadling long “dug out” Dobay received a new lot of Amidon's Premium 1 io. Dr. Kbbha ld, from is most unique pa ft erne of the season.) which he pur- long experience, prepar tories in the country, we feel asenred, should to tbe and their to ; FOK THE SPUING. at 229 Street. ed to insert Artificial Teeth on the" Vulcanite fally Huron, imagine surprise JC8TWringers Congress Base,1 the favor us with a call and are desirous of chased for rank, and consequently can give au ele- and ail other methods known to the <2nvinent« ladies learn that their officers had beat them several profeaeion. Elegant Fitting iu our line, wa can suit them, gant “nit out" at the PartUad. May 96. IMS tf obdteni^g anything hours. One private from the same regiment Lad i«*s of Port laud and vicinity are respectfully 1 FUND LET Repair's Wringers atui Lamps at .229 both in style and price. They will also And retired invited to call aud see th** btautiful ol -IV Congress Street. inch24 dtf mneh desired in fitting this clsss ef came on hoard the Huron with his wife and many style* CAN ALWAYS SB HAD apartments*o LOWEST CASH PRICES I goods. dlw L. B. FOLLETTE. child, very destitute, aud instead of being JOHN F. SHERRY, mgrtt lie invites hi? old triends and and the Foreign and Domestic Drcsi Good* ■hot or hung and his wife insulted as they customers, WILLIAM A. to JEST RKt'KIV E l> I PEARCE, Hair Cutter and Wig maker were told they would be treated, a room was public generally, call aud examine his stock. AT THE TIME AGREED UPOV! off’ with canvass for them : messed iiaviug his store the removal of his No. 18 Market parted they enlarged by Also, the great variety P I, I M B SB H ! Square,Port1 Mid, (up stairs.) in the on invitation of the work-room ho has accommodations more ex- room for Ladies' and steerage steerage above, MAKKU OB 0T*8eparate Children's iiai and at prirra aa lutr aa any other houte. officers, aud were sent North with tensive for the display of bin Hoiixc Good* ! Cutting. rejoicing, goods. FtirniHhing A stock of clothes aud dollars of Uncle good Wigs, Halt-Wig*, Bands, Braid* good seventy-live April 8, 1864. dtf Such as Brow'ii and Force and Water Bleached Cotton Sheetings and Pumps Closets, Curls, Frizetts, Pads, Bolls, Crimping Boards, Ac. U" 1 he people are invited to call at Sam's currency in their pockets. Shirting*, Table Linens, Drillings, 1 ickings, Denim*, he., constantly on hand. Istt'Udlf — NO. 1‘il EXCHANGE The Huron’s officers are F. H. llaker, Stripes, Ac. Also, just receiving, the latest styles ol STREET, handsome Spring Lieut. Commander, comd’g; Win. Mills, Mas- BAILEY AND PORTLAND. MK. REM OVA L7 NO. 87 MIDDLE STREET. ter and F.xecutive officer; W. U. Baldwin, do.; NOYES, now-been before the public for nearly a Balmoral Sit-Ins are the DEALER* IN mchlll dOvr HAVEyear. They universally pronounced Chas. Stewart, Paymaster;('has. P. Roebuck, Cold and Shower Wash »K. lEWTO.l and best collars extant. Aud the most fashionable S/’RIS'G SHAWLS. Warm, llatha. neatest fltiiug Chief S. B. Asst. Brass At Silver Plated The a carve, free from Engineer; Kenuey, Surgeon; A complete stock of Howls, Cocks, removed his residence to No. 37 Middl upper edge presents perfect Messrs. Conuor and Henderson, eusigus. PAV1FAV HANGINGS, HASStreet, corner of Franklin street. R3DMOVAL. iha angle# noticed in ail other collars. AS1> Office as *Vo. 115 The cravat cause# no packers on the inside of the Each officer will receive a very handsome CLOTH* CASSIMERKfl, description of Water Fixtures for Dwsl- heretofore, Rjcchauge Street, li I Noble's Block, stairs. Office hours from 9 to 1 tarn-down collar, they are AN SMOOIU INSIDE share of If w ith can L'VERY2 ling Houses. Hotels. Public Buildings, Shops, up prize money. you you FOK BOVS* AND MBITS WKAK. A. from 2 to 3, and from 8 to 9 o'clock 1*. AS OUTSIDE. —aud therefore free and purchase our Stock of Boom Paper from the Ac., arranged and set up in the best manner, and all M., M. perfectly hear from us for we shall have another Dr. N. will to the neck again, WK largest Manufacturing Kstahlishnir nts in the orders In town or country faithfully executed. All continue, in connection with genera easy JOSIAH BURLEIGH 1 he Garotte Collar smooth and in prize soon. Yours, Pokti.asd. United States; carefully selecting from their large kinds of jobbing promptly attended to. Constantly practice, to five special attention to IUSRAXRS (L ! bys evaniy CLOAKINGS! CLOAKINGS!! PRUaLRS iabed edge on both sidks. stocks, the sew pattxunb only,- anil such as are on hand LEAP PIPER. SHEET LEAD and BEER ooSldtf HAS BBMOVBD TO ThesmCollar* are not Mat of adapted to this market. An elegant assortment. We are ju*t ready to manu- Pi. MPS of all descriptions. ap9 dtf simply pieces paper to cat in the form of a collar, bnt are molded amis This year the styles aud designs are very beautiful, facture measure, at the shortcut notice, any of the NEW STORK, EVANS* BLOCK, SMArso to nr tmi mkck. An Exciting Scene at Niagara Falls. and we have a hue assortment, appropriate for every new aud desirable Spring Cloaks. Warn-uted to suit. WOOD AND COAT are made iu tarn-doom sty Is) in style of roan*. M. PEARSOnT They **Novelty (or The Falls Gazette has the follow- We invite those in want of ROOM PAPER to I'EUCUTWANUEH A KL'NDLK, every hail size from 13 fll inches, and in Eureka/* Niagara CHEAP FOR CASH ! Nos. 141 A 143 Middle Street. to’ and 1ft examine our patterns, be'cre pdrchasing elsewhere. Silver Plater, lor tiaroite.i from 18 17 inches; packed account ol an ice in (VOX BLOCK), solid size" iu neat blue oar tons, ing extraordinary jam They are bought here for cash, aud we can afford to containing AND MAMUrACTUKKB OF each also in smaller ones of 10 each,—the latter a the Niagara river a few days since, and the sell at a naih pujik. NO. SI MIDDLE $9.50. 1 STKEET, $9.5( very handy package for Travellers, Army and Mavy PORTLAND, Mai an. CHEAPJ10AL. JOSIAH uarrow escape of several persons: 11.41 LEV AMD MOVES, SILVER WARE, BURLEIGHj Othoers P. S.—Ladie* need uot a*k for from the PRIMP LOT CHESTNUT COAL *11.50 B TOR tr EVERY COLLAR is stamped “GbaT*« “A from the HooksellerM and good* 238 CongroxA Rt.,Opp. Court House Portland,Me. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer in change prevailing easterly Stationer*, wrecked steamship Bohemian, as we have none but SPRING MOUNTAIN. LEHIGH, HEZILTON Patmt Moloiu Col la a.’ tN^All kinds of WAlUC, such as Knives. Forks, wind to the down sound aud fresh which we warraul as such, SUGAR LOAF. OLD COMPANY LEHIGH. L«l Sold by all deatera in Men • Furnishing Goods. opposite quarter brought 50 1 58 Exchange Street, Portland goods, Cake in the from the Spoons, Baskets, Castors, Ac., p.ated OUST MOUNTAIN. JOHNS. DIAMOND. WKBi The Trade by HATCH. JOHNSON ft CO. immense quantities of the ice lake aprltt i- bI Clothing,Cloths, Tailors’ Trimmings, supplied N B. Country dealers will find it to their advant- naaasr. TER end Itl.ACh HEATH Tb<«, Coal. arenfth Importers aud W h«>lr*ale Dealers in Men's Furnish- last night. For the Aret we to give u» a in want Also, REPAIRING and RE-FINISHING Old Wednesday time, age call, if of Uoox Pairk. very bi'.t quality, well kcreened end eb -AND- ing Good* aud Umbrellas 81 DevoMsaieB St., Boa* uicbw 2m Jk w FOK SALE, Silver Ware. Jau29 dtiin picked, believe, iu the recollection of the ‘oldest in- warranted to five satisfaction. roz. Mass narhS sodSna habitant,’ the ice formed a complete dam Also for sale best of GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS, JEWETT llKOTIlfcRS, Oh.oa,p for Cash! across the rapids between tbe bridge and the Neoteh Cnnvnw, JOHNS’ COAL. A URLAT VARIETY OF HARD AND SOFT WOOD, No.. 141 & 143 Middle Street. upper end of Goat Island. With the excep- Commission Merchant*. -rot 0ALB BY- delivered to any part of the eity. A TONS SIOT* riu, »t IBS Comm.rci»l St. tion of a few rods in width near the main 23 South New York. RfV St., CMILDREN'S CARRIAGES, JAMES T. PATTEN A Omen CoMMuaciAL 8t., head of Franklin Whar TrtPvJ (Richardson’s Wharf,) Portland shore, the rocks below the ice dam were bare. ft. C. JKWKTr, I CO., The has sold the Johns* Coal for nine Uitd 8. ROUND* A HON. undersigned It was safe where Hows an i. L Jtwrr r. j I'n.eii, Hath, He. JOSIAH HI l( Lilt. II, last It has satlsfhctioa walking usually febl6 years past. given general dly Where there is a fair draft, no ooal excels fOr impetuous flood. And yet it was not quite Particular attontion paid to purchasing Flour. Rot-king lIorM--, Agent for Orover A Baker’» celebrated use so as was Corn. Grass Seed, Provisions and Groceries. AUu Work ttnd Ort/h BOLTS Bleached oookiug safe, proved Thursday morning, I.utlie* Superior ) WAKKEN’S l.UPOliYED to wit: to the sale qf Consignments of Pr**luce. eUYj\J 900 do All llax "Gov- Other varieties, when several young meu wandered over the Long | », — — Traveliu^ Uuxkelf, eminent contract,- MaeliineN, LEHIGH. Sugar Loaf, and ilazletoa. barren and visited a boat that hail been SEKKE TO \ Ai“J*?Lk,»Afhroath. FIRE AND WATER PROOI Sewing rocks, •00 do Extra All Long llax [ Losust Mountain Hon. Hannibal Hainiin, I .. Toys Marbles, SCHl’YLh ILL, (W Ash.) lodged there for several weeks. While en- Me. 900 do Navy Fine Street. Meai't*. Flake 4 1»... Bangor, J Not. 141 & 143 Biddle RED the FRANKLIN COAL. a we of this J l*0BT MON A n s. LADIES' RETICULES AND FELT ANII, genuine joying walk, which generation Messrs. Fletcher k Co. I De iveredtn Portland or Boston COMPOSITION, Hersey, _, Also, the Diamoud. •' lort.and. may never again hear of, the ice dam gave Jefferson Coolidge k Co., J -AKD- " VIOUN STRING*, Hath. April9ft. 1W3 toll dtf CUMBERLAND COAL, a prime article for Khen C. 8tanworth k Co Mass w ay and the vast volume of water, Boston, Gravel NATHAN GOOLD use. probably X. <. AHbiiu Kni I iikiIi.i. U» Roofing Smiths’ from five to ten feet, came rushing through. WHITING EESK8, WORK liOXEB, Ac. Washington Long. Eat. t Me. FOR FLAT ROOFS. Will to his friends that he be tound at Bur- £7" All coal from this wharf, will be sent In good lu«j., port, — — OonT and say may The dam soon disappeared again, and the BY Wood! order, carefully picked and screened. ap201meod -AT THB- E. 1 No. 141 k 143 Middle street, where be will Axed or- JERSEY. Agent, leigh’s, boat that had remained against the W. D. mchaieeodtr JAMES II. BAKER. ROBINSON, dtf No. Id be pleaded to wait his former customer*. dinary torrent was swept away and over tbe LOWEST PRICE8 FOR CASH, Jan28 Union Street. upon JAMES EDMOND 20 St. Portland. March 24.18G4. dtf cataract. Of course there was a hurrying & CO." Exchange TO SHIP BUILDERS. me h 14*8 DELIVERED TO ANY PART OP THE CITY, toward the island shore and the paper mill COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A T SHOR T NO Tit 'E. ALBERT WEBB * CO, P. S. A J. B. HIJOKINS, Some with a little Oar Coal is of the BEST NOTICE. pier. escaped wetting, 13 LIBEKTV SQFARE, BOSTON very quality, and war- -tiuni »- MISSION MERCHANTS, and wholaeale and while others barely escaped with their lives. TO ranted to giuMMlisfaction. retail dealers ia Ship Timbxb abdPlamk Are to order xt favorable MERCHANTS. CM A young man named Barlow was obliged to prop.rfd rate., COI.T- Flour and Subscriber with plta*ure announces to hi* Have for,sale at their Wharf. Ckxteal Sajcabb, NESS xndGLKNGAKNOCK -ALSO, FOR SALE- Corn, Grain old Patron* and the that a* he has se- leap from one to another of the floating cakes undersigned having greatly increased their THK Public, East S&0.0U0 Lx*as# aud Oak Trtenaais, TMKfacilities for manufacturing All Kind* o! Hard and Holt Wood. HEAD OR MERRILL'S Hackmatack kn<*s, Also Wbitb Oak of aud fully appreciating the of WUART, 3.UU0 plaued. ice, necessity PIG IRON, Plamk and I'mukRiChxstmct Boars* and Plasm making land before being carried too near Ibe HOOTS AND SI lOKS, CBauretel Srr.at, P.nlud, M a. Whitb Pink. Dk» k-Plamk. Stc Particmlar at- are invited to us a FRENCH COOK AND CONFECTIONER, no time in BOILER The Public give call, as we are laHtf to Plank cataract, lost leaping from the last Ai-o, BAR, SHEET, If PLATE IRON, and large in tnai would tention paid Furniabiug Oak by the Cargo, having experience uranch, bound to give satisfaction to all who favor us with and several rods to call the attention of the trade to the same. We who has hid thirty years experience in the beet and rnch-’l d8m cake, swimming shore. of and Scotch __ English Manufacture. thoir custom. house* in NEW BOSTON, aud other the scene shall in future he much tetter able to the de- largest YOKE. Those who witnessed describe it as W© to supply i Burnham & shalleontiuue receive, in addltiuo to our Co. I cities, that he is to furnish or V .TIMUUMtl mands of the trade then heretofore, and are confi- OFFICE NO. 49 COMMERCIAL STREET. Colley, prepared H’eddmy ■ tUICISt OIU|V ouiiwn*. exceedingly exciting.” American Brick, a regular supply of dent that in the both of our stock aud Other Partie*, and Families with every description quality, work, dr*iro«s of Real Estate A W ELCII FIRE BRICK we can satisfaction, ah Cabinet Makers and and variety of article* in his Line, via. person* Investments, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, give wemauufactureexprcss- RANDALL & UcALLISTER j I'pholsterers, the is offered at inch 11 eodOm for the retail trade. 1 hose for cash will ANO following property good bargain*. Ilurbnrisni. Iy buying ’i) Houses at from to Civilization vs. find it to their advantage to look atour stock, which 308, Congress Street, pric*-* 91600 96000. »««aoiy_ Boned Birds, Meat of all kinds. 100 tiou^e Lots at from 93U0 to 93000 consists in part of RUBBERS, SOLE and WAX Turkeys, price* With a the venom of J. W. 2000 Feet of water front suitable for wrhanree magnanimous enemy SYKES, LEATHER, FRENCH and AMERICAN FARTICIPATION. to do all kinds of Cabinet and Uj Every of Ice Ship CALF, prepared Variety Cream, Sites, water war ceases at dcaUi. No true soldier has re- French Nip, Lemoine and Jodot Calf, Coat and Aid AUKbolster) work, at the shortest notice. A yards. Manufacturing fronting deep Purchaser lor Eaatcra Account and and Portland Mutual Fire Insurance kinds of with fine spring of water adjacent thereto and a venge to glut on a dying foe. After that last Stock, Serges Webs, Boot Shoe Machinery Jellies, Salads, or and Findings qf all kinds. portion of it adjoining the Graud Trunk Rail Bead, decieeof Heaven has Heaven is left Charlotte Ru»e, from which be on fallen,to Mr. Kdmcvd Likbv, late of the firm of Messrs, Company. Furniture, Lounges & Itlnltresse 1 freight may deposited She premises, and the which LOUR,GRAIN, SEEDS, Cake, Pastry, rnchl? 3m MOSB8 Gut'LD. 74 Middle St the rest; infamous is animosity PROVISIONS, LARD, Cha*. J. Walker A Co has associated himself with This Company will issue 1'olice* to bo free after th© BUTTER aud WESTERN PRODUCE j —constantly on hand Or C'onfcctiouary, pursues au honorable opponent into the pre- us, aud relying on his many years experience in payment ot six, eight or ten Premiums at tin* uptiou generally, wc are confident in the ot the insured and at rates as low as other N It. The are invited of cincts of the grave. A soldier should be, a true manufacturing, making above any public to call and examine either plain or fancy. Oiavl* ft ol Where can be found a assortment < j rpiiv: copartne-sblp Co., cAs largo X the is this day dissolved t» mutual thus: “You aud I have no to our hates ; Boston, Ma*.. Cashier Elliot Uauk, Burton. J. N. §■1 I,adieu', trouts’. Missis', Hots' and Youth rehear UAHS'l M uudereigurd right PliASTEREIlS, Dissolution. N.B. P! lnimimi|that huysnnd coueent. U. M. MOL l.TON, rancor is the Bacon, Treridelit Newton Bank, .Tewton. C. fapliiouaLI- HOOTS, SUOHS and HI’t uses Material that the afford* personal lowest expression of K*q., HE Copartnership of J. STEVENS k CO .is this f MJ the best country A. G. ROGERS U. Collin: Warren Kllia ft Son*. New York rp ^^^HHHSot the best manufacture and at rei patriotism, aud a sin besides. We must leave City PLUM k URVAMBATAT STEM k MASTIC MORBUS JL day dissolved by mutual consent. All Persons Call and examine, '63 dly sonable H«k>t* and KHOXa made to nieasur e to God.” )y# indebted are requested to mate immediate payment prices. these things I from the best French aud American now prepared to ftirnish the public with to either partner. JOSHUA SI EVENS. stock slid o » I. Harm mi, Coelinan Block, Copartnership Notice. Our own record may not be clear the latest lasts. WM. W. entirely F. ARKCenter Pieces and all kinds of Plaster Orna- April 2, 1884. C. 11. HASKELL. style LOTiiKOl*. K hav e this day formed a JOHN ANDEKSON, ntch22 d2m Portland. Me. undersigned copart- from unsoldierly actions, aud for the Southern ments as as other establismeut in the Temple Street, under the name unit of cheap any tnch‘23 dtf Til nership style HH40. part, the mutilated bodies of the slain at Bull and Civil State, and at the shortest notice. Copartnership. LEY. MOULTON A ROtiKEB.lbr tbe purpose ot Surveyor Engineer, We*will also give prompt attention to on the Hour. Grain and Provision busi- Kun, the unutterable atrocities of East Ten- repairing E hav e this day farmed a Copartnership in the FERTILIZERS. carrying COI1MAN BLOCK, Plastering, Whitening, W hite aud Color- \ \ ness at id Omiuercial Street, Thomas Bloek are still too fresh iu OFFICE, Washing ▼ v name of 8JIUKTLEFK tt CO., and will car- MHLsJ BOUNTIE 3 & PRIZE MONEY. nessee, remembrance.— lug 1 WPCA COB'S SUPER PUOS LIME, ROBT. on the Wood and Coal business. Also Watering IOsJ\/100“ LLOYDS.. BRADLEY, Every instance of dishonorable warfare should rachi? d A wtf Tkmtli Stukkt. iy Please leave your orders at No. 6 South street ry %IOO Boanty for Soldiers wounded in Battle. U. M MOULTON, the School. the Streets. JOSHUA STEVENS. 900 LODI POUDBETTE. be uoted for stern We have opposite Riding teb25 d8m ** A. G. ROGERS. reprobation. April 12, 1864. SIMEON SHURTLEKF. 150 LITTLEFIELD S l*OUDUETT! are prepared to obtain a Bounty of #li)0 for apjdtf been informed that Commander in INolii*. 12 9w For sale at manufacturer's ices soldiers discharged on account of wound- Kowau, NEW apr pi by WE ORLEANS. rereired. of #100 for on temporary command of the South Atlantic have this day given my con William K. S« all hia At Bounty Noidicr* discharged KEVDAU WHITNEY. «r iMiti/r THE BEST! learns from a I tiuip to act aud trade for luiuttell. I shall claim Disease*. account of recrired in Aoir/e obtained (it Squadron, definitely refugee who Contusions Portland Feb. 1864. feb#di*3ro Hie none of his nor none of hi* debts after S. D. MOODY Sr. 8, paper* on are correct) in fAree meet slime special K^-o pencil. was until the 1st of March as nurse earnings pay CO.J Chapter 14th, Sections 90 aud 32, of the Revised employed this date. AlaON/.o SMALL. attention given to the CM I lection of Prize Money, aud OoinixiiHuiori (17 Statutes riltiK. Photograph Galleries, No. 8l) Middle street,* in the hospital at Charleston, of the death of Wittier S. A DAKroiiTH. Merohant, Tchoupi- Stale el Malar* claims against lioverua eut. toulas at.. Now Orleans. I.a. References: Baker k Ski t. 30 When any disease dangerous to the Jl 1'ortland, having been thoroughly refitted ana First Lieutenant C. II. Bradford, of the U.S. Raymond, 21,1804. ap2odlw with all April Morrill, lioston: Franklin Snow k Co., Benton. public health exist# in a town, the municipal officers Kxecutivm Dkfa*tsik*t 1 SWKAT A CLKAVKS, supplied the latest improve menu, are now Marine who was at the at- k for the accommodation of the Corps, captured Wise Mussel), li'ston; C. Nickerson A Co., N. 1 .; shall use all possible care to prevent its spread and Augusta, April 7, 1844. I open public. tack on Fort Sumter in September last. Pre- Notice. Rich A Co., St. Louis. to give public notice of infected places to travellers, An adjourned ae«fiou of the Executive Cotiacl OouiiHpllorH ut I.hw, The proprietor is prepared to supply hi* former on* turner* and all who him a with vious to his which occurred the A LL persons a*e hereby cautioned against I ar- Particular attention to by displaying red flags at proper distances, aud bv will be held at the Council Chamber, iu Augusta, o * mchd dtf Mid^eSt Mussey’H Row may give call, pic- death, during tf" given Consignments Noll". tures of executed in the beat /Y boring or trusting the crew of snip Keinzi, qf vessels, Lumber, Oats, all orhet* means most effectual, in their jadgment, Monday, the Second D*v of Mav next. every description, man* latter part of September last, he met a former Hay fc. ner and at reasonable from Cardiff, as no debts ol thoir contracting will be inch23 nSm for the common safety. Attt«t: KPHRAIM FLINT JR price*. a I)r. whose influ- 32 or Kf‘ Particular attention given to friend, Mackie, through paid, by the Master or Consignees. 8kct. When a householder physician knows apr9dtd Secretary of State. copying. a POND HOUSE ence a burial was secured for him in the Mag- W M. MURPHY, Master. that person uuder his can* is taken sick of any CAPISIC A.5. DAVIS. Proprietor. Notice. such he Portland. July 30. ISM nolia Cemetary, but at the in- April 22d, 1*14. apr23dlw* disease, shall immediately giv© uotice there- Bible Kociely of .Maine. NO W OHEIt, 411 subsequently, ULRICAS 1-aac A Davis, a boy that has been of to the municipal officers of the town where such stance the citizens was of of t'harhston, he W living with me since he was an infauf, has is, aud if be it he shall forfeit not FIM1E annual of this will be he) Removal. person neglects meeting Society fvam Tortliia.I. Notice. disinterred and re-buried in the Potter's left iny house the fifth day of this mouth, this is to less than ten. nor more than dollars. at the Rooms of the A< Tkrrr Vlilr* U Wit* thirty 1 YouogMeu’sChristian LH has removed to No. &0 all of IXKIU (’l.KKk WANTED. One that has Field. The of the act needs from High St., notify porsonhthat 1 shall pay nodeb’i his cou- The above law will be strictly enforced •ooiation, in Temple street, on Thursday, the flit 1 badlono malignity corner of W. RTH If or two DU Congress tiactiug after this date. t ALVIN P. DAVIS. JOHN 8 UKAI.U, day of May. A D ,1864. ALLEN HAINES, CEO. MI years eapeneuce.prefarred. Apply at no comment.—[Army aud Navy Journal. Portland, March 17, 1801, bcl? No U5 it. dt| North Yarmouth, April 18,1864. ap!8 dSw* t«bl2tmayl City Manhal aud Health Officer. apl6tf Record ip g Sec f, •prlMtf Congress ladtt Ilia holism. ORIGINAL AXD SELECTED. SPECIAL THE DAILY PRESS. BY TELEGRAPH NOTICES. Cough* on«l Colds. 1 he NEW It is cruelty to them,and barbarism towards audden changes of our climate are source* cf ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND MAINS the South, to them as sol- 'The Iiondon Common Council lias ! -TO TUB- A Card. Pn.MONAnY, Bkonthial and Asthmatic Ami- employ (negroes] *9 tio.ns. we Experience having proved that xiinple rim- —— diers. As in other against an of —.-——-- protested days the freedom of the Gari- After absence many yearn from my native edien of Urn act c inferred city on speedily when taken in the -at ty Van for bloodhounds «s borne, I am about to visit the "fatherland” lor govo* of New Hall. Huron, employing ■SVEIVINU PAPa'KV xtag.* the diiea-»*. recourse should >t once be bad CJii.y Thursday Morning, April 28, 1864. btldi. ral months. 1 shall leave bu-ine*s under the to soldier* against the Indians, so we now pro- my “Brown is Bronchial 1 ntehen,'* or I>ozeiigei, let --- charge of laithtul and compe.ent clerks, w ho have the or test Lincoln's the ice -* » *■ Cold, Cough, Irritati n or the Throat be ever agaiust employing negro srv President Hamlin left Washing- br« n with me for several and who will to so * * years, try s'lght, a* this precaution a more THREE slaves as do by .eriou* attack NIGHTS ONL soldiers, against the South. their Lest to ad c stouten*, l mav be Y, The circulation of the Daily Press is larger ton for his home on a visit, on after- Four Jhn/tt letter please my respect warded ofi. Public Speaker* slaves their Tuesday from Furttpe, have made in Hew York, to ba*e effectually Uloodbounds and negro against arrangements ami Rjsuhks will find them effectual iur cleaiing than other paper in the State, and — noon. Nkw tlicm ed with the latest of any Daily are of a like contraband nature. Yohk, April 27. constantly suppl style* and the voice. Soldier* * masters, t. strengthening sheu'd have Tuesday, WedaMday The goods, rateful for t h*; paat favors, so be* h* can be Tbosrd*y, double that of any other in Portland. Advertiser. steamship City of ISalti more, iroin I Liv- liberal!) them, they carried in the pocket, and ta- |Portland Eff* Rev. A. A. Miner, D. H., was elected stowed upon me mv friends and the ken as erpool l::tb, via 14th. has arrived. by public gen- occasion requires. apr d. dAwlm May 4th & 5th. men to note Queenstown erally. 1 beg lor the continuance of their 3d, IitrtPta— $7.00 per year if paid strictly in ad- We ask Union-loving,loyal the, President of the State Conven- Tlie Arabia pitrouage Temperance arrived out on the 12th lust. during my aotecee. Hoping with t’e aid of God, on a discount will be made. from the above. To otorc a hoarseness, or any disease of wanes qf $1.00 justly inferable which met in Boston Die Conference had not m> sa:«* re'urn, to find our beautiful iu her usu- cough, propositions tion, yesterday. yet asssemhled. City the throat and luugx.use Howes’s Pills. Sold The al prosoerity, and mv friends in lieahli and Cough -TUI- 1. It is “barbarism to the south’’ to employ U. S. frigate Jamestown was at Macao good ftl. li. Hav, Portland, and monster whales have spirits. I bid them all farewell by by druggist* generally Etyi'wo reciently at latest dates. Respectfully, jau27 dAw3m* them in down rebellion, the HERMAN