• DAILY PRESS.• » PORTLAND# I -f-*. 1 ■ ■■■■■ 1 I _ __1■.. ..- -1-'-> ..1-J!-J..- I I VOLUME III. PORTLAND, ME., THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 28, 18G4 WHOLE NO. 500. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. WANTS, LOST, FOUND MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. | HOTELS. -'11SCELLANEOO& JOHN T. GILMAN. Editor, Is poblishtd at No. 82* EXCHANGE bTHEET, by Board Wanted A SPRING SUPPLY W. W. Splendid Pleasure Resort! a or where but fuw boarders are CARR"^COT ELEGANT N. A. FOSTER & CO. private family, Store CLOAKS- F air Having taken the Fruit formerly ooenpicd by INtaken, for a gentleman, wile aud daughter. —AT— accommodations and moderate charges. Would Til a Portland Daily Psrbb is at $7.00 O. SAWYER. published furnish room if desirable. Inquire of C. D., at No. THE if paid In advance, a discount of WHITE POPULAR per vearA strictly y.'., commercial Ft. apr23eodlw* FASHIONABLE HOUSE, PRICES ! • 1.00 will be made. GOODS, No. 9 Exchange WILBOM -roR- Street, (FORMERLY HOUBB.) (Jingle oopies throe cents. ▲re to offer to the trade a and well J. P. Tub HI ainkStatb PhkhkIs published every Thurs- Wauled limned lately. prepared large MILLER, .PROPRIETOR. DOATS, PANTALOONS AND VESTS. selected stock of day morning,at $2.00 per annum, in advance; $,' 25 opportunities for bu loess are offered at if within six the last week in New York This Hotel has been LEACH & paid months and $2.bo, if payment be RARKT£i, Congress St. If you waut and in«au bus* obtained during popular recently pur- ROBINSON, the year. a and Domestic Fruit! ihsiod by Mr Miller (ot the Albion) and has delayed beyond iuesa, don’t uegleet lor ringle day to investigate. be found at the store of Foreign and Boston, may been re titled, renovated aud re- ftl MfDDl.K STREET, it. CHAPMAN, Ja. Wholesale and thoroughly apra3dtf Retail paired, and nunx-rous excellent alterations Kates of It is located on the Wish to announce to their friends and the Ladies #f Advertiaing! WILLIM C. Oranges. Spruce* Gam, Lescnget _[made. Saccaranpa road, Wnnlrd. BECKETT, about lour miles from Portland, a beautiful Fort land and vicinity, that have of open and E\ ruing, fora Business affording they opened One inch space in leugtb of column, constitutes Day Thorough Unens, Seed, Candies* the second sforv over their k Cook at Saloon. Canary drive over a good road, and Just about far enough store for a ISEducation. Located ItsSo. Female Pastry Dartou'»Oyster illcrchnut Tailor, "syl'AKK." Limes, Leiuon Henry, for pleasure. the exclusive manufacture • 1.50 first week; 75 cents week S3, Congress St. aplbtf Syrup, per square daily per Hanson Block, middle M„ No. 161. 137 Middle Street. It has a tine large Dancing Hall and good Bowling and sale of after: tare* insertions or less, 91.00; continuing eve- Nl, Prunes. Cocoa Nats, Figs* in of the United States Alleys. In close proximity to the boose is a warm ry other after first we* k, 50 cents. Scholarships good any part Citron, Nuts, nil kinds* day is Dates, an if roomy Stable, containing twenty nice stalls. Half three insertions or less 76 one _fii: Principal has had 20 years experience; always square, cents; WANTED! 8«»me of these Good-, which have been There is also a well sheltered 106 feet tor after. on the spot, and attends to his business; and prom- recently Olives, Raisins, Tebacce, Shed, long, CAPES. w«ek, 81.00; 5<) cents per week differ much iu color, texture and finish horses. CLOAKS, as the 12 years, no pains shall be imported, Sardines, hitching -AID- Lndur head of Amcssmsmts, $2.«X) per square per ises, during past have continued iu tor a Cigars* snared in the future. Five hundred references of from tbe style* that vogue The choicest Suppers will be got np for sleighing w«*.’k three insertions or less, $1,60. 1,000 WOMEN, are Candles of aM of this >car or two past, ami considered elegant. Fancy description, and dancing parties, who will find it to their $1.76 souare first tne tire class business men, with main others very greatly 8pboial Notice, week, To make Drawers. Also Pant Pasters Beside* these ami other all the oote dtf and to the per city, willtmUh to the utility, capacious- Army good Good*,—comprising pleasure advantage to reaort White House. MANTILLAS! •1.00 per square after; three insertions or less, $1.26; practical wanted iu the to make ARMY at the same and manner aud Finishers shop varieties for fashionable wear, place may No effort will be spared for the entertainment of a three one ness and completeness of my systems half square, insertions, $1.00; week, be found a of Standard Geraina, of teaching, and citizens of other cities have testified PASTS. good supply guests. dtelv-dtf • 1.26 None but workmen wanted. at the Broadcloth* ai d to the same. will be awarded for thor- good Apply French* and KnsILH Doc- We have jest received Advertisements inserted in the Uaisi 8tatb Diplomas iu FREE STREET over the store with of F.M.CA RSLEY, courses. Able Assistants secured. Bartlett's rooms BLOCK, iu* lor genteel suits; together style* Pan** t which lias a large circulation in every part of ough of Tolford’s. No work out or to Plan, the founder of Cotamercial Colleges, strictly one door north given Vratiug* selected with a view suit all ta*tes. kALLOWELL HOUSE the State; for 60 cent# per souareiu addition to the in forenoons or afternoons. adhered to as not Certain times taken Monday Saturday Also, exceileut goods for Spriug Overcoats, Eng- Cloth above rates, for eaoh insertion. regards copying. 8. W. HUNTINGTON. and Elegant Gaimenta, Law elucidations — ffcb'29dtf lish Sacks. Paletot*, other Busiuesa CABINET MAKER Lb**al Notic mb at usual rates. will be devoted to Commercial Walking REOPENED! a Coats, with of the latest styles of Cutting and From the celebrated Hornsea of Transient adwrtisemeuts must be paid for la ad- Come all who have failed to be taught business plate* w to success. AND vanoe haud-writing and I ill guarantee you $200 Reward. Finishing. UPHOLSTERER, solicited for Accountants. in Middle Street. i Bosimc** Noticbs, in reading columns, 12 cents Applications Separate W A It D of Two Hundred Dollars will be paid No. 137 JU. HEW FURNITURE & FIXTURES! «n. mm, t c. cut k struction Students can enter any tiro*. Sep- Ho. 51 Union Street, p$r line for one insertion. No charge less than fitly given. the owners of the Ferry Boat H. U. Day, d6w arate rooms lor Ladies. Tuition reasonable. Intri- ARKby mch29 oents for each insertion. for of the or who to do all kinds of CABINET JOB Ladies and tieutlemeu that the apprehension person persons prepared S.O. Canal *t.f New York, cate accouutsadjusted. said Boat, ou Monday night IBBING in a prompt and satisfactory manner. DEXN1S, Proprietor. desire to take lessons, or a or a course, maliciously damaged tall, separate last. Portland, 6.1864. d8D* Mason & Hamlin’s which together with our own manufacture, wtii die* in either Navigation, Commercial April Book tnd Show Case* made to order. Book-Keeping, 17* The public are specially informed that the play the choicest congress of Law, Phonography, Higher Mathematics, Civil En- convenient and well COMMUNICATIONS. CABINET ORGANS. OTTuraitare Unde, and Tarnished nl spacious, known Uallowill gineering, Surveying, Native Busiuess Writing. Repaired Hockr, in the center of two miles from Card W anted.! Uallowell, CLOAK Commercial Arithmetic. Correspondence, Angusta, and four miies from Togus Spring, has MERCHANDISE teaching from and SHORT NOTICE. Irum the Marking, (and printed copies Second-Hand Candle subscriber, being impressed with the great been refurnished, and is open for tfce reception ot letter Blockading Squadron. Text Books will or address Boies, Portland. May », lSSk. If ever offered iu be avoided please call, excellence of these instruments, and their adap- company and permanent boarders. Vwiut, which will he (Old wt the the H. N.BROWN. At No. 90 Portland Street, Portland. THE Dobay Sockd, <Ja., U. S. S. Huron,) Principal. tation either for small churches, vestrys, or parlors, Every attention will be given to the Comfort of Portland. Dot.2.1963 oo29 eodfceowl and April 8, 1804. ) Ian7 dtf offers them for sale to the citizens of Portland IRA guests. Lowest Possible Prices To the Editor of the frees vicinity. WINN, Agent, The manufacturers have the irrtffew of our life is far from one of activi- Wanted. tetttmony Although over a hundred of the best Organists and Musicians, No. 11 Union an American Woman, a STABLING, we feel that, in a ex- experienced desiring to the effect that are St., ty enduring voluntary both foreign and native, they It prepared to fnrniih and all the usual FOR CASH. fashionablejclothingT TO good home, a situation is offered as housekeep- that conveniences of a popular hotel, ile from the comforts of home, couiined with- superior to any Instruments of the kind they er in a small family where she would be treated as are amply provided. Dewier* will hod * Choice ueortmeat of have ever seen. Among she testimonials of such as STEAM KHGIEBS and Cuuutry in the narrow limits of a gunboat for two AU«. F. one She would be to take charge of and BOILERS, ilallowel Feb. 1 1864. mctdtt eodtf Lwilie*' YORK, required Morgan and lundel, is the following from UwrwieDt*, a mail we do the and rhamberwork, see to the wash- rbalberg, of various sites and patterns, years, with only semi-occaaionally, cooking Gottschalk doth*, woman, and do the ironing. The work iu the are entitled to some credit for patriotism.— Merchant Tailor, "MatiPKfl.
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